static bool mm_DetectGameInformation() { char game_path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; if (game_info_detected) return game_info_detected == 1 ? true : false; game_info_detected = -1; mm_GetGameName(game_name, sizeof(game_name)); if (!mm_GetFileOfAddress((void*)mm_DetectGameInformation, mm_path, sizeof(mm_path))) { mm_LogFatal("Could not locate Metamod loader library path"); return false; } if (!mm_ResolvePath(game_name, game_path, sizeof(game_path))) { mm_LogFatal("Could not resolve path: %s", game_name); return false; } FILE *fp; char gameinfo_path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; mm_PathFormat(gameinfo_path, sizeof(gameinfo_path), "%s/gameinfo.txt", game_path); if ((fp = fopen(gameinfo_path, "rt")) == NULL) { mm_LogFatal("Could not read file: %s", gameinfo_path); return false; } char temp_path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; char cur_path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; getcwd(cur_path, sizeof(cur_path)); char *ptr; const char *lptr; bool search = false; char buffer[255], key[128], val[128]; while (!feof(fp) && fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp) != NULL) { mm_TrimComments(buffer); mm_TrimLeft(buffer); mm_TrimRight(buffer); if (stricmp(buffer, "SearchPaths") == 0) search = true; if (!search) continue; mm_KeySplit(buffer, key, sizeof(key) - 1, val, sizeof(val) - 1); if (stricmp(key, "Game") != 0 && stricmp(key, "GameBin") != 0) continue; if (strncmp(val, "|gameinfo_path|", sizeof("|gameinfo_path|") - 1) == 0) { ptr = &val[sizeof("|gameinfo_path|") - 1]; if (ptr[0] == '.') ptr++; lptr = game_path; } else { ptr = val; lptr = cur_path; } if (stricmp(key, "GameBin") == 0) mm_PathFormat(temp_path, sizeof(temp_path), "%s/%s/" SERVER_NAME, lptr, ptr); else if (!ptr[0]) mm_PathFormat(temp_path, sizeof(temp_path), "%s/bin/" SERVER_NAME, lptr); else mm_PathFormat(temp_path, sizeof(temp_path), "%s/%s/bin/" SERVER_NAME, lptr, ptr); if (mm_PathCmp(mm_path, temp_path)) continue; FILE *exists = fopen(temp_path, "rb"); if (!exists) continue; fclose(exists); /* exists is still non-NULL... use this as a flag */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gamedll_path_count; i++) { if (mm_PathCmp(gamedll_paths[i], temp_path)) { exists = NULL; break; } } if (!exists) continue; mm_Format(gamedll_paths[gamedll_path_count], PLATFORM_MAX_PATH, "%s", temp_path); gamedll_path_count++; if (gamedll_path_count == MAX_GAMEDLL_PATHS) break; } fclose(fp); game_info_detected = 1; if (gamedll_path_count == 0) { mm_LogFatal("Could not detect any valid game paths in gameinfo.txt"); return false; } return true; }
virtual bool Load(QueryValveInterface engineFactory, QueryValveInterface gsFactory) { if (!load_allowed) return false; load_allowed = false; /* Backend should already filled in if loaded as gamedll */ if (gamedll_bridge == NULL) { mm_GetGameName(game_name, sizeof(game_name)); mm_backend = mm_DetermineBackend(engineFactory, gsFactory, game_name); } if (mm_backend == MMBackend_UNKNOWN) { mm_LogFatal("Could not detect engine version"); return false; } void **this_vtable; this_vtable = (void **)*(void **)this; if (mm_backend != MMBackend_Episode1 && mm_backend != MMBackend_DarkMessiah) { /* We need to insert the right type of call into this vtable */ void **vtable_src; IRandomThings sample; SourceHook::MemFuncInfo mfp_dest, mfp_src; mfp_dest.isVirtual = false; mfp_src.isVirtual = false; SourceHook::GetFuncInfo(&ServerPlugin::ClientCommand, mfp_dest); SourceHook::GetFuncInfo(&IRandomThings::ClientCommand, mfp_src); assert(mfp_dest.isVirtual); assert(mfp_dest.thisptroffs == 0); assert(mfp_dest.vtbloffs == 0); assert(mfp_src.isVirtual); assert(mfp_src.thisptroffs == 0); assert(mfp_src.vtbloffs == 0); vtable_src = (void **)*(void **)&sample; SourceHook::SetMemAccess(&this_vtable[mfp_dest.vtblindex], sizeof(void*), SH_MEM_READ|SH_MEM_WRITE|SH_MEM_EXEC); this_vtable[mfp_dest.vtblindex] = vtable_src[mfp_src.vtblindex]; } /* AS inserted ClientFullyConnect into vtable, so move entries up on older engines */ if (mm_backend != MMBackend_AlienSwarm && mm_backend != MMBackend_Portal2 && mm_backend != MMBackend_Blade && mm_backend != MMBackend_Insurgency && mm_backend != MMBackend_DOI && mm_backend != MMBackend_CSGO && mm_backend != MMBackend_DOTA) { SourceHook::MemFuncInfo mfp_fconnect; mfp_fconnect.isVirtual = false; SourceHook::GetFuncInfo(&ServerPlugin::ClientFullyConnect, mfp_fconnect); assert(mfp_fconnect.isVirtual); assert(mfp_fconnect.thisptroffs == 0); assert(mfp_fconnect.vtbloffs == 0); /* Shifting ClientDisconnect through OnQueryCvarValueFinished up into slot for * ClientFullyConnect (8 entries) */ SourceHook::SetMemAccess(&this_vtable[mfp_fconnect.vtblindex], sizeof(void *) * 8, SH_MEM_READ|SH_MEM_WRITE|SH_MEM_EXEC); memmove(&this_vtable[mfp_fconnect.vtblindex], &this_vtable[mfp_fconnect.vtblindex + 1], sizeof(void *) * 8); } char error[255]; if (gamedll_bridge == NULL) { if (!mm_LoadMetamodLibrary(mm_backend, error, sizeof(error))) { mm_LogFatal("Detected engine %d but could not load: %s", mm_backend, error); return false; } } typedef IVspBridge *(*GetVspBridge)(); GetVspBridge get_bridge = (GetVspBridge)mm_GetProcAddress("GetVspBridge"); if (get_bridge == NULL) { if (gamedll_bridge == NULL) { mm_UnloadMetamodLibrary(); } mm_LogFatal("Detected engine %d but could not find GetVspBridge callback", mm_backend); return false; } vsp_bridge = get_bridge(); vsp_bridge_info info; info.engineFactory = engineFactory; info.gsFactory = gsFactory; info.vsp_callbacks = (IServerPluginCallbacks*)this; info.vsp_version = vsp_version; strcpy(error, "Unknown error"); if (!vsp_bridge->Load(&info, error, sizeof(error))) { vsp_bridge = NULL; if (gamedll_bridge == NULL) { mm_UnloadMetamodLibrary(); } mm_LogFatal("Unknown error loading Metamod for engine %d: %s", mm_backend, error); return false; } return true; }