Esempio n. 1
   \brief Small test for the at-most-one constraint.
void tst_at_most_one() 
    Z3_context ctx = mk_context();
    Z3_solver s    = mk_solver(ctx);
    Z3_ast k1      = mk_bool_var(ctx, "k1");
    Z3_ast k2      = mk_bool_var(ctx, "k2");
    Z3_ast k3      = mk_bool_var(ctx, "k3");
    Z3_ast k4      = mk_bool_var(ctx, "k4");
    Z3_ast k5      = mk_bool_var(ctx, "k5");
    Z3_ast k6      = mk_bool_var(ctx, "k6");
    Z3_ast args1[5] = { k1, k2, k3, k4, k5 };
    Z3_ast args2[3] = { k4, k5, k6 };
    Z3_model m      = 0;
    Z3_lbool result;
    printf("testing at-most-one constraint\n");
    assert_at_most_one(ctx, s, 5, args1);
    assert_at_most_one(ctx, s, 3, args2);
    printf("it must be sat...\n");
    result = Z3_solver_check(ctx, s);
    if (result != Z3_L_TRUE)
    m = Z3_solver_get_model(ctx, s);
    Z3_model_inc_ref(ctx, m);
    printf("model:\n%s\n", Z3_model_to_string(ctx, m));
    Z3_model_dec_ref(ctx, m);
    Z3_solver_assert(ctx, s, mk_binary_or(ctx, k2, k3));
    Z3_solver_assert(ctx, s, mk_binary_or(ctx, k1, k6));
    printf("it must be sat...\n");
    result = Z3_solver_check(ctx, s);
    if (result != Z3_L_TRUE)
    m = Z3_solver_get_model(ctx, s);
    Z3_model_inc_ref(ctx, m);
    printf("model:\n%s\n", Z3_model_to_string(ctx, m));
    Z3_solver_assert(ctx, s, mk_binary_or(ctx, k4, k5));
    printf("it must be unsat...\n");
    result = Z3_solver_check(ctx, s);
    if (result != Z3_L_FALSE)
    Z3_model_dec_ref(ctx, m);
    Z3_solver_dec_ref(ctx, s);
Esempio n. 2
int unsat_core(/*in*/
	       SOLVER_CONTEXT ctx, SOLVER_TERM * cs, unsigned cs_size, 
	       unsigned** bitvector_core){
   Suppose the formula x=0 and y=2 and x>2.

   Then, we add a positive literal {p1,p2,p3} to each clause as follows:
      (x=0 or p1) and (y=2 or p2) and (x>2 or p3)
   but assuming that p1=0, p2=0, and p3=0 to keep unchanged the formula.

   Then, we run the solver. In this case, the conflict arises due to

     a)   x=0 is true  and x>2 is false or
     b)   x=0 is false and x>2 is true 

   How we can extract this information?

   Case a)
          T     F         T     F         F     T
        (x=0 or p1) and (y=2 or p2) and (x>2 or p3)
        The conflict literal is p3 because p3=F
   Case b)
          F     T         T      F        T      F
        (x=0 or p1) and (y=2 or p2) and (x>2 or p3)
        The conflict literal is p1 because p1=F

   Then, the solver will add the clause p1 or p3 which means that the
   unsatisfiable core is the 1st and 3rd constraint from the original

  Z3_ast * assumptions;
  Z3_ast p;
  static char v[50];
  Z3_ast g[2];
  int i, ret, index;
  Z3_ast   proof;
  Z3_model m      = 0;
  Z3_lbool result;
  Z3_ast * cs_core;
  unsigned cs_core_size;
  unsigned * b;
  int bindex;

  assumptions = (Z3_ast *) malloc(sizeof(Z3_ast) * cs_size);
  if (assumptions == NULL){
    fprintf(stderr,"No more memory! \n");

  for(i = 0; i < cs_size; i++){
    p = mk_bool_var((Z3_context) ctx,v);
    g[0]  = cs[i];
    g[1]  = p;
    Z3_assert_cnstr((Z3_context) ctx, Z3_mk_or((Z3_context)ctx, 2, g)); // c_i or p_i
    assumptions[i] = Z3_mk_not((Z3_context) ctx, p);                    // not p_i
  // (not p_1),...,(not p_n) |- (c_1 OR p_1) AND ... AND (c_n OR p_n)
  cs_core = (Z3_ast *) calloc(cs_size,sizeof(Z3_ast)); 
  cs_core_size = cs_size;
  result = Z3_check_assumptions((Z3_context) ctx, cs_size, assumptions, 
				&m, &proof, &cs_core_size, cs_core);

  // all elements are initialized to 0
  b = (unsigned *) calloc(cs_size, sizeof(unsigned));  
  if (b == NULL){
    fprintf(stderr,"No more memory! \n");
  // printf("Size of the unsat core %d\n",cs_core_size);
  switch (result) {
  case Z3_L_FALSE:
    for (i = 0; i < cs_core_size; ++i){
      bindex =find_core_assumption_index((Z3_context) ctx, assumptions, 
					 cs_size, cs_core[i]);
      b[bindex] = (unsigned) 1u;
    // printf("unsat\n");
  case Z3_L_UNDEF:
    // printf("undefined\n");
  case Z3_L_TRUE:
    // printf("sat\n");
    ret = SOLVER_ANS_TRUE;
  if (m) {
    Z3_del_model(ctx, m);

  *bitvector_core = b;
  return ret;