Esempio n. 1
File: a1.c Progetto: noodles-v6/ACM
long long mex(long long a, long long b, long long c) {
  long long d;
  if (b==0) return 1;
  if (b==1) return a%c;
  d=mex(a,b/2,c); d*=d; d%=c; d*=(b&1)?a%c:1; d%=c;
  return d;
Esempio n. 2
void SoapServerInternal::Start()
	if (m_running)

	Poco::Net::ServerSocket mex(m_mexPort);
	Poco::Net::ServerSocket svs(m_rpcPort);

	//Configure some server params.
	Poco::Net::TCPServerParams* pTcpParams = new Poco::Net::TCPServerParams();

	Poco::Net::HTTPServerParams* pHttpParams = new Poco::Net::HTTPServerParams;

	//Create your server
	m_soapTcpServer = shared_ptr<Poco::Net::TCPServer>(new Poco::Net::TCPServer(new TCPServerConnectionFactorySoap(this), svs, pTcpParams));
	m_mexHttpServer = shared_ptr<Poco::Net::HTTPServer>(new Poco::Net::HTTPServer(new MexHTTPRequestHandlerFactory(m_wsdlPath), mex, pHttpParams));


	m_running = true;
Esempio n. 3
// Enqueue this icholder for release during the next safepoint.  It's
// not safe to free them until them since they might be visible to
// another thread.
void InlineCacheBuffer::queue_for_release(CompiledICHolder* icholder) {
  MutexLockerEx mex(InlineCacheBuffer_lock);
  _pending_released = icholder;
  if (TraceICBuffer) {
    tty->print_cr("enqueueing icholder " INTPTR_FORMAT " to be freed", icholder);
Esempio n. 4
File: a1.c Progetto: noodles-v6/ACM
int main() {
  long long x,y,z,w;
	while(scanf("%I64d %I64d %I64d",&x,&z,&w)==3) {
		for(y=0;y<=z;y++) if(mex(x,y,z)==w) {
			printf("%I64d %I64d %I64d\n",x,y,z);
	return 0;
int mex(int p) { //`mex 为求 sg 的函数`
    int i,t;
    bool g[101]= {0}; //`定义布尔数组,初值为 0`
    for(i=0; i<k; i++) {
        t=p-a[i]; //`t 为 p 当前遍历的后继`
        if(t<0) break; //`后继最小是 0`
        g[f[t]]=1; //`布尔数组中赋这个 SG 值为`
    for(i=0;; i++) {
        if(!g[i]) return i;
Esempio n. 6
int main () {
  double o,ee,input;int c;
	printf("-----------------------------------------\n1. Input positive number\n2. Caculate sine x\n3. Caculate square root\n4. Caculate e*x\n5. Quit\n\tYour Answer :");scanf("%d",&c);printf("-----------------------------------------\n");
		case 1:	printf("-----------------------------------------\nInput positive number :");scanf("%lf",&o);
				printf("Input error in approximation :");scanf("%lf",&ee);printf("-----------------------------------------\n");break;
		case 3: printf("-----------------------------------------\n");
				if (o < 0) {printf("-----------------------------------------\nCan't Caculate suqare root of negative number !\n-----------------------------------------\n");break;}
				printf("square root of %.5f  =  %.5f\n",o,msqrt(o,ee));printf("-----------------------------------------\n");break;
		case 2: input = o;
		if( input >= 2*PI) while( input >= 2*PI)  input =  input - 2*PI;
		printf("sin(%.5lf)  =  %.5lf\n",o,msin(input,ee));printf("-----------------------------------------\n");break;
		case 4:
		  printf("e^%.5lf  =  %.5f\n",o,mex(o,ee));printf("-----------------------------------------\n");break;
		case 5:return 0;
Esempio n. 7
int main()
	memset(sg, -1, sizeof(sg));
	for(int i = 0; i < (1 << 10); i++) sg[0][i] = 0;
	for(int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
		sg[i][0] = 0;
		for(int j = 1; j < (1 << 10); j++) {
			memset(vis, false, sizeof(vis));
			for(int k = 0; k < i; k++) if((j >> k) & 1)
				vis[sg[i - k - 1][j ^ (1 << k)]] = true;
			sg[i][j] = mex();

	for(int i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
		printf("i = %d: sg = %d\n", i, sg[i][(1 << i) - 1]);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 8
void CQMergingData::fillTree(QTreeWidget* pW, const CModel* pModel, std::map< QTreeWidgetItem *, const CCopasiObject * > & itemMap,
                             bool flagGlobalQuantities, bool flagReactions,
                             const std::set< const CCopasiObject * > & added,
                             bool highlightInvolved)
    CModelExpansion mex(const_cast<CModel*>(pModel));

    //create an italic font for highlighting new model elements
    QFont tmpFont = pW->font();

    //add the compartments
    size_t i, imax = pModel->getCompartments().size();

    for (i = 0; i < imax; ++i)
        const CCopasiObject * pObj = &pModel->getCompartments()[i];
        QTreeWidgetItem * pItem = new QTreeWidgetItem((QTreeWidget*)NULL, 1000);
        pItem->setText(0,  FROM_UTF8(pObj->getObjectName()));

        //highlight new objects
        std::set<const CCopasiObject * >::const_iterator it = added.find(pObj);

        if (it != added.end())
            pItem->setFont(0, tmpFont);
            //pItem->setBackgroundColor(0, QColor(200,200,250));

        //highlight objects that are referred to by others
        if (highlightInvolved)
            if (!mex.existDependentEntities(pObj))
                pItem->setTextColor(0, QColor(130, 130, 130));

        itemMap[pItem] = pObj;
        pW->setFirstItemColumnSpanned(pItem, true);

        //add species
        //QTreeWidgetItem * pChild;
        size_t j, jmax = pModel->getCompartments()[i].getMetabolites().size();

        for (j = 0; j < jmax; ++j)
            pObj = &pModel->getCompartments()[i].getMetabolites()[j];
            QTreeWidgetItem * pChild = new QTreeWidgetItem(pItem, 1001);
            pChild->setText(0,  FROM_UTF8(pObj->getObjectName()));
            pW->setFirstItemColumnSpanned(pChild, true);

            //highlight new objects
            std::set< const CCopasiObject * >::const_iterator it = added.find(pObj);

            if (it != added.end())
                pChild->setFont(0, tmpFont);
                //pChild->setBackgroundColor(0, QColor(200,200,250));

            //highlight objects that are referred to by others
            if (highlightInvolved)
                if (!mex.existDependentEntities(pObj))
                    pChild->setTextColor(0, QColor(130, 130, 130));

            itemMap[pChild] = pObj;


    if (flagGlobalQuantities && pModel->getModelValues().size())
        QTreeWidgetItem * pItem = new QTreeWidgetItem((QTreeWidget*)NULL, 1000);
        pItem->setText(0, "Global Quantities");
        pW->setFirstItemColumnSpanned(pItem, true);

        //QTreeWidgetItem * pChild;
        size_t j, jmax = pModel->getModelValues().size();

        for (j = 0; j < jmax; ++j)
            const CCopasiObject * pObj = &pModel->getModelValues()[j];
            QTreeWidgetItem * pChild = new QTreeWidgetItem(pItem, 1001);
            pChild->setText(0,  FROM_UTF8(pObj->getObjectName()));
            pW->setFirstItemColumnSpanned(pChild, true);

            //highlight new objects
            std::set< const CCopasiObject * >::const_iterator it = added.find(pObj);

            if (it != added.end())
                pChild->setFont(0, tmpFont);
                //pChild->setBackgroundColor(0, QColor(200,200,250));

            //highlight objects that are referred to by others
            if (highlightInvolved)
                if (!mex.existDependentEntities(pObj))
                    pChild->setTextColor(0, QColor(130, 130, 130));

            itemMap[pChild] = pObj;

    if (flagReactions && pModel->getReactions().size())

        QTreeWidgetItem * pItem = new QTreeWidgetItem((QTreeWidget*)NULL, 1000);
        pItem->setText(0, "Reactions");
        pW->setFirstItemColumnSpanned(pItem, true);

        QFont tmpFontSmall = pItem->font(0);
        tmpFontSmall.setPointSize(tmpFontSmall.pointSize() - 2);

        //QTreeWidgetItem * pChild;
        size_t j, jmax = pModel->getReactions().size();

        for (j = 0; j < jmax; ++j)
            const CCopasiObject * pObj = &pModel->getReactions()[j];
            QTreeWidgetItem * pChild = new QTreeWidgetItem(pItem, 1001);
            pChild->setText(0,  FROM_UTF8(pObj->getObjectName()));
            pW->setFirstItemColumnSpanned(pChild, false);

            //add the chemical equation (with a smaller font)
            const CReaction * pReaction = dynamic_cast<const CReaction*>(pObj);

            if (pReaction)
                pChild->setText(1, FROM_UTF8(CChemEqInterface::getChemEqString(const_cast<CModel*>(pModel), *pReaction, false)));

            pChild->setFont(1, tmpFontSmall);

            //highlight new objects
            std::set< const CCopasiObject * >::const_iterator it = added.find(pObj);

            if (it != added.end())
                pChild->setFont(0, tmpFont);
                //pChild->setBackgroundColor(0, QColor(200,200,250));

            //highlight objects that are referred to by others
            if (highlightInvolved)
                if (!mex.existDependentEntities(pObj))
                    pChild->setTextColor(0, QColor(130, 130, 130));

                pChild->setTextColor(1, QColor(130, 130, 130));

            itemMap[pChild] = pObj;
