Esempio n. 1
void addDynamicDisownNonNull(IRSB* sbOut, IRTemp idx){
  IRDirty* disownDirty =
    unsafeIRDirty_0_N(1, "disownShadowTempNonNullDynamic",
  disownDirty->mFx = Ifx_Modify;
  disownDirty->mAddr = mkU64((uintptr_t)&(shadowTemps[idx]));
  disownDirty->mSize = sizeof(ShadowTemp*);
  addStmtToIRSB(sbOut, IRStmt_Dirty(disownDirty));
Esempio n. 2
void addSVDisownNonNullG(IRSB* sbOut, IRExpr* guard, IRExpr* sv){
  IRExpr* refCountAddr =
    runArrowAddr(sbOut, sv, ShadowValue, ref_count);
  IRExpr* prevRefCount =
    runLoadG64(sbOut, refCountAddr, guard);
  IRExpr* newRefCount =
    runBinop(sbOut, Iop_Sub64, prevRefCount, mkU64(1));
  addStoreG(sbOut, guard, newRefCount, refCountAddr);
  IRExpr* lastRef = runBinop(sbOut, Iop_CmpEQ64, prevRefCount, mkU64(1));
  IRStmt* freeVal =
    mkDirtyG_0_1(freeShadowValue, sv, lastRef);
  addStmtToIRSB(sbOut, freeVal);
Esempio n. 3
void addSVOwnNonNull(IRSB* sbOut, IRExpr* sv){
  IRExpr* prevRefCount =
    runArrow(sbOut, sv, ShadowValue, ref_count);
  IRExpr* newRefCount =
    runBinop(sbOut, Iop_Add64, prevRefCount, mkU64(1));
    addPrint3("[3] Owning %p, new ref_count %d\n", sv, newRefCount);
  addStoreArrow(sbOut, sv, ShadowValue, ref_count, newRefCount);
Esempio n. 4
/* Store a value to memory. If a value requires more than 8 bytes a series
   of 8-byte stores will be generated. */
static __inline__ void
store(IRSB *irsb, IREndness endian, HWord haddr, IRExpr *data)
   IROp high, low;
   IRExpr *addr, *next_addr;

   if (VEX_HOST_WORDSIZE == 8) {
      addr = mkU64(haddr);
      next_addr = binop(Iop_Add64, addr, mkU64(8));
   } else if (VEX_HOST_WORDSIZE == 4) {
      addr = mkU32(haddr);
      next_addr = binop(Iop_Add32, addr, mkU32(8));
   } else {
      vpanic("invalid #bytes for address");

   IRType type = typeOfIRExpr(irsb->tyenv, data);

   vassert(type == Ity_I1 || sizeofIRType(type) <= 16);

   switch (type) {
   case Ity_I128: high = Iop_128HIto64;   low = Iop_128to64;     goto store128;
   case Ity_F128: high = Iop_F128HItoF64; low = Iop_F128LOtoF64; goto store128;
   case Ity_D128: high = Iop_D128HItoD64; low = Iop_D128LOtoD64; goto store128;

     /* Two stores of 64 bit each. */
      if (endian == Iend_BE) {
         /* The more significant bits are at the lower address. */
         store_aux(irsb, endian, addr, unop(high, data));
         store_aux(irsb, endian, next_addr, unop(low, data));
      } else {
         /* The more significant bits are at the higher address. */
         store_aux(irsb, endian, addr, unop(low, data));
         store_aux(irsb, endian, next_addr, unop(high, data));

      store_aux(irsb, endian, addr, data);
Esempio n. 5
/* Load a value from memory. Loads of more than 8 byte are split into
   a series of 8-byte loads and combined using appropriate IROps. */
static IRExpr *
load(IREndness endian, IRType type, HWord haddr)
   IROp concat;
   IRExpr *addr, *next_addr;

   vassert(type == Ity_I1 || sizeofIRType(type) <= 16);

   if (VEX_HOST_WORDSIZE == 8) {
      addr = mkU64(haddr);
      next_addr = binop(Iop_Add64, addr, mkU64(8));
   } else if (VEX_HOST_WORDSIZE == 4) {
      addr = mkU32(haddr);
      next_addr = binop(Iop_Add32, addr, mkU32(8));
   } else {
      vpanic("invalid #bytes for address");

   switch (type) {
   case Ity_I128: concat = Iop_64HLto128;   type = Ity_I64; goto load128;
   case Ity_F128: concat = Iop_F64HLtoF128; type = Ity_F64; goto load128;
   case Ity_D128: concat = Iop_D64HLtoD128; type = Ity_D64; goto load128;

     /* Two loads of 64 bit each. */
      if (endian == Iend_BE) {
         /* The more significant bits are at the lower address. */
         return binop(concat,
                      load_aux(endian, type, addr),
                      load_aux(endian, type, next_addr));
      } else {
         /* The more significant bits are at the higher address. */
         return binop(concat,
                      load_aux(endian, type, next_addr),
                      load_aux(endian, type, addr));

      return load_aux(endian, type, addr);
Esempio n. 6
void cleanupBlockOwnership(IRSB* sbOut, IRExpr* guard){
  if (VG_(sizeXA)(tempDebt) == 0){
    addStoreGC(sbOut, guard, mkU64(0), &blockStateDirty);
  IRTemp* curDebtContents =
    VG_(perm_malloc)(sizeof(IRTemp) * VG_(sizeXA)(tempDebt),
  for(int i = 0; i < VG_(sizeXA)(tempDebt); ++i){
    curDebtContents[i] = *(IRTemp*)VG_(indexXA)(tempDebt, i);
  IRDirty* dynCleanupDirty =
    unsafeIRDirty_0_N(2, "dynamicCleanup",
  dynCleanupDirty->mFx = Ifx_Modify;
  dynCleanupDirty->guard = guard;
  dynCleanupDirty->mAddr = mkU64((uintptr_t)shadowTemps);
  dynCleanupDirty->mSize = sizeof(ShadowTemp) * MAX_TEMPS;
  addStmtToIRSB(sbOut, IRStmt_Dirty(dynCleanupDirty));
Esempio n. 7
void addClear(IRSB* sbOut, IRTemp dest, int num_vals){
  IRExpr* oldShadowTemp = runLoad64C(sbOut, &(shadowTemps[dest]));
  addDisownNonNull(sbOut, oldShadowTemp, num_vals);
  addStoreC(sbOut, mkU64(0), &(shadowTemps[dest]));
Esempio n. 8
/* This version of flushEvents avoids callbacks entirely, except when the
   number of outstanding events is enough to be flushed - in which case a
   call to flush_data() is made.  In all other cases, events are handled by
   creating IR to encode and store the memory access information to the
   array of outstanding events.  */
static void flushEventsRange(IRSB* sb, Int start, Int size)
    // Conditionally call the flush method if there's not enough room for
    // all the new events.  This may flush an incomplete block.
    IRExpr *entries_addr = mkU64((ULong)&theEntries);
    IRExpr *entries = load(ENDIAN, Ity_I32, entries_addr);

    IRExpr *max_entries_addr = mkU64((ULong)&theMaxEntries);
    IRExpr *max_entries = load(ENDIAN, Ity_I32, max_entries_addr);

    IRDirty*   di =
            "flush_data", VG_(fnptr_to_fnentry)( flush_data ),
            mkIRExprVec_0() );

    di->guard =
        binop(Iop_CmpLT32S, max_entries,
                binop(Iop_Add32, entries, mkU32(size)));

    addStmtToIRSB( sb, IRStmt_Dirty(di) );

    // Reload entries since it might have been changed by the callback
    entries = load(ENDIAN, Ity_I32, entries_addr);

    // Initialize the first address where we'll write trace information.
    // This will be advanced in the loop.
    IRExpr *addr =
                load(ENDIAN, Ity_I64, mkU64((ULong)&theBlock)),
                    binop(Iop_Mul32, entries, mkU32(sizeof(MV_TraceAddr)))));

    // Grab the thread id
    IRExpr *thread = load(ENDIAN, Ity_I32, mkU64((ULong)&theThread));

    Int        i;
    for (i = start; i < start+size; i++) {

        Event*     ev = &events[i];

        uint32 type = 0;
        switch (ev->ekind) {
            case Event_Ir:
                type = MV_ShiftedInstr;
            case Event_Dr:
                type = MV_ShiftedRead;
            case Event_Dw:
            case Event_Dm:
                type = MV_ShiftedWrite;

        type |= ev->type << MV_DataShift;
        type |= ((uint32)ev->size << MV_SizeShift);

        // Construct the address and store it
        IRExpr *data = binop(Iop_Or32, mkU32(type), thread);

        IRStmt *store;

        store = IRStmt_Store(ENDIAN, addr, ev->addr);
        addStmtToIRSB( sb, store );

        // Advance to the type
        addr = binop(Iop_Add64, addr, mkU64(sizeof(uint64)));

        store = IRStmt_Store(ENDIAN, addr, data);
        addStmtToIRSB( sb, store );

        // Advance to the next entry
        addr = binop(Iop_Add64, addr, mkU64(sizeof(MV_TraceAddr)-sizeof(uint64)));

    // Store the new entry count
    IRStmt *entries_store =
        IRStmt_Store(ENDIAN, entries_addr,
                binop(Iop_Add32, entries, mkU32(size)));

    addStmtToIRSB( sb, entries_store );