Esempio n. 1
static void
apply_config_dummy (MetaMonitorManager *manager,
                    MetaCRTCInfo       **crtcs,
                    unsigned int         n_crtcs,
                    MetaOutputInfo     **outputs,
                    unsigned int         n_outputs)
  unsigned i;
  int screen_width = 0, screen_height = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < n_crtcs; i++)
      MetaCRTCInfo *crtc_info = crtcs[i];
      MetaCRTC *crtc = crtc_info->crtc;
      crtc->is_dirty = TRUE;

      if (crtc_info->mode == NULL)
          crtc->rect.x = 0;
          crtc->rect.y = 0;
          crtc->rect.width = 0;
          crtc->rect.height = 0;
          crtc->current_mode = NULL;
          MetaMonitorMode *mode;
          MetaOutput *output;
          int i, n_outputs;
          int width, height;

          mode = crtc_info->mode;

          if (meta_monitor_transform_is_rotated (crtc_info->transform))
              width = mode->height;
              height = mode->width;
              width = mode->width;
              height = mode->height;

          crtc->rect.x = crtc_info->x;
          crtc->rect.y = crtc_info->y;
          crtc->rect.width = width;
          crtc->rect.height = height;
          crtc->current_mode = mode;
          crtc->transform = crtc_info->transform;

          screen_width = MAX (screen_width, crtc_info->x + width);
          screen_height = MAX (screen_height, crtc_info->y + height);

          n_outputs = crtc_info->outputs->len;
          for (i = 0; i < n_outputs; i++)
              output = ((MetaOutput**)crtc_info->outputs->pdata)[i];

              output->is_dirty = TRUE;
              output->crtc = crtc;

  for (i = 0; i < n_outputs; i++)
      MetaOutputInfo *output_info = outputs[i];
      MetaOutput *output = output_info->output;

      output->is_primary = output_info->is_primary;
      output->is_presentation = output_info->is_presentation;

  /* Disable CRTCs not mentioned in the list */
  for (i = 0; i < manager->n_crtcs; i++)
      MetaCRTC *crtc = &manager->crtcs[i];

      crtc->logical_monitor = NULL;

      if (crtc->is_dirty)
          crtc->is_dirty = FALSE;

      crtc->rect.x = 0;
      crtc->rect.y = 0;
      crtc->rect.width = 0;
      crtc->rect.height = 0;
      crtc->current_mode = NULL;

  /* Disable outputs not mentioned in the list */
  for (i = 0; i < manager->n_outputs; i++)
      MetaOutput *output = &manager->outputs[i];

      if (output->is_dirty)
          output->is_dirty = FALSE;

      output->crtc = NULL;
      output->is_primary = FALSE;

  manager->screen_width = screen_width;
  manager->screen_height = screen_height;

  meta_monitor_manager_rebuild_derived (manager);
Esempio n. 2
static gboolean
meta_monitor_manager_handle_apply_configuration  (MetaDBusDisplayConfig *skeleton,
                                                  GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation,
                                                  guint                  serial,
                                                  gboolean               persistent,
                                                  GVariant              *crtcs,
                                                  GVariant              *outputs)
  MetaMonitorManager *manager = META_MONITOR_MANAGER (skeleton);
  GVariantIter crtc_iter, output_iter, *nested_outputs;
  GVariant *properties;
  guint crtc_id;
  int new_mode, x, y;
  int new_screen_width, new_screen_height;
  guint transform;
  guint output_id;
  GPtrArray *crtc_infos, *output_infos;

  if (serial != manager->serial)
      g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error (invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR,
                                             "The requested configuration is based on stale information");
      return TRUE;

  crtc_infos = g_ptr_array_new_full (g_variant_n_children (crtcs),
                                     (GDestroyNotify) meta_crtc_info_free);
  output_infos = g_ptr_array_new_full (g_variant_n_children (outputs),
                                       (GDestroyNotify) meta_output_info_free);

  /* Validate all arguments */
  new_screen_width = 0; new_screen_height = 0;
  g_variant_iter_init (&crtc_iter, crtcs);
  while (g_variant_iter_loop (&crtc_iter, "(uiiiuaua{sv})",
                              &crtc_id, &new_mode, &x, &y, &transform,
                              &nested_outputs, NULL))
      MetaCRTCInfo *crtc_info;
      MetaOutput *first_output;
      MetaCRTC *crtc;
      MetaMonitorMode *mode;
      guint output_id;

      crtc_info = g_slice_new (MetaCRTCInfo);
      crtc_info->outputs = g_ptr_array_new ();

      if (crtc_id >= manager->n_crtcs)
          g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error (invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR,
                                                 "Invalid CRTC id");
          return TRUE;
      crtc = &manager->crtcs[crtc_id];
      crtc_info->crtc = crtc;

      if (new_mode != -1 && (new_mode < 0 || (unsigned)new_mode >= manager->n_modes))
          g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error (invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR,
                                                 "Invalid mode id");
          return TRUE;
      mode = new_mode != -1 ? &manager->modes[new_mode] : NULL;
      crtc_info->mode = mode;

      if (mode)
          int width, height;

          if (meta_monitor_transform_is_rotated (transform))
              width = mode->height;
              height = mode->width;
              width = mode->width;
              height = mode->height;

          if (x < 0 ||
              x + width > manager->max_screen_width ||
              y < 0 ||
              y + height > manager->max_screen_height)
              g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error (invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR,
                                                     "Invalid CRTC geometry");
              return TRUE;

          new_screen_width = MAX (new_screen_width, x + width);
          new_screen_height = MAX (new_screen_height, y + height);
          crtc_info->x = x;
          crtc_info->y = y;
          crtc_info->x = 0;
          crtc_info->y = 0;

      if (transform < WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL ||
          transform > WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_FLIPPED_270 ||
          ((crtc->all_transforms & (1 << transform)) == 0))
          g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error (invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR,
                                                 "Invalid transform");
          return TRUE;
      crtc_info->transform = transform;

      first_output = NULL;
      while (g_variant_iter_loop (nested_outputs, "u", &output_id))
          MetaOutput *output;

          if (output_id >= manager->n_outputs)
              g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error (invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR,
                                                     "Invalid output id");
              return TRUE;
          output = &manager->outputs[output_id];

          if (!output_can_config (output, crtc, mode))
              g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error (invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR,
                                                     "Output cannot be assigned to this CRTC or mode");
              return TRUE;
          g_ptr_array_add (crtc_info->outputs, output);

          if (first_output)
              if (!output_can_clone (output, first_output))
                  g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error (invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR,
                                                         "Outputs cannot be cloned");
                  return TRUE;
            first_output = output;

      if (!first_output && mode)
          g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error (invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR,
                                                 "Mode specified without outputs?");
          return TRUE;

      g_ptr_array_add (crtc_infos, crtc_info);

  if (new_screen_width == 0 || new_screen_height == 0)
      g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error (invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR,
                                             "Refusing to disable all outputs");
      return TRUE;

  g_variant_iter_init (&output_iter, outputs);
  while (g_variant_iter_loop (&output_iter, "(u@a{sv})", &output_id, &properties))
      MetaOutputInfo *output_info;
      gboolean primary, presentation;

      if (output_id >= manager->n_outputs)
          g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error (invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR,
                                                 "Invalid output id");
          return TRUE;

      output_info = g_slice_new0 (MetaOutputInfo);
      output_info->output = &manager->outputs[output_id];

      if (g_variant_lookup (properties, "primary", "b", &primary))
        output_info->is_primary = primary;

      if (g_variant_lookup (properties, "presentation", "b", &presentation))
        output_info->is_presentation = presentation;

      g_ptr_array_add (output_infos, output_info);

  /* If we were in progress of making a persistent change and we see a
     new request, it's likely that the old one failed in some way, so
     don't save it, but also don't queue for restoring it.
  if (manager->persistent_timeout_id && persistent)
      g_source_remove (manager->persistent_timeout_id);
      manager->persistent_timeout_id = 0;

  meta_monitor_manager_apply_configuration (manager,

  g_ptr_array_unref (crtc_infos);
  g_ptr_array_unref (output_infos);

  /* Update MetaMonitorConfig data structures immediately so that we
     don't revert the change at the next XRandR event, then ask the plugin
     manager (through MetaScreen) to confirm the display change with the
     appropriate UI. Then wait 20 seconds and if not confirmed, revert the
  meta_monitor_config_update_current (manager->config, manager);
  if (persistent)
      manager->persistent_timeout_id = g_timeout_add_seconds (20, save_config_timeout, manager);
      g_signal_emit (manager, signals[CONFIRM_DISPLAY_CHANGE], 0);

  meta_dbus_display_config_complete_apply_configuration (skeleton, invocation);
  return TRUE;
Esempio n. 3
MetaOutput *
meta_create_xrandr_output (MetaGpuXrandr *gpu_xrandr,
                           XRROutputInfo *xrandr_output,
                           RROutput       output_id,
                           RROutput       primary_output)
  MetaOutputXrandr *output_xrandr;
  MetaOutput *output;
  GBytes *edid;
  unsigned int i;

  output = g_object_new (META_TYPE_OUTPUT, NULL);
  output->gpu = META_GPU (gpu_xrandr);
  output->winsys_id = output_id;
  output->name = g_strdup (xrandr_output->name);

  output_xrandr = g_slice_new0 (MetaOutputXrandr);
  output->driver_private = output_xrandr;
  output->driver_notify = (GDestroyNotify)meta_output_xrandr_destroy_notify;

  edid = meta_output_xrandr_read_edid (output);
  meta_output_parse_edid (output, edid);
  g_bytes_unref (edid);

  output->subpixel_order = COGL_SUBPIXEL_ORDER_UNKNOWN;
  output->hotplug_mode_update = output_get_hotplug_mode_update (output);
  output->suggested_x = output_get_suggested_x (output);
  output->suggested_y = output_get_suggested_y (output);
  output->connector_type = output_get_connector_type (output);
  output->panel_orientation_transform =
    output_get_panel_orientation_transform (output);

  if (meta_monitor_transform_is_rotated (
      output->width_mm = xrandr_output->mm_height;
      output->height_mm = xrandr_output->mm_width;
      output->width_mm = xrandr_output->mm_width;
      output->height_mm = xrandr_output->mm_height;

  output_get_tile_info (output);
  output_get_modes (output, xrandr_output);
  output_get_crtcs (output, xrandr_output);

  output->n_possible_clones = xrandr_output->nclone;
  output->possible_clones = g_new0 (MetaOutput *,
   * We can build the list of clones now, because we don't have the list of
   * outputs yet, so temporarily set the pointers to the bare XIDs, and then
   * we'll fix them in a second pass.
  for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int) xrandr_output->nclone; i++)
      output->possible_clones[i] = GINT_TO_POINTER (xrandr_output->clones[i]);

  output->is_primary = ((XID) output->winsys_id == primary_output);
  output->is_presentation = output_get_presentation_xrandr (output);
  output->supports_underscanning =
    output_get_supports_underscanning_xrandr (output, &output_xrandr->underscan_value);
  output->is_underscanning = output_get_underscanning_xrandr (output);
  output_get_backlight_limits_xrandr (output);
  output_get_underscanning_borders_xrandr (output);

  /* Override the 'supports underscanning' property for non HDTV sets.
   * Note that we need to do this after checking if underscanning is on, so
   * that we now the exact values for width and height to be checked. */
  if (output->supports_underscanning && !output_is_hdtv (output))
    output->supports_underscanning = FALSE;

  if (!(output->backlight_min == 0 && output->backlight_max == 0))
    output->backlight = output_get_backlight_xrandr (output);
    output->backlight = -1;

  if (output->n_modes == 0 || output->n_possible_crtcs == 0)
      g_object_unref (output);
      return NULL;
      return output;