bool LocationModelManager::onAgentLinkedToModel(Agent *agent, ModelId mid) { LocationModel *model = at(mid); if(nullptr == model) return false; model->attachAgent(agent->id()); moveLocation(mid, agent->position()); return true; }
int getChoice(){ system("cls"); moveLocation(0,0); printf("1. Add Record"); moveLocation(0,2); printf("2. List Records"); moveLocation(0,4); printf("3. Modify Records"); moveLocation(0,6); printf("4. Delete Records"); moveLocation(0,8); printf("5. Exit"); moveLocation(0,10); printf("Your Choice: "); fflush(stdin); return getche(); }
int main(){ FILE *fp, *ft; char another, choice; /** structure to employee */ struct emp{ char name[50]; int age; float salary; } e; char empname[50]; long int recsize; /** * Opening file if exits or creating new file */ fp = fopen(FILE_NAME,"rb+"); if(fp == NULL) { fp = fopen(FILE_NAME,"wb+"); if(fp == NULL) { printf("Cannot open the file"); exit(1); } } recsize = sizeof(e); while(1) { choice = getChoice(); switch(choice) { case '1': // Add Record system("cls"); fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); another = 'y'; while(another == 'y') { printf("\nEnter name: "); scanf("%s",; printf("\nEnter age: "); scanf("%d", &e.age); printf("\nEnter basic salary: "); scanf("%f", &e.salary); fwrite(&e,recsize,1,fp); printf("\nAdd another record(y/n) "); fflush(stdin); another = getche(); } break; case '2': // List Record system("cls"); rewind(fp); while(fread(&e,recsize,1,fp)==1) { printf("\n%s %d %.2f",,e.age,e.salary); } getch(); break; case '3': // Modify Record system("cls"); another = 'y'; while(another == 'y') { printf("Enter the employee name to modify: "); scanf("%s", empname); rewind(fp); while(fread(&e,recsize,1,fp)==1) { if(strcmp(,empname) == 0) { printf("\nEnter new name,age and basic salary: "); scanf("%s%d%f",,&e.age,&e.salary); fseek(fp,-recsize,SEEK_CUR); fwrite(&e,recsize,1,fp); break; } } printf("\nModify another record(y/n)"); fflush(stdin); another = getche(); } break; case '4': // Delete Record system("cls"); another = 'y'; while(another == 'y') { printf("\nEnter name of employee to delete: "); scanf("%s",empname); ft = fopen(TEMP_FILE_NAME,"wb"); rewind(fp); while(fread(&e,recsize,1,fp) == 1) { if(strcmp(,empname) != 0) { fwrite(&e,recsize,1,ft); } } fclose(fp); fclose(ft); remove(FILE_NAME); rename(TEMP_FILE_NAME,FILE_NAME); fp = fopen(FILE_NAME, "rb+"); printf("Delete another record(y/n)"); fflush(stdin); another = getche(); } break; case '5': // Exit Program system("cls"); moveLocation(0,5); fclose(fp); printf("Bye././. Have a nice day"); moveLocation(0,7); exit(0); } } return 0; }