Esempio n. 1
File: pow.c Progetto: tomi500/MPC
/* Return non-zero iff c+i*d is an exact square (a+i*b)^2,
   with a, b both of the form m*2^e with m, e integers.
   If so, returns in a+i*b the corresponding square root, with a >= 0.
   The variables a, b must not overlap with c, d.

   We have c = a^2 - b^2 and d = 2*a*b.

   If one of a, b is exact, then both are (see algorithms.tex).

   Case 1: a <> 0 and b <> 0.
   Let a = m*2^e and b = n*2^f with m, e, n, f integers, m and n odd
   (we will treat apart the case a = 0 or b = 0).
   Then 2*a*b = m*n*2^(e+f+1), thus necessarily e+f >= -1.
   Assume e < 0, then f >= 0, then a^2 - b^2 = m^2*2^(2e) - n^2*2^(2f) cannot
   be an integer, since n^2*2^(2f) is an integer, and m^2*2^(2e) is not.
   Similarly when f < 0 (and thus e >= 0).
   Thus we have e, f >= 0, and a, b are both integers.
   Let A = 2a^2, then eliminating b between c = a^2 - b^2 and d = 2*a*b
   gives A^2 - 2c*A - d^2 = 0, which has solutions c +/- sqrt(c^2+d^2).
   We thus need c^2+d^2 to be a square, and c + sqrt(c^2+d^2) --- the solution
   we are interested in --- to be two times a square. Then b = d/(2a) is
   necessarily an integer.

   Case 2: a = 0. Then d is necessarily zero, thus it suffices to check
   whether c = -b^2, i.e., if -c is a square.

   Case 3: b = 0. Then d is necessarily zero, thus it suffices to check
   whether c = a^2, i.e., if c is a square.
static int
mpc_perfect_square_p (mpz_t a, mpz_t b, mpz_t c, mpz_t d)
  if (mpz_cmp_ui (d, 0) == 0) /* case a = 0 or b = 0 */
      /* necessarily c < 0 here, since we have already considered the case
         where x is real non-negative and y is real */
      MPC_ASSERT (mpz_cmp_ui (c, 0) < 0);
      mpz_neg (b, c);
      if (mpz_perfect_square_p (b)) /* case 2 above */
          mpz_sqrt (b, b);
          mpz_set_ui (a, 0);
          return 1; /* c + i*d = (0 + i*b)^2 */
  else /* both a and b are non-zero */
      if (mpz_divisible_2exp_p (d, 1) == 0)
        return 0; /* d must be even */
      mpz_mul (a, c, c);
      mpz_addmul (a, d, d); /* c^2 + d^2 */
      if (mpz_perfect_square_p (a))
          mpz_sqrt (a, a);
          mpz_add (a, c, a); /* c + sqrt(c^2+d^2) */
          if (mpz_divisible_2exp_p (a, 1))
              mpz_tdiv_q_2exp (a, a, 1);
              if (mpz_perfect_square_p (a))
                  mpz_sqrt (a, a);
                  mpz_tdiv_q_2exp (b, d, 1); /* d/2 */
                  mpz_divexact (b, b, a); /* d/(2a) */
                  return 1;
  return 0; /* not a square */
Esempio n. 2
check_random (int argc, char **argv)
  gmp_randstate_ptr rands = RANDS;

  double d;
  mpq_t q;
  mpz_t a, t;
  int exp;

  int test, reps = 100000;

  if (argc == 2)
     reps = 100 * atoi (argv[1]);

  mpq_init (q);
  mpz_init (a);
  mpz_init (t);

  for (test = 0; test < reps; test++)
      mpz_rrandomb (a, rands, 53);
      mpz_urandomb (t, rands, 32);
      exp = mpz_get_ui (t) % (2*MAXEXP) - MAXEXP;

      d = my_ldexp (mpz_get_d (a), exp);
      mpq_set_d (q, d);
      /* Check that n/d = a * 2^exp, or
	 d*a 2^{exp} = n */
      mpz_mul (t, a, mpq_denref (q));
      if (exp > 0)
	mpz_mul_2exp (t, t, exp);
	  if (!mpz_divisible_2exp_p (t, -exp))
	    goto fail;
	  mpz_div_2exp (t, t, -exp);
      if (mpz_cmp (t, mpq_numref (q)) != 0)
	  printf ("ERROR (check_random test %d): bad mpq_set_d results\n", test);
	  printf ("%.16g\n", d);
	  gmp_printf ("%Qd\n", q);
	  abort ();
  mpq_clear (q);
  mpz_clear (t);
  mpz_clear (a);
Esempio n. 3
check_one (mpz_srcptr a, unsigned long d, int want)
  int   got;

  got = (mpz_divisible_2exp_p (a, d) != 0);
  if (want != got)
      printf ("mpz_divisible_2exp_p wrong\n");
      printf ("   expected %d got %d\n", want, got);
      mpz_trace ("   a", a);
      printf    ("   d=%lu\n", d);
      mp_trace_base = -16;
      mpz_trace ("   a", a);
      printf    ("   d=0x%lX\n", d);
      abort ();
Esempio n. 4
/* Input: p is the initial generator (sigma), if 0, generate it at random.
          N is the number to factor
	  B1 is the stage 1 bound
	  B2 is the stage 2 bound
	  B1done is the stage 1 limit to which supplied residue has 
	    already been computed
          k is the number of blocks for stage 2
          verbose is the verbosity level
   Output: f is the factor found, p is the residue at end of stage 1
   Return value: non-zero iff a factor is found (1 for stage 1, 2 for stage 2)
pm1 (mpz_t f, mpz_t p, mpz_t N, mpz_t go, double *B1done, double B1,
     mpz_t B2min_parm, mpz_t B2_parm, double B2scale, unsigned long k, 
     const int S, int verbose, int repr, int use_ntt, FILE *os, FILE *es, 
     char *chkfilename, char *TreeFilename, double maxmem, 
     gmp_randstate_t rng, int (*stop_asap)(void))
  int youpi = ECM_NO_FACTOR_FOUND;
  int base2 = 0;
  int Nbits, smallbase;
  int po2 = 0;    /* Whether we should use power-of-2 poly degree */
  long st;
  mpmod_t modulus;
  mpres_t x;
  mpz_t B2min, B2; /* Local B2, B2min to avoid changing caller's values */
  unsigned long dF;
  root_params_t root_params;
  faststage2_param_t faststage2_params;
  /* If stage2_variant != 0, we use the new fast stage 2 */
  const int stage2_variant = (S == 1 || S == ECM_DEFAULT_S);

  set_verbose (verbose);
  ECM_STDOUT = (os == NULL) ? stdout : os;
  ECM_STDERR = (es == NULL) ? stdout : es;

  /* if n is even, return 2 */
  if (mpz_divisible_2exp_p (N, 1))
      mpz_set_ui (f, 2);
      return ECM_FACTOR_FOUND_STEP1;

  st = cputime ();

  if (mpz_cmp_ui (p, 0) == 0)
    pm1_random_seed (p, N, rng);
  mpz_init_set (B2min, B2min_parm);
  mpz_init_set (B2, B2_parm);
  /* Set default B2. See ecm.c for comments */
  if (ECM_IS_DEFAULT_B2(B2))
      if (stage2_variant == 0)
        mpz_set_d (B2, B2scale * pow (B1 * PM1_COST, DEFAULT_B2_EXPONENT));
        mpz_set_d (B2, B2scale * pow (B1 * PM1FS2_COST, 
  /* set B2min */
  if (mpz_sgn (B2min) < 0)
    mpz_set_d (B2min, B1);

  if (repr != ECM_MOD_DEFAULT && repr != ECM_MOD_NOBASE2)
      if (repr == ECM_MOD_MODMULN)
        mpmod_init_MODMULN (modulus, N);
      else if (repr == ECM_MOD_REDC)
        mpmod_init_REDC (modulus, N);
      else if (abs (repr) > 16)
          if (mpmod_init_BASE2 (modulus, repr, N) == ECM_ERROR)
            return ECM_ERROR;
        mpmod_init_MPZ (modulus, N);
  else /* automatic choice */
      /* Find a good arithmetic for this number */
      Nbits = mpz_sizeinbase (N, 2);
      base2 = (repr == 0) ? isbase2 (N, BASE2_THRESHOLD) : 0;
      smallbase = mpz_fits_uint_p (p);

      /* TODO: make dependent on Nbits and base2 */
      if (base2)
          mpmod_init_BASE2 (modulus, base2, N);

      else if (mpz_size (N) <= 2 * POWM_THRESHOLD && smallbase && B1 <= 1e6)
      /* Below POWM_THRESHOLD, mpz_powm uses MODMULN reduction, too, but 
         without special code for small bases which makes our MODMULN
         faster. Above POWM_THRESHOLD mpz_powm uses faster mod reduction,
         at about 2*POWM_THRESHOLD it catches up with our smallbase-MODMULN
         and then is faster until REDC takes over. */
	  outputf (OUTPUT_VERBOSE, "Using MODMULN\n");
          mpmod_init_MODMULN (modulus, N);
      else if (Nbits > 50000 ||  (Nbits > 3500 && smallbase))
	  outputf (OUTPUT_VERBOSE, "Using REDC\n");
          mpmod_init_REDC (modulus, N);
	  outputf (OUTPUT_VERBOSE, "Using mpz_powm\n");
          mpmod_init_MPZ (modulus, N);

  /* Determine parameters (polynomial degree etc.) */

  if (stage2_variant != 0)
      long P_ntt, P_nontt;
      const unsigned long lmax = 1UL<<28; /* An upper bound */
      unsigned long lmax_NTT, lmax_noNTT;
      faststage2_param_t params_ntt, params_nontt, *better_params;

      mpz_init (faststage2_params.m_1);
      faststage2_params.l = 0;
      mpz_init (params_ntt.m_1);
      params_ntt.l = 0;
      mpz_init (params_nontt.m_1);
      params_nontt.l = 0;

      /* Find out what the longest transform length is we can do at all.
	 If no maxmem is given, the non-NTT can theoretically do any length. */

      lmax_NTT = 0;
      if (use_ntt)
	  unsigned long t;
	  /* See what transform length the NTT can handle (due to limited 
	     primes and limited memory) */
	  t = mpzspm_max_len (N);
	  lmax_NTT = MIN (lmax, t);
	  if (maxmem != 0.)
	      t = pm1fs2_maxlen (double_to_size (maxmem), N, use_ntt);
	      lmax_NTT = MIN (lmax_NTT, t);
	  outputf (OUTPUT_DEVVERBOSE, "NTT can handle lmax <= %lu\n", lmax_NTT);
          /* FIXME: if both ntt and no-ntt are tried, but finally ntt is
             preferred, the last B2 bound computed is that of no-ntt,
             which is thus wrong */
          P_ntt = choose_P (B2min, B2, lmax_NTT, k, &params_ntt, 
                            B2min, B2, 1, ECM_PM1);
          if (P_ntt != ECM_ERROR)
            outputf (OUTPUT_DEVVERBOSE, 
	             "Parameters for NTT: P=%lu, l=%lu\n", 
	             params_ntt.P, params_ntt.l);
        P_ntt = 0; /* or GCC complains about uninitialized var */
      /* See what transform length the non-NTT code can handle */
      lmax_noNTT = lmax;
      if (maxmem != 0.)
	  unsigned long t;
	  t = pm1fs2_maxlen (double_to_size (maxmem), N, 0);
	  lmax_noNTT = MIN (lmax_noNTT, t);
	  outputf (OUTPUT_DEVVERBOSE, "non-NTT can handle lmax <= %lu\n", 
      if (use_ntt != 2)
        P_nontt = choose_P (B2min, B2, lmax_noNTT, k, &params_nontt, 
                            B2min, B2, 0, ECM_PM1);
        P_nontt = ECM_ERROR;
      if (P_nontt != ECM_ERROR)
        outputf (OUTPUT_DEVVERBOSE, 
                 "Parameters for non-NTT: P=%lu, l=%lu\n", 
                 params_nontt.P, params_nontt.l);
      if (((!use_ntt || P_ntt == ECM_ERROR) && P_nontt == ECM_ERROR) ||
          (use_ntt == 2 && P_ntt == ECM_ERROR))
          outputf (OUTPUT_ERROR, 
                   "Error: cannot choose suitable P value for your stage 2 "
                   "parameters.\nTry a shorter B2min,B2 interval.\n");
          mpz_clear (faststage2_params.m_1);
          mpz_clear (params_ntt.m_1);
          mpz_clear (params_nontt.m_1);
          return ECM_ERROR;

      /* Now decide wether to take NTT or non-NTT.
         How to choose the better one is not an easy question.
         It will depend on the speed ratio between NTT/non-NTT code,
         their difference in memory use and available memory.
         For now, we choose the one that uses a longer transform length.
         FIXME: Write something not brain-dead here */
      if (use_ntt == 0 || P_ntt == ECM_ERROR ||
          (use_ntt == 1 && params_nontt.l > params_ntt.l))
          better_params = &params_nontt;
          use_ntt = 0;
          better_params = &params_ntt;
          use_ntt = 1;

      faststage2_params.P = better_params->P;
      faststage2_params.s_1 = better_params->s_1;
      faststage2_params.s_2 = better_params->s_2;
      faststage2_params.l = better_params->l;
      mpz_set (faststage2_params.m_1, better_params->m_1);

      mpz_clear (params_ntt.m_1);
      mpz_clear (params_nontt.m_1);
      if (maxmem != 0.)
	  outputf (OUTPUT_VERBOSE, "Using lmax = %lu with%s NTT which takes "
		   "about %luMB of memory\n", faststage2_params.l, 
		   (use_ntt) ? "" : "out", 
		   pm1fs2_memory_use (faststage2_params.l, N, use_ntt)/1048576);
      mpz_init (root_params.i0);
      root_params.d2 = 0; /* Enable automatic choice of d2 */
      if (use_ntt || (modulus->repr == ECM_MOD_BASE2 && modulus->Fermat > 0))
	po2 = 1;

      if (bestD (&root_params, &k, &dF, B2min, B2, po2, use_ntt, maxmem,
                 (TreeFilename != NULL), modulus) == ECM_ERROR)
	  youpi = ECM_ERROR;
	  goto clear_and_exit;
      root_params.S = S;
      /* Set default degree for Brent-Suyama extension */
      if (root_params.S == ECM_DEFAULT_S)
	  if (modulus->repr == ECM_MOD_BASE2 && modulus->Fermat > 0)
	      /* For Fermat numbers, default is 2 (no Brent-Suyama) */
	      root_params.S = 2;
	      mpz_t t;
	      mpz_init (t);
	      mpz_sub (t, B2, B2min);
	      if (mpz_cmp_d (t, 3.5e5) < 0) /* B1 < 50000 */
		root_params.S = -4; /* Dickson polys give a slightly better chance of success */
	      else if (mpz_cmp_d (t, 1.1e7) < 0) /* B1 < 500000 */
		root_params.S = -6;
	      else if (mpz_cmp_d (t, 1.25e8) < 0) /* B1 < 3000000 */
		root_params.S = 12; /* but for S>6, S-th powers are faster thanks to invtrick */
	      else if (mpz_cmp_d (t, 7.e9) < 0) /* B1 < 50000000 */
		root_params.S = 24;
	      else if (mpz_cmp_d (t, 1.9e10) < 0) /* B1 < 100000000 */
		root_params.S = 48;
	      else if (mpz_cmp_d (t, 5.e11) < 0) /* B1 < 1000000000 */
		root_params.S = 60;
		root_params.S = 120;
	      mpz_clear (t);
      /* We need Suyama's power even and at least 2 for P-1 stage 2 to work 
	 correctly */

      if (root_params.S & 1)
	root_params.S *= 2; /* FIXME: Is this what the user would expect? */
  /* Print B1, B2, polynomial and x0 */
  print_B1_B2_poly (OUTPUT_NORMAL, ECM_PM1, B1, *B1done, B2min_parm, B2min, 
		    B2, (stage2_variant == 0) ? root_params.S : 1, p, 0, NULL);

  /* If we do a stage 2, print its parameters */
  if (mpz_cmp (B2, B2min) >= 0)
      if (stage2_variant != 0)
        outputf (OUTPUT_VERBOSE, "P = %lu, l = %lu, s_1 = %lu, k = s_2 = %lu, "
                 "m_1 = %Zd\n", faststage2_params.P, faststage2_params.l,
        outputf (OUTPUT_VERBOSE, "dF=%lu, k=%lu, d=%lu, d2=%lu, i0=%Zd\n", 
                 dF, k, root_params.d1, root_params.d2, root_params.i0);

  if (test_verbose (OUTPUT_VERBOSE))
      if (mpz_sgn (B2min_parm) >= 0)
          outputf (OUTPUT_VERBOSE, 
            "Can't compute success probabilities for B1 <> B2min\n");
          rhoinit (256, 10);
          print_prob (B1, B2, dF, k, 
                      (stage2_variant == 0) ? root_params.S : 1, go);

  mpres_init (x, modulus);
  mpres_set_z (x, p, modulus);

  st = cputime ();

  if (B1 > *B1done)
    youpi = pm1_stage1 (f, x, modulus, B1, B1done, go, stop_asap, chkfilename);

  st = elltime (st, cputime ());

  outputf (OUTPUT_NORMAL, "Step 1 took %ldms\n", st);
  if (test_verbose (OUTPUT_RESVERBOSE))
      mpz_t tx;
      mpz_init (tx);
      mpres_get_z (tx, x, modulus);
      outputf (OUTPUT_RESVERBOSE, "x=%Zd\n", tx);
      mpz_clear (tx);

  if (stop_asap != NULL && (*stop_asap) ())
    goto clear_and_exit;

  if (youpi == ECM_NO_FACTOR_FOUND && mpz_cmp (B2, B2min) >= 0)
      if (stage2_variant != 0)
          if (use_ntt)
            youpi = pm1fs2_ntt (f, x, modulus, &faststage2_params);
            youpi = pm1fs2 (f, x, modulus, &faststage2_params);
        youpi = stage2 (f, &x, modulus, dF, k, &root_params, ECM_PM1, 
                        use_ntt, TreeFilename, stop_asap);

  if (test_verbose (OUTPUT_VERBOSE))
      if (mpz_sgn (B2min_parm) < 0)
        rhoinit (1, 0); /* Free memory of rhotable */

  mpres_get_z (p, x, modulus);
  mpres_clear (x, modulus);
  mpmod_clear (modulus);
  if (stage2_variant != 0)
    mpz_clear (faststage2_params.m_1);
    mpz_clear (root_params.i0);
  mpz_clear (B2);
  mpz_clear (B2min);

  return youpi;
Esempio n. 5
/* Input: p is the initial generator (sigma), if 0 generate it at random.
          n is the number to factor
	  B1 is the stage 1 bound
	  B2 is the stage 2 bound
          k is the number of blocks for stage 2
          verbose is the verbosity level
   Output: p is the factor found
   Return value: non-zero iff a factor is found (1 for stage 1, 2 for stage 2)
pp1 (mpz_t f, mpz_t p, mpz_t n, mpz_t go, double *B1done, double B1,
     mpz_t B2min_parm, mpz_t B2_parm, double B2scale, unsigned long k, 
     const int S, int verbose, int repr, int use_ntt, FILE *os, FILE *es, 
     char *chkfilename, char *TreeFilename, double maxmem, 
     gmp_randstate_t rng, int (*stop_asap)(void))
  int youpi = ECM_NO_FACTOR_FOUND;
  int po2 = 0;    /* Whether we should use power-of-2 poly degree */
  long st;
  mpres_t a;
  mpmod_t modulus;
  mpz_t B2min, B2; /* Local B2, B2min to avoid changing caller's values */
  unsigned long dF;
  root_params_t root_params;
  faststage2_param_t faststage2_params;
  const int stage2_variant = (S == 1 || S == ECM_DEFAULT_S);
  int twopass = 0;

  set_verbose (verbose);
  ECM_STDOUT = (os == NULL) ? stdout : os;
  ECM_STDERR = (es == NULL) ? stdout : es;

  /* if n is even, return 2 */
  if (mpz_divisible_2exp_p (n, 1))
      mpz_set_ui (f, 2);
      return ECM_FACTOR_FOUND_STEP1;

  st = cputime ();

  if (mpz_cmp_ui (p, 0) == 0)
    pm1_random_seed (p, n, rng);

  mpz_init_set (B2min, B2min_parm);
  mpz_init_set (B2, B2_parm);

  /* Set default B2. See ecm.c for comments */
  if (ECM_IS_DEFAULT_B2(B2))
      if (stage2_variant == 0)
        mpz_set_d (B2, B2scale * pow (B1 * PP1_COST, DEFAULT_B2_EXPONENT));
        mpz_set_d (B2, B2scale * pow (B1 * PP1FS2_COST, 

  /* set B2min */
  if (mpz_sgn (B2min) < 0)
    mpz_set_d (B2min, B1);

  mpmod_init (modulus, n, repr);

  if (use_ntt)
    po2 = 1;
  if (stage2_variant != 0)
      long P;
      const unsigned long lmax = 1UL<<28; /* An upper bound */
      unsigned long lmax_NTT, lmax_noNTT;
      mpz_init (faststage2_params.m_1);
      faststage2_params.l = 0;
      /* Find out what the longest transform length is we can do at all.
	 If no maxmem is given, the non-NTT can theoretically do any length. */

      lmax_NTT = 0;
      if (use_ntt)
	  unsigned long t, t2 = 0;
	  /* See what transform length that the NTT can handle (due to limited 
	     primes and limited memory) */
	  t = mpzspm_max_len (n);
	  lmax_NTT = MIN (lmax, t);
	  if (maxmem != 0.)
	      t = pp1fs2_maxlen (double_to_size (maxmem), n, use_ntt, 0);
	      t = MIN (t, lmax_NTT);
	      /* Maybe the two pass variant lets us use a longer transform */
	      t2 = pp1fs2_maxlen (double_to_size (maxmem), n, use_ntt, 1);
	      t2 = MIN (t2, lmax_NTT);
	      if (t2 > t)
		  t = t2;
		  twopass = 1;
	      lmax_NTT = t;
	  outputf (OUTPUT_DEVVERBOSE, "NTT can handle lmax <= %lu\n", lmax_NTT);

      /* See what transform length that the non-NTT code can handle */
      lmax_noNTT = lmax;
      if (maxmem != 0.)
	  unsigned long t;
	  t = pp1fs2_maxlen (double_to_size (maxmem), n, 0, 0);
	  lmax_noNTT = MIN (lmax_noNTT, t);
	  outputf (OUTPUT_DEVVERBOSE, "non-NTT can handle lmax <= %lu\n", 

      P = choose_P (B2min, B2, MAX(lmax_noNTT, lmax_NTT), k, 
		    &faststage2_params, B2min, B2, use_ntt, ECM_PP1);
      if (P == ECM_ERROR)
          outputf (OUTPUT_ERROR, 
                   "Error: cannot choose suitable P value for your stage 2 "
                   "parameters.\nTry a shorter B2min,B2 interval.\n");
	  mpz_clear (faststage2_params.m_1);
	  return ECM_ERROR;

      /* See if the selected parameters let us use NTT or not */
      if (faststage2_params.l > lmax_NTT)
	use_ntt = 0;
      if (maxmem != 0.)
	  unsigned long MB;
	  char *s;
	  if (!use_ntt)
	    s = "out";
	  else if (twopass)
	    s = " two pass";
	    s = " one pass";

	  MB = pp1fs2_memory_use (faststage2_params.l, n, use_ntt, twopass)
	    / 1048576;
	  outputf (OUTPUT_VERBOSE, "Using lmax = %lu with%s NTT which takes "
		   "about %luMB of memory\n", faststage2_params.l, s, MB);
      mpz_init (root_params.i0);
      root_params.d2 = 0; /* Enable automatic choice of d2 */
      if (bestD (&root_params, &k, &dF, B2min, B2, po2, use_ntt, maxmem,
		 (TreeFilename != NULL), modulus) == ECM_ERROR)
	  youpi = ECM_ERROR;
	  goto clear_and_exit;
      /* Set default degree for Brent-Suyama extension */
      root_params.S = S;
      if (root_params.S == ECM_DEFAULT_S)
	  if (modulus->repr == ECM_MOD_BASE2 && modulus->Fermat > 0)
	      /* For Fermat numbers, default is 1 (no Brent-Suyama) */
	      root_params.S = 1;
	      mpz_t t;
	      mpz_init (t);
	      mpz_sub (t, B2, B2min);
	      root_params.S = choose_S (t);
	      mpz_clear (t);

  /* Print B1, B2, polynomial and x0 */
  print_B1_B2_poly (OUTPUT_NORMAL, ECM_PP1, B1, *B1done, B2min_parm, B2min, 
		    B2, (stage2_variant == 0) ? root_params.S : 1, p, 0, NULL);

  /* If we do a stage 2, print its parameters */
  if (mpz_cmp (B2, B2min) >= 0)
      if (stage2_variant != 0)
        outputf (OUTPUT_VERBOSE, "P = %lu, l = %lu, s_1 = %lu, k = s_2 = %lu, "
                 "m_1 = %Zd\n", faststage2_params.P, faststage2_params.l,
        outputf (OUTPUT_VERBOSE, "dF=%lu, k=%lu, d=%lu, d2=%lu, i0=%Zd\n", 
                 dF, k, root_params.d1, root_params.d2, 
                 S == 1 ? faststage2_params.m_1 : root_params.i0);

  mpres_init (a, modulus);
  mpres_set_z (a, p, modulus);

  /* since pp1_mul_prac takes an ecm_uint, we have to check
     that B1 <= ECM_UINT_MAX */
  if (B1 > (double) ECM_UINT_MAX)
      outputf (OUTPUT_ERROR, "Error, maximal step1 bound for P+1 is %lu\n", 
      youpi = ECM_ERROR;
      goto clear_and_exit;

  if (B1 > *B1done)
    youpi = pp1_stage1 (f, a, modulus, B1, B1done, go, stop_asap, 

  outputf (OUTPUT_NORMAL, "Step 1 took %ldms\n", elltime (st, cputime ()));
  if (test_verbose (OUTPUT_RESVERBOSE))
      mpz_t t;
      mpz_init (t);
      mpres_get_z (t, a, modulus);
      outputf (OUTPUT_RESVERBOSE, "x=%Zd\n", t);
      mpz_clear (t);

  mpres_get_z (p, a, modulus);

  if (stop_asap != NULL && (*stop_asap) ())
    goto clear_and_exit;
  if (youpi == ECM_NO_FACTOR_FOUND && mpz_cmp (B2, B2min) >= 0)
      if (stage2_variant != 0)
          if (use_ntt)
            youpi = pp1fs2_ntt (f, a, modulus, &faststage2_params, twopass);
            youpi = pp1fs2 (f, a, modulus, &faststage2_params);
	youpi = stage2 (f, &a, modulus, dF, k, &root_params, ECM_PP1, 
			use_ntt, TreeFilename, stop_asap);

  if (youpi > 0 && test_verbose (OUTPUT_NORMAL))
    pp1_check_factor (p, f); /* tell user if factor was found by P-1 */

  mpres_clear (a, modulus);
  mpmod_clear (modulus);
  if (stage2_variant != 0)
    mpz_clear (faststage2_params.m_1);
    mpz_clear (root_params.i0);
  mpz_clear (B2);
  mpz_clear (B2min);

  return youpi;