Esempio n. 1
double meta_phase_rate(meta_parameters *meta,const baseline base,int y,int x)
  // No effort has been made to make this routine work with
  // pseudoprojected images.
  assert (meta->projection == NULL
	  || meta->projection->type != LAT_LONG_PSEUDO_PROJECTION);

	double sr=meta_get_slant(meta,y,x);
	double flat=meta_flat(meta,y,x);
	double incid=meta_incid(meta,y,x);
	double Bn_y,Bp_y;
/*Note: this is the slant range times sin of the incidence angle, 
	divided by the derivative of meta_flat_phase.*/
	return (sr*sin(incid))/(2.0*meta_get_k(meta)*(-Bp_y*sin(flat)-Bn_y*cos(flat)));
Esempio n. 2
// incid_init()
// 1. If the image is not geocoded, incid_init() allocates memory for incidence
//    angle array that is returned, array is sample_count long and contains one
//    incidence angle for each pixel
// 2. If the image is map-projected, then the returned array contains 11
//    coefficients for a 2D quadratic fit.
float *incid_init(meta_parameters *meta)
    // FIXME: Use 2D quadratic for map-projected images, i.e. geocoded,
    // ScanSAR atct.
    // Use this method for optical and non-map projected
    // data
    int ii, samples;
    float *incid;

    if (meta->sar && meta->sar->image_type == 'P' && meta->projection) {
        // Geocoded solution ...use 2D quadratic instead of incidence angle transform
        incid = (float *) MALLOC(sizeof(float) * 11);
        quadratic_2d q;
        q = get_incid(NULL, meta);
        incid[0]  = (float)q.A;
        incid[1]  = (float)q.B;
        incid[2]  = (float)q.C;
        incid[3]  = (float)q.D;
        incid[4]  = (float)q.E;
        incid[5]  = (float)q.F;
        incid[6]  = (float)q.G;
        incid[7]  = (float)q.H;
        incid[8]  = (float)q.I;
        incid[9]  = (float)q.J;
        incid[10] = (float)q.K;
    else {
        // Non-geocoded solution ...use incidence angle transform
        // Allocate one line-width array that will be used to determine incidence
        // angles for each pixel in all subsequent lines, i.e. calc incid angles for first line,
        // re-use for all others ...but not for anything that is map-projected since
        // geocoded images are rotated and distorted.
        samples = meta->general->sample_count;
        incid = (float *) MALLOC(sizeof(float) * samples);

        for (ii=0; ii<samples; ii++) {
            // Use the incidence angle transform coefficients to calculate
            // each incidence angle.
            incid[ii] = meta_incid(meta, 0, ii);

    return incid;
Esempio n. 3
// Determine radiometrically correction amplitude value
float get_rad_cal_dn(meta_parameters *meta, int line, int sample, char *bandExt,
		     float inDn, float radCorr)
  // Return background value unchanged
  if (FLOAT_EQUIVALENT(inDn, 0.0))
    return 0.0;

  meta->general->radiometry = r_SIGMA;
  double incid = meta_incid(meta, line, sample);
  double sigma = get_cal_dn(meta, incid, sample, inDn, bandExt, FALSE);
  double calValue, invIncAngle;

  // Calculate according to the calibration data type
  if (meta->calibration->type == asf_cal) { // ASF style data (PP and SSP)

    asf_cal_params *p = meta->calibration->asf;
    double index = (double)sample*256./(double)(p->sample_count);
    int base = (int) index;
    double frac = index - base;
    double *noise = p->noise;

    // Determine the noise value
    double noiseValue = noise[base] + frac*(noise[base+1] - noise[base]);

    // Convert (amplitude) data number to scaled, noise-removed power
    //scaledPower = (p->a1*(inDn*inDn-p->a0*noiseValue) + p->a2)*invIncAngle;
    calValue = sqrt(((sigma * radCorr) - p->a2)/p->a1 + p->a0*noiseValue);
  else if (meta->calibration->type == asf_scansar_cal) { // ASF style ScanSar

    invIncAngle = 1.0;
    asf_scansar_cal_params *p = meta->calibration->asf_scansar;
    double look = 25.0; // FIXME: hack to get things compiled
    double index = (look-16.3)*10.0;
    double noiseValue;
    double *noise = p->noise;

    if (index <= 0)
      noiseValue = noise[0];
    else if (index >= 255)
      noiseValue = noise[255];
    else {
      // Use linear interpolation on noise array
      int base = (int)index;
      double frac = index - base;
      noiseValue = noise[base] + frac*(noise[base+1] - noise[base]);

    // Convert (amplitude) data number to scaled, noise-removed power
    //scaledPower = (p->a1*(inDn*inDn-p->a0*noiseValue) + p->a2)*invIncAngle;
    calValue = sqrt(((sigma * radCorr) - p->a2)/p->a1 + p->a0*noiseValue);
  else if (meta->calibration->type == esa_cal) { // ESA style ERS and JERS data

    esa_cal_params *p = meta->calibration->esa;
    //scaledPower = inDn*inDn/p->k*sin(p->ref_incid*D2R)/sin(incid);
    calValue = sqrt(sigma * radCorr * p->k*sin(p->ref_incid*D2R)*sin(incid));
  else if (meta->calibration->type == rsat_cal) { // CDPF style Radarsat data

    invIncAngle = 1/tan(incid);

    rsat_cal_params *p = meta->calibration->rsat;
    double a2;
    if (meta->calibration->rsat->focus)
      a2 = p->lut[0];
    else if (sample < (p->samp_inc*(p->n-1))) {
      int i_low = sample/p->samp_inc;
      int i_up = i_low + 1;
      a2 = p->lut[i_low] +
	((p->lut[i_up] - p->lut[i_low])*((sample/p->samp_inc) - i_low));
      a2 = p->lut[p->n-1] +
	((p->lut[p->n-1] - p->lut[p->n-2])*((sample/p->samp_inc) - p->n-1));
    if (p->slc)
      //scaledPower = (inDn*inDn)/(a2*a2)*invIncAngle;
      calValue = sqrt(sigma * radCorr *a2*a2/invIncAngle);
      //scaledPower = (inDn*inDn + p->a3)/a2*invIncAngle;
      calValue = sqrt((sigma * radCorr *a2/invIncAngle) - p->a3);
  else if (meta->calibration->type == alos_cal) { // ALOS data

    alos_cal_params *p = meta->calibration->alos;
    double cf;
    if (strstr(bandExt, "HH"))
      cf = p->cf_hh;
    else if (strstr(bandExt, "HV"))
      cf = p->cf_hv;
    else if (strstr(bandExt, "VH"))
      cf = p->cf_vh;
    else if (strstr(bandExt, "VV"))
      cf = p->cf_vv;
    //scaledPower = pow(10, cf/10.0)*inDn*inDn*invIncAngle;
    calValue = sqrt(sigma * radCorr / pow(10, cf/10.0));
  else if (meta->calibration->type == tsx_cal) {

    invIncAngle = 1/tan(incid);
    double cf = meta->calibration->tsx->k;
    //scaledPower = cf*inDn*inDn*invIncAngle;
    calValue = sqrt(sigma * radCorr / (cf*invIncAngle));

  return calValue;
Esempio n. 4
static float get_data(ImageInfo *ii, int what_to_save, int line, int samp)
    double t, s, d;
    meta_parameters *meta = ii->meta;
    CachedImage *data_ci = ii->data_ci;

    switch (what_to_save) {
        case PIXEL_VALUE:
            if (ii->data_ci->data_type == RGB_FLOAT) {
              // can't handle RGB subsets... return average of RGB values
              float r, g, b;
              cached_image_get_rgb_float(data_ci, line, samp, &r, &g, &b);
              return (r+g+b)/3.;
            else {
              return cached_image_get_pixel(data_ci, line, samp);

        case INCIDENCE_ANGLES:
            if (meta->sar)
                return R2D*meta_incid(meta, line, samp);
                return 0;

        case LOOK_ANGLE:
            if (meta->sar)
                return R2D*meta_look(meta, line ,samp);
                return 0;

        case SLANT_RANGE:
            if (meta->sar) {
                meta_get_timeSlantDop(meta, line, samp, &t, &s, NULL);
                return s;
            } else
                return 0;

        case SCALED_PIXEL_VALUE:
            if (ii->data_ci->data_type == RGB_FLOAT) {
              // can't handle RGB subsets... return average of scaled values
              float r, g, b;
              cached_image_get_rgb_float(data_ci, line, samp, &r, &g, &b);
              int rs = calc_rgb_scaled_pixel_value(&(ii->stats_r), r);
              int gs = calc_rgb_scaled_pixel_value(&(ii->stats_g), g);
              int bs = calc_rgb_scaled_pixel_value(&(ii->stats_b), b);
              return (rs+gs+bs)/3.;
            else {
              return calc_scaled_pixel_value(&(ii->stats),
                cached_image_get_pixel(data_ci, line, samp));

        case TIME:
            if (meta->sar) {
                meta_get_timeSlantDop(meta, line, samp, &t, &s, NULL);
                return t;
            } else
                return 0;

        case DOPPLER:
            if (meta->sar) {
                meta_get_timeSlantDop(meta, line, samp, &t, &s, &d);
                return d;
            } else
                return 0;
            return 0;
Esempio n. 5
void alos_to_latlon(meta_parameters *meta,
        double xSample, double yLine, double z,
        double *lat, double *lon, double *height)
    assert(meta->transform->parameter_count == 4 ||
           meta->transform->parameter_count == 10 ||
	   meta->transform->parameter_count == 25);

    double *x = meta->transform->x;
    double *y = meta->transform->y;

    if (z != 0.0) {
        // height correction applies directly to x (range direction)
        double incid = meta_incid(meta, yLine, xSample);

        // shift RIGHT in ascending images, LEFT in descending
        if (meta->general->orbit_direction=='A')
          xSample += z*tan(PI/2-incid)/meta->general->x_pixel_size;
          xSample -= z*tan(PI/2-incid)/meta->general->x_pixel_size;

    double i, j;
    if (meta->transform->parameter_count < 25) {
      i = xSample + 1;
      j = yLine + 1;
    else {
      i = xSample;
      j = yLine;

    // extended SAR data transformation
    if (meta->transform->parameter_count == 25) {
        i -= meta->transform->origin_pixel;
        j -= meta->transform->origin_line;
	double i2 = i*i;
	double j2 = j*j;
	double i3 = i2*i;
	double j3 = j2*j;
	double i4 = i2*i2;
	double j4 = j2*j2;
        *lon = y[0]*i4*j4 + y[1]*i4*j3 + y[2]*i4*j2 + y[3]*i4*j + y[4]*i4 +
               y[5]*i3*j4 + y[6]*i3*j3 + y[7]*i3*j2 + y[8]*i3*j + y[9]*i3 +
	       y[10]*i2*j4 + y[11]*i2*j3 + y[12]*i2*j2 + y[13]*i2*j + 
	       y[14]*i2 + y[15]*i*j4 + y[16]*i*j3 + y[17]*i*j2 + y[18]*i*j +
               y[19]*i + y[20]*j4 + y[21]*j3 + y[22]*j2 + y[23]*j + y[24];
        *lat = x[0]*i4*j4 + x[1]*i4*j3 + x[2]*i4*j2 + x[3]*i4*j + x[4]*i4 +
               x[5]*i3*j4 + x[6]*i3*j3 + x[7]*i3*j2 + x[8]*i3*j + x[9]*i3 +
	       x[10]*i2*j4 + x[11]*i2*j3 + x[12]*i2*j2 + x[13]*i2*j + 
	       x[14]*i2 + x[15]*i*j4 + x[16]*i*j3 + x[17]*i*j2 + x[18]*i*j +
               x[19]*i + x[20]*j4 + x[21]*j3 + x[22]*j2 + x[23]*j + x[24];

    // optical data transformation
    else if (meta->transform->parameter_count == 10) {
	double i2 = i*i;
	double j2 = j*j;
	double i3 = i2*i;
	double j3 = j2*j;
        *lat = y[0] + y[1]*i + y[2]*j + y[3]*i*j + y[4]*i2 + y[5]*j2 +
               y[6]*i2*j + y[7]*i*j2 + y[8]*i3 + y[9]*j3;
        *lon = x[0] + x[1]*i + x[2]*j + x[3]*i*j + x[4]*i2 + x[5]*j2 +
               x[6]*i2*j + x[7]*i*j2 + x[8]*i3 + x[9]*j3;
    // SAR data transformation
    else if (meta->transform->parameter_count == 4) {
        *lat = y[0] + y[1]*j + y[2]*i + y[3]*i*j;
        *lon = x[0] + x[1]*j + x[2]*i + x[3]*i*j;

    *height = z;  // FIXME: Do we need to correct the height at all?
Esempio n. 6
iso_meta *meta2iso(meta_parameters *meta)
  int ii, kk, numAnnotations=0, numLayers=0, numAuxRasterFiles=0;
  iso_polLayer_t *polLayer;
  char **beamID, errorMessage[1024];
  int line_count = meta->general->line_count;
  int sample_count = meta->general->sample_count;

  strcpy(errorMessage, "");
  if (!meta->sar)
    strcat(errorMessage, "Missing SAR block. Can't generate ISO metadata\n");
  else if (!meta->state_vectors)
	   "Missing state vector block. Cant't generate ISO metadata\n");
  if (strlen(errorMessage) > 0)

  if (strcmp_case(meta->general->sensor, "SEASAT") == 0) {
    numAnnotations = 1;
    numLayers = 1;
    numAuxRasterFiles = 0;
    polLayer = (iso_polLayer_t *) CALLOC(1, sizeof(iso_polLayer_t));
    polLayer[0] = HH_POL;
    beamID = (char **) CALLOC(1, sizeof(char *));
    beamID[0] = (char *) CALLOC(20, sizeof(char));
    strcpy(beamID[0], meta->general->sensor_name);

  iso_meta *iso = iso_meta_init();
  iso_generalHeader *header = iso->generalHeader;
  iso_productComponents *comps = iso->productComponents;
  iso_productInfo *info = iso->productInfo;
  iso_productSpecific *spec = iso->productSpecific;
  iso_setup *setup = iso->setup;
  iso_processing *proc = iso->processing;
  iso_instrument *inst = iso->instrument;
  iso_platform *platform = iso->platform;
  iso_productQuality *quality = iso->productQuality;

  // General Header  
  strcpy(header->itemName, "LEVEL 1 PRODUCT");
  if (strcmp_case(meta->general->sensor, "SEASAT") == 0)  
    strcpy(header->mission, "SEASAT");
  strcpy(header->source, "(seasat tape)");
  strcpy(header->destination, "DATAPOOL");
  strncpy(header->generationSystem, meta->general->processor, 20);
  // header->referenceDocument: needs to be generated
  header->revision = (char *) CALLOC(20, sizeof(char));
  strcpy(header->revision, "OPERATIONAL");

  // Product Components
  comps->numAnnotations = numAnnotations;
  comps->numLayers = numLayers;
  comps->numAuxRasterFiles = numAuxRasterFiles;
  comps->annotation = 
    (iso_filesType *) CALLOC(numAnnotations, sizeof(iso_filesType));
  for (ii=0; ii<numAnnotations; ii++) {
    comps->annotation[ii].type = MAIN_TYPE;
    strcpy(comps->annotation[ii], ".");
    strcpy(comps->annotation[ii].file.path, ".");
    sprintf(comps->annotation[ii], "%s.xml", meta->general->basename);
    comps->annotation[ii].file.size = -1;
  if (strcmp_case(meta->general->sensor, "SEASAT") == 0) {
    // only one HDF5 file that contains everything
    comps->imageData = (iso_filesPol *) CALLOC(1,sizeof(iso_filesPol));
    comps->imageData[0].polLayer = HH_POL;
    strcpy(comps->imageData[0].beamID, meta->general->sensor_name);
    strcpy(comps->imageData[0], ".");
    strcpy(comps->imageData[0].file.path, ".");
    sprintf(comps->imageData[0], "%s.h5", meta->general->basename);
    comps->imageData[0].file.size = -1;
  comps->quicklooks = 
    (iso_filesPol *) CALLOC(numLayers, sizeof(iso_filesPol));
  for (ii=0; ii<numLayers; ii++) {
    comps->quicklooks[ii].polLayer = polLayer[ii];
    strcpy(comps->quicklooks[ii].beamID, beamID[ii]);
    strcpy(comps->quicklooks[ii], ".");
    strcpy(comps->quicklooks[ii].file.path, ".");
    sprintf(comps->quicklooks[ii], "%s.jpg", 
    // comps->quicklooks[ii].file.size: calculated after being generated
  strcpy(comps->, ".");
  strcpy(comps->browseImage.path, ".");
  sprintf(comps->, "%s.jpg", meta->general->basename);
  // comps->browseImage.size: calculated after being generated
  strcpy(comps->, ".");
  strcpy(comps->mapPlot.path, ".");
  sprintf(comps->, "%s.kml", meta->general->basename);
  // comps->mapPlat.size: calculated after being generated

  // Product Info
  strcpy(info->logicalProductID, "not applicable");
  strcpy(info->receivingStation, meta->general->receiving_station);
  //strcpy(info->receivingStation, MAGIC_UNSET_STRING);
  if (strcmp_case(meta->general->sensor, "SEASAT") == 0) {
    strcpy(info->level0ProcessingFacility, "ASF");
    strcpy(info->level1ProcessingFacility, "ASF");
  info->groundOperationsType = OPERATIONAL;
  strcpy(info->deliveryInfo, "NOMINAL");
  if (strcmp_case(meta->general->sensor, "SEASAT") == 0)   
    strcpy(info->copyrightInfo, "Copyright NASA (1978)");
  // FIXME: need to decide whether quality inspection is constant or
  //        information comes from somewhere else
  info->qualityInspection = UNDEF_QUALITY; 
  strcpy(info->mission, meta->general->sensor);
  info->orbitPhase = 1; // nominal orbit
  if (strcmp_case(meta->general->sensor, "SEASAT") == 0) {
    // FIXME: mid-Aug 1978 the orbit was changed to 244 revolution cycles
    info->numOrbitsInCycle = 43;
  info->absOrbit = meta->general->orbit;
  info->orbitCycle = (info->absOrbit / info->numOrbitsInCycle) + 1;
  info->relOrbit = 
    info->absOrbit - (info->orbitCycle - 1)*info->numOrbitsInCycle; 
  if (meta->general->orbit_direction == 'A')
    info->orbitDirection = ASCENDING;
  else if (meta->general->orbit_direction == 'D')
    info->orbitDirection = DESCENDING;
  strncpy(info->sensor, meta->general->sensor_name, 20);
  if (strcmp_case(meta->general->sensor, "SEASAT") == 0)   
    info->imageMode = STANDARD_BEAM;
  if (meta->sar->look_direction == 'R')
    info->lookDirection = RIGHT_LOOK;
  else if (meta->sar->look_direction == 'L')
    info->lookDirection = LEFT_LOOK;
  if (strcmp_case(meta->general->sensor, "SEASAT") == 0) {
    info->polarizationMode = SINGLE_POL;
    info->polLayer = (iso_polLayer_t *) CALLOC(1,sizeof(iso_polLayer_t));
    info->polLayer[0] = HH_POL;
    strcpy(info->elevationBeamConfiguration, meta->general->mode);
  strcpy(info->azimuthBeamID, "boresightAzimuth");
  /* ScanSAR and spotlight
  info->numberOfBeams = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
  info->beamID = NULL;
  info->numberOfBursts = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
  info->numberOfAzimuthBeams = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
  strcpy(info->azimuthBeamIDFirst, MAGIC_UNSET_STRING);
  strcpy(info->azimuthBeamIDLast, MAGIC_UNSET_STRING);
  info->azimuthSteeringAngleFirst = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
  info->azimuthSteeringAngleLast = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
  // FIXME: work out naming scheme for productType
  strcpy(info->productType, "STANDARD PRODUCT");
  if (meta->general->data_type >= COMPLEX_BYTE)
    info->productVariant = SLC_PRODUCT;
    info->productVariant = STD_PRODUCT;
  if (meta->sar->image_type == 'S')
    info->projection = SLANTRANGE_PROJ;
  else if (meta->sar->image_type == 'G')
    info->projection = GROUNDRANGE_PROJ;
  info->mapProjection = UNDEF_MAP;
  info->resolutionVariant = UNDEF_RES;
  info->radiometricCorrection = NOTCALIBRATED;
  // FIXME: needs to updated when calibration is done
  strcpy(info->pixelValueID, "RADAR BRIGHTNESS");
  if (meta->general->data_type >= COMPLEX_BYTE)
    info->imageDataType = COMPLEX_DATA_TYPE;
    info->imageDataType = DETECTED_DATA_TYPE;
  if (strcmp_case(meta->general->sensor, "SEASAT") == 0)   
    info->imageDataFormat = HDF5_DATA_FORMAT;
  info->numberOfLayers = meta->general->band_count;
  if (meta->general->data_type == ASF_BYTE ||
      meta->general->data_type == COMPLEX_BYTE)
    info->imageDataDepth = 8;
  else if (meta->general->data_type == INTEGER16 ||
	   meta->general->data_type == COMPLEX_INTEGER16)
    info->imageDataDepth = 16;
  else if (meta->general->data_type == REAL32 ||
	   meta->general->data_type == INTEGER32 ||
	   meta->general->data_type == COMPLEX_REAL32 ||
	   meta->general->data_type == COMPLEX_INTEGER32)
    info->imageDataDepth = 32;
  else if (meta->general->data_type == REAL64 ||
	   meta->general->data_type == COMPLEX_REAL64)
    info->imageDataDepth = 64;
  info->imageStorageOrder = ROWBYROW;
  strcpy(info->rowContent, "RANGELINES");
  strcpy(info->columnContent, "AZIMUTHLINES");
  info->numberOfRows = meta->general->line_count;
  info->numberOfColumns = meta->general->sample_count;
  info->startRow = meta->general->start_line;
  info->startColumn = meta->general->start_sample;
  info->rowScaling = meta->general->line_scaling;
  info->columnScaling = meta->general->sample_scaling;
  info->rowSpacing = (float) meta->sar->azimuth_time_per_pixel;
  info->columnSpacing = (float) meta->sar->range_time_per_pixel;
  if (meta->sar->image_type == 'S') {
    spec->slantRangeResolution = meta->general->x_pixel_size;
    // FIXME: calculate groundRangeResolution for slant range
    info->groundRangeResolution = meta->general->x_pixel_size;
  if (meta->sar->image_type == 'G') {
    // FIXME: calculate slantRangeResolution for ground range
    spec->slantRangeResolution = meta->general->x_pixel_size;
    info->groundRangeResolution = meta->general->x_pixel_size;
  info->azimuthResolution = meta->general->y_pixel_size;
  info->azimuthLooks = (float) meta->sar->azimuth_look_count;
  info->rangeLooks = (float) meta->sar->range_look_count;
  strcpy(info->sceneID, meta->general->basename);
  if (meta->sar->azimuth_time_per_pixel < 0) {
    dateTimeStamp(meta, line_count, &info->startTimeUTC);
    dateTimeStamp(meta, 0, &info->stopTimeUTC);
  else {
    dateTimeStamp(meta, 0, &info->startTimeUTC);
    dateTimeStamp(meta, line_count, &info->stopTimeUTC);
  info->rangeTimeFirstPixel = rangeTime(meta, 0);
  info->rangeTimeLastPixel = rangeTime(meta, sample_count);
  info->sceneAzimuthExtent = line_count * meta->general->y_pixel_size;
  info->sceneRangeExtent = sample_count * meta->general->x_pixel_size;
  int *x = (int *) CALLOC(4, sizeof(int));
  int *y = (int *) CALLOC(4, sizeof(int));
  double lat, lon;
  y[0] = meta->general->line_count / 2;
  info->sceneCenterCoord.refRow = y[0];
  x[0] = meta->general->sample_count / 2;
  info->sceneCenterCoord.refColumn = x[0];
  if (meta->general->center_latitude == MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE ||
      meta->general->center_longitude == MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE) {
    info-> = meta->general->center_latitude;
    info->sceneCenterCoord.lon = meta->general->center_longitude;
  else {
    meta_get_latLon(meta, (double) y[0], (double) x[0], 0.0, &lat, &lon);
    info-> = lat;
    info->sceneCenterCoord.lon = lon;    
  dateTimeStamp(meta, y[0], &info->sceneCenterCoord.azimuthTimeUTC);
  info->sceneCenterCoord.rangeTime = rangeTime(meta, x[0]);
  if (ISNAN(meta->sar->incid_a[0]))
    info->sceneCenterCoord.incidenceAngle = meta_incid(meta, y[0], x[0])*R2D;
    info->sceneCenterCoord.incidenceAngle = meta->sar->incid_a[0];
  info->sceneAverageHeight = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
  x[0] = 0; y[0] = 0;
  x[1] = meta->general->sample_count; y[1] = 0;
  x[2] = 0; y[2] = meta->general->line_count;
  x[3] = meta->general->sample_count; y[3] = meta->general->line_count;
  for (ii=0; ii<4; ii++) {
    info->sceneCornerCoord[ii].refRow = y[ii];
    info->sceneCornerCoord[ii].refColumn = x[ii];
    meta_get_latLon(meta, (double) y[ii], (double) x[ii], 0.0, &lat, &lon);
    info->sceneCornerCoord[ii].lat = (float) lat;
    info->sceneCornerCoord[ii].lon = (float) lon;
    dateTimeStamp(meta, y[ii], &info->sceneCornerCoord[ii].azimuthTimeUTC);
    info->sceneCornerCoord[ii].rangeTime = rangeTime(meta, x[ii]);
    info->sceneCornerCoord[ii].incidenceAngle = 
      meta_incid(meta, (double) y[ii], (double) x[ii])*R2D;
  info->yaw = meta->sar->yaw;
  info->pitch = meta->sar->pitch;
  info->roll = meta->sar->roll;
  info->earthRadius = meta->sar->earth_radius;
  info->satelliteHeight = meta->sar->satellite_height;
  info->headingAngle = meta->sar->heading_angle;
  info->quicklooks.imageDataDepth = 8;
  info->quicklooks.numberOfRows = 1000;
  info->quicklooks.numberOfColumns = 1000;
  info->quicklooks.columnBlockLength = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
  info->quicklooks.rowBlockLength = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
  info->quicklooks.rowSpacing = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
  info->quicklooks.columnSpacing = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
  strcpy(info->browseImageDataFormat, "JPEG"); // assumption
  info->browseImageDataDepth = 8;
  strcpy(info->mapPlotFormat, "KML"); // assumption

  // Product Specific
  spec->commonPRF = meta->sar->prf;
  spec->commonRSF = meta->sar->range_sampling_rate;
  // FIXME: calculate properly for different geometry
  spec->slantRangeResolution = meta->general->x_pixel_size;
  spec->projectedSpacingAzimuth = meta->general->y_pixel_size;
  spec->projectedSpacingGroundNearRange = meta->general->x_pixel_size;
  spec->projectedSpacingGroundFarRange = meta->general->x_pixel_size;
  spec->projectedSpacingSlantRange = meta->sar->slant_range_first_pixel;
  spec->slantRangeShift = meta->sar->slant_shift;
  if (strcmp_case(meta->general->sensor, "SEASAT") == 0) {
    spec->imageCoordinateType = RAW_COORD;
    spec->imageDataStartWith = EARLYAZNEARRG; // assumption
    spec->quicklookDataStartWith = EARLYAZNEARRG; // assumption
  // FIXME: deal with map projected data later
  if (meta->projection) {
    spec->geocodedImageInfoFlag = TRUE;

    // mapProjection
    strcpy(spec->geodeticDatumID, MAGIC_UNSET_STRING);
    strcpy(spec->projectionID, MAGIC_UNSET_STRING);
    strcpy(spec->zoneID, MAGIC_UNSET_STRING);
    spec->projectionCenterLatitude = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->projectionCenterLongitude = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->mapOriginEasting = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->mapOriginNorthing = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->scaleFactor = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    // geoParameter
    spec->pixelSpacingEasting = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->pixelSpacingNorthing = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->frameCoordsGeographic.upperLeftLatitude = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->frameCoordsGeographic.upperLeftLongitude = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->frameCoordsGeographic.upperRightLatitude = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->frameCoordsGeographic.upperRightLongitude = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->frameCoordsGeographic.lowerLeftLatitude = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->frameCoordsGeographic.lowerLeftLongitude = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->frameCoordsGeographic.lowerRightLatitude = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->frameCoordsGeographic.lowerRightLongitude = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->frameCoordsCartographic.upperLeftEasting = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->frameCoordsCartographic.upperLeftNorthing = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->frameCoordsCartographic.upperRightEasting = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->frameCoordsCartographic.upperRightNorthing = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->frameCoordsCartographic.lowerRightEasting = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->frameCoordsCartographic.lowerRightNorthing = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->frameCoordsCartographic.lowerLeftEasting = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->frameCoordsCartographic.lowerLeftNorthing = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->sceneCoordsGeographic.upperLeftLatitude = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->sceneCoordsGeographic.upperLeftLongitude = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->sceneCoordsGeographic.upperRightLatitude = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->sceneCoordsGeographic.upperRightLongitude = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->sceneCoordsGeographic.lowerLeftLatitude = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->sceneCoordsGeographic.lowerLeftLongitude = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->sceneCoordsGeographic.lowerRightLatitude = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->sceneCoordsGeographic.lowerRightLongitude = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->sceneCoordsCartographic.upperLeftEasting = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->sceneCoordsCartographic.upperLeftNorthing = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->sceneCoordsCartographic.upperRightEasting = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->sceneCoordsCartographic.upperRightNorthing = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->sceneCoordsCartographic.lowerRightEasting = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->sceneCoordsCartographic.lowerRightNorthing = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->sceneCoordsCartographic.lowerLeftEasting = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->sceneCoordsCartographic.lowerLeftNorthing = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->sceneCenterCoordLatitude = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->sceneCenterCoordLongitude = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->sceneCenterCoordEasting = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->sceneCenterCoordNorthing = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->imageResamplingMethod = UNDEF_RESAMPLE;
    // elevationData
    spec->elevationDataFlag = FALSE;
    strcpy(spec->elevationDataSource, MAGIC_UNSET_STRING);
    spec->elevationMinimumHeight = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->elevationMeanHeight = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->elevationMaximumHeight = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    // incidenceAngleMaskDescription
    spec->incidenceAngleMaskDescriptionFlag = FALSE;
    strcpy(spec->incidenceAnglePixelValueID, MAGIC_UNSET_STRING);
    spec->incidenceAngleImageDataFormat = UNDEF_DATA_FORMAT;
    spec->incidenceAngleImageDataDepth = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    spec->incidenceAngleNumberOfRows = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    spec->incidenceAngleNumberOfColumns = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    spec->incidenceAngleRowSpacing = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    spec->incidenceAngleColumnSpacing = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;

  // Setup
  strcpy(setup->orderType, "L1 STD");
  strcpy(setup->processingPriority, "NOMINAL");
  if (strcmp_case(meta->general->sensor, "SEASAT") == 0)
    setup->orbitAccuracy = RESTITUTED_ORBIT;
  setup->sceneSpecification = FRAME_SPEC;
  setup->frameID = meta->general->frame;
  dateTimeStamp(meta, 0, &setup->sceneStartTimeUTC);
  dateTimeStamp(meta, line_count, &setup->sceneStopTimeUTC);
  setup->sceneCenterLatitude = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
  setup->sceneCenterLongitude = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
  if (strcmp_case(meta->general->sensor, "SEASAT") == 0) {
    setup->imagingMode = STANDARD_BEAM;
    setup->lookDirection = RIGHT_LOOK;
    setup->polarizationMode = SINGLE_POL;
    setup->polLayer = HH_POL;
    strcpy(setup->elevationBeamConfiguration, "STD");
  if (meta->general->data_type >= COMPLEX_BYTE)  
    setup->productVariant = SLC_PRODUCT;
    setup->productVariant = STD_PRODUCT;
  setup->resolutionVariant = UNDEF_RES;
  if (meta->sar->image_type == 'S')
    setup->projection = SLANTRANGE_PROJ;
  else if (meta->sar->image_type == 'G')
    setup->projection = GROUNDRANGE_PROJ;
  strcpy(setup->logicalDataTakeID, MAGIC_UNSET_STRING);
  strcpy(setup->level0ProductID, MAGIC_UNSET_STRING);
  setup->L0SARGenerationTimeUTC.year = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
  setup->L0SARGenerationTimeUTC.month = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
  setup-> = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
  setup->L0SARGenerationTimeUTC.hour = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
  setup->L0SARGenerationTimeUTC.min = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
  setup->L0SARGenerationTimeUTC.second = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
  if (strcmp_case(meta->general->sensor, "SEASAT") == 0) {
    setup->numProcessingSteps = 2;
    setup->processingStep = 
      (iso_procStep *) CALLOC(1,sizeof(iso_procStep)*setup->numProcessingSteps);
    strcpy(setup->processingStep[0].softwareID, "prep_raw");
    strcpy(setup->processingStep[0].softwareVersion, "1.2");
    strcpy(setup->processingStep[0].description, "pre-processing of raw data");
	   "various level for cleaning up the header information");
    setup->processingStep[0].processingLevel = PRE_PROCESSING;
    setup->processingStep[0].processingTimeUTC.year = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    setup->processingStep[0].processingTimeUTC.month = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    setup->processingStep[0] = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    setup->processingStep[0].processingTimeUTC.hour = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    setup->processingStep[0].processingTimeUTC.min = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    setup->processingStep[0].processingTimeUTC.second = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;

    sprintf(setup->processingStep[1].softwareID, "%s", TOOL_SUITE_NAME);
    sprintf(setup->processingStep[1].softwareVersion, "%s", 
	   "processing of raw data to detected imagery");
	   "customized ROI processing of raw data; "
	   "conversion of data from ROI to ASF format; "
	   "conversion of data from ASF to HDF5 format.");
    setup->processingStep[1].processingLevel = LEVEL_ONE;
    setup->processingStep[1].processingTimeUTC.year = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    setup->processingStep[1].processingTimeUTC.month = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    setup->processingStep[1] = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    setup->processingStep[1].processingTimeUTC.hour = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    setup->processingStep[1].processingTimeUTC.min = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    setup->processingStep[1].processingTimeUTC.second = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;

  // Processing
  strcpy(proc->dopplerBasebandEstimationMethod, "azimuth cross correlation");
  if (strcmp_case(meta->general->sensor, "SEASAT") == 0)
    proc->dopplerCentroidCoordinateType = RAW_COORD;
  proc->doppler = (iso_dopplerCentroid *) CALLOC(1,sizeof(iso_dopplerCentroid));
  if (strcmp_case(meta->general->sensor, "SEASAT") == 0) {
    proc->doppler[0].polLayer = HH_POL;
    proc->doppler[0].numberOfBlocks = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    proc->doppler[0].numberOfRejectedBlocks = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    proc->doppler[0].numberOfDopperRecords = 1;
    proc->doppler[0].timeUTC.year = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    proc->doppler[0].timeUTC.month = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    proc->doppler[0] = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    proc->doppler[0].timeUTC.hour = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    proc->doppler[0].timeUTC.min = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    proc->doppler[0].timeUTC.second = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    proc->doppler[0].dopplerAtMidRange =
      meta_get_dop(meta, (double) line_count/2, (double) sample_count/2);
    proc->doppler[0].polynomialDegree = 2;
    proc->doppler[0].coefficient = (double *) CALLOC(3, sizeof(double));
    proc->doppler[0].coefficient[0] = meta->sar->range_doppler_coefficients[0];
    proc->doppler[0].coefficient[1] = meta->sar->range_doppler_coefficients[1];
    proc->doppler[0].coefficient[2] = meta->sar->range_doppler_coefficients[2];
  // FIXME: ScanSAR will need processing parameters per beam
  proc->processingParameter = 
    (iso_processingParameter *) CALLOC(1, sizeof(iso_processingParameter));
  proc->processingParameter[0].processingInfoCoordinateType = RAW_COORD;
  proc->processingParameter[0].rangeLooks = (float) meta->sar->range_look_count;
  proc->processingParameter[0].azimuthLooks = 
    (float) meta->sar->azimuth_look_count;
  proc->processingParameter[0].rangeLookBandwidth = 0;
  proc->processingParameter[0].azimuthLookBandwidth =
  proc->processingParameter[0].totalProcessedRangeBandwidth = 0;
  proc->processingParameter[0].totalProcessedAzimuthBandwidth =
  proc->processingParameter[0].chirpRate = meta->sar->chirp_rate;
  proc->processingParameter[0].pulseDuration = meta->sar->pulse_duration;
  // rangeCompression ???
  // FIXME: check all the flags
  proc->chirpReplicaUsedFlag = TRUE;
  proc->geometricDopplerUsedFlag = FALSE;
  proc->azimuthPatternCorrectedFlag = FALSE;
  proc->elevationPatternCorrectedFlag = FALSE;
  if (meta->sar->image_type == 'S')
    proc->detectedFlag = FALSE;
  else if (meta->sar->image_type == 'G')
    proc->detectedFlag = TRUE;
  proc->multiLookedFlag = meta->sar->multilook;
  proc->polarimetricProcessedFlag = FALSE;
  proc->terrainCorrectedFlag = FALSE;
  proc->layoverShadowMaskGeneratedFlag = FALSE;
  proc->geocodedFlag = FALSE;
  proc->nominalProcessingPerformedFlag = TRUE;

  // Instrument
  if (strcmp_case(meta->general->sensor, "SEASAT") == 0)
    inst->instrumentInfoCoordinateType = RAW_COORD;
  inst->centerFrequency = SPD_LIGHT / meta->sar->wavelength;
  inst->settings = (iso_settings *) CALLOC(numLayers, sizeof(iso_settings));
  for (ii=0; ii<numLayers; ii++) {
    iso_settings set;
    if (strcmp_case(meta->general->sensor, "SEASAT") == 0) {
      set.polLayer = polLayer[ii];
      strcpy(set.beamID, beamID[ii]);
    set.rxBandwidth = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    set.rsf = meta->sar->range_sampling_rate;
    set.numberOfPRFChanges = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    set.numberOfEchoWindowPositionChanges = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    set.numberOfEchoWindowLengthChanges = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    set.numberOfSettingRecords = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    int numRec = set.numberOfSettingRecords;
    numRec = 1;
    set.settingRecord = 
      (iso_settingRecord *) CALLOC(numRec, sizeof(iso_settingRecord));
    for (kk=0; kk<numRec; kk++) {
      iso_settingRecord rec;
      rec.startTimeUTC.year = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
      rec.startTimeUTC.month = MAGIC_UNSET_INT; = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
      rec.startTimeUTC.hour = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
      rec.startTimeUTC.min = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
      rec.startTimeUTC.second = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
      rec.stopTimeUTC.year = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
      rec.stopTimeUTC.month = MAGIC_UNSET_INT; = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
      rec.stopTimeUTC.hour = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
      rec.stopTimeUTC.min = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
      rec.stopTimeUTC.second = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
      rec.numberOfRows = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
      rec.prf = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
      rec.echoWindowPosition = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
      rec.echoWindowLength = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
      strcpy(rec.pulseType, "standard");
      set.settingRecord[kk] = rec;
    inst->settings[ii] = set;

  // Platform
  platform->sensor = PREDICTED_SENSOR;
  platform->accuracy = RESTITUTED_ORBIT;
  strcpy(platform->stateVectorRefFrame, "WGS84");
  platform->stateVectorTimeSpacing = meta->state_vectors->vecs[1].time;
  platform->numStateVectors = meta->state_vectors->vector_count;
  platform->stateVec = 
    (iso_stateVec *) CALLOC(platform->numStateVectors, sizeof(iso_stateVec));
  hms_time hms;
  ymd_date ymd;
  if (meta->sar->azimuth_time_per_pixel > 0) {
    dateTimeStamp(meta, 0, &platform->firstStateTimeUTC); 
    dateTimeStamp(meta, meta->general->line_count, &platform->lastStateTimeUTC);
  else {
    dateTimeStamp(meta, meta->general->line_count, &platform->firstStateTimeUTC); 
    dateTimeStamp(meta, 0, &platform->lastStateTimeUTC);
  ymd.year = platform->firstStateTimeUTC.year;
  ymd.month = platform->firstStateTimeUTC.month; = platform->;
  hms.hour = platform->firstStateTimeUTC.hour;
  hms.min = platform->firstStateTimeUTC.min;
  hms.sec = platform->firstStateTimeUTC.second;
  for (ii=0; ii<platform->numStateVectors; ii++) {
    if (ii > 0)
      add_time(platform->stateVectorTimeSpacing, &ymd, &hms);
      add_time(meta->state_vectors->vecs[0].time, &ymd, &hms);
    platform->stateVec[ii].timeUTC.year = ymd.year;
    platform->stateVec[ii].timeUTC.month = ymd.month;
    platform->stateVec[ii] =;
    platform->stateVec[ii].timeUTC.hour = hms.hour;
    platform->stateVec[ii].timeUTC.min = hms.min;
    platform->stateVec[ii].timeUTC.second = hms.sec;
    platform->stateVec[ii].posX = meta->state_vectors->vecs[ii].vec.pos.x;
    platform->stateVec[ii].posY = meta->state_vectors->vecs[ii].vec.pos.y;
    platform->stateVec[ii].posZ = meta->state_vectors->vecs[ii].vec.pos.z;
    platform->stateVec[ii].velX = meta->state_vectors->vecs[ii].vec.vel.x;
    platform->stateVec[ii].velY = meta->state_vectors->vecs[ii].vec.vel.y;
    platform->stateVec[ii].velZ = meta->state_vectors->vecs[ii].vec.vel.z;

  // Product Quality
  quality->rawDataQuality = 
    (iso_rawDataQuality *) CALLOC(numLayers, sizeof(iso_rawDataQuality));  
  for (ii=0; ii<numLayers; ii++) {
    quality->rawDataQuality[ii].polLayer = polLayer[ii];
    strcpy(quality->rawDataQuality[0].beamID, beamID[ii]);
    quality->rawDataQuality[ii].numGaps = 0;

    /* Information is now passed as gap file into iso_meta_write
    // need to get this information from somewhere else
    quality->rawDataQuality[ii].numGaps = 1;
    quality->rawDataQuality[ii].gap = (iso_gap *) CALLOC(1, sizeof(iso_gap));
    quality->rawDataQuality[ii].gap[0].start = 0;
    quality->rawDataQuality[ii].gap[0].length = MAGIC_UNSET_INT;
    quality->rawDataQuality[ii].gap[0].fill = RANDOM_FILL;
    quality->rawDataQuality[ii].gapSignificanceFlag = FALSE;
    quality->rawDataQuality[ii].missingLinesSignificanceFlag = FALSE;
    quality->rawDataQuality[ii].bitErrorSignificanceFlag = FALSE;
    quality->rawDataQuality[ii].timeReconstructionSignificanceFlag = FALSE;
  quality->dopplerAmbiguityNotZeroFlag = FALSE;
  quality->dopplerOutsideLimitsFlag = FALSE;
  quality->geolocationQualityLowFlag = FALSE;
  quality->imageDataQuality = 
    (iso_imageDataQuality *) CALLOC(numLayers, sizeof(iso_imageDataQuality));  
  for (ii=0; ii<numLayers; ii++) {
    quality->imageDataQuality[ii].polLayer = polLayer[ii];
    strcpy(quality->imageDataQuality[0].beamID, beamID[ii]);
    // need to get this information from somewhere else
    quality->imageDataQuality[ii].min = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    quality->imageDataQuality[ii].max = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    quality->imageDataQuality[ii].mean = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    quality->imageDataQuality[ii].stdDev = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    quality->imageDataQuality[ii].missingLines = meta->general->missing_lines;
    quality->imageDataQuality[ii].bitErrorRate = meta->general->bit_error_rate;
    quality->imageDataQuality[ii].noData = (double) meta->general->no_data;
  quality->gapDefinition = 8;
  // These limits need to be defined per satellite
  if (strcmp_case(meta->general->sensor, "SEASAT") == 0) {
    quality->gapPercentageLimit = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    quality->missingLinePercentageLimit = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    quality->bitErrorLimit = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    quality->timeReconstructionPercentageLimit = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    quality->dopplerCentroidLimit = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
    quality->geolocationQualityLimit = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;

  return iso;
Esempio n. 7
int asf_windspeed(platform_type_t platform_type, char *band_id,
                  double wind_dir, int cmod4,
                  double landmaskHeight, char *landmaskFile, char *demFile,
                  char *inBaseName, char *colormapName, char *outBaseName)
  char *inDataName, outDataName[1024], outMetaName[1024];
  FILE *in = NULL, *out = NULL;

  asfPrintStatus("\n   Determining windspeeds in: %s\n", inBaseName);

  strcpy(outDataName, outBaseName);
  strcpy(outMetaName, outBaseName);
  inDataName = (char *)MALLOC(sizeof(char) * (strlen(inBaseName) + 10));
  strcpy(inDataName, inBaseName);
  append_ext_if_needed(inDataName, ".img", NULL);
  append_ext_if_needed(outDataName, ".img", NULL);
  append_ext_if_needed(outMetaName, ".meta", NULL);

  // New images for processing in to out
  meta_parameters *imd = meta_read(inBaseName);
  meta_general *img = imd->general; // convenience ptr
  meta_parameters *omd = meta_read(inBaseName);
  meta_general *omg = omd->general; // convenience ptr
  meta_sar *oms = omd->sar; // convenience ptr
  omg->band_count = 0;
  strcpy(omg->bands, "");
  strcpy(oms->polarization, "");
  if (strstr(img->bands, "VV") == NULL && strstr(img->bands, "HH") == NULL) {
    asfPrintError("Cannot find any VV or HH polarized bands in this data.  Available\n"
        "bands are %s).  Wind speeds can only be determined on Sigma0-\n"
        "calibrated SAR data in HH or VV polarizations.\n", img->bands);
  in = (FILE *)FOPEN(inDataName, "rb");
  out = (FILE *)FOPEN(outDataName, "wb");

  // For each band
  double alpha = 1.0; // Default for VV polarization;
  int band_num;
  float *data = (float *)MALLOC(sizeof(float) * img->sample_count);
  for (band_num = 0; band_num < img->band_count; band_num++) {
    // Get band name, check for proper polarization, and create new output bandname, set alpha
    char *band_name = get_band_name(img->bands, img->band_count, band_num);
    long offset = img->line_count * band_num;
    char polarization[2]="";
    if (strncmp_case(band_name, "SIGMA-VV", 8) == 0 ||
        strncmp_case(band_name, "SIGMA-HH", 8) == 0)
      asfPrintStatus("\nProcessing wind speed calculations on band %s...\n\n", band_name);

      strcpy(polarization, (strstr(band_name, "VV") != NULL) ? "VV" : "HH");
      strcpy(oms->polarization, polarization);
      sprintf(&omg->bands[strlen(omg->bands)], "%s%s%s", WINDSPEED_BAND_BASENAME, polarization,
              (band_num < img->band_count - 1 && img->band_count > 0) ? ", " : "");
      alpha = (strcmp(polarization, "VV") == 0) ? 1.0 : DEFAULT_HH_POL_ALPHA; // For CMODx
    else {
      asfPrintStatus("\nFound band: %s (Cannot calculate wind speed on this type of band)\n\n",
      continue; // Skip this band

    // Calculate average r_look for entire image (r_look is the angle between the NADIR line
    // and a line point directly north, the 'look angle' of the platform.)
    double r_look = asf_r_look(imd);
    double phi_diff = wind_dir - r_look;

    // Pre-populate incidence angles (as a function of sample) and get min/max incidence angle
    // as well
    int line, sample;
    double *incids = (double *)MALLOC(img->sample_count * sizeof(double));
    double min_incid = DBL_MAX;
    double max_incid = DBL_MIN;
    for (sample = 0; sample < img->sample_count; sample++) {
      incids[sample] = R2D * meta_incid(imd, img->line_count / 2, sample);
      min_incid = (incids[sample] < min_incid) ? incids[sample] : min_incid;
      max_incid = (incids[sample] > max_incid) ? incids[sample] : max_incid;

    // Get min/max radar cross-sections
    asfPrintStatus("\nFinding min/max radar cross-sections...\n\n");
    double rcs_min = DBL_MAX;
    double rcs_max = DBL_MIN;
    for (line = 0; line < img->line_count; line++) {
      // Get a line
      get_float_line(in, imd, line+offset, data);
      for (sample = 0; sample < img->sample_count; sample++) {
        if (meta_is_valid_double(data[sample]) && data[sample] >= 0.0) {
          rcs_min = (data[sample] < rcs_min) ? data[sample] : rcs_min;
          rcs_max = (data[sample] > rcs_max) ? data[sample] : rcs_max;
      asfLineMeter(line, img->line_count);

    // FIXME: Generate 2D array of windspeeds here.  One dimension is incidence angle and
    // the other is radar cross-section.  The values in the table are wind speed as a function
    // of incidence angle and radar cross-section (given the provided wind direction.)  The idea
    // is to more-quickly populate a grid of results and then to interpolate results for each
    // pixel of the image rather then perform the full calculation (very sloooow)

    double windspeed1 = 0.0, windspeed2 = 0.0;
    for (line = 0; line < img->line_count; line++) {
      // Get a line
      get_float_line(in, imd, line+offset, data);
      for (sample = 0; sample < img->sample_count; sample++) {
        // FIXME: Here is where we should apply a land mask this if-statement expression
        if (meta_is_valid_double(data[sample]) && data[sample] >= 0.0) {
          // Calculate windspeed
          // FIXME: This returns the angle, at the target pixel location, between straight up
          // and the line to the satellite.  Make sure Frank's code doesn't assume the angle
          // between the line to the satellite and a horizontal line, i.e. 90 degrees minus
          // this angle.
          double incidence_angle = incids[sample];
          switch (platform_type) {
            case p_RSAT1:
              if (!cmod4) {
                // Use CMOD5 to calculate windspeeds
                double hh = alpha;
                ws_inv_cmod5((double)data[sample], phi_diff, incidence_angle,
                             &windspeed1, &windspeed2,
                             (double)MIN_CMOD5_WINDSPEED, (double)MAX_CMOD5_WINDSPEED, 25,
                data[sample] = windspeed1; // When 2 answers exist, take the lower (per Frank Monaldo)
              else {
                // Use CMOD4 to calculate windspeeds
                asfPrintError("The CMOD4 algorithm is not yet supported.  Avoid the -cmod4\n"
                    "option for now and let %s default to using the CMOD5 algorithm\n"
            case p_PALSAR:
            case p_TERRASARX:
            case p_ERS1:
            case p_ERS2:
              asfPrintError("Found a platform type (%s) that is not yet supported.\n",
                            (platform_type == p_PALSAR)    ? "PALSAR" :
                            (platform_type == p_TERRASARX) ? "TerraSAR-X" :
                            (platform_type == p_ERS1)      ? "ERS-1" :
                            (platform_type == p_ERS2)      ? "ERS-2" : "UNKNOWN PLATFORM");
      put_float_line(out, omd, line+offset, data);
      asfLineMeter(line, img->line_count);
  } // end for (each band)

  // Insert colormap into metadata

  meta_write(omd, outMetaName);

  asfPrintStatus("Windspeed calculation complete.\n\n");

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 8
void update_pixel_info(ImageInfo *ii)
    // update the left-hand "clicked pixel" information
    char buf[512];

    GtkWidget *img = get_widget_checked("big_image");
    GdkPixbuf *shown_pixbuf = gtk_image_get_pixbuf(GTK_IMAGE(img));

    double x = crosshair_samp;
    double y = crosshair_line;
    int nl = ii->meta->general->line_count;
    int ns = ii->meta->general->sample_count;
    CachedImage *data_ci = ii->data_ci;
    meta_parameters *meta = ii->meta;

    sprintf(buf, "Line: %.1f, Sample: %.1f\n", y, x);

    if (x < 0 || x >= ns || y < 0 || y >= nl)
        // outside of the image
        sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)], "Pixel Value: (outside image)\n");

        if (data_ci->data_type == GREYSCALE_FLOAT) {
            float fval = cached_image_get_pixel(data_ci,
                crosshair_line, crosshair_samp);
            if (have_lut()) {
                unsigned char r, g, b;
                cached_image_get_rgb(data_ci, crosshair_line, crosshair_samp,
                                     &r, &g, &b);
                if (is_ignored(&ii->stats, fval)) {
                  sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)], "Pixel Value: %f [ignored]\n",
                else {
                          "Pixel Value: %f -> R:%d G:%d B:%d\n",
                          fval, (int)r, (int)g, (int)b);
            else {
                int uval = calc_scaled_pixel_value(&(ii->stats), fval);

                if (is_ignored(&ii->stats, fval)) {
                  sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)], "Pixel Value: %f [ignored]\n",
                else {
                  sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)], "Pixel Value: %f -> %d\n",
                          fval, uval);
        else if (data_ci->data_type == RGB_BYTE) {
            unsigned char r, g, b;
            float rf, gf, bf;
            cached_image_get_rgb(data_ci, crosshair_line, crosshair_samp,
                &r, &g, &b);
            cached_image_get_rgb_float(data_ci, crosshair_line, crosshair_samp,
                &rf, &gf, &bf);

            if (!is_ignored_rgb(&ii->stats_r, rf) &&
                !is_ignored_rgb(&ii->stats_g, gf) &&
                !is_ignored_rgb(&ii->stats_b, bf))
              sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)], "Pixel Value: R,G,B = %d, %d, %d\n",
                      (int)r, (int)g, (int)b);
            else {
                      "Pixel Value: R,G,B = %d,%d,%d [ignored]\n",
                      (int)rf, (int)gf, (int)bf);
        else if (data_ci->data_type == GREYSCALE_BYTE) {
            unsigned char r, g, b;
            cached_image_get_rgb(data_ci, crosshair_line, crosshair_samp,
                                 &r, &g, &b);
            if (have_lut()) {
                int gs = (int)cached_image_get_pixel(data_ci,
                             crosshair_line, crosshair_samp);
                if (is_ignored(&ii->stats, (float)gs))
                            "Pixel Value: %d [ignored]\n",
                            "Pixel Value: %d -> R:%d G:%d B:%d\n",
                            gs, (int)r, (int)g, (int)b);
            else {
                int gs = (int)cached_image_get_pixel(data_ci,
                             crosshair_line, crosshair_samp);
                if (is_ignored(&ii->stats, gs)) {
                    sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)], "Pixel Value: %d [ignored]\n",
                else if (ii->stats.truncate) {
                    sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)], "Pixel Value: %d\n", gs);
                else {
                    sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)], "Pixel Value: %d -> %d\n",
                            gs, (int)r);
        else if (data_ci->data_type == RGB_FLOAT) {
            unsigned char r, g, b;
            float rf, gf, bf;
            cached_image_get_rgb(data_ci, crosshair_line, crosshair_samp,
                &r, &g, &b);
            cached_image_get_rgb_float(data_ci, crosshair_line, crosshair_samp,
                &rf, &gf, &bf);

            if (is_ignored_rgb(&ii->stats_r, rf))
              sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)],  "Red: %f [ignored]\n", rf);
              sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)],  "Red: %f -> %d\n", rf, (int)r);

            if (is_ignored_rgb(&ii->stats_g, gf))
              sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)],  "Green: %f [ignored]\n", gf);
              sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)],  "Green: %f -> %d\n", gf, (int)g);

            if (is_ignored_rgb(&ii->stats_b, bf))
              sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)],  "Blue: %f [ignored]\n", rf);
              sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)],  "Blue: %f -> %d\n", bf, (int)b);

    double lat=0, lon=0;
    if (meta_supports_meta_get_latLon(meta))
        meta_get_latLon(meta, y, x, 0, &lat, &lon);
        sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)], "Lat, Lon: %.5f, %.5f (deg)\n", lat, lon);

        //double px, py;
        //printf("%14.7f %14.7f --> %13.2f %13.2f\n", lat, lon, px, py);

    // skip projection coords if not projected, or lat/long pseudo (since
    // in that case the projection coords are just the lat/long values
    // we are already showing)
    if (meta->projection &&
        meta->projection->type != LAT_LONG_PSEUDO_PROJECTION)
        double projX, projY, projZ;
        latlon_to_proj(meta->projection, 'R', lat*D2R, lon*D2R, 0,
            &projX, &projY, &projZ);
        sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)], "Proj X,Y: %.1f, %.1f m\n",
            projX, projY);

    if (!meta->projection && meta->state_vectors && meta->sar) {
        double s,t;
        meta_get_timeSlantDop(meta, y, x, &t, &s, NULL);
            "Incid: %.4f, Look: %.4f (deg)\n"
            "Slant: %.1f m Time: %.3f s\n"
            "Yaw: %.4f (deg)\n",
            R2D*meta_incid(meta,y,x), R2D*meta_look(meta,y,x), s, t,

    if (meta->projection &&
        meta->projection->type != LAT_LONG_PSEUDO_PROJECTION &&
	meta->projection->type != SCANSAR_PROJECTION) {
      distortion_t d;
      map_distortions(meta->projection, lat*D2R, lon*D2R, &d);
      sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)], "Meridian scale factor: %.6f\n", d.h);
      sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)], "Parallel scale factor: %.6f\n", d.k);
      sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)], "Areal scale factor: %.6f\n", d.s);
      sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)], "Angular distortion: %.4f (deg)\n",;

    if (g_poly->n > 0) {
        // start distance measure at crosshair coords
        double cross_x, cross_y, prev_x, prev_y;
        line_samp_to_proj(ii, y, x, &cross_x, &cross_y);
        prev_x = cross_x; prev_y = cross_y;

        // iterate through ctrl-clicked coords
        int i;
        double d=0, A=0; // d=distance, A=area
        for (i=0; i<g_poly->n; ++i) {
            double proj_x, proj_y;       
            line_samp_to_proj(ii, g_poly->line[i], g_poly->samp[i],
                              &proj_x, &proj_y);

            d += hypot(proj_x-prev_x, proj_y-prev_y);
            A += prev_x * proj_y - proj_x * prev_y;

            prev_x = proj_x; prev_y = proj_y;

            // for the area calc, we close the polygon automatically
            if (i==g_poly->n-1)
                A += prev_x * cross_y - cross_x * prev_y;
        A /= 2.;

        char *units = "m";
        if (!meta_supports_meta_get_latLon(meta))
            units = "pixels";

        if (g_poly->n == 1)
            sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)], "Distance to %.1f,%.1f: %.1f %s",
                g_poly->line[0], g_poly->samp[0], d, units);
                "Total distance: %.1f %s (%d points)\n"
                "Area (of closure): %.1f %s^2",
                d, units, g_poly->n+1, fabs(A), units);
    } else {
        sprintf(&buf[strlen(buf)], "Distance: (ctrl-click to measure)");

    put_text_in_textview(buf, "info_textview");
    //GtkWidget *lbl = get_widget_checked("upper_label");
    //gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(lbl), buf);
Esempio n. 9
int dem2phase(char *demFile, char *baseFile, char *phaseFile)
  int x, y, start_sample, start_line, line_count, sample_count;
  double k, *phase2elevBase, *sinFlat, *cosFlat, xScale, yScale;
  baseline base;
  meta_parameters *meta;
  FILE *fpDem, *fpPhase;
  float *phase,*dem;
  meta = meta_read(demFile);
  start_sample = meta->general->start_sample;
  start_line = meta->general->start_line;
  xScale = meta->sar->sample_increment;
  yScale = meta->sar->line_increment;
  line_count = meta->general->line_count;
  sample_count = meta->general->sample_count;
  meta_write(meta, phaseFile);
  // Allocate some memory
  phase = (float *)MALLOC(sizeof(float)*sample_count);
  dem =(float *)MALLOC(sizeof(float)*sample_count);
  // Get wavenumber
  k = meta_get_k(meta);
  // Read in baseline values
  base = read_baseline(baseFile);

  // Open files  
  fpDem = fopenImage(demFile, "rb");
  fpPhase = fopenImage(phaseFile,"wb");
  /* calculate the sine of the incidence angle across cols*/
  sinFlat = (double *)MALLOC(sizeof(double)*sample_count);
  cosFlat = (double *)MALLOC(sizeof(double)*sample_count);
  phase2elevBase = (double *)MALLOC(sizeof(double)*sample_count);
  for (x=0; x<sample_count; x++) {
    int img_x = x*xScale + start_sample;
    double incid = meta_incid(meta, 0.0, (float)img_x);
    double flat = meta_flat(meta, 0.0, (float)img_x);
    sinFlat[x] = sin(flat);
    cosFlat[x] = cos(flat);
    phase2elevBase[x] = 
      meta_get_slant(meta, 0.0, (float)img_x) * sin(incid)/(2.0*k);
  // Loop through each row and calculate height
  for (y=0;y<line_count;y++) {
    double Bn_y, Bp_y;
    // Read in data 
    get_float_line(fpDem, meta, y, dem);
    // Calculate baseline for this row
    meta_interp_baseline(meta, base, y*(int)yScale+start_line, &Bn_y, &Bp_y);
    // Step through each pixel in row
    for (x=0; x<sample_count; x++)
      phase[x] = dem[x]/phase2elevBase[x]*(-Bp_y*sinFlat[x]-Bn_y*cosFlat[x]);
    put_float_line(fpPhase, meta, y, phase);
    asfLineMeter(y, line_count);
  asfPrintStatus("Wrote %d lines of simulated phase data.\n\n", line_count);
  // Clean up

Esempio n. 10
int asf_calibrate(const char *inFile, const char *outFile, 
		  radiometry_t outRadiometry, int wh_scaleFlag)
  meta_parameters *metaIn = meta_read(inFile);
  meta_parameters *metaOut = meta_read(inFile);

  if (!metaIn->calibration) {
    asfPrintError("This data cannot be calibrated, missing calibration block.\n");

  // Check for valid output radiometry
  if (outRadiometry == r_AMP || outRadiometry == r_POWER)
    asfPrintError("Invalid radiometry (%s) passed into calibration function!\n",

  // Check whether output radiometry fits with Woods Hole scaling flag
  if (wh_scaleFlag && outRadiometry >= r_SIGMA && outRadiometry <= r_GAMMA)
    outRadiometry += 3;

  // This can only work if the image is in some SAR geometry
  if (metaIn->projection && metaIn->projection->type != SCANSAR_PROJECTION)
    asfPrintError("Can't apply calibration factors to map projected images\n"
                  "(Amplitude or Power only)\n");

  radiometry_t inRadiometry = metaIn->general->radiometry;
  asfPrintStatus("Calibrating %s image to %s image\n\n", 
		 radiometry2str(inRadiometry), radiometry2str(outRadiometry));
  // FIXME: This function should be able to remap between different
  //        radiometry projections.
  if (metaIn->general->radiometry != r_AMP)
    asfPrintError("Currently only AMPLITUDE as radiometry is supported!\n");

  metaOut->general->radiometry = outRadiometry;
  int dbFlag = FALSE;
  if (outRadiometry >= r_SIGMA && outRadiometry <= r_GAMMA)
    metaOut->general->no_data = 0.0001;
  if (outRadiometry >= r_SIGMA_DB && outRadiometry <= r_GAMMA_DB) {
    metaOut->general->no_data = -40.0;
    dbFlag = TRUE;
  if (metaIn->general->image_data_type != POLARIMETRIC_IMAGE) {
    if (outRadiometry == r_SIGMA || outRadiometry == r_SIGMA_DB)
      metaOut->general->image_data_type = SIGMA_IMAGE;
    else if (outRadiometry == r_BETA || outRadiometry == r_BETA_DB)
      metaOut->general->image_data_type = BETA_IMAGE;
    else if (outRadiometry == r_GAMMA || outRadiometry == r_GAMMA_DB)
      metaOut->general->image_data_type = GAMMA_IMAGE;
  if (wh_scaleFlag)
    metaOut->general->data_type = ASF_BYTE;

  char *input = appendExt(inFile, ".img");
  char *output = appendExt(outFile, ".img");
  FILE *fpIn = FOPEN(input, "rb");
  FILE *fpOut = FOPEN(output, "wb");

  int dualpol = strncmp_case(metaIn->general->mode, "FBD", 3) == 0 ? 1 : 0;
  int band_count = metaIn->general->band_count;
  int sample_count = metaIn->general->sample_count;
  int line_count = metaIn->general->line_count;
  char **bands = 
    extract_band_names(metaIn->general->bands, band_count);

  float *bufIn = (float *) MALLOC(sizeof(float)*sample_count);
  float *bufOut = (float *) MALLOC(sizeof(float)*sample_count);
  float *bufIn2 = NULL, *bufOut2 = NULL, *bufOut3 = NULL;
  if (dualpol && wh_scaleFlag) {
    bufIn2 = (float *) MALLOC(sizeof(float)*sample_count);
    bufOut2 = (float *) MALLOC(sizeof(float)*sample_count);
    bufOut3 = (float *) MALLOC(sizeof(float)*sample_count);
    metaOut->general->band_count = 3;
    sprintf(metaOut->general->bands, "%s,%s,%s-%s", 
	    bands[0], bands[1], bands[0], bands[1]);

  int ii, jj, kk;
  float cal_dn, cal_dn2;
  double incid;
  if (dualpol && wh_scaleFlag) {
    metaOut->general->image_data_type = RGB_STACK;
    for (ii=0; ii<line_count; ii++) {
      get_band_float_line(fpIn, metaIn, 0, ii, bufIn);
      get_band_float_line(fpIn, metaIn, 1, ii, bufIn2);
      for (jj=0; jj<sample_count; jj++) {
	// Taking the remapping of other radiometries out for the moment
	//if (inRadiometry >= r_SIGMA && inRadiometry <= r_BETA_DB)
	//bufIn[jj] = cal2amp(metaIn, incid, jj, bands[kk], bufIn[jj]);
	incid = meta_incid(metaIn, ii, jj);
	cal_dn = 
	  get_cal_dn(metaOut, incid, jj, bufIn[jj], bands[0], dbFlag);
	cal_dn2 = 
	  get_cal_dn(metaOut, incid, jj, bufIn2[jj], bands[1], dbFlag);
	if (FLOAT_EQUIVALENT(cal_dn, metaIn->general->no_data) ||
	    cal_dn == cal_dn2) {
	  bufOut[jj] = 0;
	  bufOut2[jj] = 0;
	  bufOut3[jj] = 0;
	else {
	  bufOut[jj] = (cal_dn + 31) / 0.15 + 1.5;
	  bufOut2[jj] = (cal_dn2 + 31) / 0.15 + 1.5;
	  bufOut3[jj] = bufOut[jj] - bufOut2[jj];
      put_band_float_line(fpOut, metaOut, 0, ii, bufOut);
      put_band_float_line(fpOut, metaOut, 1, ii, bufOut2);
      put_band_float_line(fpOut, metaOut, 2, ii, bufOut3);
      asfLineMeter(ii, line_count);
  else {
    for (kk=0; kk<band_count; kk++) {
      for (ii=0; ii<line_count; ii++) {
	get_band_float_line(fpIn, metaIn, kk, ii, bufIn);
	for (jj=0; jj<sample_count; jj++) {
	  // Taking the remapping of other radiometries out for the moment
	  //if (inRadiometry >= r_SIGMA && inRadiometry <= r_BETA_DB)
	  //bufIn[jj] = cal2amp(metaIn, incid, jj, bands[kk], bufIn[jj]);
	  if (strstr(bands[kk], "PHASE") == NULL) {
	    incid = meta_incid(metaIn, ii, jj);
	    cal_dn =
	      get_cal_dn(metaOut, incid, jj, bufIn[jj], bands[kk], dbFlag);
	    if (wh_scaleFlag) {
	      if (FLOAT_EQUIVALENT(cal_dn, metaIn->general->no_data))
		bufOut[jj] = 0;
		bufOut[jj] = (cal_dn + 31) / 0.15 + 1.5;
	      bufOut[jj] = cal_dn;
	  else // PHASE band, do nothing
	    bufOut[jj] = bufIn[jj];
	put_band_float_line(fpOut, metaOut, kk, ii, bufOut);
	asfLineMeter(ii, line_count);
      if (kk==0)
	sprintf(metaOut->general->bands, "%s-%s", 
		radiometry2str(outRadiometry), bands[kk]);
      else {
	char tmp[255];
	sprintf(tmp, ",%s-%s", radiometry2str(outRadiometry), bands[kk]);
	strcat(metaOut->general->bands, tmp);
  meta_write(metaOut, outFile);
  if (dualpol) {
  for (kk=0; kk<band_count; ++kk)

  return FALSE;
Esempio n. 11
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int x, y;
	int maskflag=0;
	unsigned char *mask;
	double k;
	double *phase2elevBase,*sinFlat,*cosFlat;
	char datafile[256], basefile[256], outfile[256];
	char maskfile[256];
	int nrows,ncols; 
	float *f_coh;
	float *f_eleverr;
	float percent=0.0;
	double init_err=DEFAULT_ERROR;
	FILE *fdata, *fmask, *fout;
	meta_parameters *meta;
	baseline base;

/* Parse command line arguments */
	while (currArg < (argc-NUM_ARGS)) {
	   char *key = argv[currArg++];
	   if (strmatch(key,"-log")) {
	      fLog = FOPEN(logFile, "a");
	   else if (strmatch(key, "-mask")) {
	      strcpy(maskfile, GET_ARG(1));
	      maskflag = TRUE;
	   else if (strmatch(key,"-i")) {
	      init_err = atof(GET_ARG(1));
	      init_err *= init_err;
	   else {
	      printf("\n**Invalid option:  %s\n",argv[currArg-1]);
	if ((argc-currArg) < NUM_ARGS) {
	   printf("Insufficient arguments.\n");

	create_name(datafile, argv[currArg], ".img");
	strcpy(basefile, argv[currArg+1]);
	strcpy(outfile, argv[currArg+2]);

	asfSplashScreen(argc, argv);

/* Get appropriate metadata */
	meta = meta_read(datafile);
	nrows = meta->general->line_count;
	ncols = meta->general->sample_count;
	meta->general->data_type = REAL32;
	meta_write(meta, outfile);
	k  = meta_get_k(meta);    /* wave number*/
/* Allocate space for vectors, matricies, and stuff*/
	mask = (unsigned char *)MALLOC(sizeof(unsigned char)*ncols);
	f_coh = (float *)MALLOC(sizeof(float)*ncols);
	f_eleverr = (float *)MALLOC(sizeof(float)*ncols);
	sinFlat = (double *)MALLOC(sizeof(double)*ncols);
	cosFlat = (double *)MALLOC(sizeof(double)*ncols);
	phase2elevBase = (double *)MALLOC(sizeof(double)*ncols);

/* Open data file & get seed phase*/
	fdata = fopenImage(datafile, "rb");
	fout = fopenImage(outfile,"wb");
	if (maskflag) fmask = fopenImage(maskfile,"rb");
/* Read in baseline values*/
	base = read_baseline(basefile);

/* Obtain information from metadata*/
	for (x=0;x<ncols;x++)
		int img_x = x * meta->sar->sample_increment
		            + meta->general->start_sample;
		double incid=meta_incid(meta,0,img_x);
		double flat=meta_flat(meta,0,img_x);

/* Loop through each row & calculate height*/
	for (y=0;y<nrows;y++) {
		double Bn_y,Bp_y;

		/* Report progress */
		if ((y*100/nrows)>percent) {
		  printf("\r   Completed %3.0f percent", percent);

		/* read in data */
		if (maskflag)
			ASF_FREAD(mask,sizeof(unsigned char),ncols,fmask);
		get_float_line(fdata, meta, y, f_coh);
		/* calculate baseline for this row*/
		meta_interp_baseline(meta, base,
			&Bn_y, &Bp_y);
		/* step through each pixel in row*/
		for (x=0;x<ncols;x++) {
			if ((mask[x] == 0x10 && maskflag) || (!maskflag)) {
				double tmp,tmp1,sigma_height;
				tmp = phase2elevBase[x]/(-Bp_y*sinFlat[x]-Bn_y*cosFlat[x]);
				tmp1 = (FLOAT_EQUALS_ZERO(f_coh[x])) 
					    ? 0.0 : sqrt((1-f_coh[x])/f_coh[x]);
				sigma_height = tmp*tmp1;
				f_eleverr[x] = (float)sqrt( init_err +
					sigma_height*sigma_height );
				f_eleverr[x] = -1.0;
		put_float_line(fout, meta, y, f_eleverr);
	printf("\r   Completed 100 percent\n\n");
	sprintf(logbuf, "   Wrote %lld bytes of data\n\n",
	        (long long)(nrows*ncols*4));
	printf("%s", logbuf);
	if (logflag) { printLog(logbuf); }
	/* free memory & scram*/
	if (maskflag) FCLOSE(fmask);

Esempio n. 12
int asf_elevation(char *unwrapped_phase, char *phase_mask, 
		  char *baseFile, char *seeds, char *slant_elevation,
		  char *slant_elevation_error, char *slant_amplitude, 
		  char *slant_coherence, char *ground_elevation, 
		  char *ground_elevation_error, char *ground_amplitude, 
		  char *ground_coherence)

  int x, y, ss, sl, nrows, ncols;
  double xScale, yScale, k, *phase2elevBase, *sinFlat, *cosFlat;
  meta_parameters *meta;
  baseline base;
  FILE *fphase, *felev, *feleverr, *fseed, *fmask, *fcoh;
  float *uwp, *coh, *elev, *eleverr;
  unsigned char *mask;
  double delta_phase, delta_height;
  double seed_phase, seed_height;

  printf("\nGenerating slant range elevation and elevation error ...\n\n");

  /* Get input scene size and windowing info. Get datafile values*/
  meta = meta_read(unwrapped_phase);
  nrows  = meta->general->line_count;
  ncols  = meta->general->sample_count;
  sl     = meta->general->start_line;
  ss     = meta->general->start_sample;
  yScale = meta->sar->look_count;
  xScale = meta->sar->sample_increment;
  // Write metadata files for temporary slant range images
  //  meta->general->image_data_type = DEM;
  meta_write(meta, slant_elevation);
  meta_write(meta, slant_elevation_error);
  /* Allocate space for vectors and matricies*/
  uwp = (float *) MALLOC(sizeof(float)*ncols);
  coh = (float *) MALLOC(sizeof(float)*ncols);
  elev = (float *) MALLOC(sizeof(float)*ncols);
  eleverr = (float *) MALLOC(sizeof(float)*ncols);
  mask = (unsigned char *) MALLOC(sizeof(unsigned char)*ncols);

  // Wavenumber K
  k = meta_get_k(meta);

  // Read in baseline values
  base = read_baseline(baseFile);
  // Open input files
  fphase = fopenImage(unwrapped_phase, "rb");
  fseed = FOPEN(seeds, "r");
  fmask = fopenImage(phase_mask, "rb");
  fcoh = fopenImage(slant_coherence, "rb");
  /*Use least-squares fit to determine the optimal seed_phase and seed_height.*/
    double x,xSum=0,xSqrSum=0,hSum=0,hxSum=0,pxSum=0,pxSqrSum=0;
    double a,b,c,d,e,f,det;
    int npts=0;
    float *phase_line;
    phase_line = (float *) MALLOC(sizeof(float)*meta->general->sample_count);
    while (1)
	float seed_x,seed_y,height,phase;
	int seek_x,seek_y;
	/*Read in each seed point*/
	if (3!=fscanf(fseed,"%f%f%f",&seed_x,&seed_y,&height))
	  break;/*Break out when no more points.*/
	get_float_line(fphase, meta, seek_y, phase_line);
	phase = phase_line[seek_y];
	if (phase==0)
	  continue;/*Escher couldn't unwrap this tie point.*/
	// Calculate that seed point's impact on fit.
	x         = meta_phase_rate(meta,base,seed_y,seed_x);
	xSum     += x;
	xSqrSum  += x * x;
	hSum     += height;
	hxSum    += height * x;
	pxSum    += phase * x;
	pxSqrSum += phase * x * x;
    if (!quietflag)
      printf("   Read %d seed points\n",npts);
    /* The least-squares fit above leaves us with a matrix equation
     *	[ a  b ]   [ seed_phase  ]   [ e ]
     *	[      ] * [             ] = [   ]
     *	[ c  d ]   [ seed_height ]   [ f ]
     *	which has the solution
     *	[ d  -b ]   [ e ]    1    [ seed_phase  ]
     *	[       ] * [   ] * --- = [             ]
     *	[ -c  a ]   [ f ]   det   [ seed_height ]
    a = -xSqrSum;
    b = xSum;
    c = -xSum;
    d = npts;
    e = hxSum-pxSqrSum;
    f = hSum-pxSum;
    det = a*d-b*c;
    seed_phase  = (e*d-f*b)/det;
    seed_height = (e*(-c)+f*a)/det;
  if (!quietflag) 
    printf("   Seed Phase: %f\n   Elevation: %f\n\n",seed_phase,seed_height);
  /* calculate the sine of the incidence angle across cols*/
  sinFlat = (double *)MALLOC(sizeof(double)*ncols);
  cosFlat = (double *)MALLOC(sizeof(double)*ncols);
  phase2elevBase = (double *)MALLOC(sizeof(double)*ncols);
  for (x=0;x<ncols;x++)
      int img_x = x*xScale + ss;
      double incid = meta_incid(meta, 0, img_x);
      double flat = meta_flat(meta, 0, img_x);
      sinFlat[x] = sin(flat);
      cosFlat[x] = cos(flat);
      phase2elevBase[x] = meta_get_slant(meta, 0, img_x)*sin(incid)/(2.0*k);
  // Open intermediate output files
  felev = fopenImage(slant_elevation, "wb");
  feleverr = fopenImage(slant_elevation_error, "wb");
  /* loop through each row & calculate height*/
    To make this faster, we don't call 
    delta_height=delta_phase * meta_phase_rate(ceos,base,y*yScale+sl,x*xScale+ss).
    Instead, we use the annoying temporary arrays
    allocated above to calculate the same thing, quicker.
  for (y=0; y<nrows; y++) {
    double Bn_y,Bp_y;

    // Read in data
    FREAD(mask, sizeof(unsigned char), ncols, fmask);
    get_float_line(fphase, meta, y, uwp);
    get_float_line(fcoh, meta, y, coh);
    // Calculate baseline for this row
    meta_interp_baseline(meta, base, y*yScale+sl+1, &Bn_y, &Bp_y);
    // Step through each pixel in row
    for (x=0; x<ncols; x++) {
      // Calculate elevation
      if (uwp[x] != 0.0) {
	delta_phase = (double) uwp[x] - seed_phase;
	delta_height = delta_phase * phase2elevBase[x]/
	  (-Bp_y*sinFlat[x] - Bn_y*cosFlat[x]);
	elev[x] = delta_height + seed_height;
	elev[x] = 0.0;
      // Calculate elevation error
      if (mask[x] == 0x10) {
	double coh_factor, base_height, sigma_height;
	coh_factor = (FLOAT_EQUALS_ZERO(coh[x])) ? 0.0 : sqrt((1-coh[x])/coh[x]);
	base_height = phase2elevBase[x]/(-Bp_y*sinFlat[x] - Bn_y*cosFlat[x]);
	sigma_height = base_height * coh_factor;
	eleverr[x] = (float) fabs(base_height*coh_factor);
	eleverr[x] = -1.0;
    put_float_line(felev, meta, y, elev);
    put_float_line(feleverr, meta, y, eleverr);

    asfLineMeter(y, nrows);
  // Free memory and close files

  int fill_value=-1;
  // Transform all the slant range products into ground range
  printf("\nGenerating ground range elevation ...\n");
  deskew_dem(slant_elevation, NULL, ground_elevation, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, TRUE,
             fill_value, 0);
  printf("\nGenerating ground range amplitude image ...\n");
  deskew_dem(slant_elevation, NULL, ground_amplitude, slant_amplitude, 1, NULL, NULL,
             TRUE, fill_value, 0);
  printf("\nGenerating ground range elevation error ...\n");
  deskew_dem(slant_elevation, NULL, ground_elevation_error, slant_elevation_error, 1,
             NULL, NULL, TRUE, fill_value, 0);
  printf("\nGenerating ground range coherence image ...\n\n");
  deskew_dem(slant_elevation, NULL, ground_coherence, slant_coherence, 0, NULL, NULL,
             TRUE, fill_value, 0);

  return 0;