Esempio n. 1
test_mongo_wire_cmd_custom (void)
  bson *cmd;
  mongo_packet *p;

  mongo_packet_header hdr;
  const guint8 *data;
  gint32 data_size;

  bson_cursor *c;
  gint32 pos;

  cmd = bson_new ();
  bson_append_int32 (cmd, "getnonce", 1);

  ok (mongo_wire_cmd_custom (1, "test", 0, NULL) == NULL,
      "mongo_wire_cmd_custom() fails with a NULL command");
  ok (mongo_wire_cmd_custom (1, "test", 0, cmd) == NULL,
      "mongo_wire_cmd_custom() fails with an unfinished command");
  bson_finish (cmd);
  ok (mongo_wire_cmd_custom (1, NULL, 0, cmd) == NULL,
      "mongo_wire_cmd_custom() fails with a NULL db");

  ok ((p = mongo_wire_cmd_custom (1, "test", 0, cmd)) != NULL,
      "mongo_wire_cmd_custom() works");
  bson_free (cmd);

  /* Verify the header */
  mongo_wire_packet_get_header (p, &hdr);
  cmp_ok ((data_size = mongo_wire_packet_get_data (p, &data)), "!=", -1,
	  "Packet data size looks fine");
  cmp_ok (hdr.length, "==", sizeof (mongo_packet_header) + data_size,
	  "Packet header length is OK");
  cmp_ok (, "==", 1, "Packet request ID is ok");
  cmp_ok (hdr.resp_to, "==", 0, "Packet reply ID is ok");

   * Test the created request

  /* pos = zero + collection_name + NULL + skip + ret */
  pos = sizeof (gint32) + strlen ("test.$cmd") + 1 + sizeof (gint32) * 2;
  ok ((cmd = bson_new_from_data (data + pos,
				 _DOC_SIZE (data, pos) - 1)) != NULL,
      "Packet contains a BSON document");
  bson_finish (cmd);

  ok ((c = bson_find (cmd, "getnonce")) != NULL,
      "BSON object contains a 'getnonce' key");
  cmp_ok (bson_cursor_type (c), "==", BSON_TYPE_INT32,
	  "'getnonce' key has the correct type");
  ok (bson_cursor_next (c) == FALSE,
      "'getnonce' key is the last in the object");

  bson_cursor_free (c);
  bson_free (cmd);
  mongo_wire_packet_free (p);
Esempio n. 2
test_mongo_wire_cmd_insert_n (void)
  bson *ins, *tmp;
  const bson *docs[10];
  mongo_packet *p;

  mongo_packet_header hdr;
  const guint8 *data;
  gint32 data_size;

  bson_cursor *c;
  gint32 pos;

  ins = test_bson_generate_full ();
  tmp = bson_new ();

  docs[0] = ins;
  docs[1] = tmp;
  docs[2] = ins;
  docs[3] = ins;
  docs[4] = NULL;
  docs[5] = ins;

  ok (mongo_wire_cmd_insert_n (1, NULL, 1, docs) == NULL,
      "mongo_wire_cmd_insert_n() fails with a NULL namespace");
  ok (mongo_wire_cmd_insert_n (1, "test.ns", 1, NULL) == NULL,
      "mongo_wire_cmd_insert_n() fails with no documents");
  ok (mongo_wire_cmd_insert_n (1, "test.ns", 0, docs) == NULL,
      "mongo_wire_cmd_insert_n() fails with no documents");
  ok (mongo_wire_cmd_insert_n (1, "test.ns", 2, docs) == NULL,
      "mongo_wire_cmd_insert_n() fails with an unfinished document");
  bson_finish (tmp);
  ok (mongo_wire_cmd_insert_n (1, "test.ns", 5, docs) == NULL,
      "mongo_wire_cmd_insert_n() fails with a NULL document in the array");
  ok ((p = mongo_wire_cmd_insert_n (1, "test.ns", 3, docs)) != NULL,
      "mongo_wire_cmd_insert() works");
  bson_free (ins);
  bson_free (tmp);

  /* Test basic header data */
  mongo_wire_packet_get_header (p, &hdr);
  cmp_ok ((data_size = mongo_wire_packet_get_data (p, &data)), "!=", -1,
	  "Packet data size appears fine");

  cmp_ok (hdr.length, "==", sizeof (mongo_packet_header) + data_size,
	  "Packet header length is correct");
  cmp_ok (, "==", 1, "Header ID is ok");
  cmp_ok (hdr.resp_to, "==", 0, "Response ID is ok");

   * Test the first document

  /* pos = zero + collection_name + NULL */
  pos = sizeof (gint32) + strlen ("test.ns") + 1;
  ok ((ins = bson_new_from_data (data + pos,
				 _DOC_SIZE (data, pos) - 1)) != NULL,
      "First document is included");
  bson_finish (ins);

  ok ((c = bson_find (ins, "int32")) != NULL,
      "BSON contains 'int32'");
  cmp_ok (bson_cursor_type (c), "==", BSON_TYPE_INT32,
	  "int32 has correct type");
  bson_cursor_next (c);
  cmp_ok (bson_cursor_type (c), "==", BSON_TYPE_INT64,
	  "next element has correct type too");
  ok (bson_cursor_next (c) == FALSE,
      "No more data after the update BSON object");
  bson_cursor_free (c);

   * Test the second document
  pos += bson_size (ins);
  ok ((tmp = bson_new_from_data (data + pos,
				 _DOC_SIZE (data, pos) - 1)) != NULL,
      "Second document is included");
  bson_finish (tmp);
  cmp_ok (bson_size (tmp), "==", 5,
	  "Second document is empty");

  bson_free (ins);
  bson_free (tmp);
  mongo_wire_packet_free (p);
Esempio n. 3
test_mongo_wire_cmd_update (void)
  bson *sel, *upd, *tmp;
  mongo_packet *p;

  mongo_packet_header hdr;
  const guint8 *data;
  gint32 data_size;

  bson_cursor *c;
  gint32 pos;

  sel = bson_new ();
  bson_append_null (sel, "_id");
  bson_finish (sel);

  upd = test_bson_generate_full ();

  ok (mongo_wire_cmd_update (1, NULL, 0, sel, upd) == NULL,
      "mongo_wire_cmd_update() with a NULL namespace should fail");
  ok (mongo_wire_cmd_update (1, "test.ns", 0, NULL, upd) == NULL,
      "mongo_wire_cmd_update() with a NULL selector should fail");
  ok (mongo_wire_cmd_update (1, "test.ns", 0, sel, NULL) == NULL,
      "mongo_wire_cmd_update() with a NULL update should fail");

  tmp = bson_new ();
  ok (mongo_wire_cmd_update (1, "test.ns", 0, tmp, upd) == NULL,
      "mongo_wire_cmd_update() fails with an unfinished selector");
  ok (mongo_wire_cmd_update (1, "test.ns", 0, sel, tmp) == NULL,
      "mongo_wire_cmd_update() fails with an unfinished update");
  bson_free (tmp);

  ok ((p = mongo_wire_cmd_update (1, "test.ns", 0, sel, upd)) != NULL,
      "mongo_wire_cmd_update() works");

  bson_free (sel);

  mongo_wire_packet_get_header (p, &hdr);
  cmp_ok ((data_size = mongo_wire_packet_get_data (p, &data)), "!=", -1,
          "Packet data size looks fine");
  cmp_ok (hdr.length, "==", sizeof (mongo_packet_header) + data_size,
          "Packet header length is OK");
  cmp_ok (, "==", 1, "Packet request ID is ok");
  cmp_ok (hdr.resp_to, "==", 0, "Packet reply ID is ok");

   * Verify the selector object.

  /* pos = zero + collection_name + NULL + flags */
  pos = sizeof (gint32) + strlen ("test.ns") + 1 + sizeof (gint32);
  ok ((sel = bson_new_from_data (data + pos, (gint32)data[pos] - 1)) != NULL,
      "Packet contains a valid BSON selector document");
  bson_finish (sel);

  ok ((c = bson_find (sel, "_id")) != NULL,
      "BSON contains an _id");
  cmp_ok (bson_cursor_type (c), "==", BSON_TYPE_NULL,
          "_id has correct type");
  bson_cursor_free (c);
  bson_free (sel);

   * Verify the update object
  pos += (gint32)data[pos];
  ok ((tmp = bson_new_from_data (data + pos,
                                 bson_stream_doc_size (data, pos) - 1)) != NULL,
      "Packet contains a valid BSON update document");
  bson_finish (tmp);
  cmp_ok (bson_size (upd), "==", bson_size (tmp),
          "Packet's update document has the correct size");

  ok ((c = bson_find (tmp, "int32")) != NULL,
      "BSON contains 'int32'");
  cmp_ok (bson_cursor_type (c), "==", BSON_TYPE_INT32,
          "int32 has correct type");
  bson_cursor_next (c);
  cmp_ok (bson_cursor_type (c), "==", BSON_TYPE_INT64,
          "next element has correct type too");
  ok (bson_cursor_next (c) == FALSE,
      "No more data after the update BSON object");

  bson_cursor_free (c);
  bson_free (tmp);
  bson_free (upd);
  mongo_wire_packet_free (p);
Esempio n. 4
test_mongo_wire_cmd_delete (void)
  mongo_packet *p;
  bson *s, *tmp;

  mongo_packet_header hdr;
  const guint8 *data;
  gint32 data_size;

  gint32 pos;
  bson_cursor *c;

  s = test_bson_generate_full ();
  tmp = bson_new ();

  ok (mongo_wire_cmd_delete (1, NULL, 0, s) == NULL,
      "mongo_wire_cmd_delete() fails with a NULL namespace");
  ok (mongo_wire_cmd_delete (1, "test.ns", 0, NULL) == NULL,
      "mongo_wire_cmd_delete() fails with a NULL selector");
  ok (mongo_wire_cmd_delete (1, "test.ns", 0, tmp) == NULL,
      "mongo_wire_cmd_delete() fails with an unfinished selector");
  bson_free (tmp);

  ok ((p = mongo_wire_cmd_delete (1, "test.ns", 0, s)) != NULL,
      "mongo_wire_cmd_delete() works");
  bson_free (s);

  /* Test basic header data */
  mongo_wire_packet_get_header (p, &hdr);
  cmp_ok ((data_size = mongo_wire_packet_get_data (p, &data)), "!=", -1,
	  "Packet data size appears fine");

  cmp_ok (hdr.length, "==", sizeof (mongo_packet_header) + data_size,
	  "Packet header length is correct");
  cmp_ok (, "==", 1, "Header ID is ok");
  cmp_ok (hdr.resp_to, "==", 0, "Response ID is ok");

   * Test the constructed request

  /* pos = zero + ns + NULL + flags */
  pos = sizeof (gint32) + strlen ("test.ns") + 1 + sizeof (gint32);

  ok ((s = bson_new_from_data (data + pos,
			       _DOC_SIZE (data, pos) - 1)) != NULL,
      "Packet contains a valid BSON update document");
  bson_finish (s);

  ok ((c = bson_find (s, "int32")) != NULL,
      "BSON contains 'int32'");
  cmp_ok (bson_cursor_type (c), "==", BSON_TYPE_INT32,
	  "int32 has correct type");
  bson_cursor_next (c);
  cmp_ok (bson_cursor_type (c), "==", BSON_TYPE_INT64,
	  "next element has correct type too");
  ok (bson_cursor_next (c) == FALSE,
      "No more data after the update BSON object");

  bson_cursor_free (c);
  bson_free (s);

  mongo_wire_packet_free (p);