Esempio n. 1
profile_mpn_mulmid_fallback (void* arg, unsigned long count)
   profile_info_struct* info = (profile_info_struct*) arg;

   size_t n1 = info->n1;
   size_t n2 = info->n2;

   ulong* buf1 = (ulong*) malloc (sizeof (mp_limb_t) * n1);
   ulong* buf2 = (ulong*) malloc (sizeof (mp_limb_t) * n2);
   ulong* buf3 = (ulong*) malloc (sizeof (mp_limb_t) * (n1 - n2 + 3));

   // generate random inputs
   mpn_random (buf1, n1);
   mpn_random (buf2, n2);

   // warm up
   ulong j;
   for (j = 0; j < count; j++)
      ZNP_mpn_mulmid_fallback (buf3, buf1, n1, buf2, n2);

   // do the actual profile
   cycle_count_t t0 = get_cycle_counter ();

   for (j = 0; j < count; j++)
      ZNP_mpn_mulmid_fallback (buf3, buf1, n1, buf2, n2);

   cycle_count_t t1 = get_cycle_counter ();
   free (buf3);
   free (buf2);
   free (buf1);

   return cycle_diff (t0, t1);
Esempio n. 2
static double domeasure (mpfr_prec_t *threshold,
                         double (*func) (struct speed_params *),
                         mpfr_prec_t p)
  struct speed_params s;
  mp_size_t size;
  double t;

  s.align_xp = s.align_yp = s.align_wp = 64;
  s.size = p;
  size = (p - 1)/GMP_NUMB_BITS+1;
  s.xp = malloc (2*size*sizeof (mp_limb_t));
  if (s.xp == NULL)
      fprintf (stderr, "Can't allocate memory.\n");
      abort ();
  mpn_random (s.xp, size);
  s.yp = s.xp + size;
  mpn_random (s.yp, size);
  t = speed_measure (func, &s);
  if (t == -1.0)
      fprintf (stderr, "Failed to measure function!\n");
      abort ();
  free (s.xp);
  return t;
Esempio n. 3
profile_mpn_smp_kara (void* arg, unsigned long count)
   profile_info_struct* info = (profile_info_struct*) arg;

   size_t n = info->n;

   ulong* buf1 = (ulong*) malloc (sizeof (mp_limb_t) * (2 * n - 1));
   ulong* buf2 = (ulong*) malloc (sizeof (mp_limb_t) * n);
   ulong* buf3 = (ulong*) malloc (sizeof (mp_limb_t) * (n + 2));

   // generate random inputs
   mpn_random (buf1, 2 * n - 1);
   mpn_random (buf2, n);

   // warm up
   ulong j;
   for (j = 0; j < count; j++)
      ZNP_mpn_smp_kara (buf3, buf1, buf2, n);

   // do the actual profile
   cycle_count_t t0 = get_cycle_counter ();

   for (j = 0; j < count; j++)
      ZNP_mpn_smp_kara (buf3, buf1, buf2, n);

   cycle_count_t t1 = get_cycle_counter ();
   free (buf3);
   free (buf2);
   free (buf1);

   return cycle_diff (t0, t1);
Esempio n. 4
static void
matrix_random(struct matrix *M, mp_size_t n, gmp_randstate_ptr rands)
  M->n = n;
  mpn_random (M->e00, n);
  mpn_random (M->e01, n);
  mpn_random (M->e10, n);
  mpn_random (M->e11, n);
Esempio n. 5
data_fill (mp_ptr ptr, mp_size_t size)
  switch (option_data) {
    mpn_random (ptr, size);
  case DATA_RANDOM2:
    mpn_random2 (ptr, size);
  case DATA_ZEROS:
    MPN_ZERO (ptr, size);
  case DATA_AAS:
    MPN_FILL (ptr, size, GMP_NUMB_0xAA);
  case DATA_FFS:
    MPN_FILL (ptr, size, GMP_NUMB_MAX);
  case DATA_2FD:
    MPN_FILL (ptr, size, GMP_NUMB_MAX);
    ptr[0] -= 2;
Esempio n. 6
mpfr_random2 (mpfr_ptr x, mp_size_t size, mp_exp_t exp)
  mp_size_t xn;
  unsigned long cnt;
  mp_ptr xp = MPFR_MANT(x), yp[1];
  mp_size_t prec = (MPFR_PREC(x) - 1)/BITS_PER_MP_LIMB; 

  xn = ABS (size);
  if (xn != 0)
      if (xn > prec + 1)
	xn = prec + 1;

      mpn_random2 (xp, xn);

  if (exp != 0) {
    /* use mpn_random instead of random since that function is not
       available on all platforms (for example HPUX, DEC OSF, ...) */
    mpn_random ((mp_limb_t*) yp, 1);
    exp = (mp_exp_t) yp[0] % (2 * exp) - exp;

  count_leading_zeros(cnt, xp[xn - 1]); 
  if (cnt) mpn_lshift(xp, xp, xn, cnt); 
  MPFR_EXP(x) = exp-cnt; 
  cnt = xn*BITS_PER_MP_LIMB - prec; 
  /* cnt is the number of non significant bits in the low limb */
  xp[0] &= ~((MP_LIMB_T_ONE << cnt) - MP_LIMB_T_ONE);
Esempio n. 7
r_string (const char *s)
  const char  *s_orig = s;
  long        n;

  if (strcmp (s, "aas") == 0)
    return GMP_NUMB_0xAA;

    mpz_t      z;
    mp_limb_t  l;
    int        set, siz;

    mpz_init (z);
    set = mpz_set_str (z, s, 0);
    siz = SIZ(z);
    l = (siz == 0 ? 0 : siz > 0 ? PTR(z)[0] : -PTR(z)[0]);
    mpz_clear (z);
    if (set == 0)
        if (siz > 1 || siz < -1)
          printf ("Warning, r parameter %s truncated to %d bits\n",
                  s_orig, BITS_PER_MP_LIMB);
        return l;

  if (s[0] == '0' && (s[1] == 'x' || s[1] == 'X'))
    n = strtoul (s+2, (char **) &s, 16);
    n = strtol (s, (char **) &s, 10);

  if (strcmp (s, "bits") == 0)
      mp_limb_t  l;
      if (n > BITS_PER_MP_LIMB)
          fprintf (stderr, "%ld bit parameter invalid (max %d bits)\n", 
                   n, BITS_PER_MP_LIMB);
          exit (1);
      mpn_random (&l, 1);
      return (l | (CNST_LIMB(1) << (n-1))) & LIMB_ONES(n);
  else  if (strcmp (s, "ones") == 0)
      if (n > BITS_PER_MP_LIMB)
          fprintf (stderr, "%ld bit parameter invalid (max %d bits)\n", 
                   n, BITS_PER_MP_LIMB);
          exit (1);
      return LIMB_ONES (n);
  else if (*s != '\0')
      fprintf (stderr, "invalid r parameter: %s\n", s_orig);
      exit (1);

  return n;
Esempio n. 8
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	unsigned char str[154];
	unsigned int arr[] = {9,2,5,8,4,2,4,1,6,9,1,8,9,9,6,1,5,7,0,7,7,4,3,7,6,3,9,5,4,2,3,0,4,4,1,5,3,3,7,2,3,3,7,0,9,4,5,2,8,4,6,\

	long i;

	double t1, t2, Itime;
	int provided;

	/* Allocation */

	v1 = (vector *) malloc (VLEN * sizeof (vector));
	v2 = (vector *) malloc (VLEN * sizeof (vector));
	v3 = (vector *) malloc (VLEN * sizeof (vector));

	fin_sum = (mp_limb_t *) malloc ((2*LIMBS+1) * sizeof (mp_limb_t));
	result = (mp_limb_t *) malloc ((2*LIMBS+1) * sizeof (mp_limb_t));
	q = (mp_limb_t *) malloc (LIMBS * sizeof (mp_limb_t));

	MPI_Init_thread (&argc, &argv, MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE, &provided);
	MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &id);
	MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &p);

	MPI_Type_contiguous (2*LIMBS+1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG, &mpntype0);
	MPI_Type_commit (&mpntype0);

	MPI_Type_contiguous (LIMBS, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG, &mpntype1);
	MPI_Type_commit (&mpntype1);

	MPI_Op_create ((MPI_User_function *)addmpn, 1, &mpn_sum);

	for (i=0; i<154; ++i)	str[i] = (unsigned char)arr[i];
	mpn_set_str (q, str, 154, 10);
	//if (!id) gmp_printf ("Modulus: %Nd\n", q, LIMBS);


	/* Setting limits for 2 MPI nodes */

	VOffset = BLOCK_LOW(id,p,VLEN);
	VChunk  = BLOCK_SIZE(id,p,VLEN);

	/* Setting limits for NCORES-1 threads */

	for (i=0; i<NCORES-1; ++i)
		VStart[i] = VOffset + BLOCK_LOW(i,NCORES-1,VChunk);
		VEnd[i]   = VOffset + BLOCK_HIGH(i,NCORES-1,VChunk);

	for (i=0; i<VLEN; ++i)	mpn_random (v1[i], LIMBS);
	for (i=0; i<VLEN; ++i)	mpn_random (v2[i], LIMBS);
	for (i=BLOCK_LOW(id,p,VLEN); i<=BLOCK_HIGH(id,p,VLEN); ++i)	mpn_random (v3[i], LIMBS);

	t1 = MPI_Wtime ();

	for (i=0; i<NCORES; ++i)
		pthread_create(&threads[i], &attr, VectMul, (void *) i);

	for (i=0; i<NCORES; ++i)
		pthread_join (threads[i], NULL);

	t2 = MPI_Wtime ();
	Itime = t2 - t1;
	if (!id) printf ("Total time taken: %lf\n",Itime);
	if (!id) gmp_printf ("Result: %Nd\n", cnum, LIMBS);

	MPI_Request_free (&Rrqst);
	MPI_Request_free (&Srqst);
	MPI_Finalize ();

	return 0;	
Esempio n. 9
void mpfq_p_127_735_random(mpfq_p_127_735_src_field k, mpfq_p_127_735_dst_elt r) {
  mpn_random(r, 2);
  mpfq_p_127_735_normalize(k, r);
Esempio n. 10
main (int argc, char **argv)
  gmp_randstate_ptr rands;

  mp_ptr ap, rp, pp, scratch;
  int count = COUNT;
  unsigned i;


  if (argc > 1)
      char *end;
      count = strtol (argv[1], &end, 0);
      if (*end || count <= 0)
	  fprintf (stderr, "Invalid test count: %s.\n", argv[1]);
	  return 1;

  tests_start ();
  rands = RANDS;

  scratch = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS (3*MAX_LIMBS); /* For mpn_powlo */

  for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
      mp_size_t n;
      mp_limb_t k;
      int c;

      n = 1 + gmp_urandomm_ui (rands, MAX_LIMBS);

      if (i & 1)
	mpn_random2 (ap, n);
	mpn_random (ap, n);

      ap[0] |= 1;

      if (i < 100)
	k = 3 + 2*i;
	  mpn_random (&k, 1);
	  if (k < 3)
	    k = 3;
	    k |= 1;
      mpn_broot (rp, ap, n, k);
      mpn_powlo (pp, rp, &k, 1, n, scratch);

      MPN_CMP (c, ap, pp, n);
      if (c != 0)
	  gmp_fprintf (stderr,
		       "mpn_broot returned bad result: %u limbs\n",
		       (unsigned) n);
	  gmp_fprintf (stderr, "k   = %Mx\n", k);
	  gmp_fprintf (stderr, "a   = %Nx\n", ap, n);
	  gmp_fprintf (stderr, "r   = %Nx\n", rp, n);
	  gmp_fprintf (stderr, "r^n = %Nx\n", pp, n);
	  abort ();
  tests_end ();
  return 0;
Esempio n. 11
static mp_size_t
one_test (mpz_t a, mpz_t b, int i)
  struct hgcd_matrix hgcd;
  struct hgcd_ref ref;

  mpz_t ref_r0;
  mpz_t ref_r1;
  mpz_t hgcd_r0;
  mpz_t hgcd_r1;

  int res[2];
  mp_size_t asize;
  mp_size_t bsize;

  mp_size_t hgcd_init_scratch;
  mp_size_t hgcd_scratch;

  mp_ptr hgcd_init_tp;
  mp_ptr hgcd_tp;
  mp_limb_t marker[4];

  asize = a->_mp_size;
  bsize = b->_mp_size;

  ASSERT (asize >= bsize);

  hgcd_init_scratch = MPN_HGCD_MATRIX_INIT_ITCH (asize);
  hgcd_init_tp = refmpn_malloc_limbs (hgcd_init_scratch + 2) + 1;
  mpn_hgcd_matrix_init (&hgcd, asize, hgcd_init_tp);

  hgcd_scratch = mpn_hgcd_appr_itch (asize);
  hgcd_tp = refmpn_malloc_limbs (hgcd_scratch + 2) + 1;

  mpn_random (marker, 4);

  hgcd_init_tp[-1] = marker[0];
  hgcd_init_tp[hgcd_init_scratch] = marker[1];
  hgcd_tp[-1] = marker[2];
  hgcd_tp[hgcd_scratch] = marker[3];

#if 0
  fprintf (stderr,
	   "one_test: i = %d asize = %d, bsize = %d\n",
	   i, a->_mp_size, b->_mp_size);

  gmp_fprintf (stderr,
	       "one_test: i = %d\n"
	       "  a = %Zx\n"
	       "  b = %Zx\n",
	       i, a, b);
  hgcd_ref_init (&ref);

  mpz_init_set (ref_r0, a);
  mpz_init_set (ref_r1, b);
  res[0] = hgcd_ref (&ref, ref_r0, ref_r1);

  mpz_init_set (hgcd_r0, a);
  mpz_init_set (hgcd_r1, b);
  if (bsize < asize)
      _mpz_realloc (hgcd_r1, asize);
      MPN_ZERO (hgcd_r1->_mp_d + bsize, asize - bsize);
  res[1] = mpn_hgcd_appr (hgcd_r0->_mp_d,
			  &hgcd, hgcd_tp);

  if (hgcd_init_tp[-1] != marker[0]
      || hgcd_init_tp[hgcd_init_scratch] != marker[1]
      || hgcd_tp[-1] != marker[2]
      || hgcd_tp[hgcd_scratch] != marker[3])
      fprintf (stderr, "ERROR in test %d\n", i);
      fprintf (stderr, "scratch space overwritten!\n");

      if (hgcd_init_tp[-1] != marker[0])
	gmp_fprintf (stderr,
		     "before init_tp: %Mx\n"
		     "expected: %Mx\n",
		     hgcd_init_tp[-1], marker[0]);
      if (hgcd_init_tp[hgcd_init_scratch] != marker[1])
	gmp_fprintf (stderr,
		     "after init_tp: %Mx\n"
		     "expected: %Mx\n",
		     hgcd_init_tp[hgcd_init_scratch], marker[1]);
      if (hgcd_tp[-1] != marker[2])
	gmp_fprintf (stderr,
		     "before tp: %Mx\n"
		     "expected: %Mx\n",
		     hgcd_tp[-1], marker[2]);
      if (hgcd_tp[hgcd_scratch] != marker[3])
	gmp_fprintf (stderr,
		     "after tp: %Mx\n"
		     "expected: %Mx\n",
		     hgcd_tp[hgcd_scratch], marker[3]);

      abort ();

  if (!hgcd_appr_valid_p (a, b, res[0], &ref, ref_r0, ref_r1,
			  res[1], &hgcd))
      fprintf (stderr, "ERROR in test %d\n", i);
      fprintf (stderr, "Invalid results for hgcd and hgcd_ref\n");
      fprintf (stderr, "op1=");                 debug_mp (a, -16);
      fprintf (stderr, "op2=");                 debug_mp (b, -16);
      fprintf (stderr, "hgcd_ref: %ld\n", (long) res[0]);
      fprintf (stderr, "mpn_hgcd_appr: %ld\n", (long) res[1]);
      abort ();

  refmpn_free_limbs (hgcd_init_tp - 1);
  refmpn_free_limbs (hgcd_tp - 1);
  hgcd_ref_clear (&ref);
  mpz_clear (ref_r0);
  mpz_clear (ref_r1);
  mpz_clear (hgcd_r0);
  mpz_clear (hgcd_r1);

  return res[0];
Esempio n. 12
static void
bench_curve (const struct ecc_curve *ecc)
  struct ecc_ctx ctx;  
  double modp, reduce, modq, modinv, modinv_gcd, modinv_powm,
    dup_jj, add_jja, add_hhh,
    mul_g, mul_a;

  mp_limb_t mask;
  mp_size_t itch;

  ctx.ecc = ecc;
  ctx.rp = xalloc_limbs (3*ecc->p.size);
  ctx.ap = xalloc_limbs (3*ecc->p.size);
  ctx.bp = xalloc_limbs (3*ecc->p.size);
  itch = ecc->mul_itch;
#ifdef mpn_sec_powm
    mp_size_t powm_itch
      = mpn_sec_powm_itch (ecc->p.size, ecc->p.bit_size, ecc->p.size);
    if (powm_itch > itch)
      itch = powm_itch;
#endif = xalloc_limbs (itch);

  mpn_random (ctx.ap, 3*ecc->p.size);
  mpn_random (ctx.bp, 3*ecc->p.size);

  mask = (~(mp_limb_t) 0) >> (ecc->p.size * GMP_NUMB_BITS - ecc->p.bit_size);
  ctx.ap[ecc->p.size - 1] &= mask;
  ctx.ap[2*ecc->p.size - 1] &= mask;
  ctx.ap[3*ecc->p.size - 1] &= mask;
  ctx.bp[ecc->p.size - 1] &= mask;
  ctx.bp[2*ecc->p.size - 1] &= mask;
  ctx.bp[3*ecc->p.size - 1] &= mask;

  modp = time_function (bench_modp, &ctx);
  reduce = time_function (bench_reduce, &ctx);

  modq = time_function (bench_modq, &ctx);

  modinv = time_function (bench_modinv, &ctx);
  modinv_gcd = time_function (bench_modinv_gcd, &ctx);
  modinv_gcd = 0;
#ifdef mpn_sec_powm
  modinv_powm = time_function (bench_modinv_powm, &ctx);
  modinv_powm = 0;
  if (ecc->p.bit_size == 255)
      /* For now, curve25519 is a special case */
      dup_jj = time_function (bench_dup_eh, &ctx);
      add_jja = time_function (bench_add_eh, &ctx);
      dup_jj = time_function (bench_dup_jj, &ctx);
      add_jja = time_function (bench_add_jja, &ctx);
  add_hhh = time_function (bench_add_hhh, &ctx);
  mul_g = time_function (bench_mul_g, &ctx);
  mul_a = time_function (bench_mul_a, &ctx);

  free (ctx.rp);
  free (ctx.ap);
  free (ctx.bp);
  free (;

  printf ("%4d %6.4f %6.4f %6.4f %6.2f %6.3f %6.2f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.1f %6.1f\n",
	  ecc->p.bit_size, 1e6 * modp, 1e6 * reduce, 1e6 * modq,
	  1e6 * modinv, 1e6 * modinv_gcd, 1e6 * modinv_powm,
	  1e6 * dup_jj, 1e6 * add_jja, 1e6 * add_hhh,
	  1e6 * mul_g, 1e6 * mul_a);
Esempio n. 13
int main(void)
   mp_limb_t r1, r2, dinv1, dinv2, a1[80], a2[80], b[40], q1[80], q2[80];
   mp_size_t limbs = 10;
   long i, j;

   for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
      mpn_random(a1, 2*limbs);
      mpn_random(b, limbs);
      mpn_copyi(a2, a1, 2*limbs);
      b[limbs - 1] |= GMP_NUMB_HIGHBIT; /* normalise b */
#if (TIME == MPIR) || TEST
      invert_1(dinv1, b[limbs - 1], b[limbs - 2]);

#if (TIME == THIS) || TEST
      dinv2 = div_preinv1(b[limbs - 1], b[limbs - 2]);

#if TEST
      r1 = mpn_sb_div_qr(q1, a1, 2*limbs, b, limbs, dinv1);
      r2 = div_basecase(q2, a2, 2*limbs, b, limbs, dinv2);

#if TIME
      for (j = 0; j < 1000; j++)
#if TIME == MPIR
          r1 = mpn_sb_div_qr(q1, a1, 2*limbs, b, limbs, dinv1);
          mpn_copyi(a1, a2, 2*limbs);

#if TIME == THIS
          r2 = div_basecase(q2, a2, 2*limbs, b, limbs, dinv2);
          mpn_copyi(a2, a1, 2*limbs);

#if TEST
      if (r1 != r2)
         printf("Error in most significant limb\n", j);
         printf("%lu vs %lu\n", r1, r2);
      for (j = 0; j < limbs; j++)
         if (q1[limbs - j - 1] != q2[limbs - j - 1])
            printf("Error in limb %ld of quotient\n", limbs - j - 1);
            printf("%lu vs %lu\n", q1[limbs - j - 1], q2[limbs - j - 1]);

      for (j = 0; j < limbs; j++)
         if (a1[limbs - j - 1] != a2[limbs - j - 1])
            printf("Error in limb %ld of remainder\n", limbs - j - 1);
            printf("%lu vs %lu\n", a1[limbs - j - 1], a2[limbs - j - 1]);



   return 0;