Esempio n. 1
File: ui.c Progetto: yzziizzy/EACSMB
// shitty temporary function for rendering ui
void renderWindowTmp(float x, float y, int index, float glow) {
	msTrans3f(x, y, 0, &uiMat);
	msScale3f(50, 50, 50, &uiMat);
	glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(windowProg->id, "texIndex"), index);
	glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(windowProg->id, "glow"), glow);
	GLuint zz = glGetUniformLocation(windowProg->id, "mMVP");
	glUniformMatrix4fv(zz, 1, GL_FALSE, (float*)msGetTop(&uiMat));
	// activate vbo's
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, windowVBO);
	glexit("ui vbo");
	// draw geometry
	glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
	glexit("ui draw");
Esempio n. 2
void renderFrame(XStuff* xs, GameState* gs, InputState* is) {
	//mModel = IDENT_MATRIX;
	gs->sunNormal.x = cos(gs->frameTime * gs->sunSpeed);
	gs->sunNormal.y = sin(gs->frameTime * gs->sunSpeed);
	gs->sunNormal.z = 0.0;
	//mScale3f(10, 10, 10, &mModel);
	//mRot3f(0, 1, 0, gs->direction, &mModel);
	msPerspective(60, gs->screen.aspect, nearPlane, farPlane, &gs->proj);


	// order matters! don't mess with this.
	msTrans3f(0, -1, gs->zoom, &gs->view);
	msRot3f(1, 0, 0, F_PI / 6, &gs->view);
	msRot3f(0,1,0, gs->direction, &gs->view);
	msTrans3f(-gs->lookCenter.x, 0, -gs->lookCenter.y, &gs->view);
	// y-up to z-up rotation
	msRot3f(1, 0, 0, F_PI_2, &gs->view);
	msScale3f(1, 1, -1, &gs->view);
	// calculate cursor position
	Vector cursorp;
	Vector eyeCoord;
	Vector worldCoord;
	Matrix p, invp, invv;
	// device space (-1:1)
	Vector devCoord;
	devCoord.x = 0.50;
	devCoord.y = 0.50;
	devCoord.z = -1.0;
	// eye space
	mInverse(msGetTop(&gs->proj), &invp);
	vMatrixMul(&devCoord, &invp, &eyeCoord);
	vNorm(&eyeCoord, &eyeCoord);
	// world space
	mInverse(msGetTop(&gs->view), &invv);
	vMatrixMul(&eyeCoord, &invv, &worldCoord);
	vNorm(&worldCoord, &worldCoord);
// 	mFastMul(msGetTop(&gs->view), msGetTop(&gs->proj), &mp);
// 	mInverse(&mp, &invmp);
// 	vMatrixMul(&devCoord, &invmp, &cursorp);
	//printf("(%f, %f, %f)\n", worldCoord.x, worldCoord.y, worldCoord.z);
	Vector2 c2;
	c2.x = 300; //cursorp.x;
	c2.y = 300; //cursorp.z;
	// draw terrain
// 	drawTerrainBlock(&gs->map, msGetTop(&gs->model), msGetTop(&gs->view), msGetTop(&gs->proj), &gs->cursorPos);
	drawTerrain(&gs->map, msGetTop(&gs->view), msGetTop(&gs->proj), &gs->cursorPos, &gs->screen.wh);
	renderMarker(gs, 0,0);

	// text stuff
	textProj = IDENT_MATRIX;
	textModel = IDENT_MATRIX;
	mOrtho(0, gs->screen.aspect, 0, 1, -1, 100, &textProj);
	//mScale3f(.5,.5,.5, &textProj);
	mScale3f(.06, .06, .06, &textModel);
	GLuint tp_ul = glGetUniformLocation(textProg->id, "mProj");
	GLuint tm_ul = glGetUniformLocation(textProg->id, "mModel");
	GLuint ts_ul = glGetUniformLocation(textProg->id, "fontTex");
	glUniformMatrix4fv(tp_ul, 1, GL_FALSE, textProj.m);
	glUniformMatrix4fv(tm_ul, 1, GL_FALSE, textModel.m);
	glexit("text matrix uniforms");

	glexit("active texture");

	glUniform1i(ts_ul, 0);
	glexit("text sampler uniform");
	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, arial->textureID);
	glexit("bind texture");
	glexit("text vao bind");
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, strRI->vbo);
	glexit("text vbo bind");
	glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, strRI->vertexCnt);
	glexit("text drawing");
Esempio n. 3
void handleInput(GameState* gs, InputState* is) {
	double te = gs->frameSpan;
	float moveSpeed = gs->settings.keyScroll * te; // should load from config
	float rotateSpeed = gs->settings.keyRotate * te; // 20.8 degrees
	float keyZoom = gs->settings.keyZoom * te;
	float mouseZoom = gs->settings.mouseZoom * te;
	if(is->clickButton == 1) {
			gs->cursorPos.x - 5,
			gs->cursorPos.y - 5,
			gs->cursorPos.x + 5,
			gs->cursorPos.y + 5
			gs->cursorPos.x - 5,
			gs->cursorPos.y - 5,
			gs->cursorPos.x + 5,
			gs->cursorPos.y + 5,
			gs->activeTool + 1
	if(is->buttonDown == 1) {
		gs->mouseDownPos.x = gs->cursorPos.x;
		gs->mouseDownPos.y = gs->cursorPos.y;
		printf("start dragging at (%d,%d)\n", (int)gs->cursorPos.x, (int)gs->cursorPos.y);
	if(is->buttonUp == 1) {
		//vCopy(&gs->cursorPos, &gs->mouseDownPos);
		printf("stopped dragging at (%d,%d)\n", (int)gs->cursorPos.x, (int)gs->cursorPos.y);
	if(is->clickButton == 2) {
		gs->activeTool = (gs->activeTool + 1) % 3;
	// look direction
	if(is->keyState[38] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		gs->direction += rotateSpeed;
	if(is->keyState[39] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		gs->direction -= rotateSpeed;
	// keep rotation in [0,F_2PI)
	gs->direction = fmodf(F_2PI + gs->direction, F_2PI);
	// zoom
	if(is->keyState[52] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		gs->zoom += keyZoom;
 		gs->zoom = fmin(gs->zoom, -10.0);
	if(is->keyState[53] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		gs->zoom -= keyZoom;
	if(is->clickButton == 4) {
		gs->zoom += mouseZoom;
 		gs->zoom = fmin(gs->zoom, -10.0);
	if(is->clickButton == 5) {
		gs->zoom -= mouseZoom;

	// movement
	Vector move = {
		.x = moveSpeed * sin(F_PI - gs->direction),
		.y = moveSpeed * cos(F_PI - gs->direction),
		.z = 0.0f
	if(is->keyState[111] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		vAdd(&gs->lookCenter, &move, &gs->lookCenter);
	if(is->keyState[116] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		vSub(&gs->lookCenter, &move, &gs->lookCenter);
	// flip x and y to get ccw normal, using move.z as the temp
	move.z = move.x;
	move.x = -move.y;
	move.y = move.z;
	move.z = 0.0f;
	if(is->keyState[113] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		vSub(&gs->lookCenter, &move, &gs->lookCenter);
	if(is->keyState[114] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		vAdd(&gs->lookCenter, &move, &gs->lookCenter);
	if(is->keyState[110] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		nearPlane += 50 * te;
		printf("near: %f, far: %f\n", nearPlane, farPlane);
	if(is->keyState[115] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		nearPlane -= 50 * te;
		printf("near: %f, far: %f\n", nearPlane, farPlane);
	if(is->keyState[112] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		farPlane += 250 * te;
		printf("near: %f, far: %f\n", nearPlane, farPlane);
	if(is->keyState[117] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		farPlane -= 250 * te;
		printf("near: %f, far: %f\n", nearPlane, farPlane);
	static lastChange = 0;
	if(is->keyState[119] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		if(gs->frameTime > lastChange + 1) {
			gs->debugMode = (gs->debugMode + 1) % 5;
			lastChange = gs->frameTime;

void setGameSettings(GameSettings* g, UserConfig* u) {
	const float rotateFactor = 0.7260f;
	const float scrollFactor = 300.0f;
	const float zoomFactor = 600.0f;
	g->keyRotate = rotateFactor * fclampNorm(u->keyRotateSensitivity);
	g->keyScroll = scrollFactor * fclampNorm(u->keyScrollSensitivity);
	g->keyZoom = zoomFactor * fclampNorm(u->keyZoomSensitivity);
	g->mouseRotate = rotateFactor * fclampNorm(u->mouseRotateSensitivity);
	g->mouseScroll = scrollFactor * fclampNorm(u->mouseScrollSensitivity);
	g->mouseZoom = 4 * zoomFactor * fclampNorm(u->mouseZoomSensitivity);
	printf("keyRotate %.3f\n", g->keyRotate);
	printf("keyScroll %.3f\n", g->keyScroll);
	printf("keyZoom %.3f\n", g->keyZoom);
	printf("mouseRotate %.3f\n", g->mouseRotate);
	printf("mouseScroll %.3f\n", g->mouseScroll);
	printf("mouseZoom %.3f\n", g->mouseZoom);

void setUpView(GameState* gs) {

void depthPrepass(XStuff* xs, GameState* gs, InputState* is) {
	// draw UI
	renderUIPicking(xs, gs);
	// draw terrain
	// TODO: factor all the math into the frame setup function
	//mScale3f(10, 10, 10, &mModel);
	//mRot3f(0, 1, 0, gs->direction, &mModel);
	msPerspective(60, gs->screen.aspect, nearPlane, farPlane, &gs->proj);

	// order matters! don't mess with this.
	msTrans3f(0, -1, gs->zoom, &gs->view);
	msRot3f(1, 0, 0, F_PI / 6, &gs->view);
	msRot3f(0,1,0, gs->direction, &gs->view);
	msTrans3f(-gs->lookCenter.x, 0, -gs->lookCenter.y, &gs->view);
	// y-up to z-up rotation
	msRot3f(1, 0, 0, F_PI_2, &gs->view);
	msScale3f(1, 1, -1, &gs->view);

	// calculate cursor position
	Vector eyeCoord;
	Vector worldCoord;
	Matrix p, invp, invv;
	// device space (-1:1)
	Vector devCoord;
	devCoord.x = 0.50;
	devCoord.y = 0.50;
	devCoord.z = -1.0;
	// eye space
	mInverse(msGetTop(&gs->proj), &invp);
	vMatrixMul(&devCoord, &invp, &eyeCoord);
	vNorm(&eyeCoord, &eyeCoord);
	// world space
	mInverse(msGetTop(&gs->view), &invv);
	vMatrixMul(&eyeCoord, &invv, &worldCoord);
	vNorm(&worldCoord, &worldCoord);

	// draw terrain
// 	drawTerrainBlockDepth(&gs->map, msGetTop(&gs->model), msGetTop(&gs->view), msGetTop(&gs->proj));
	drawTerrainDepth(&gs->map, msGetTop(&gs->view), msGetTop(&gs->proj), &gs->screen.wh);