Esempio n. 1
int renderVectorSymbolGD(imageObj *img, double x, double y, symbolObj *symbol, symbolStyleObj *style) {
   int bRotated = MS_FALSE;
   int j,k;
   gdImagePtr ip;
   gdPoint mPoints[MS_MAXVECTORPOINTS];
   gdPoint oldpnt,newpnt;
   int fc,oc;
   if(!(ip = MS_IMAGE_GET_GDIMAGEPTR(img))) return MS_FAILURE;
   SETPEN(ip, style->color);
   SETPEN(ip, style->outlinecolor);
   fc = style->color ? style->color->pen : -1;
   oc = style->outlinecolor ? style->outlinecolor->pen : -1;
   if(oc==-1 && fc ==-1) {
      return MS_SUCCESS;
   if (style->rotation != 0.0) {      
      bRotated = MS_TRUE;
      symbol = rotateVectorSymbolPoints(symbol, style->rotation);
      if(!symbol) {
         return MS_FAILURE;

   /* We avoid MS_NINT in this context because the potentially variable
          handling of 0.5 rounding is often a problem for symbols which are
          often an odd size (ie. 7pixels) and so if "p" is integral the 
          value is always on a 0.5 boundary - bug 1716 */
   x -= style->scale*.5*symbol->sizex;
   y -= style->scale*.5*symbol->sizey;

   if(symbol->filled) { /* if filled */

      k = 0; /* point counter */
      for(j=0;j < symbol->numpoints;j++) {
         if((symbol->points[j].x == -99) && (symbol->points[j].x == -99)) { /* new polygon (PENUP) */
            if(k>2) {
               if(fc >= 0)
                  gdImageFilledPolygon(ip, mPoints, k, fc);
               if(oc >= 0)
                  gdImagePolygon(ip, mPoints, k, oc);
            k = 0; /* reset point counter */
         } else {
            mPoints[k].x = MS_NINT(style->scale*symbol->points[j].x + x);
            mPoints[k].y = MS_NINT(style->scale*symbol->points[j].y + y); 

      if(fc >= 0)
         gdImageFilledPolygon(ip, mPoints, k, fc);
      if(oc >= 0)
         gdImagePolygon(ip, mPoints, k, oc);

   } else  { /* NOT filled */     

      if(oc >= 0) fc = oc; /* try the outline color (reference maps sometimes do this when combining a box and a custom vector marker */
      oldpnt.x = MS_NINT(style->scale*symbol->points[0].x + x); /* convert first point in marker */
      oldpnt.y = MS_NINT(style->scale*symbol->points[0].y + y);

      gdImageSetThickness(ip, style->outlinewidth);

      for(j=1;j < symbol->numpoints;j++) { /* step through the marker */
         if((symbol->points[j].x != -99) || (symbol->points[j].x != -99)) {
            if((symbol->points[j-1].x == -99) && (symbol->points[j-1].y == -99)) { /* Last point was PENUP, now a new beginning */
               oldpnt.x = MS_NINT(style->scale*symbol->points[j].x + x);
               oldpnt.y = MS_NINT(style->scale*symbol->points[j].y + y);
            } else {
               newpnt.x = MS_NINT(style->scale*symbol->points[j].x + x);
               newpnt.y = MS_NINT(style->scale*symbol->points[j].y + y);
               gdImageLine(ip, oldpnt.x, oldpnt.y, newpnt.x, newpnt.y, fc);
               oldpnt = newpnt;
      } /* end for loop */   

      gdImageSetThickness(ip, 1); /* restore thinkness */
   } /* end if-then-else */

   if(bRotated) {
      msFreeSymbol(symbol); /* clean up */
   return MS_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 2
int msUVRASTERLayerGetExtent(layerObj *layer, rectObj *extent)

  char szPath[MS_MAXPATHLEN];
  mapObj *map = layer->map;
  double adfGeoTransform[6];
  int nXSize, nYSize;
  GDALDatasetH hDS;
  shapefileObj *tileshpfile;
  int tilelayerindex = -1;
  CPLErr eErr = CE_Failure;
  char *decrypted_path;

  if( (!layer->data || strlen(layer->data) == 0)
      && layer->tileindex == NULL) {
    /* should we be issuing a specific error about not supporting
       extents for tileindexed raster layers? */
    return MS_FAILURE;

  if( map == NULL )
    return MS_FAILURE;

  /* If the layer use a tileindex, return the extent of the tileindex shapefile/referenced layer */
  if (layer->tileindex) {
    tilelayerindex = msGetLayerIndex(map, layer->tileindex);
    if(tilelayerindex != -1) /* does the tileindex reference another layer */
      return msLayerGetExtent(GET_LAYER(map, tilelayerindex), extent);
    else {
      tileshpfile = (shapefileObj *) malloc(sizeof(shapefileObj));
      MS_CHECK_ALLOC(tileshpfile, sizeof(shapefileObj), MS_FAILURE);

      if(msShapefileOpen(tileshpfile, "rb", msBuildPath3(szPath, map->mappath, map->shapepath, layer->tileindex), MS_TRUE) == -1)
        if(msShapefileOpen(tileshpfile, "rb", msBuildPath(szPath, map->mappath, layer->tileindex), MS_TRUE) == -1)
          return MS_FAILURE;

      *extent = tileshpfile->bounds;
      return MS_SUCCESS;

  msTryBuildPath3(szPath, map->mappath, map->shapepath, layer->data);
  decrypted_path = msDecryptStringTokens( map, szPath );

  msAcquireLock( TLOCK_GDAL );
  if( decrypted_path ) {
    hDS = GDALOpen(decrypted_path, GA_ReadOnly );
    msFree( decrypted_path );
  } else
    hDS = NULL;

  if( hDS != NULL ) {
    nXSize = GDALGetRasterXSize( hDS );
    nYSize = GDALGetRasterYSize( hDS );
    eErr = GDALGetGeoTransform( hDS, adfGeoTransform );

    GDALClose( hDS );

  msReleaseLock( TLOCK_GDAL );

  if( hDS == NULL || eErr != CE_None ) {
    return MS_FAILURE;

  /* If this appears to be an ungeoreferenced raster than flip it for
     mapservers purposes. */
  if( adfGeoTransform[5] == 1.0 && adfGeoTransform[3] == 0.0 ) {
    adfGeoTransform[5] = -1.0;
    adfGeoTransform[3] = nYSize;

  extent->minx = adfGeoTransform[0];
  extent->maxy = adfGeoTransform[3];

  extent->maxx = adfGeoTransform[0] + nXSize * adfGeoTransform[1];
  extent->miny = adfGeoTransform[3] + nYSize * adfGeoTransform[5];

  return MS_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int i,j,k;

  mapObj    	   *map=NULL;
  imageObj         *image = NULL;
  char **layers=NULL;
  int num_layers=0;

  int layer_found=0;

  char *outfile=NULL; /* no -o sends image to STDOUT */

  int iterations = 1;
  int draws = 0;

  for(i=1;i<argc;i++) { 
    if (strcmp(argv[i],"-c") == 0) { /* user specified number of draws */
      iterations = atoi(argv[i+1]);
      printf("We will draw %d times...\n", iterations);

    if(strcmp(argv[i], "-all_debug") == 0 && i < argc-1 ) /* global debug */
        int debug_level = atoi(argv[++i]);


        /* Send output to stderr by default */ 
        if (msGetErrorFile() == NULL)
            msSetErrorFile("stderr", NULL);

  for(draws=0; draws<iterations; draws++) {

  struct mstimeval requeststarttime, requestendtime;

  if(msGetGlobalDebugLevel() >= MS_DEBUGLEVEL_TUNING) 
      msGettimeofday(&requeststarttime, NULL);
  if(argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0) {
    printf("%s\n", msGetVersion());

  /* ---- check the number of arguments, return syntax if not correct ---- */
  if( argc < 3 ) {
    fprintf(stdout, "\nPurpose: convert a mapfile to an image\n\n");
            "Syntax: shp2img -m mapfile [-o image] [-e minx miny maxx maxy] [-s sizex sizey]\n"
            "               [-l \"layer1 [layers2...]\"] [-i format]\n"
            "               [-all_debug n] [-map_debug n] [-layer_debug n] [-p n] [-c n] [-d layername datavalue]\n");

    fprintf(stdout,"  -m mapfile: Map file to operate on - required\n" );
    fprintf(stdout,"  -i format: Override the IMAGETYPE value to pick output format\n" );
    fprintf(stdout,"  -o image: output filename (stdout if not provided)\n");
    fprintf(stdout,"  -e minx miny maxx maxy: extents to render\n");
    fprintf(stdout,"  -s sizex sizey: output image size\n");
    fprintf(stdout,"  -l layers: layers / groups to enable - make sure they are quoted and space seperated if more than one listed\n" );
    fprintf(stdout,"  -all_debug n: Set debug level for map and all layers\n" );
    fprintf(stdout,"  -map_debug n: Set map debug level\n" );
    fprintf(stdout,"  -layer_debug layer_name n: Set layer debug level\n" );
    fprintf(stdout,"  -c n: draw map n number of times\n" );
    fprintf(stdout,"  -p n: pause for n seconds after reading the map\n" );
    fprintf(stdout,"  -d layername datavalue: change DATA value for layer\n" );


  if ( msSetup() != MS_SUCCESS )
  /* Use MS_ERRORFILE and MS_DEBUGLEVEL env vars if set */
  if ( msDebugInitFromEnv() != MS_SUCCESS )

  for(i=1;i<argc;i++) { /* Step though the user arguments, 1st to find map file */
    if(strcmp(argv[i],"-m") == 0) {
      map = msLoadMap(argv[i+1], NULL);
      if(!map) {

  if(!map) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Mapfile (-m) option not specified.\n");

  for(i=1;i<argc;i++) { /* Step though the user arguments */

    if(strcmp(argv[i],"-m") == 0) { /* skip it */

    if(strcmp(argv[i],"-p") == 0) {
        int pause_length = atoi(argv[i+1]);
        time_t start_time = time(NULL);

        printf( "Start pause of %d seconds.\n", pause_length );
        while( time(NULL) < start_time + pause_length ) {}
        printf( "Done pause.\n" );

    if(strcmp(argv[i],"-o") == 0) { /* load the output image filename */
      outfile = argv[i+1];
    if(strcmp(argv[i],"-i") == 0) { 
      outputFormatObj *format;

      format = msSelectOutputFormat( map, argv[i+1] );

      if( format == NULL )
          printf( "No such OUTPUTFORMAT as %s.\n", argv[i+1] );
          msFree( (char *) map->imagetype );
          map->imagetype = msStrdup( argv[i+1] );
          msApplyOutputFormat( &(map->outputformat), format, 
                               map->transparent, map->interlace, 
                               map->imagequality );

    if(strcmp(argv[i],"-d") == 0) { /* swap layer data */
      for(j=0; j<map->numlayers; j++) {
	 if(strcmp(GET_LAYER(map, j)->name, argv[i+1]) == 0) {
	   free(GET_LAYER(map, j)->data);
	   GET_LAYER(map, j)->data = msStrdup(argv[i+2]);

    if(strcmp(argv[i], "-all_debug") == 0 && i < argc-1 ) /* global debug */
        int debug_level = atoi(argv[++i]);

        /* msSetGlobalDebugLevel() already called. Just need to force debug
         * level in map and all layers
        map->debug = debug_level;
        for(j=0; j<map->numlayers; j++) {
            GET_LAYER(map, j)->debug = debug_level;

    if(strcmp(argv[i], "-map_debug") == 0 && i < argc-1 ) /* debug */
        map->debug = atoi(argv[++i]);

        /* Send output to stderr by default */ 
        if (msGetErrorFile() == NULL)
            msSetErrorFile("stderr", NULL);
    if(strcmp(argv[i], "-layer_debug") == 0 && i < argc-1 ) /* debug */
        const char *layer_name = argv[++i];
        int debug_level = atoi(argv[++i]);
        int got_layer = 0;

        for(j=0; j<map->numlayers; j++) {
            if(strcmp(GET_LAYER(map, j)->name,layer_name) == 0 ) {
                GET_LAYER(map, j)->debug = debug_level;
                got_layer = 1;
        if( !got_layer )
            fprintf( stderr, 
                     " Did not find layer '%s' from -layer_debug switch.\n", 
                     layer_name );

        /* Send output to stderr by default */ 
        if (msGetErrorFile() == NULL)
            msSetErrorFile("stderr", NULL);
    if(strcmp(argv[i],"-e") == 0) { /* change extent */
        if( argc <= i+4 ) {
            fprintf( stderr, 
                     "Argument -e needs 4 space separated numbers as argument.\n" ); 
      map->extent.minx = atof(argv[i+1]);
      map->extent.miny = atof(argv[i+2]);
      map->extent.maxx = atof(argv[i+3]);
      map->extent.maxy = atof(argv[i+4]);

    if (strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0) {
      msMapSetSize(map, atoi(argv[i+1]), atoi(argv[i+2]));

    if(strcmp(argv[i],"-l") == 0) { /* load layer list */
      layers = msStringSplit(argv[i+1], ' ', &(num_layers));

      for(j=0; j<num_layers; j++) { /* loop over -l */
          for(k=0; k<map->numlayers; k++) {
              if((GET_LAYER(map, k)->name && strcasecmp(GET_LAYER(map, k)->name, layers[j]) == 0) || (GET_LAYER(map, k)->group && strcasecmp(GET_LAYER(map, k)->group, layers[j]) == 0)) {
                  layer_found = 1;
          if (layer_found==0) {
              fprintf(stderr, "Layer (-l) \"%s\" not found\n", layers[j]);

      for(j=0; j<map->numlayers; j++) {
          if(GET_LAYER(map, j)->status == MS_DEFAULT)
          else {
              GET_LAYER(map, j)->status = MS_OFF;
              for(k=0; k<num_layers; k++) {
                  if((GET_LAYER(map, j)->name && strcasecmp(GET_LAYER(map, j)->name, layers[k]) == 0) ||
                     (GET_LAYER(map, j)->group && strcasecmp(GET_LAYER(map, j)->group, layers[k]) == 0)) {
                      GET_LAYER(map, j)->status = MS_ON;

      msFreeCharArray(layers, num_layers);

  image = msDrawMap(map, MS_FALSE);

  if(!image) {


  if( msSaveImage(map, image, outfile) != MS_SUCCESS ) {


  if(msGetGlobalDebugLevel() >= MS_DEBUGLEVEL_TUNING) {
    msGettimeofday(&requestendtime, NULL);
    msDebug("shp2img total time: %.3fs\n", 
            (requeststarttime.tv_sec+requeststarttime.tv_usec/1.0e6) );


} /*   for(draws=0; draws<iterations; draws++) { */
} /* ---- END Main Routine ---- */
Esempio n. 4
static void msTransformToGeospatialPDF(imageObj *img, mapObj *map, cairo_renderer *r)
    /* We need a GDAL 2.0 PDF driver at runtime, but as far as the C API is concerned, GDAL 1.9 is */
    /* largely sufficient. */
#if defined(USE_GDAL) && defined(GDAL_VERSION_NUM) && GDAL_VERSION_NUM >= 1900
    GDALDatasetH hDS = NULL;
    const char* pszGEO_ENCODING = NULL;
    GDALDriverH hPDFDriver = NULL;
    const char* pszVirtualIO = NULL;
    int bVirtualIO = FALSE;
    char* pszTmpFilename = NULL;
    VSILFILE* fp = NULL;

    if (map == NULL)

    pszGEO_ENCODING = msGetOutputFormatOption(img->format, "GEO_ENCODING", NULL);
    if (pszGEO_ENCODING == NULL)


    hPDFDriver = GDALGetDriverByName("PDF");
    if (hPDFDriver == NULL)

    /* When compiled against libpoppler, the PDF driver is VirtualIO capable */
    /* but not, when it is compiled against libpodofo. */
    pszVirtualIO = GDALGetMetadataItem( hPDFDriver, GDAL_DCAP_VIRTUALIO, NULL );
    if (pszVirtualIO)
        bVirtualIO = CSLTestBoolean(pszVirtualIO);

    if (bVirtualIO)
        pszTmpFilename = msTmpFile(map, NULL, "/vsimem/mscairopdf/", "pdf");
        pszTmpFilename = msTmpFile(map, map->mappath, NULL, "pdf");

    /* Copy content of outputStream buffer into file */
    fp = VSIFOpenL(pszTmpFilename, "wb");
    if (fp == NULL)
    VSIFWriteL(r->outputStream->data, 1, r->outputStream->size, fp);
    fp = NULL;

    hDS = GDALOpen(pszTmpFilename, GA_Update);
    if ( hDS != NULL )
        char* pszWKT = msProjectionObj2OGCWKT( &(map->projection) );
        if( pszWKT != NULL )
            double adfGeoTransform[6];
            int i;

            /* Add user-specified options */
            for( i = 0; i < img->format->numformatoptions; i++ )
                const char* pszOption = img->format->formatoptions[i];
                if( strncasecmp(pszOption,"METADATA_ITEM:",14) == 0 )
                    char* pszKey = NULL;
                    const char* pszValue = CPLParseNameValue(pszOption + 14,
                    if( pszKey != NULL )
                        GDALSetMetadataItem(hDS, pszKey, pszValue, NULL);

            /* We need to rescale the geotransform because GDAL will not necessary */
            /* open the PDF with the DPI that was used to generate it */
            memcpy(adfGeoTransform, map->gt.geotransform, 6 * sizeof(double));
            adfGeoTransform[1] = adfGeoTransform[1] * map->width / GDALGetRasterXSize(hDS);
            adfGeoTransform[5] = adfGeoTransform[5] * map->height / GDALGetRasterYSize(hDS);
            GDALSetGeoTransform(hDS, adfGeoTransform);
            GDALSetProjection(hDS, pszWKT);

            msFree( pszWKT );
            pszWKT = NULL;

            CPLSetThreadLocalConfigOption("GDAL_PDF_GEO_ENCODING", pszGEO_ENCODING);

            hDS = NULL;

            CPLSetThreadLocalConfigOption("GDAL_PDF_GEO_ENCODING", NULL);

            /* We need to replace the buffer with the content of the GDAL file */
            fp = VSIFOpenL(pszTmpFilename, "rb");
            if( fp != NULL )
                int nFileSize;

                VSIFSeekL(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
                nFileSize = (int)VSIFTellL(fp);

                msBufferResize(r->outputStream, nFileSize);

                VSIFSeekL(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
                VSIFReadL(r->outputStream->data, 1, nFileSize, fp);

                r->outputStream->size = nFileSize;

                fp = NULL;

    if ( hDS != NULL )


Esempio n. 5
int msContourLayerOpen(layerObj *layer)
  char *decrypted_path;
  char szPath[MS_MAXPATHLEN];
  contourLayerInfo *clinfo;

  if (layer->debug)
    msDebug("Entering msContourLayerOpen().\n");

  /* If we don't have info, initialize an empty one now */
  if (layer->layerinfo == NULL)

  clinfo = (contourLayerInfo *) layer->layerinfo;
  if (layer->data == NULL && layer->tileindex == NULL ) {
               "Layer %s has neither DATA nor TILEINDEX defined.",
    return MS_FAILURE;

  if( layer->tileindex != NULL )
      char szTilename[MS_MAXPATHLEN];
      int status;
      int tilelayerindex, tileitemindex, tilesrsindex;
      rectObj searchrect;
      layerObj* tlp;
      shapeObj tshp;
      char tilesrsname[1];

      searchrect = layer->map->extent;

      status = msDrawRasterSetupTileLayer(layer->map, layer,
                                 &searchrect, MS_FALSE,
      if( status == MS_FAILURE )
          return MS_FAILURE;

      status = msDrawRasterIterateTileIndex(layer, tlp, &tshp,
                                            tileitemindex, -1,
                                            szTilename, sizeof(szTilename),
                                            tilesrsname, sizeof(tilesrsname));
      if( status == MS_FAILURE || status == MS_DONE ) {
          if( status == MS_DONE )
              if (layer->debug)
                msDebug("No raster matching filter.\n");
          msDrawRasterCleanupTileLayer(tlp, tilelayerindex);
          return MS_FAILURE;

      msDrawRasterCleanupTileLayer(tlp, tilelayerindex);

      msDrawRasterBuildRasterPath(layer->map, layer, szTilename, szPath);
      decrypted_path = msStrdup(szPath);

      /* Cancel the time filter that might have been set on ours in case of */
      /* a inline tileindex */
      msTryBuildPath3(szPath, layer->map->mappath, layer->map->shapepath, layer->data);
      decrypted_path = msDecryptStringTokens(layer->map, szPath);

  /* Open the original Dataset */

  if (decrypted_path) {
    clinfo->hOrigDS = GDALOpen(decrypted_path, GA_ReadOnly);
  } else
    clinfo->hOrigDS = NULL;


  if (clinfo->hOrigDS == NULL) {
               "Unable to open GDAL dataset.",
    return MS_FAILURE;
  /* Open the raster source */
  if (msContourLayerReadRaster(layer, layer->map->extent) != MS_SUCCESS)
    return MS_FAILURE;

  /* Generate Contour Dataset */
  if (msContourLayerGenerateContour(layer) != MS_SUCCESS)
    return MS_FAILURE;

  if (clinfo->hDS) {
    clinfo->hDS = NULL;  

  /* Open our virtual ogr layer */
  if (clinfo->hOGRDS && (msLayerOpen(&clinfo->ogrLayer) != MS_SUCCESS))
    return MS_FAILURE;
  return MS_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 6
int KmlRenderer::startNewLayer(imageObj *img, layerObj *layer)
    char *layerName=NULL;
    const char *value=NULL;

    LayerNode = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "Folder");
    layerName = getLayerName(layer);
    xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", BAD_CAST layerName);

    const char *layerVisibility = layer->status != MS_OFF ? "1" : "0";
    xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "visibility", BAD_CAST layerVisibility);

    const char *layerDsiplayFolder = msLookupHashTable(&(layer->metadata), "kml_folder_display");
    if (layerDsiplayFolder == NULL)
      layerDsiplayFolder = msLookupHashTable(&(layer->map->web.metadata), "kml_folder_display");
    if (!layerDsiplayFolder || strlen(layerDsiplayFolder)<=0)
        xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "styleUrl", BAD_CAST "#LayerFolder_check"); 

        if (strcasecmp(layerDsiplayFolder, "checkHideChildren") == 0)
          xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "styleUrl", BAD_CAST "#LayerFolder_checkHideChildren");
        else if (strcasecmp(layerDsiplayFolder, "checkOffOnly") == 0)
          xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "styleUrl", BAD_CAST "#LayerFolder_checkOffOnly");
        else if (strcasecmp(layerDsiplayFolder, "radioFolder") == 0)
          xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "styleUrl", BAD_CAST "#LayerFolder_radioFolder");
          xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "styleUrl", BAD_CAST "#LayerFolder_check");

    /*Init few things on the first layer*/
    if (FirstLayer)
        FirstLayer = MS_FALSE;
        map = layer->map;

        if (layer->map->mappath)
          snprintf(MapPath, sizeof(MapPath), "%s", layer->map->mappath);

        /*First rendered layer - check mapfile projection*/

        /*check for image path and image url*/
        if (layer->map->debug && (layer->map->web.imageurl == NULL ||   layer->map->web.imagepath == NULL))
          msDebug("KmlRenderer::startNewLayer: imagepath and imageurl sould be set in the web object\n");

        /*map rect for ground overlay*/
        MapExtent = layer->map->extent;
        MapCellsize = layer->map->cellsize;
        BgColor = layer->map->imagecolor;

        xmlNewChild(DocNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", BAD_CAST layer->map->name);
        aggFormat = msSelectOutputFormat( layer->map, "png24");
        aggFormat->transparent = MS_TRUE;

    currentLayer = layer;

    if (!msLayerIsOpen(layer))
        if (msLayerOpen(layer) != MS_SUCCESS)
            msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "msLayerOpen failed", "KmlRenderer::startNewLayer" );

    /*pre process the layer to set things that make sense for kml output*/
    if (img)
      processLayer(layer, img->format);
      processLayer(layer, NULL);

    if (msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_description"))
      pszLayerDescMetadata = msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_description");
    else if (msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "ows_description"))
      pszLayerDescMetadata = msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "ows_description");

    value=msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_include_items");
    if (!value)
      value=msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "ows_include_items");
    if (value)
      papszLayerIncludeItems = msStringSplit(value, ',', &nIncludeItems);

    value=msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_exclude_items");
    if (!value)
      value=msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "ows_exclude_items");
    if (value)
      papszLayerExcludeItems = msStringSplit(value, ',', &nExcludeItems);

    if (msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_name_item"))
      pszLayerNameAttributeMetadata = msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_name_item");

    /*get all attributes*/
    msLayerWhichItems(layer, MS_TRUE, NULL);

    NumItems = layer->numitems;
    if (NumItems)
        Items = (char **)msSmallCalloc(NumItems, sizeof(char *));
        for (int i=0; i<NumItems; i++)
          Items[i] = msStrdup(layer->items[i]);

    char* elevationAttribute = msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_elevation_attribute");
    if( elevationAttribute )
        mElevationFromAttribute = true;
        for( int i = 0; i < layer->numitems; ++i )
            if( strcasecmp( layer->items[i], elevationAttribute ) == 0 )
                mElevationAttributeIndex = i;

    return MS_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 7
int msLoadImageSymbol(symbolObj *symbol, const char *filename)
  symbol->full_pixmap_path = msStrdup(filename);
  return MS_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 8
SHPTreeHandle msSHPDiskTreeOpen(struct zzip_dir *zdir, const char * pszTree,
                                int debug)
  char    *pszFullname, *pszBasename;
  SHPTreeHandle psTree;

  char    pabyBuf[16];
  int     i;
  char    bBigEndian;

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*  Establish the byte order on this machine.         */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  i = 1;
  if( *((uchar *) &i) == 1 )
    bBigEndian = MS_FALSE;
    bBigEndian = MS_TRUE;

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*  Initialize the info structure.              */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  psTree = (SHPTreeHandle) msSmallMalloc(sizeof(SHPTreeInfo));

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*  Compute the base (layer) name.  If there is any extension     */
  /*  on the passed in filename we will strip it off.         */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  pszBasename = (char *) msSmallMalloc(strlen(pszTree)+5);
  strcpy( pszBasename, pszTree );
  for( i = strlen(pszBasename)-1;
       i > 0 && pszBasename[i] != '.' && pszBasename[i] != '/'
       && pszBasename[i] != '\\';
       i-- ) {}

  if( pszBasename[i] == '.' )
    pszBasename[i] = '\0';

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*  Open the .shp and .shx files.  Note that files pulled from      */
  /*  a PC to Unix with upper case filenames won't work!        */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  pszFullname = (char *) msSmallMalloc(strlen(pszBasename) + 5);
  sprintf( pszFullname, "%s%s", pszBasename, MS_INDEX_EXTENSION);
  psTree->fp = zzip_open_rb(zdir, pszFullname);

  msFree(pszBasename); /* don't need these any more */

  if( psTree->fp == NULL ) {
    return( NULL );

  zzip_fread( pabyBuf, 8, 1, psTree->fp );

  memcpy( &psTree->signature, pabyBuf, 3 );
  if( strncmp(psTree->signature,"SQT",3) ) {
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*     must check if the 2 first bytes equal 0 of max depth that cannot   */
    /*     be more than 65535. If yes, we must swap all value. The problem    */
    /*     here is if there's no Depth (bytea 5,6,7,8 in the file) all bytes  */
    /*     will be set to 0. So,we will test with the number of shapes (bytes */
    /*     1,2,3,4) that cannot be more than 65535 too.                       */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (debug) {
      msDebug("WARNING in msSHPDiskTreeOpen(): %s is in old index format "
              "which has been deprecated.  It is strongly recommended to "
              "regenerate it in new format.\n", pszTree);
    if((pabyBuf[4] == 0 && pabyBuf[5] == 0 &&
        pabyBuf[6] == 0 && pabyBuf[7] == 0)) {
      psTree->LSB_order = !(pabyBuf[0] == 0 && pabyBuf[1] == 0);
    } else {
      psTree->LSB_order = !(pabyBuf[4] == 0 && pabyBuf[5] == 0);
    psTree->needswap = ((psTree->LSB_order) != (!bBigEndian));

    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*     poor hack to see if this quadtree was created by a computer with a */
    /*     different Endian                                                   */
    /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    psTree->version = 0;
  } else {
    psTree->needswap = (( pabyBuf[3] == MS_NEW_MSB_ORDER ) ^ ( bBigEndian ));

    psTree->LSB_order = ( pabyBuf[3] == MS_NEW_LSB_ORDER );
    memcpy( &psTree->version, pabyBuf+4, 1 );
    memcpy( &psTree->flags, pabyBuf+5, 3 );

    zzip_fread( pabyBuf, 8, 1, psTree->fp );

  if( psTree->needswap ) SwapWord( 4, pabyBuf );
  memcpy( &psTree->nShapes, pabyBuf, 4 );

  if( psTree->needswap ) SwapWord( 4, pabyBuf+4 );
  memcpy( &psTree->nDepth, pabyBuf+4, 4 );

  return( psTree );
Esempio n. 9
SHPTreeHandle msSHPDiskTreeOpen(const TCHAR* pszTree, int debug)
    TCHAR *pszFullname, *pszBasename;
    SHPTreeHandle	psTree;

    char		pabyBuf[16];
    int			i;
    char		bBigEndian;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*	Establish the byte order on this machine.			    */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    i = 1;
    if( *((uchar *) &i) == 1 )
        bBigEndian = MS_FALSE;
        bBigEndian = MS_TRUE;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*	Initialize the info structure.					    */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    psTree = (SHPTreeHandle) malloc(sizeof(SHPTreeInfo));

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*	Compute the base (layer) name.  If there is any extension	    */
    /*	on the passed in filename we will strip it off.			    */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszBasename = (TCHAR *) malloc((_tcslen(pszTree)+5) * sizeof(TCHAR) * 2);
    _tcscpy( pszBasename, pszTree );
    for( i = _tcslen(pszBasename)-1;
            i > 0 && pszBasename[i] != _T('.') && pszBasename[i] != _T('/') && pszBasename[i] != _T('\\');
            i-- ) {}

    if( pszBasename[i] == _T('.') )
        pszBasename[i] = _T('\0');

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*	Open the .shp and .shx files.  Note that files pulled from	    */
    /*	a PC to Unix with upper case filenames won't work!		    */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszFullname = (TCHAR *) malloc((_tcslen(pszBasename) + _tcslen(_T(MS_INDEX_EXTENSION)) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) * 2);
    _stprintf( pszFullname, _T("%s%s"), pszBasename, _T(MS_INDEX_EXTENSION));

    if (FileExists(pszFullname))  // prevent codegurad warnings (open unexisting file for reading)
        psTree->zfp = openzip(pszFullname, "rb" );
        psTree->zfp = NULL;

    msFree(pszBasename); // don't need these any more

    if( psTree->zfp == NULL ) {
        return( NULL );

    zzip_fread( pabyBuf, 8, 1, psTree->zfp );

    memcpy( &psTree->signature, pabyBuf, 3 );
    if( strncmp(psTree->signature,"SQT",3) )
        /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        /*     must check if the 2 first bytes equal 0 of max depth that cannot   */
        /*     be more than 65535. If yes, we must swap all value. The problem    */
        /*     here is if there's no Depth (bytea 5,6,7,8 in the file) all bytes  */
        /*     will be set to 0. So,we will test with the number of shapes (bytes */
        /*     1,2,3,4) that cannot be more than 65535 too.                       */
        /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if (debug)
            msDebug("WARNING in msSHPDiskTreeOpen(): %ls is in old index format "
                    "which has been deprecated.  It is strongly recommended to "
                    "regenerate it in new format.\n", pszTree);
        if((pabyBuf[4] == 0 && pabyBuf[5] == 0 &&
                pabyBuf[6] == 0 && pabyBuf[7] == 0))
            psTree->LSB_order = !(pabyBuf[0] == 0 && pabyBuf[1] == 0);
            psTree->LSB_order = !(pabyBuf[4] == 0 && pabyBuf[5] == 0);
        psTree->needswap = ((psTree->LSB_order) != (!bBigEndian));

        /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        /*     poor hack to see if this quadtree was created by a computer with a */
        /*     different Endian                                                   */
        /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        psTree->version = 0;
        psTree->needswap = (( pabyBuf[3] == MS_NEW_MSB_ORDER ) ^ ( bBigEndian ));

        psTree->LSB_order = ( pabyBuf[3] == MS_NEW_LSB_ORDER );
        memcpy( &psTree->version, pabyBuf+4, 1 );
        memcpy( &psTree->flags, pabyBuf+5, 3 );

        zzip_fread( pabyBuf, 8, 1, psTree->zfp );

    if( psTree->needswap ) SwapWord( 4, pabyBuf );
    memcpy( &psTree->nShapes, pabyBuf, 4 );

    if( psTree->needswap ) SwapWord( 4, pabyBuf+4 );
    memcpy( &psTree->nDepth, pabyBuf+4, 4 );

    return( psTree );
Esempio n. 10
char *FLTGetSpatialComparisonCommonExpression(FilterEncodingNode *psNode, layerObj *lp)
    char *pszExpression = NULL;
    shapeObj *psQueryShape = NULL;
    double dfDistance = -1;
    int nUnit = -1;
    char *pszWktText = NULL;
    char szBuffer[256];
    char *pszTmp=NULL;
    projectionObj sProjTmp;
    char *pszEPSG= NULL;
    rectObj sQueryRect;
    shapeObj *psTmpShape=NULL, *psBufferShape=NULL;
    int bBBoxQuery = 0;
    if (psNode == NULL || lp == NULL)
      return NULL;

    if (psNode->eType != FILTER_NODE_TYPE_SPATIAL)
      return NULL;

    /* get the shape*/
    /*BBOX case: replace it with NOT DISJOINT.*/
        pszEPSG = FLTGetBBOX(psNode, &sQueryRect);
        /*this should be removed and bbox should parse and strore the srs properly, 
          using now legacy code*/
        if (pszEPSG)
          psNode->pszSRS = msStrdup(pszEPSG);
        psTmpShape = (shapeObj *)msSmallMalloc(sizeof(shapeObj));
        msRectToPolygon(sQueryRect, psTmpShape);
        bBBoxQuery = 1;

        /*other geos type operations*/

        /*project shape to layer projection. If the proj is not part of the filter query,
          assume that the cooredinates are in the map projection*/
        psQueryShape = FLTGetShape(psNode, &dfDistance, &nUnit);
        if ((strcasecmp(psNode->pszValue, "DWithin") == 0 ||
             strcasecmp(psNode->pszValue, "Beyond") == 0 ) &&
            dfDistance > 0)
            if (nUnit >=0 && nUnit != lp->map->units)
              dfDistance *= msInchesPerUnit(nUnit,0)/msInchesPerUnit(lp->map->units,0);

            psBufferShape = msGEOSBuffer(psQueryShape, dfDistance);
        if (psBufferShape)
          psTmpShape = psBufferShape;
          psTmpShape = psQueryShape;

    if (psTmpShape)
        if( lp->projection.numargs > 0)
            if (psNode->pszSRS && FTLParseEpsgString(psNode->pszSRS, &sProjTmp))
              msProjectShape(&sProjTmp, &lp->projection, psTmpShape);
            else if (lp->map->projection.numargs > 0)
              msProjectShape(&lp->map->projection, &lp->projection, psTmpShape);
/* ==================================================================== */
/*      use within for bbox. Not Disjoint does not work.                */
/* ==================================================================== */
        if (bBBoxQuery)
          sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", " ([shape] ");
        /* sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", " (NOT ([shape] "); */
          sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", " ([shape] ");

        pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer);

        if (strncasecmp(psNode->pszValue, "intersect", 9) == 0)
          pszTmp = msStrdup("intersects");
          pszTmp = msStrdup(psNode->pszValue);
        if (bBBoxQuery)
          sprintf(szBuffer, " %s ", "intersects");
        /* sprintf(szBuffer, " %s ", "disjoint"); */
           sprintf(szBuffer, " %s ", pszTmp);

        pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer);

        pszWktText = msGEOSShapeToWKT(psTmpShape);
        sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", " fromText('");
        pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer);
        pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, pszWktText);
        sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", "')");
        pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer);
    if (psBufferShape)

    sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", ")");
    pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer);

    if (0) /* bBBoxQuery */
          sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", ")");
          pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer);
    return pszExpression;
Esempio n. 11
char *FLTGetFeatureIdCommonExpression(FilterEncodingNode *psFilterNode, layerObj *lp)
    char *pszExpression = NULL;
    int nTokens = 0, i=0, bString=0;
    char **tokens = NULL;
    const char *pszAttribute=NULL;

#if defined(USE_WMS_SVR) || defined (USE_WFS_SVR) || defined (USE_WCS_SVR) || defined(USE_SOS_SVR)
    if (psFilterNode->pszValue)
        pszAttribute = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "OFG", "featureid");
        if (pszAttribute)
            tokens = msStringSplit(psFilterNode->pszValue,',', &nTokens);
            if (tokens && nTokens > 0)
                for (i=0; i<nTokens; i++)
                    char *pszTmp = NULL;
                    int bufferSize = 0;	

                    if (i == 0)
                        if(FLTIsNumeric(tokens[0]) == MS_FALSE) 
                          bString = 1;
                    if (bString)
                        bufferSize = 11+strlen(tokens[i])+strlen(pszAttribute)+1;
                        pszTmp = (char *)msSmallMalloc(bufferSize);
                        snprintf(pszTmp, bufferSize, "(\"[%s]\" ==\"%s\")" , pszAttribute, tokens[i]);
                        bufferSize = 8+strlen(tokens[i])+strlen(pszAttribute)+1;
                        pszTmp = (char *)msSmallMalloc(bufferSize);
                        snprintf(pszTmp, bufferSize, "([%s] == %s)" , pszAttribute, tokens[i]);

                    if (pszExpression != NULL)
                      pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, " OR ");
                      pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, "(");
                    pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, pszTmp);

                msFreeCharArray(tokens, nTokens);
        /*opening and closing brackets are needed for mapserver expressions*/
        if (pszExpression)
          pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, ")");

    return pszExpression;
Esempio n. 12
char *FLTGetLogicalComparisonCommonExpression(FilterEncodingNode *psFilterNode, layerObj *lp)
    char *pszExpression = NULL;
    char *pszTmp = NULL;
    char szBuffer[256];

    if (!psFilterNode || !FLTIsLogicalFilterType(psFilterNode->pszValue))
      return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      OR and AND                                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (psFilterNode->psLeftNode && psFilterNode->psRightNode)
        pszTmp = FLTGetCommonExpression(psFilterNode->psLeftNode, lp);
        if (!pszTmp)
          return NULL;

        sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", " (");
        pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer);
        pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, pszTmp);
        sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", " ");
        pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer);

        pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, psFilterNode->pszValue);
        sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", " ");

        pszTmp = FLTGetCommonExpression(psFilterNode->psRightNode, lp);
        if (!pszTmp)
          return NULL;

        pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, pszTmp);

        sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", ") ");
        pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      NOT                                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if (psFilterNode->psLeftNode && 
             strcasecmp(psFilterNode->pszValue, "NOT") == 0)
        pszTmp = FLTGetCommonExpression(psFilterNode->psLeftNode, lp);
        if (!pszTmp)
          return NULL;

        sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", " (NOT ");
        pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer);

        pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, pszTmp);

        sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", ") ");
        pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer);

    return pszExpression;
Esempio n. 13
int msWFSGetCapabilities11(mapObj *map, wfsParamsObj *params,
                           cgiRequestObj *req, owsRequestObj *ows_request)
  xmlDocPtr psDoc = NULL;       /* document pointer */
  xmlNodePtr psRootNode, psMainNode, psNode, psFtNode;
  const char *updatesequence=NULL;
  xmlNsPtr psNsOws, psNsXLink, psNsOgc;
  char *schemalocation = NULL;
  char *xsi_schemaLocation = NULL;
  const char *user_namespace_prefix = NULL;
  const char *user_namespace_uri = NULL;
  gmlNamespaceListObj *namespaceList=NULL; /* for external application schema support */

  char *script_url=NULL, *script_url_encoded=NULL, *formats_list;
  const char *value = NULL;
  const char *encoding;

  xmlChar *buffer = NULL;
  int size = 0, i;
  msIOContext *context = NULL;

  int ows_version = OWS_1_0_0;

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Handle updatesequence                                           */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  updatesequence = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(map->web.metadata), "FO", "updatesequence");

  encoding = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(map->web.metadata), "FO", "encoding");

  if (params->pszUpdateSequence != NULL) {
    i = msOWSNegotiateUpdateSequence(params->pszUpdateSequence, updatesequence);
    if (i == 0) { /* current */
      msSetError(MS_WFSERR, "UPDATESEQUENCE parameter (%s) is equal to server (%s)", "msWFSGetCapabilities11()", params->pszUpdateSequence, updatesequence);
      return msWFSException11(map, "updatesequence", "CurrentUpdateSequence", params->pszVersion);
    if (i > 0) { /* invalid */
      msSetError(MS_WFSERR, "UPDATESEQUENCE parameter (%s) is higher than server (%s)", "msWFSGetCapabilities11()", params->pszUpdateSequence, updatesequence);
      return msWFSException11(map, "updatesequence", "InvalidUpdateSequence", params->pszVersion);

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Create document.                                                */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  psDoc = xmlNewDoc(BAD_CAST "1.0");

  psRootNode = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "WFS_Capabilities");

  xmlDocSetRootElement(psDoc, psRootNode);

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Name spaces                                                     */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*default name space*/
  xmlNewProp(psRootNode, BAD_CAST "xmlns", BAD_CAST "");

  xmlSetNs(psRootNode, xmlNewNs(psRootNode, BAD_CAST "", BAD_CAST "gml"));
  xmlSetNs(psRootNode, xmlNewNs(psRootNode, BAD_CAST "", BAD_CAST "wfs"));


  value = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(map->web.metadata), "FO", "namespace_uri");
  if(value) user_namespace_uri = value;

  value = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(map->web.metadata), "FO", "namespace_prefix");
  if(value) user_namespace_prefix = value;
  if(user_namespace_prefix != NULL && msIsXMLTagValid(user_namespace_prefix) == MS_FALSE)
    msIO_printf("<!-- WARNING: The value '%s' is not valid XML namespace. -->\n", user_namespace_prefix);
    xmlNewNs(psRootNode, BAD_CAST user_namespace_uri, BAD_CAST user_namespace_prefix);

  /* any additional namespaces */
  namespaceList = msGMLGetNamespaces(&(map->web), "G");
  for(i=0; i<namespaceList->numnamespaces; i++) {
    if(namespaceList->namespaces[i].uri) {
      xmlNewNs(psRootNode, BAD_CAST namespaceList->namespaces[i].uri, BAD_CAST namespaceList->namespaces[i].prefix);

  xmlNewProp(psRootNode, BAD_CAST "version", BAD_CAST params->pszVersion );

  updatesequence = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(map->web.metadata), "FO", "updatesequence");

  if (updatesequence)
    xmlNewProp(psRootNode, BAD_CAST "updateSequence", BAD_CAST updatesequence);

  schemalocation = msEncodeHTMLEntities( msOWSGetSchemasLocation(map) );
  xsi_schemaLocation = msStrdup("");
  xsi_schemaLocation = msStringConcatenate(xsi_schemaLocation, " ");
  xsi_schemaLocation = msStringConcatenate(xsi_schemaLocation, schemalocation);
  xsi_schemaLocation = msStringConcatenate(xsi_schemaLocation, "/wfs/1.1.0/wfs.xsd");
  xmlNewNsProp(psRootNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "xsi:schemaLocation", BAD_CAST xsi_schemaLocation);

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Service metadata.                                               */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

                          msOWSCommonServiceIdentification(psNsOws, map, "OGC WFS", params->pszVersion, "FO"));

  /*service provider*/
  xmlAddChild(psRootNode, msOWSCommonServiceProvider(
                            psNsOws, psNsXLink, map, "FO"));

  /*operation metadata */
  if ((script_url=msOWSGetOnlineResource(map, "FO", "onlineresource", req)) == NULL
      || (script_url_encoded = msEncodeHTMLEntities(script_url)) == NULL) {
    msSetError(MS_WFSERR, "Server URL not found", "msWFSGetCapabilities11()");
    return msWFSException11(map, "mapserv", "NoApplicableCode", params->pszVersion);

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Operations metadata.                                            */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  psMainNode= xmlAddChild(psRootNode,msOWSCommonOperationsMetadata(psNsOws));

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      GetCapabilities                                                 */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  psNode = xmlAddChild(psMainNode,
                           OWS_METHOD_GETPOST, script_url_encoded));

  xmlAddChild(psMainNode, psNode);
  xmlAddChild(psNode, msOWSCommonOperationsMetadataDomainType(
                ows_version, psNsOws, "Parameter", "service", "WFS"));
  /*accept version*/
  xmlAddChild(psNode, msOWSCommonOperationsMetadataDomainType(ows_version, psNsOws,
              "Parameter", "AcceptVersions",
  xmlAddChild(psNode, msOWSCommonOperationsMetadataDomainType(ows_version, psNsOws,
              "Parameter", "AcceptFormats",

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      DescribeFeatureType                                             */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  if (msOWSRequestIsEnabled(map, NULL, "F", "DescribeFeatureType", MS_TRUE)) {
    psNode = xmlAddChild(psMainNode,
                             OWS_METHOD_GETPOST, script_url_encoded));
    xmlAddChild(psMainNode, psNode);

    /*output format*/
    xmlAddChild(psNode, msOWSCommonOperationsMetadataDomainType(ows_version, psNsOws,
                "Parameter", "outputFormat",
                "XMLSCHEMA,text/xml; subtype=gml/2.1.2,text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1"));

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      GetFeature                                                      */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  if (msOWSRequestIsEnabled(map, NULL, "F", "GetFeature", MS_TRUE)) {

    psNode = xmlAddChild(psMainNode,
                             OWS_METHOD_GETPOST, script_url_encoded));
    xmlAddChild(psMainNode, psNode);

    xmlAddChild(psNode, msOWSCommonOperationsMetadataDomainType(ows_version, psNsOws,
                "Parameter", "resultType",

    formats_list = msWFSGetOutputFormatList( map, NULL, "1.1.0" );
    xmlAddChild(psNode, msOWSCommonOperationsMetadataDomainType(ows_version, psNsOws,
                "Parameter", "outputFormat",
    msFree( formats_list );

    value = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(map->web.metadata), "FO", "maxfeatures");

    if (value) {
      xmlAddChild(psMainNode, msOWSCommonOperationsMetadataDomainType(ows_version, psNsOws,
                  "Constraint", "DefaultMaxFeatures",
                  (char *)value));

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      FeatureTypeList                                                 */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  psFtNode = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "FeatureTypeList");
  xmlAddChild(psRootNode, psFtNode);
  psNode = xmlNewChild(psFtNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "Operations", NULL);
  xmlNewChild(psNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "Operation", BAD_CAST "Query");

  for(i=0; i<map->numlayers; i++) {
    layerObj *lp;
    lp = GET_LAYER(map, i);

    if (!msIntegerInArray(lp->index, ows_request->enabled_layers, ows_request->numlayers))

    /* List only vector layers in which DUMP=TRUE */
    if (msWFSIsLayerSupported(lp))
      xmlAddChild(psFtNode, msWFSDumpLayer11(map, lp, psNsOws));

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Filter capabilities.                                            */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  xmlAddChild(psRootNode, FLTGetCapabilities(psNsOgc, psNsOgc, MS_FALSE));
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Write out the document.                                         */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  if( msIO_needBinaryStdout() == MS_FAILURE )
    return MS_FAILURE;

  if (encoding)
    msIO_setHeader("Content-Type","text/xml; charset=%s", encoding);

  context = msIO_getHandler(stdout);

  xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc(psDoc, &buffer, &size, (encoding ? encoding : "ISO-8859-1"), 1);
  msIO_contextWrite(context, buffer, size);

  /*free buffer and the document */



Esempio n. 14
static xmlNodePtr msWFSDumpLayer11(mapObj *map, layerObj *lp, xmlNsPtr psNsOws)
  rectObj ext;

  xmlNodePtr psRootNode, psNode;
  const char *value    = NULL;
  const char *encoding = NULL;
  char *encoded=NULL;
  char *valueToFree;
  char **tokens;
  int n=0,i=0;

  encoding = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(map->web.metadata), "FO", "encoding");
  if (!encoding)
    encoding = "ISO-8859-1";

  psRootNode = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "FeatureType");

  /* add namespace to layer name */
  value = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(map->web.metadata), "FO", "namespace_prefix");
  if(value) {
    n = strlen(value)+strlen(lp->name)+1+1;
    valueToFree = (char *) msSmallMalloc(sizeof(char*)*n);
    snprintf(valueToFree, n, "%s%s%s", (value ? value : ""), (value ? ":" : ""), lp->name);

    /*if there is an encoding using it on some of the items*/
    psNode = msOWSCommonxmlNewChildEncoded(psRootNode, NULL, "Name", valueToFree, encoding);
  } else {
    psNode = msOWSCommonxmlNewChildEncoded(psRootNode, NULL, "Name", lp->name, encoding);

  if (lp->name && strlen(lp->name) > 0 &&
      (msIsXMLTagValid(lp->name) == MS_FALSE || isdigit(lp->name[0])))
                  xmlNewComment(BAD_CAST "WARNING: The layer name '%s' might contain spaces or "
                                "invalid characters or may start with a number. This could lead to potential problems"));

  value = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "title");
  if (!value)
    value =(const char*)lp->name;

  psNode = msOWSCommonxmlNewChildEncoded(psRootNode, NULL, "Title", value, encoding);

  value = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "abstract");
  if (value)
    psNode = msOWSCommonxmlNewChildEncoded(psRootNode, NULL, "Abstract", value, encoding);

  value = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "keywordlist");

  if (value) {
    if (encoding)
      encoded = msGetEncodedString(value, encoding);
      encoded = msGetEncodedString(value, "ISO-8859-1");

      xmlNewChild(psRootNode, psNsOws, BAD_CAST "Keywords", NULL),
      NULL, "Keyword", encoded, ',' );
  /*support DefaultSRS and OtherSRS*/
  valueToFree = msOWSGetProjURN(&(map->projection),&(map->web.metadata),"FO",MS_FALSE);
  if (!valueToFree)
    valueToFree = msOWSGetProjURN(&(lp->projection), &(lp->metadata), "FO", MS_FALSE);

  if (valueToFree) {
    tokens = msStringSplit(valueToFree, ' ', &n);
    if (tokens && n > 0) {
      psNode = xmlNewChild(psRootNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "DefaultSRS", BAD_CAST tokens[0]);
      for (i=1; i<n; i++)
        psNode = xmlNewChild(psRootNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "OtherSRS", BAD_CAST tokens[i]);

      msFreeCharArray(tokens, n);
  } else
                  xmlNewComment(BAD_CAST "WARNING: Mandatory mapfile parameter: (at least one of) MAP.PROJECTION, LAYER.PROJECTION or wfs/ows_srs metadata was missing in this context."));

  valueToFree = NULL;

  /*TODO: adevertize only gml3?*/
  psNode = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "OutputFormats");
  xmlAddChild(psRootNode, psNode);

    char *formats_list = msWFSGetOutputFormatList( map, lp, "1.1.0" );
    int iformat, n;
    char **tokens;

    n = 0;
    tokens = msStringSplit(formats_list, ',', &n);

    for( iformat = 0; iformat < n; iformat++ )
      xmlNewChild(psNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "Format",
                  BAD_CAST tokens[iformat] );
    msFree( formats_list );
    msFreeCharArray( tokens, n );

  if (msOWSGetLayerExtent(map, lp, "FO", &ext) == MS_SUCCESS) {
    /*convert to latlong*/
    if (lp->projection.numargs > 0) {
      if (!pj_is_latlong(&lp->projection.proj))
        msProjectRect(&lp->projection, NULL, &ext);
    } else if (map->projection.numargs > 0 && !pj_is_latlong(&map->projection.proj))
      msProjectRect(&map->projection, NULL, &ext);

                msOWSCommonWGS84BoundingBox( psNsOws, 2,
                    ext.minx, ext.miny,
                    ext.maxx, ext.maxy));
  } else {
    xmlNewChild(psRootNode, psNsOws, BAD_CAST "WGS84BoundingBox", NULL);
                  xmlNewComment(BAD_CAST "WARNING: Optional WGS84BoundingBox could not be established for this layer.  Consider setting the EXTENT in the LAYER object, or wfs_extent metadata. Also check that your data exists in the DATA statement"));

  value = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "metadataurl_href");

  if (value) {
    psNode = xmlNewChild(psRootNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "MetadataURL", BAD_CAST value);

    value = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "metadataurl_format");

    if (!value)
      value = msStrdup("text/html"); /* default */

    xmlNewProp(psNode, BAD_CAST "format", BAD_CAST value);

    value = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "metadataurl_type");

    if (!value)
      value = msStrdup("FGDC"); /* default */

    xmlNewProp(psNode, BAD_CAST "type", BAD_CAST value);

  return psRootNode;
Esempio n. 15
int KmlRenderer::saveImage(imageObj *, FILE *fp, outputFormatObj *format)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write out the document.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    int bufSize = 0;
    xmlChar *buf = NULL;
    msIOContext *context = NULL;
    int chunkSize = 4096;
#if defined(CPL_ZIP_API_OFFERED)
    int bZip = MS_FALSE;
    if( msIO_needBinaryStdout() == MS_FAILURE )
      return MS_FAILURE;

    xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc(XmlDoc, &buf, &bufSize, "UTF-8", 1);

#if defined(USE_OGR)
    if (format && format->driver && strcasecmp(format->driver, "kmz") == 0)
#if defined(CPL_ZIP_API_OFFERED)
        bZip = MS_TRUE;
        msSetError( MS_MISCERR, "kmz format support unavailable, perhaps you need to upgrade to GDAL/OGR 1.8?",
        return MS_FAILURE;

#if defined(CPL_ZIP_API_OFFERED) 
    if (bZip)
        VSILFILE *fpZip;
        int bytes_read;
        char buffer[1024];
        char *zip_filename =NULL;
        void *hZip=NULL;

        zip_filename = msTmpFile(NULL, NULL, "/vsimem/kmlzip/", "kmz" );
        hZip = CPLCreateZip( zip_filename, NULL );
        CPLCreateFileInZip( hZip, "mapserver.kml", NULL );
        for (int i=0; i<bufSize; i+=chunkSize)
            int size = chunkSize;
            if (i + size > bufSize)
              size = bufSize - i;
            CPLWriteFileInZip( hZip,  buf+i, size);
        CPLCloseFileInZip( hZip );
        CPLCloseZip( hZip );

        context = msIO_getHandler(fp);
        fpZip = VSIFOpenL( zip_filename, "r" );
        while( (bytes_read = VSIFReadL( buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), fpZip )) > 0 )
            if (context)
              msIO_contextWrite(context, buffer, bytes_read);
              msIO_fwrite( buffer, 1, bytes_read, fp );
        VSIFCloseL( fpZip );
        msFree( zip_filename);

    context = msIO_getHandler(fp);

    for (int i=0; i<bufSize; i+=chunkSize)
        int size = chunkSize;
        if (i + size > bufSize)
          size = bufSize - i;

        if (context)
          msIO_contextWrite(context, buf+i, size);
          msIO_fwrite(buf+i, 1, size, fp);


Esempio n. 16
int msWriteTree(treeObj *tree, const TCHAR *filename, int B_order)
    char		signature[3] = "SQT";
    char		version = 1;
    char		reserved[3] = {0,0,0};
    SHPTreeHandle disktree;
    int		i;
    char		mtBigEndian;
    char		pabyBuf[32];
    TCHAR  *pszBasename, *pszFullname;

    disktree = (SHPTreeHandle) malloc(sizeof(SHPTreeInfo));

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*	Compute the base (layer) name.  If there is any extension	    */
    /*	on the passed in filename we will strip it off.			    */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszBasename = (TCHAR *) malloc((_tcslen(filename) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) * 2);
    _tcscpy( pszBasename, filename );
    for( i = _tcslen(pszBasename)-1;
            i > 0 && pszBasename[i] != _T('.') && pszBasename[i] != _T('/') && pszBasename[i] != _T('\\');
            i-- ) {}

    if( pszBasename[i] == _T('.') )
        pszBasename[i] = _T('\0');

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*	Open the .shp and .shx files.  Note that files pulled from	    */
    /*	a PC to Unix with upper case filenames won't work!		    */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszFullname = (TCHAR *) malloc((_tcslen(pszBasename) + _tcslen(_T(MS_INDEX_EXTENSION)) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) * 2);
    _stprintf( pszFullname, _T("%s%s"), pszBasename, _T(MS_INDEX_EXTENSION));
    disktree->fp = _tfopen(pszFullname, _T("wb"));

    msFree(pszBasename); // not needed

    if(!disktree->fp) {
        msSetError(MS_IOERR, NULL, "msWriteTree()");

    // for efficiency, trim the tree

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*	Establish the byte order on this machine.			    */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    i = 1;
    if( *((uchar *) &i) == 1 )
        mtBigEndian = MS_FALSE;
        mtBigEndian = MS_TRUE;

    if( !(mtBigEndian ^ ( B_order == MS_LSB_ORDER || B_order == MS_NEW_LSB_ORDER )) )
        disktree->needswap = 1;
        disktree->needswap = 0;

    if( B_order == MS_NATIVE_ORDER )
        disktree->needswap = 0;

    // write the header
    if ( B_order > 0 ) {
        memcpy( pabyBuf, &signature, 3 );
        memcpy (&disktree->signature, &signature, 3);
        pabyBuf[3] = B_order;

        memcpy( pabyBuf+4, &version, 1);
        memcpy( pabyBuf+5, &reserved, 3);

        memcpy( &disktree->version, &version, 1);
        memcpy( &disktree->flags, &reserved, 3);

        fwrite( pabyBuf, 8, 1, disktree->fp );

    memcpy( pabyBuf, &tree->numshapes, 4 );
    if( disktree->needswap ) SwapWord( 4, pabyBuf );

    memcpy( pabyBuf+4, &tree->maxdepth, 4 );
    if( disktree->needswap ) SwapWord( 4, pabyBuf+4 );

    i = fwrite( pabyBuf, 8, 1, disktree->fp );
    if( !i ) {
        fprintf (stderr, "unable to write to index file ... exiting \n");
        return (MS_FALSE);

    writeTreeNode(disktree, tree->root);

    msSHPDiskTreeClose( disktree );

Esempio n. 17
xmlNodePtr KmlRenderer::createDescriptionNode(shapeObj *shape)
      special characters here

    /*description nodes for vector layers:
      - if kml_description is set, use it
      - if not, dump the attributes */

    if (pszLayerDescMetadata)
        char *pszTmp=NULL;
        char *pszTmpDesc = NULL;
        size_t bufferSize = 0;
        pszTmpDesc = msStrdup(pszLayerDescMetadata);
        for (int i=0; i<currentLayer->numitems; i++)
            bufferSize = strlen(currentLayer->items[i]) + 3;
            pszTmp = (char *)msSmallMalloc(bufferSize);
            snprintf(pszTmp, bufferSize, "%%%s%%",currentLayer->items[i]);
            if (strcasestr(pszTmpDesc, pszTmp))
              pszTmpDesc = msCaseReplaceSubstring(pszTmpDesc,  pszTmp, shape->values[i]);
        xmlNodePtr descriptionNode = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "description");
        xmlNodeAddContent(descriptionNode, BAD_CAST pszTmpDesc);       
        return descriptionNode;
    else if ((papszLayerIncludeItems && nIncludeItems > 0) || 
             (papszLayerExcludeItems && nExcludeItems > 0))
        /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        /*      preffered way is to use the ExtendedData tag (#3728)            */
        /* */
        /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        xmlNodePtr extendedDataNode = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "ExtendedData");
        xmlNodePtr dataNode = NULL; 
        const char*pszAlias=NULL;
        int bIncludeAll = MS_FALSE;

        if(papszLayerIncludeItems && nIncludeItems == 1 &&
           strcasecmp(papszLayerIncludeItems[0], "all") == 0)
          bIncludeAll = MS_TRUE;
        for (int i=0; i<currentLayer->numitems; i++)
            int j=0,k=0;
            /*TODO optimize to calculate this only once per layer*/
            for (j=0; j<nIncludeItems;j++)
                if (strcasecmp(currentLayer->items[i], papszLayerIncludeItems[j]) == 0)
            if (j<nIncludeItems || bIncludeAll)
                if (papszLayerExcludeItems && nExcludeItems > 0)
                    for (k=0; k<nExcludeItems;k++)
                        if (strcasecmp(currentLayer->items[i], papszLayerExcludeItems[k]) == 0)
                if (nExcludeItems == 0 || k == nExcludeItems)
                    dataNode = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "Data");
                    xmlNewProp(dataNode, BAD_CAST "name", BAD_CAST  currentLayer->items[i]);
                    pszAlias = getAliasName(currentLayer, currentLayer->items[i], "GO");
                    if (pszAlias)
                      xmlNewChild(dataNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "displayName", BAD_CAST  pszAlias);
                      xmlNewChild(dataNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "displayName", BAD_CAST  currentLayer->items[i]);
                    if (shape->values[i] && strlen(shape->values[i]))
                      xmlNewChild(dataNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "value", BAD_CAST  shape->values[i]);
                      xmlNewChild(dataNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "value", NULL);
                    xmlAddChild(extendedDataNode, dataNode);

        return extendedDataNode;


    return NULL;
Esempio n. 18
int msSaveImageGDAL( mapObj *map, imageObj *image, char *filename )

  int  bFileIsTemporary = MS_FALSE;
  GDALDatasetH hMemDS, hOutputDS;
  GDALDriverH  hMemDriver, hOutputDriver;
  int          nBands = 1;
  int          iLine;
  GByte       *pabyAlphaLine = NULL;
  char        **papszOptions = NULL;
  outputFormatObj *format = image->format;
  rasterBufferObj rb;
  GDALDataType eDataType = GDT_Byte;
  int bUseXmp = MS_FALSE;


  bUseXmp = msXmpPresent(map);

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Identify the proposed output driver.                            */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  msAcquireLock( TLOCK_GDAL );
  hOutputDriver = GDALGetDriverByName( format->driver+5 );
  if( hOutputDriver == NULL ) {
    msReleaseLock( TLOCK_GDAL );
    msSetError( MS_MISCERR, "Failed to find %s driver.",
                "msSaveImageGDAL()", format->driver+5 );
    return MS_FAILURE;

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      We will need to write the output to a temporary file and        */
  /*      then stream to stdout if no filename is passed.  If the         */
  /*      driver supports virtualio then we hold the temporary file in    */
  /*      memory, otherwise we try to put it in a reasonable temporary    */
  /*      file location.                                                  */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  if( filename == NULL ) {
    const char *pszExtension = format->extension;
    if( pszExtension == NULL )
      pszExtension = "img.tmp";

    if( bUseXmp == MS_FALSE && GDALGetMetadataItem( hOutputDriver, GDAL_DCAP_VIRTUALIO, NULL )
        != NULL ) {
      CleanVSIDir( "/vsimem/msout" );
      filename = msTmpFile(map, NULL, "/vsimem/msout/", pszExtension );

    if( filename == NULL && map != NULL)
      filename = msTmpFile(map, map->mappath,NULL,pszExtension);
    else if( filename == NULL ) {
      filename = msTmpFile(map, NULL, NULL, pszExtension );

    bFileIsTemporary = MS_TRUE;

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Establish the characteristics of our memory, and final          */
  /*      dataset.                                                        */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  if( format->imagemode == MS_IMAGEMODE_RGB ) {
    nBands = 3;
    assert( MS_RENDERER_PLUGIN(format) && format->vtable->supports_pixel_buffer );
  } else if( format->imagemode == MS_IMAGEMODE_RGBA ) {
    pabyAlphaLine = (GByte *) calloc(image->width,1);
    if (pabyAlphaLine == NULL) {
      msReleaseLock( TLOCK_GDAL );
      msSetError( MS_MEMERR, "Out of memory allocating %u bytes.\n", "msSaveImageGDAL()", image->width);
      return MS_FAILURE;
    nBands = 4;
    assert( MS_RENDERER_PLUGIN(format) && format->vtable->supports_pixel_buffer );
  } else if( format->imagemode == MS_IMAGEMODE_INT16 ) {
    nBands = format->bands;
    eDataType = GDT_Int16;
  } else if( format->imagemode == MS_IMAGEMODE_FLOAT32 ) {
    nBands = format->bands;
    eDataType = GDT_Float32;
  } else if( format->imagemode == MS_IMAGEMODE_BYTE ) {
    nBands = format->bands;
    eDataType = GDT_Byte;
  } else {
#ifdef USE_GD
    assert( format->imagemode == MS_IMAGEMODE_PC256
            && format->renderer == MS_RENDER_WITH_GD );
      msReleaseLock( TLOCK_GDAL );
      msSetError( MS_MEMERR, "GD not compiled in. This is a bug.", "msSaveImageGDAL()");
      return MS_FAILURE;


  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Create a memory dataset which we can use as a source for a      */
  /*      CreateCopy().                                                   */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  hMemDriver = GDALGetDriverByName( "MEM" );
  if( hMemDriver == NULL ) {
    msReleaseLock( TLOCK_GDAL );
    msSetError( MS_MISCERR, "Failed to find MEM driver.",
                "msSaveImageGDAL()" );
    return MS_FAILURE;

  hMemDS = GDALCreate( hMemDriver, "msSaveImageGDAL_temp",
                       image->width, image->height, nBands,
                       eDataType, NULL );
  if( hMemDS == NULL ) {
    msReleaseLock( TLOCK_GDAL );
    msSetError( MS_MISCERR, "Failed to create MEM dataset.",
                "msSaveImageGDAL()" );
    return MS_FAILURE;

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Copy the gd image into the memory dataset.                      */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  for( iLine = 0; iLine < image->height; iLine++ ) {
    int iBand;

    for( iBand = 0; iBand < nBands; iBand++ ) {
      GDALRasterBandH hBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hMemDS, iBand+1 );

      if( format->imagemode == MS_IMAGEMODE_INT16 ) {
        GDALRasterIO( hBand, GF_Write, 0, iLine, image->width, 1,
                      image->img.raw_16bit + iLine * image->width
                      + iBand * image->width * image->height,
                      image->width, 1, GDT_Int16, 2, 0 );

      } else if( format->imagemode == MS_IMAGEMODE_FLOAT32 ) {
        GDALRasterIO( hBand, GF_Write, 0, iLine, image->width, 1,
                      image->img.raw_float + iLine * image->width
                      + iBand * image->width * image->height,
                      image->width, 1, GDT_Float32, 4, 0 );
      } else if( format->imagemode == MS_IMAGEMODE_BYTE ) {
        GDALRasterIO( hBand, GF_Write, 0, iLine, image->width, 1,
                      image->img.raw_byte + iLine * image->width
                      + iBand * image->width * image->height,
                      image->width, 1, GDT_Byte, 1, 0 );
#ifdef USE_GD
      else if(format->renderer == MS_RENDER_WITH_GD) {
        gdImagePtr img = (gdImagePtr)image->img.plugin;
        GDALRasterIO( hBand, GF_Write, 0, iLine, image->width, 1,
                      image->width, 1, GDT_Byte, 0, 0 );
      else {
        GByte *pabyData;
        unsigned char *pixptr = NULL;
        assert( rb.type == MS_BUFFER_BYTE_RGBA );
        switch(iBand) {
          case 0:
            pixptr =;
          case 1:
            pixptr =;
          case 2:
            pixptr =;
          case 3:
            pixptr =;
        if( pixptr == NULL ) {
          msReleaseLock( TLOCK_GDAL );
          msSetError( MS_MISCERR, "Missing RGB or A buffer.\n",
                      "msSaveImageGDAL()" );
          return MS_FAILURE;

        pabyData = (GByte *)(pixptr + iLine*;

        if( == NULL || iBand == 3 ) {
          GDALRasterIO( hBand, GF_Write, 0, iLine, image->width, 1,
                        pabyData, image->width, 1, GDT_Byte,
              , 0 );
        } else { /* We need to un-pre-multiple RGB by alpha. */
          GByte *pabyUPM = (GByte*) malloc(image->width);
          GByte *pabyAlpha= (GByte *)( + iLine*;
          int i;

          for( i = 0; i < image->width; i++ ) {
            int alpha = pabyAlpha[i*];

            if( alpha == 0 )
              pabyUPM[i] = 0;
            else {
              int result = (pabyData[i*] * 255) / alpha;

              if( result > 255 )
                result = 255;

              pabyUPM[i] = result;

          GDALRasterIO( hBand, GF_Write, 0, iLine, image->width, 1,
                        pabyUPM, image->width, 1, GDT_Byte, 1, 0 );
          free( pabyUPM );

  if( pabyAlphaLine != NULL )
    free( pabyAlphaLine );

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Attach the palette if appropriate.                              */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifdef USE_GD
  if( format->renderer == MS_RENDER_WITH_GD ) {
    GDALColorEntry sEntry;
    int  iColor;
    GDALColorTableH hCT;
    gdImagePtr img = (gdImagePtr)image->img.plugin;
    hCT = GDALCreateColorTable( GPI_RGB );

    for( iColor = 0; iColor < img->colorsTotal; iColor++ ) {
      sEntry.c1 = img->red[iColor];
      sEntry.c2 = img->green[iColor];
      sEntry.c3 = img->blue[iColor];

      if( iColor == gdImageGetTransparent( img ) )
        sEntry.c4 = 0;
      else if( iColor == 0
               && gdImageGetTransparent( img ) == -1
               && format->transparent )
        sEntry.c4 = 0;
        sEntry.c4 = 255;

      GDALSetColorEntry( hCT, iColor, &sEntry );

    GDALSetRasterColorTable( GDALGetRasterBand( hMemDS, 1 ), hCT );

    GDALDestroyColorTable( hCT );
  } else
    if( format->imagemode == MS_IMAGEMODE_RGB ) {
        GDALGetRasterBand( hMemDS, 1 ), GCI_RedBand );
        GDALGetRasterBand( hMemDS, 2 ), GCI_GreenBand );
        GDALGetRasterBand( hMemDS, 3 ), GCI_BlueBand );
    } else if( format->imagemode == MS_IMAGEMODE_RGBA ) {
        GDALGetRasterBand( hMemDS, 1 ), GCI_RedBand );
        GDALGetRasterBand( hMemDS, 2 ), GCI_GreenBand );
        GDALGetRasterBand( hMemDS, 3 ), GCI_BlueBand );
        GDALGetRasterBand( hMemDS, 4 ), GCI_AlphaBand );

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Assign the projection and coordinate system to the memory       */
  /*      dataset.                                                        */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  if( map != NULL ) {
    char *pszWKT;

    GDALSetGeoTransform( hMemDS, map->gt.geotransform );

    pszWKT = msProjectionObj2OGCWKT( &(map->projection) );
    if( pszWKT != NULL ) {
      GDALSetProjection( hMemDS, pszWKT );
      msFree( pszWKT );

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Possibly assign a nodata value.                                 */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  if( msGetOutputFormatOption(format,"NULLVALUE",NULL) != NULL ) {
    int iBand;
    const char *nullvalue = msGetOutputFormatOption(format,

    for( iBand = 0; iBand < nBands; iBand++ ) {
      GDALRasterBandH hBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hMemDS, iBand+1 );
      GDALSetRasterNoDataValue( hBand, atof(nullvalue) );

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*  Try to save resolution in the output file.                          */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  if( image->resolution > 0 ) {
    char res[30];

    sprintf( res, "%lf", image->resolution );
    GDALSetMetadataItem( hMemDS, "TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION", res, NULL );
    GDALSetMetadataItem( hMemDS, "TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION", res, NULL );
    GDALSetMetadataItem( hMemDS, "TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT", "2", NULL );

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Create a disk image in the selected output format from the      */
  /*      memory image.                                                   */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  papszOptions = (char**)calloc(sizeof(char *),(format->numformatoptions+1));
  if (papszOptions == NULL) {
    msReleaseLock( TLOCK_GDAL );
    msSetError( MS_MEMERR, "Out of memory allocating %u bytes.\n", "msSaveImageGDAL()",
                (unsigned int)(sizeof(char *)*(format->numformatoptions+1)));
    return MS_FAILURE;

  memcpy( papszOptions, format->formatoptions,
          sizeof(char *) * format->numformatoptions );

  hOutputDS = GDALCreateCopy( hOutputDriver, filename, hMemDS, FALSE,
                              papszOptions, NULL, NULL );

  free( papszOptions );

  if( hOutputDS == NULL ) {
    GDALClose( hMemDS );
    msReleaseLock( TLOCK_GDAL );
    msSetError( MS_MISCERR, "Failed to create output %s file.\n%s",
                "msSaveImageGDAL()", format->driver+5,
                CPLGetLastErrorMsg() );
    return MS_FAILURE;

  /* closing the memory DS also frees all associated resources. */
  GDALClose( hMemDS );

  GDALClose( hOutputDS );
  msReleaseLock( TLOCK_GDAL );

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Are we writing license info into the image?                     */
  /*      If so, add it to the temp file on disk now.                     */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  if ( bUseXmp == MS_TRUE ) {
    if( msXmpWrite(map, filename) == MS_FAILURE ) {
      /* Something bad happened. */
      msSetError( MS_MISCERR, "XMP write to %s failed.\n%s",
                  "msSaveImageGDAL()", filename);
      return MS_FAILURE;

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Is this supposed to be a temporary file?  If so, stream to      */
  /*      stdout and delete the file.                                     */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  if( bFileIsTemporary ) {
    FILE *fp;
    unsigned char block[4000];
    int bytes_read;

    if( msIO_needBinaryStdout() == MS_FAILURE )
      return MS_FAILURE;

    /* We aren't sure how far back GDAL exports the VSI*L API, so
       we only use it if we suspect we need it.  But we do need it if
       holding temporary file in memory. */
    fp = VSIFOpenL( filename, "rb" );
    if( fp == NULL ) {
      msSetError( MS_MISCERR,
                  "Failed to open %s for streaming to stdout.",
                  "msSaveImageGDAL()", filename );
      return MS_FAILURE;

    while( (bytes_read = VSIFReadL(block, 1, sizeof(block), fp)) > 0 )
      msIO_fwrite( block, 1, bytes_read, stdout );

    VSIFCloseL( fp );

    VSIUnlink( filename );
    CleanVSIDir( "/vsimem/msout" );

    free( filename );

  return MS_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 19
char* KmlRenderer::lookupPlacemarkStyle()
  char  lineHexColor[32];
  char  polygonHexColor[32];
  char  labelHexColor[32];
  char        *styleName=NULL;

  styleName = msStringConcatenate(styleName, "style");

  if (SymbologyFlag[Line]) {
      <LineStyle id="ID">
      <!-- inherited from ColorStyle -->
      <color>ffffffff</color>            <!-- kml:color -->
      <colorMode>normal</colorMode>      <!-- colorModeEnum: normal or random -->

      <!-- specific to LineStyle -->
      <width>1</width>                   <!-- float -->

    for (int i=0; i<numLineStyle; i++) {
      if (currentLayer && currentLayer->opacity > 0 && currentLayer->opacity < 100 &&
          LineStyle[i].color->alpha == 255)
        LineStyle[i].color->alpha = MS_NINT(currentLayer->opacity*2.55);

      sprintf(lineHexColor,"%02x%02x%02x%02x", LineStyle[i].color->alpha, LineStyle[0].color->blue,
              LineStyle[i].color->green, LineStyle[i].color->red);

      char lineStyleName[32];
      sprintf(lineStyleName, "_line_%s_w%.1f", lineHexColor, LineStyle[i].width);
      styleName = msStringConcatenate(styleName, lineStyleName);

  if (SymbologyFlag[Polygon]) {
      <PolyStyle id="ID">
      <!-- inherited from ColorStyle -->
      <color>ffffffff</color>            <!-- kml:color -->
      <colorMode>normal</colorMode>      <!-- kml:colorModeEnum: normal or random -->

      <!-- specific to PolyStyle -->
      <fill>1</fill>                     <!-- boolean -->
      <outline>1</outline>               <!-- boolean -->

    if (currentLayer && currentLayer->opacity > 0 && currentLayer->opacity < 100 &&
        PolygonColor.alpha == 255)
      PolygonColor.alpha = MS_NINT(currentLayer->opacity*2.55);
    sprintf(polygonHexColor,"%02x%02x%02x%02x", PolygonColor.alpha,,,;

    char polygonStyleName[64];
    sprintf(polygonStyleName, "_polygon_%s", polygonHexColor);
    styleName = msStringConcatenate(styleName, polygonStyleName);

  if (SymbologyFlag[Label]) {
      <LabelStyle id="ID">
      <!-- inherited from ColorStyle -->
      <color>ffffffff</color>            <!-- kml:color -->
      <colorMode>normal</colorMode>      <!-- kml:colorModeEnum: normal or random -->

      <!-- specific to LabelStyle -->
      <scale>1</scale>                   <!-- float -->

    if (currentLayer && currentLayer->opacity > 0 && currentLayer->opacity < 100 &&
        LabelStyle.color->alpha == 255)
      LabelStyle.color->alpha = MS_NINT(currentLayer->opacity*2.55);
    sprintf(labelHexColor,"%02x%02x%02x%02x", LabelStyle.color->alpha, LabelStyle.color->blue, LabelStyle.color->green, LabelStyle.color->red);

    // __TODO__ add label scale

    char labelStyleName[64];
    sprintf(labelStyleName, "_label_%s", labelHexColor);
    styleName = msStringConcatenate(styleName, labelStyleName);

  if (SymbologyFlag[Symbol]) {
    <Style id="randomColorIcon">

    /* __TODO__ add label scale */

    styleName = msStringConcatenate(styleName, "_");
    styleName = msStringConcatenate(styleName, SymbolName);

  char *styleUrl = msLookupHashTable(StyleHashTable, styleName);
  if (!styleUrl) {
    char *styleValue=NULL;
    styleValue = msStringConcatenate(styleValue, "#");
    styleValue = msStringConcatenate(styleValue, styleName);
    hashObj *hash = msInsertHashTable(StyleHashTable, styleName, styleValue);
    styleUrl = hash->data;

    /* Insert new Style node into Document node*/
    xmlNodePtr styleNode = xmlNewChild(DocNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "Style", NULL);
    xmlNewProp(styleNode, BAD_CAST "id", BAD_CAST styleName);

    if (SymbologyFlag[Polygon]) {
      xmlNodePtr polyStyleNode = xmlNewChild(styleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "PolyStyle", NULL);
      xmlNewChild(polyStyleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "color", BAD_CAST polygonHexColor);

    if (SymbologyFlag[Line]) {
      for (int i=0; i<numLineStyle; i++) {
        xmlNodePtr lineStyleNode = xmlNewChild(styleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "LineStyle", NULL);
        sprintf(lineHexColor,"%02x%02x%02x%02x", LineStyle[i].color->alpha, LineStyle[i].color->blue,
                LineStyle[i].color->green, LineStyle[i].color->red);
        xmlNewChild(lineStyleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "color", BAD_CAST lineHexColor);

        char width[16];
        sprintf(width, "%.1f", LineStyle[i].width);
        xmlNewChild(lineStyleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "width", BAD_CAST width);

    if (SymbologyFlag[Symbol]) {
      xmlNodePtr iconStyleNode = xmlNewChild(styleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "IconStyle", NULL);

      xmlNodePtr iconNode = xmlNewChild(iconStyleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "Icon", NULL);
      xmlNewChild(iconNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "href", BAD_CAST SymbolUrl);

      /*char scale[16];
        sprintf(scale, "%.1f", style->scale);
        xmlNewChild(iconStyleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "scale", BAD_CAST scale);*/
    } else {
      const char *value=msLookupHashTable(&currentLayer->metadata, "kml_default_symbol_href");
      if (value && strlen(value) > 0) {
        xmlNodePtr iconStyleNode = xmlNewChild(styleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "IconStyle", NULL);

        xmlNodePtr iconNode = xmlNewChild(iconStyleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "Icon", NULL);
        xmlNewChild(iconNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "href", BAD_CAST value);

    if (SymbologyFlag[Label]) {
      xmlNodePtr labelStyleNode = xmlNewChild(styleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "LabelStyle", NULL);
      xmlNewChild(labelStyleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "color", BAD_CAST labelHexColor);

      /*char scale[16];
        sprintf(scale, "%.1f", style->scale);
        xmlNewChild(iconStyleNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "scale", BAD_CAST scale);*/

  if (styleName)

  return styleUrl;
Esempio n. 20
 *                          msBuildWFSLayerGetURL()
 * Build a WFS GetFeature URL for a Get Request.  
 * Returns a reference to a newly allocated string that should be freed 
 * by the caller.
static char *msBuildWFSLayerGetURL(mapObj *map, layerObj *lp, rectObj *bbox,
                                   wfsParamsObj *psParams) 
    char *pszURL = NULL, *pszOnlineResource=NULL;
    const char *pszTmp; 
    char *pszVersion, *pszService, *pszTypename = NULL;
    int bVersionInConnection = 0, bServiceInConnection = 0;
    int bTypenameInConnection = 0;
    size_t bufferSize = 0;

    if (lp->connectiontype != MS_WFS || lp->connection == NULL)
        msSetError(MS_WFSCONNERR, "Call supported only for CONNECTIONTYPE WFS",
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Find out request version. Look first for the wfs_version        */
/*      metedata. If not available try to find out if the CONNECTION    */
/*      string contains the version. This last test is done for         */
/*      backward compatiblity but is depericated.                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszVersion = psParams->pszVersion;
    if (!pszVersion)
      if ((pszTmp = strstr(lp->connection, "VERSION=")) == NULL &&
          (pszTmp = strstr(lp->connection, "version=")) == NULL )
        msSetError(MS_WFSCONNERR, "Metadata wfs_version must be set in the layer", "msBuildWFSLayerGetURL()");
        return NULL;
      pszVersion = strchr(pszTmp, '=')+1;
      bVersionInConnection = 1;
    if (strncmp(pszVersion, "0.0.14", 6) != 0 &&
        strncmp(pszVersion, "1.0.0", 5) != 0 &&
         strncmp(pszVersion, "1.1", 3) != 0)
        msSetError(MS_WFSCONNERR, "MapServer supports only WFS 1.0.0 or 0.0.14 (please verify the version metadata wfs_version).", "msBuildWFSLayerGetURL()");
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Find out the service. It is always set to WFS in function       */
/*      msBuildRequestParms  (check Bug 1302 for details).              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszService = psParams->pszService;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Find out the typename. Look first for the wfs_tyename           */
/*      metadata. If not available try to find out if the CONNECTION    */
/*      string contains it. This last test is done for                  */
/*      backward compatiblity but is depericated.                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszTypename = psParams->pszTypeName;
    if (!pszTypename)
      if ((pszTmp = strstr(lp->connection, "TYPENAME=")) == NULL &&
          (pszTmp = strstr(lp->connection, "typename=")) == NULL )
        msSetError(MS_WFSCONNERR, "Metadata wfs_typename must be set in the layer", "msBuildWFSLayerGetURL()");
        return NULL;
      bTypenameInConnection = 1;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 * Build the request URL.
 * At this point we set only the following parameters for GetFeature:
 *   BBOX
 * For backward compatiblity the user could also have in the connection
 * string the following parameters (but it is depricated):
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Make sure we have a big enough buffer for the URL */
    bufferSize = strlen(lp->connection)+1024;
    pszURL = (char *)malloc(bufferSize);
    MS_CHECK_ALLOC(pszURL, bufferSize, NULL);

    /* __TODO__ We have to urlencode each value... especially the BBOX values */
    /* because if they end up in exponent format (123e+06) the + will be seen */
    /* as a space by the remote server. */

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      build the URL,                                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* make sure connection ends with "&" or "?" */
    pszOnlineResource = msOWSTerminateOnlineResource(lp->connection);
    snprintf(pszURL, bufferSize, "%s", pszOnlineResource);

    /* REQUEST */
    snprintf(pszURL + strlen(pszURL), bufferSize-strlen(pszURL),  "&REQUEST=GetFeature");

    /* VERSION */
    if (!bVersionInConnection)
      snprintf(pszURL + strlen(pszURL), bufferSize-strlen(pszURL),  "&VERSION=%s", pszVersion);
    /* SERVICE */
    if (!bServiceInConnection)
        snprintf(pszURL + strlen(pszURL), bufferSize-strlen(pszURL),  "&SERVICE=%s", pszService);

    /* TYPENAME */
    if (!bTypenameInConnection)
      snprintf(pszURL + strlen(pszURL), bufferSize-strlen(pszURL),  "&TYPENAME=%s", pszTypename);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If the filter parameter is given in the wfs_filter metadata,    */
/*      we use it and do not send the BBOX paramter as they are         */
/*      mutually exclusive.                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (psParams->pszFilter)
        snprintf(pszURL + strlen(pszURL), bufferSize-strlen(pszURL), "&FILTER=%s",
      snprintf(pszURL + strlen(pszURL), bufferSize-strlen(pszURL), 
               bbox->minx, bbox->miny, bbox->maxx, bbox->maxy);
    if (psParams->nMaxFeatures > 0)
      snprintf(pszURL + strlen(pszURL), bufferSize-strlen(pszURL),
               "&MAXFEATURES=%d", psParams->nMaxFeatures);

    return pszURL;
