Esempio n. 1
static int mongodb_module_flush(void)
	int ret;
	uint32_t bulk_ret;
	bson_error_t error;
	bson_t reply;
	mongoc_bulk_operation_t *old_bulk;

	if (buffer_fill == 0){
		return EXIT_SUCCESS;

	bulk_ret = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute(bulk, &reply, &error);
	old_bulk = bulk;

	if (bulk_ret == 0) {
		mongoc_log(MONGOC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "zmap", 
                "Error executing bulk insert: %s", error.message);
	} else {
		bulk = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation(collection,false,NULL);

	return ret;
Esempio n. 2
static void
bulk1 (mongoc_collection_t *collection)
   mongoc_bulk_operation_t *bulk;
   bson_error_t error;
   bson_t *doc;
   bson_t reply;
   char *str;
   bool ret;
   int i;

   bulk = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation (collection, true, NULL);

   for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
      doc = BCON_NEW ("i", BCON_INT32 (i));
      mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, doc);
      bson_destroy (doc);

   ret = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk, &reply, &error);

   str = bson_as_json (&reply, NULL);
   printf ("%s\n", str);
   bson_free (str);

   if (!ret) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Error: %s\n", error.message);

   bson_destroy (&reply);
   mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk);
Esempio n. 3
SEXP R_mongo_restore(SEXP con, SEXP ptr_col, SEXP verb) {
  bool verbose = Rf_asLogical(verb);
  mongoc_collection_t *col = r2col(ptr_col);
  bson_reader_t *reader = bson_reader_new_from_handle(con, bson_reader_feed, bson_reader_finalize);
  mongoc_bulk_operation_t *bulk = NULL;

  const bson_t *b;
  bson_error_t err;
  int count = 0;
  int i = 0;
  bool done = false;
  bson_t reply;

  while(!done) {
    //note: default opts uses {ordered:true}
    bulk = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation_with_opts(col, NULL);
    for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
      if(!(b = bson_reader_read (reader, &done)))
      mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, b);

    if(i == 0)

    if(!mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk, &reply, &err)){
      mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk);

      Rprintf("\rRestored %d records...", count);

    Rprintf("\rDone! Inserted total of %d records.\n", count);

  if (!done)
    Rf_warning("Failed to read all documents.\n");

  mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk);
  return Rf_ScalarInteger(count);
Esempio n. 4
static void
bulk_collation (mongoc_collection_t *collection)
   mongoc_bulk_operation_t *bulk;
   bson_t *opts;
   bson_t *doc;
   bson_t *selector;
   bson_t *update;
   bson_error_t error;
   bson_t reply;
   char *str;
   uint32_t ret;

   /* insert {_id: "one"} and {_id: "One"} */
   bulk = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation_with_opts (
      collection, NULL);
   doc = BCON_NEW ("_id", BCON_UTF8 ("one"));
   mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, doc);
   bson_destroy (doc);

   doc = BCON_NEW ("_id", BCON_UTF8 ("One"));
   mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, doc);
   bson_destroy (doc);

   /* "One" normally sorts before "one"; make "one" come first */
   opts = BCON_NEW ("collation",
                    BCON_UTF8 ("en_US"),
                    BCON_UTF8 ("lower"),

   /* set x=1 on the document with _id "One", which now sorts after "one" */
   update = BCON_NEW ("$set", "{", "x", BCON_INT64 (1), "}");
   selector = BCON_NEW ("_id", "{", "$gt", BCON_UTF8 ("one"), "}");
   mongoc_bulk_operation_update_one_with_opts (
      bulk, selector, update, opts, &error);

   ret = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk, &reply, &error);

   str = bson_as_canonical_extended_json (&reply, NULL);
   printf ("%s\n", str);
   bson_free (str);

   if (!ret) {
      printf ("Error: %s\n", error.message);

   bson_destroy (&reply);
   bson_destroy (update);
   bson_destroy (selector);
   bson_destroy (opts);
   mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk);
Esempio n. 5
SEXP R_mongo_collection_insert_page(SEXP ptr_col, SEXP json_vec, SEXP stop_on_error){
  if(!Rf_isString(json_vec) || !Rf_length(json_vec))
    stop("json_vec must be character string of at least length 1");

  //ordered means serial execution
  bool ordered = Rf_asLogical(stop_on_error);

  //create bulk operation
  bson_error_t err;
  bson_t *b;
  bson_t reply;
  mongoc_bulk_operation_t *bulk = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation_with_opts (r2col(ptr_col), NULL);
  for(int i = 0; i < Rf_length(json_vec); i++){
    b = bson_new_from_json ((uint8_t*) Rf_translateCharUTF8(Rf_asChar(STRING_ELT(json_vec, i))), -1, &err);
      mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk);
    mongoc_bulk_operation_insert(bulk, b);
    bson_destroy (b);
    b = NULL;

  //execute bulk operation
  bool success = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk, &reply, &err);
  mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk);

  //check for errors
      Rf_errorcall(R_NilValue, err.message);
    } else {
      Rf_warningcall(R_NilValue, "Not all inserts were successful: %s\n", err.message);

  //get output
  SEXP out = PROTECT(bson2list(&reply));
  bson_destroy (&reply);
  return out;
Esempio n. 6
lua_mongo_collection_insert_one (lua_State *L)
    collection_t *collection;
    mongoc_bulk_operation_t *bulk_insert = NULL;
    bson_t bson_doc = BSON_INITIALIZER;
    bson_error_t error;
    bson_t reply = BSON_INITIALIZER;
    bool ret;
    bool throw_error = false;

    collection = (collection_t *)luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "lua_mongoc_collection");

    if (!(lua_istable(L, 2))) {
        luaL_error(L, "second input must be a table");
    } else {
        if (!(lua_table_to_bson(L, &bson_doc, 2, true, &error))) {
            throw_error = true;
            goto DONE;

    bulk_insert = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation(collection->c_collection,
                                                          true, NULL);

    mongoc_bulk_operation_insert(bulk_insert, &bson_doc);
    ret = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk_insert, &reply, &error);

    if (!ret) {
        throw_error = true;
        goto DONE;

    if (!(generate_InsertOneResult(L, ret, 2, &error))) {
        throw_error = true;
        goto DONE;



    if (bulk_insert) {

    if (throw_error) {
        luaL_error(L, error.message);

    return 1;
Esempio n. 7
lua_mongo_collection_delete_many(lua_State *L)
    collection_t *collection;
    bson_t selector = BSON_INITIALIZER;
    mongoc_bulk_operation_t *bulk_remove = NULL;
    bson_error_t error;
    bson_t reply;
    bool throw_error = false;
    bool ret;

    collection = (collection_t *)luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "lua_mongoc_collection");

    if ((lua_istable(L, 2))) {
        if (!(lua_table_to_bson(L, &selector, 2, false, &error))) {
            throw_error = true;
            goto DONE;
    } else {
        luaL_error(L, "second input must be a table");

    bulk_remove = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation(collection->c_collection,
                                                          true, NULL);

    mongoc_bulk_operation_remove(bulk_remove, &selector);

    ret = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute(bulk_remove, &reply, &error);
    if (!(ret)) {
        throw_error = true;
        goto DONE;

    if (!(generate_DeleteResult(L, &reply, ret, &error))) {
        throw_error = true;
        goto DONE;

    if (bulk_remove) {
        mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk_remove);

    if (throw_error) {
        luaL_error(L, error.message);

    return 1;
Esempio n. 8
static void
bulk3 (mongoc_collection_t *collection)
   mongoc_bulk_operation_t *bulk;
   bson_error_t error;
   bson_t *query;
   bson_t *doc;
   bson_t reply;
   char *str;
   bool ret;

   /* false indicates unordered */
   bulk = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation (collection, false, NULL);

   /* Add a document */
   doc = BCON_NEW ("_id", BCON_INT32 (1));
   mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, doc);
   bson_destroy (doc);

   /* remove {_id: 2} */
   query = BCON_NEW ("_id", BCON_INT32 (2));
   mongoc_bulk_operation_remove_one (bulk, query);
   bson_destroy (query);

   /* insert {_id: 3} */
   doc = BCON_NEW ("_id", BCON_INT32 (3));
   mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, doc);
   bson_destroy (doc);

   /* replace {_id:4} {'i': 1} */
   query = BCON_NEW ("_id", BCON_INT32 (4));
   doc = BCON_NEW ("i", BCON_INT32 (1));
   mongoc_bulk_operation_replace_one (bulk, query, doc, false);
   bson_destroy (query);
   bson_destroy (doc);

   ret = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk, &reply, &error);

   str = bson_as_json (&reply, NULL);
   printf ("%s\n", str);
   bson_free (str);

   if (!ret) {
      printf ("Error: %s\n", error.message);

   bson_destroy (&reply);
   mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk);
Esempio n. 9
static void
bulk4 (mongoc_collection_t *collection)
   mongoc_write_concern_t *wc;
   mongoc_bulk_operation_t *bulk;
   bson_error_t error;
   bson_t *doc;
   bson_t reply;
   char *str;
   bool ret;

   wc = mongoc_write_concern_new ();
   mongoc_write_concern_set_w (wc, 4);
   mongoc_write_concern_set_wtimeout (wc, 100);  /* milliseconds */

   bulk = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation (collection, true, wc);

   /* Two inserts */
   doc = BCON_NEW ("_id", BCON_INT32 (10));
   mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, doc);
   bson_destroy (doc);

   doc = BCON_NEW ("_id", BCON_INT32 (11));
   mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, doc);
   bson_destroy (doc);

   ret = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk, &reply, &error);

   str = bson_as_json (&reply, NULL);
   printf ("%s\n", str);
   bson_free (str);

   if (!ret) {
      printf ("Error: %s\n", error.message);

   bson_destroy (&reply);
   mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk);
   mongoc_write_concern_destroy (wc);
Esempio n. 10
static void
bulk5_success (mongoc_collection_t *collection)
   mongoc_bulk_operation_t *bulk;
   bson_error_t error;
   bson_t *doc;
   bson_t reply;
   char *str;
   bool ret;

   bulk = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation (collection, true, NULL);

   /* Allow this document to bypass document validation.
    * NOTE: When authentication is enabled, the authenticated user must have
    * either the "dbadmin" or "restore" roles to bypass document validation */
   mongoc_bulk_operation_set_bypass_document_validation (bulk, true);

   /* Two inserts */
   doc = BCON_NEW ("_id", BCON_INT32 (31));
   mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, doc);
   bson_destroy (doc);

   doc = BCON_NEW ("_id", BCON_INT32 (32));
   mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, doc);
   bson_destroy (doc);

   ret = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk, &reply, &error);

   str = bson_as_json (&reply, NULL);
   printf ("%s\n", str);
   bson_free (str);

   if (!ret) {
      printf ("Error: %s\n", error.message);

   bson_destroy (&reply);
   mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk);
Esempio n. 11
static void
bulk5_fail (mongoc_collection_t *collection)
   mongoc_bulk_operation_t *bulk;
   bson_error_t error;
   bson_t *doc;
   bson_t reply;
   char *str;
   bool ret;

   bulk = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation (collection, true, NULL);

   /* Two inserts */
   doc = BCON_NEW ("_id", BCON_INT32 (31));
   mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, doc);
   bson_destroy (doc);

   doc = BCON_NEW ("_id", BCON_INT32 (32));
   mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, doc);
   bson_destroy (doc);

   /* The above documents do not comply to the schema validation rules
    * we created previously, so this will result in an error */
   ret = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk, &reply, &error);

   str = bson_as_json (&reply, NULL);
   printf ("%s\n", str);
   bson_free (str);

   if (!ret) {
      printf ("Error: %s\n", error.message);

   bson_destroy (&reply);
   mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk);
Esempio n. 12
lua_mongo_collection_insert_many (lua_State *L)
    collection_t *collection;
    mongoc_bulk_operation_t *bulk_insert = NULL;
    bool ordered;
    bson_error_t error;
    bson_t reply = BSON_INITIALIZER;
    bool ret;
    bool throw_error = false;

    collection = (collection_t *)luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "lua_mongoc_collection");

    if (!(lua_istable(L, 2))) {
        luaL_error(L, "second input must be a table");

    if (!(lua_isboolean(L, 3))) {
        luaL_error(L, "ordered parameter must be a boolean");
    } else {
        ordered = lua_toboolean(L, 3);

    bulk_insert = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation(collection->c_collection,
                                                          ordered, NULL);


    int num_elements, lua_index;
    for (num_elements = 0, lua_index = 1;
         lua_next(L, 2) != 0;
         num_elements++, lua_index++)
        bson_t bson_doc = BSON_INITIALIZER;
        if (!(lua_isnumber(L, -2)) || lua_tonumber(L, -2) != lua_index) {
            throw_error = true;
                    "malformed array of documents",
            goto DONE;

        if (!(lua_table_to_bson(L, &bson_doc, -1, true, &error))) {
            throw_error = true;
            goto DONE;
        mongoc_bulk_operation_insert(bulk_insert, &bson_doc);
        lua_pop(L, 1);

    if (!(mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk_insert, &reply, &error))) {
        throw_error = true;
        goto DONE;

    if (!(generate_InsertManyResult(L, &reply, 2, num_elements, &error))) {
        throw_error = true;
        goto DONE;


    if (bulk_insert){
        mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk_insert);

    if (throw_error) {
        luaL_error(L, error.message);

    return 1;
Esempio n. 13
static void
bulk_operation_cleanup (void *data)
   mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy ((mongoc_bulk_operation_t *) data);
Esempio n. 14
lua_mongo_collection_update (lua_State *L)
    collection_t *collection;
    bson_t filter = BSON_INITIALIZER;
    bson_t update = BSON_INITIALIZER;
    bool upsert;
    bool update_many;
    bson_error_t error;
    bool ret;
    mongoc_bulk_operation_t *bulk_update = NULL;
    bson_t reply = BSON_INITIALIZER;
    bool throw_error = false;

    collection = (collection_t *)luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "lua_mongoc_collection");

    if (!(lua_isnil(L, 2))) {
        if (!(lua_table_to_bson(L, &filter, 2, false, &error))) {
            throw_error = true;
            goto DONE;

    if (lua_isnil(L, 3)) {
        luaL_error(L, "update parameters must be included");
    } else {
        if (!(lua_table_to_bson(L, &update, 3, false, &error))) {
            throw_error = true;
            goto DONE;

    if ((lua_isboolean(L, 4))) {
        upsert = lua_toboolean(L, 4);
    } else {
        luaL_error(L, "upsert parameter must be a boolean");

    if ((lua_isboolean(L, 5))) {
        update_many = lua_toboolean(L, 5);
    } else {
        luaL_error(L, "update_many parameter must be a boolean");

    bulk_update = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation
            false, NULL);

    if (update_many) {
        mongoc_bulk_operation_update(bulk_update, &filter, &update, upsert);
    } else {
        mongoc_bulk_operation_update_one(bulk_update, &filter, &update, upsert);

    ret = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk_update, &reply, &error);

    if (!ret) {
        throw_error = true;
        goto DONE;

    if (!(bson_document_or_array_to_table(L, &reply, true, &error))) {
        throw_error = true;
        goto DONE;

    if (bulk_update) {
        mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk_update);

    if (throw_error) {
        luaL_error(L, error.message);

    return 1;
Esempio n. 15
void run_loader(int thread, char *filename) {
	bson_t *record;
	mongoc_client_t *conn;
	mongoc_collection_t *collection;
	bson_error_t error;
	bson_t reply;
	int count;
	FILE *infile;
	char *rptr;
	char ilinebuf[BUFSIZ];
	char rlinebuf[BUFSIZ];
	char *ritem;
	char *rlast = NULL;
	int rfcount = 0;
	int batchcount = 0;
	char *str;
	int total = 0;

	//Get the highest used value on that shard so far

	conn = mongoc_client_new(DEFAULT_URI);

	if (!conn) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse URI.\n");

	collection = mongoc_client_get_collection(conn, DATA_DB, DATA_COLLECTION);

	long long chunkno = carve_chunk(conn, collection);

	printf("Thread %d reading %s\n", thread, filename);
	infile = fopen(filename, "r");
	if (infile == NULL) {
		perror("Opening results file");

	mongoc_bulk_operation_t *bulk = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation(
			collection, true, NULL);
		printf("Failed to create bulk op\n");
	rptr = fgets(rlinebuf, BUFSIZ, infile);
	rlinebuf[strlen(rlinebuf) - 1] = '\0';
	//Read the Results Line

	while (rptr) {
		if (total % (INSERT_THREADS_PER_SHARD * nshards) == thread) {

			ritem = strtok_r(rptr, "|", &rlast);
			rfcount = 0;

			record = bson_new();

			//Two part ID - a loader (32 bits for that) and a one_up
			bson_append_int64(record, "_id", -1, (chunkno << 32) + total);

			while (ritem) {
				switch (resulttype[rfcount]) {
				case 0:
					bson_append_utf8(record, resultfields[rfcount], -1, ritem,
				case 1:
					bson_append_int32(record, resultfields[rfcount], -1,
				case 2:
					if (strncmp(ritem, "NULL", 4)) {
						struct tm tm;
						if (strptime(ritem, "%Y-%m-%d", &tm)) {

							time_t t = mktime(&tm); // t is now your desired time_t
							bson_append_date_time(record, resultfields[rfcount],
									-1, (long long) t * 1000);

					printf("Unknown type col %d = %d\n", rfcount,
				ritem = strtok_r(NULL, "|", &rlast);

			mongoc_bulk_operation_insert(bulk, record);
			if (batchcount == (BATCHSIZE - 1)) {

				int ret = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute(bulk, &reply, &error);

				if (!ret) {
					printf( "Error: %s\n", error.message);

				if (thread == 0)
					printf("%s %d\n", filename, total);


				batchcount = 0;
				bulk = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation(collection, true,

			} else {

		//Read next line from file
		rptr = fgets(rlinebuf, BUFSIZ, infile);
		rlinebuf[strlen(rlinebuf) - 1] = '\0';
	int ret = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute(bulk, &reply, &error);

	if (!ret) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", error.message);
	if (thread == 0)
		printf("%s %d\n", filename, total);
mongoc_gridfs_remove_by_filename (mongoc_gridfs_t *gridfs,
                                  const char      *filename,
                                  bson_error_t    *error)
   mongoc_bulk_operation_t *bulk_files = NULL;
   mongoc_bulk_operation_t *bulk_chunks = NULL;
   mongoc_cursor_t *cursor = NULL;
   bson_error_t files_error;
   bson_error_t chunks_error;
   const bson_t *doc;
   const char *key;
   char keybuf[16];
   int count = 0;
   bool chunks_ret;
   bool files_ret;
   bool ret = false;
   bson_iter_t iter;
   bson_t *files_q = NULL;
   bson_t *chunks_q = NULL;
   bson_t q = BSON_INITIALIZER;
   bson_t fields = BSON_INITIALIZER;
   bson_t ar = BSON_INITIALIZER;

   BSON_ASSERT (gridfs);

   if (!filename) {
      bson_set_error (error,
                      "A non-NULL filename must be specified.");
      return false;

    * Find all files matching this filename. Hopefully just one, but not
    * strictly required!

   BSON_APPEND_UTF8 (&q, "filename", filename);
   BSON_APPEND_INT32 (&fields, "_id", 1);

   cursor = _mongoc_cursor_new (gridfs->client, gridfs->files->ns,
                                MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, 0, 0, 0,
                                false /* is command */,
                                &q, &fields, NULL, NULL);

   BSON_ASSERT (cursor);

   while (mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc)) {
      if (bson_iter_init_find (&iter, doc, "_id")) {
         const bson_value_t *value = bson_iter_value (&iter);

         bson_uint32_to_string (count, &key, keybuf, sizeof keybuf);
         BSON_APPEND_VALUE (&ar, key, value);

   if (mongoc_cursor_error (cursor, error)) {
      goto failure;

   bulk_files = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation (gridfs->files, false, NULL);
   bulk_chunks = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation (gridfs->chunks, false, NULL);

   files_q = BCON_NEW ("_id", "{", "$in", BCON_ARRAY (&ar), "}");
   chunks_q = BCON_NEW ("files_id", "{", "$in", BCON_ARRAY (&ar), "}");

   mongoc_bulk_operation_remove (bulk_files, files_q);
   mongoc_bulk_operation_remove (bulk_chunks, chunks_q);

   files_ret = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk_files, NULL, &files_error);
   chunks_ret = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk_chunks, NULL, &chunks_error);

   if (error) {
      if (!files_ret) {
         memcpy (error, &files_error, sizeof *error);
      } else if (!chunks_ret) {
         memcpy (error, &chunks_error, sizeof *error);

   ret = (files_ret && chunks_ret);

   if (cursor) {
      mongoc_cursor_destroy (cursor);
   if (bulk_files) {
      mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk_files);
   if (bulk_chunks) {
      mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk_chunks);
   bson_destroy (&q);
   bson_destroy (&fields);
   bson_destroy (&ar);
   if (files_q) {
      bson_destroy (files_q);
   if (chunks_q) {
      bson_destroy (chunks_q);

   return ret;
Esempio n. 17
load_table (mongoc_database_t *db,
            const char        *table_name,
            bson_t            *bson_schema)
    int64_t ret = true;
    column_map_t *column_map, *column_map_p;
    int column_map_size, i;
    double start_time, end_time, delta_time;
    FILE *fp;
    mongoc_collection_t *collection;
    mongoc_bulk_operation_t *bulk;
    size_t n_docs = 0;
    char *token;
    bson_t bson, reply;
    int64_t count = 0;
    bson_error_t error;

    fprintf (stderr, "load_table table_name: \"%s\"\n", table_name);
    get_column_map (bson_schema, table_name, &column_map, &column_map_size) || DIE;
    snprintf (mbdump_file, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", mbdump_dir, table_name);
    /* fprintf (stderr, "mbdump_file: \"%s\"\n", mbdump_file); */
    start_time = dtimeofday ();
    fp = fopen (mbdump_file, "r");
    if (!fp) DIE;
    collection = mongoc_database_get_collection (db, table_name);
    bulk = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation (collection, true, NULL);
    bson_init (&bson);
    while (ret && fgets (buf, BUFSIZ, fp)) {
        fputs (buf, stdout);
        chomp (buf);
        for (i = 0, column_map_p = column_map, token = strtok_single (buf, "\t");
             i < column_map_size;
             i++, column_map_p++, token = strtok_single (NULL, "\t")) {
             bool ret;
             fprintf (stderr, "%s: \"%s\" [%d/%d](%s)\n", column_map_p->column_name, token, i, column_map_size, column_map_p->data_type);
             fflush (stdout);
             ret = (*column_map_p->bson_append_from_s) (&bson, column_map_p->column_name, token);
             ret || fprintf (stderr, "WARNING: column_map_p->bson_append_from_s failed column %s: \"%s\" [%d/%d](%s)\n",
                            column_map_p->column_name, token, i, column_map_size, column_map_p->data_type);
        bson_printf ("bson: %s\n", &bson);
        mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, &bson);
        bson_reinit (&bson);
        if (++n_docs == BULK_OPS_SIZE) {
           ret = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk, &reply, &error);
           if (ret) {
              count += n_docs;
              if (count % PROGRESS_SIZE == 0) {
                  fputc('.', stdout);
              fprintf (stderr, "mongoc_cursor_bulk_insert execute failure: %s\n", error.message);
           n_docs = 0;
           mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk);
           bulk = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation (collection, true, NULL);
    if (ret && n_docs > 0) {
       ret = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk, &reply, &error);
       if (ret)
          count += n_docs;
          fprintf (stderr, "mongoc_cursor_bulk_insert execute failure: %s\n", error.message);
    fputc('.', stdout);
    fputc('\n', stdout);
    bson_destroy (&bson);
    mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk);
    mongoc_collection_destroy (collection);
    fclose (fp);
    end_time = dtimeofday ();
    delta_time = end_time - start_time + 0.0000001;
    fprintf (stderr, "info: real: %.2f, count: %"PRId64", %"PRId64" docs/sec\n", delta_time, count, (int64_t)round (count/delta_time));
    fflush (stderr);
    free (column_map);
    return ret ? count : -1;
Esempio n. 18
static void
test_bypass_validation (void *context)
   mongoc_collection_t *collection;
   bson_t reply = BSON_INITIALIZER;
   mongoc_bulk_operation_t *bulk;
   mongoc_database_t *database;
   mongoc_write_concern_t *wr;
   mongoc_client_t *client;
   bson_error_t error;
   bson_t *options;
   char *collname;
   char *dbname;
   int r;
   int i;

   client = test_framework_client_new ();
   assert (client);

   dbname = gen_collection_name ("dbtest");
   collname = gen_collection_name ("bypass");
   database = mongoc_client_get_database (client, dbname);
   collection = mongoc_database_get_collection (database, collname);
   assert (collection);

   options = tmp_bson ("{'validator': {'number': {'$gte': 5}}, 'validationAction': 'error'}");
   ASSERT_OR_PRINT (mongoc_database_create_collection (database, collname, options, &error), error);

   /* {{{ Default fails validation */
   bulk = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation(collection, true, NULL);
   for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      bson_t *doc = tmp_bson (bson_strdup_printf ("{'number': 3, 'high': %d }", i));

      mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, doc);
   r = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk, &reply, &error);

   ASSERT_ERROR_CONTAINS (error, MONGOC_ERROR_COMMAND, 121, "Document failed validation");
   mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk);
   /* }}} */

   /* {{{ bypass_document_validation=false Fails validation */
   bulk = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation(collection, true, NULL);
   mongoc_bulk_operation_set_bypass_document_validation (bulk, false);
   for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      bson_t *doc = tmp_bson (bson_strdup_printf ("{'number': 3, 'high': %d }", i));

      mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, doc);
   r = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk, &reply, &error);

   ASSERT_ERROR_CONTAINS (error, MONGOC_ERROR_COMMAND, 121, "Document failed validation");
   mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk);
   /* }}} */

   /* {{{ bypass_document_validation=true ignores validation */
   bulk = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation(collection, true, NULL);
   mongoc_bulk_operation_set_bypass_document_validation (bulk, true);
   for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      bson_t *doc = tmp_bson (bson_strdup_printf ("{'number': 3, 'high': %d }", i));

      mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, doc);
   r = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk, &reply, &error);
   ASSERT_OR_PRINT(r, error);
   mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk);
   /* }}} */

   /* {{{ w=0 and bypass_document_validation=set fails */
   bulk = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation(collection, true, NULL);
   wr = mongoc_write_concern_new ();
   mongoc_write_concern_set_w (wr, 0);
   mongoc_bulk_operation_set_write_concern (bulk, wr);
   mongoc_bulk_operation_set_bypass_document_validation (bulk, true);
   for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      bson_t *doc = tmp_bson (bson_strdup_printf ("{'number': 3, 'high': %d }", i));

      mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, doc);
   r = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk, &reply, &error);
   ASSERT_OR_PRINT(!r, error);
         "Cannot set bypassDocumentValidation for unacknowledged writes");
   mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk);
   mongoc_write_concern_destroy (wr);
   /* }}} */

   ASSERT_OR_PRINT (mongoc_collection_drop (collection, &error), error);

   mongoc_collection_destroy (collection);
   mongoc_client_destroy (client);
Esempio n. 19
int main( int argc, char **argv )
   SHM_INFO        region;
   long            RingKey;         /* Key to the transport ring to read from */
   MSG_LOGO        getlogo[NLOGO], logo;
   long            gotsize;
   char            msg[MAX_TRACEBUF_SIZ];
   char           *getSta, *getComp, *getNet, *getLoc, *inRing;
   char            wildSta, wildComp, wildNet, wildLoc;
   unsigned char   Type_Mseed;
   unsigned char   Type_TraceBuf,Type_TraceBuf2;
   unsigned char   Type_TraceComp, Type_TraceComp2;
   unsigned char   InstWildcard, ModWildcard;
   short          *short_data;
   int            *long_data;
   TRACE2_HEADER  *trh;
   char            orig_datatype[3];
   char            stime[256];
   char            etime[256];
   int             i;
   int             rc;
   int             nLogo = NLOGO;
   static unsigned char InstId;        /* local installation id              */
   char            ModName[MAX_MOD_STR];
   char		   *modid_name;
   unsigned char   sequence_number = 0;
   // int             statistics_flag;
   time_t monitor_start_time = 0;
   double start_time, end_time;
   unsigned long packet_total=0;
   unsigned long packet_total_size=0;
   MSRecord *msr = NULL;	/* mseed record */
   logit_init("ring2mongo", 200, 256, 1); 
   char *mongo_user = getenv("MONGO_USER");
   char *mongo_passwd=getenv("MONGO_PASSWD");
   char *mongo_host=getenv("MONGO_HOST");
   char *mongo_port=getenv("MONGO_PORT");
   if(mongo_user == NULL ||
      mongo_passwd==NULL ||
      mongo_host== NULL  ||
        printf("Ensure the following ENV varibles are set\n *MONGO_USER\n *MONGO_PASSWD\n *MONGO_HOST\n *MONGO_PORT\n");
   char mongo_str[128]="mongodb://";
   strcat(mongo_str, mongo_user);
   strcat(mongo_str, ":");
   strcat(mongo_str, mongo_passwd);
   strcat(mongo_str, "@");
   strcat(mongo_str, mongo_host);
   strcat(mongo_str, ":");
   strcat(mongo_str, mongo_port);   
   strcat(mongo_str, "/");
   //mongo stuff
   mongoc_client_t *m_client;
   mongoc_collection_t *m_collection;
   mongoc_init ();
   m_client = mongoc_client_new (mongo_str);
   m_collection = mongoc_client_get_collection (m_client, "waveforms", "ring");
   mongoc_bulk_operation_t *m_bulk;
   bson_error_t m_error;
   bson_t *m_doc;
   bson_t m_reply;
   bson_t *m_data;
   /*wait for this many messages before performing bulk write
   For real time continuous data it shoudl be ~ number of channels on ring*/
   int MONGO_BULK_MAX = 30; 
   int m_count = 0; /* counter for mongo bulk */
   bool m_ret;
   /*end mongo stuff*/

  /* Initialize pointers
  trh  = (TRACE2_HEADER *) msg;
  long_data  =  (int *)( msg + sizeof(TRACE2_HEADER) );
  short_data = (short *)( msg + sizeof(TRACE2_HEADER) );

  /* Check command line argument
  if ( argc < 2 || argc > 6)
     if(argc > 6)
     fprintf(stderr, "ring2mongo: Too many parameters\n");
     fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s <ring name> [sta] [comp] [net] [loc] \n", argv[0]);
     fprintf(stderr, " Note: All parameters are positional, and all but first are optional.\n");
     fprintf(stderr, " the full data contained in the packet is printed out.\n");
     fprintf(stderr, " If sta comp net (but not loc) are specified then only TraceBuf\n");
     fprintf(stderr, " packets will be fetched (not TraceBuf2); otherwise both are fetched.\n");
     fprintf(stderr, " Example: %s WAVE_RING PHOB wild NC wild n\n", argv[0]);
     fprintf(stderr, " MSEED capability starting with version 2.5.1, prints mseed headers\n");
     fprintf(stderr, " of TYPE_MSEED packets (no filtering yet).\n");
     exit( 1 );
     return 1;

  /* process given parameters */
  inRing  = argv[1];         /* first parameter is ring name */

  /* any parameters not given are set as wildcards */
  getSta = getComp = getNet = getLoc = "";
  wildSta = wildComp = wildNet = wildLoc = 1;
  if(argc > 2)
  {  /* at least station parameter given */
    getSta = argv[2];
    wildSta  = IsWild(getSta);
    if(argc > 3)
    {  /* channel (component) parameter given */
      getComp = argv[3];
      wildComp = IsWild(getComp);
      if(argc > 4)
      {  /* network parameter given */
        getNet = argv[4];
        wildNet = IsWild(getNet);
        if(argc > 5)
        {  /* location parameter given (SCNL) */
          getLoc  = argv[5];
          wildLoc = IsWild(getLoc);
        {  /* SCN without location parameter given */
          nLogo = 3;    /* do not include tracebuf2s in search */

  /* Attach to ring
  if ((RingKey = GetKey( inRing )) == -1 )
    fprintf( stderr, "Invalid RingName; exiting!\n" );
    exit( -1 );
    return -1;
  tport_attach( &region, RingKey );

/* Look up local installation id
   if ( GetLocalInst( &InstId ) != 0 )
      fprintf(stderr, "ring2mongo: error getting local installation id; exiting!\n" );
      exit( -1 );
      return -1;

  /* Specify logos to get
  if ( GetType( "TYPE_MSEED", &Type_Mseed ) != 0 ) {
     fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING: Invalid message type <TYPE_MSEED>! Missing from earthworm.d or earthworm_global.d\n", argv[0] );
     Type_Mseed = TYPE_NOTUSED;
  if ( GetType( "TYPE_TRACEBUF", &Type_TraceBuf ) != 0 ) {
     fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid message type <TYPE_TRACEBUF>! Missing from earthworm.d or earthworm_global.d\n", argv[0] );
     exit( -1 );
     return -1;
  if ( GetType( "TYPE_TRACE_COMP_UA", &Type_TraceComp ) != 0 ) {
     fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid message type <TYPE_TRACE_COMP_UA>! Missing from earthworm.d or earthworm_global.d\n", argv[0] );
     exit( -1 );
     return -1;
  if ( GetType( "TYPE_TRACEBUF2", &Type_TraceBuf2 ) != 0 ) {
     fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid message type <TYPE_TRACEBUF2>! Missing from earthworm.d or earthworm_global.d\n", argv[0] );
     exit( -1 );
     return -1;
  if ( GetType( "TYPE_TRACE2_COMP_UA", &Type_TraceComp2 ) != 0 ) {
     fprintf(stderr,"%s: Invalid message type <TYPE_TRACE2_COMP_UA>! Missing from earthworm.d or earthworm_global.d\n", argv[0] );
     exit( -1 );
     return -1;
  if ( GetModId( "MOD_WILDCARD", &ModWildcard ) != 0 ) {
     fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid moduleid <MOD_WILDCARD>! Missing from earthworm.d or earthworm_global.d\n", argv[0] );
     exit( -1 );
     return -1;
  if ( GetInst( "INST_WILDCARD", &InstWildcard ) != 0 ) {
     fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid instid <INST_WILDCARD>! Missing from earthworm.d or earthworm_global.d\n", argv[0] );
     exit( -1 );
     return -1;

  for( i=0; i<nLogo; i++ ) {
      getlogo[i].instid = InstWildcard;
      getlogo[i].mod    = ModWildcard;
  getlogo[0].type = Type_Mseed;
  getlogo[1].type = Type_TraceBuf;
  getlogo[2].type = Type_TraceComp;
  if (nLogo >= 4) {     /* if nLogo=5 then include TraceBuf2s */
      getlogo[3].type = Type_TraceBuf2;
      getlogo[4].type = Type_TraceComp2;
  logit("", "Starting ring2mongo");
  /* Flush the ring
  while ( tport_copyfrom( &region, getlogo, nLogo, &logo, &gotsize,
            (char *)&msg, MAX_TRACEBUF_SIZ, &sequence_number ) != GET_NONE ){
  logit( "et",  "ring2mongo: inRing flushed %ld packets of %ld bytes total.\n",
	packet_total, packet_total_size);

  while (tport_getflag( &region ) != TERMINATE ) {
    rc = tport_copyfrom( &region, getlogo, nLogo,
               &logo, &gotsize, msg, MAX_TRACEBUF_SIZ, &sequence_number );

    if ( rc == GET_NONE ){
      sleep_ew( 200 );

    if ( rc == GET_TOOBIG ){
      logit("et", "ring2mongo: retrieved message too big (%ld) for msg\n",
        gotsize );
    if ( rc == GET_NOTRACK )
      logit("et", "ring2mongo: Tracking error.\n");

    if ( rc == GET_MISS_LAPPED )
      logit("et", "ring2mongo: Got lapped on the ring.\n");

    if ( rc == GET_MISS_SEQGAP )
      logit( "et", "ring2mongo: Gap in sequence numbers\n");

    if ( rc == GET_MISS )
      logit( "et", "ring2mongo: Missed messages\n");

    /* Check SCNL of the retrieved message */

    if (Type_Mseed != TYPE_NOTUSED && logo.type == Type_Mseed) {
      /* Unpack record header and not data samples */
      /*hard coded zero for dataflag(1) and verbose(0)for ring2mongo*/
      if ( msr_unpack (msg, gotsize, &msr, 1, 0) != MS_NOERROR) {
         logit("et", "Error parsing mseed record\n");

      /* Print record information */
      msr_print (msr, 0);

      msr_free (&msr);
    /*end Mseed*/
    if ( (wildSta  || (strcmp(getSta,trh->sta)  ==0)) &&
         (wildComp || (strcmp(getComp,trh->chan)==0)) &&
         (wildNet  || (strcmp(getNet,trh->net)  ==0)) &&
         (((logo.type == Type_TraceBuf2 ||
            logo.type == Type_TraceComp2) &&
         (wildLoc  || (strcmp(getLoc,trh->loc) == 0))) ||
         ( (logo.type == Type_TraceBuf ||
             logo.type == Type_TraceComp))))
      strcpy(orig_datatype, trh->datatype);
      char scnl[20];     
      scnl[0] = 0;
      strcat( scnl, trh->sta);
      strcat( scnl, ".");
      strcat( scnl, trh->chan);
      strcat( scnl, ".");
      strcat( scnl, trh->net);
      strcat( scnl, ".");
      strcat( scnl, trh->loc);
      if(WaveMsg2MakeLocal( trh ) < 0){
        char  dt[3];        
        /* now put a space if there are any punctuation marks */

        for ( i=0; i<15; i++ ) {
          if ( !isalnum(scnl[i]) && !ispunct(scnl[i]))
            scnl[i] = ' ';
        strncpy( dt, trh->datatype, 2 );
        for ( i=0; i<2; i++ ) {
          if ( !isalnum(dt[i]) && !ispunct(dt[i]))
            dt[i] = ' ';
        dt[i] = 0;
        logit("et", "WARNING: WaveMsg2MakeLocal rejected tracebuf.  Discard (%s).\n",
          scnl );
        logit("et", "\tdatatype=[%s]\n", dt);
      /*lets get ready to mongo....*/
      if(m_count < MONGO_BULK_MAX){
        /*initialize when m_count ==0 */
          m_bulk = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation (m_collection, true, NULL);
        m_data = bson_new ();
        m_doc = BCON_NEW ("key",   BCON_UTF8 (scnl),
                          "nsamp", BCON_INT32 (trh->nsamp),
                          "starttime", BCON_DOUBLE (trh->starttime*1000),
                          "endtime", BCON_DOUBLE (trh->endtime*1000),
                          "samprate", BCON_DOUBLE (trh->samprate),
                          "datatype", BCON_UTF8 (trh->datatype)
       char index[4];
       bson_append_array_begin (m_doc, "data", -1, m_data);
        for ( i = 0; i < trh->nsamp; i++ ){
          snprintf(index, 4, "%d", i);
          if ( (strcmp (trh->datatype, "s2")==0) || (strcmp (trh->datatype, "i2")==0) ){
            bson_append_int32 (m_data, index, -1, short_data[i]);
             bson_append_int32 (m_data, index, -1, long_data[i]);
        bson_append_array_end (m_doc, m_data);                             
        mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (m_bulk, m_doc);
        bson_destroy (m_doc);
        bson_destroy (m_data);
          /*write and destroty above stuff */  
          m_ret = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (m_bulk, &m_reply, &m_error);
          if (!m_ret){
             logit ("et", "Error: %s\n", m_error.message);
          bson_destroy (&m_reply);
          mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (m_bulk);
          m_count = 0;
  } /* end of while loop */
  logit("et", "signing off"); 
  exit (0);
  return 0;
Esempio n. 20
 ~impl() { mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy(operation_t); }
Esempio n. 21
static void
test_bulk (void)
   mongoc_bulk_operation_t *bulk;
   mongoc_collection_t *collection;
   mongoc_client_t *client;
   bson_error_t error;
   bson_iter_t iter;
   bson_t reply;
   bson_t child;
   bson_t del;
   bson_t up;
   bson_t doc = BSON_INITIALIZER;
   bool r;

   client = mongoc_client_new (gTestUri);
   assert (client);

   collection = get_test_collection (client, "test_bulk");
   assert (collection);

   bulk = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation (collection, true, NULL);
   assert (bulk);

   mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, &doc);
   mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, &doc);
   mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, &doc);
   mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, &doc);

   bson_init (&up);
   bson_append_document_begin (&up, "$set", -1, &child);
   bson_append_int32 (&child, "hello", -1, 123);
   bson_append_document_end (&up, &child);
   mongoc_bulk_operation_update (bulk, &doc, &up, false);
   bson_destroy (&up);

   bson_init (&del);
   BSON_APPEND_INT32 (&del, "hello", 123);
   mongoc_bulk_operation_delete (bulk, &del);
   bson_destroy (&del);

   r = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk, &reply, &error);
   assert (r);

   assert (bson_iter_init_find (&iter, &reply, "nInserted"));
   assert (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT32 (&iter));
   assert (bson_iter_int32 (&iter) == 4);

    * This may be omitted if we talked to a (<= 2.4.x) node, or a mongos
    * talked to a (<= 2.4.x) node.
   if (bson_iter_init_find (&iter, &reply, "nModified")) {
      assert (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT32 (&iter));
      assert (bson_iter_int32 (&iter) == 4);

   assert (bson_iter_init_find (&iter, &reply, "nRemoved"));
   assert (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT32 (&iter));
   assert (4 == bson_iter_int32 (&iter));

   assert (bson_iter_init_find (&iter, &reply, "nMatched"));
   assert (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT32 (&iter));
   assert (4 == bson_iter_int32 (&iter));

   assert (bson_iter_init_find (&iter, &reply, "nUpserted"));
   assert (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT32 (&iter));
   assert (!bson_iter_int32 (&iter));

   bson_destroy (&reply);

   r = mongoc_collection_drop (collection, &error);
   assert (r);

   mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk);
   mongoc_collection_destroy (collection);
   mongoc_client_destroy (client);
   bson_destroy (&doc);
Esempio n. 22
static void
test_index_offset (void)
   mongoc_bulk_operation_t *bulk;
   mongoc_collection_t *collection;
   mongoc_client_t *client;
   bson_error_t error;
   bson_iter_t iter;
   bson_iter_t ar;
   bson_iter_t citer;
   bson_t reply;
   bson_t *sel;
   bson_t *doc;
   bool r;

   client = mongoc_client_new (gTestUri);
   assert (client);

   collection = get_test_collection (client, "test_index_offset");
   assert (collection);

   doc = bson_new ();
   BSON_APPEND_INT32 (doc, "abcd", 1234);
   r = mongoc_collection_insert (collection, MONGOC_INSERT_NONE, doc, NULL, &error);
   assert (r);
   bson_destroy (doc);

   bulk = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation (collection, true, NULL);
   assert (bulk);

   sel = BCON_NEW ("abcd", BCON_INT32 (1234));
   doc = BCON_NEW ("$set", "{", "hello", "there", "}");

   mongoc_bulk_operation_delete_one (bulk, sel);
   mongoc_bulk_operation_update (bulk, sel, doc, true);

   r = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk, &reply, &error);
   assert (r);

   assert (bson_iter_init_find (&iter, &reply, "nUpserted"));
   assert (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT32 (&iter));
   assert (bson_iter_int32 (&iter) == 1);

   assert (bson_iter_init_find (&iter, &reply, "nMatched"));
   assert (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT32 (&iter));
   assert (bson_iter_int32 (&iter) == 0);

   assert (bson_iter_init_find (&iter, &reply, "nRemoved"));
   assert (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT32 (&iter));
   assert (bson_iter_int32 (&iter) == 1);

   assert (bson_iter_init_find (&iter, &reply, "nInserted"));
   assert (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT32 (&iter));
   assert (bson_iter_int32 (&iter) == 0);

   if (bson_iter_init_find (&iter, &reply, "nModified")) {
      assert (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT32 (&iter));
      assert (bson_iter_int32 (&iter) == 0);

   assert (bson_iter_init_find (&iter, &reply, "upserted"));
   assert (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_ARRAY (&iter));
   assert (bson_iter_recurse (&iter, &ar));
   assert (bson_iter_next (&ar));
   assert (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DOCUMENT (&ar));
   assert (bson_iter_recurse (&ar, &citer));
   assert (bson_iter_next (&citer));
   assert (BSON_ITER_IS_KEY (&citer, "index"));
   assert (bson_iter_int32 (&citer) == 1);
   assert (bson_iter_next (&citer));
   assert (BSON_ITER_IS_KEY (&citer, "_id"));
   assert (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_OID (&citer));
   assert (!bson_iter_next (&citer));
   assert (!bson_iter_next (&ar));

   assert (bson_iter_init_find (&iter, &reply, "writeErrors"));
   assert (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_ARRAY (&iter));
   assert (bson_iter_recurse (&iter, &ar));
   assert (!bson_iter_next (&ar));

   bson_destroy (&reply);

   r = mongoc_collection_drop (collection, &error);
   assert (r);

   mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk);
   mongoc_collection_destroy (collection);
   mongoc_client_destroy (client);

   bson_destroy (doc);
   bson_destroy (sel);