Esempio n. 1
File: a52.c Progetto: RicoP/vlcfork
static int OpenDecoder( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    /* HACK: Don't use this codec if we don't have an a52 audio filter */
    if( !module_exists( "a52tofloat32" ) )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;
    return OpenCommon( p_this, false );
Esempio n. 2
 * Set the audio output.
int libvlc_audio_output_set( libvlc_media_player_t *mp, const char *psz_name )
    if( !module_exists( psz_name ) )
        return -1;
    var_SetString( mp, "aout", psz_name );
    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
/* This function prints out some module stats
int cmd_stats(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	struct uart_info *uart_config;
	struct crc_info *crc_config;
	struct relay_info *relay_config;
	char buf[3];
	for(size_t i = MODULE1; i <= MODULE4; i++)	{
		if(module_exists(i))	{
			switch	(module_profile_id(i)) {
				case PROFILE_UART: {
					uart_config = get_uart_profile(i);
					cmd_print("\r\nmodule id: %d base: %X port: %d rcv: %d sent: %d err: %d lost: %d buf: %d profile: ", i, uart_config->base, uart_config->port,uart_config->recv, uart_config->sent, uart_config->err, uart_config->lost,uart_config->buf_size * UART_QUEUE_SIZE);
					usnprintf((char *)&buf, 3, "%d",i+1);
					argv[1]=(char *)&buf;
					case PROFILE_CRC: {
						crc_config = get_crc_profile(i);
						cmd_print("\r\nmodule id: %d profile: %s crc: %X crc2: %X", i, "crc error", crc_config->crc,crc_config->crc2);
					case PROFILE_RELAY: {
						relay_config = get_relay_profile(i);
						cmd_print("\r\nmodule id: %d profile: %s start_value: %d negation: %d convert: %d", i, "relay", relay_config->start_value, relay_config->negation, relay_config->convert);
		} else {
			cmd_print("\r\nmodule id: %d not available", i);
Esempio n. 4
static int vlc_sd_probe_Open (vlc_object_t *obj)
    vlc_probe_t *probe = (vlc_probe_t *)obj;

    struct udev *udev = udev_new ();
    if (udev == NULL)
        return VLC_PROBE_CONTINUE;

    struct udev_monitor *mon = udev_monitor_new_from_netlink (udev, "udev");
    if (mon != NULL)
        vlc_sd_probe_Add (probe, "v4l{longname=\"Video capture\"}",
                          N_("Video capture"), SD_CAT_DEVICES);
#ifdef HAVE_ALSA
        if (!module_exists ("pulselist"))
            vlc_sd_probe_Add (probe, "alsa{longname=\"Audio capture\"}",
                              N_("Audio capture"), SD_CAT_DEVICES);
        vlc_sd_probe_Add (probe, "disc{longname=\"Discs\"}", N_("Discs"),
        udev_monitor_unref (mon);
    udev_unref (udev);
Esempio n. 5
 * Set the audio output.
int libvlc_audio_output_set( libvlc_instance_t *p_instance,
                                            const char *psz_name )
    if( module_exists( psz_name ) )
        config_PutPsz( p_instance->p_libvlc_int, "aout", psz_name );
        return true;
        return false;
Esempio n. 6
 * Set the audio output.
int libvlc_audio_output_set( libvlc_media_player_t *mp, const char *psz_name )
    char *value;

    if( !module_exists( psz_name )
            || asprintf( &value, "%s,none", psz_name ) == -1 )
        return -1;
    var_SetString( mp, "aout", value );
    free( value );
    return 0;
Esempio n. 7
File: audio.c Progetto: 0xheart0/vlc
 * Set the audio output.
int libvlc_audio_output_set( libvlc_media_player_t *mp, const char *psz_name )
    char *value;

    if( !module_exists( psz_name )
     || asprintf( &value, "%s,none", psz_name ) == -1 )
        return -1;
    var_SetString( mp, "aout", value );
    free( value );

    /* Forget the existing audio output */

    /* Create a new audio output */
    audio_output_t *aout = input_resource_GetAout(mp->input.p_resource);
    if( aout != NULL )
        input_resource_PutAout(mp->input.p_resource, aout);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 8
int cmd_relay(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	unsigned char pin,value;
	unsigned short module;
	module = MODULE1;
	if(!(module_exists(module) && (module_profile_id(module) == PROFILE_RELAY))) {
		cmd_print("No relay available.");

	if (argc == 2) {
		pin = ustrtoul(argv[1],NULL,0);
		cmd_print("\r\nrelay module: %d pin: %d value: %d",module,pin, relay_read(module,pin));

	} else if (argc == 3) {
		pin = ustrtoul(argv[1],NULL,0);
		value = ustrtoul(argv[2],NULL,16);
Esempio n. 9
 * The Panels
SPrefsPanel::SPrefsPanel( intf_thread_t *_p_intf, QWidget *_parent,
                          int _number, bool small ) : QWidget( _parent ), p_intf( _p_intf )
    module_config_t *p_config;
    ConfigControl *control;
    number = _number;

#define CONFIG_GENERIC( option, type, label, qcontrol )                   \
            p_config =  config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), option );  \
            if( p_config )                                                \
            {                                                             \
                control =  new type ## ConfigControl( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), \
                           p_config, label, ui.qcontrol, false );         \
                controls.append( control );                               \
            }                                                             \
            else {                                                        \
                ui.qcontrol->setEnabled( false );                         \
                if( label ) label->setEnabled( false );                   \

#define CONFIG_BOOL( option, qcontrol )                           \
            p_config =  config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), option );  \
            if( p_config )                                                \
            {                                                             \
                control =  new BoolConfigControl( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf),     \
                           p_config, NULL, ui.qcontrol, false );          \
                controls.append( control );                               \
            }                                                             \
            else { ui.qcontrol->setEnabled( false ); }

#define CONFIG_GENERIC_NO_UI( option, type, label, qcontrol )             \
            p_config =  config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), option );  \
            if( p_config )                                                \
            {                                                             \
                control =  new type ## ConfigControl( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), \
                           p_config, label, qcontrol, false );            \
                controls.append( control );                               \
            }                                                             \
            else {                                                        \
                QWidget *widget = label;                                  \
                qcontrol->setVisible( false );                            \
                if( widget ) widget->setEnabled( false );                 \

#define CONFIG_GENERIC_NO_BOOL( option, type, label, qcontrol )           \
            p_config =  config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), option );  \
            if( p_config )                                                \
            {                                                             \
                control =  new type ## ConfigControl( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), \
                           p_config, label, ui.qcontrol );                \
                controls.append( control );                               \

#define CONFIG_GENERIC_FILE( option, type, label, qcontrol, qbutton )     \
            p_config =  config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), option );  \
            if( p_config )                                                \
            {                                                             \
                control =  new type ## ConfigControl( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), \
                           p_config, label, qcontrol, qbutton );          \
                controls.append( control );                               \

#define START_SPREFS_CAT( name , label )    \
        case SPrefs ## name:                \
        {                                   \
            Ui::SPrefs ## name ui;      \
            ui.setupUi( panel );            \
            panel_label->setText( label );

#define END_SPREFS_CAT      \
            break;          \

    QVBoxLayout *panel_layout = new QVBoxLayout();
    QWidget *panel = new QWidget();
    panel_layout->setMargin( 3 );

    // Title Label
    QLabel *panel_label = new QLabel;
    QFont labelFont = QApplication::font( static_cast<QWidget*>(0) );
    labelFont.setPointSize( labelFont.pointSize() + 6 );
    labelFont.setFamily( "Verdana" );
    panel_label->setFont( labelFont );

    // Title <hr>
    QFrame *title_line = new QFrame;

    QFont italicFont = QApplication::font( static_cast<QWidget*>(0) );
    italicFont.setItalic( true );

    switch( number )
         * VIDEO Panel Implementation *
        START_SPREFS_CAT( Video , qtr("Video Settings") );
            CONFIG_BOOL( "video", enableVideo );

            CONFIG_BOOL( "fullscreen", fullscreen );
            CONFIG_BOOL( "overlay", overlay );
            CONFIG_BOOL( "video-on-top", alwaysOnTop );
            CONFIG_BOOL( "video-deco", windowDecorations );
            CONFIG_BOOL( "skip-frames", skipFrames );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "vout", Module, ui.voutLabel, outputModule );

            CONFIG_BOOL( "video-wallpaper", wallpaperMode );
#ifdef WIN32
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "directx-device", StringList, ui.dxDeviceLabel,
                            dXdisplayDevice );
            CONFIG_BOOL( "directx-hw-yuv", hwYUVBox );
            ui.directXBox->setVisible( false );
            ui.hwYUVBox->setVisible( false );

            CONFIG_GENERIC( "deinterlace", IntegerList, ui.deinterLabel, deinterlaceBox );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "deinterlace-mode", StringList, ui.deinterModeLabel, deinterlaceModeBox );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "aspect-ratio", String, ui.arLabel, arLine );

            CONFIG_GENERIC_FILE( "snapshot-path", Directory, ui.dirLabel,
                                 ui.snapshotsDirectory, ui.snapshotsDirectoryBrowse );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "snapshot-prefix", String, ui.prefixLabel, snapshotsPrefix );
            CONFIG_BOOL( "snapshot-sequential",
                            snapshotsSequentialNumbering );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "snapshot-format", StringList, ui.arLabel,
                            snapshotsFormat );

         * AUDIO Panel Implementation *
        START_SPREFS_CAT( Audio, qtr("Audio Settings") );

            CONFIG_BOOL( "audio", enableAudio );
            ui.SPrefsAudio_zone->setEnabled( ui.enableAudio->isChecked() );
            CONNECT( ui.enableAudio, toggled( bool ),
                     ui.SPrefsAudio_zone, setEnabled( bool ) );

#define audioCommon( name ) \
            QWidget * name ## Control = new QWidget( ui.outputAudioBox ); \
            QHBoxLayout * name ## Layout = new QHBoxLayout( name ## Control); \
            name ## Layout->setMargin( 0 ); \
            name ## Layout->setSpacing( 0 ); \
            QLabel * name ## Label = new QLabel( qtr( "Device:" ), name ## Control ); \
            name ## Label->setMinimumSize(QSize(250, 0)); \
            name ## Layout->addWidget( name ## Label ); \

#define audioControl( name) \
            audioCommon( name ) \
            QComboBox * name ## Device = new QComboBox( name ## Control ); \
            name ## Layout->addWidget( name ## Device ); \
            name ## Label->setBuddy( name ## Device ); \
            outputAudioLayout->addWidget( name ## Control, outputAudioLayout->rowCount(), 0, 1, -1 );

#define audioControl2( name) \
            audioCommon( name ) \
            QLineEdit * name ## Device = new QLineEdit( name ## Control ); \
            name ## Layout->addWidget( name ## Device ); \
            name ## Label->setBuddy( name ## Device ); \
            QPushButton * name ## Browse = new QPushButton( qtr( "Browse..." ), name ## Control); \
            name ## Layout->addWidget( name ## Browse ); \
            outputAudioLayout->addWidget( name ## Control, outputAudioLayout->rowCount(), 0, 1, -1 );

            /* Build if necessary */
            QGridLayout * outputAudioLayout = qobject_cast<QGridLayout *>(ui.outputAudioBox->layout());
#ifdef WIN32
            audioControl( DirectX );
            optionWidgets.append( DirectXControl );
            CONFIG_GENERIC_NO_UI( "directx-audio-device-name", StringList,
                    DirectXLabel, DirectXDevice );
            if( module_exists( "alsa" ) )
                audioControl( alsa );
                optionWidgets.append( alsaControl );

                CONFIG_GENERIC_NO_UI( "alsa-audio-device" , StringList, alsaLabel,
                                alsaDevice );
                optionWidgets.append( NULL );
            if( module_exists( "oss" ) )
                audioControl2( OSS );
                optionWidgets.append( OSSControl );
                CONFIG_GENERIC_FILE( "oss-audio-device" , File, NULL, OSSDevice,
                                 OSSBrowse );
                optionWidgets.append( NULL );

#undef audioControl2
#undef audioControl
#undef audioCommon

            /* Audio Options */
            CONFIG_GENERIC_NO_BOOL( "volume" , IntegerRangeSlider, NULL,
                                     defaultVolume );
            CONNECT( ui.defaultVolume, valueChanged( int ),
                     this, updateAudioVolume( int ) );

            CONFIG_BOOL( "qt-autosave-volume", keepVolumeRadio );
            ui.defaultVolume_zone->setEnabled( ui.resetVolumeRadio->isChecked() );
            CONNECT( ui.resetVolumeRadio, toggled( bool ),
                     ui.defaultVolume_zone, setEnabled( bool ) );

            CONFIG_GENERIC( "audio-language" , String , ui.langLabel,
                            preferredAudioLanguage );

            CONFIG_BOOL( "spdif", spdifBox );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "force-dolby-surround", IntegerList, ui.dolbyLabel,
                            detectionDolby );

            CONFIG_GENERIC_NO_BOOL( "norm-max-level" , Float, NULL,
                                    volNormSpin );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "audio-replay-gain-mode", StringList, ui.replayLabel,
                            replayCombo );
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "audio-visual" , Module , ui.visuLabel,
            CONFIG_BOOL( "audio-time-stretch", autoscaleBox );

            /* Audio Output Specifics */
            CONFIG_GENERIC( "aout", Module, ui.outputLabel, outputModule );

            CONNECT( ui.outputModule, currentIndexChanged( int ),
                     this, updateAudioOptions( int ) );

            /* File output exists on all platforms */
            CONFIG_GENERIC_FILE( "audiofile-file", File, ui.fileLabel,
                                 ui.fileName, ui.fileBrowseButton );

            optionWidgets.append( ui.fileControl );
            optionWidgets.append( ui.outputModule );
            optionWidgets.append( ui.volNormBox );
            /*Little mofification of ui.volumeValue to compile with Qt < 4.3 */
            optionWidgets.append( ui.volumeValue );
            optionWidgets.append( ui.headphoneEffect );
            optionWidgets.append( ui.spdifBox );
            updateAudioOptions( ui.outputModule->currentIndex() );

            /* LastFM */
            if( module_exists( "audioscrobbler" ) )
                CONFIG_GENERIC( "lastfm-username", String, ui.lastfm_user_label,
                        lastfm_user_edit );
                CONFIG_GENERIC( "lastfm-password", String, ui.lastfm_pass_label,
                        lastfm_pass_edit );

                if( config_ExistIntf( VLC_OBJECT( p_intf ), "audioscrobbler" ) )
                    ui.lastfm->setChecked( true );
                    ui.lastfm->setChecked( false );

                ui.lastfm_zone->setVisible( ui.lastfm->isChecked() );

                CONNECT( ui.lastfm, toggled( bool ),
                         ui.lastfm_zone, setVisible( bool ) );
                CONNECT( ui.lastfm, stateChanged( int ),
                         this, lastfm_Changed( int ) );
Esempio n. 10
 * aout_InputNew : allocate a new input and rework the filter pipeline
int aout_InputNew( aout_instance_t * p_aout, aout_input_t * p_input, const aout_request_vout_t *p_request_vout )
    audio_sample_format_t chain_input_format;
    audio_sample_format_t chain_output_format;
    vlc_value_t val, text;
    char *psz_filters, *psz_visual, *psz_scaletempo;
    int i_visual;

    aout_FormatPrint( p_aout, "input", &p_input->input );

    p_input->i_nb_resamplers = p_input->i_nb_filters = 0;

    /* Prepare FIFO. */
    aout_FifoInit( p_aout, &p_input->mixer.fifo, p_aout->mixer_format.i_rate );
    p_input->mixer.begin = NULL;

    /* */
    if( p_request_vout )
        p_input->request_vout = *p_request_vout;
        p_input->request_vout.pf_request_vout = RequestVout;
        p_input->request_vout.p_private = p_aout;

    /* Prepare format structure */
    chain_input_format  = p_input->input;
    chain_output_format = p_aout->mixer_format;
    chain_output_format.i_rate = p_input->input.i_rate;
    aout_FormatPrepare( &chain_output_format );

    /* Now add user filters */
    if( var_Type( p_aout, "visual" ) == 0 )
        var_Create( p_aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_STRING | VLC_VAR_HASCHOICE );
        text.psz_string = _("Visualizations");
        var_Change( p_aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_SETTEXT, &text, NULL );
        val.psz_string = (char*)""; text.psz_string = _("Disable");
        var_Change( p_aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text );
        val.psz_string = (char*)"spectrometer"; text.psz_string = _("Spectrometer");
        var_Change( p_aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text );
        val.psz_string = (char*)"scope"; text.psz_string = _("Scope");
        var_Change( p_aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text );
        val.psz_string = (char*)"spectrum"; text.psz_string = _("Spectrum");
        var_Change( p_aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text );
        val.psz_string = (char*)"vuMeter"; text.psz_string = _("Vu meter");
        var_Change( p_aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text );

        /* Look for goom plugin */
        if( module_exists( "goom" ) )
            val.psz_string = (char*)"goom"; text.psz_string = (char*)"Goom";
            var_Change( p_aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text );

        /* Look for libprojectM plugin */
        if( module_exists( "projectm" ) )
            val.psz_string = (char*)"projectm"; text.psz_string = (char*)"projectM";
            var_Change( p_aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text );

        if( var_Get( p_aout, "effect-list", &val ) == VLC_SUCCESS )
            var_SetString( p_aout, "visual", val.psz_string );
            free( val.psz_string );
        var_AddCallback( p_aout, "visual", VisualizationCallback, NULL );

    if( var_Type( p_aout, "equalizer" ) == 0 )
        module_config_t *p_config;
        int i;

        p_config = config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT(p_aout), "equalizer-preset" );
        if( p_config && p_config->i_list )
               var_Create( p_aout, "equalizer",
                           VLC_VAR_STRING | VLC_VAR_HASCHOICE );
            text.psz_string = _("Equalizer");
            var_Change( p_aout, "equalizer", VLC_VAR_SETTEXT, &text, NULL );

            val.psz_string = (char*)""; text.psz_string = _("Disable");
            var_Change( p_aout, "equalizer", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text );

            for( i = 0; i < p_config->i_list; i++ )
                val.psz_string = (char *)p_config->ppsz_list[i];
                text.psz_string = (char *)p_config->ppsz_list_text[i];
                var_Change( p_aout, "equalizer", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE,
                            &val, &text );

            var_AddCallback( p_aout, "equalizer", EqualizerCallback, NULL );

    if( var_Type( p_aout, "audio-filter" ) == 0 )
        var_Create( p_aout, "audio-filter",
                    VLC_VAR_STRING | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
        text.psz_string = _("Audio filters");
        var_Change( p_aout, "audio-filter", VLC_VAR_SETTEXT, &text, NULL );
    if( var_Type( p_aout, "audio-visual" ) == 0 )
        var_Create( p_aout, "audio-visual",
                    VLC_VAR_STRING | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
        text.psz_string = _("Audio visualizations");
        var_Change( p_aout, "audio-visual", VLC_VAR_SETTEXT, &text, NULL );

    if( var_Type( p_aout, "audio-replay-gain-mode" ) == 0 )
        module_config_t *p_config;
        int i;

        p_config = config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT(p_aout), "audio-replay-gain-mode" );
        if( p_config && p_config->i_list )
            var_Create( p_aout, "audio-replay-gain-mode",
                        VLC_VAR_STRING | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );

            text.psz_string = _("Replay gain");
            var_Change( p_aout, "audio-replay-gain-mode", VLC_VAR_SETTEXT, &text, NULL );

            for( i = 0; i < p_config->i_list; i++ )
                val.psz_string = (char *)p_config->ppsz_list[i];
                text.psz_string = (char *)p_config->ppsz_list_text[i];
                var_Change( p_aout, "audio-replay-gain-mode", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE,
                            &val, &text );

            var_AddCallback( p_aout, "audio-replay-gain-mode", ReplayGainCallback, NULL );
    if( var_Type( p_aout, "audio-replay-gain-preamp" ) == 0 )
        var_Create( p_aout, "audio-replay-gain-preamp",
                    VLC_VAR_FLOAT | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
    if( var_Type( p_aout, "audio-replay-gain-default" ) == 0 )
        var_Create( p_aout, "audio-replay-gain-default",
                    VLC_VAR_FLOAT | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
    if( var_Type( p_aout, "audio-replay-gain-peak-protection" ) == 0 )
        var_Create( p_aout, "audio-replay-gain-peak-protection",
                    VLC_VAR_BOOL | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
    if( var_Type( p_aout, "audio-time-stretch" ) == 0 )
        var_Create( p_aout, "audio-time-stretch",
                    VLC_VAR_BOOL | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );

    psz_filters = var_GetString( p_aout, "audio-filter" );
    psz_visual = var_GetString( p_aout, "audio-visual");
    psz_scaletempo = var_GetBool( p_aout, "audio-time-stretch" ) ? strdup( "scaletempo" ) : NULL;

    p_input->b_recycle_vout = psz_visual && *psz_visual;

    /* parse user filter lists */
    char *const ppsz_array[] = { psz_scaletempo, psz_filters, psz_visual };
    p_input->p_playback_rate_filter = NULL;

    for( i_visual = 0; i_visual < 3 && !AOUT_FMT_NON_LINEAR(&chain_output_format); i_visual++ )
        char *psz_next = NULL;
        char *psz_parser = ppsz_array[i_visual];

        if( psz_parser == NULL || !*psz_parser )

        while( psz_parser && *psz_parser )
            filter_t * p_filter = NULL;

            if( p_input->i_nb_filters >= AOUT_MAX_FILTERS )
                msg_Dbg( p_aout, "max filters reached (%d)", AOUT_MAX_FILTERS );

            while( *psz_parser == ' ' && *psz_parser == ':' )
            if( ( psz_next = strchr( psz_parser , ':'  ) ) )
                *psz_next++ = '\0';
            if( *psz_parser =='\0' )

            /* Create a VLC object */
            static const char typename[] = "audio filter";
            p_filter = vlc_custom_create( p_aout, sizeof(*p_filter),
                                          VLC_OBJECT_GENERIC, typename );
            if( p_filter == NULL )
                msg_Err( p_aout, "cannot add user filter %s (skipped)",
                         psz_parser );
                psz_parser = psz_next;

            vlc_object_attach( p_filter , p_aout );

            p_filter->p_owner = malloc( sizeof(*p_filter->p_owner) );
            p_filter->p_owner->p_aout  = p_aout;
            p_filter->p_owner->p_input = p_input;

            /* request format */
            memcpy( &p_filter->, &chain_output_format,
                    sizeof(audio_sample_format_t) );
            p_filter->fmt_in.i_codec = chain_output_format.i_format;
            memcpy( &p_filter->, &chain_output_format,
                    sizeof(audio_sample_format_t) );
            p_filter->fmt_out.i_codec = chain_output_format.i_format;
            p_filter->pf_audio_buffer_new = aout_FilterBufferNew;

            /* try to find the requested filter */
            if( i_visual == 2 ) /* this can only be a visualization module */
                p_filter->p_module = module_need( p_filter, "visualization2",
                                                  psz_parser, true );
            else /* this can be a audio filter module as well as a visualization module */
                p_filter->p_module = module_need( p_filter, "audio filter",
                                              psz_parser, true );

                if ( p_filter->p_module == NULL )
                    /* if the filter requested a special format, retry */
                    if ( !( AOUT_FMTS_IDENTICAL( &p_filter->,
                                                 &chain_input_format )
                            && AOUT_FMTS_IDENTICAL( &p_filter->,
                                                    &chain_output_format ) ) )
                        aout_FormatPrepare( &p_filter-> );
                        aout_FormatPrepare( &p_filter-> );
                        p_filter->p_module = module_need( p_filter,
                                                          "audio filter",
                                                          psz_parser, true );
                    /* try visual filters */
                        memcpy( &p_filter->, &chain_output_format,
                                sizeof(audio_sample_format_t) );
                        memcpy( &p_filter->, &chain_output_format,
                                sizeof(audio_sample_format_t) );
                        p_filter->p_module = module_need( p_filter,
                                                          psz_parser, true );

            /* failure */
            if ( p_filter->p_module == NULL )
                msg_Err( p_aout, "cannot add user filter %s (skipped)",
                         psz_parser );

                free( p_filter->p_owner );
                vlc_object_release( p_filter );

                psz_parser = psz_next;

            /* complete the filter chain if necessary */
            if ( !AOUT_FMTS_IDENTICAL( &chain_input_format,
                                       &p_filter-> ) )
                if ( aout_FiltersCreatePipeline( p_aout, p_input->pp_filters,
                                                 &p_filter-> ) < 0 )
                    msg_Err( p_aout, "cannot add user filter %s (skipped)",
                             psz_parser );

                    module_unneed( p_filter, p_filter->p_module );
                    free( p_filter->p_owner );
                    vlc_object_release( p_filter );

                    psz_parser = psz_next;

            /* success */
            p_input->pp_filters[p_input->i_nb_filters++] = p_filter;
            memcpy( &chain_input_format, &p_filter->,
                    sizeof( audio_sample_format_t ) );

            if( i_visual == 0 ) /* scaletempo */
                p_input->p_playback_rate_filter = p_filter;

            /* next filter if any */
            psz_parser = psz_next;
    free( psz_visual );
    free( psz_filters );
    free( psz_scaletempo );

    /* complete the filter chain if necessary */
    if ( !AOUT_FMTS_IDENTICAL( &chain_input_format, &chain_output_format ) )
        if ( aout_FiltersCreatePipeline( p_aout, p_input->pp_filters,
                                         &chain_output_format ) < 0 )
            inputFailure( p_aout, p_input, "couldn't set an input pipeline" );
            return -1;

    /* Prepare hints for the buffer allocator. */
    p_input->input_alloc.b_alloc = true;
    p_input->input_alloc.i_bytes_per_sec = -1;

    /* Create resamplers. */
    if ( !AOUT_FMT_NON_LINEAR( &p_aout->mixer_format ) )
        chain_output_format.i_rate = (__MAX(p_input->input.i_rate,
                                 * (100 + AOUT_MAX_RESAMPLING)) / 100;
        if ( chain_output_format.i_rate == p_aout->mixer_format.i_rate )
            /* Just in case... */
        if ( aout_FiltersCreatePipeline( p_aout, p_input->pp_resamplers,
                                         &p_aout->mixer_format ) < 0 )
            inputFailure( p_aout, p_input, "couldn't set a resampler pipeline");
            return -1;

        aout_FiltersHintBuffers( p_aout, p_input->pp_resamplers,
                                 &p_input->input_alloc );
        p_input->input_alloc.b_alloc = true;

        /* Setup the initial rate of the resampler */
        p_input->pp_resamplers[0]-> = p_input->input.i_rate;
    p_input->i_resampling_type = AOUT_RESAMPLING_NONE;

    if( ! p_input->p_playback_rate_filter && p_input->i_nb_resamplers > 0 )
        p_input->p_playback_rate_filter = p_input->pp_resamplers[0];

    aout_FiltersHintBuffers( p_aout, p_input->pp_filters,
                             &p_input->input_alloc );
    p_input->input_alloc.b_alloc = true;

    /* i_bytes_per_sec is still == -1 if no filters */
    p_input->input_alloc.i_bytes_per_sec = __MAX(
                                     * p_input->input.i_rate
                                     / p_input->input.i_frame_length) );

    ReplayGainSelect( p_aout, p_input );

    /* Success */
    p_input->b_error = false;
    p_input->i_last_input_rate = INPUT_RATE_DEFAULT;

    return 0;
Esempio n. 11
parse_command(char *line)
	char *token;

	token = strtok (line, " ");
  	while (token != NULL) {

  		/* set */
    	if ( strcmp(token, "set") == 0) {

    		token = strtok(NULL, " ");

	  		if ( strcmp(token, "target_host") == 0) {
	  			token = strtok(NULL, " ");
	  			snprintf(target_host, 254, "%s", token);
	  			printf("\n%s[!]%s target_host set : %s\n\n", _GREEN, _ENDC, target_host);

			if ( strcmp(token, "connect_back_ip") == 0) {
				token = strtok(NULL, " ");
	  			snprintf(connect_back_ip, 254, "%s", token);
	  			printf("\n%s[!]%s connect_back_ip set : %s\n\n", _GREEN, _ENDC, connect_back_ip);


    	/* show */
    	if ( strcmp(token, "show") == 0) {

    		token = strtok(NULL, " ");


	  		if ( strcmp(token, "exploits") == 0) {


    	/* use */
    	if ( strcmp(token, "use") == 0) {

    		token = strtok(NULL, " ");

	  		if ( strcmp(token, "exploit") == 0) {
	  			token = strtok(NULL, " ");


	  			if ( is_int(token) ) {
	  				if ( module_exists( atoi(token) ) ) {
	  					current_exploit = atoi(token);
	  					printf("\n%s[!]%s exploit ready\n\n", _GREEN, _ENDC);

	  				else {
	  					printf("\n%s[!]%s could not find exploit\n\n", _RED, _ENDC);


	  			else {
	  				current_exploit = find_module_by_path(token);

		  			if (current_exploit >= 0 ) {
		  				printf("\n%s[!]%s exploit ready\n\n", _GREEN, _ENDC);

		  			else {
		  				printf("\n%s[!]%s could not find exploit\n\n", _RED, _ENDC);



    	/* use */
    	if ( strcmp(token, "exploit") == 0) {

    		if (current_exploit < 0 ) {
		  		printf("\n%s[!]%s no exploit set \n\n", _RED, _ENDC);

		  	else {

		  		if ( check_exploit_params() ) {



    	token = strtok(NULL, " ");

static int ParseImageAttachments( decoder_t *p_dec )
    decoder_sys_t        *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys;
    input_attachment_t  **pp_attachments;
    int                   i_attachments_cnt;
    int                   k = 0;

    if( VLC_SUCCESS != decoder_GetInputAttachments( p_dec, &pp_attachments, &i_attachments_cnt ))
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    for( k = 0; k < i_attachments_cnt; k++ )
        input_attachment_t *p_attach = pp_attachments[k];

        vlc_fourcc_t type = image_Mime2Fourcc( p_attach->psz_mime );

        if( ( type != 0 ) &&
            ( p_attach->i_data > 0 ) &&
            ( p_attach->p_data != NULL ) )
            picture_t         *p_pic = NULL;
            image_handler_t   *p_image;

            p_image = image_HandlerCreate( p_dec );
            if( p_image != NULL )
                block_t   *p_block;

                p_block = block_Alloc( p_attach->i_data );

                if( p_block != NULL )
                    video_format_t     fmt_in;
                    video_format_t     fmt_out;

                    memcpy( p_block->p_buffer, p_attach->p_data, p_attach->i_data );

                    memset( &fmt_in,  0, sizeof( video_format_t));
                    memset( &fmt_out, 0, sizeof( video_format_t));

                    fmt_in.i_chroma  = type;
                    fmt_out.i_chroma = VLC_CODEC_YUVA;

                    /* Find a suitable decoder module */
                    if( module_exists( "sdl_image" ) )
                        /* ffmpeg thinks it can handle bmp properly but it can't (at least
                         * not all of them), so use sdl_image if it is available */

                        var_Create( p_dec, "codec", VLC_VAR_STRING | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
                        var_SetString( p_dec, "codec", "sdl_image" );

                    p_pic = image_Read( p_image, p_block, &fmt_in, &fmt_out );
                    var_Destroy( p_dec, "codec" );

                image_HandlerDelete( p_image );
            if( p_pic )
                image_attach_t *p_picture = malloc( sizeof(image_attach_t) );

                if( p_picture )
                    p_picture->psz_filename = strdup( p_attach->psz_name );
                    p_picture->p_pic = p_pic;

                    TAB_APPEND( (image_attach_t **), p_sys->i_images, p_sys->pp_images, p_picture );			// sunqueen modify
        vlc_input_attachment_Delete( pp_attachments[ k ] );
Esempio n. 13
main(int i_argc, char *ppsz_argv[])
    /* If b_test_all is true, this test could pollute the developer´s keystores */
    bool b_test_all = i_argc > 1 && strcmp(ppsz_argv[1], "-a") == 0;

    if (!b_test_all)

    setenv("VLC_PLUGIN_PATH", "../modules", 1);

    /* Create a dummy libvlc to initialize module bank, needed by module_exists */
    libvlc_instance_t *p_libvlc = libvlc_new(0, NULL);
    assert(p_libvlc != NULL);

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(keystore_args)/sizeof(*keystore_args); ++i)
        const char *psz_module = keystore_args[i].psz_module;

        if ((b_test_all || keystore_args[i].b_test_default)
         && module_exists(psz_module))
            int i_vlc_argc = 1;
            char *ppsz_vlc_argv[2] = { 0 };
            int i_tmp_fd = -1;
            char psz_tmp_path[] = "/tmp/libvlc_XXXXXX";

            assert(asprintf(&ppsz_vlc_argv[0], "--keystore=%s,none",
                   psz_module) != -1);

            if (strcmp(psz_module, "file") == 0)
                assert((i_tmp_fd = mkstemp(psz_tmp_path)) != -1);
                printf("plaintext tmp file: '%s'\n", psz_tmp_path);
                       "--keystore-file=%s", psz_tmp_path) != -1);
            else if (strcmp(psz_module, "kwallet") == 0)
                /* See TODO in kwallet.cpp, VLCKWallet::connect() */
                assert(libvlc_InternalAddIntf(p_libvlc->p_libvlc_int, "qt") == VLC_SUCCESS);

            test_module(psz_module, b_test_all, keystore_args[i].b_persistent,
                        i_vlc_argc, (const char * const *)ppsz_vlc_argv);

            if (i_tmp_fd != -1)
            printf("not testing %s\n", psz_module);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 14
File: output.c Progetto: Annovae/vlc
 * Creates an audio output object and initializes an output module.
audio_output_t *aout_New (vlc_object_t *parent)
    vlc_value_t val, text;

    audio_output_t *aout = vlc_custom_create (parent, sizeof (aout_instance_t),
                                              "audio output");
    if (unlikely(aout == NULL))
        return NULL;

    aout_owner_t *owner = aout_owner (aout);

    vlc_mutex_init (&owner->lock);
    vlc_mutex_init (&owner->req.lock);
    vlc_mutex_init (&owner->dev.lock);
    owner->req.device = (char *)unset_str;
    owner->req.volume = -1.f;
    owner->req.mute = -1;

    vlc_object_set_destructor (aout, aout_Destructor);

    /* Audio output module callbacks */
    var_Create (aout, "volume", VLC_VAR_FLOAT);
    var_AddCallback (aout, "volume", var_Copy, parent);
    var_Create (aout, "mute", VLC_VAR_BOOL | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT);
    var_AddCallback (aout, "mute", var_Copy, parent);
    var_Create (aout, "device", VLC_VAR_STRING);

    aout->event.volume_report = aout_VolumeNotify;
    aout->event.mute_report = aout_MuteNotify;
    aout->event.policy_report = aout_PolicyNotify;
    aout->event.device_report = aout_DeviceNotify;
    aout->event.hotplug_report = aout_HotplugNotify;
    aout->event.gain_request = aout_GainNotify;
    aout->event.restart_request = aout_RestartNotify;

    /* Audio output module initialization */
    aout->start = NULL;
    aout->stop = NULL;
    aout->volume_set = NULL;
    aout->mute_set = NULL;
    aout->device_select = NULL;
    owner->module = module_need (aout, "audio output", "$aout", false);
    if (owner->module == NULL)
        msg_Err (aout, "no suitable audio output module");
        vlc_object_release (aout);
        return NULL;

     * Persistent audio output variables
    module_config_t *cfg;
    char *str;

    /* Visualizations */
    var_Create (aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_STRING | VLC_VAR_HASCHOICE);
    text.psz_string = _("Visualizations");
    var_Change (aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_SETTEXT, &text, NULL);
    val.psz_string = (char *)"";
    text.psz_string = _("Disable");
    var_Change (aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text);
    val.psz_string = (char *)"spectrometer";
    text.psz_string = _("Spectrometer");
    var_Change (aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text);
    val.psz_string = (char *)"scope";
    text.psz_string = _("Scope");
    var_Change (aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text);
    val.psz_string = (char *)"spectrum";
    text.psz_string = _("Spectrum");
    var_Change (aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text);
    val.psz_string = (char *)"vuMeter";
    text.psz_string = _("Vu meter");
    var_Change (aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text);
    /* Look for goom plugin */
    if (module_exists ("goom"))
        val.psz_string = (char *)"goom";
        text.psz_string = (char *)"Goom";
        var_Change (aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text);
    /* Look for libprojectM plugin */
    if (module_exists ("projectm"))
        val.psz_string = (char *)"projectm";
        text.psz_string = (char*)"projectM";
        var_Change (aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text);
    /* Look for VSXu plugin */
    if (module_exists ("vsxu"))
        val.psz_string = (char *)"vsxu";
        text.psz_string = (char*)"Vovoid VSXu";
        var_Change (aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text);
    /* Look for glspectrum plugin */
    if (module_exists ("glspectrum"))
        val.psz_string = (char *)"glspectrum";
        text.psz_string = (char*)"3D spectrum";
        var_Change (aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text);
    str = var_GetNonEmptyString (aout, "effect-list");
    if (str != NULL)
        var_SetString (aout, "visual", str);
        free (str);

    /* Equalizer */
    var_Create (aout, "equalizer", VLC_VAR_STRING | VLC_VAR_HASCHOICE);
    text.psz_string = _("Equalizer");
    var_Change (aout, "equalizer", VLC_VAR_SETTEXT, &text, NULL);
    val.psz_string = (char*)"";
    text.psz_string = _("Disable");
    var_Change (aout, "equalizer", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text);
    cfg = config_FindConfig (VLC_OBJECT(aout), "equalizer-preset");
    if (likely(cfg != NULL))
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < cfg->list_count; i++)
            val.psz_string = cfg->list.psz[i];
            text.psz_string = vlc_gettext(cfg->list_text[i]);
            var_Change (aout, "equalizer", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text);

    var_Create (aout, "audio-filter", VLC_VAR_STRING | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT);
    text.psz_string = _("Audio filters");
    var_Change (aout, "audio-filter", VLC_VAR_SETTEXT, &text, NULL);

    var_Create (aout, "audio-visual", VLC_VAR_STRING | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT);
    text.psz_string = _("Audio visualizations");
    var_Change (aout, "audio-visual", VLC_VAR_SETTEXT, &text, NULL);

    /* Replay gain */
    var_Create (aout, "audio-replay-gain-mode",
    text.psz_string = _("Replay gain");
    var_Change (aout, "audio-replay-gain-mode", VLC_VAR_SETTEXT, &text, NULL);
    cfg = config_FindConfig (VLC_OBJECT(aout), "audio-replay-gain-mode");
    if (likely(cfg != NULL))
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < cfg->list_count; i++)
            val.psz_string = cfg->list.psz[i];
            text.psz_string = vlc_gettext(cfg->list_text[i]);
            var_Change (aout, "audio-replay-gain-mode", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE,
                            &val, &text);

    var_Create (aout, "equalizer-preamp", VLC_VAR_FLOAT | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT);
    var_Create (aout, "equalizer-bands", VLC_VAR_STRING | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT);

    return aout;
Esempio n. 15
ExtendedDialog::ExtendedDialog( intf_thread_t *_p_intf )
               : QVLCDialog( (QWidget*)_p_intf->p_sys->p_mi, _p_intf )
#ifdef __APPLE__
    setWindowFlags( Qt::Drawer );
    setWindowFlags( Qt::Tool );

    setWindowOpacity( var_InheritFloat( p_intf, "qt-opacity" ) );
    setWindowTitle( qtr( "Adjustments and Effects" ) );
    setWindowRole( "vlc-extended" );

    QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
    layout->setContentsMargins( 0, 2, 0, 1 );
    layout->setSpacing( 3 );

    mainTabW = new QTabWidget( this );

    /* AUDIO effects */
    QWidget *audioWidget = new QWidget;
    QHBoxLayout *audioLayout = new QHBoxLayout( audioWidget );
    QTabWidget *audioTab = new QTabWidget( audioWidget );

    equal = new Equalizer( p_intf, audioTab );
    CONNECT( equal, configChanged(QString, QVariant), this, putAudioConfig(QString, QVariant) );
    audioTab->addTab( equal, qtr( "Equalizer" ) );

    Compressor *compres = new Compressor( p_intf, audioTab );
    CONNECT( compres, configChanged(QString, QVariant), this, putAudioConfig(QString, QVariant) );
    audioTab->addTab( compres, qtr( "Compressor" ) );

    Spatializer *spatial = new Spatializer( p_intf, audioTab );
    CONNECT( spatial, configChanged(QString, QVariant), this, putAudioConfig(QString, QVariant) );
    audioTab->addTab( spatial, qtr( "Spatializer" ) );
    audioLayout->addWidget( audioTab );

    StereoWidener *stereowiden = new StereoWidener( p_intf, audioTab );
    CONNECT( stereowiden, configChanged(QString, QVariant), this, putAudioConfig(QString, QVariant) );
    audioTab->addTab( stereowiden, qtr( "Stereo Widener" ) );
    audioLayout->addWidget( audioTab );

    mainTabW->insertTab( AUDIO_TAB, audioWidget, qtr( "Audio Effects" ) );

    /* Video Effects */
    QWidget *videoWidget = new QWidget;
    QHBoxLayout *videoLayout = new QHBoxLayout( videoWidget );
    QTabWidget *videoTab = new QTabWidget( videoWidget );

    videoEffect = new ExtVideo( p_intf, videoTab );
    CONNECT( videoEffect, configChanged(QString, QVariant), this, putVideoConfig(QString, QVariant) );
    videoLayout->addWidget( videoTab );
    videoTab->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Maximum );

    mainTabW->insertTab( VIDEO_TAB, videoWidget, qtr( "Video Effects" ) );

    syncW = new SyncControls( p_intf, videoTab );
    mainTabW->insertTab( SYNCHRO_TAB, syncW, qtr( "Synchronization" ) );

    if( module_exists( "v4l2" ) )
        ExtV4l2 *v4l2 = new ExtV4l2( p_intf, mainTabW );
        mainTabW->insertTab( V4L2_TAB, v4l2, qtr( "v4l2 controls" ) );

    layout->addWidget( mainTabW );
    CONNECT( mainTabW, currentChanged(int), this, currentTabChanged(int) );

    /* Bottom buttons */
    QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox( Qt::Horizontal, this );

    m_applyButton = new QPushButton( qtr("&Save"), this );
    m_applyButton->setEnabled( false );
    buttonBox->addButton( m_applyButton, QDialogButtonBox::ApplyRole );

        new QPushButton( qtr("&Close"), this ), QDialogButtonBox::RejectRole );
    layout->addWidget( buttonBox );

    CONNECT( buttonBox, rejected(), this, close() );
    CONNECT( m_applyButton, clicked(), this, saveConfig() );

    /* Restore geometry or move this dialog on the left pane of the MI */
    if( !restoreGeometry( getSettings()->value("EPanel/geometry").toByteArray() ) )
        resize( QSize( 400, 280 ) );

        MainInterface *p_mi = p_intf->p_sys->p_mi;
        if( p_mi && p_mi->x() > 50 )
            move( ( p_mi->x() - frameGeometry().width() - 10 ), p_mi->y() );
            move ( 450 , 0 );

    CONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), playingStatusChanged( int ), this, changedItem( int ) );
Esempio n. 16
 * aout_New: initialize aout structure
audio_output_t *aout_New( vlc_object_t * p_parent )
    audio_output_t *aout = vlc_custom_create (p_parent,
                                              sizeof (aout_instance_t),
                                              "audio output");
    if (unlikely(aout == NULL))
        return NULL;

    aout_owner_t *owner = aout_owner (aout);

    vlc_mutex_init (&owner->lock);
    owner->module = NULL;
    owner->input = NULL;
    vlc_mutex_init (&owner->volume.lock);
    owner->volume.multiplier = 1.0;
    owner->volume.mixer = NULL;

    aout->pf_play = aout_DecDeleteBuffer;
    aout_VolumeNoneInit (aout);
    vlc_object_set_destructor (aout, aout_Destructor);

     * Persistent audio output variables
    vlc_value_t val, text;
    char *str;

    var_Create (aout, "intf-change", VLC_VAR_VOID);

    /* Visualizations */
    var_Create (aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_STRING | VLC_VAR_HASCHOICE);
    text.psz_string = _("Visualizations");
    var_Change (aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_SETTEXT, &text, NULL);
    val.psz_string = (char *)"";
    text.psz_string = _("Disable");
    var_Change (aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text);
    val.psz_string = (char *)"spectrometer";
    text.psz_string = _("Spectrometer");
    var_Change (aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text);
    val.psz_string = (char *)"scope";
    text.psz_string = _("Scope");
    var_Change (aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text);
    val.psz_string = (char *)"spectrum";
    text.psz_string = _("Spectrum");
    var_Change (aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text);
    val.psz_string = (char *)"vuMeter";
    text.psz_string = _("Vu meter");
    var_Change (aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text);
    /* Look for goom plugin */
    if (module_exists ("goom"))
        val.psz_string = (char *)"goom";
        text.psz_string = (char *)"Goom";
        var_Change (aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text);
    /* Look for libprojectM plugin */
    if (module_exists ("projectm"))
        val.psz_string = (char *)"projectm";
        text.psz_string = (char*)"projectM";
        var_Change (aout, "visual", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text);
    str = var_GetNonEmptyString (aout, "effect-list");
    if (str != NULL)
        var_SetString (aout, "visual", str);
        free (str);

    /* Equalizer */
    var_Create (aout, "equalizer", VLC_VAR_STRING | VLC_VAR_HASCHOICE);
    text.psz_string = _("Equalizer");
    var_Change (aout, "equalizer", VLC_VAR_SETTEXT, &text, NULL);
    val.psz_string = (char*)"";
    text.psz_string = _("Disable");
    var_Change (aout, "equalizer", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text);
        module_config_t *cfg = config_FindConfig (VLC_OBJECT(aout),
        if (cfg != NULL)
            for (int i = 0; i < cfg->i_list; i++)
                val.psz_string = (char *)cfg->ppsz_list[i];
                text.psz_string = (char *)cfg->ppsz_list_text[i];
                var_Change (aout, "equalizer", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text);

    var_Create (aout, "audio-filter", VLC_VAR_STRING | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT);
    text.psz_string = _("Audio filters");
    var_Change (aout, "audio-filter", VLC_VAR_SETTEXT, &text, NULL);

    var_Create (aout, "audio-visual", VLC_VAR_STRING | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT);
    text.psz_string = _("Audio visualizations");
    var_Change (aout, "audio-visual", VLC_VAR_SETTEXT, &text, NULL);

    /* Replay gain */
    var_Create (aout, "audio-replay-gain-mode",
    text.psz_string = _("Replay gain");
    var_Change (aout, "audio-replay-gain-mode", VLC_VAR_SETTEXT, &text, NULL);
        module_config_t *cfg = config_FindConfig (VLC_OBJECT(aout),
        if( cfg != NULL )
            for (int i = 0; i < cfg->i_list; i++)
                val.psz_string = (char *)cfg->ppsz_list[i];
                text.psz_string = (char *)cfg->ppsz_list_text[i];
                var_Change (aout, "audio-replay-gain-mode", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE,
                            &val, &text);

    return aout;