Esempio n. 1
void updateMagnetometer()
  short compass_data[3] ;
  mpu_get_compass_reg(compass_data,0) ;
  short x , y, z ;
  short X , Y, Z ;
  x = compass_data[0] ;
  y = compass_data[1] ;
  z = compass_data[2] ;

  X = -y ;
  Y = -x ;
  Z = z ;

  short xMid = globalAttitudeSensor.MagOffset[0] ;
  short yMid = globalAttitudeSensor.MagOffset[1] ;
  short zMid = globalAttitudeSensor.MagOffset[2] ;
  float ratioX = globalAttitudeSensor.MagRatio[0] ;
  float ratioY = globalAttitudeSensor.MagRatio[1] ;
  float ratioZ = globalAttitudeSensor.MagRatio[2] ;   =   (X-xMid)*ratioX ;   =   (Y-yMid)*ratioY ;   =   (Z-zMid)*ratioZ ;
Esempio n. 2
int mpulib_read_mag(mpudata_t *mpu) {
  if (mpu_get_compass_reg(mpu->rawMag, &mpu->magTimestamp) < 0) {
    printf("mpu_get_compass_reg() failed\n");
    return -1;

  return 0;
Esempio n. 3
void MPU9250Device::getRawMagnetometer(short *values) {
  short mag[3];
  unsigned char magSampled = mpu_get_compass_reg(mag);
  if(magSampled == 0) {
    values[0] = mag[0];
    values[1] = mag[1];
    values[2] = mag[2];
Esempio n. 4
void MPU9250Device::getMagnetometer(float *values) {
  short mag[3];
  unsigned char magSampled = mpu_get_compass_reg(mag);
  if(magSampled == 0) {
    values[0] = (float)(mag[0] - this->correctionVector.x) / MAG_SCALEFACTOR;
    values[1] = (float)(mag[1] - this->correctionVector.y) / MAG_SCALEFACTOR;
    values[2] = (float)(mag[2] - this->correctionVector.z) / MAG_SCALEFACTOR;
Esempio n. 5
int mpu9150_read_mag(mpudata_t *mpu)
	int error_code = 0;
	if ((error_code = mpu_get_compass_reg(mpu->rawMag, &mpu->magTimestamp)) < 0) {
		printk(KERN_WARNING "mpu_get_compass_reg() failed. Error %d\n", error_code);
		sprintf(status_string,"dmp_read_fifo() failed\n");
		return -1;

	return 0;
int MPU9250_DMP::updateCompass(void)
	short data[3];

	if (mpu_get_compass_reg(data, &time))
		return INV_ERROR;
	mx = data[X_AXIS];
	my = data[Y_AXIS];
	mz = data[Z_AXIS];
	return INV_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 7
int ms_update() {
	if (!dmpReady) {
		printf("Error: DMP not ready!!\n");
		return -1;

	while (dmp_read_fifo(g,a,_q,&sensors,&fifoCount)!=0); //gyro and accel can be null because of being disabled in the efeatures
	q = _q;
	GetGravity(&gravity, &q);
	GetYawPitchRoll(ypr, &q, &gravity);



	//scaling for degrees output
	for (int i=0;i<DIM;i++){

	//unwrap yaw when it reaches 180
	ypr[0] = wrap_180(ypr[0]);

	//change sign of Pitch, MPU is attached upside down

	//0=gyroX, 1=gyroY, 2=gyroZ
	//swapped to match Yaw,Pitch,Roll
	//Scaled from deg/s to get tr/s
	for (int i=0;i<DIM;i++){
		gyro[i]   = (float)(g[DIM-i-1])/131.0/360.0;
		accel[i]   = (float)(a[DIM-i-1]);
		compass[i] = (float)(c[DIM-i-1]);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 8
boolean MPU9150Lib::read()
  short intStatus;
  int result;
  short sensors;
  unsigned char more;
  unsigned long timestamp;

  mpu_get_int_status(&intStatus);                       // get the current MPU state
  if ((intStatus & MPU_INT_STATUS_DMP_0) == 0)          // return false if definitely not ready yet
    return false;

  //  get the data from the fifo

  if ((result = dmp_read_fifo(m_rawGyro, m_rawAccel, m_rawQuaternion, &timestamp, &sensors, &more)) != 0) {
    return false;

  //  got the fifo data so now get the mag data

  if ((result = mpu_get_compass_reg(m_rawMag, &timestamp)) != 0) {
    Serial.print("Failed to read compass: ");
    return false;

  // got the raw data - now process

  m_dmpQuaternion[QUAT_W] = (float)m_rawQuaternion[QUAT_W];  // get float version of quaternion
  m_dmpQuaternion[QUAT_X] = (float)m_rawQuaternion[QUAT_X];
  m_dmpQuaternion[QUAT_Y] = (float)m_rawQuaternion[QUAT_Y];
  m_dmpQuaternion[QUAT_Z] = (float)m_rawQuaternion[QUAT_Z];
  MPUQuaternionNormalize(m_dmpQuaternion);                 // and normalize

  MPUQuaternionQuaternionToEuler(m_dmpQuaternion, m_dmpEulerPose);

  //	*** Note mag axes are changed here to align with gyros: Y = -X, X = Y

  if (m_useMagCalibration) {
    m_calMag[VEC3_Y] = -(short)(((long)(m_rawMag[VEC3_X] - m_magXOffset) * (long)SENSOR_RANGE) / (long)m_magXRange);
    m_calMag[VEC3_X] = (short)(((long)(m_rawMag[VEC3_Y] - m_magYOffset) * (long)SENSOR_RANGE) / (long)m_magYRange);
    m_calMag[VEC3_Z] = (short)(((long)(m_rawMag[VEC3_Z] - m_magZOffset) * (long)SENSOR_RANGE) / (long)m_magZRange);
  else {
    m_calMag[VEC3_Y] = -m_rawMag[VEC3_X];
    m_calMag[VEC3_X] = m_rawMag[VEC3_Y];
    m_calMag[VEC3_Z] = m_rawMag[VEC3_Z];

  // Scale accel data

  if (m_useAccelCalibration) {
    m_calAccel[VEC3_X] = -(short)(((long)m_rawAccel[VEC3_X] * (long)SENSOR_RANGE) / (long)m_accelXRange);
    m_calAccel[VEC3_Y] = (short)(((long)m_rawAccel[VEC3_Y] * (long)SENSOR_RANGE) / (long)m_accelYRange);
    m_calAccel[VEC3_Z] = (short)(((long)m_rawAccel[VEC3_Z] * (long)SENSOR_RANGE) / (long)m_accelZRange);
  else {
    m_calAccel[VEC3_X] = -m_rawAccel[VEC3_X];
    m_calAccel[VEC3_Y] = m_rawAccel[VEC3_Y];
    m_calAccel[VEC3_Z] = m_rawAccel[VEC3_Z];
  return true;
Esempio n. 9
void SerialInterface::readData(float deltaTime) {
#ifndef _WIN32
    int initialSamples = totalSamples;
    if (USING_INVENSENSE_MPU9150) { 

        // ask the invensense for raw gyro data
        short accelData[3];
        if (mpu_get_accel_reg(accelData, 0)) {
            qDebug("Disconnected SerialUSB.\n");
            _active = false;
            return; // disconnected
        const float LSB_TO_METERS_PER_SECOND2 = 1.f / 16384.f * GRAVITY_EARTH;
                                                                //  From MPU-9150 register map, with setting on
                                                                //  highest resolution = +/- 2G
        _lastAcceleration = glm::vec3(-accelData[2], -accelData[1], -accelData[0]) * LSB_TO_METERS_PER_SECOND2;
        short gyroData[3];
        mpu_get_gyro_reg(gyroData, 0);
        //  Convert the integer rates to floats
        const float LSB_TO_DEGREES_PER_SECOND = 1.f / 16.4f;     //  From MPU-9150 register map, 2000 deg/sec.
        glm::vec3 rotationRates;
        rotationRates[0] = ((float) -gyroData[2]) * LSB_TO_DEGREES_PER_SECOND;
        rotationRates[1] = ((float) -gyroData[1]) * LSB_TO_DEGREES_PER_SECOND;
        rotationRates[2] = ((float) -gyroData[0]) * LSB_TO_DEGREES_PER_SECOND;
        short compassData[3];
        mpu_get_compass_reg(compassData, 0);
        // Convert integer values to floats, update extents
        _lastCompass = glm::vec3(compassData[2], -compassData[0], -compassData[1]);
        // update and subtract the long term average
        _averageRotationRates = (1.f - 1.f/(float)LONG_TERM_RATE_SAMPLES) * _averageRotationRates +
                1.f/(float)LONG_TERM_RATE_SAMPLES * rotationRates;
        rotationRates -= _averageRotationRates;

        // compute the angular acceleration
        glm::vec3 angularAcceleration = (deltaTime < EPSILON) ? glm::vec3() : (rotationRates - _lastRotationRates) / deltaTime;
        _lastRotationRates = rotationRates;
        //  Update raw rotation estimates
        glm::quat estimatedRotation = glm::quat(glm::radians(_estimatedRotation)) *
            glm::quat(glm::radians(deltaTime * _lastRotationRates));
        //  Update acceleration estimate: first, subtract gravity as rotated into current frame
        _estimatedAcceleration = (totalSamples < GRAVITY_SAMPLES) ? glm::vec3() :
            _lastAcceleration - glm::inverse(estimatedRotation) * _gravity;
        // update and subtract the long term average
        _averageAcceleration = (1.f - 1.f/(float)LONG_TERM_RATE_SAMPLES) * _averageAcceleration +
                1.f/(float)LONG_TERM_RATE_SAMPLES * _estimatedAcceleration;
        _estimatedAcceleration -= _averageAcceleration;
        //  Consider updating our angular velocity/acceleration to linear acceleration mapping
        if (glm::length(_estimatedAcceleration) > EPSILON &&
                (glm::length(_lastRotationRates) > EPSILON || glm::length(angularAcceleration) > EPSILON)) {
            // compute predicted linear acceleration, find error between actual and predicted
            glm::vec3 predictedAcceleration = _angularVelocityToLinearAccel * _lastRotationRates +
                _angularAccelToLinearAccel * angularAcceleration;
            glm::vec3 error = _estimatedAcceleration - predictedAcceleration;
            // the "error" is actually what we want: the linear acceleration minus rotational influences
            _estimatedAcceleration = error;
            // adjust according to error in each dimension, in proportion to input magnitudes
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                if (fabsf(error[i]) < EPSILON) {
                const float LEARNING_RATE = 0.001f;
                float rateSum = fabsf(_lastRotationRates.x) + fabsf(_lastRotationRates.y) + fabsf(_lastRotationRates.z);
                if (rateSum > EPSILON) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                        float proportion = LEARNING_RATE * fabsf(_lastRotationRates[j]) / rateSum;
                        if (proportion > EPSILON) {
                            _angularVelocityToLinearAccel[j][i] += error[i] * proportion / _lastRotationRates[j];
                float accelSum = fabsf(angularAcceleration.x) + fabsf(angularAcceleration.y) + fabsf(angularAcceleration.z);
                if (accelSum > EPSILON) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                        float proportion = LEARNING_RATE * fabsf(angularAcceleration[j]) / accelSum;
                        if (proportion > EPSILON) {
                            _angularAccelToLinearAccel[j][i] += error[i] * proportion / angularAcceleration[j];
        // rotate estimated acceleration into global rotation frame
        _estimatedAcceleration = estimatedRotation * _estimatedAcceleration;
        //  Update estimated position and velocity
        float const DECAY_VELOCITY = 0.975f;
        float const DECAY_POSITION = 0.975f;
        _estimatedVelocity += deltaTime * _estimatedAcceleration;
        _estimatedPosition += deltaTime * _estimatedVelocity;
        _estimatedVelocity *= DECAY_VELOCITY;
        //  Attempt to fuse gyro position with webcam position
        Webcam* webcam = Application::getInstance()->getWebcam();
        if (webcam->isActive()) {
            const float WEBCAM_POSITION_FUSION = 0.5f;
            _estimatedPosition = glm::mix(_estimatedPosition, webcam->getEstimatedPosition(), WEBCAM_POSITION_FUSION);
        } else {
            _estimatedPosition *= DECAY_POSITION;
        //  Accumulate a set of initial baseline readings for setting gravity
        if (totalSamples == 0) {
            _gravity = _lastAcceleration;
        else {
            if (totalSamples < GRAVITY_SAMPLES) {
                _gravity = glm::mix(_gravity, _lastAcceleration, 1.0f / GRAVITY_SAMPLES);
                //  North samples start later, because the initial compass readings are screwy
                int northSample = totalSamples - (GRAVITY_SAMPLES - NORTH_SAMPLES);
                if (northSample == 0) {
                    _north = _lastCompass;
                } else if (northSample > 0) {
                    _north = glm::mix(_north, _lastCompass, 1.0f / NORTH_SAMPLES);
            } else {
                //  Use gravity reading to do sensor fusion on the pitch and roll estimation
                estimatedRotation = safeMix(estimatedRotation,
                    rotationBetween(estimatedRotation * _lastAcceleration, _gravity) * estimatedRotation,
                    1.0f / ACCELERATION_SENSOR_FUSION_SAMPLES);
                //  Update the compass extents
                _compassMinima = glm::min(_compassMinima, _lastCompass);
                _compassMaxima = glm::max(_compassMaxima, _lastCompass);
                //  Same deal with the compass heading
                estimatedRotation = safeMix(estimatedRotation,
                    rotationBetween(estimatedRotation * recenterCompass(_lastCompass),
                        recenterCompass(_north)) * estimatedRotation,
                    1.0f / COMPASS_SENSOR_FUSION_SAMPLES);
        _estimatedRotation = safeEulerAngles(estimatedRotation); 
    if (initialSamples == totalSamples) {        
        timeval now;
        gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
        if (diffclock(&lastGoodRead, &now) > NO_READ_MAXIMUM_MSECS) {
            qDebug("No data - Shutting down SerialInterface.\n");
    } else {
        gettimeofday(&lastGoodRead, NULL);
Esempio n. 10
File: main.c Progetto: fishr/Origin
* @brief   Main program
* @param  None
* @retval None
int main(void)
  SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000);
  RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOE, ENABLE);

  GPIO_InitTypeDef  GPIO_InitStructure;

  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_2;
  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_OUT;
  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_NOPULL;
  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP;
  GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_2MHz;
  GPIO_Init(GPIOE, &GPIO_InitStructure);
  GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOE, GPIO_Pin_2);  //start with gps off to make sure it activates when wanted
  unsigned long tickey = getSysTick()+1000;
  GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOA, GPIO_Pin_10); //LCD Reset must be held 10us
  GPIO_SetBits(GPIOG, GPIO_Pin_3);  //flash deselect
  GPIO_SetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_8);  //flash #hold off, we have dedicated pins
  GPIO_SetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_1);  //osc enable
  GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_11); //xbee reset
  GPIO_SetBits(GPIOE, GPIO_Pin_6); //buck enable
  GPIO_SetBits(GPIOE, GPIO_Pin_2); //gps on/off
  GPIO_SetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_11); //xbee reset
  GPIO_SetBits(GPIOA, GPIO_Pin_10);  //LCD unreset
  InitButton(&button1, GPIOE, GPIO_Pin_4);
#ifdef BOARD_V1
  InitButton(&button2, GPIOE, GPIO_Pin_5);
  InitButton(&button2, GPIOA, GPIO_Pin_9);
  //=======================END BUTTONS==================
  /* LCD Configuration */
  /* Enable The LCD */
  int count = 0;
#ifndef ORIGIN    
  GUI_InitNode(1, 72,  83, 0xe8ec);
  GUI_InitNode(2, 86,  72, 0xfd20);
  GUI_InitNode(3, 'R',  'F', 0x001f);
  int screencount = 0;
#ifdef INSIDE
  unsigned long tickey2 = getSysTick()+2000;  //2 second counter
  unsigned long tickey3 = getSysTick()+4000;  //4 second delay to check gps state
  /* Infinite loop */
  while (1)
    if( buttonRisingEdge(&button1)){//right
      GPIO_ToggleBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_3);//yellow
      //UART_Transmit(&huart4, gps_init_msg, cmdData1Len, 500);
      origin_state.whodunnit =;
      origin_state.pingclearedby = 0;
      //UART_Transmit(&huart4, gps_get_time_msg, cmdData2Len, 500);
      GPIO_ToggleBits(GPIOA, GPIO_Pin_2); //green
      if(origin_state.pingactive&&(origin_state.whodunnit !={
    if(origin_state.gpson>2 &&(getSysTick()>tickey3)){
      GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOE, GPIO_Pin_2);
      GPIO_SetBits(GPIOE, GPIO_Pin_2);
      char setme[80];
      sprintf(setme, "%s%c%c", gps_init_msg, 0x0D, 0x0A);
      UART_Transmit(UART4, setme, sizeof(setme)/sizeof(setme[0]), 5000);
#ifdef ORIGIN
//    long actHeading=0;
//    inv_get_sensor_type_heading(&actHeading, &headingAcc, &headingTime);
//    degrees=((double)actHeading)/((double)65536.0);
//    origin_state.heading=degrees;
     long actHeading[3] = {0,0,0};
inv_get_sensor_type_euler(actHeading, &headingAcc, &headingTime);

    long tempyraiture;
    mpu_get_temperature(&tempyraiture, NULL);

//    short garbage[3];
//    mpu_get_compass_reg(garbage, NULL);
//    double compass_angle = atan2(-garbage[0], -garbage[1])*180/3.1415;
//    //origin_state.heading = .9*degrees + .1*compass_angle;
//    origin_state.heading = compass_angle;
      tickey2 +=2000;
      tickey +=53;
      GPIO_ToggleBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_3); 
#ifndef ORIGIN
      GUI_UpdateNode(1, degrees*3.1415/180.0+3.14*1.25, screencount, (screencount>10), 0);
      GUI_UpdateNode(2, degrees*3.1415/180.0+3.14, screencount, (screencount>30), 0);
      GUI_UpdateNode(3, degrees*3.1415/180.0+0, screencount, (screencount>50), 0);
      if (count > 50){
        GUI_UpdateBottomButton(1, 0xe8ec);
      } else {
        GUI_UpdateBottomButton(0, 0);
      screencount += 1;
#ifndef ORIGIN
      degrees += 3.6;
      if (screencount%100 == 0){
        screencount  = 0;
        degrees = 0;
      if (screencount%100 == 0){
        screencount  = 0;

    //Sensors_I2C_ReadRegister((unsigned char)0x68, (unsigned char)MPU_WHOAMI, 1, inImu);    
    unsigned long sensor_timestamp;
    int new_data = 0;
    /* We're not using a data ready interrupt for the compass, so we'll
    * make our compass reads timer-based instead.
    if ((timestamp > hal.next_compass_ms) && !hal.lp_accel_mode &&
        hal.new_gyro && (hal.sensors & COMPASS_ON)) {
          hal.next_compass_ms = timestamp + COMPASS_READ_MS;
          new_compass = 1;
    /* Temperature data doesn't need to be read with every gyro sample.
    * Let's make them timer-based like the compass reads.
    if (timestamp > hal.next_temp_ms) {
      hal.next_temp_ms = timestamp + TEMP_READ_MS;
      new_temp = 1;
    if (hal.motion_int_mode) {
      /* Enable motion interrupt. */
      mpu_lp_motion_interrupt(500, 1, 5);
      /* Notify the MPL that contiguity was broken. */
      /* Wait for the MPU interrupt. */
      while (!hal.new_gyro) {}
      /* Restore the previous sensor configuration. */
      mpu_lp_motion_interrupt(0, 0, 0);
      hal.motion_int_mode = 0;
    if (!hal.sensors || !hal.new_gyro) {
    if (hal.new_gyro && hal.lp_accel_mode) {
      short accel_short[3];
      long accel[3];
      mpu_get_accel_reg(accel_short, &sensor_timestamp);
      accel[0] = (long)accel_short[0];
      accel[1] = (long)accel_short[1];
      accel[2] = (long)accel_short[2];
      inv_build_accel(accel, 0, sensor_timestamp);
      new_data = 1;
      hal.new_gyro = 0;
    } else if (hal.new_gyro && hal.dmp_on) {
      short gyro[3], accel_short[3], sensors;
      unsigned char more;
      long accel[3], quat[4], temperature;
      /* This function gets new data from the FIFO when the DMP is in
      * use. The FIFO can contain any combination of gyro, accel,
      * quaternion, and gesture data. The sensors parameter tells the
      * caller which data fields were actually populated with new data.
      * For example, if sensors == (INV_XYZ_GYRO | INV_WXYZ_QUAT), then
      * the FIFO isn't being filled with accel data.
      * The driver parses the gesture data to determine if a gesture
      * event has occurred; on an event, the application will be notified
      * via a callback (assuming that a callback function was properly
      * registered). The more parameter is non-zero if there are
      * leftover packets in the FIFO.
      dmp_read_fifo(gyro, accel_short, quat, &sensor_timestamp, &sensors, &more);
      if (!more)
        hal.new_gyro = 0;
      if (sensors & INV_XYZ_GYRO) {
        /* Push the new data to the MPL. */
        inv_build_gyro(gyro, sensor_timestamp);
        new_data = 1;
        if (new_temp) {
          new_temp = 0;
          /* Temperature only used for gyro temp comp. */
          mpu_get_temperature(&temperature, &sensor_timestamp);
          inv_build_temp(temperature, sensor_timestamp);
      if (sensors & INV_XYZ_ACCEL) {
        accel[0] = (long)accel_short[0];
        accel[1] = (long)accel_short[1];
        accel[2] = (long)accel_short[2];
        inv_build_accel(accel, 0, sensor_timestamp);
        new_data = 1;
      if (sensors & INV_WXYZ_QUAT) {
        inv_build_quat(quat, 0, sensor_timestamp);
        new_data = 1;
    } else if (hal.new_gyro) {
      short gyro[3], accel_short[3];
      unsigned char sensors, more;
      long accel[3], temperature;
      /* This function gets new data from the FIFO. The FIFO can contain
      * gyro, accel, both, or neither. The sensors parameter tells the
      * caller which data fields were actually populated with new data.
      * For example, if sensors == INV_XYZ_GYRO, then the FIFO isn't
      * being filled with accel data. The more parameter is non-zero if
      * there are leftover packets in the FIFO. The HAL can use this
      * information to increase the frequency at which this function is
      * called.
      hal.new_gyro = 0;
      mpu_read_fifo(gyro, accel_short, &sensor_timestamp,
                    &sensors, &more);
      if (more)
        hal.new_gyro = 1;
      if (sensors & INV_XYZ_GYRO) {
        /* Push the new data to the MPL. */
        inv_build_gyro(gyro, sensor_timestamp);
        new_data = 1;
        if (new_temp) {
          new_temp = 0;
          /* Temperature only used for gyro temp comp. */
          mpu_get_temperature(&temperature, &sensor_timestamp);
          inv_build_temp(temperature, sensor_timestamp);
      if (sensors & INV_XYZ_ACCEL) {
        accel[0] = (long)accel_short[0];
        accel[1] = (long)accel_short[1];
        accel[2] = (long)accel_short[2];
        inv_build_accel(accel, 0, sensor_timestamp);
        new_data = 1;
    if (new_compass) {
      short compass_short[3];
      long compass[3];
      new_compass = 0;
      /* For any MPU device with an AKM on the auxiliary I2C bus, the raw
      * magnetometer registers are copied to special gyro registers.
      if (!mpu_get_compass_reg(compass_short, &sensor_timestamp)) {
        compass[0] = (long)compass_short[0];
        compass[1] = (long)compass_short[1];
        compass[2] = (long)compass_short[2];
        /* NOTE: If using a third-party compass calibration library,
        * pass in the compass data in uT * 2^16 and set the second
        * parameter to INV_CALIBRATED | acc, where acc is the
        * accuracy from 0 to 3.
        inv_build_compass(compass, 0, sensor_timestamp);
      new_data = 1;
    if (new_data) {
      /* This function reads bias-compensated sensor data and sensor
      * fusion outputs from the MPL. The outputs are formatted as seen
      * in eMPL_outputs.c. This function only needs to be called at the
      * rate requested by the host.