Esempio n. 1
 int minimumTotal(vector<vector<int>>& triangle) {
     //using DP from down to top
     int n = triangle.size();
     //the original value of the bottom row
     vector<int> minLen(triangle.back());
     for(int i=n-2; i>=0; i--){
         for(int j=0; j<=i; j++){
             minLen[j] = min(minLen[j],minLen[j+1])+triangle[i][j];
     return minLen[0];
void Foam::polyMeshFilterSettings::writeSettings(Ostream& os) const
    os  << "Merging:" << nl
        << "    edges with length less than " << minLen() << " metres" << nl
        << "    edges split by a point with edges in line to within "
        << radToDeg(::acos(maxCos())) << " degrees" << nl
        << "    Minimum edge length reduction factor = "
        << edgeReductionFactor() << nl
        << endl;

    if (collapseFacesCoeffDict().empty())
        os  << "Face collapsing is off" << endl;
        os  << "Face collapsing is on" << endl;
        os  << "    Initial face length factor = "<< initialFaceLengthFactor()
            << endl;

    os  << "Control mesh quality = " << controlMeshQuality().asText() << endl;

    if (controlMeshQuality())
        os  << "    Minimum edge length reduction factor = "
            << edgeReductionFactor() << nl
            << "    Minimum face area reduction factor = "
            << faceReductionFactor() << endl;

        os  << "    Maximum number of collapse iterations = " << maxIterations()
            << endl;

        os  << "    Maximum number of edge/face reduction factor smoothing "
            << "iterations = " << maxSmoothIters() << endl;

        os  << "    Maximum number of times a point can contribute to bad "
            << "faces across " << nl
            << "    collapse iterations = " << maxPointErrorCount()
            << endl;

    os  << "Selectively disabling wanted collapses until resulting quality"
        << " satisfies constraints in system/meshQualityDict" << nl
        << endl;