Esempio n. 1
static double set_targets(double factor) { // {{{
	// Set motor targets for the requested factor. If limits are exceeded, return largest acceptable factor.
	if (spaces[0].num_axes > 0) {
		// Only handle positional move if there are positional axes.
		double factor2 = 2 * factor - 1;	// convert [0,1] to [-1,1]
		double alpha = factor2 * settings.alpha_max;	// requested angle.
		// Moves are a combination of two vectors:
		// A is from the middle of the line from start to end, to the end.
		// B is from the middle of the line from start to end, to the middle of the arc.
		// (A and B are perpendicular.)
		// a and b are weights to use for A and B respectively.
		// a = sin(alpha)/sin(alpha_max). For small angles this breaks, so just use factor2.
		double denominator = sin(settings.alpha_max);
		double a = (denominator < 1e-10 ? factor2 : sin(alpha) / denominator);
		// b = cos(alpha)-cos(alpha_max)/(1-cos(alpha_max). For small angles this also breaks, so use 1-abs(factor2).
		double cmax = cos(settings.alpha_max);
		double b = (cos(alpha) - cmax) / (1 - cmax);
		if (std::isnan(b))
			b = 1 - std::fabs(factor2);	// Doesn't really matter; B == {0, 0, 0}.
		// Set position for xyz axes.
		for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
			if (i < spaces[0].num_axes) {
				spaces[0].axis[i]-> = settings.P[i] + a * settings.A[i] + b * settings.B[i];
				mdebug("target %d = %f P %f a %f A %f B %f amax %f factor2 %f", i, spaces[0].axis[i]->, settings.P[i],a, settings.A[i], settings.B[i], settings.alpha_max, factor2);
	// Set all other axes with linear interpolation and compute motor positions, returning maximum allowed factor.
	double max_f = 1;
	for (int s = 0; s < NUM_SPACES; ++s) {
		Space &sp = spaces[s];
		if (s == 2 && !settings.single)
		for (int a = (s == 0 ? 3 : 0); a < sp.num_axes; ++a) {
			auto ax = sp.axis[a];
			if (std::isnan(ax->settings.source)) {
				ax->settings.source = 0;
				mdebug("setting axis %d %d source from nan to 0", s, a);
			ax-> = ax->settings.source + factor * (ax->settings.endpos - ax->settings.source);
			mdebug("setting target for %d %d to %f (%f -> %f)", s, a, ax->, ax->settings.source, ax->settings.endpos);
		double f = move_axes(&sp);
		if (max_f > f)
			max_f = f;
	return max_f;
} // }}}
Esempio n. 2
static void handle_motors(unsigned long long current_time) { // {{{
	// Check for move.
	if (!computing_move) {
		movedebug("handle motors not moving");
	movedebug("handling %d", computing_move);
	double factor = 1;
	double t = (current_time - settings.start_time) / 1e6;
	if (t >= settings.t0 + {	// Finish this move and prepare next. {{{
		movedebug("finishing %f %f %f %ld %ld", t, settings.t0,, long(current_time), long(settings.start_time));
		for (uint8_t s = 0; s < 2; ++s) {
			Space &sp = spaces[s];
			bool new_move = false;
			if (!isnan(sp.settings.dist[0])) {
				for (uint8_t a = 0; a < sp.num_axes; ++a) {
					if (!isnan(sp.axis[a]->settings.dist[0])) {
						sp.axis[a]->settings.source += sp.axis[a]->settings.dist[0];
						sp.axis[a]->settings.dist[0] = NAN;
						//debug("new source %d %f", a, sp.axis[a]->settings.source);
				sp.settings.dist[0] = NAN;
			for (uint8_t a = 0; a < sp.num_axes; ++a)
				sp.axis[a]-> = sp.axis[a]->settings.source;
			move_axes(&sp, current_time, factor);
			//debug("f %f", factor);
		//debug("f2 %f %ld %ld", factor, settings.last_time, current_time);
		bool did_steps = do_steps(factor, current_time);
		//debug("f3 %f", factor);
		// Start time may have changed; recalculate t.
		t = (current_time - settings.start_time) / 1e6;
		if (t / (settings.t0 + >= done_factor) {
			uint8_t had_cbs = cbs_after_current_move;
			cbs_after_current_move = 0;
			if (settings.queue_start != settings.queue_end || settings.queue_full) {
				had_cbs += next_move();
				if (!aborting && had_cbs > 0) {
					//debug("adding %d cbs to fragment %d", had_cbs, current_fragment);
					history[current_fragment].cbs += had_cbs;
			cbs_after_current_move += had_cbs;
			if (factor == 1) {
				//debug("queue done");
				if (!did_steps) {
					//debug("done move");
					computing_move = false;
				for (uint8_t s = 0; s < 2; ++s) {
					Space &sp = spaces[s];
					for (uint8_t m = 0; m < sp.num_motors; ++m)
						sp.motor[m]->settings.last_v = 0;
				if (cbs_after_current_move > 0) {
					if (!aborting) {
						//debug("adding %d cbs to final fragment %d", cbs_after_current_move, current_fragment);
						history[current_fragment].cbs += cbs_after_current_move;
					cbs_after_current_move = 0;
	} // }}}
	if (t < settings.t0) {	// Main part. {{{
		double t_fraction = t / settings.t0;
		double current_f = (settings.f1 * (2 - t_fraction) + settings.f2 * t_fraction) * t_fraction;
		movedebug("main t %f t0 %f tp %f tfrac %f f1 %f f2 %f cf %f", t, settings.t0,, t_fraction, settings.f1, settings.f2, current_f);
		for (int s = 0; s < 2; ++s) {
			Space &sp = spaces[s];
			for (uint8_t a = 0; a < sp.num_axes; ++a) {
				if (isnan(sp.axis[a]->settings.dist[0])) {
					sp.axis[a]-> = NAN;
				sp.axis[a]-> = sp.axis[a]->settings.source;
			make_target(sp, current_f, false);
			move_axes(&sp, current_time, factor);
	} // }}}
	else {	// Connector part. {{{
		movedebug("connector %f %f %f", t, settings.t0,;
		double tc = t - settings.t0;
		double t_fraction = tc /;
		double current_f2 = settings.fp * (2 - t_fraction) * t_fraction;
		double current_f3 = settings.fq * t_fraction * t_fraction;
		for (uint8_t s = 0; s < 2; ++s) {
			Space &sp = spaces[s];
			for (uint8_t a = 0; a < sp.num_axes; ++a) {
				if (isnan(sp.axis[a]->settings.dist[0]) && isnan(sp.axis[a]->settings.dist[1])) {
					sp.axis[a]-> = NAN;
				sp.axis[a]-> = sp.axis[a]->settings.source;
			make_target(sp, (1 - settings.fp) + current_f2, false);
			make_target(sp, current_f3, true);
			move_axes(&sp, current_time, factor);
	} // }}}
	do_steps(factor, current_time);
} // }}}
Esempio n. 3
static bool do_steps(double &factor, uint32_t current_time) { // {{{
	if (factor <= 0) {
		movedebug("end move");
		return false;
	for (uint8_t s = 0; s < 2; ++s) {
		Space &sp = spaces[s];
		for (uint8_t a = 0; a < sp.num_axes; ++a) {
			if (!isnan(sp.axis[a]->
				sp.axis[a]->settings.current += (sp.axis[a]-> - sp.axis[a]->settings.current) * factor;
	if (factor < 1) {
		// Recalculate steps; ignore resulting factor.
		double dummy_factor = 1;
		for (uint8_t s = 0; s < 2; ++s) {
			Space &sp = spaces[s];
			for (uint8_t a = 0; a < sp.num_axes; ++a) {
				if (!isnan(sp.axis[a]->
					sp.axis[a]-> = sp.axis[a]->settings.current;
			move_axes(&sp, settings.last_time, dummy_factor);
	//debug("do steps %f", factor);
	uint32_t the_last_time = settings.last_current_time;
	settings.last_current_time = current_time;
	// Adjust start time if factor < 1.
	bool have_steps = false;
	if (factor < 1) {
		for (uint8_t s = 0; !have_steps && s < 2; ++s) {
			Space &sp = spaces[s];
			for (uint8_t m = 0; m < sp.num_motors; ++m) {
				Motor &mtr = *sp.motor[m];
				double num = (mtr.settings.current_pos / mtr.steps_per_unit + mtr.settings.target_dist * factor) * mtr.steps_per_unit;
				if (mtr.settings.current_pos != int(num + (num > 0 ? .49 : -.49))) {
					//debug("have steps %d %f %f", mtr.settings.current_pos, mtr.settings.target_dist, factor);
					have_steps = true;
				//debug("no steps yet %d %d", s, m);
		// If there are no steps to take, wait until there are.
		//static int streak = 0;
		if (!have_steps) {
			//movedebug("no steps");
		//	if (streak++ > 50)
		//		abort();
			return false;
		//streak = 0;
		settings.start_time += (current_time - the_last_time) * ((1 - factor) * .99);
		movedebug("correct: %f %d", factor, int(settings.start_time));
		movedebug("no correct: %f %d", factor, int(settings.start_time));
	settings.last_time = current_time;
	// Move the motors.
	//debug("start move");
	for (uint8_t s = 0; s < 2; ++s) {
		Space &sp = spaces[s];
		for (uint8_t m = 0; m < sp.num_motors; ++m) {
			Motor &mtr = *sp.motor[m];
			if (isnan(mtr.settings.target_dist) || mtr.settings.target_dist == 0) {
				//if (mtr.target_v == 0)
					//mtr.last_v = 0;
			double target = mtr.settings.current_pos / mtr.steps_per_unit + mtr.settings.target_dist * factor;
			cpdebug(s, m, "ccp3 stopping %d target %f lastv %f spm %f tdist %f factor %f frag %d", stopping, target, mtr.settings.last_v, mtr.steps_per_unit, mtr.settings.target_dist, factor, current_fragment);
			//if (fabs(mtr.settings.target_dist * factor) > .01)	// XXX: This shouldn't ever happen on my printer, but shouldn't be a limitation.
			int new_cp = target * mtr.steps_per_unit + (target > 0 ? .49 : -.49);
			if (mtr.settings.current_pos != new_cp) {
				have_steps = true;
				if (! { = true;
					num_active_motors += 1;
				DATA_SET(s, m, new_cp - mtr.settings.current_pos);
			mtr.settings.current_pos = new_cp;
			//cpdebug(s, m, "cp three %f", target);
			mtr.settings.last_v = mtr.settings.target_v * factor;
	current_fragment_pos += 1;
	return have_steps;
} // }}}
Esempio n. 4
static bool do_steps(double &factor, uint32_t current_time) { // {{{
	if (factor <= 0) {
		movedebug("end move");
		return false;
	for (int s = 0; s < NUM_SPACES; ++s) {
		if (!settings.single && s == 2)
		Space &sp = spaces[s];
		for (int a = 0; a < sp.num_axes; ++a) {
			if (!isnan(sp.axis[a]-> {
				//debug("add %d %d %f -> %f", s, a, (sp.axis[a]-> - sp.axis[a]->settings.current) * factor, sp.axis[a]->settings.current);
				sp.axis[a]->settings.current += (sp.axis[a]-> - sp.axis[a]->settings.current) * factor;
	if (factor < 1) {
		// Recalculate steps; ignore resulting factor.
		double dummy_factor = 1;
		//debug("redo steps %d", current_fragment);
		for (int s = 0; s < NUM_SPACES; ++s) {
			if (!settings.single && s == 2)
			Space &sp = spaces[s];
			for (int a = 0; a < sp.num_axes; ++a) {
				if (!isnan(sp.axis[a]->
					sp.axis[a]-> = sp.axis[a]->settings.current;
			move_axes(&sp, settings.last_time, dummy_factor);
	//debug("do steps %f", factor);
	uint32_t the_last_time = settings.last_current_time;
	settings.last_current_time = current_time;
	// Adjust start time if factor < 1.
	bool have_steps = false;
	if (factor < 1) {
		for (int s = 0; !have_steps && s < NUM_SPACES; ++s) {
			if (!settings.single && s == 2)
			Space &sp = spaces[s];
			for (int m = 0; m < sp.num_motors; ++m) {
				Motor &mtr = *sp.motor[m];
				double num = (mtr.settings.current_pos / mtr.steps_per_unit + mtr.settings.target_dist * factor) * mtr.steps_per_unit;
				if (int(mtr.settings.current_pos) != int(num)) {
					//debug("have steps %f %f %f", mtr.settings.current_pos, mtr.settings.target_dist, factor);
					have_steps = true;
				//debug("no steps yet %d %d", s, m);
		settings.start_time += (current_time - the_last_time) * ((1 - factor) * .99);
		movedebug("correct: %f %d", factor, int(settings.start_time));
		movedebug("no correct: %f %d", factor, int(settings.start_time));
	settings.last_time = current_time;
	fprintf(stderr, "%d", current_time);
	for (int a = 0; a < spaces[0].num_axes; ++a) {
		if (isnan(spaces[0].axis[a]->
			fprintf(stderr, "\t%f", spaces[0].axis[a]->settings.source);
			fprintf(stderr, "\t%f", spaces[0].axis[a]->;
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	// Move the motors.
	//debug("start move");
	for (int s = 0; s < NUM_SPACES; ++s) {
		if (!settings.single && s == 2)
		Space &sp = spaces[s];
		for (int m = 0; m < sp.num_motors; ++m) {
			Motor &mtr = *sp.motor[m];
			if (isnan(mtr.settings.target_dist) || mtr.settings.target_dist == 0) {
				//debug("no %d %d", s, m);
				//if (mtr.target_v == 0)
					//mtr.last_v = 0;
			double target = mtr.settings.current_pos / mtr.steps_per_unit + mtr.settings.target_dist * factor;
			cpdebug(s, m, "ccp3 stopping %d target %f lastv %f spm %f tdist %f factor %f frag %d", stopping, target, mtr.settings.last_v, mtr.steps_per_unit, mtr.settings.target_dist, factor, current_fragment);
			//if (fabs(mtr.settings.target_dist * factor) > .01)	// XXX: This shouldn't ever happen on my printer, but shouldn't be a limitation.
			double new_cp = target * mtr.steps_per_unit;
			if (int(mtr.settings.current_pos) != int(new_cp)) {
				have_steps = true;
				if (! { = true;
					num_active_motors += 1;
				int diff = int(new_cp) - int(mtr.settings.current_pos);
				DATA_SET(s, m, diff);
			mtr.settings.current_pos = new_cp;
			if (!settings.single) {
				for (int mm = 0; mm < spaces[2].num_motors; ++mm) {
					int fm = space_types[spaces[2].type].follow(&spaces[2], mm);
					if (fm < 0)
					int fs = fm >> 8;
					fm &= 0xff;
					if (fs != s || fm != m || (fs == 2 && fm >= mm))
					spaces[2].motor[mm]->settings.current_pos += new_cp - mtr.settings.current_pos;
			//cpdebug(s, m, "cp three %f", target);
			mtr.settings.last_v = mtr.settings.target_v * factor;
	current_fragment_pos += 1;
	return have_steps;
} // }}}
Esempio n. 5
static void handle_motors(unsigned long long current_time) { // {{{
	// Check for move.
	if (!computing_move) {
		movedebug("handle motors not moving");
	movedebug("handling %d %d", computing_move, cbs_after_current_move);
	double factor = 1;
	double t = (current_time - settings.start_time) / 1e6;
	if (t >= settings.t0 + {	// Finish this move and prepare next. {{{
		movedebug("finishing %f %f %f %ld %ld", t, settings.t0,, long(current_time), long(settings.start_time));
		//debug("finish steps");
		for (int s = 0; s < NUM_SPACES; ++s) {
			if (!settings.single && s == 2)
			Space &sp = spaces[s];
			bool new_move = false;
			if (!isnan(sp.settings.dist[0])) {
				for (int a = 0; a < sp.num_axes; ++a) {
					if (!isnan(sp.axis[a]->settings.dist[0])) {
						sp.axis[a]->settings.source += sp.axis[a]->settings.dist[0];
						sp.axis[a]->settings.dist[0] = NAN;
						//debug("new source %d %f", a, sp.axis[a]->settings.source);
				sp.settings.dist[0] = NAN;
			for (int a = 0; a < sp.num_axes; ++a)
				sp.axis[a]-> = sp.axis[a]->settings.source;
			move_axes(&sp, current_time, factor);
			//debug("f %f", factor);
		//debug("f2 %f %ld %ld", factor, settings.last_time, current_time);
		bool did_steps = do_steps(factor, current_time);
		//debug("f3 %f", factor);
		// Start time may have changed; recalculate t.
		t = (current_time - settings.start_time) / 1e6;
		if (t / (settings.t0 + >= done_factor) {
			int had_cbs = cbs_after_current_move;
			//debug("clearing %d cbs after current move for later inserting into history", cbs_after_current_move);
			cbs_after_current_move = 0;
			if (settings.queue_start != settings.queue_end || settings.queue_full) {
				had_cbs += next_move();
				if (!aborting && had_cbs > 0) {
					int fragment;
					if (num_active_motors == 0)
						fragment = (current_fragment + FRAGMENTS_PER_BUFFER - 1) % FRAGMENTS_PER_BUFFER;
						fragment = current_fragment;
					//debug("adding %d cbs to fragment %d", had_cbs, fragment);
					history[fragment].cbs += had_cbs;
			cbs_after_current_move += had_cbs;
			//debug("adding %d to cbs after current move making it %d", had_cbs, cbs_after_current_move);
			if (factor == 1) {
				//debug("queue done");
				if (!did_steps) {
					//debug("done move");
					computing_move = false;
					// Cut off final sample, which was no steps anyway.
					current_fragment_pos -= 1;
				for (int s = 0; s < NUM_SPACES; ++s) {
					Space &sp = spaces[s];
					for (int m = 0; m < sp.num_motors; ++m)
						sp.motor[m]->settings.last_v = 0;
				if (cbs_after_current_move > 0) {
					if (!aborting) {
						int fragment;
						if (num_active_motors == 0)
							if (running_fragment == current_fragment) {
								//debug("sending movecbs immediately");
								send_host(CMD_MOVECB, cbs_after_current_move);
								cbs_after_current_move = 0;
								fragment = (current_fragment + FRAGMENTS_PER_BUFFER - 1) % FRAGMENTS_PER_BUFFER;
							fragment = current_fragment;
						//debug("adding %d cbs to final fragment %d", cbs_after_current_move, fragment);
						history[fragment].cbs += cbs_after_current_move;
					//debug("clearing %d cbs after current move in final", cbs_after_current_move);
					cbs_after_current_move = 0;
	} // }}}
	if (t < settings.t0) {	// Main part. {{{
		double t_fraction = t / settings.t0;
		double current_f = (settings.f1 * (2 - t_fraction) + settings.f2 * t_fraction) * t_fraction;
		movedebug("main t %f t0 %f tp %f tfrac %f f1 %f f2 %f cf %f", t, settings.t0,, t_fraction, settings.f1, settings.f2, current_f);
		//debug("main steps");
		for (int s = 0; s < NUM_SPACES; ++s) {
			if (!settings.single && s == 2)
			Space &sp = spaces[s];
			for (int a = 0; a < sp.num_axes; ++a) {
				if (isnan(sp.axis[a]->settings.dist[0])) {
					sp.axis[a]-> = NAN;
				sp.axis[a]-> = sp.axis[a]->settings.source;
			make_target(sp, current_f, false);
			move_axes(&sp, current_time, factor);
	} // }}}
	else {	// Connector part. {{{
		movedebug("connector %f %f %f", t, settings.t0,;
		double tc = t - settings.t0;
		double t_fraction = tc /;
		double current_f2 = settings.fp * (2 - t_fraction) * t_fraction;
		double current_f3 = settings.fq * t_fraction * t_fraction;
		//debug("connect steps");
		for (int s = 0; s < NUM_SPACES; ++s) {
			if (!settings.single && s == 2)
			Space &sp = spaces[s];
			for (int a = 0; a < sp.num_axes; ++a) {
				if (isnan(sp.axis[a]->settings.dist[0]) && isnan(sp.axis[a]->settings.dist[1])) {
					sp.axis[a]-> = NAN;
				sp.axis[a]-> = sp.axis[a]->settings.source;
			make_target(sp, (1 - settings.fp) + current_f2, false);
			make_target(sp, current_f3, true);
			move_axes(&sp, current_time, factor);
	} // }}}
	do_steps(factor, current_time);
} // }}}