Esempio n. 1
MprRomFileSystem *mprCreateRomFileSystem(MprCtx ctx, cchar *path)
    MprFileSystem      *fs;
    MprRomFileSystem   *rfs;

    rfs = mprAllocObjZeroed(ctx, MprRomFileSystem);
    if (rfs == 0) {
        return rfs;

    fs = &rfs->fileSystem;
    fs->accessPath = (MprAccessFileProc) accessPath;
    fs->deletePath = (MprDeleteFileProc) deletePath;
    fs->getPathInfo = (MprGetPathInfoProc) getPathInfo;
    fs->getPathLink = (MprGetPathLinkProc) getPathLink;
    fs->makeDir = (MprMakeDirProc) makeDir;
    fs->makeLink = (MprMakeDirProc) makeLink;
    fs->openFile = (MprOpenFileProc) openFile;
    fs->closeFile = closeFile;
    fs->readFile = readFile;
    fs->seekFile = seekFile;
    fs->writeFile = writeFile;

#if !WINCE
    fs->stdError = mprAllocObjZeroed(fs, MprFile);
    if (fs->stdError == 0) {
    fs->stdError->fd = 2;
    fs->stdError->fileSystem = fs;
    fs->stdError->mode = O_WRONLY;

    fs->stdInput = mprAllocObjZeroed(fs, MprFile);
    if (fs->stdInput == 0) {
    fs->stdInput->fd = 0;
    fs->stdInput->fileSystem = fs;
    fs->stdInput->mode = O_RDONLY;

    fs->stdOutput = mprAllocObjZeroed(fs, MprFile);
    if (fs->stdOutput == 0) {
    fs->stdOutput->fd = 1;
    fs->stdOutput->fileSystem = fs;
    fs->stdOutput->mode = O_WRONLY;
    return rfs;
Esempio n. 2
MprXml *ejsCreateXmlParser(Ejs *ejs, EjsXML *xml, cchar *filename)
    EjsXmlState *parser;
    MprXml      *xp;
    xp = mprXmlOpen(ejs, MPR_BUFSIZE, EJS_E4X_BUF_MAX);

     *  Create the parser stack
    parser = mprAllocObjZeroed(xp, EjsXmlState);
    if (parser == 0) {
        return 0;
    parser->ejs = ejs;
    parser->nodeStack[0].obj = xml;
    parser->xmlType = ejs->xmlType;
    parser->xmlListType = ejs->xmlListType;
    parser->filename = filename;

    mprXmlSetParseArg(xp, parser);
    mprXmlSetParserHandler(xp, parserHandler);

    return xp;
Esempio n. 3
MaAlias *maCreateAlias(MprCtx ctx, cchar *prefix, cchar *target, int code)
    MaAlias     *ap;


    ap = mprAllocObjZeroed(ctx, MaAlias);
    if (ap == 0) {
        return 0;

    ap->prefix = mprStrdup(ctx, prefix);
    ap->prefixLen = (int) strlen(prefix);

     *  Always strip trailing "/". Note this is a URL and not a path.
    if (ap->prefixLen > 0 && ap->prefix[ap->prefixLen - 1] == '/') {
        ap->prefix[--ap->prefixLen] = '\0';

    if (code) {
        ap->redirectCode = code;
        ap->uri = mprStrdup(ctx, target);
    } else {
        mprAssert(target && *target);
        ap->filename = mprGetAbsPath(ctx, target);
    return ap;
Esempio n. 4
int ecOpenMemoryStream(EcLexer *lp, const uchar *buf, int len)
    EcMemStream     *ms;
    int             c;

    ms = mprAllocObjZeroed(lp->input, EcMemStream);
    if (ms == 0) {
        return MPR_ERR_NO_MEMORY;

    ms->stream.lineNumber = 0;

    ms->stream.buf = mprMemdup(ms, buf, len);
    ms->stream.nextChar = ms->stream.buf;
    ms->stream.end = &ms->stream.buf[len];
    ms->stream.currentLine = ms->stream.buf;
    ms->stream.lineNumber = 1;
    ms->stream.compiler = lp->compiler;

    lp->input->stream = (EcStream*) ms;

    lp->input->putBack = 0;
    lp->input->token = 0;
    lp->input->state = 0;
    lp->input->next = 0;

     *  Initialize the stream line and column data.
    c = getNextChar(&ms->stream);
    putBackChar(&ms->stream, c);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 5
 *  Dynamic module initialization
MprModule *maEgiHandlerInit(MaHttp *http, cchar *path)
    MprModule   *module;
    MaStage     *handler;
    MaEgi       *egi;

    module = mprCreateModule(http, "egiHandler", BLD_VERSION, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (module == 0) {
        return 0;

    handler = maCreateHandler(http, "egiHandler", 
    if (handler == 0) {
        return 0;
    http->egiHandler = handler;

    handler->run = runEgi; 

    handler->stageData = egi = mprAllocObjZeroed(handler, MaEgi);
    egi->forms = mprCreateHash(egi, MA_EGI_HASH_SIZE);

    egiTestInit(http, path);

    return module;
Esempio n. 6
EcLexer *ecCreateLexer(EcCompiler *cp)
    EcLexer         *lp;
    ReservedWord    *rp;
    int             size;

    lp = mprAllocObjWithDestructorZeroed(cp, EcLexer, destroyLexer);
    if (lp == 0) {
        return 0;

    lp->input = mprAllocObjZeroed(lp, EcInput);
    if (lp->input == 0) {
        return 0;
    lp->input->lexer = lp;
    lp->input->compiler = cp;
    lp->compiler = cp;

    size = sizeof(keywords) / sizeof(ReservedWord);
    lp->keywords = mprCreateHash(lp, size);
    if (lp->keywords == 0) {
        return 0;

    for (rp = keywords; rp->name; rp++) {
        mprAddHash(lp->keywords, rp->name, rp);

    return lp;
Esempio n. 7
static void openPhp(MaQueue *q)
    MaRequest       *req;
    MaResponse      *resp;
    MaConn          *conn;

    conn = q->conn;
    if (!q->stage->stageData) {
        if (initializePhp(conn->http) < 0) {
            maFailRequest(conn, MPR_HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "PHP initialization failed");
        q->stage->stageData = (void*) 1;
    resp = conn->response;
    req = conn->request;

    switch (req->method) {
    case MA_REQ_GET:
    case MA_REQ_HEAD:
    case MA_REQ_POST:
    case MA_REQ_PUT:
        q->queueData = mprAllocObjZeroed(resp, MaPhp);
        maSetHeader(conn, 0, "Last-Modified", req->host->currentDate);
    case MA_REQ_DELETE:
        maFailRequest(q->conn, MPR_HTTP_CODE_BAD_METHOD, "Method not supported by file handler: %s", req->methodName);
Esempio n. 8
int ecOpenConsoleStream(EcLexer *lp, EcStreamGet gets)
    EcConsoleStream     *cs;

    cs = mprAllocObjZeroed(lp->input, EcConsoleStream);
    if (cs == 0) {
        return MPR_ERR_NO_MEMORY;

     *  TODO - need API for this
    cs->stream.lineNumber = 0;
    cs->stream.nextChar = 0;
    cs->stream.end = 0;
    cs->stream.currentLine = 0;
    cs->stream.gets = gets;
    cs->stream.compiler = lp->compiler;

     *  TODO - need API for this
    lp->input->stream = (EcStream*) cs;

    lp->input->putBack = 0;
    lp->input->token = 0;
    lp->input->state = 0;
    lp->input->next = 0;

    return 0;
Esempio n. 9
 *  Post a message to this worker. Note: the worker is the destination worker which may be the parent.
 *  function postMessage(data: Object, ports: Array = null): Void
static EjsVar *workerPostMessage(Ejs *ejs, EjsWorker *worker, int argc, EjsVar **argv)
    EjsVar          *data;
    EjsWorker       *target;
    MprDispatcher   *dispatcher;
    Message         *msg;

    if (worker->state >= EJS_WORKER_CLOSED) {
        ejsThrowStateError(ejs, "Worker has completed");
        return 0;

     *  Create the event with serialized data in the originating interpreter. It owns the data.
    if ((data = ejsSerialize(ejs, argv[0], -1, 0, 0)) == 0) {
        ejsThrowArgError(ejs, "Can't serialize message data");
        return 0;
    if ((msg = mprAllocObjZeroed(ejs, Message)) == 0) {
        return 0;
    target = worker->pair;
    msg->data = mprStrdup(target->ejs, ejsGetString(data));
    msg->worker = target;
    msg->callback = "onmessage";
    msg->callbackSlot = ES_ejs_sys_Worker_onmessage;

    dispatcher = target->ejs->dispatcher;
    mprCreateEvent(dispatcher, (MprEventProc) doMessage, 0, MPR_NORMAL_PRIORITY, msg, 0);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 10
 *  Create a new virtual host and inherit settings from another host
MaHost *maCreateVirtualHost(MaServer *server, cchar *ipAddrPort, MaHost *parent)
    MaHost      *host;

    host = mprAllocObjZeroed(server, MaHost);
    if (host == 0) {
        return 0;

    host->parent = parent;
    host->connections = mprCreateList(host);

    if (ipAddrPort) {
        host->ipAddrPort = mprStrdup(server, ipAddrPort);
        host->name = mprStrdup(server, ipAddrPort);
    } else {
        host->ipAddrPort = 0;
        host->name = 0;

     *  The aliases, dirs and locations are all copy-on-write
    host->aliases = parent->aliases;
    host->dirs = parent->dirs;
    host->locations = parent->locations;
    host->server = parent->server;
    host->flags = parent->flags;
    host->httpVersion = parent->httpVersion;
    host->timeout = parent->timeout;
    host->limits = parent->limits;
    host->keepAliveTimeout = parent->keepAliveTimeout;
    host->maxKeepAlive = parent->maxKeepAlive;
    host->keepAlive = parent->keepAlive;
    host->accessLog = parent->accessLog;
    host->mimeTypes = parent->mimeTypes;
    host->location = maCreateLocation(host, parent->location);
    host->logHost = parent->logHost;

    host->traceMask = parent->traceMask;
    host->traceLevel = parent->traceLevel;
    host->traceMaxLength = parent->traceMaxLength;
    if (parent->traceInclude) {
        host->traceInclude = mprCopyHash(host, parent->traceInclude);
    if (parent->traceExclude) {
        host->traceExclude = mprCopyHash(host, parent->traceExclude);

    maAddLocation(host, host->location);

    host->mutex = mprCreateLock(host);

    return host;
Esempio n. 11
 *  Dynamic module initialization
MprModule *maEjsHandlerInit(MaHttp *http, cchar *path)
    MprModule       *module;
    MaStage         *handler;
    EjsWebControl   *control;

    module = mprCreateModule(http, "ejsHandler", BLD_VERSION, 0, 0, 0);
    if (module == 0) {
        return 0;

    handler = maCreateHandler(http, "ejsHandler", 
    if (handler == 0) {
        return 0;
    http->ejsHandler = handler;
    handler->match = matchEjs;
    handler->run = runEjs;
    handler->parse = parseEjs;

     *  Setup the control block
    handler->stageData = control = mprAllocObjZeroed(handler, EjsWebControl);

    control->defineParams = defineParams;
    control->discardOutput = discardOutput;
    control->error = error;
    control->getHeader = getHeader;
    control->getVar = getVar;
    control->redirect = redirect;
    control->setCookie = setCookie;
    control->setHeader = setHeader;
    control->setHttpCode = setHttpCode;
    control->setMimeType = setMimeType;
    control->write = writeBlock;
    control->modulePath = mprStrdup(control, path);

     *  This mutex is used very sparingly and must be an application global lock.
    mutex = mprCreateLock(control);
    control->lock = ejsWebLock;
    control->unlock = ejsWebUnlock;
    control->lockData = mutex;

    if (ejsOpenWebFramework(control, 1) < 0) {
        return 0;
    return module;
Esempio n. 12
MprXml *mprXmlOpen(MprCtx ctx, int initialSize, int maxSize)
    MprXml  *xp;

    xp = mprAllocObjZeroed(ctx, MprXml);
    xp->inBuf = mprCreateBuf(xp, MPR_XML_BUFSIZE, MPR_XML_BUFSIZE);
    xp->tokBuf = mprCreateBuf(xp, initialSize, maxSize);

    return xp;
Esempio n. 13
 *  Worker thread main procedure
static void workerMain(EjsWorker *worker, MprWorker *mprWorker)
    Ejs             *ejs, *inside;
    EjsWorker       *insideWorker;
    MprDispatcher   *dispatcher;
    Message         *msg;

    insideWorker = worker->pair;
    mprAssert(insideWorker->state == EJS_WORKER_BEGIN);

    ejs = worker->ejs;
    inside = insideWorker->ejs;
    insideWorker->state = EJS_WORKER_STARTED;
     *  Run the script or file
    if (worker->scriptFile) {
        loadFile(insideWorker, worker->scriptFile);

    } else if (worker->scriptLiteral) {
        if (ejs->service->loadScriptLiteral == 0) {
            ejsThrowIOError(ejs, "worker: Compiling is not enabled");
        (ejs->service->loadScriptLiteral)(inside, worker->scriptLiteral);

     *  Check for exceptions
    if (inside->exception) {
        handleError(ejs, worker, inside->exception);
    if ((msg = mprAllocObjZeroed(ejs, Message)) == 0) {

     *  Post "onclose" finalization message
    msg->worker = worker;
    msg->callback = "onclose";
    msg->callbackSlot = ES_ejs_sys_Worker_onclose;

    insideWorker->state = EJS_WORKER_CLOSED;
    worker->state = EJS_WORKER_CLOSED;
    insideWorker->obj.var.permanent = 0;
    dispatcher = worker->ejs->dispatcher;
    mprCreateEvent(dispatcher, (MprEventProc) doMessage, 0, MPR_NORMAL_PRIORITY, msg, 0);
Esempio n. 14
 *  Create the GC service
int ejsCreateGCService(Ejs *ejs)
    EjsGC       *gc;
    int         i;


    gc = &ejs->gc;
    gc->enabled = !(ejs->flags & (EJS_FLAG_EMPTY));
    gc->firstGlobal = ES_global_NUM_CLASS_PROP;
    gc->numPools = EJS_MAX_TYPE;
    gc->allocGeneration = EJS_GEN_ETERNAL;
    ejs->workQuota = EJS_GC_WORK_QUOTA;

    for (i = 0; i < EJS_MAX_GEN; i++) {
        gc->generations[i] = mprAllocObjZeroed(ejs->heap, EjsGen);
    for (i = 0; i < EJS_MAX_TYPE; i++) {
        gc->pools[i] = mprAllocObjZeroed(ejs->heap, EjsPool);
    ejs->currentGeneration = ejs->gc.generations[EJS_GEN_ETERNAL];
    return 0;
Esempio n. 15
MaRange *maCreateRange(MaConn *conn, MprOff start, MprOff end)
    MaRange     *range;

    range = mprAllocObjZeroed(conn->request, MaRange);
    if (range == 0) {
        return 0;
    range->start = start;
    range->end = end;
    range->len = end - start;

    return range;
Esempio n. 16
 *  Create a new buffer. "maxsize" is the limit to which the buffer can ever grow. -1 means no limit. "initialSize" is 
 *  used to define the amount to increase the size of the buffer each time if it becomes full. (Note: mprGrowBuf() will 
 *  exponentially increase this number for performance.)
MprBuf *mprCreateBuf(MprCtx ctx, int initialSize, int maxSize)
    MprBuf      *bp;
    if (initialSize <= 0) {
        initialSize = MPR_DEFAULT_ALLOC;
    if ((bp = mprAllocObjZeroed(ctx, MprBuf)) == 0) {
        return 0;
    bp->growBy = MPR_BUFSIZE;
    mprSetBufSize(bp, initialSize, maxSize);
    return bp;
Esempio n. 17
 *  Create a host from scratch
MaHost *maCreateHost(MaServer *server, cchar *ipAddrPort, MaLocation *location)
    MaHost      *host;

    host = mprAllocObjZeroed(server, MaHost);
    if (host == 0) {
        return 0;
    host->aliases = mprCreateList(host);
    host->dirs = mprCreateList(host);
    host->connections = mprCreateList(host);
    host->locations = mprCreateList(host);

    if (ipAddrPort) {
        host->ipAddrPort = mprStrdup(server, ipAddrPort);
        host->name = mprStrdup(server, ipAddrPort);
    } else {
        host->ipAddrPort = 0;
        host->name = 0;

    host->server = server;
    host->flags = MA_HOST_NO_TRACE;
    host->httpVersion = MPR_HTTP_1_1;
    host->timeout = MA_SERVER_TIMEOUT;
    host->limits = &server->http->limits;
    host->traceLevel = 3;
    host->traceMaxLength = INT_MAX;

    host->keepAliveTimeout = MA_KEEP_TIMEOUT;
    host->maxKeepAlive = MA_MAX_KEEP_ALIVE;
    host->keepAlive = 1;

    host->location = (location) ? location : maCreateBareLocation(host);
    maAddLocation(host, host->location);

    host->location->auth = maCreateAuth(host->location, host->location->auth);

    host->mutex = mprCreateLock(host);
    mprSetIdleCallback(host, appwebIsIdle);
    return host;
Esempio n. 18
MaUser *maCreateUser(MaAuth *auth, cchar *realm, cchar *user, cchar *password, bool enabled)
    MaUser      *up;

    up = mprAllocObjZeroed(auth, MaUser);
    if (up == 0) {
        return 0;

    up->name = mprStrdup(up, user);
    up->realm = mprStrdup(up, realm);
    up->password = mprStrdup(up, password);
    up->enabled = enabled;
    return up;
Esempio n. 19
MaGroup *maCreateGroup(MaAuth *auth, cchar *name, MaAcl acl, bool enabled)
    MaGroup     *gp;

    gp = mprAllocObjZeroed(auth, MaGroup);
    if (gp == 0) {
        return 0;

    gp->acl = acl;
    gp->name = mprStrdup(gp, name);
    gp->enabled = enabled;
    gp->users = mprCreateList(gp);
    return gp;
Esempio n. 20
 *  Create a new packet. If size is -1, then also create a default growable buffer -- used for incoming body content. If 
 *  size > 0, then create a non-growable buffer of the requested size.
MaPacket *maCreatePacket(MprCtx ctx, int size)
    MaPacket    *packet;

    packet = mprAllocObjZeroed(ctx, MaPacket);
    if (packet == 0) {
        return 0;
    if (size != 0) {
        packet->content = mprCreateBuf(packet, size < 0 ? MA_BUFSIZE: size, -1);
        if (packet->content == 0) {
            return 0;
    return packet;
Esempio n. 21
MaHostAddress *maCreateHostAddress(MprCtx ctx, cchar *ipAddr, int port)
    MaHostAddress   *hostAddress;

    mprAssert(ipAddr && ipAddr);
    mprAssert(port >= 0);

    hostAddress = mprAllocObjZeroed(ctx, MaHostAddress);
    if (hostAddress == 0) {
        return 0;
    hostAddress->flags = 0;
    hostAddress->ipAddr = mprStrdup(hostAddress, ipAddr);
    hostAddress->port = port;
    hostAddress->vhosts = mprCreateList(hostAddress);
    return hostAddress;
Esempio n. 22
 *  Create a host from scratch
MaHost *maCreateHost(MaServer *server, cchar *ipAddrPort, MaLocation *location)
    MaHost      *host;

    host = mprAllocObjZeroed(server, MaHost);
    if (host == 0) {
        return 0;

    host->currentDate = maGetDateString(host, 0);
    host->aliases = mprCreateList(host);
    host->dirs = mprCreateList(host);
    host->connections = mprCreateList(host);
    host->locations = mprCreateList(host);

    if (ipAddrPort) {
        host->ipAddrPort = mprStrdup(server, ipAddrPort);
        host->name = mprStrdup(server, ipAddrPort);
    } else {
        host->ipAddrPort = 0;
        host->name = 0;

    host->server = server;
    host->flags = MA_HOST_NO_TRACE;
    host->httpVersion = MPR_HTTP_1_1;
    host->timeout = MA_SERVER_TIMEOUT;
    host->limits = &server->http->limits;

    host->keepAliveTimeout = MA_KEEP_TIMEOUT;
    host->maxKeepAlive = MA_MAX_KEEP_ALIVE;
    host->keepAlive = 1;

    host->location = (location) ? location : maCreateBareLocation(host);
    maAddLocation(host, host->location);

    host->location->auth = maCreateAuth(host->location, host->location->auth);

    host->mutex = mprCreateLock(host);

    return host;
Esempio n. 23
 *  Create a new virtual host and inherit settings from another host
MaHost *maCreateVirtualHost(MaServer *server, cchar *ipAddrPort, MaHost *parent)
    MaHost      *host;

    host = mprAllocObjZeroed(server, MaHost);
    if (host == 0) {
        return 0;

    host->parent = parent;
    host->currentDate = maGetDateString(host, 0);
    host->connections = mprCreateList(host);

    if (ipAddrPort) {
        host->ipAddrPort = mprStrdup(server, ipAddrPort);
        host->name = mprStrdup(server, ipAddrPort);
    } else {
        host->ipAddrPort = 0;
        host->name = 0;

     *  The aliases, dirs and locations are all copy-on-write
    host->aliases = parent->aliases;
    host->dirs = parent->dirs;
    host->locations = parent->locations;
    host->server = parent->server;
    host->flags = parent->flags;
    host->httpVersion = parent->httpVersion;
    host->timeout = parent->timeout;
    host->limits = parent->limits;
    host->keepAliveTimeout = parent->keepAliveTimeout;
    host->maxKeepAlive = parent->maxKeepAlive;
    host->keepAlive = parent->keepAlive;
    host->accessLog = parent->accessLog;
    host->location = maCreateLocation(host, parent->location);

    maAddLocation(host, host->location);

    host->mutex = mprCreateLock(host);

    return host;
Esempio n. 24
 *  Createa a new queue for the given stage. If prev is given, then link the new queue after the previous queue.
MaQueue *maCreateQueue(MaConn *conn, MaStage *stage, int direction, MaQueue *prev)
    MaQueue     *q;
    MaResponse  *resp;
    MaLimits    *limits;

    resp = conn->response;
    limits = &conn->http->limits;

    q = mprAllocObjZeroed(resp, MaQueue);
    if (q == 0) {
        return 0;
    maInitQueue(conn->http, q, stage->name);

    q->conn = conn;
    q->stage = stage;
    q->close = stage->close;
    q->open = stage->open;
    q->start = stage->start;
    q->direction = direction;

    q->max = limits->maxStageBuffer;
    q->packetSize = limits->maxStageBuffer;

    if (direction == MA_QUEUE_SEND) {
        q->put = stage->outgoingData;
        q->service = stage->outgoingService;
    } else {
        q->put = stage->incomingData;
        q->service = stage->incomingService;
    if (prev) {
        maInsertQueue(prev, q);
    return q;
Esempio n. 25
 *  WARNING: the inside interpreter owns the exception object. Must fully extract all fields
static void handleError(Ejs *ejs, EjsWorker *worker, EjsVar *exception)
    EjsError        *error;
    MprDispatcher   *dispatcher;
    Message         *msg;

    mprAssert(ejs == worker->ejs);

    if ((msg = mprAllocObjZeroed(ejs, Message)) == 0) {
    msg->worker = worker;
    msg->callback = "onerror";
    msg->callbackSlot = ES_ejs_sys_Worker_onerror;
     *  Inside interpreter owns the exception object, so must fully extract all exception. 
     *  Allocate into the outside worker's interpreter.
    if (ejsIsError(exception)) {
        error = (EjsError*) exception;
        msg->message = mprStrdup(ejs, error->message);
        msg->filename = mprStrdup(ejs, error->filename ? error->filename : "script");
        msg->lineNumber = error->lineNumber;
        msg->stack = mprStrdup(ejs, error->stack);

    } else if (ejsIsString(exception)) {
        msg->message = mprStrdup(ejs, ejsGetString(exception));

    } else {
        msg->message = mprStrdup(ejs, ejsGetString(ejsToString(ejs, exception)));
    dispatcher = ejs->dispatcher;
    mprCreateEvent(dispatcher, (MprEventProc) doMessage, 0, MPR_NORMAL_PRIORITY, msg, 0);
Esempio n. 26
 *  Create a new server. There is typically only one server with one or more (virtual) hosts.
MaServer *maCreateServer(MaHttp *http, cchar *name, cchar *root, cchar *ipAddr, int port)
    MaServer        *server;
    MaHostAddress   *hostAddress;
    MaListen        *listen;
    static int      staticModulesLoaded = 0;

    mprAssert(name && *name);

    server = mprAllocObjZeroed(http, MaServer);
    if (server == 0) {
        return 0;

    server->hosts = mprCreateList(server);
    server->listens = mprCreateList(server);
    server->hostAddresses = mprCreateList(server);
    server->name = mprStrdup(server, name);
    server->http = http;

    maAddServer(http, server);
    maSetServerRoot(server, root);

    if (ipAddr && port > 0) {
        listen = maCreateListen(server, ipAddr, port, 0);
        maAddListen(server, listen);

        hostAddress = maCreateHostAddress(server, ipAddr, port);
        mprAddItem(server->hostAddresses, hostAddress);
    maSetDefaultServer(http, server);
    if (!staticModulesLoaded) {
        staticModulesLoaded = 1;
    return server;
Esempio n. 27
 *  Dynamic module initialization
MprModule *maDirHandlerInit(MaHttp *http, cchar *path)
    MprModule   *module;
    MaStage     *handler;
    Dir         *dir;

    module = mprCreateModule(http, "dirHandler", BLD_VERSION, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (module == 0) {
        return 0;
    handler = maCreateHandler(http, "dirHandler", MA_STAGE_GET | MA_STAGE_HEAD);
    if (handler == 0) {
        return 0;
    handler->match = matchDir; 
    handler->run = runDir; 
    handler->parse = parseDir; 
    handler->stageData = dir = mprAllocObjZeroed(handler, Dir);
    dir->sortOrder = 1;
    http->dirHandler = handler;
    return module;
Esempio n. 28
 *  Format is:  Range: bytes=n1-n2,n3-n4,...
 *  Where n1 is first byte pos and n2 is last byte pos
 *  Examples:
 *      Range: 0-49             first 50 bytes
 *      Range: 50-99,200-249    Two 50 byte ranges from 50 and 200
 *      Range: -50              Last 50 bytes
 *      Range: 1-               Skip first byte then emit the rest
 *  Return 1 if more ranges, 0 if end of ranges, -1 if bad range.
static bool parseRange(MaConn *conn, char *value)
    MaRequest   *req;
    MaResponse  *resp;
    MaRange     *range, *last, *next;
    char        *tok, *ep;

    req = conn->request;
    resp = conn->response;

    value = mprStrdup(conn, value);
    if (value == 0) {
        return 0;

     *  Step over the "bytes="
    tok = mprStrTok(value, "=", &value);

    for (last = 0; value && *value; ) {
        range = mprAllocObjZeroed(req, MaRange);
        if (range == 0) {
            return 0;

         *  A range "-7" will set the start to -1 and end to 8
        tok = mprStrTok(value, ",", &value);
        if (*tok != '-') {
            range->start = (int) mprAtoi(tok, 10);
        } else {
            range->start = -1;
        range->end = -1;

        if ((ep = strchr(tok, '-')) != 0) {
            if (*++ep != '\0') {
                 *  End is one beyond the range. Makes the math easier.
                range->end = (int) mprAtoi(ep, 10) + 1;
        if (range->start >= 0 && range->end >= 0) {
            range->len = range->end - range->start;
        if (last == 0) {
            req->ranges = range;
        } else {
            last->next = range;
        last = range;

     *  Validate ranges
    for (range = req->ranges; range; range = range->next) {
        if (range->end != -1 && range->start >= range->end) {
            return 0;
        if (range->start < 0 && range->end < 0) {
            return 0;
        next = range->next;
        if (range->start < 0 && next) {
            /* This range goes to the end, so can't have another range afterwards */
            return 0;
        if (next) {
            if (next->start >= 0 && range->end > next->start) {
                return 0;
    resp->currentRange = req->ranges;
    return (last) ? 1: 0;
Esempio n. 29
 *  Allocate a new (empty) unicode string
uni *mprAllocUs(MprCtx ctx)

    return mprAllocObjZeroed(ctx, uni);
Esempio n. 30
 *  Match the request for authorization. This implements basic and digest authentication.
static bool matchAuth(MaConn *conn, MaStage *stage, cchar *url)
    MaRequest   *req;
    MaAuth      *auth;
    AuthData    *ad;
    cchar       *requiredPassword;
    char        *msg;
    int         actualAuthType;

    req = conn->request;
    auth = req->auth;

    if (auth == 0) {
        maFailRequest(conn, MPR_HTTP_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, "Access Denied, Authorization enabled.");
        return 1;
    if ((ad = mprAllocObjZeroed(req, AuthData)) == 0) {
        maFailRequest(conn, MPR_HTTP_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, "Access Denied, Server Error.");
        return 1;
    if (auth->type == 0) {
        formatAuthResponse(conn, auth, MPR_HTTP_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, "Access Denied, Authorization required.", 0);
        return 1;
    if (req->authDetails == 0) {
        formatAuthResponse(conn, auth, MPR_HTTP_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, "Access Denied, Missing authorization details.", 0);
        return 1;
    if (mprStrcmpAnyCase(req->authType, "basic") == 0) {
        decodeBasicAuth(conn, ad);
        actualAuthType = MA_AUTH_BASIC;

    } else if (mprStrcmpAnyCase(req->authType, "digest") == 0) {
        if (decodeDigestDetails(conn, ad) < 0) {
            maFailRequest(conn, 400, "Bad authorization header");
            return 1;
        actualAuthType = MA_AUTH_DIGEST;
    } else {
        actualAuthType = MA_AUTH_UNKNOWN;
    mprLog(conn, 4, "openAuth: type %d, url %s\nDetails %s\n", auth->type, req->url, req->authDetails);

    if (ad->userName == 0) {
        formatAuthResponse(conn, auth, MPR_HTTP_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, "Access Denied, Missing user name.", 0);
        return 1;
    if (auth->type != actualAuthType) {
        formatAuthResponse(conn, auth, MPR_HTTP_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, "Access Denied, Wrong authentication protocol.", 0);
        return 1;

     *  Some backend methods can't return the password and will simply do everything in validateUserCredentials. 
     *  In this case, they and will return "". That is okay.
    if ((requiredPassword = getPassword(conn, auth->requiredRealm, ad->userName)) == 0) {
        formatAuthResponse(conn, auth, MPR_HTTP_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, "Access Denied, authentication error.", 
            "User not defined");
        return 1;

    if (auth->type == MA_AUTH_DIGEST) {
        char *requiredDigest;
        if (strcmp(ad->qop, auth->qop) != 0) {
            formatAuthResponse(conn, auth, MPR_HTTP_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, 
                "Access Denied, Quality of protection does not match.", 0);
            return 1;
        mprCalcDigest(req, &requiredDigest, 0, requiredPassword, ad->realm, req->url, ad->nonce, ad->qop, ad->nc, ad->cnonce,
        requiredPassword = requiredDigest;
    if (!validateUserCredentials(conn, auth->requiredRealm, ad->userName, ad->password, requiredPassword, &msg)) {
        formatAuthResponse(conn, auth, MPR_HTTP_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, 
            "Access denied, authentication error", msg);
        return 1;
    return 0;