Esempio n. 1
static int combi_mode_init ( Mode *sw )
    if ( mode_get_private_data ( sw ) == NULL ) {
        CombiModePrivateData *pd = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( *pd ) );
        mode_set_private_data ( sw, (void *) pd );
        combi_mode_parse_switchers ( sw );
        pd->starts  = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( int ) * pd->num_switchers );
        pd->lengths = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( int ) * pd->num_switchers );
        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < pd->num_switchers; i++ ) {
            if ( !mode_init ( pd->switchers[i] ) ) {
                return FALSE;
        if ( pd->cmd_list_length == 0 ) {
            pd->cmd_list_length = 0;
            for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < pd->num_switchers; i++ ) {
                unsigned int length = mode_get_num_entries ( pd->switchers[i] );
                pd->starts[i]        = pd->cmd_list_length;
                pd->lengths[i]       = length;
                pd->cmd_list_length += length;
    return TRUE;
Esempio n. 2
File: ssh.c Progetto: mstg/rofi
 * @param sw Object handle to the SSH Mode object
 * @param mretv The menu return value.
 * @param input Pointer to the user input string.
 * @param selected_line the line selected by the user.
 * Acts on the user interaction.
 * @returns the next #ModeMode.
static ModeMode ssh_mode_result ( Mode *sw, int mretv, char **input, unsigned int selected_line )
    ModeMode           retv  = MODE_EXIT;
    SSHModePrivateData *rmpd = (SSHModePrivateData *) mode_get_private_data ( sw );
    if ( mretv & MENU_NEXT ) {
        retv = NEXT_DIALOG;
    else if ( mretv & MENU_PREVIOUS ) {
        retv = PREVIOUS_DIALOG;
    else if ( mretv & MENU_QUICK_SWITCH ) {
        retv = ( mretv & MENU_LOWER_MASK );
    else if ( ( mretv & MENU_OK ) && rmpd->hosts_list[selected_line] != NULL ) {
        exec_ssh ( rmpd->hosts_list[selected_line] );
    else if ( ( mretv & MENU_CUSTOM_INPUT ) && *input != NULL && *input[0] != '\0' ) {
        exec_ssh ( *input );
    else if ( ( mretv & MENU_ENTRY_DELETE ) && rmpd->hosts_list[selected_line] ) {
        delete_ssh ( rmpd->hosts_list[selected_line] );
        g_strfreev ( rmpd->hosts_list );
        rmpd->hosts_list_length = 0;
        rmpd->hosts_list        = NULL;
        // Stay
        retv = RELOAD_DIALOG;
    return retv;
Esempio n. 3
static ModeMode drun_mode_result ( Mode *sw, int mretv, char **input, unsigned int selected_line )
    DRunModePrivateData *rmpd = (DRunModePrivateData *) mode_get_private_data ( sw );
    ModeMode            retv  = MODE_EXIT;

    gboolean            run_in_term = ( ( mretv & MENU_CUSTOM_ACTION ) == MENU_CUSTOM_ACTION );

    if ( mretv & MENU_NEXT ) {
        retv = NEXT_DIALOG;
    else if ( mretv & MENU_PREVIOUS ) {
        retv = PREVIOUS_DIALOG;
    else if ( mretv & MENU_QUICK_SWITCH ) {
        retv = ( mretv & MENU_LOWER_MASK );
    else if ( ( mretv & MENU_OK )  ) {
        exec_cmd_entry ( &( rmpd->entry_list[selected_line] ) );
    else if ( ( mretv & MENU_CUSTOM_INPUT ) && *input != NULL && *input[0] != '\0' ) {
        helper_execute_command ( NULL, *input, run_in_term );
    else if ( ( mretv & MENU_ENTRY_DELETE ) && selected_line < rmpd->cmd_list_length ) {
        if ( selected_line < rmpd->history_length ) {
            delete_entry_history ( &( rmpd->entry_list[selected_line] ) );
            drun_entry_clear ( &( rmpd->entry_list[selected_line] ) );
            memmove ( &( rmpd->entry_list[selected_line] ), &rmpd->entry_list[selected_line + 1],
                      sizeof ( DRunModeEntry ) * ( rmpd->cmd_list_length - selected_line - 1 ) );
        retv = RELOAD_DIALOG;
    return retv;
Esempio n. 4
static ModeMode combi_mode_result ( Mode *sw, int mretv, char **input, unsigned int selected_line )
    CombiModePrivateData *pd = mode_get_private_data ( sw );
    if ( *input[0] == '!' ) {
        int switcher = -1;
        for ( unsigned i = 0; switcher == -1 && i < pd->num_switchers; i++ ) {
            if ( ( *input )[1] == mode_get_name ( pd->switchers[i] )[0] ) {
                switcher = i;
        if ( switcher >= 0  ) {
            char *n = strchr ( *input, ' ' );
            // skip whitespace
            if ( n != NULL ) {
                return mode_result ( pd->switchers[switcher], mretv, &n,
                                     selected_line - pd->starts[switcher] );
            return MODE_EXIT;

    for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pd->num_switchers; i++ ) {
        if ( selected_line >= pd->starts[i] &&
                selected_line < ( pd->starts[i] + pd->lengths[i] ) ) {
            return mode_result ( pd->switchers[i], mretv, input, selected_line - pd->starts[i] );
    return MODE_EXIT;
Esempio n. 5
static int combi_mode_match ( const Mode *sw, char **tokens, int not_ascii,
                              int case_sensitive, unsigned int index )
    CombiModePrivateData *pd = mode_get_private_data ( sw );
    if ( config.regex || config.glob ) {
        // Bang support only works in text mode.
        for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pd->num_switchers; i++ ) {
            if ( index >= pd->starts[i] && index < ( pd->starts[i] + pd->lengths[i] ) ) {
                return mode_token_match ( pd->switchers[i], tokens, not_ascii, case_sensitive,
                                          index - pd->starts[i]  );
    else {
        for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pd->num_switchers; i++ ) {
            if ( index >= pd->starts[i] && index < ( pd->starts[i] + pd->lengths[i] ) ) {
                if ( tokens && tokens[0][0] == '!' ) {
                    if ( tokens[0][1] == mode_get_name ( pd->switchers[i] )[0] ) {
                        return mode_token_match ( pd->switchers[i], &tokens[1], not_ascii, case_sensitive,
                                                  index - pd->starts[i] );
                    return 0;
                else {
                    return mode_token_match ( pd->switchers[i], tokens, not_ascii, case_sensitive,
                                              index - pd->starts[i]  );
    abort ();
    return 0;
Esempio n. 6
static int drun_token_match ( const Mode *data,
                              char **tokens,
                              int not_ascii,
                              int case_sensitive,
                              unsigned int index
    DRunModePrivateData *rmpd = (DRunModePrivateData *) mode_get_private_data ( data );
    int                 match = 1;
    if ( tokens ) {
        for ( int j = 0; match && tokens != NULL && tokens[j] != NULL; j++ ) {
            int  test        = 0;
            char *ftokens[2] = { tokens[j], NULL };
            if ( !test && rmpd->entry_list[index].name &&
                 token_match ( ftokens, rmpd->entry_list[index].name, not_ascii, case_sensitive ) ) {
                test = 1;
            if ( !test && rmpd->entry_list[index].generic_name &&
                 token_match ( ftokens, rmpd->entry_list[index].generic_name, not_ascii, case_sensitive ) ) {
                test = 1;

            if ( !test && token_match ( ftokens, rmpd->entry_list[index].exec, not_ascii, case_sensitive ) ) {
                test = 1;
            if ( test == 0 ) {
                match = 0;
    return match;
Esempio n. 7
static char *get_display_data ( const Mode *data, unsigned int index, int *state, int get_entry )
    Mode                 *sw    = (Mode *) data;
    DmenuModePrivateData *pd    = (DmenuModePrivateData *) mode_get_private_data ( sw );
    char                 **retv = (char * *) pd->cmd_list;
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < pd->num_active_list; i++ ) {
        if ( index >= pd->active_list[i].start && index <= pd->active_list[i].stop ) {
            *state |= ACTIVE;
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < pd->num_urgent_list; i++ ) {
        if ( index >= pd->urgent_list[i].start && index <= pd->urgent_list[i].stop ) {
            *state |= URGENT;
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < pd->num_selected_list; i++ ) {
        if ( index >= pd->selected_list[i].start && index <= pd->selected_list[i].stop ) {
            *state |= SELECTED;
    if ( pd->do_markup ) {
        *state |= MARKUP;
    return get_entry ? g_strdup ( retv[index] ) : NULL;
Esempio n. 8
static int drun_is_not_ascii ( const Mode *sw, unsigned int index )
    DRunModePrivateData *pd = (DRunModePrivateData *) mode_get_private_data ( sw );
    if ( pd->entry_list[index].generic_name ) {
        return !g_str_is_ascii ( pd->entry_list[index].name ) || !g_str_is_ascii ( pd->entry_list[index].generic_name );
    return !g_str_is_ascii ( pd->entry_list[index].name );
Esempio n. 9
File: ssh.c Progetto: mstg/rofi
 * @param sw Object handle to the SSH Mode object
 * Cleanup the SSH Mode. Free all allocated memory and NULL the private data pointer.
static void ssh_mode_destroy ( Mode *sw )
    SSHModePrivateData *rmpd = (SSHModePrivateData *) mode_get_private_data ( sw );
    if ( rmpd != NULL ) {
        g_strfreev ( rmpd->hosts_list );
        g_free ( rmpd );
        mode_set_private_data ( sw, NULL );
Esempio n. 10
static int drun_mode_init ( Mode *sw )
    if ( mode_get_private_data ( sw ) == NULL ) {
        DRunModePrivateData *pd = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( *pd ) );
        mode_set_private_data ( sw, (void *) pd );
        get_apps ( pd );
    return TRUE;
Esempio n. 11
File: ssh.c Progetto: mstg/rofi
 * @param sw Object handle to the SSH Mode object
 * Initializes the SSH Mode private data object and
 * loads the relevant ssh information.
static int ssh_mode_init ( Mode *sw )
    if ( mode_get_private_data ( sw ) == NULL ) {
        SSHModePrivateData *pd = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( *pd ) );
        mode_set_private_data ( sw, (void *) pd );
        pd->hosts_list = get_ssh ( &( pd->hosts_list_length ) );
    return TRUE;
Esempio n. 12
static int drun_mode_init ( Mode *sw )
    if ( mode_get_private_data ( sw ) == NULL ) {
        DRunModePrivateData *pd = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( *pd ) );
        pd->disabled_entries = g_hash_table_new_full ( g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL );
        mode_set_private_data ( sw, (void *) pd );
        get_apps ( pd );
    return TRUE;
Esempio n. 13
static int combi_is_not_ascii ( const Mode *sw, unsigned int index )
    CombiModePrivateData *pd = mode_get_private_data ( sw );
    for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pd->num_switchers; i++ ) {
        if ( index >= pd->starts[i] && index < ( pd->starts[i] + pd->lengths[i] ) ) {
            return mode_is_not_ascii ( pd->switchers[i], index - pd->starts[i] );
    return FALSE;
Esempio n. 14
static void drun_mode_destroy ( Mode *sw )
    DRunModePrivateData *rmpd = (DRunModePrivateData *) mode_get_private_data ( sw );
    if ( rmpd != NULL ) {
        for ( size_t i = 0; i < rmpd->cmd_list_length; i++ ) {
            drun_entry_clear ( &( rmpd->entry_list[i] ) );
        g_free ( rmpd->entry_list );
        g_free ( rmpd );
        mode_set_private_data ( sw, NULL );
Esempio n. 15
static char * combi_get_completion ( const Mode *sw, unsigned int index )
    CombiModePrivateData *pd = mode_get_private_data ( sw );
    for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pd->num_switchers; i++ ) {
        if ( index >= pd->starts[i] && index < ( pd->starts[i] + pd->lengths[i] ) ) {
            return mode_get_completion ( pd->switchers[i], index - pd->starts[i] );
    // Should never get here.
    g_error ( "Failure, could not resolve sub-switcher." );
    return NULL;
Esempio n. 16
static void dmenu_mode_free ( Mode *sw )
    if ( mode_get_private_data ( sw ) == NULL ) {
    DmenuModePrivateData *pd = (DmenuModePrivateData *) mode_get_private_data ( sw );
    if ( pd != NULL ) {
        for ( size_t i = 0; i < pd->cmd_list_length; i++ ) {
            if ( pd->cmd_list[i] ) {
                free ( pd->cmd_list[i] );
        g_free ( pd->cmd_list );
        g_free ( pd->urgent_list );
        g_free ( pd->active_list );
        g_free ( pd->selected_list );

        g_free ( pd );
        mode_set_private_data ( sw, NULL );
Esempio n. 17
static char *drun_get_completion ( const Mode *sw, unsigned int index )
    DRunModePrivateData *pd = (DRunModePrivateData *) mode_get_private_data ( sw );
    /* Free temp storage. */
    DRunModeEntry       *dr = &( pd->entry_list[index] );
    if ( dr->generic_name == NULL ) {
        return g_strdup ( dr->name );
    else {
        return g_strdup_printf ( "%s", dr->name );
Esempio n. 18
File: combi.c Progetto: teto/rofi
static void combi_mode_parse_switchers ( Mode *sw )
    CombiModePrivateData *pd     = mode_get_private_data ( sw );
    char                 *savept = NULL;
    // Make a copy, as strtok will modify it.
    char                 *switcher_str = g_strdup ( config.combi_modi );
    const char * const   sep           = ",";
    // Split token on ','. This modifies switcher_str.
    for ( char *token = strtok_r ( switcher_str, sep, &savept ); token != NULL;
          token = strtok_r ( NULL, sep, &savept ) ) {
        // Resize and add entry.
        pd->switchers = (Mode * *) g_realloc ( pd->switchers,
                                               sizeof ( Mode* ) * ( pd->num_switchers + 1 ) );

        // Window switcher.
        #ifdef WINDOW_MODE
        if ( strcasecmp ( token, "window" ) == 0 ) {
            pd->switchers[pd->num_switchers++] = &window_mode;
        else if ( strcasecmp ( token, "windowcd" ) == 0 ) {
            pd->switchers[pd->num_switchers++] = &window_mode_cd;
        #endif // WINDOW_MODE
        // SSh dialog
        if ( strcasecmp ( token, "ssh" ) == 0 ) {
            pd->switchers[pd->num_switchers++] = &ssh_mode;
        // Run dialog
        else if ( strcasecmp ( token, "run" ) == 0 ) {
            pd->switchers[pd->num_switchers++] = &run_mode;
        else if ( strcasecmp ( token, "drun" ) == 0 ) {
            pd->switchers[pd->num_switchers++] = &drun_mode;
        else {
            // If not build in, use custom switchers.
            Mode *sw = script_switcher_parse_setup ( token );
            if ( sw != NULL ) {
                pd->switchers[pd->num_switchers++] = sw;
                // Report error, don't continue.
                fprintf ( stderr, "Invalid script switcher: %s\n", token );
                token = NULL;
        // Keybinding.
    // Free string that was modified by strtok_r
    g_free ( switcher_str );
Esempio n. 19
static void combi_mode_destroy ( Mode *sw )
    CombiModePrivateData *pd = (CombiModePrivateData *) mode_get_private_data ( sw );
    if ( pd != NULL ) {
        g_free ( pd->starts );
        g_free ( pd->lengths );
        // Cleanup switchers.
        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < pd->num_switchers; i++ ) {
            mode_destroy ( pd->switchers[i] );
        g_free ( pd->switchers );
        g_free ( pd );
        mode_set_private_data ( sw, NULL );
Esempio n. 20
static int drun_token_match ( const Mode *data, GRegex **tokens, unsigned int index )
    DRunModePrivateData *rmpd = (DRunModePrivateData *) mode_get_private_data ( data );
    int                 match = 1;
    if ( tokens ) {
        for ( int j = 0; match && tokens != NULL && tokens[j] != NULL; j++ ) {
            int    test        = 0;
            GRegex *ftokens[2] = { tokens[j], NULL };
            // Match name
            if ( rmpd->entry_list[index].name &&
                 helper_token_match ( ftokens, rmpd->entry_list[index].name ) ) {
                test = 1;
            // Match generic name
            if ( !test && rmpd->entry_list[index].generic_name &&
                 helper_token_match ( ftokens, rmpd->entry_list[index].generic_name ) ) {
                test = 1;
            // Match executable name.
            if ( !test && helper_token_match ( ftokens, rmpd->entry_list[index].exec ) ) {
                test = 1;
            // Match against category.
            if ( !test ) {
                gchar **list = rmpd->entry_list[index].categories;
                for ( int iter = 0; !test && list && list[iter]; iter++ ) {
                    test = helper_token_match ( ftokens, list[iter] );
                gchar **list = g_key_file_get_locale_string_list ( rmpd->entry_list[index].key_file, "Desktop Entry", "Categories", NULL, NULL, NULL );
                for ( int iter = 0; !test && list && list[iter]; iter++ ) {
                    test = helper_token_match ( ftokens, list[iter] );
                g_strfreev ( list );
            if ( test == 0 ) {
                match = 0;
    return match;
Esempio n. 21
static char *_get_display_value ( const Mode *sw, unsigned int selected_line, int *state, G_GNUC_UNUSED GList **list, int get_entry )
    DRunModePrivateData *pd = (DRunModePrivateData *) mode_get_private_data ( sw );
    *state |= MARKUP;
    if ( !get_entry ) {
        return NULL;
    if ( pd->entry_list == NULL ) {
        // Should never get here.
        return g_strdup ( "Failed" );
    /* Free temp storage. */
    DRunModeEntry *dr = &( pd->entry_list[selected_line] );
    if ( dr->generic_name == NULL ) {
        return g_markup_escape_text ( dr->name, -1 );
    else {
        return g_markup_printf_escaped ( "%s <span weight='light' size='small'><i>(%s)</i></span>", dr->name,
                                         dr->generic_name );
Esempio n. 22
File: drun.c Progetto: yusiwen/rofi
static int drun_mode_init ( Mode *sw )
    if ( mode_get_private_data ( sw ) == NULL ) {
        static const gchar * const drun_icon_fallback_themes[] = {
        const gchar                *themes[2] = {
        DRunModePrivateData        *pd = g_malloc0 ( sizeof ( *pd ) );
        pd->disabled_entries = g_hash_table_new_full ( g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL );
        mode_set_private_data ( sw, (void *) pd );
        pd->xdg_context = nk_xdg_theme_context_new ( drun_icon_fallback_themes, NULL );
        nk_xdg_theme_preload_themes_icon ( pd->xdg_context, themes );
        get_apps ( pd );
    return TRUE;
Esempio n. 23
static char * combi_mgrv ( const Mode *sw, unsigned int selected_line, int *state, int get_entry )
    CombiModePrivateData *pd = mode_get_private_data ( sw );
    if ( !get_entry ) {
        for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pd->num_switchers; i++ ) {
            if ( selected_line >= pd->starts[i] && selected_line < ( pd->starts[i] + pd->lengths[i] ) ) {
                mode_get_display_value ( pd->switchers[i], selected_line - pd->starts[i], state, FALSE );
                return NULL;
        return NULL;
    for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pd->num_switchers; i++ ) {
        if ( selected_line >= pd->starts[i] && selected_line < ( pd->starts[i] + pd->lengths[i] ) ) {
            char * str  = mode_get_display_value ( pd->switchers[i], selected_line - pd->starts[i], state, TRUE );
            char * retv = g_strdup_printf ( "%s %s", mode_get_display_name ( pd->switchers[i] ), str );
            g_free ( str );
            return retv;

    return NULL;
Esempio n. 24
File: drun.c Progetto: yusiwen/rofi
static ModeMode drun_mode_result ( Mode *sw, int mretv, char **input, unsigned int selected_line )
    DRunModePrivateData *rmpd = (DRunModePrivateData *) mode_get_private_data ( sw );
    ModeMode            retv  = MODE_EXIT;

    gboolean            run_in_term = ( ( mretv & MENU_CUSTOM_ACTION ) == MENU_CUSTOM_ACTION );

    if ( mretv & MENU_NEXT ) {
        retv = NEXT_DIALOG;
    else if ( mretv & MENU_PREVIOUS ) {
        retv = PREVIOUS_DIALOG;
    else if ( mretv & MENU_QUICK_SWITCH ) {
        retv = ( mretv & MENU_LOWER_MASK );
    else if ( ( mretv & MENU_OK )  ) {
        exec_cmd_entry ( &( rmpd->entry_list[selected_line] ) );
    else if ( ( mretv & MENU_CUSTOM_INPUT ) && *input != NULL && *input[0] != '\0' ) {
        RofiHelperExecuteContext context = { .name = NULL };
        // FIXME: We assume startup notification in terminals, not in others
        helper_execute_command ( NULL, *input, run_in_term, run_in_term ? &context : NULL );
Esempio n. 25
File: ssh.c Progetto: mstg/rofi
 * @param sw Object handle to the SSH Mode object
 * Get the number of SSH entries.
 * @returns the number of ssh entries.
static unsigned int ssh_mode_get_num_entries ( const Mode *sw )
    const SSHModePrivateData *rmpd = (const SSHModePrivateData *) mode_get_private_data ( sw );
    return rmpd->hosts_list_length;
Esempio n. 26
static unsigned int combi_mode_get_num_entries ( const Mode *sw )
    const CombiModePrivateData *pd = (const CombiModePrivateData *) mode_get_private_data ( sw );
    return pd->cmd_list_length;
Esempio n. 27
static int dmenu_is_not_ascii ( const Mode *sw, unsigned int index )
    DmenuModePrivateData *rmpd = (DmenuModePrivateData *) mode_get_private_data ( sw );
    return !g_str_is_ascii ( rmpd->cmd_list[index] );
Esempio n. 28
File: ssh.c Progetto: mstg/rofi
 * @param sw Object handle to the SSH Mode object
 * @param index The index of the entry to match
 * Check if the selected entry contains non-ascii symbols.
 * @returns TRUE if string contains non-ascii symbols
static int ssh_is_not_ascii ( const Mode *sw, unsigned int index )
    SSHModePrivateData *rmpd = (SSHModePrivateData *) mode_get_private_data ( sw );
    return !g_str_is_ascii ( rmpd->hosts_list[index] );
Esempio n. 29
File: ssh.c Progetto: mstg/rofi
 * @param sw Object handle to the SSH Mode object
 * @param tokens The set of tokens to match against
 * @param not_ascii If the entry is pure-ascii
 * @param case_sensitive If the entry should be matched case sensitive
 * @param index The index of the entry to match
 * Match entry against the set of tokens.
 * @returns TRUE if matches
static int ssh_token_match ( const Mode *sw, char **tokens, int not_ascii, int case_sensitive, unsigned int index )
    SSHModePrivateData *rmpd = (SSHModePrivateData *) mode_get_private_data ( sw );
    return token_match ( tokens, rmpd->hosts_list[index], not_ascii, case_sensitive );
Esempio n. 30
File: ssh.c Progetto: mstg/rofi
 * @param sw Object handle to the SSH Mode object
 * @param selected_line The line to view
 * @param state The state of the entry [out]
 * @param get_entry
 * Gets the string as it should be displayed and the display state.
 * If get_entry is FALSE only the state is set.
 * @return the string as it should be displayed and the display state.
static char *_get_display_value ( const Mode *sw, unsigned int selected_line, G_GNUC_UNUSED int *state, int get_entry )
    SSHModePrivateData *rmpd = (SSHModePrivateData *) mode_get_private_data ( sw );
    return get_entry ? g_strdup ( rmpd->hosts_list[selected_line] ) : NULL;