Esempio n. 1
void LayerModel::moveLayerUp()
    for(int i=0; i < m_layers.size()-1; i++){
Esempio n. 2
void TDDSubMenu::onTouchMoved(Touch *touch, Event *event)
	if(mIsPressed == false){
	Point posGL = touch->getLocation();			// from bottom
	Point nodeLoc = convertToNodeSpace(posGL);

	Point diff = Point(posGL.x - mLastPos.x, posGL.y - mLastPos.y);

//	log("moved: posGL=%f,%f nodeLoc=%f,%f diff=%f,%f",
//				posGL.x, posGL.y, nodeLoc.x, nodeLoc.y, diff.x, diff.y);
	if(moveLayer(diff)) {
		mLastPos = posGL;
Esempio n. 3
//2. 2nd layer contains date & hour text
static void date_update_proc(Layer *layer, GContext *ctx)
    time_t now = time(NULL);
    struct tm *t = localtime(&now);

    strftime(s_day_buffer, sizeof(s_day_buffer), "%a\n%d %b", t); //print e.g. Wed\n16 Jun
    text_layer_set_text(s_day_label, s_day_buffer);
            GColorWhite: GColorBlack);
            GColorBlack: GColorWhite);

    moveLayer((Layer*)s_day_label, (Layer*)s_day_label, dateQuadrant);
Esempio n. 4
void MplayerWindow::moveDown() {
	if ((allow_video_movement) || ( mplayerlayer->y() < 0 ))
		moveLayer( 0, +16 );
Esempio n. 5
void MplayerWindow::moveUp() {
	if ((allow_video_movement) || (mplayerlayer->y()+mplayerlayer->height() > height() ))
		moveLayer( 0, -16 );
Esempio n. 6
void MplayerWindow::moveRight() {
	if ((allow_video_movement) || ( mplayerlayer->x() < 0 ))
		moveLayer( +16, 0 );
Esempio n. 7
void MplayerWindow::moveLeft() {
	if ((allow_video_movement) || (mplayerlayer->x()+mplayerlayer->width() > width() ))
		moveLayer( -16, 0 );
Esempio n. 8
//1. Base layer contains coloured analogue watch face
static void bg_update_proc(Layer *layer, GContext *ctx)
    GRect bounds = layer_get_bounds(layer);
    int widthHalf = bounds.size.w / 2,
        heightHalf = bounds.size.h / 2;
    int32_t width = bounds.size.w * 3;

    time_t now = time(NULL);
    struct tm *t = localtime(&now);
    hr = t->tm_hour;
    min = t->tm_min;
    //hr = 7; min = 20; //DEBUG
    int sec = t->tm_sec;
    min = sec;
    if (min == 59) --lastSurpriseHr; //force re-selection of surprise min after every round of min hand
    int32_t angleM = TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * min / 60;
    //int32_t angleH = TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * (hr % 12) / 12; //without minutes contribution
    int32_t angleH = (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE * (((hr % 12) * 6) + (min / 10))) / (12 * 6); //with minutes contribution
    int32_t angleMid;

    m_nColourIndex = t->tm_sec * MAX_COLOURS / 60;
    m_nColourIndex = (t->tm_yday * 24 + hr) % MAX_COLOURS;
    //APP_LOG(APP_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "h:m %d:%d => angles: %d, %d", hr, min, (int) (angleM * 360 / TRIG_MAX_ANGLE), (int) (angleH * 360 / TRIG_MAX_ANGLE));
    bool bIsSmallSectorLight = true;

    if (angleM >= angleH)
        if ((angleM - angleH) <= ANGLE_DEG_180)
            angleMid = (angleM + angleH) / 2;
            bIsSmallSectorLight = false;
            angleMid = (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE - angleM + angleH) / 2 + angleM;
    else //angleH > angleM
        if ((angleH - angleM) <= ANGLE_DEG_180)
            angleMid = (angleM + angleH) / 2;
            bIsSmallSectorLight = false;
            angleMid = (TRIG_MAX_ANGLE - angleH + angleM) / 2 + angleH;

    int mInQ = angleM / ANGLE_DEG_90,
        hInQ = angleH / ANGLE_DEG_90;
    dateQuadrant = DATE_QUAD_INDEX[mInQ][hInQ];
    dateQuadrantUseApc = (mInQ != hInQ)?
        DATE_QUAD_USE_PRI[mInQ][hInQ]: (angleM < angleH);
    surpQuadrant = SURPRISE_QUAD_INDEX[mInQ][hInQ];
    surpQuadrantUseApc = (mInQ != hInQ)?
        SURPRISE_QUAD_USE_PRI[mInQ][hInQ]: (angleM < angleH);

    //create rectangle (for simplicity instead of sector; triangle is insufficient as at wide angles, it won't cover the corner!)
    GPathInfo sectorInfo = {
        .num_points = 4,
        .points = (GPoint []) {
            {0, 0},
            {width * sin_lookup(angleH) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO, -width * cos_lookup(angleH) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO},
            {width * sin_lookup(angleMid) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO, -width * cos_lookup(angleMid) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO},
            {width * sin_lookup(angleM) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO, -width * cos_lookup(angleM) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO}
        } };
    GPath *sector = gpath_create(&sectorInfo);
    GPoint center = grect_center_point(&bounds);
    gpath_move_to(sector, center);

    //bIsSmallSectorLight = ! bIsSmallSectorLight; //try inverting colour scheme to more light (i.e. bigger light sector)
    GColor clrDark = (GColor8){.argb=COLOURS[m_nColourIndex][1]};
    GColor clrLight = (GColor8){.argb=COLOURS[m_nColourIndex][0]};
    GColor clrDark = (GColor8){.argb=COLOURS[m_nColourIndex][0]};
    GColor clrLight = (GColor8){.argb=COLOURS[m_nColourIndex][1]};
    //draw background (rest, i.e. big sector)
    graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, !bIsSmallSectorLight? clrLight: clrDark);
    graphics_fill_rect(ctx, layer_get_bounds(layer), 0, GCornerNone);

    //draw small sector
    GColor c = bIsSmallSectorLight? clrLight: clrDark;
    graphics_context_set_fill_color(ctx, c);
    graphics_context_set_stroke_color(ctx, c);
    gpath_draw_filled(ctx, sector);
    gpath_draw_outline(ctx, sector);

    //write 'hour' hint
    strftime(s_hour_buffer, sizeof(s_hour_buffer), "%l", t);
    //strftime(s_hour_buffer, sizeof(s_hour_buffer), "12", t); //DEBUG: Try widest hour displayed: 12

     * In FONT_KEY_BITHAM_30_BLACK, digit '6' is ~18x21 px.
     * Thus, need vertical offset (of 5 px) as top of font character is 9px down.
    int32_t angle = angleM + ANGLE_HOUR_HINT;
    int32_t angle = angleH + ANGLE_HOUR_HINT;
    int radius = heightHalf - 18; //less font size & margin
    if (((angle >= ANGLE_DEG_45) && (angle <= ANGLE_DEG_135))
        || ((angle >= ANGLE_DEG_225) && (angle <= ANGLE_DEG_315)))
        radius = widthHalf - 18;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
        text_layer_set_text(s_hour_label[i], s_hour_buffer);
        GRect frame = layer_get_frame((Layer*)s_hour_label[i]);
        frame.origin.x = OFFSET_OUTLINE[i][0] + center.x - (frame.size.w / 2)
            + radius * sin_lookup(angle) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO;
        frame.origin.y = OFFSET_OUTLINE[i][1] + center.y - (frame.size.h / 2) - 5 //offset 5px up
            - radius * cos_lookup(angle) / TRIG_MAX_RATIO;
        layer_set_frame((Layer*)s_hour_label[i], frame);
        if (i < 4)
            text_layer_set_text_color(s_hour_label[i], (hr >= 12)? GColorBlack: GColorWhite);
            text_layer_set_text_color(s_hour_label[i], (hr >= 12)? GColorWhite: GColorBlack);

    bool bToShowPicFor1stTime = false;
    if (lastSurpriseHr < 0)
        bToShowPicFor1stTime = true; //show pic when watchface is first loaded
    if (bToShowPicFor1stTime || (hr != lastSurpriseHr))
        lastSurpriseHr = hr;
        //randomly pick a min to show surprise pic:
        if (!bToShowPicFor1stTime)
            nextSurpriseMin = rand() % 60;
        else if (nextSurpriseMin < 59) //showing pic for 1st time, so randomly pick a min after current min
            nextSurpriseMin = (rand() % (59 - min)) + min + 1;
        surpriseShownCnt = 0;
    if (bToShowPicFor1stTime
        || ((min == nextSurpriseMin) && (surpriseShownCnt == 0)))
        if (!bToShowPicFor1stTime)
        m_bSupriseShowing = true;
        layer_set_hidden(m_sLayerWeather, true);
        bitmap_layer_set_bitmap(m_spbmLayer, m_spbmPics[rand() % MAX_PICS]);
        //move surprise pic to appropriate quadrant:
        moveLayer((Layer*)m_spbmLayer, layer, surpQuadrant);
        m_sptimer1 = app_timer_register(PIC_SHOW_INTERVAL, (AppTimerCallback) hidePic, NULL);

    if (m_bWeatherEnabled)
        moveLayer2((Layer*)m_sLayerWeather, layer, surpQuadrant, !m_bSupriseShowing && m_bWeatherEnabled);

    if ((m_nVibes & MASKV_HOURLY) //option enabled to vibrate hourly
        && (min == 0) //hourly mark reached
        && (m_nLastHourlyShake != now)) //sometimes update proc gets called several times in the same min, so shake only once!
        int from = (m_nVibes & MASKV_FROM) >> 8,
            to = m_nVibes & MASKV_TO;
        bool bShake = false;
        if (from <= to)
            bShake = (hr >= from) && (hr <= to);
            bShake = (hr >= from) || (hr <= to);
        if (bShake)
            m_nLastHourlyShake = now;