Esempio n. 1
File: pico.c Progetto: ctubio/alpine
 * register_mfunc - register the given function to get called
 * 		    on mouse events in the given display region
register_mfunc(mousehandler_t f, int tlr, int tlc, int brr, int brc)
    MENUITEM **mp;


    for(mp = &mfunc; *mp; mp = &(*mp)->next)

    *mp = (MENUITEM *)malloc(sizeof(MENUITEM));
    memset(*mp, 0, sizeof(MENUITEM));

    (*mp)->action = f;
    (*mp)->tl.r   = tlr;
    (*mp)->br.r   = brr;
    (*mp)->tl.c   = tlc;
    (*mp)->br.c   = brc;
    (*mp)->lbl.c  = (*mp)->lbl.r = 0;
    (*mp)->label  = "";
Esempio n. 2
  Read input characters with lots of processing for arrow keys and such  (UNIX)

 Args:  time_out -- The timeout to for the reads 

 Result: returns the character read. Possible special chars.

    This deals with function and arrow keys as well. 

  The idea is that this routine handles all escape codes so it done in
  only one place. Especially so the back arrow key can work when entering
  things on a line. Also so all function keys can be disabled and not
  cause weird things to happen.
read_char(int time_out)
    UCS status, cc, ch;
    int (*key_rec)(int);

    key_rec = key_recorder;
      key_rec = NULL;

    /* Get input from initial-keystrokes */
	ch = cc;

    if((ch = check_for_timeout(time_out)) != READY_TO_READ)
      goto done;
    switch(status = kbseq(pine_simple_ttgetc, key_rec, read_bail,
			  ps_global->input_cs, &ch)){
      case KEY_DOUBLE_ESC:
	 * Special hack to get around comm devices eating control characters.
	if(check_for_timeout(5) != READY_TO_READ){
	    dprint((9, "Read char: incomplete double escape timed out...\n"));
	    ch = KEY_JUNK;		/* user typed ESC ESC, then stopped */
	    goto done;
	  ch = READ_A_CHAR();

	ch &= 0x7f;

	/* We allow a 3-digit number between 001 and 255 */
	if(isdigit((unsigned char) ch)){
	    int n = 0, i = ch - '0';

	    if(i < 0 || i > 2){
		dprint((9, "Read char: double escape followed by 1st digit not 0, 1, or 2... (%d)\n", i));
		ch = KEY_JUNK;
		goto done;		/* bogus literal char value */

	    while(n++ < 2){
		if(check_for_timeout(5) != READY_TO_READ
		   || (!isdigit((unsigned char) (ch = READ_A_CHAR()))
		       || (n == 1 && i == 2 && ch > '5')
		       || (n == 2 && i == 25 && ch > '5'))){
		    dprint((9, "Read char: bad double escape, either timed out or too large 3-digit num...\n"));
		    ch = KEY_JUNK;	/* user typed ESC ESC #, stopped */
		    goto done;

		i = (i * 10) + (ch - '0');

	    ch = i;
	else{	/* or, normal case, ESC ESC c  means ^c */
	    if(islower((unsigned char) ch))	/* canonicalize if alpha */
	      ch = toupper((unsigned char) ch);

	    ch = (isalpha((unsigned char)ch) || ch == '@'
		  || (ch >= '[' && ch <= '_'))
		   ? ctrl(ch) : ((ch == SPACE) ? ctrl('@'): ch);
	    dprint((9, "Read char: this is a successful double escape...\n"));

	goto done;

#ifdef MOUSE
      case KEY_XTERM_MOUSE:
	     * Special hack to get mouse events from an xterm.
	     * Get the details, then pass it past the keymenu event
	     * handler, and then to the installed handler if there
	     * is one...
	    static int    down = 0;
	    int           x, y, button;
	    unsigned long cmd;

	    button = READ_A_CHAR() & 0x03;

	    x = READ_A_CHAR() - '!';
	    y = READ_A_CHAR() - '!';

	    ch = NO_OP_COMMAND;
	    if(button == 0){		/* xterm button 1 down */
		down = 1;
		if(checkmouse(&cmd, 1, x, y))
		  ch = cmd;
	    else if (down && button == 3){
		down = 0;
		if(checkmouse(&cmd, 0, x, y))
		  ch = cmd;

	    goto done;

#endif /* MOUSE */

      case  KEY_UP	:
      case  KEY_DOWN	:
      case  KEY_RIGHT	:
      case  KEY_LEFT	:
      case  KEY_PGUP	:
      case  KEY_PGDN	:
      case  KEY_HOME	:
      case  KEY_END	:
      case  KEY_DEL	:
      case  PF1		:
      case  PF2		:
      case  PF3		:
      case  PF4		:
      case  PF5		:
      case  PF6		:
      case  PF7		:
      case  PF8		:
      case  PF9		:
      case  PF10	:
      case  PF11	:
      case  PF12	:
        dprint((9, "Read char returning: 0x%x %s\n", status, pretty_command(status)));

      case  CTRL_KEY_UP	:
	status = KEY_UP;
        dprint((9, "Read char returning: 0x%x %s (for CTRL_KEY_UP)\n", status, pretty_command(status)));

      case  CTRL_KEY_DOWN	:
	status = KEY_DOWN;
        dprint((9, "Read char returning: 0x%x %s (for CTRL_KEY_DOWN)\n", status, pretty_command(status)));

      case  CTRL_KEY_RIGHT	:
	status = KEY_RIGHT;
        dprint((9, "Read char returning: 0x%x %s (for CTRL_KEY_RIGHT)\n", status, pretty_command(status)));

      case  CTRL_KEY_LEFT	:
	status = KEY_LEFT;
        dprint((9, "Read char returning: 0x%x %s (for CTRL_KEY_LEFT)\n", status, pretty_command(status)));

      case KEY_SWALLOW_Z:
	status = KEY_JUNK;
      case KEY_SWAL_UP:
      case KEY_SWAL_DOWN:
      case KEY_SWAL_LEFT:
      case KEY_SWAL_RIGHT:
	  if(check_for_timeout(2) != READY_TO_READ){
	      status = KEY_JUNK;
	while(!strchr("~qz", READ_A_CHAR()));
	ch = (status == KEY_JUNK) ? status : status - (KEY_SWAL_UP - KEY_UP);
	goto done;

      case KEY_KERMIT:
	    cc = ch;
	    if(check_for_timeout(2) != READY_TO_READ){
		status = KEY_JUNK;
	      ch = READ_A_CHAR();
	}while(cc != '\033' && ch != '\\');

	ch = KEY_JUNK;
	goto done;

      case BADESC:
	ch = KEY_JUNK;
	goto done;

      case 0: 	/* regular character */
	 * we used to strip (ch &= 0x7f;), but this seems much cleaner
	 * in the face of line noise and has the benefit of making it
	 * tougher to emit mistakenly labeled MIME...
	if((ch & ~0x7f)
	   && ((!ps_global->keyboard_charmap || !strucmp(ps_global->keyboard_charmap, "US-ASCII"))
	       && (!ps_global->display_charmap || !strucmp(ps_global->display_charmap, "US-ASCII")))){
	    dprint((9, "Read char sees ch = 0x%x status=0x%x, returns KEY_JUNK\n", ch, status));
	else if(ch == ctrl('Z')){
	    dprint((9, "Read char got ^Z, calling do_suspend\n"));
	    ch = do_suspend();
	    dprint((9, "After do_suspend Read char returns 0x%x %s\n", ch, pretty_command(ch)));
#ifdef MOUSE
	else if(ch == ctrl('\\')){
	    int e;

	    dprint((9, "Read char got ^\\, toggle xterm mouse\n"));
	    if(F_ON(F_ENABLE_MOUSE, ps_global)){
		(e=mouseexist()) ? end_mouse() : (void) init_mouse();
		if(e != mouseexist())
		  q_status_message1(SM_ASYNC, 0, 2, "Xterm mouse tracking %s!",
						     mouseexist() ? "on" : "off");
		else if(!e)
		  q_status_message1(SM_ASYNC, 0, 2, "See help for feature \"%s\" ($DISPLAY variable set?)", pretty_feature_name(feature_list_name(F_ENABLE_MOUSE), -1));
	      q_status_message1(SM_ASYNC, 0, 2, "Feature \"%s\" not enabled",
				pretty_feature_name(feature_list_name(F_ENABLE_MOUSE), -1));

#endif /* MOUSE */

#ifdef	DEBUG
	if(ps_global->conceal_sensitive_debugging && debug < 10){
	    dprint((9, "Read char returning: <hidden char>\n"));
	    dprint((9, "Read char returning: 0x%x %s\n", ch, pretty_command(ch)));


    /* not reachable */