Esempio n. 1
  void MxmlWriter::header(const QString title, const QString /* type */,
                          const QString composer, const QString footer,
                          const unsigned int temp)
    // qDebug() << "MxmlWriter::header()"
    //    << "title:" << title
    //    << "type:" << type
    //    << "composer:" << composer
    //    << "footer:" << footer
    //    << "temp:" << temp
    //    ;

    // save tempo for later use
    tempo = temp;

    // write the header
    out << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" << endl;
    out << "<!DOCTYPE score-partwise PUBLIC "
        << "\"-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 2.0 Partwise//EN\" "
        << "\"\">" << endl;
    out << "<score-partwise>" << endl;
    out << "  <work>" << endl;
    out << "    <work-title>" << title << "</work-title>" << endl;
    // TODO work-number is not allowed, replace
    // out << "    <work-number>" << type << "</work-number>" << endl;
    out << "  </work>" << endl;
    out << "  <identification>" << endl;
    out << "    <creator type=\"composer\">" << composer << "</creator>" << endl;
    out << "    <rights>" << footer << "</rights>" << endl;
    out << "    <encoding>" << endl;
    out << "      <software>bww2mxml</software>" << endl;
    // TODO fill in real date
    // out << "      <encoding-date>TBD</encoding-date>" << endl;
    out << "    </encoding>" << endl;
    out << "  </identification>" << endl;
    out << "  <part-list>" << endl;
    out << "    <score-part id=\"P1\">" << endl;
    out << "      <part-name>" << instrumentName() << "</part-name>" << endl;
    out << "      <score-instrument id=\"P1-I1\">" << endl;
    out << "        <instrument-name>" << instrumentName() << "</instrument-name>" << endl;
    out << "      </score-instrument>" << endl;
    out << "      <midi-instrument id=\"P1-I1\">" << endl;
    out << "        <midi-channel>1</midi-channel>" << endl;
    out << "        <midi-program>" << midiProgram() << "</midi-program>" << endl;
    out << "      </midi-instrument>" << endl;
    out << "    </score-part>" << endl;
    out << "  </part-list>" << endl;
    out << "  <part id=\"P1\">" << endl;
Esempio n. 2
void MsScWriter::header(const QString title, const QString type,
                        const QString composer, const QString footer,
                        const unsigned int temp)
      qDebug() << "MsScWriter::header()"
               << "title:" << title
               << "type:" << type
               << "composer:" << composer
               << "footer:" << footer
               << "temp:" << temp

      // save tempo for later use
      tempo = temp;

      if (!title.isEmpty()) score->setMetaTag("workTitle", title);
      // TODO re-enable following statement
      // currently disabled because it breaks the bww iotest
      // if (!type.isEmpty()) score->setMetaTag("workNumber", type);
      if (!composer.isEmpty()) score->setMetaTag("composer", composer);
      if (!footer.isEmpty()) score->setMetaTag("copyright", footer);

      //  score->setWorkTitle(title);
      Ms::VBox* vbox  = 0;
      addText(vbox, score, title, Ms::TextStyleType::TITLE);
      addText(vbox, score, type, Ms::TextStyleType::SUBTITLE);
      addText(vbox, score, composer, Ms::TextStyleType::COMPOSER);
      // addText(vbox, score, strPoet, Ms::TextStyleType::POET);
      // addText(vbox, score, strTranslator, Ms::TextStyleType::TRANSLATOR);
      if (vbox) {
      if (!footer.isEmpty())
            score->style()->set(Ms::StyleIdx::oddFooterC, footer);

      Ms::Part* part = score->staff(0)->part();
      part->setMidiProgram(midiProgram() - 1);
Esempio n. 3
void MsScWriter::header(const QString title, const QString type,
                        const QString composer, const QString footer,
                        const unsigned int temp)
      qDebug() << "MsScWriter::header()"
               << "title:" << title
               << "type:" << type
               << "composer:" << composer
               << "footer:" << footer
               << "temp:" << temp

      // save tempo for later use
      tempo = temp;

      if (!title.isEmpty()) score->setMetaTag("workTitle", title);
      // TODO re-enable following statement
      // currently disabled because it breaks the bww iotest
      // if (!type.isEmpty()) score->setMetaTag("workNumber", type);
      QString strType = "composer";
      QString strComposer = composer; // TODO: const parameters ctor MusicXmlCreator
      score->addCreator(new MusicXmlCreator(strType, strComposer));
      if (!footer.isEmpty()) score->setMetaTag("copyright", footer);

      //  score->setWorkTitle(title);
      VBox* vbox  = 0;
      addText(vbox, score, title, TEXT_STYLE_TITLE);
      addText(vbox, score, type, TEXT_STYLE_SUBTITLE);
      addText(vbox, score, composer, TEXT_STYLE_COMPOSER);
      // addText(vbox, score, strPoet, TEXT_STYLE_POET);
      // addText(vbox, score, strTranslator, TEXT_STYLE_TRANSLATOR);
      if (vbox) {
      if (!footer.isEmpty())
            score->style()->set(ST_oddFooterC, footer);

      Part* part = score->part(0);
      part->setMidiProgram(midiProgram() - 1);