int KmlRenderer::checkProjection(mapObj *map) { projectionObj *projection= &map->projection; #ifdef USE_PROJ if (projection && projection->numargs > 0 && pj_is_latlong(projection->proj)) { return MS_SUCCESS; } else { char epsg_string[100]; rectObj sRect; projectionObj out; /* for layer the do not have any projection set, set them with the current map projection*/ if (projection && projection->numargs > 0) { layerObj *lp = NULL; int i =0; char *pszMapProjectString = msGetProjectionString(projection); if (pszMapProjectString) { for(i=0; i<map->numlayers; i++) { lp = GET_LAYER(map, i); if (lp->projection.numargs == 0 && lp->transform == MS_TRUE) { msFreeProjection(&lp->projection); msLoadProjectionString(&lp->projection, pszMapProjectString); } } msFree(pszMapProjectString); } } strcpy(epsg_string, "epsg:4326" ); msInitProjection(&out); msLoadProjectionString(&out, epsg_string); sRect = map->extent; msProjectRect(projection, &out, &sRect); msFreeProjection(projection); msLoadProjectionString(projection, epsg_string); /*change also units and extents*/ map->extent = sRect; map->units = MS_DD; if (map->debug) msDebug("KmlRenderer::checkProjection: Mapfile projection set to epsg:4326\n"); return MS_SUCCESS; } #else msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "Projection support not enabled", "KmlRenderer::checkProjection" ); return MS_FAILURE; #endif }
static int FTLParseEpsgString(char *pszEpsg, projectionObj *psProj) { int nStatus = MS_FALSE; int nTokens = 0; char **tokens = NULL; int nEpsgTmp=0; #ifdef USE_PROJ if (pszEpsg && psProj) { nTokens = 0; tokens = msStringSplit(pszEpsg,'#', &nTokens); if (tokens && nTokens == 2) { char szTmp[32]; sprintf(szTmp, "init=epsg:%s",tokens[1]); msInitProjection(psProj); if (msLoadProjectionString(psProj, szTmp) == 0) nStatus = MS_TRUE; } else if (tokens && nTokens == 1) { if (tokens) msFreeCharArray(tokens, nTokens); nTokens = 0; tokens = msStringSplit(pszEpsg,':', &nTokens); nEpsgTmp = -1; if (tokens && nTokens == 1) { nEpsgTmp = atoi(tokens[0]); } else if (tokens && nTokens == 2) { nEpsgTmp = atoi(tokens[1]); } if (nEpsgTmp > 0) { char szTmp[32]; sprintf(szTmp, "init=epsg:%d",nEpsgTmp); msInitProjection(psProj); if (msLoadProjectionString(psProj, szTmp) == 0) nStatus = MS_TRUE; } } if (tokens) msFreeCharArray(tokens, nTokens); } #endif return nStatus; }
void MSMap::PropertySetter (Local<String> property, Local<Value> value, const AccessorInfo& info) { MSMap *map = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<MSMap>(info.Holder()); v8::String::AsciiValue n(property); if (strcmp(*n, "width") == 0) { map->this_->width = value->Int32Value(); } else if (strcmp(*n, "height") == 0) { map->this_->height = value->Int32Value(); } else if (strcmp(*n, "maxsize") == 0) { map->this_->maxsize = value->Int32Value(); } else if (strcmp(*n, "units") == 0) { int32_t units = value->Int32Value(); if (units >= MS_INCHES && units <= MS_NAUTICALMILES) { map->this_->units = (MS_UNITS) units; } } else if (strcmp(*n, "resolution") == 0) { map->this_->resolution = value->NumberValue(); } else if (strcmp(*n, "defresolution") == 0) { map->this_->defresolution = value->NumberValue(); } else if (strcmp(*n, "name") == 0) { REPLACE_STRING(map->this_->name, value); } else if (strcmp(*n, "imagetype") == 0) { REPLACE_STRING(map->this_->imagetype, value); } else if (strcmp(*n, "shapepath") == 0) { REPLACE_STRING(map->this_->shapepath, value); } else if (strcmp(*n, "projection") == 0) { v8::String::AsciiValue _v_(value->ToString()); msLoadProjectionString(&(map->this_->projection), *_v_); } else if (strcmp(*n, "mappath") == 0) { REPLACE_STRING(map->this_->mappath, value); } }
xmlNodePtr msOWSCommonBoundingBox(xmlNsPtr psNsOws, const char *crs, int dimensions, double minx, double miny, double maxx, double maxy) { char LowerCorner[100]; char UpperCorner[100]; char dim_string[100]; xmlNodePtr psRootNode = NULL; /* Do we need to reorient tuple axes? */ if(crs && strstr(crs, "imageCRS") == NULL) { projectionObj proj; msInitProjection( &proj ); if( msLoadProjectionString( &proj, (char *) crs ) == 0 ) { msAxisNormalizePoints( &proj, 1, &minx, &miny ); msAxisNormalizePoints( &proj, 1, &maxx, &maxy ); } msFreeProjection( &proj ); } if (_validateNamespace(psNsOws) == MS_FAILURE) psNsOws = xmlNewNs(psRootNode, BAD_CAST MS_OWSCOMMON_OWS_NAMESPACE_URI, BAD_CAST MS_OWSCOMMON_OWS_NAMESPACE_PREFIX); /* create element name */ psRootNode = xmlNewNode(psNsOws, BAD_CAST "BoundingBox"); /* add attributes to the root element */ xmlNewProp(psRootNode, BAD_CAST "crs", BAD_CAST crs); snprintf( dim_string, sizeof(dim_string), "%d", dimensions ); xmlNewProp(psRootNode, BAD_CAST "dimensions", BAD_CAST dim_string); snprintf(LowerCorner, sizeof(LowerCorner), "%.15g %.15g", minx, miny); snprintf(UpperCorner, sizeof(UpperCorner), "%.15g %.15g", maxx, maxy); /* add child elements */ xmlNewChild(psRootNode, psNsOws,BAD_CAST "LowerCorner",BAD_CAST LowerCorner); xmlNewChild(psRootNode, psNsOws,BAD_CAST "UpperCorner",BAD_CAST UpperCorner); return psRootNode; }
int mapObj_setProjection(mapObj* self, char *string) { return(msLoadProjectionString(&(self->projection), string)); }
char *FLTGetSpatialComparisonCommonExpression(FilterEncodingNode *psNode, layerObj *lp) { char *pszExpression = NULL; shapeObj *psQueryShape = NULL; double dfDistance = -1; int nUnit = -1, nLayerUnit = -1; char *pszWktText = NULL; char szBuffer[256]; char *pszTmp=NULL; projectionObj sProjTmp; rectObj sQueryRect; shapeObj *psTmpShape=NULL; int bBBoxQuery = 0; int bAlreadyReprojected = 0; if (psNode == NULL || lp == NULL) return NULL; if (psNode->eType != FILTER_NODE_TYPE_SPATIAL) return NULL; /* get the shape */ if (FLTIsBBoxFilter(psNode)) { char szPolygon[512]; FLTGetBBOX(psNode, &sQueryRect); snprintf(szPolygon, sizeof(szPolygon), "POLYGON((%.18f %.18f,%.18f %.18f,%.18f %.18f,%.18f %.18f,%.18f %.18f))", sQueryRect.minx, sQueryRect.miny, sQueryRect.minx, sQueryRect.maxy, sQueryRect.maxx, sQueryRect.maxy, sQueryRect.maxx, sQueryRect.miny, sQueryRect.minx, sQueryRect.miny); psTmpShape = msShapeFromWKT(szPolygon); /* ** This is a horrible hack to deal with world-extent requests and ** reprojection. msProjectRect() detects if reprojection from longlat to ** projected SRS, and in that case it transforms the bbox to -1e-15,-1e-15,1e15,1e15 ** to ensure that all features are returned. ** ** Make wfs_200_cite_filter_bbox_world.xml and wfs_200_cite_postgis_bbox_world.xml pass */ if (fabs(sQueryRect.minx - -180.0) < 1e-5 && fabs(sQueryRect.miny - -90.0) < 1e-5 && fabs(sQueryRect.maxx - 180.0) < 1e-5 && fabs(sQueryRect.maxy - 90.0) < 1e-5) { if (lp->projection.numargs > 0) { if (psNode->pszSRS) msInitProjection(&sProjTmp); if (psNode->pszSRS) { /* Use the non EPSG variant since axis swapping is done in FLTDoAxisSwappingIfNecessary */ if (msLoadProjectionString(&sProjTmp, psNode->pszSRS) == 0) { msProjectRect(&sProjTmp, &lp->projection, &sQueryRect); } } else if (lp->map->projection.numargs > 0) msProjectRect(&lp->map->projection, &lp->projection, &sQueryRect); if (psNode->pszSRS) msFreeProjection(&sProjTmp); } if (sQueryRect.minx <= -1e14) { msFreeShape(psTmpShape); msFree(psTmpShape); psTmpShape = (shapeObj*) msSmallMalloc(sizeof(shapeObj)); msInitShape(psTmpShape); msRectToPolygon(sQueryRect, psTmpShape); bAlreadyReprojected = 1; } } bBBoxQuery = 1; } else { /* other geos type operations */ /* project shape to layer projection. If the proj is not part of the filter query, assume that the cooredinates are in the map projection */ psQueryShape = FLTGetShape(psNode, &dfDistance, &nUnit); if ((strcasecmp(psNode->pszValue, "DWithin") == 0 || strcasecmp(psNode->pszValue, "Beyond") == 0 ) && dfDistance > 0) { nLayerUnit = lp->units; if(nLayerUnit == -1) nLayerUnit = GetMapserverUnitUsingProj(&lp->projection); if(nLayerUnit == -1) nLayerUnit = lp->map->units; if(nLayerUnit == -1) nLayerUnit = GetMapserverUnitUsingProj(&lp->map->projection); if (nUnit >= 0 && nUnit != nLayerUnit) dfDistance *= msInchesPerUnit(nUnit,0)/msInchesPerUnit(nLayerUnit,0); /* target is layer units */ } psTmpShape = psQueryShape; } if (psTmpShape) { /* ** target is layer projection */ if (!bAlreadyReprojected && lp->projection.numargs > 0) { if (psNode->pszSRS) msInitProjection(&sProjTmp); if (psNode->pszSRS) { /* Use the non EPSG variant since axis swapping is done in FLTDoAxisSwappingIfNecessary */ if (msLoadProjectionString(&sProjTmp, psNode->pszSRS) == 0) { msProjectShape(&sProjTmp, &lp->projection, psTmpShape); } } else if (lp->map->projection.numargs > 0) msProjectShape(&lp->map->projection, &lp->projection, psTmpShape); if (psNode->pszSRS) msFreeProjection(&sProjTmp); } /* function name */ if (bBBoxQuery) { sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", "intersects"); } else { if (strncasecmp(psNode->pszValue, "intersect", 9) == 0) sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", "intersects"); else { pszTmp = msStrdup(psNode->pszValue); msStringToLower(pszTmp); sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", pszTmp); msFree(pszTmp); } } pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer); pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, "("); /* geometry binding */ sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", "[shape]"); pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer); pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, ","); /* filter geometry */ pszWktText = msGEOSShapeToWKT(psTmpShape); sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", "fromText('"); pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer); pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, pszWktText); sprintf(szBuffer, "%s", "')"); pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer); msGEOSFreeWKT(pszWktText); /* (optional) beyond/dwithin distance, always 0.0 since we apply the distance as a buffer earlier */ if ((strcasecmp(psNode->pszValue, "DWithin") == 0 || strcasecmp(psNode->pszValue, "Beyond") == 0)) { // pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, ",0.0"); sprintf(szBuffer, ",%g", dfDistance); pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, szBuffer); } /* terminate the function */ pszExpression = msStringConcatenate(pszExpression, ") = TRUE"); } /* ** Cleanup */ if (bBBoxQuery) { msFreeShape(psTmpShape); msFree(psTmpShape); } return pszExpression; }
static wfsParamsObj *msBuildRequestParams(mapObj *map, layerObj *lp, rectObj *bbox_ret) { wfsParamsObj *psParams = NULL; rectObj bbox; const char *pszTmp; int nLength, i = 0; char *pszVersion, *pszTypeName; if (!map || !lp || !bbox_ret) return NULL; if (lp->connection == NULL) return NULL; psParams = msWFSCreateParamsObj(); pszTmp = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "version"); if (pszTmp) psParams->pszVersion = msStrdup(pszTmp); else { pszTmp = strstr(lp->connection, "VERSION="); if (!pszTmp) pszTmp = strstr(lp->connection, "version="); if (pszTmp) { pszVersion = strchr(pszTmp, '=')+1; if (strncmp(pszVersion, "0.0.14", 6) == 0) psParams->pszVersion = msStrdup("0.0.14"); else if (strncmp(pszVersion, "1.0.0", 5) == 0) psParams->pszVersion = msStrdup("1.0.0"); } } /*the service is always set to WFS : see bug 1302 */ psParams->pszService = msStrdup("WFS"); /* pszTmp = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "service"); if (pszTmp) psParams->pszService = msStrdup(pszTmp); else { pszTmp = strstr(lp->connection, "SERVICE="); if (!pszTmp) pszTmp = strstr(lp->connection, "service="); if (pszTmp) { pszService = strchr(pszTmp, '=')+1; if (strncmp(pszService, "WFS", 3) == 0) psParams->pszService = msStrdup("WFS"); } } */ pszTmp = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "geometryname"); if (pszTmp) psParams->pszGeometryName = msStrdup(pszTmp); pszTmp = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "typename"); if (pszTmp) psParams->pszTypeName = msStrdup(pszTmp); else { pszTmp = strstr(lp->connection, "TYPENAME="); if (!pszTmp) pszTmp = strstr(lp->connection, "typename="); if (pszTmp) { pszTypeName = strchr(pszTmp, '=')+1; if (pszTypeName) { nLength = strlen(pszTypeName); if (nLength > 0) { for (i=0; i<nLength; i++) { if (pszTypeName[i] == '&') break; } if (i<nLength) { char *pszTypeNameTmp = NULL; pszTypeNameTmp = msStrdup(pszTypeName); pszTypeNameTmp[i] = '\0'; psParams->pszTypeName = msStrdup(pszTypeNameTmp); free(pszTypeNameTmp); } else psParams->pszTypeName = msStrdup(pszTypeName); } } } } pszTmp = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "filter"); if (pszTmp && strlen(pszTmp) > 0) { if (strstr(pszTmp, "<Filter>") !=NULL || strstr(pszTmp, "<ogc:Filter") != NULL) psParams->pszFilter = msStrdup(pszTmp); else { psParams->pszFilter = msStringConcatenate(psParams->pszFilter, "<ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc=\"\">"); psParams->pszFilter = msStringConcatenate(psParams->pszFilter, (char*)pszTmp); psParams->pszFilter = msStringConcatenate(psParams->pszFilter, "</ogc:Filter>"); } } pszTmp = msOWSLookupMetadata(&(lp->metadata), "FO", "maxfeatures"); if (pszTmp) psParams->nMaxFeatures = atoi(pszTmp); /* Request is always GetFeature; */ psParams->pszRequest = msStrdup("GetFeature"); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Figure the SRS we'll use for the request. * - Fetch the map SRS (if it's EPSG) * - Check if map SRS is listed in layer wfs_srs metadata * - If map SRS is valid for this layer then use it * - Otherwise request layer in its default SRS and we'll reproject later * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* __TODO__ WFS servers support only one SRS... need to decide how we'll */ /* handle this and document it well. */ /* It's likely that we'll simply reproject the BBOX to teh layer's projection. */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Set layer SRS and reproject map extents to the layer's SRS * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #ifdef __TODO__ /* No need to set lp->proj if it's already set to the right EPSG code */ if ((pszTmp = msGetEPSGProj(&(lp->projection), NULL, MS_TRUE)) == NULL || strcasecmp(pszEPSG, pszTmp) != 0) { char szProj[20]; snprintf(szProj, sizeof(szProj), "init=epsg:%s", pszEPSG+5); if (msLoadProjectionString(&(lp->projection), szProj) != 0) return NULL; } #endif bbox = map->extent; if (msProjectionsDiffer(&(map->projection), &(lp->projection))) { msProjectRect(&(map->projection), &(lp->projection), &bbox); } if (bbox_ret != NULL) *bbox_ret = bbox; return psParams; }
/************************************************************************ * msTileSetup * * * * Called from mapserv.c, this is where the fun begins * * Set up projections and test the parameters for legality. * ************************************************************************/ int msTileSetup(mapservObj* msObj) { #ifdef USE_TILE_API char *outProjStr = NULL; tileParams params; /* ** Load the metatiling information from the map file. */ msTileGetParams(msObj->map, ¶ms); /* ** Ensure all the LAYERs have a projection. */ if( msTileSetProjections(msObj->map) != 0 ) { return(MS_FAILURE); } /* ** Set the projection string for this mode. */ if( msObj->TileMode == TILE_GMAP || msObj->TileMode == TILE_VE ) { outProjStr = SPHEREMERC_PROJ4; } else { return MS_FAILURE; /* Huh? No mode? */ } if( msLoadProjectionString(&(msObj->map->projection), outProjStr) != 0 ) { msSetError(MS_CGIERR, "Unable to load projection string.", "msTileSetup()"); return MS_FAILURE; } /* ** Set up the output extents for this tilemode and tile coordinates */ if( msObj->TileMode == TILE_GMAP ) { int x, y, zoom; double zoomfactor; if( msObj->TileCoords ) { if( msTileGetGMapCoords(msObj->TileCoords, &x, &y, &zoom) == MS_FAILURE ) return MS_FAILURE; } else { msSetError(MS_WEBERR, "Tile parameter not set.", "msTileSetup()"); return MS_FAILURE; } if( params.metatile_level >= zoom ) { msTileResetMetatileLevel(msObj->map); } zoomfactor = pow(2.0, (double)zoom); /* ** Check the input request for sanity. */ if( x >= zoomfactor || y >= zoomfactor ) { msSetError(MS_CGIERR, "GMap tile coordinates are too large for supplied zoom.", "msTileSetup()"); return(MS_FAILURE); } if( x < 0 || y < 0 ) { msSetError(MS_CGIERR, "GMap tile coordinates should not be less than zero.", "msTileSetup()"); return(MS_FAILURE); } } else if ( msObj->TileMode == TILE_VE ) { if( strspn( msObj->TileCoords, "0123" ) < strlen( msObj->TileCoords ) ) { msSetError(MS_CGIERR, "VE tile name should only include characters 0, 1, 2 and 3.", "msTileSetup()"); return(MS_FAILURE); } if( params.metatile_level >= strlen(msObj->TileCoords) ) { msTileResetMetatileLevel(msObj->map); } } else { return(MS_FAILURE); /* Huh? Should have a mode. */ } return MS_SUCCESS; #else msSetError(MS_CGIERR, "Tile API is not available.", "msTileSetup()"); return(MS_FAILURE); #endif }
/** * \private \memberof mapcache_source_mapserver * \sa mapcache_source::render_map() */ void _mapcache_source_mapserver_render_map(mapcache_context *ctx, mapcache_map *map) { errorObj *errors = NULL; struct mc_mapobj *mcmap = _get_mapboj(ctx,map); GC_CHECK_ERROR(ctx); if(mcmap->grid_link != map->grid_link) { if (msLoadProjectionString(&(mcmap->map->projection), map->grid_link->grid->srs) != 0) { errors = msGetErrorObj(); ctx->set_error(ctx,500, "Unable to set projection on mapObj. MapServer reports: %s", errors->message); _release_mapboj(ctx,map,mcmap); return; } switch(map->grid_link->grid->unit) { case MAPCACHE_UNIT_DEGREES: mcmap->map->units = MS_DD; break; case MAPCACHE_UNIT_FEET: mcmap->map->units = MS_FEET; break; case MAPCACHE_UNIT_METERS: mcmap->map->units = MS_METERS; break; } mcmap->grid_link = map->grid_link; } /* ** WMS extents are edge to edge while MapServer extents are center of ** pixel to center of pixel. Here we try to adjust the WMS extents ** in by half a pixel. */ double dx, dy; dx = (map->extent[2] - map->extent[0]) / (map->width*2); dy = (map->extent[3] - map->extent[1]) / (map->height*2); mcmap->map->extent.minx = map->extent[0] + dx; mcmap->map->extent.miny = map->extent[1] + dy; mcmap->map->extent.maxx = map->extent[2] - dx; mcmap->map->extent.maxy = map->extent[3] - dy; msMapSetSize(mcmap->map, map->width, map->height); imageObj *image = msDrawMap(mcmap->map, MS_FALSE); if(!image) { errors = msGetErrorObj(); ctx->set_error(ctx,500, "MapServer failed to create image. MapServer reports: %s", errors->message); _release_mapboj(ctx,map,mcmap); return; } rasterBufferObj rb; if(image->format->vtable->supports_pixel_buffer) { image->format->vtable->getRasterBufferHandle(image,&rb); } else { ctx->set_error(ctx,500,"format %s has no pixel export",image->format->name); _release_mapboj(ctx,map,mcmap); return; } map->raw_image = mapcache_image_create(ctx); map->raw_image->w = map->width; map->raw_image->h = map->height; map->raw_image->stride = 4 * map->width; map->raw_image->data = malloc(map->width*map->height*4); memcpy(map->raw_image->data,,map->width*map->height*4); apr_pool_cleanup_register(ctx->pool, map->raw_image->data,(void*)free, apr_pool_cleanup_null); msFreeImage(image); _release_mapboj(ctx,map,mcmap); }