int main (int argc, char **argv) { int i,l; /* non-descript indices */ char c; /* non-descript character storage */ if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath tty exec", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); signal(SIGINT, getout); /* trap interrupts */ /* use whole screen for text */ begscr = 0; getarg(argc, argv); initcurses(); /* check if restored game and save flag for later */ if ((rfl = rflag)) { if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath tty", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); wrboard(); /* print board */ /* if new game, pretend to be a non-restored game */ if (cturn == 0) rflag = 0; } else { rscore = wscore = 0; /* zero score */ if (aflag) { /* print rules */ addstr(rules); if (yorn(0)) { endwin(); execl(TEACH, "teachgammon", (char *)NULL); err(1, "%s", noteach); } else {/* if not rules, then instructions */ addstr(need); if (yorn(0)) { /* print instructions */ clear(); text(instruct); } } } if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath tty", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); init(); /* initialize board */ if (pnum == 2) {/* ask for color(s) */ printw("\n%s", askcol); while (pnum == 2) { c = readc(); switch (c) { case 'R': /* red */ pnum = -1; break; case 'W': /* white */ pnum = 1; break; case 'B': /* both */ pnum = 0; break; case 'P': /* Control the dice */ iroll = 1; addstr("\nDice controlled!\n"); addstr(askcol); break; default: /* error */ beep(); } } } wrboard(); /* print board */ move(18, 0); } /* limit text to bottom of screen */ begscr = 17; for (;;) { /* begin game! */ /* initial roll if needed */ if ((!rflag) || raflag) roll(); /* perform ritual of first roll */ if (!rflag) { move(17, 0); while (D0 == D1) /* no doubles */ roll(); /* print rolls */ printw("%s%d%s%d", rollr, D0, rollw, D1); /* winner goes first */ if (D0 > D1) { addstr(rstart); cturn = 1; } else { addstr(wstart); cturn = -1; } } /* initialize variables according to whose turn it is */ if (cturn == 1) { /* red */ home = 25; bar = 0; inptr = &in[1]; inopp = &in[0]; offptr = &off[1]; offopp = &off[0]; Colorptr = &color[1]; colorptr = &color[3]; colen = 3; } else { /* white */ home = 0; bar = 25; inptr = &in[0]; inopp = &in[1]; offptr = &off[0]; offopp = &off[1]; Colorptr = &color[0]; colorptr = &color[2]; colen = 5; } /* do first move (special case) */ if (!(rflag && raflag)) { if (cturn == pnum) /* computer's move */ domove(0); else { /* player's move */ mvlim = movallow(); /* reprint roll */ move(cturn == -1 ? 18 : 19, 0); proll(); getmove(); /* get player's move */ } } move(17, 0); clrtoeol(); begscr = 18; /* no longer any difference between normal and recovered game. */ rflag = 0; /* move as long as it's someone's turn */ while (cturn == 1 || cturn == -1) { /* board maintainence */ moveplayers(); /* fix board */ /* do computer's move */ if (cturn == pnum) { domove(1); /* see if double refused */ if (cturn == -2 || cturn == 2) break; /* check for winning move */ if (*offopp == 15) { cturn *= -2; break; } continue; } /* (player's move) */ /* clean screen if safe */ if (hflag) { move(20, 0); clrtobot(); hflag = 1; } /* if allowed, give him a chance to double */ if (dflag && dlast != cturn && gvalue < 64) { move(cturn == -1 ? 18: 19, 0); addstr(*Colorptr); c = readc(); /* character cases */ switch (c) { case 'R': /* reprint board */ wrboard(); break; case 'S': /* save game */ raflag = 1; save(1); break; case 'Q': /* quit */ quit(); break; case 'D': /* double */ dble(); break; case ' ': /* roll */ case '\n': roll(); printw(" rolls %d %d. ", D0, D1); /* see if he can move */ if ((mvlim = movallow()) == 0) { /* can't move */ printw("%s%s%s", toobad1, *colorptr, unable); if (pnum) { moveplayers(); sleep(MVPAUSE); } nexturn(); break; } getmove(); /* okay to clean screen */ hflag = 1; break; default: /* invalid character */ /* print help message */ move(20, 0); text(helpm); move(cturn == -1 ? 18 : 19, 0); /* don't erase */ hflag = 0; } } else {/* couldn't double */ /* print roll */ roll(); move(cturn == -1 ? 18: 19, 0); proll(); /* can he move? */ if ((mvlim = movallow()) == 0) { /* he can't */ printw("%s%s%s", toobad2, *colorptr, cantmv); moveplayers(); sleep(MVPAUSE); nexturn(); continue; } getmove(); } } /* don't worry about who won if quit */ if (cturn == 0) break; /* fix cturn = winner */ cturn /= -2; /* final board pos. */ moveplayers(); /* backgammon? */ mflag = 0; l = bar + 7 * cturn; for (i = bar; i != l; i += cturn) if (board[i] * cturn) mflag++; /* compute game value */ move(20, 0); if (*offopp == 15) { if (mflag) { addstr(bgammon); gvalue *= 3; } else if (*offptr <= 0) { addstr(gammon); gvalue *= 2; } } /* report situation */ if (cturn == -1) { addstr("Red wins "); rscore += gvalue; } else { addstr("White wins "); wscore += gvalue; } printw("%d point%s.\n", gvalue, (gvalue > 1) ? "s":""); /* write score */ wrscore(); /* see if he wants another game */ addstr(again); if ((i = yorn('S')) == 0) break; init(); if (i == 2) { addstr(" Save.\n"); cturn = 0; save(0); } /* yes, reset game */ wrboard(); } /* give him a chance to save if game was recovered */ if (rfl && cturn) { addstr(svpromt); if (yorn(0)) { /* re-initialize for recovery */ init(); cturn = 0; save(0); } } /* leave peacefully */ getout(0); /* NOT REACHED */ }
tutor () { register int i, j; i = 0; begscr = 18; cturn = -1; home = 0; bar = 25; inptr = &in[0]; inopp = &in[1]; offptr = &off[0]; offopp = &off[1]; Colorptr = &color[0]; colorptr = &color[2]; colen = 5; wrboard(); while (1) { if (! brdeq(test[i].brd,board)) { if (tflag && curr == 23) curmove (18,0); writel (better); nexturn(); movback (mvlim); if (tflag) { refresh(); clrest (); } if ((! tflag) || curr == 19) { proll(); writec ('\t'); } else curmove (curr > 19? curr-2: curr+4,25); getmove(); if (cturn == 0) leave(); continue; } if (tflag) curmove (18,0); text (*test[i].com); if (! tflag) writec ('\n'); if (i == maxmoves) break; D0 = test[i].roll1; D1 = test[i].roll2; d0 = 0; mvlim = 0; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (test[i].mp[j] == test[i].mg[j]) break; p[j] = test[i].mp[j]; g[j] = test[i].mg[j]; mvlim++; } if (mvlim) for (j = 0; j < mvlim; j++) if (makmove(j)) writel ("AARGH!!!\n"); if (tflag) refresh(); nexturn(); D0 = test[i].new1; D1 = test[i].new2; d0 = 0; i++; mvlim = movallow(); if (mvlim) { if (tflag) clrest(); proll(); writec('\t'); getmove(); if (tflag) refresh(); if (cturn == 0) leave(); } } leave(); }
/* zero if first move */ void move(int okay) { int i; /* index */ int l; /* last man */ l = 0; if (okay) { /* see if comp should double */ if (gvalue < 64 && dlast != cturn && dblgood()) { writel(*Colorptr); dble(); /* double */ /* return if declined */ if (cturn != 1 && cturn != -1) return; } roll(); } race = 0; for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) { if (board[i] < 0) l = i; } for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (board[i] > 0) break; } if (i == l) race = 1; /* print roll */ if (tflag) curmove(cturn == -1 ? 18 : 19, 0); writel(*Colorptr); writel(" rolls "); writec(D0 + '0'); writec(' '); writec(D1 + '0'); /* make tty interruptable while thinking */ if (tflag) cline(); fixtty(noech); /* find out how many moves */ mvlim = movallow(); if (mvlim == 0) { writel(" but cannot use it.\n"); nexturn(); fixtty(raw); return; } /* initialize */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) cp[i] = cg[i] = 0; /* strategize */ trymove(0, 0); pickmove(); /* print move */ writel(" and moves "); for (i = 0; i < mvlim; i++) { if (i > 0) writec(','); wrint(p[i] = cp[i]); writec('-'); wrint(g[i] = cg[i]); makmove(i); } writec('.'); /* print blots hit */ if (tflag) curmove(20, 0); else writec('\n'); for (i = 0; i < mvlim; i++) if (h[i]) wrhit(g[i]); /* get ready for next move */ nexturn(); if (!okay) { buflush(); sleep(3); } fixtty(raw); /* no more tty interrupt */ }
void domove(int okay) { int i; /* index */ int l = 0; /* last man */ bestmove = -9999999.; if (okay) { /* see if comp should double */ if (dflag && gvalue < 64 && dlast != cturn && dblgood()) { addstr(*Colorptr); dble(); /* double */ /* return if declined */ if (cturn != 1 && cturn != -1) return; } roll(); } race = 0; for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) { if (board[i] < 0) l = i; } for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (board[i] > 0) break; } if (i == l) race = 1; /* print roll */ move(cturn == -1 ? 18 : 19, 0); printw("%s rolls %d %d", *Colorptr, D0, D1); clrtoeol(); /* find out how many moves */ mvlim = movallow(); if (mvlim == 0) { addstr(" but cannot use it.\n"); nexturn(); return; } /* initialize */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) cp[i] = cg[i] = 0; /* strategize */ trymove(0, 0); pickmove(); /* print move */ addstr(" and moves "); for (i = 0; i < mvlim; i++) { if (i > 0) addch(','); printw("%d-%d", p[i] = cp[i], g[i] = cg[i]); makmove(i); } addch('.'); /* print blots hit */ move(20, 0); for (i = 0; i < mvlim; i++) if (h[i]) wrhit(g[i]); /* get ready for next move */ nexturn(); if (!okay) { refresh(); sleep(3); } }
void tutor(void) { int i, j, k; int wrongans; wrongans = 0; i = 0; begscr = 18; cturn = -1; home = 0; bar = 25; inptr = &in[0]; inopp = &in[1]; offptr = &off[0]; offopp = &off[1]; Colorptr = &color[0]; colorptr = &color[2]; colen = 5; wrboard(); while (1) { if (!brdeq(test[i].brd, board)) { wrongans++; move(18, 0); if (wrongans >= 3) { wrongans = 0; text(*test[i].ans); memcpy(board,test[i].brd,26*sizeof(int)); /* and have to fix *inptr, *offptr; player is red (+ve) */ k = 0; for (j = 19; j < 26; j++) k += (board[j] > 0 ? board[j] : 0); *inopp = k; for (j = 0; j < 19; j++) k += (board[j] > 0 ? board[j] : 0); *offopp = k - 30; /* -15 at start */ moveplayers(); clrest(); } else { addstr(better); nexturn(); movback(mvlim); moveplayers(); clrest(); getyx(stdscr, j, k); if (j == 19) { proll(); addch('\t'); } else move(j > 19 ? j - 2 : j + 4, 25); getmove(); if (cturn == 0) leave(); continue; } } else wrongans = 0; move(18, 0); text(*test[i].com); move(19, 0); if (i == maxmoves) break; D0 = test[i].roll1; D1 = test[i].roll2; d0 = 0; mvlim = 0; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (test[i].mp[j] == test[i].mg[j]) break; p[j] = test[i].mp[j]; g[j] = test[i].mg[j]; mvlim++; } if (mvlim) for (j = 0; j < mvlim; j++) if (makmove(j)) addstr("AARGH!!!\n"); moveplayers(); nexturn(); D0 = test[i].new1; D1 = test[i].new2; d0 = 0; i++; mvlim = movallow(); if (mvlim) { clrest(); proll(); addch('\t'); getmove(); moveplayers(); if (cturn == 0) leave(); } } leave(); }
/* zero if first move */ void move(struct move *mm, int okay) { int i; /* index */ int l; /* last man */ l = 0; if (okay) { /* see if comp should double */ if (gvalue < 64 && dlast != cturn && dblgood()) { writel(*Colorptr); dble(); /* double */ /* return if declined */ if (cturn != 1 && cturn != -1) return; } roll(mm); } race = 0; for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) { if (board[i] < 0) l = i; } for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (board[i] > 0) break; } if (i == l) race = 1; /* print roll */ if (tflag) curmove(cturn == -1 ? 18 : 19, 0); writel(*Colorptr); writel(" rolls "); writec(mm->D0 + '0'); writec(' '); writec(mm->D1 + '0'); /* make tty interruptable while thinking */ if (tflag) cline(); fixtty(&noech); /* find out how many moves */ mm->mvlim = movallow(mm); if (mm->mvlim == 0) { writel(" but cannot use it.\n"); nexturn(); fixtty(&raw); return; } /* initialize */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) cp[i] = cg[i] = 0; /* strategize */ trymove(mm, 0, 0); pickmove(mm); /* print move */ writel(" and moves "); for (i = 0; i < mm->mvlim; i++) { if (i > 0) writec(','); wrint(mm->p[i] = cp[i]); writec('-'); wrint(mm->g[i] = cg[i]); makmove(mm, i); /* * This assertion persuades gcc 4.5 that the loop * doesn't result in signed overflow of i. mvlim * isn't, or at least shouldn't be, changed by makmove * at all. */ assert(mm->mvlim >= 0 && mm->mvlim <= 5); } writec('.'); /* print blots hit */ if (tflag) curmove(20, 0); else writec('\n'); for (i = 0; i < mm->mvlim; i++) if (mm->h[i]) wrhit(mm->g[i]); /* get ready for next move */ nexturn(); if (!okay) { buflush(); sleep(3); } fixtty(&raw); /* no more tty interrupt */ }