Esempio n. 1
File: wingc.c Progetto: aosm/X11
winValidateGCNativeGDI (GCPtr pGC,
			unsigned long ulChanges,
			DrawablePtr pDrawable)
  if ((ulChanges & (GCClipXOrigin | GCClipYOrigin | GCClipMask | GCSubwindowMode)) 
      || (pDrawable->serialNumber != (pGC->serialNumber & DRAWABLE_SERIAL_BITS)))
    miComputeCompositeClip (pGC, pDrawable);
Esempio n. 2
/** Validate a graphics context, \a pGC, locally in the DMX server and
 *  recompute the composite clip, if necessary. */
dmxValidateGC(GCPtr pGC, unsigned long changes, DrawablePtr pDrawable)
    dmxGCPrivPtr pGCPriv = DMX_GET_GC_PRIV(pGC);

#if 0
    pGC->funcs->ValidateGC(pGC, changes, pDrawable);

    if (pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW ||
            pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP) {
        /* Save the old ops, since we're about to change the ops in the
         * epilogue.
        pGCPriv->ops = pGC->ops;
    else {
        pGCPriv->ops = NULL;

    /* If the client clip is different or moved OR the subwindowMode has
     * changed OR the window's clip has changed since the last
     * validation, then we need to recompute the composite clip.
    if ((changes & (GCClipXOrigin |
                    GCClipYOrigin |
                    GCClipMask |
                    GCSubwindowMode)) ||
            (pDrawable->serialNumber !=
             (pGC->serialNumber & DRAWABLE_SERIAL_BITS))) {
        miComputeCompositeClip(pGC, pDrawable);

Esempio n. 3
/* return 2, draw using clip */
rdpDrawGetClip(rdpPtr dev, RegionPtr pRegion, DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC)
    WindowPtr pWindow;
    RegionPtr temp;
    BoxRec box;
    int rv;

    rv = 0;

    if (pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_PIXMAP)
        if (is_clientClip_region(pGC))
            miComputeCompositeClip(pGC, pDrawable);
            RegionCopy(pRegion, pGC->pCompositeClip);
            rv = 2;
            rv = 1;

        if (rv == 2) /* check if the clip is the entire pixmap */
            box.x1 = 0;
            box.y1 = 0;
            box.x2 = pDrawable->width;
            box.y2 = pDrawable->height;

            if (rdpRegionContainsRect(pRegion, &box) == rgnIN)
                rv = 1;
    else if (pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW)
        pWindow = (WindowPtr)pDrawable;

        if (pWindow->viewable)
            if (pGC->subWindowMode == IncludeInferiors)
                temp = &pWindow->borderClip;
                temp = &pWindow->clipList;

            if (rdpRegionNotEmpty(temp))
                if (is_clientClip_region(pGC))
                    rdpRegionCopy(pRegion, pGC->clientClip);
                                       pDrawable->x + pGC->clipOrg.x,
                                       pDrawable->y + pGC->clipOrg.y);
                    rdpRegionIntersect(pRegion, pRegion, temp);
                    rv = 2;
                    rdpRegionCopy(pRegion, temp);
                    rv = 2;

                if (rv == 2) /* check if the clip is the entire screen */
                    box.x1 = 0;
                    box.y1 = 0;
                    box.x2 = dev->width;
                    box.y2 = dev->height;

                    if (rdpRegionContainsRect(pRegion, &box) == rgnIN)
                        rv = 1;

    return rv;
Esempio n. 4
fbValidateGC(GCPtr pGC, unsigned long changes, DrawablePtr pDrawable)
    FbGCPrivPtr pPriv = fbGetGCPrivate(pGC);
    FbBits mask;

     * if the client clip is different or moved OR the subwindowMode has
     * changed OR the window's clip has changed since the last validation
     * we need to recompute the composite clip 

    if ((changes &
         (GCClipXOrigin | GCClipYOrigin | GCClipMask | GCSubwindowMode)) ||
        (pDrawable->serialNumber != (pGC->serialNumber & DRAWABLE_SERIAL_BITS))
        ) {
        miComputeCompositeClip(pGC, pDrawable);

    if (pPriv->bpp != pDrawable->bitsPerPixel) {
        changes |= GCStipple | GCForeground | GCBackground | GCPlaneMask;
        pPriv->bpp = pDrawable->bitsPerPixel;
    if ((changes & GCTile) && fbGetRotatedPixmap(pGC)) {
        (*pGC->pScreen->DestroyPixmap) (fbGetRotatedPixmap(pGC));
        fbGetRotatedPixmap(pGC) = 0;

    if (pGC->fillStyle == FillTiled) {
        PixmapPtr pOldTile, pNewTile;

        pOldTile = pGC->tile.pixmap;
        if (pOldTile->drawable.bitsPerPixel != pDrawable->bitsPerPixel) {
            pNewTile = fbGetRotatedPixmap(pGC);
            if (!pNewTile ||
                pNewTile->drawable.bitsPerPixel != pDrawable->bitsPerPixel) {
                if (pNewTile)
                    (*pGC->pScreen->DestroyPixmap) (pNewTile);
                pNewTile =
                    fb24_32ReformatTile(pOldTile, pDrawable->bitsPerPixel);
            if (pNewTile) {
                fbGetRotatedPixmap(pGC) = pOldTile;
                pGC->tile.pixmap = pNewTile;
                changes |= GCTile;
    if (changes & GCTile) {
        if (!pGC->tileIsPixel &&
            FbEvenTile(pGC->tile.pixmap->drawable.width *
    if (changes & GCStipple) {
        pPriv->evenStipple = FALSE;

        if (pGC->stipple) {

            /* can we do an even stipple ?? */
            if (FbEvenStip(pGC->stipple->drawable.width,
                           pDrawable->bitsPerPixel) &&
                (fbCanEvenStipple(pGC->stipple, pDrawable->bitsPerPixel)))
                pPriv->evenStipple = TRUE;

            if (pGC->stipple->drawable.width * pDrawable->bitsPerPixel <
     * Recompute reduced rop values
    if (changes & (GCForeground | GCBackground | GCPlaneMask | GCFunction)) {
        int s;
        FbBits depthMask;

        mask = FbFullMask(pDrawable->bitsPerPixel);
        depthMask = FbFullMask(pDrawable->depth);

        pPriv->fg = pGC->fgPixel & mask;
        pPriv->bg = pGC->bgPixel & mask;

        if ((pGC->planemask & depthMask) == depthMask)
            pPriv->pm = mask;
            pPriv->pm = pGC->planemask & mask;

        s = pDrawable->bitsPerPixel;
        while (s < FB_UNIT) {
            pPriv->fg |= pPriv->fg << s;
            pPriv->bg |= pPriv->bg << s;
            pPriv->pm |= pPriv->pm << s;
            s <<= 1;
        pPriv->and = fbAnd(pGC->alu, pPriv->fg, pPriv->pm);
        pPriv->xor = fbXor(pGC->alu, pPriv->fg, pPriv->pm);
        pPriv->bgand = fbAnd(pGC->alu, pPriv->bg, pPriv->pm);
        pPriv->bgxor = fbXor(pGC->alu, pPriv->bg, pPriv->pm);
    if (changes & GCDashList) {
        unsigned short n = pGC->numInDashList;
        unsigned char *dash = pGC->dash;
        unsigned int dashLength = 0;

        while (n--)
            dashLength += (unsigned int) *dash++;
        pPriv->dashLength = dashLength;
Esempio n. 5
fbValidateGC(GCPtr pGC, unsigned long changes, DrawablePtr pDrawable)
    FbGCPrivPtr pPriv = fbGetGCPrivate(pGC);
    FbBits mask;

     * if the client clip is different or moved OR the subwindowMode has
     * changed OR the window's clip has changed since the last validation
     * we need to recompute the composite clip

    if ((changes &
         (GCClipXOrigin | GCClipYOrigin | GCClipMask | GCSubwindowMode)) ||
        (pDrawable->serialNumber != (pGC->serialNumber & DRAWABLE_SERIAL_BITS))
        ) {
        miComputeCompositeClip(pGC, pDrawable);

    if (changes & GCTile) {
        if (!pGC->tileIsPixel &&
            FbEvenTile(pGC->tile.pixmap->drawable.width *
    if (changes & GCStipple) {
        if (pGC->stipple) {
            if (pGC->stipple->drawable.width * pDrawable->bitsPerPixel <
     * Recompute reduced rop values
    if (changes & (GCForeground | GCBackground | GCPlaneMask | GCFunction)) {
        int s;
        FbBits depthMask;

        mask = FbFullMask(pDrawable->bitsPerPixel);
        depthMask = FbFullMask(pDrawable->depth);

        pPriv->fg = pGC->fgPixel & mask;
        pPriv->bg = pGC->bgPixel & mask;

        if ((pGC->planemask & depthMask) == depthMask)
            pPriv->pm = mask;
            pPriv->pm = pGC->planemask & mask;

        s = pDrawable->bitsPerPixel;
        while (s < FB_UNIT) {
            pPriv->fg |= pPriv->fg << s;
            pPriv->bg |= pPriv->bg << s;
            pPriv->pm |= pPriv->pm << s;
            s <<= 1;
        pPriv->and = fbAnd(pGC->alu, pPriv->fg, pPriv->pm);
        pPriv->xor = fbXor(pGC->alu, pPriv->fg, pPriv->pm);
        pPriv->bgand = fbAnd(pGC->alu, pPriv->bg, pPriv->pm);
        pPriv->bgxor = fbXor(pGC->alu, pPriv->bg, pPriv->pm);
    if (changes & GCDashList) {
        unsigned short n = pGC->numInDashList;
        unsigned char *dash = pGC->dash;
        unsigned int dashLength = 0;

        while (n--)
            dashLength += (unsigned int) *dash++;
        pPriv->dashLength = dashLength;