void QmitkTbssRoiAnalysisWidget::DoPlotFiberBundles(mitk::FiberBundle *fib, mitk::Image* img,
                                                    mitk::DataNode* startRoi, mitk::DataNode* endRoi, bool avg, int number)

  TractContainerType tracts = CreateTracts(fib, startRoi, endRoi);

  TractContainerType resampledTracts = ParameterizeTracts(tracts, number);

  // Now we have the resampled tracts. Next we should use these points to read out the values

  mitkPixelTypeMultiplex3(PlotFiberBundles,img->GetImageDescriptor()->GetChannelTypeById(0),resampledTracts, img, avg);
  m_CurrentTracts = resampledTracts;
Esempio n. 2
double mitk::Image::GetPixelValueByIndex(const mitk::Index3D &position, unsigned int timestep)
  double value = 0;
  if (this->GetTimeSteps() < timestep)
    timestep = this->GetTimeSteps();

  value = 0.0;

  const unsigned int* imageDims = this->m_ImageDescriptor->GetDimensions();
  const mitk::PixelType ptype = this->m_ImageDescriptor->GetChannelTypeById(0);

  // Comparison ?>=0 not needed since all position[i] and timestep are unsigned int
  // (position[0]>=0 && position[1] >=0 && position[2]>=0 && timestep>=0)
  // bug-11978 : we still need to catch index with negative values
  if ( position[0] < 0 ||
       position[1] < 0 ||
       position[2] < 0 )
    MITK_WARN << "Given position ("<< position << ") is out of image range, returning 0." ;
  // check if the given position is inside the index range of the image, the 3rd dimension needs to be compared only if the dimension is not 0
  else if ( (unsigned int)position[0] >= imageDims[0] ||
            (unsigned int)position[1] >= imageDims[1] ||
            ( imageDims[2] && (unsigned int)position[2] >= imageDims[2] ))
    MITK_WARN << "Given position ("<< position << ") is out of image range, returning 0." ;
    const unsigned int offset = position[0] + position[1]*imageDims[0] + position[2]*imageDims[0]*imageDims[1] + timestep*imageDims[0]*imageDims[1]*imageDims[2];

    mitkPixelTypeMultiplex3( AccessPixel, ptype, this->GetData(), offset, value );

  return value;
void QmitkAdaptiveRegionGrowingToolGUI::OnPointAdded()
  if (m_RegionGrow3DTool.IsNull())

  mitk::DataNode* node = m_RegionGrow3DTool->GetPointSetNode();

  if (node != NULL)
      mitk::PointSet::Pointer pointSet = dynamic_cast<mitk::PointSet*>(node->GetData());

      if (pointSet.IsNull())
          QMessageBox::critical(NULL, "QmitkAdaptiveRegionGrowingToolGUI", "PointSetNode does not contain a pointset");


      mitk::Image* image = dynamic_cast<mitk::Image*>(m_InputImageNode->GetData());

      mitk::Point3D seedPoint = pointSet->GetPointSet(mitk::BaseRenderer::GetInstance( mitk::BaseRenderer::GetRenderWindowByName("stdmulti.widget1") )->GetTimeStep())->GetPoints()->ElementAt(0);


      /* In this case the seedpoint is placed e.g. in the lung or bronchialtree
       * The lowerFactor sets the windowsize depending on the regiongrowing direction
      m_CurrentRGDirectionIsUpwards = true;
      if (m_SeedpointValue < -500)
          m_CurrentRGDirectionIsUpwards = false;

      // Initializing the region by the area around the seedpoint
      m_SeedPointValueMean = 0;

      itk::Index<3> currentIndex, runningIndex;
      mitk::ScalarType pixelValues[125];
      unsigned int pos (0);

      image->GetGeometry(0)->WorldToIndex(seedPoint, currentIndex);
      runningIndex = currentIndex;

      for(int i = runningIndex[0]-2; i <= runningIndex[0]+2; i++)
        for(int j = runningIndex[1]-2; j <= runningIndex[1]+2; j++)
          for(int k = runningIndex[2]-2; k <= runningIndex[2]+2; k++)
            currentIndex[0] = i;
            currentIndex[1] = j;
            currentIndex[2] = k;

              pixelValues[pos] = image->GetPixelValueByIndex(currentIndex);
              pixelValues[pos] = -10000000;

      //Now calculation mean of the pixelValues
      unsigned int numberOfValues(0);
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 125; i++)
        if(pixelValues[i] > -10000000)
          m_SeedPointValueMean += pixelValues[i];

      m_SeedPointValueMean = m_SeedPointValueMean/numberOfValues;

       * Here the upper- and lower threshold is calculated:
       * The windowSize is 20% of the maximum range of the intensity values existing in the current image
       * If the RG direction is upwards the lower TH is meanSeedValue-0.15*windowSize and upper TH is meanSeedValue+0.85*windowsSize
       * if the RG direction is downwards the lower TH is meanSeedValue-0.85*windowSize and upper TH is meanSeedValue+0.15*windowsSize
      mitk::ScalarType min = image->GetStatistics()->GetScalarValueMin();
      mitk::ScalarType max = image->GetStatistics()->GetScalarValueMax();
      mitk::ScalarType windowSize = max - min;

      windowSize = 0.15*windowSize;

      if (m_CurrentRGDirectionIsUpwards)
        m_LOWERTHRESHOLD = m_SeedPointValueMean;
        if (m_SeedpointValue < m_SeedPointValueMean)
          m_LOWERTHRESHOLD = m_SeedpointValue;
        m_UPPERTHRESHOLD = m_SeedpointValue + windowSize;
        if (m_UPPERTHRESHOLD > max)
          m_UPPERTHRESHOLD = max;
        m_UPPERTHRESHOLD = m_SeedPointValueMean;
        if (m_SeedpointValue > m_SeedPointValueMean)
          m_UPPERTHRESHOLD = m_SeedpointValue;
        m_LOWERTHRESHOLD = m_SeedpointValue - windowSize;
        if (m_LOWERTHRESHOLD < min)
          m_LOWERTHRESHOLD = min;
Esempio n. 4
void QmitkHistogramJSWidget::ComputeIntensityProfile(unsigned int timeStep)

  if (m_PlanarFigure.IsNull())
    mitkThrow() << "PlanarFigure not set!";

  if (m_Image.IsNull())
    mitkThrow() << "Image not set!";

  // Get 2D geometry frame of PlanarFigure
  mitk::Geometry2D* planarFigureGeometry2D = dynamic_cast<mitk::Geometry2D*>(m_PlanarFigure->GetGeometry(0));
  if (planarFigureGeometry2D == NULL)
    mitkThrow() << "PlanarFigure has no valid geometry!";

  // Get 3D geometry from Image (needed for conversion of point to index)
  mitk::Geometry3D* imageGeometry = m_Image->GetGeometry(0);
  if (imageGeometry == NULL)
    mitkThrow() << "Image has no valid geometry!";

  // Get first poly-line of PlanarFigure (other possible poly-lines in PlanarFigure
  // are not supported)
  const VertexContainerType vertexContainer = m_PlanarFigure->GetPolyLine(0);

  VertexContainerType::const_iterator it;
  for (it = vertexContainer.begin(); it != vertexContainer.end(); ++it)
    // Map PlanarFigure 2D point to 3D point
    mitk::Point3D point3D;
    planarFigureGeometry2D->Map(it->Point, point3D);

    // Convert world to index coordinates
    mitk::Point3D indexPoint3D;
    imageGeometry->WorldToIndex(point3D, indexPoint3D);

    ParametricPathType::OutputType index;
    index[0] = indexPoint3D[0];
    index[1] = indexPoint3D[1];
    index[2] = indexPoint3D[2];

    // Add index to parametric path

  m_DerivedPath = m_ParametricPath;

  if (m_DerivedPath.IsNull())
    mitkThrow() << "No path set!";

  // Fill item model with line profile data
  double distance = 0.0;
  mitk::Point3D currentWorldPoint;

  double t;
  unsigned int i = 0;
  for (i = 0, t = m_DerivedPath->StartOfInput(); ;++i)
    const PathType::OutputType &continousIndex = m_DerivedPath->Evaluate(t);

    mitk::Point3D worldPoint;
    imageGeometry->IndexToWorld(continousIndex, worldPoint);

    if (i == 0)
      currentWorldPoint = worldPoint;

    distance += currentWorldPoint.EuclideanDistanceTo(worldPoint);
    mitk::Index3D indexPoint;
    imageGeometry->WorldToIndex(worldPoint, indexPoint);
    const mitk::PixelType ptype = m_Image->GetPixelType();
    double intensity = 0.0;
    if (m_Image->GetDimension() == 4)
      mitk::ImageTimeSelector::Pointer timeSelector = mitk::ImageTimeSelector::New();
      mitk::Image::Pointer image = timeSelector->GetOutput();
      mitkPixelTypeMultiplex3( ReadPixel, ptype, image, indexPoint, intensity);
      mitkPixelTypeMultiplex3( ReadPixel, ptype, m_Image, indexPoint, intensity);

    m_Measurement.insert(i, distance);
    m_Frequency.insert(i, intensity);

    // Go to next index; when iteration offset reaches zero, iteration is finished
    PathType::OffsetType offset = m_DerivedPath->IncrementInput(t);
    if (!(offset[0] || offset[1] || offset[2]))

    currentWorldPoint = worldPoint;

  m_IntensityProfile = true;
  m_UseLineGraph = true;