int main(int ac, char **av) { int parallel = 1; int warmup = 0; int repetitions = -1; int c; char* usage = "[-P <parallelism>] [-W <warmup>] [-N <repetitions>] procedure|fork|exec|shell\n"; while (( c = getopt(ac, av, "P:W:N:")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 'P': parallel = atoi(optarg); if (parallel <= 0) lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; case 'W': warmup = atoi(optarg); break; case 'N': repetitions = atoi(optarg); break; default: lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; } } if (optind + 1 != ac) { /* should have one argument left */ lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); } if (!strcmp("procedure", av[optind])) { benchmp(NULL, do_procedure, cleanup, 0, parallel, warmup, repetitions, &ac); micro("Procedure call", get_n()); } else if (!strcmp("fork", av[optind])) { benchmp(NULL, do_fork, cleanup, 0, parallel, warmup, repetitions, NULL); micro(STATIC_PREFIX "Process fork+exit", get_n()); } else if (!strcmp("exec", av[optind])) { benchmp(NULL, do_forkexec, cleanup, 0, parallel, warmup, repetitions, NULL); micro(STATIC_PREFIX "Process fork+execve", get_n()); } else if (!strcmp("shell", av[optind])) { benchmp(NULL, do_shell, cleanup, 0, parallel, warmup, repetitions, NULL); micro(STATIC_PREFIX "Process fork+/bin/sh -c", get_n()); } else { lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); } return(0); }
/* * Рабочий - отображает измеренное значение толщины * по мере поступления новых данных */ int dworkScreen(uint8_t ev) { static uint8_t measflag = 0; switch (ev) { case DIS_PUSH_OK: pdisp = dmainM; mgPutEv( MG_OFF ); return 0; case DIS_PUSH_L: mgPutEv( MG_ON ); return 0; case DIS_PULL_L: mgPutEv( MG_OFF ); return 0; case DIS_MEASURE: measflag ^= 1; break; case DIS_PUSH_R: case DIS_LONGPUSH_OK: case DIS_LONGPUSH_L: case DIS_LONGPUSH_R: return 0; } uint16_t freq = getFreq(); uint16_t microValue; int res; disClear(); disSetF( 0, 0, f_5x8 ); if ( magGetStat() ) { disPr( "Измер." ); if ( measflag ) { disPr( "*" ); } } else { disPr( "Фикс." ); } disSetF( 0, 68, f_3x5 ); disPr( adcGetBattary() ); res = micro( freq, µValue ); if ( res == 0 ) { // Ferrum disSetF( 2, 18, f_10x16 ); disPr( u16to4str( microValue ) ); disSetF( 2, 0, f_5x8 ); disPr( "Fe" ); disSetF( 3, 72, f_5x8 ); disPr( "um" ); } else if ( res == 1 ) { // Air disSetF( 2, 18, f_10x16 ); disPr( " Air" ); } else if ( res == 2 ) { // Aluminum disSetF( 2, 18, f_10x16 ); disPr( u16to4str( microValue ) ); disSetF( 2, 0, f_5x8 ); disPr( "Al" ); disSetF( 3, 72, f_5x8 ); disPr( "um" ); } else if ( res == 3 ) { // No Fe calib data disSetF( 2, 0, f_5x8 ); disPr( "No Fe calibr."); } else if ( res == 4 ) { // No Al calib data disSetF( 2, 0, f_5x8 ); disPr( "No Al calibr." ); } else if ( res == 5 ) { // Freq is zero disSetF( 2, 18, f_10x16 ); disPr( "????" ); } disSetF( 5, 64, f_3x5 ); disPr( u32to5str( freq ) ); return 1;//надо перерисовать }
void client_main(int ac, char **av) { int sock; char *server; char buf[100]; if (ac != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s host\n", av[0]); exit(1); } server = av[1][0] == '-' ? &av[1][1] : av[1]; sock = tcp_connect(server, TCP_XACT, SOCKOPT_NONE); /* * Stop server code. */ if (av[1][0] == '-') { close(sock); exit(0); } BENCH(doclient(sock), MEDIUM); sprintf(buf, "TCP latency using %s", av[1]); micro(buf, get_n()); exit(0); /* NOTREACHED */ }
int main(int ac, char **av) { int parallel = 1; int warmup = 0; int repetitions = TRIES; char *usage = "-s\n OR [-P <parallelism>] [-W <warmup>] [-N <repetitions>]\n OR -S\n"; int c; /* Start the server "-s" or Shut down the server "-S" */ if (ac == 2) { if (!strcmp(av[1], "-s")) { #ifdef CONFIG_NOMMU if (fork() == 0) { server_main(); _exit(0); } #else if (fork() == 0) { server_main(); } #endif exit(0); } if (!strcmp(av[1], "-S")) { int sock = unix_connect(CONNAME); write(sock, "0", 1); close(sock); exit(0); } } /* * Rest is client */ while (( c = getopt(ac, av, "P:W:N:")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 'P': parallel = atoi(optarg); if (parallel <= 0) lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; case 'W': warmup = atoi(optarg); break; case 'N': repetitions = atoi(optarg); break; default: lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; } } if (optind != ac) { lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); } benchmp(NULL, benchmark, NULL, 0, parallel, warmup, repetitions, NULL); micro("UNIX connection cost", get_n()); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { int parallel = 1; int warmup = 0; int repetitions = TRIES; int c; char* usage = "[-P <parallelism>] [-W <warmup>] [-N <repetitions>] install|catch|prot [file]\n"; while (( c = getopt(ac, av, "P:W:N:")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 'P': parallel = atoi(optarg); if (parallel <= 0) lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; case 'W': warmup = atoi(optarg); break; case 'N': repetitions = atoi(optarg); break; default: lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; } } if (optind != ac - 1 && optind != ac - 2) { lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); } if (!strcmp("install", av[optind])) { benchmp(NULL, do_install, NULL, 0, parallel, warmup, repetitions, NULL); micro("Signal handler installation", get_n()); } else if (!strcmp("catch", av[optind])) { bench_catch(parallel, warmup, repetitions); micro("Signal handler overhead", get_n()); } else if (!strcmp("prot", av[optind]) && optind == ac - 2) { bench_prot(av[optind+1], parallel, warmup, repetitions); micro("Protection fault", get_n()); } else { lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); } return(0); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { state_t state; int rc, c, repetitions = -1, warmup = 0; char buf[256]; char *usage = "-s\n OR [-S] [-W <warmup>] [-N <repetitions>] server\n"; while (( c = getopt(ac, av, "sSP:W:N:")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 's': /* Server */ if (fork() == 0) { server_main(); } exit(0); case 'S': /* shutdown serverhost */ { int sock = tcp_connect(av[optind], TCP_CONNECT, SOCKOPT_NONE); rc = write(sock, "0", 1); if (rc < 0) DIE_PERROR("write failed"); close(sock); exit(0); } case 'W': warmup = atoi(optarg); break; case 'N': repetitions = atoi(optarg); break; default: lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; } } if (optind + 1 != ac) { lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); } handle_scheduler(benchmp_childid(), 0, 0); state.server = av[optind]; benchmp(NULL, doclient, NULL, 0, 1, warmup, repetitions, &state); sprintf(buf, "TCP/IP connection cost to %s", state.server); micro(buf, get_n()); exit(0); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { int sv[2]; if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sv) == -1) { perror("socketpair"); } if (fork() == 0) { BENCH(client(sv[1]), MEDIUM); micro("AF_UNIX sock stream latency", get_n()); kill(getppid(), SIGTERM); } else { server(sv[0]); } return(0); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { int c; int i; int parallel = 1; int warmup = 0; int repetitions = TRIES; char buf[1024]; state_t state; char* usage = "[-P <parallelism>] [-W <warmup>] [-N <repetitions>] cmdline...\n"; while (( c = getopt(ac, av, "P:W:N:")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 'P': parallel = atoi(optarg); if (parallel <= 0) lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; case 'W': warmup = atoi(optarg); break; case 'N': repetitions = atoi(optarg); break; default: lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; } } if (optind >= ac) { lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); } state.argv = (char**)malloc((ac - optind + 1) * sizeof(char*)); = 0; for (i = 0; i < ac - optind; ++i) { state.argv[i] = av[optind + i]; } state.argv[i] = NULL; benchmp(NULL, bench, NULL, 0, parallel, warmup, repetitions, &state); micro("lat_cmd", get_n()); return (0); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { int parallel = 1; int warmup = 0; int repetitions = -1; struct _state state; int c; char* usage = "[-m <message size>] [-P <parallelism>] [-W <warmup>] [-N <repetitions>]\n"; state.msize = 1; = 0; while (( c = getopt(ac, av, "m:P:W:N:")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 'm': state.msize = atoi(optarg); break; case 'P': parallel = atoi(optarg); if (parallel <= 0) lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; case 'W': warmup = atoi(optarg); break; case 'N': repetitions = atoi(optarg); break; default: lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; } } if (optind < ac) { lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); } benchmp(initialize, benchmark, cleanup, 0, parallel, warmup, repetitions, &state); micro("AF_UNIX sock stream latency", get_n()); return(0); }
int main(){ std::cout << std::fixed << std::endl; std::cout << "Time since 1.1.1970:\n" << std::endl; auto timeNow= std::chrono::system_clock::now(); auto duration= timeNow.time_since_epoch(); std::cout << duration.count() << " nanoseconds " << std::endl; typedef std::chrono::duration<long double,std::ratio<1,1000000>> MyMicroSecondTick; MyMicroSecondTick micro(duration); std::cout << micro.count() << " microseconds" << std::endl; typedef std::chrono::duration<long double,std::ratio<1,1000>> MyMilliSecondTick; MyMilliSecondTick milli(duration); std::cout << milli.count() << " milliseconds" << std::endl; typedef std::chrono::duration<long double> MySecondTick; MySecondTick sec(duration); std::cout << sec.count() << " seconds " << std::endl; typedef std::chrono::duration<double, std::ratio<60>> MyMinuteTick; MyMinuteTick myMinute(duration); std::cout << myMinute.count() << " minutes" << std::endl; typedef std::chrono::duration<double, std::ratio<60*60>> MyHourTick; MyHourTick myHour(duration); std::cout << myHour.count() << " hours" << std::endl; typedef std::chrono::duration<double, std::ratio<60*60*24*365>> MyYearTick; MyYearTick myYear(duration); std::cout << myYear.count() << " years" << std::endl; typedef std::chrono::duration<double, std::ratio<60*45>> MyLessonTick; MyLessonTick myLesson(duration); std::cout << myLesson.count() << " lessons" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; }
int main(int ac, char **av) { state_t state; int parallel = 1; int warmup = 0; int repetitions = TRIES; int c; char* usage = "[-P <parallelism>] [-W <warmup>] [-N <repetitions>]\n"; while (( c = getopt(ac, av, "P:W:N:")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 'P': parallel = atoi(optarg); if (parallel <= 0) lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; case 'W': warmup = atoi(optarg); break; case 'N': repetitions = atoi(optarg); break; default: lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; } } if (optind < ac) { lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); } = 0; benchmp(initialize, doit, cleanup, SHORT, parallel, warmup, repetitions, &state); micro("Pipe latency", get_n()); return (0); }
void benchmark(char *server, char* protocol) { CLIENT *cl; char buf[256]; struct timeval tv; cl = clnt_create(server, XACT_PROG, XACT_VERS, protocol); if (!cl) { clnt_pcreateerror(server); exit(1); } if (strcasecmp(protocol, proto[1]) == 0) { tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 2500; if (!clnt_control(cl, CLSET_RETRY_TIMEOUT, (char *)&tv)) { clnt_perror(cl, "setting timeout"); exit(1); } } BENCH(doit(cl, server, protocol), MEDIUM); sprintf(buf, "RPC/%s latency using %s", protocol, server); micro(buf, get_n()); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { int c; int parallel = 1; int warmup = 0; int repetitions = -1; state_t state; CLIENT *cl; char buf[1024]; char *protocol = NULL; char *usage = "-s\n OR [-p <tcp|udp>] [-P parallel] [-W <warmup>] [-N <repetitions>] serverhost\n OR -S serverhost\n"; state.msize = 1; state.server = NULL; while (( c = getopt(ac, av, "sS:m:p:P:W:N:")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 's': /* Server */ if (fork() == 0) { server_main(); } exit(0); case 'S': /* shutdown serverhost */ { cl = clnt_create(optarg, XACT_PROG, XACT_VERS, "udp"); if (!cl) { clnt_pcreateerror(state.server); exit(1); } clnt_call(cl, RPC_EXIT, (xdrproc_t)xdr_void, 0, (xdrproc_t)xdr_void, 0, TIMEOUT); exit(0); } case 'm': state.msize = atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': protocol = optarg; break; case 'P': parallel = atoi(optarg); if (parallel <= 0) lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; case 'W': warmup = atoi(optarg); break; case 'N': repetitions = atoi(optarg); break; default: lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; } } if (optind != ac - 1) { lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); } state.server = av[optind++]; if (protocol == NULL || !strcasecmp(protocol, proto[0])) { state.protocol = proto[0]; benchmp(initialize, benchmark, NULL, MEDIUM, parallel, warmup, repetitions, &state); sprintf(buf, "RPC/%s latency using %s", proto[0], state.server); micro(buf, get_n()); } if (protocol == NULL || !strcasecmp(protocol, proto[1])) { state.protocol = proto[1]; benchmp(initialize, benchmark, NULL, MEDIUM, parallel, warmup, repetitions, &state); sprintf(buf, "RPC/%s latency using %s", proto[1], state.server); micro(buf, get_n()); } exit(0); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { state_t state; int parallel = 1; int warmup = 0; int repetitions = TRIES; int c; char buf[256]; char *usage = "-s\n OR [-m <message size>] [-P <parallelism>] [-W <warmup>] [-N <repetitions>] server\n OR -S server\n"; state.msize = 1; while (( c = getopt(ac, av, "sS:m:P:W:N:")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 's': /* Server */ #ifdef CONFIG_NOMMU server_main(); #else if (fork() == 0) { server_main(); } #endif exit(0); case 'S': /* shutdown serverhost */ state.sock = tcp_connect(optarg, TCP_XACT, SOCKOPT_NONE); close(state.sock); exit(0); case 'm': state.msize = atoi(optarg); break; case 'P': parallel = atoi(optarg); if (parallel <= 0) lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; case 'W': warmup = atoi(optarg); break; case 'N': repetitions = atoi(optarg); break; default: lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; } } if (optind != ac - 1) { lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); } state.server = av[optind]; benchmp(init, doclient, cleanup, MEDIUM, parallel, warmup, repetitions, &state); sprintf(buf, "TCP latency using %s", state.server); micro(buf, get_n()); exit(0); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { state_t state; int parallel = 1; int warmup = 0; int repetitions = -1; int c; char* usage = "[-n <#descriptors>] [-P <parallelism>] [-W <warmup>] [-N <repetitions>] file|tcp\n"; char buf[256]; morefds(); /* bump fd_cur to fd_max */ state.num = 200; while (( c = getopt(ac, av, "P:W:N:n:")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 'P': parallel = atoi(optarg); if (parallel <= 0) lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; case 'W': warmup = atoi(optarg); break; case 'N': repetitions = atoi(optarg); break; case 'n': state.num = bytes(optarg); break; default: lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; } } if (optind + 1 != ac) { lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); } if (streq("tcp", av[optind])) { state.fid_f = open_socket; server(&state); benchmp(initialize, doit, cleanup, 0, parallel, warmup, repetitions, &state); sprintf(buf, "Select on %d tcp fd's", state.num); kill(, SIGKILL); waitpid(, NULL, 0); micro(buf, get_n()); } else if (streq("file", av[optind])) { state.fid_f = open_file; server(&state); benchmp(initialize, doit, cleanup, 0, parallel, warmup, repetitions, &state); unlink(state.fname); sprintf(buf, "Select on %d fd's", state.num); micro(buf, get_n()); } else { lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); } exit(0); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { state_t state; int c; int parallel = 1; int warmup = 0; int repetitions = TRIES; int msize = 4; char buf[256]; char *usage = "-s\n OR [-S] [-m <message size>] [-P <parallelism>] [-W <warmup>] [-N <repetitions>] server\n NOTE: message size must be >= 4\n"; if (sizeof(int) != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "lat_udp: Wrong sequence size\n"); return(1); } while (( c = getopt(ac, av, "sS:m:P:W:N:")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 's': /* Server */ if (fork() == 0) { server_main(); } exit(0); case 'S': /* shutdown serverhost */ { int seq, n; int sock = udp_connect(optarg, UDP_XACT, SOCKOPT_NONE); for (n = -1; n > -5; --n) { seq = htonl(n); (void) send(sock, &seq, sizeof(int), 0); } close(sock); exit (0); } case 'm': msize = atoi(optarg); if (msize < sizeof(int)) { lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); msize = 4; } if (msize > MAX_MSIZE) { lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); msize = MAX_MSIZE; } break; case 'P': parallel = atoi(optarg); if (parallel <= 0) lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; case 'W': warmup = atoi(optarg); break; case 'N': repetitions = atoi(optarg); break; default: lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; } } if (optind + 1 != ac) { lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); } state.server = av[optind]; state.msize = msize; benchmp(init, doit, cleanup, SHORT, parallel, warmup, repetitions, &state); sprintf(buf, "UDP latency using %s", state.server); micro(buf, get_n()); exit(0); }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { if( argc < 2 ) { printf("\nUsage:\n\t%s Field.Tile.Seq\n", argv[0] );; exit(1); } char *starid = argv[1]; int m, n, p, l, st, ct, narg, dp; int pt, pd, dlc; int npb; int done = 0; int nfits = 0; int tamper = 0; int rflag = 0; int field; double t, dt; char c, lcdir[256], cbuf[256], outfi[256]; FILE *outfp; clifpar.load( ); LcSet lcs, hlcs; PeakFinder pf( clifpar ); SodophotCuts sodcuts( clifpar, lcdir ); DaophotCuts daocuts( clifpar, lcdir ); SodophotSet ss; lcs.recycle( ); /*--- Find star in local sodset cache if possible ---*/ // if( sscanf( argv[1], "%d.%d.%d", &field, &tile, &seq) == 3 && // getenv( "SSPATH" ) ) { // sprintf( cbuf, "%s/F_%d/sodset_%d.%d", // getenv("SSPATH"), field, field, tile ); // if ( cbuf ) ) { // fprintf( stderr, "%s cannot open %s\n", argv[0], cbuf ); // } // sodcuts.clean( lcs, ss, ss.find( seq ) ); // } else { // printf("environment variable SSPATH not set\n" ); // } /*--- Find star in local clc cache if possible ---*/ if( getenv( "LCDIR" ) ) { sprintf( lcdir, "%s", getenv("LCDIR") ); lcdir_sodlc_file( lcdir, starid, 'p', cbuf ); if( m = cbuf ) ) printf("Cannot open %s %d\n", cbuf, m ); else sodcuts.clean( lcs, ss, 0 ); lcdir_sodlc_file( lcdir, starid, 'p', cbuf ); if( ! cbuf ) ) sodcuts.clean( lcs, ss, 0 ); lcdir_sodlc_file( lcdir, starid, 'o', cbuf ); if( ! cbuf ) ) sodcuts.clean( lcs, ss, 0 ); lcdir_sodlc_file( lcdir, starid, 'n', cbuf ); if( ! cbuf ) ) sodcuts.clean( lcs, ss, 0 ); lcdir_sodlc_file( lcdir, starid, 'g', cbuf ); if( ! cbuf ) ) sodcuts.clean( lcs, ss, 0 ); lcdir_sodlc_file( lcdir, starid, 'e', cbuf ); if( ! cbuf ) ) sodcuts.clean( lcs, ss, 0 ); } else { printf("environment variable LCDIR not set\n" ); } /*--- get local cached daophot lc ---*/ DaophotSet daoset; lcdir, starid ); daocuts.clean( lcs, daoset ); /*--- get local cached ascii data ---*/ if ( read_ascii_set( lcs, lcdir, starid ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "problem with ascii data\n" ); //return 1; } p = 0; while( p != lcs.count( ) ) { if( lcs[p]->nobs == 0 ) { lcs[p]->erase( ); lcs.unhook( lcs[p] ); } else { ++p; } } if( lcs.count( ) == 0 ) { printf("Exiting: no data\n" ); exit( SiteErr::errMissing ); } for( p = 0; p < lcs.count( ); ++p ) { printf("Loaded %d points from %s in %s\n", lcs[p]->nobs,lcs[p]->title,Passband::info(lcs[p]->filter)->name); } LcMerge( lcs ); // combine like passbands for( p = 0; p < lcs.count( ); ++p ) // and convert to linear units (*lcs[p]).convert( CommonLc::Linear ); p = 0; while( p != lcs.count( ) ) { if( lcs[p]->nobs <= 1 ) { printf("Removing %s: too few observations\n", Passband::info(lcs[p]->filter)->name); lcs[p]->erase( ); lcs.unhook( lcs[p] ); } else { ++p; } } /*--- run PointFilter on LcSet ---*/ pf.eval( lcs ); /*--- Append theory Lc's for later use ---*/ CommonLc *tlc; npb = lcs.count(); for( n = 0; n < npb; ++n ) { lcs.append( tlc = new CommonLc ); lc_hdr_cpy( *lcs[n], *tlc ); tlc->units = CommonLc::Linear; tlc->phtpkg = CommonLc::Theory; } double tlo, thi, vlo, vhi; char instr[256], *ibuf; LcMoment M; GeneralLcFit *lcfit = 0; GaussianFit gfit( clifpar ); MicroFit micro( clifpar ); MicroBlendFit fmicro( clifpar ); MicroBinSrcFit bsmicro( clifpar ); MicroFinSrcFit fsmicro( clifpar ); MicroParFit parmicro( clifpar ); MicroBinSrcFit2 bsmicro2( clifpar ); MicroYukFit yukmicro ( clifpar ); gfit.init( lcs, pf ); micro.init( lcs, pf ); fmicro.init( lcs, pf ); bsmicro.init( lcs, pf ); fsmicro.init( lcs, pf ); parmicro.init( lcs, pf ); bsmicro2.init( lcs, pf ); yukmicro.init( lcs, pf ); lcfit = µ char *title = lcs[0]->title; /*--- Show raw data for parameter guessing ---*/ LcPlot plot; plot.config( lcs ); plot.xnot = 0.2; if( plot.xlimhi - plot.xlimlo > 200 ) tlo = plot.xlimlo = plot.xlimhi - 400; thi = plot.xlimhi += 20; plot.draw( lcs ); do { printf("%s\n\n", title ); printf("f\t\tFit\n"); printf("l\t\tLimits <[tlo thi [vlo vhi]]>\n"); printf("d\t\tShow data <Lc # [start count]>\n"); printf("r\t\tToggle residual plot\n"); printf("s\t\tStatistics\n"); printf("p\t\tPlot <device>\n" ); printf("a\t\tRestore all data\n"); printf("x\t\tRemove <Lc #>\n"); printf("q\t\tQuit\n"); printf("<space>\t\tRefresh\n" ); fflush( stdin ); do { printf(" > "); c = getc( stdin ); gets( ibuf = instr ); printf("\n"); done = 0; c = tolower( c ); if( c == 'l' || c == 'd' || c == 'x' || c == 'p' ) { while( isspace( *ibuf ) ) ++ibuf; } fflush( stdin ); switch( c ) { case 'f' : // select and perform fit if( rflag ) { printf( "Toggle out of residual mode first\n" ); break; } // printf("\t0\t%s\n", ); printf("\t0\t%s\n", ); // printf("\t1\t%s\n", ); // printf("\t1\t%s\n", ); printf("\t1\t%s\n", ); printf("\t2\t%s\n", ); printf("\t3\t%s\n", ); printf("\t4\t%s\n", ); printf("\t5\t%s\n", ); printf("\t> " ); gets( ibuf = instr ); switch( atoi( ibuf ) ) { default : printf("\tInvalid fit selection\n"); lcfit = µ break; case 0 : if (lcfit != µ) { ++tamper; } lcfit = µ break; case 1 : if (lcfit != &fsmicro) { ++tamper; } lcfit = &fsmicro; break; case 2 : if (lcfit != &parmicro) { ++tamper; } lcfit = &parmicro; double eb, el; char ecliptic[256], fts[256], *scrp; // Problem is, clc title is "MACHO object 1.3450.2557" and we // only want the f.t.s. Also in lcfit.C. strcpy(ecliptic, lcs[0]->title); scrp = strrchr(ecliptic, ' '); // ' ' makes \ an int *scrp = 0; ++scrp; strcpy(fts, scrp); sprintf (ecliptic, "ParallaxFit_%s_ecliptic.l", fts); el = clifpar.get(ecliptic, 270.); // Use rd2lb.gmn printf("\nUsing %-20s = %.7g\n", ecliptic, el ); sprintf (ecliptic, "ParallaxFit_%s_ecliptic.b", fts); eb = clifpar.get(ecliptic, -5.); // Use rd2lb.gmn printf("Using %-20s = %.7g\n\n", ecliptic, eb ); break; case 3 : if (lcfit != &bsmicro2) { ++tamper; } lcfit = &bsmicro2; break; case 4 : if (lcfit != &bsmicro) { ++tamper; } lcfit = &bsmicro; break; case 5 : if (lcfit != &yukmicro) { ++tamper; } lcfit = &yukmicro; break; } if( !lcfit ) break; if( tamper ) { pf.eval( lcs ); lcfit->init( lcs, pf ); tamper = 0; } lcfit->iopar( 1 ); lcfit->ifit( 0, 0, 1 ); lcfit->iopar( ); dt = (thi - tlo) * 0.001; for( m = p = 0; m < lcs.count( ); ++m ) if( (*lcs[m]).phtpkg == CommonLc::Theory ) { (*lcs[m]).resize( 1001 ); for( n = 0; n < 1001; ++n ) (*lcs[m]).date[n] = tlo + dt*n; lcfit->FitLc( *lcs[m], p ); ++p; } ++nfits; vhi = -( vlo = Infinity ); plot.config( lcs ); plot.xnot = 0.2; plot.xlimlo = tlo; plot.xlimhi = thi; for( dp = 0; dp < lcs.count( ); ++dp ) { plot.ylim[1][dp] += 0.3 * (plot.ylim[1][dp] - plot.ylim[0][dp]); plot.ylim[0][dp] = 0; } plot.draw( lcs ); ++done; break; case 'r' : // residual if( rflag ) { lcs_residual( lcs, lcfit, 1 ); // correct data rflag = 0; } else { lcs_residual( lcs, lcfit, 0 ); // take residual rflag = 1; vhi = -( vlo = Infinity ); } plot.config( lcs ); // reset limits plot.xnot = 0.2; plot.draw( lcs ); break; case 'l' : // change limits if( narg = sscanf( ibuf, "%lf %lf %lf %lf", &tlo, &thi, &vlo, &vhi ) ); plot.config( lcs ); plot.xnot = 0.2; if( narg < 2 ) { tlo = plot.xlimlo; thi = plot.xlimhi; } else { plot.xlimlo = tlo; plot.xlimhi = thi; } if( lcfit ) { dt = (thi - tlo) * 0.001; for( m = p = 0; m < lcs.count( ); ++m ) if( (*lcs[m]).phtpkg == CommonLc::Theory ) { (*lcs[m]).resize( 1001 ); for( n = 0; n < 1001; ++n ) (*lcs[m]).date[n] = tlo + dt*n; if( rflag ) for( n = 0; n < 1001; ++n ) (*lcs[m]).value[n] = 0; else lcfit->FitLc( *lcs[m], p ); ++p; } } if( narg >= 4 ) { plot.ylimlo = vlo; plot.ylimhi = vhi; } plot.draw( lcs ); break; case ' ' : // refresh plot //vhi = -( vlo = Infinity ); plot.draw( lcs ); break; case 'd' : // write Lc data narg = sscanf( ibuf, "%d %d %d", &l, &st, &ct ); if( narg == 0 || l < 0 ) { // write files for( n = pd = pt = 0; n < lcs.count( ); ++n ) { dlc = (*lcs[n]).phtpkg != CommonLc::Theory; sprintf( cbuf, "%s%c%d.dat", starid, dlc ? 'd' : 't', dlc ? pd : pt ); if( dlc ) ++pd; // data curve else ++pt; // theory curve printf("writing %s\n", cbuf ); if( (outfp = fopen( cbuf, "w") ) == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Cannot open %s to write\n", cbuf ); continue; } else { (*lcs[n]).print( stdout, 0, 0 ); (*lcs[n]).print( outfp ); fclose( outfp ); } } break; } switch( narg ) { // subsets are printed to screen default : printf( "No arguments read\n"); break; case 1 : (*lcs[l]).print( stdout ); ++done; break; case 2 : (*lcs[l]).print( stdout, st ); ++done; break; case 3 : case 4 : (*lcs[l]).print( stdout, st, ct ); break; } break; case 'p' : // replot narg = sscanf( ibuf, "%s %s", cbuf, outfi ); switch( narg ) { default : plot.print( lcs, "postscript" ); break; case 1 : plot.print( lcs, cbuf ); break; case 2 : plot.print( lcs, cbuf, outfi ); break; } case 'a' : printf("Adding %d Lc's to fit set\n", hlcs.count( ) ); tamper = 1; while( hlcs.count( ) ) { lcs.append( hlcs[0] ); printf("%s rehooked\n", Passband::info( (*hlcs[0]).filter )->name ); hlcs.unhook( hlcs[0] ); } plot.config( lcs ); plot.xlimlo = tlo; plot.xlimhi = thi; plot.draw( lcs ); break; case 's' : for( n = 0; n < lcs.count( ); ++n ) { if( lcs[n]->phtpkg == CommonLc::Theory ) continue; if( M.eval( *lcs[n] ) ) continue; printf("\n%s\n", (*Passband::info( lcs[n]->filter ) ).name ); M.print( stdout, 2 ); } break; case 'x' : n = atoi( ibuf ); if( n < 0 || n >= lcs.count( ) ) { printf("Invalid Lc #\n" ); break; } /*--- find data curve n ---*/ pd = -1; for( m = p = 0; m < lcs.count( ); ++m ) { if( lcs[m]->phtpkg == CommonLc::Theory ) continue; if( p == n ) pd = m; ++p; } if( pd >= 0 ) { hlcs.append( lcs[pd] ); printf("%s unhooked\n", Passband::info( (*lcs[pd]).filter )->name ); lcs.unhook( lcs[pd] ); ++tamper; } /*--- find theory curve n ---*/ pt = -1; for( m = p = 0; m < lcs.count( ); ++m ) { if( lcs[m]->phtpkg == CommonLc::Theory ) { if( p == n ) pt = m; ++p; } } if( pt >= 0 ) { hlcs.append( lcs[pt] ); printf("%s unhooked\n", Passband::info( (*lcs[pt]).filter )->name ); lcs.unhook( lcs[pt] ); ++tamper; } plot.config( lcs ); plot.xlimlo = tlo; plot.xlimhi = thi; plot.draw( lcs ); break; case 'q' : exit( 0 ); default: break; } fflush( stdin ); } while( !done ); // waiting for directions } while( 1 ); return 0; }
int main(int ac, char **av) { if (ac < 2) goto usage; if (!strcmp("procedure", av[1])) { BENCH(do_procedure(ac), 0); micro("Procedure call", get_n()); } else if (!strcmp("fork", av[1])) { BENCH(do_fork(), 0); #ifdef STATIC micro("Static Process fork+exit", get_n()); #else micro("Process fork+exit", get_n()); #endif } else if (!strcmp("dfork", av[1])) { BENCH(do_dfork(), 0); #ifdef STATIC micro("Static Process double fork+exit", get_n()); #else micro("Process double fork+exit", get_n()); #endif } else if (!strcmp("exec", av[1])) { BENCH(do_forkexec(), 0); #ifdef STATIC micro("Static Process fork+execve", get_n()); #else micro("Process fork+execve", get_n()); #endif } else if (!strcmp("dforkexec", av[1])) { BENCH(do_dforkexec(), 0); #ifdef STATIC micro("Static Process double fork+execve", get_n()); #else micro("Process double fork+execve", get_n()); #endif } else if (!strcmp("shell", av[1])) { BENCH(do_shell(), 0); #ifdef STATIC micro("Static Process fork+/bin/sh -c", get_n()); #else micro("Process fork+/bin/sh -c", get_n()); #endif } else { usage: printf("Usage: %s fork|exec|shell|dfork|dforkexec\n", av[0]); } return(0); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { int realtime = 0; int parallel = 1; int warmup = 0; int repetitions = -1; int c; char buf[512]; timer_e what = USLEEP; state_t state; char *scheduler = ""; char *mechanism = "usleep"; char *usage = "[-r] [-u <method>] [-P <parallelism>] [-W <warmup>] [-N <repetitions>] usecs\nmethod=usleep|nanosleep|select|pselect|itimer\n"; realtime = 0; while ((c = getopt(ac, av, "ru:W:N:")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'r': realtime = 1; break; case 'u': if (strcmp(optarg, "usleep") == 0) { what = USLEEP; mechanism = "usleep"; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "nanosleep") == 0) { what = NANOSLEEP; mechanism = "nanosleep"; } else if (strcmp(optarg, "select") == 0) { what = SELECT; mechanism = "select"; #ifdef _POSIX_SELECT } else if (strcmp(optarg, "pselect") == 0) { what = PSELECT; mechanism = "pselect"; #endif /* _POSIX_SELECT */ } else if (strcmp(optarg, "itimer") == 0) { what = ITIMER; mechanism = "itimer"; } else { lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); } break; case 'P': parallel = atoi(optarg); if (parallel <= 0) lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; case 'W': warmup = atoi(optarg); break; case 'N': repetitions = atoi(optarg); break; default: lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; } } if (optind != ac - 1) { lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); } state.usecs = bytes(av[optind]); if (realtime && set_realtime()) scheduler = "realtime "; switch (what) { case USLEEP: benchmp(NULL, bench_usleep, NULL, 0, parallel, warmup, repetitions, &state); break; case NANOSLEEP: benchmp(NULL, bench_nanosleep, NULL, 0, parallel, warmup, repetitions, &state); break; case SELECT: benchmp(NULL, bench_select, NULL, 0, parallel, warmup, repetitions, &state); break; #ifdef _POSIX_SELECT case PSELECT: benchmp(NULL, bench_pselect, NULL, 0, parallel, warmup, repetitions, &state); break; #endif /* _POSIX_SELECT */ case ITIMER: benchmp(initialize, bench_itimer, NULL, 0, parallel, warmup, repetitions, &state); break; default: lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; } sprintf(buf, "%s%s %lu microseconds", scheduler, mechanism, state.usecs); micro(buf, get_n()); return (0); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { int parallel = 1; int warmup = 0; int repetitions = TRIES; int c; struct _state state; char* usage = "[-P <parallelism>] [-W <warmup>] [-N <repetitions>] null|read|write|stat|fstat|open [file]\n"; while (( c = getopt(ac, av, "P:W:N:")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 'P': parallel = atoi(optarg); if (parallel <= 0) lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; case 'W': warmup = atoi(optarg); break; case 'N': repetitions = atoi(optarg); break; default: lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); break; } } if (optind != ac - 1 && optind != ac - 2 ) { lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); } state.file = FNAME; if (optind == ac - 2) state.file = av[optind + 1]; if (!strcmp("null", av[optind])) { benchmp(NULL, do_getppid, NULL, 0, parallel, warmup, repetitions, &state); micro("Simple syscall", get_n()); } else if (!strcmp("write", av[optind])) { state.fd = open("/dev/null", 1); benchmp(NULL, do_write, NULL, 0, parallel, warmup, repetitions, &state); micro("Simple write", get_n()); close(state.fd); } else if (!strcmp("read", av[optind])) { state.fd = open("/dev/zero", 0); if (state.fd == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Simple read: -1\n"); return(1); } benchmp(NULL, do_read, NULL, 0, parallel, warmup, repetitions, &state); micro("Simple read", get_n()); close(state.fd); } else if (!strcmp("stat", av[optind])) { benchmp(NULL, do_stat, NULL, 0, parallel, warmup, repetitions, &state); micro("Simple stat", get_n()); } else if (!strcmp("fstat", av[optind])) { state.fd = open(state.file, 0); benchmp(NULL, do_fstat, NULL, 0, parallel, warmup, repetitions, &state); micro("Simple fstat", get_n()); close(state.fd); } else if (!strcmp("open", av[optind])) { benchmp(NULL, do_openclose, NULL, 0, parallel, warmup, repetitions, &state); micro("Simple open/close", get_n()); } else { lmbench_usage(ac, av, usage); } return(0); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { char c; int n, N, fd, fid; pid_t pid, ppid; char buf[L_tmpnam+256]; char fname[L_tmpnam]; char* report_file = "Select on %d fd's"; char* report_tcp = "Select on %d tcp fd's"; char* report; char* usage = "lat_select tcp|file [n]\n"; morefds(); N = 200; fname[0] = 0; pid = 0; c = 0; nfds = 0; FD_ZERO(&set); report = report_file; if (ac != 2 && ac != 3) { fprintf(stderr, usage); exit(1); } if (streq(av[1], "tcp")) { report = report_tcp; /* Create a socket for clients to connect to */ fd = tcp_server(TCP_SELECT, SOCKOPT_REUSE); if (fd <= 0) { perror("lat_select: Could not open tcp server socket"); exit(1); } /* Start server process to accept client connections */ ppid = getpid(); switch(pid = fork()) { case 0: /* child server process */ if (signal(SIGTERM, sigterm) == SIG_ERR) { perror("signal(SIGTERM, sigterm) failed"); exit(1); } FD_SET(fd, &set); while (ppid == getppid()) { int newsock = tcp_accept(fd, SOCKOPT_NONE); if (newsock >= nfds) nfds = newsock + 1; FD_SET(newsock, &set); } sigterm(SIGTERM); /* NOTREACHED */ case -1: /* error */ perror("lat_select::server(): fork() failed"); exit(1); default: break; } close(fd); fd = tcp_connect("", TCP_SELECT, SOCKOPT_NONE); if (fd <= 0) { perror("lat_select: Could not open socket"); exit(1); } } else if (streq(av[1], "file")) { /* Create a temporary file for clients to open */ tmpnam(fname); fd = open(fname, O_RDWR|O_APPEND|O_CREAT, 0666); unlink(fname); if (fd <= 0) { char buf[L_tmpnam+128]; sprintf(buf, "lat_select: Could not create temp file %s", fname); perror(buf); exit(1); } } else { fprintf(stderr, usage); exit(1); } if (ac == 3) N = atoi(av[2]); for (n = 0; n < N; n++) { fid = dup(fd); if (fid == -1) break; if (fid >= nfds) nfds = fid + 1; FD_SET(fid, &set); } BENCH(doit(nfds, &set), 0); sprintf(buf, report, n); micro(buf, get_n()); for (fid = 0; fid < nfds; fid++) { if (FD_ISSET(fid, &set)) { close(fid); } } close(fd); if (pid) kill(pid, SIGTERM); exit(0); }