Esempio n. 1
mini_debugger_main (MonoDomain *domain, MonoAssembly *assembly, int argc, char **argv)
	MainThreadArgs main_args;
	MonoImage *image;
	MonoMethod *main_method;

	 * Get and compile the main function.

	image = mono_assembly_get_image (assembly);
	main_method = mono_get_method (image, mono_image_get_entry_point (image), NULL);

	 * Initialize managed code.
			     (guint64) (gssize) main_method, 0);

	 * Start the main thread and wait until it's ready.

	main_args.domain = domain;
	main_args.method = main_method;
	main_args.argc = argc;
	main_args.argv = argv;

	mono_thread_create (domain, main_thread_handler, &main_args);
	main_thread_handler (&main_args);

	mono_thread_manage ();

	 * This will never return.
	mono_debugger_event (MONO_DEBUGGER_EVENT_WRAPPER_MAIN, 0, 0);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 2
/* Called by ntdll.dll reagardless of entry point after _CorValidateImage. */
__int32 STDMETHODCALLTYPE _CorExeMain(void)
	MonoDomain* domain;
	MonoAssembly* assembly;
	MonoImage* image;
	MonoMethod* method;
	guint32 entry;
	gchar* file_name;
	gchar* error;
	int argc;
	gunichar2** argvw;
	gchar** argv;
	int i;

	file_name = mono_get_module_file_name (NULL);
	init_from_coree = TRUE;
	domain = mono_runtime_load (file_name, NULL);

	error = (gchar*) mono_check_corlib_version ();
	if (error) {
		g_free (error);
		g_free (file_name);
		MessageBox (NULL, L"Corlib not in sync with this runtime.", NULL, MB_ICONERROR);
		mono_runtime_quit ();
		ExitProcess (1);

	assembly = mono_assembly_open (file_name, NULL);
	mono_close_exe_image ();
	if (!assembly) {
		g_free (file_name);
		MessageBox (NULL, L"Cannot open assembly.", NULL, MB_ICONERROR);
		mono_runtime_quit ();
		ExitProcess (1);

	image = assembly->image;
	entry = mono_image_get_entry_point (image);
	if (!entry) {
		g_free (file_name);
		MessageBox (NULL, L"Assembly doesn't have an entry point.", NULL, MB_ICONERROR);
		mono_runtime_quit ();
		ExitProcess (1);

	method = mono_get_method (image, entry, NULL);
	if (method == NULL) {
		g_free (file_name);
		MessageBox (NULL, L"The entry point method could not be loaded.", NULL, MB_ICONERROR);
		mono_runtime_quit ();
		ExitProcess (1);

	argvw = CommandLineToArgvW (GetCommandLine (), &argc);
	argv = g_new0 (gchar*, argc);
	argv [0] = file_name;
	for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
		argv [i] = g_utf16_to_utf8 (argvw [i], -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	LocalFree (argvw);

	mono_runtime_run_main (method, argc, argv, NULL);
	mono_thread_manage ();

	mono_runtime_quit ();

	/* return does not terminate the process. */
	ExitProcess (mono_environment_exitcode_get ());
Esempio n. 3
File: coree.c Progetto: vargaz/mono
__int32 STDMETHODCALLTYPE _CorExeMain(void)
	ERROR_DECL (error);
	MonoDomain* domain;
	MonoAssembly* assembly;
	MonoImage* image;
	MonoMethod* method;
	guint32 entry;
	gchar* file_name;
	gchar* corlib_version_error;
	int argc;
	gunichar2** argvw;
	gchar** argv;
	int i;

	file_name = mono_get_module_file_name (NULL);
	init_from_coree = TRUE;
	domain = mono_runtime_load (file_name, NULL);

	corlib_version_error = (gchar*) mono_check_corlib_version ();
	if (corlib_version_error) {
		g_free (corlib_version_error);
		g_free (file_name);
		MessageBox (NULL, L"Corlib not in sync with this runtime.", NULL, MB_ICONERROR);
		mono_runtime_quit ();
		ExitProcess (1);

	MonoAssemblyOpenRequest req;
	mono_assembly_request_prepare (&req.request, sizeof (req), MONO_ASMCTX_DEFAULT);
	assembly = mono_assembly_request_open (file_name, &req, NULL);
	mono_close_exe_image ();
	if (!assembly) {
		g_free (file_name);
		MessageBox (NULL, L"Cannot open assembly.", NULL, MB_ICONERROR);
		mono_runtime_quit ();
		ExitProcess (1);

	image = assembly->image;
	entry = mono_image_get_entry_point (image);
	if (!entry) {
		g_free (file_name);
		MessageBox (NULL, L"Assembly doesn't have an entry point.", NULL, MB_ICONERROR);
		mono_runtime_quit ();
		ExitProcess (1);

	method = mono_get_method_checked (image, entry, NULL, NULL, error);
	if (method == NULL) {
		g_free (file_name);
		mono_error_cleanup (error); /* FIXME don't swallow the error */
		MessageBox (NULL, L"The entry point method could not be loaded.", NULL, MB_ICONERROR);
		mono_runtime_quit ();
		ExitProcess (1);

	argvw = CommandLineToArgvW (GetCommandLine (), &argc);
	argv = g_new0 (gchar*, argc);
	argv [0] = file_name;
	for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
		argv [i] = g_utf16_to_utf8 (argvw [i], -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	LocalFree (argvw);

	mono_runtime_run_main_checked (method, argc, argv, error);
	mono_error_raise_exception_deprecated (error); /* OK, triggers unhandled exn handler */
	mono_thread_manage ();

	mono_runtime_quit ();

	/* return does not terminate the process. */
	ExitProcess (mono_environment_exitcode_get ());
Esempio n. 4
mono_init_virt ()
  const char *error;
#ifndef MONO_AGENT
  char * cfg_mono_root_path;
  char * cfg_mono_cfg_dir;
  char * cfg_mono_path;
  char * cfg_mono_trace;

/*g_log_set_always_fatal (G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR);
  g_log_set_fatal_mask (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR);*/

#ifndef VIRT_MINT
  if (virtuoso_cfg_getstring ("Mono", "MONO_TRACE", &cfg_mono_trace) != -1)
    mono_jit_trace_calls = strcmp (cfg_mono_trace, "On") ? FALSE : TRUE;
  if (virtuoso_cfg_getstring ("Mono", "MONO_PATH", &cfg_mono_path) != -1)
    setenv ("MONO_PATH", cfg_mono_path, 1);
  if (virtuoso_cfg_getstring ("Mono", "MONO_ROOT", &cfg_mono_root_path) != -1)
    setenv ("MONO_ROOT", cfg_mono_root_path, 1);
  if (virtuoso_cfg_getstring ("Mono", "MONO_CFG_DIR", &cfg_mono_cfg_dir) != -1)
    setenv ("MONO_CFG_DIR", cfg_mono_cfg_dir, 1);
  if (virtuoso_cfg_getstring ("Mono", "virtclr.dll", &VIRTCLR_NAME) == -1)
    VIRTCLR_NAME = "virtclr.dll";

#ifdef WIN32
  /* mono initialization on win32 has to be done sooner than later */
#ifdef VIRT_MINT
  virtuoso_domain = mono_interp_init ("virtuoso");
  virtuoso_domain = mono_jit_init ("virtuoso");
  if (cfg_mono_root_path)
    mono_assembly_setrootdir (cfg_mono_root_path);
#ifndef VIRT_MINT
  mono_jit_trace_calls = FALSE;
      char *path = getenv ("MONO_ROOT");
      if (path)
	mono_assembly_setrootdir (path);
  /* mono_debug_init (1); */
#ifndef WIN32
  setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
  g_log_set_always_fatal (G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR);
  g_log_set_fatal_mask (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR);

  g_set_printerr_handler (dummy_print);
#ifndef WIN32
#ifdef VIRT_MINT
  virtuoso_domain = mono_interp_init ("virtuoso");
  virtuoso_domain = mono_jit_init ("virtuoso");

  mono_config_parse (NULL);

#ifdef OLD_KIT
  if (NULL != (error = mono_verify_corlib ()))
#elif !defined (OLD_KIT_1_1_5)
  if (NULL != (error = mono_check_corlib_version ()))
      log_error ("Mono Corlib not in sync with this runtime: %s", error);
      exit (-1);
#ifndef VIRT_MINT
#ifdef OLD_KIT_1_1_5
  mono_thread_attach_aborted_cb = virt_mono_throw_unhandled_exception;
  mono_thread_set_attach_aborted_cb (virt_mono_throw_unhandled_exception);
  mono_add_internal_call ("VInvoke::LoadAssemblyFromVirtuoso(string)", ves_icall_VInvoke_LoadAssemblyFromVirtuoso);

#ifndef MONO_AGENT
  mono_set_port ();

#ifndef MONO_AGENT
#ifdef OLD_KIT_1_1_4
  log_debug ("Mono config path [%s]", mono_cfg_dir);
  log_debug ("Mono config path [%s]", mono_get_config_dir ());
#ifndef WIN32
  setlocale (LC_ALL, "C");
#ifndef OLD_KIT_1_1_5
  mono_thread_manage ();
  mono_thread_set_main (mono_thread_current());
Esempio n. 5
__int32 WINAPI _CorExeMain(void)
    int exit_code;
    int argc;
    char **argv;
    MonoDomain *domain=NULL;
    MonoImage *image;
    MonoImageOpenStatus status;
    MonoAssembly *assembly=NULL;
    WCHAR filename[MAX_PATH];
    char *filenameA;
    ICLRRuntimeInfo *info;
    RuntimeHost *host;
    HRESULT hr;
    int i;

    get_utf8_args(&argc, &argv);

    GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, filename, MAX_PATH);

    TRACE("%s", debugstr_w(filename));
    for (i=0; i<argc; i++)
        TRACE(" %s", debugstr_a(argv[i]));

    filenameA = WtoA(filename);
    if (!filenameA)
        return -1;


    hr = get_runtime_info(filename, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, FALSE, &info);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = ICLRRuntimeInfo_GetRuntimeHost(info, &host);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            hr = RuntimeHost_GetDefaultDomain(host, &domain);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            image = mono_image_open_from_module_handle(GetModuleHandleW(NULL),
                filenameA, 1, &status);

            if (image)
                assembly = mono_assembly_load_from(image, filenameA, &status);

            if (assembly)

                exit_code = mono_jit_exec(domain, assembly, argc, argv);
                ERR("couldn't load %s, status=%d\n", debugstr_w(filename), status);
                exit_code = -1;

            RuntimeHost_DeleteDomain(host, domain);
            exit_code = -1;

        exit_code = -1;

    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, argv);

    if (domain)

    return exit_code;