Esempio n. 1
mongoc_uri_set_option_as_bool (mongoc_uri_t *uri,
                               const char   *option,
                               bool          value)
   const bson_t *options;
   bson_iter_t iter;

   BSON_ASSERT (option);

   if (!mongoc_uri_option_is_bool (option)) {
      return false;

   if ((options = mongoc_uri_get_options (uri)) &&
         bson_iter_init_find_case (&iter, options, option)) {
      if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_BOOL (&iter)) {
         bson_iter_overwrite_bool (&iter, value);
         return true;
      } else {
         return false;
   bson_append_bool(&uri->options, option, -1, value);
   return true;

Esempio n. 2
static mongoc_uri_t *hippo_mongo_driver_manager_make_uri(const char *dsn, const Array options)
	mongoc_uri_t *uri = mongoc_uri_new(dsn);

	if (!uri) {
		throw MongoDriver::Utils::throwInvalidArgumentException("Failed to parse MongoDB URI: '" + String(dsn) + "'");

	for (ArrayIter iter(options); iter; ++iter) {
		const Variant& key = iter.first();
		const Variant& value = iter.second();
		const char *s_key = key.toString().c_str();

		if (
			!strcasecmp(s_key, "journal") ||
			!strcasecmp(s_key, "readpreference") ||
			!strcasecmp(s_key, "readpreferencetags") ||
			!strcasecmp(s_key, "safe") ||
			!strcasecmp(s_key, "slaveok") ||
			!strcasecmp(s_key, "w") ||
			!strcasecmp(s_key, "wtimeoutms")
		) {

		if (mongoc_uri_option_is_bool(s_key)) {
			mongoc_uri_set_option_as_bool(uri, s_key, value.toBoolean());
		} else if (mongoc_uri_option_is_int32(s_key) && value.isInteger()) {
			mongoc_uri_set_option_as_int32(uri, s_key, (int32_t) value.toInt64());
		} else if (mongoc_uri_option_is_utf8(s_key) && value.isString()) {
			mongoc_uri_set_option_as_utf8(uri, s_key, value.toString().c_str());
		} else if (value.isString()) {
			if (!strcasecmp(s_key, "username")) {
				mongoc_uri_set_username(uri, value.toString().c_str());
			} else if (!strcasecmp(s_key, "password")) {
				mongoc_uri_set_password(uri, value.toString().c_str());
			} else if (!strcasecmp(s_key, "database")) {
				mongoc_uri_set_database(uri, value.toString().c_str());
			} else if (!strcasecmp(s_key, "authsource")) {
				mongoc_uri_set_auth_source(uri, value.toString().c_str());

	return uri;
Esempio n. 3
mongoc_uri_option_is_utf8 (const char *key)
   if (mongoc_uri_option_is_bool(key) || mongoc_uri_option_is_int32(key)) {
      return false;

   if (!strcasecmp(key, "readpreferencetags") ||
         !strcasecmp(key, "authmechanismproperties")) {
      return false;

   if (!strcasecmp(key, "username") || !strcasecmp(key, "password")
         || !strcasecmp(key, "authsource") || !strcasecmp(key, "database")) {
      return false;

   return true;
Esempio n. 4
static bool
mongoc_uri_parse_option (mongoc_uri_t *uri,
                         const char   *str)
   int32_t v_int;
   const char *end_key;
   char *key = NULL;
   char *value = NULL;
   bool ret = false;

   if (!(key = scan_to_unichar(str, '=', "", &end_key))) {
      goto CLEANUP;

   value = bson_strdup(end_key + 1);
   if (!value) {
      /* do_unescape detected invalid UTF-8 and freed value */
      goto CLEANUP;

   if (mongoc_uri_option_is_int32(key)) {
      v_int = (int) strtol (value, NULL, 10);
      BSON_APPEND_INT32 (&uri->options, key, v_int);
   } else if (!strcasecmp(key, "w")) {
      if (*value == '-' || isdigit(*value)) {
         v_int = (int) strtol (value, NULL, 10);
         BSON_APPEND_INT32 (&uri->options, "w", v_int);
      } else if (0 == strcasecmp (value, "majority")) {
         BSON_APPEND_UTF8 (&uri->options, "w", "majority");
      } else if (*value) {
         BSON_APPEND_UTF8 (&uri->options, "w", value);
   } else if (mongoc_uri_option_is_bool(key)) {
      bson_append_bool (&uri->options, key, -1,
                        (0 == strcasecmp (value, "true")) ||
                        (0 == strcasecmp (value, "t")) ||
                        (0 == strcmp (value, "1")));
   } else if (!strcasecmp(key, "readpreferencetags")) {
      mongoc_uri_parse_tags(uri, value);
   } else if (!strcasecmp(key, "authmechanism") ||
              !strcasecmp(key, "authsource")) {
      bson_append_utf8(&uri->credentials, key, -1, value, -1);
   } else if (!strcasecmp(key, "readconcernlevel")) {
      mongoc_read_concern_set_level (uri->read_concern, value);
   } else if (!strcasecmp(key, "authmechanismproperties")) {
      if (!mongoc_uri_parse_auth_mechanism_properties(uri, value)) {
         goto CLEANUP;
   } else if (!strcasecmp (key, "appname")) {
      if (!mongoc_uri_set_appname (uri, value)) {
         MONGOC_WARNING ("Cannot set appname: %s is invalid", value);
         goto CLEANUP;
   } else {
      bson_append_utf8(&uri->options, key, -1, value, -1);

   ret = true;


   return ret;