Esempio n. 1
int renderTileDummy(imageObj *img, imageObj *tile, double x, double y)
  msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"renderTile not implemented","renderTile()");
  return MS_FAILURE;
Esempio n. 2
 *                            msTileExtractSubTile                      *
 *                                                                      * 
static imageObj* msTileExtractSubTile(const mapservObj *msObj, const imageObj *img) {
  int width, height, mini, minj, maxi, maxj;
  int zoom = 2;
  imageObj* imgOut = NULL;
  tileParams params;
  rendererVTableObj *renderer;
  rasterBufferObj imgBuffer;
  if( !MS_RENDERER_PLUGIN(msObj->map->outputformat) 
		  || msObj->map->outputformat->renderer != img->format->renderer ||
		  ! MS_MAP_RENDERER(msObj->map)->supports_pixel_buffer ) {
	  msSetError(MS_MISCERR,"unsupported or mixed renderers","msTileExtractSubTile()");
	  return NULL;
  renderer = MS_MAP_RENDERER(msObj->map);
  if (renderer->getRasterBufferHandle((imageObj*)img,&imgBuffer) != MS_SUCCESS) {
	  return NULL;

  ** Load the metatiling information from the map file.
  msTileGetParams(msObj->map, &params);

  ** Initialize values for the metatile clip area.
  width = img->width - 2*params.map_edge_buffer;
  height = img->height - 2*params.map_edge_buffer;
  mini = params.map_edge_buffer;
  minj = params.map_edge_buffer;
  maxi = img->width - params.map_edge_buffer - 1;
  maxj = img->height - params.map_edge_buffer - 1;

  if( msObj->TileMode == TILE_GMAP ) {
    int x, y, zoom;
    if( msObj->TileCoords ) {
      if( msTileGetGMapCoords(msObj->TileCoords, &x, &y, &zoom) == MS_FAILURE )
        return NULL;
    else {
      msSetError(MS_WEBERR, "Tile parameter not set.", "msTileSetup()");
      return NULL;

      msDebug("msTileExtractSubTile(): gmaps coords (x: %d, y: %d)\n",x,y);

    ** The bottom N bits of the coordinates give us the subtile
    ** location relative to the metatile.
    x = (0xffff ^ (0xffff << params.metatile_level)) & x;
    y = (0xffff ^ (0xffff << params.metatile_level)) & y;

      msDebug("msTileExtractSubTile(): gmaps image coords (x: %d, y: %d)\n",x,y);
    mini = mini + x * params.tile_size;
    minj = minj + y * params.tile_size;

  else if( msObj->TileMode == TILE_VE ) {
    int tsize;
    int i = 0;
    char j = 0;
    if( strlen( msObj->TileCoords ) - params.metatile_level < 0 ) {
    ** Process the last elements of the VE coordinate string to place the
    ** requested tile in the context of the metatile
    for( i = strlen( msObj->TileCoords ) - params.metatile_level; 
         i < strlen( msObj->TileCoords ); 
         i++ ) 
      j = msObj->TileCoords[i];
      tsize = width / zoom;
      if( j == '1' || j == '3' ) mini += tsize;
      if( j == '2' || j == '3' ) minj += tsize;
      zoom *= 2;
  else {
    return(NULL); /* Huh? Should have a mode. */
  imgOut = msImageCreate(params.tile_size, params.tile_size, msObj->map->outputformat, NULL, NULL, msObj->map->resolution, msObj->map->defresolution, NULL);
  if( imgOut == NULL ) {
    return NULL;
    msDebug("msTileExtractSubTile(): extracting (%d x %d) tile, top corner (%d, %d)\n",params.tile_size,params.tile_size,mini,minj);
  renderer->mergeRasterBuffer(imgOut,&imgBuffer,1.0,mini, minj,0, 0,params.tile_size, params.tile_size);

  return imgOut;
Esempio n. 3
int KmlRenderer::saveImage(imageObj *, FILE *fp, outputFormatObj *format)
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Write out the document.                                         */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  int bufSize = 0;
  xmlChar *buf = NULL;
  msIOContext *context = NULL;
  int chunkSize = 4096;
#if defined(CPL_ZIP_API_OFFERED)
  int bZip = MS_FALSE;

  if( msIO_needBinaryStdout() == MS_FAILURE )
    return MS_FAILURE;

  xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc(XmlDoc, &buf, &bufSize, "UTF-8", 1);

#if defined(USE_OGR)
  if (format && format->driver && strcasecmp(format->driver, "kmz") == 0) {
#if defined(CPL_ZIP_API_OFFERED)
    bZip = MS_TRUE;
    msSetError( MS_MISCERR, "kmz format support unavailable, perhaps you need to upgrade to GDAL/OGR 1.8?",
    return MS_FAILURE;

#if defined(CPL_ZIP_API_OFFERED)
  if (bZip) {
    VSILFILE *fpZip;
    int bytes_read;
    char buffer[1024];
    char *zip_filename =NULL;
    void *hZip=NULL;

    zip_filename = msTmpFile(NULL, NULL, "/vsimem/kmlzip/", "kmz" );
    hZip = CPLCreateZip( zip_filename, NULL );
    CPLCreateFileInZip( hZip, "mapserver.kml", NULL );
    for (int i=0; i<bufSize; i+=chunkSize) {
      int size = chunkSize;
      if (i + size > bufSize)
        size = bufSize - i;
      CPLWriteFileInZip( hZip,  buf+i, size);
    CPLCloseFileInZip( hZip );
    CPLCloseZip( hZip );

    context = msIO_getHandler(fp);
    fpZip = VSIFOpenL( zip_filename, "r" );

    while( (bytes_read = VSIFReadL( buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), fpZip )) > 0 ) {
      if (context)
        msIO_contextWrite(context, buffer, bytes_read);
        msIO_fwrite( buffer, 1, bytes_read, fp );
    VSIFCloseL( fpZip );
    msFree( zip_filename);


  context = msIO_getHandler(fp);

  for (int i=0; i<bufSize; i+=chunkSize) {
    int size = chunkSize;
    if (i + size > bufSize)
      size = bufSize - i;

    if (context)
      msIO_contextWrite(context, buf+i, size);
      msIO_fwrite(buf+i, 1, size, fp);


Esempio n. 4
int renderEllipseSymbolDummy(imageObj *image, double x, double y,
                             symbolObj *symbol, symbolStyleObj *style)
  msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"renderEllipseSymbol not implemented","renderEllipseSymbol()");
  return MS_FAILURE;
Esempio n. 5
int msUVRASTERLayerInitializeVirtualTable(layerObj *layer)
  msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "UVRaster Layer needs GDAL support, but it it not compiled in", "msUVRASTERLayerInitializeVirtualTable()");
  return MS_FAILURE;
Esempio n. 6
int renderLineTiledDummy(imageObj *img, shapeObj *p, imageObj *tile)
  msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"renderLineTiled not implemented","renderLineTiled()");
  return MS_FAILURE;
Esempio n. 7
int renderGlyphsLineDummy(imageObj *img,labelPathObj *labelpath,
                          labelStyleObj *style, char *text)
  msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"renderGlyphsLine not implemented","renderGlyphsLine()");
  return MS_FAILURE;
Esempio n. 8
/* image i/o */
imageObj* createImageDummy(int width, int height, outputFormatObj *format, colorObj* bg)
  msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"createImage not implemented","createImage()");
  return NULL;
Esempio n. 9
int saveImageDummy(imageObj *img, mapObj *map, FILE *fp, outputFormatObj *format)
  msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"saveImage not implemented","saveImage()");
  return MS_FAILURE;
Esempio n. 10
int mergeRasterBufferDummy(imageObj *dest, rasterBufferObj *overlay, double opacity, int srcX, int srcY, int dstX, int dstY, int width, int height)
  msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"mergeRasterBuffer not implemented","mergeRasterBuffer()");
  return MS_FAILURE;
Esempio n. 11
int initializeRasterBufferDummy(rasterBufferObj *rb, int width, int height, int mode)
  msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"initializeRasterBuffer not implemented","initializeRasterBuffer()");
  return MS_FAILURE;
Esempio n. 12
rasterBufferObj* createRasterBufferDummy(int width, int height)
  msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"createRasterBuffer not implemented","createRasterBuffer()");
  return NULL;
Esempio n. 13
int getRasterBufferCopyDummy(imageObj *img, rasterBufferObj *rb)
  msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"getRasterBufferCopy not implemented","getRasterBufferCopy()");
  return MS_FAILURE;
Esempio n. 14
rasterBufferObj* loadImageFromFileDummy(char *path)
  msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"loadImageFromFile not implemented","loadImageFromFile()");
  return NULL;
Esempio n. 15
int renderLineDummy(imageObj *img, shapeObj *p, strokeStyleObj *style)
  msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"renderLine not implemented","renderLine()");
  return MS_FAILURE;
Esempio n. 16
/* helper functions */
int getTruetypeTextBBoxDummy(rendererVTableObj *renderer, char **fonts, int numfonts, double size,
                             char *string,rectObj *rect, double **advances, int bAdjustBaseline)
  msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"getTruetypeTextBBox not implemented","getTruetypeTextBBox()");
  return MS_FAILURE;
Esempio n. 17
int renderPolygonDummy(imageObj *img, shapeObj *p, colorObj *color)
  msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"renderPolygon not implemented","renderPolygon()");
  return MS_FAILURE;
Esempio n. 18
int endLayerDummy(imageObj *img, mapObj *map, layerObj *layer)
  msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"endLayer not implemented","endLayer()");
  return MS_FAILURE;
Esempio n. 19
int renderRasterGlyphsDummy(imageObj *img, double x, double y, int fontIndex,
                            colorObj *color, char* text)
  msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"renderRasterGlyphs not implemented","renderRasterGlyphs()");
  return MS_FAILURE;
Esempio n. 20
int endShapeDummy(imageObj *img, shapeObj *shape)
  msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"endShape not implemented","endShape()");
  return MS_FAILURE;
Esempio n. 21
void* createPixmapSymbolTileDummy(int width, int height,
                                  symbolObj *symbol, symbolStyleObj *style)
  msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"createPixmapSymbolTile not implemented","createPixmapSymbolTile()");
  return NULL;
Esempio n. 22
int setClipDummy(imageObj *img, rectObj clipRect)
  msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"setClip not implemented","setClip()");
  return MS_FAILURE;
Esempio n. 23
int msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes(layerObj *layer, rectObj rect, int isQuery)

  uvRasterLayerInfo *uvlinfo = (uvRasterLayerInfo *) layer->layerinfo;
  imageObj *image_tmp;
  mapObj   map_tmp;
  unsigned int spacing;
  int width, height, u_src_off, v_src_off, i, x, y;
  char   **alteredProcessing = NULL;
  char **savedProcessing = NULL;

  if (layer->debug)
    msDebug("Entering msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes().\n");

  if( uvlinfo == NULL )
    return MS_FAILURE;

  if (isQuery == MS_TRUE) {
    msSetError( MS_MISCERR, "Query is not supported for UV layer.", "msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes()" );
    return MS_FAILURE;

  if( CSLFetchNameValue( layer->processing, "BANDS" ) == NULL ) {
    msSetError( MS_MISCERR, "BANDS processing option is required for UV layer. You have to specified 2 bands.",
                "msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes()" );
    return MS_FAILURE;
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Determine desired spacing.  Default to 30 if not otherwise set  */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  spacing = 30;
  if( CSLFetchNameValue( layer->processing, "UV_SPACING" ) != NULL ) {
    spacing =
      atoi(CSLFetchNameValue( layer->processing, "UV_SPACING" ));

  width = (int)ceil(layer->map->width/spacing);
  height = (int)ceil(layer->map->height/spacing);
  map_tmp.cellsize = layer->map->cellsize*spacing;

  if (layer->debug)
    msDebug("msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes(): width: %d, height: %d, cellsize: %g\n",
            width, height, map_tmp.cellsize);

  /* Initialize our dummy map */
  MS_INIT_COLOR(map_tmp.imagecolor, 255,255,255,255);
  map_tmp.resolution = layer->map->resolution;
  map_tmp.defresolution = layer->map->defresolution;
  map_tmp.outputformat = (outputFormatObj *) msSmallCalloc(1,sizeof(outputFormatObj));
  uvlinfo->band_count = map_tmp.outputformat->bands = 2;
  map_tmp.outputformat->name = NULL;
  map_tmp.outputformat->driver = NULL;
  map_tmp.outputformat->refcount = 0;
  map_tmp.outputformat->vtable = NULL;
  map_tmp.outputformat->device = NULL;
  map_tmp.outputformat->renderer = MS_RENDER_WITH_RAWDATA;
  map_tmp.outputformat->imagemode = MS_IMAGEMODE_FLOAT32;

  map_tmp.mappath = layer->map->mappath;
  map_tmp.shapepath = layer->map->shapepath;
  map_tmp.extent.minx = layer->map->extent.minx-(0.5*layer->map->cellsize)+(0.5*map_tmp.cellsize);
  map_tmp.extent.miny = layer->map->extent.miny-(0.5*layer->map->cellsize)+(0.5*map_tmp.cellsize);
  map_tmp.extent.maxx = map_tmp.extent.minx+((width-1)*map_tmp.cellsize);
  map_tmp.extent.maxy = map_tmp.extent.miny+((height-1)*map_tmp.cellsize); = 0.0;

  msCopyProjection(&map_tmp.projection, &layer->map->projection);

  if (layer->debug == 5)
    msDebug("msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes(): extent: %g %d %g %g\n",
            map_tmp.extent.minx, map_tmp.extent.miny,
            map_tmp.extent.maxx, map_tmp.extent.maxy);

  /* important to use that function, to compute map
     geotransform, used by the resampling*/
  msMapSetSize(&map_tmp, width, height);

  if (layer->debug == 5)
    msDebug("msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes(): geotransform: %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",

  uvlinfo->extent = map_tmp.extent;

  image_tmp = msImageCreate(width, height, map_tmp.outputformat,
                            NULL, NULL, map_tmp.resolution, map_tmp.defresolution,

  /* Default set to AVERAGE resampling */
  if( CSLFetchNameValue( layer->processing, "RESAMPLE" ) == NULL ) {
    alteredProcessing = CSLDuplicate( layer->processing );
    alteredProcessing =
      CSLSetNameValue( alteredProcessing, "RESAMPLE",
    savedProcessing = layer->processing;
    layer->processing = alteredProcessing;

  if (msDrawRasterLayerLow(&map_tmp, layer, image_tmp, NULL ) == MS_FAILURE) {
    msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "Unable to draw raster data.", NULL, "msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes()" );
    return MS_FAILURE;

  /* restore the saved processing */
  if (alteredProcessing != NULL)
    layer->processing = savedProcessing;

  /* free old query arrays */
  if (uvlinfo->u) {
    for (i=0; i<uvlinfo->width; ++i) {

  if (uvlinfo->v) {
    for (i=0; i<uvlinfo->height; ++i) {

  /* Update our uv layer structure */
  uvlinfo->width = width;
  uvlinfo->height = height;
  uvlinfo->query_results = width*height;

  uvlinfo->u = (float **)msSmallMalloc(sizeof(float *)*width);
  uvlinfo->v = (float **)msSmallMalloc(sizeof(float *)*width);

  for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
    uvlinfo->u[x] = (float *)msSmallMalloc(height * sizeof(float));
    uvlinfo->v[x] = (float *)msSmallMalloc(height * sizeof(float));

    for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
      u_src_off = v_src_off = x + y * width;
      v_src_off += width*height;

      uvlinfo->u[x][y] = image_tmp->img.raw_float[u_src_off];
      uvlinfo->v[x][y] = image_tmp->img.raw_float[v_src_off];

      /* null vector? update the number of results  */
      if (uvlinfo->u[x][y] == 0 && uvlinfo->v[x][y] == 0)

  msFreeImage(image_tmp); /* we do not need the imageObj anymore */

  uvlinfo->which_rect = map_tmp.extent;
  uvlinfo->next_shape = 0;

  return MS_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 24
int resetClipDummy(imageObj *img)
  msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"resetClip not implemented","resetClip()");
  return MS_FAILURE;
Esempio n. 25
 * generic function for drawing a legend icon. (added for bug #2348)
 * renderer specific drawing functions shouldn't be called directly, but through
 * this function
int msDrawLegendIcon(mapObj *map, layerObj *lp, classObj *theclass,
                     int width, int height, imageObj *image, int dstX, int dstY,
                     int scale_independant, class_hittest *hittest)
  int i, type, hasmarkersymbol;
  double offset;
  double polygon_contraction = 0.5; /* used to account for the width of a polygon's outline */
  shapeObj box, zigzag;
  pointObj marker;
  char szPath[MS_MAXPATHLEN];
  styleObj outline_style;
  imageObj *image_draw = image;
  int originalopacity = lp->opacity;
  rendererVTableObj *renderer;
  outputFormatObj *transFormat = NULL, *altFormat=NULL;
  const char *alternativeFormatString = NULL;

  if(!MS_RENDERER_PLUGIN(image->format)) {
    msSetError(MS_MISCERR,"unsupported image format","msDrawLegendIcon()");
    return MS_FAILURE;

  alternativeFormatString = msLayerGetProcessingKey(lp, "RENDERER");
  if (MS_RENDERER_PLUGIN(image_draw->format) && alternativeFormatString!=NULL &&
      (altFormat=  msSelectOutputFormat(map, alternativeFormatString))) {

    image_draw = msImageCreate(image->width, image->height,
                               altFormat, image->imagepath, image->imageurl, map->resolution, map->defresolution, &map->imagecolor);
    renderer = MS_IMAGE_RENDERER(image_draw);
  } else {
    renderer = MS_IMAGE_RENDERER(image_draw);
    if (lp->opacity > 0 && lp->opacity < 100) {
      if (!renderer->supports_transparent_layers) {
        image_draw = msImageCreate(image->width, image->height,
                                   image->format, image->imagepath, image->imageurl, map->resolution, map->defresolution, NULL);
        if (!image_draw) {
          msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "Unable to initialize temporary transparent image.",
          return (MS_FAILURE);
        /* set opacity to full, as the renderer should be rendering a fully opaque image */

  if(renderer->supports_clipping && MS_VALID_COLOR(map->legend.outlinecolor)) {
    /* keep GD specific code here for now as it supports clipping */
    rectObj clip;
    clip.maxx = dstX + width - 1;
    clip.maxy = dstY + height -1;
    clip.minx = dstX;
    clip.miny = dstY;
  /* if the class has a keyimage, treat it as a point layer
   * (the keyimage will be treated there) */
  if(theclass->keyimage != NULL) {
    type = MS_LAYER_POINT;
  } else {
    /* some polygon layers may be better drawn using zigzag if there is no fill */
    type = lp->type;
    if(type == MS_LAYER_POLYGON) {
      type = MS_LAYER_LINE;
      for(i=0; i<theclass->numstyles; i++) {
        if(MS_VALID_COLOR(theclass->styles[i]->color)) { /* there is a fill */
          type = MS_LAYER_POLYGON;
        if(MS_VALID_COLOR(theclass->styles[i]->outlinecolor)) { /* there is an outline */
          polygon_contraction = MS_MAX(polygon_contraction, theclass->styles[i]->width / 2.0);

  /* initialize the box used for polygons and for outlines */
  box.line = (lineObj *)msSmallMalloc(sizeof(lineObj));
  box.numlines = 1;
  box.line[0].point = (pointObj *)msSmallMalloc(sizeof(pointObj)*5);
  box.line[0].numpoints = 5;

  box.line[0].point[0].x = dstX + polygon_contraction;
  box.line[0].point[0].y = dstY + polygon_contraction;
  box.line[0].point[1].x = dstX + width - polygon_contraction;
  box.line[0].point[1].y = dstY + polygon_contraction;
  box.line[0].point[2].x = dstX + width - polygon_contraction;
  box.line[0].point[2].y = dstY + height - polygon_contraction;
  box.line[0].point[3].x = dstX + polygon_contraction;
  box.line[0].point[3].y = dstY + height - polygon_contraction;
  box.line[0].point[4].x = box.line[0].point[0].x;
  box.line[0].point[4].y = box.line[0].point[0].y;
  box.line[0].numpoints = 5;

  ** now draw the appropriate color/symbol/size combination
  switch(type) {
      marker.x = dstX + MS_NINT(width / 2.0);
      marker.y = dstY + MS_NINT(height / 2.0);
      hasmarkersymbol = 0;
      for(i=0; i<theclass->numstyles; i++) {
        if(!scale_independant && map->scaledenom > 0) {
          styleObj *lp = theclass->styles[i];
          if((lp->maxscaledenom > 0) && (map->scaledenom > lp->maxscaledenom)) continue;
          if((lp->minscaledenom > 0) && (map->scaledenom <= lp->minscaledenom)) continue;
        if(hittest && hittest->stylehits[i].status == 0) continue;
        if (theclass->styles[i]->symbol < map->symbolset.numsymbols && theclass->styles[i]->symbol > 0) {
           hasmarkersymbol = 1;
      if (hasmarkersymbol) {
        for(i=0; i<theclass->numstyles; i++) {
          if(!scale_independant && map->scaledenom > 0) {
            styleObj *lp = theclass->styles[i];
            if((lp->maxscaledenom > 0) && (map->scaledenom > lp->maxscaledenom)) continue;
            if((lp->minscaledenom > 0) && (map->scaledenom <= lp->minscaledenom)) continue;
          if(hittest && hittest->stylehits[i].status == 0) continue;
          msDrawMarkerSymbol(&map->symbolset, image_draw, &marker, theclass->styles[i], lp->scalefactor);
      } else if (theclass->labels && theclass->numlabels > 0) {
        labelObj *label = theclass->labels[0]; /* use the first label definition */
        double lsize = label->size;
        double langle = label->angle;
        int lpos = label->position;
        int loffsetx = label->offsetx;
        int loffsety = label->offsety;
        int lstatus = label->status;
        if(!hittest || hittest->labelhits[0].status == 1) {
          label->offsetx = 0;
          label->offsety = 0;
          label->angle = 0;
          label->position = MS_CC;
          if (label->type == MS_TRUETYPE) label->size = height;
          label->status = MS_ON;
          msDrawLabel(map, image_draw, marker, (char*)"Az", label,1.0);

          label->size = lsize;
          label->position = lpos;
          label->angle = langle;
          label->offsetx = loffsetx;
          label->offsety = loffsety;
          label->status = lstatus;
    case MS_LAYER_POINT:
      marker.x = dstX + MS_NINT(width / 2.0);
      marker.y = dstY + MS_NINT(height / 2.0);
      if(theclass->keyimage != NULL) {
        int symbolNum;
        styleObj imgStyle;
        symbolObj *symbol=NULL;
        for(symbolNum=0; symbolNum<theclass->numstyles; symbolNum++)
        symbolNum = msAddImageSymbol(&(map->symbolset), msBuildPath(szPath, map->mappath, theclass->keyimage));
        if(symbolNum == -1) {
          msSetError(MS_GDERR, "Failed to open legend key image", "msCreateLegendIcon()");

        symbol = map->symbolset.symbol[symbolNum];

        /*set size so that symbol will be scaled properly #3296*/
        if (width/symbol->sizex < height/symbol->sizey)
          imgStyle.size = symbol->sizey*(width/symbol->sizex);
          imgStyle.size = symbol->sizey*(height/symbol->sizey);

        if (imgStyle.size > imgStyle.maxsize)
          imgStyle.maxsize = imgStyle.size;

        imgStyle.symbol = symbolNum;
        /* TO DO: we may want to handle this differently depending on the relative size of the keyimage */
      } else {
        for(i=0; i<theclass->numstyles; i++) {
          if(!scale_independant && map->scaledenom > 0) {
            styleObj *lp = theclass->styles[i];
            if((lp->maxscaledenom > 0) && (map->scaledenom > lp->maxscaledenom)) continue;
            if((lp->minscaledenom > 0) && (map->scaledenom <= lp->minscaledenom)) continue;
          if(hittest && hittest->stylehits[i].status == 0) continue;
          msDrawMarkerSymbol(&map->symbolset, image_draw, &marker, theclass->styles[i], lp->scalefactor);
    case MS_LAYER_LINE:
      offset = 1;
      /* To set the offset, we only check the size/width parameter of the first style */
      if (theclass->numstyles > 0) {
        if (theclass->styles[0]->symbol > 0 && theclass->styles[0]->symbol < map->symbolset.numsymbols && 
              map->symbolset.symbol[theclass->styles[0]->symbol]->type != MS_SYMBOL_SIMPLE)
            offset = theclass->styles[0]->size/2;
            offset = theclass->styles[0]->width/2;
      zigzag.line = (lineObj *)msSmallMalloc(sizeof(lineObj));
      zigzag.numlines = 1;
      zigzag.line[0].point = (pointObj *)msSmallMalloc(sizeof(pointObj)*4);
      zigzag.line[0].numpoints = 4;

      zigzag.line[0].point[0].x = dstX + offset;
      zigzag.line[0].point[0].y = dstY + height - offset;
      zigzag.line[0].point[1].x = dstX + MS_NINT(width / 3.0) - 1;
      zigzag.line[0].point[1].y = dstY + offset;
      zigzag.line[0].point[2].x = dstX + MS_NINT(2.0 * width / 3.0) - 1;
      zigzag.line[0].point[2].y = dstY + height - offset;
      zigzag.line[0].point[3].x = dstX + width - offset;
      zigzag.line[0].point[3].y = dstY + offset;

      for(i=0; i<theclass->numstyles; i++) {
        if(!scale_independant && map->scaledenom > 0) {
          styleObj *lp = theclass->styles[i];
          if((lp->maxscaledenom > 0) && (map->scaledenom > lp->maxscaledenom)) continue;
          if((lp->minscaledenom > 0) && (map->scaledenom <= lp->minscaledenom)) continue;
        if(hittest && hittest->stylehits[i].status == 0) continue;
        if (theclass->styles[i]->_geomtransform.type == MS_GEOMTRANSFORM_NONE ||
            theclass->styles[i]->_geomtransform.type == MS_GEOMTRANSFORM_LABELPOINT ||
            theclass->styles[i]->_geomtransform.type == MS_GEOMTRANSFORM_LABELPOLY)
          msDrawLineSymbol(&map->symbolset, image_draw, &zigzag, theclass->styles[i], lp->scalefactor);
          msDrawTransformedShape(map, &map->symbolset, image_draw, &zigzag, 
                                        theclass->styles[i], lp->scalefactor);

    case MS_LAYER_CHART:
      for(i=0; i<theclass->numstyles; i++) {
        if(!scale_independant && map->scaledenom > 0) {
          styleObj *lp = theclass->styles[i];
          if((lp->maxscaledenom > 0) && (map->scaledenom > lp->maxscaledenom)) continue;
          if((lp->minscaledenom > 0) && (map->scaledenom <= lp->minscaledenom)) continue;
        if(hittest && hittest->stylehits[i].status == 0) continue;
        if (theclass->styles[i]->_geomtransform.type == MS_GEOMTRANSFORM_NONE ||
            theclass->styles[i]->_geomtransform.type == MS_GEOMTRANSFORM_LABELPOINT ||
            theclass->styles[i]->_geomtransform.type == MS_GEOMTRANSFORM_LABELPOLY)
          msDrawShadeSymbol(&map->symbolset, image_draw, &box, theclass->styles[i], lp->scalefactor);
          msDrawTransformedShape(map, &map->symbolset, image_draw, &box,
                                 theclass->styles[i], lp->scalefactor);
      return MS_FAILURE;
  } /* end symbol drawing */

  /* handle an outline if necessary */
  if(MS_VALID_COLOR(map->legend.outlinecolor)) {
    outline_style.color = map->legend.outlinecolor;
    msDrawLineSymbol(&map->symbolset, image_draw, &box, &outline_style, 1.0);
    /* reset clipping rectangle */

  if (altFormat) {
    rendererVTableObj *renderer = MS_IMAGE_RENDERER(image);
    rendererVTableObj *altrenderer = MS_IMAGE_RENDERER(image_draw);
    rasterBufferObj rb;

     * hack to work around bug #3834: if we have use an alternate renderer, the symbolset may contain
     * symbols that reference it. We want to remove those references before the altFormat is destroyed
     * to avoid a segfault and/or a leak, and so the the main renderer doesn't pick the cache up thinking
     * it's for him.
    for(i=0; i<map->symbolset.numsymbols; i++) {
      if (map->symbolset.symbol[i]!=NULL) {
        symbolObj *s = map->symbolset.symbol[i];
        if(s->renderer == altrenderer) {
          s->renderer = NULL;

  } else if(image != image_draw) {
    rendererVTableObj *renderer = MS_IMAGE_RENDERER(image_draw);
    rasterBufferObj rb;

    lp->opacity = originalopacity;


    /* deref and possibly free temporary transparent output format.  */
    msApplyOutputFormat( &transFormat, NULL, MS_NOOVERRIDE, MS_NOOVERRIDE, MS_NOOVERRIDE );



  return MS_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 26
int freeTileDummy(imageObj *tile)
  msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"freeTile not implemented","freeTile()");
  return MS_FAILURE;
Esempio n. 27
 *                            msTileSetup                               *
 *                                                                      * 
 *  Called from mapserv.c, this is where the fun begins                 *
 *  Set up projections and test the parameters for legality.            *
int msTileSetup(mapservObj* msObj) {
#ifdef USE_TILE_API 

  char *outProjStr = NULL;
  tileParams params;
  ** Load the metatiling information from the map file.
  msTileGetParams(msObj->map, &params);

  ** Ensure all the LAYERs have a projection. 
  if( msTileSetProjections(msObj->map) != 0 ) {

  ** Set the projection string for this mode. 
  if( msObj->TileMode == TILE_GMAP || msObj->TileMode == TILE_VE ) {
    outProjStr = SPHEREMERC_PROJ4;
  } else {
    return MS_FAILURE; /* Huh? No mode? */
  if( msLoadProjectionString(&(msObj->map->projection), outProjStr) != 0 ) {
    msSetError(MS_CGIERR, "Unable to load projection string.", "msTileSetup()");
    return MS_FAILURE;
  ** Set up the output extents for this tilemode and tile coordinates 
  if( msObj->TileMode == TILE_GMAP ) {

    int x, y, zoom;
    double zoomfactor;
    if( msObj->TileCoords ) {
      if( msTileGetGMapCoords(msObj->TileCoords, &x, &y, &zoom) == MS_FAILURE )
        return MS_FAILURE;
    else {
      msSetError(MS_WEBERR, "Tile parameter not set.", "msTileSetup()");
      return MS_FAILURE;
    if( params.metatile_level >= zoom ) {
    zoomfactor = pow(2.0, (double)zoom);
    ** Check the input request for sanity.
    if( x >= zoomfactor || y >= zoomfactor ) {
      msSetError(MS_CGIERR, "GMap tile coordinates are too large for supplied zoom.", "msTileSetup()");
    if( x < 0 || y < 0 ) {
      msSetError(MS_CGIERR, "GMap tile coordinates should not be less than zero.", "msTileSetup()");

  else if ( msObj->TileMode == TILE_VE ) {
    if( strspn( msObj->TileCoords, "0123" ) < strlen( msObj->TileCoords ) ) {
      msSetError(MS_CGIERR, "VE tile name should only include characters 0, 1, 2 and 3.", "msTileSetup()");

    if( params.metatile_level >= strlen(msObj->TileCoords) ) {

  else {
    return(MS_FAILURE); /* Huh? Should have a mode. */
  return MS_SUCCESS;
  msSetError(MS_CGIERR, "Tile API is not available.", "msTileSetup()");
Esempio n. 28
int freeSymbolDummy(symbolObj *symbol)
  msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR,"freeSymbol not implemented","freeSymbol()");
  return MS_FAILURE;
Esempio n. 29
int KmlRenderer::startNewLayer(imageObj *img, layerObj *layer)
  char *layerName=NULL;
  const char *value=NULL;

  LayerNode = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "Folder");

  layerName = getLayerName(layer);
  xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", BAD_CAST layerName);

  const char *layerVisibility = layer->status != MS_OFF ? "1" : "0";
  xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "visibility", BAD_CAST layerVisibility);

  const char *layerDsiplayFolder = msLookupHashTable(&(layer->metadata), "kml_folder_display");
  if (layerDsiplayFolder == NULL)
    layerDsiplayFolder = msLookupHashTable(&(layer->map->web.metadata), "kml_folder_display");
  if (!layerDsiplayFolder || strlen(layerDsiplayFolder)<=0) {
    xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "styleUrl", BAD_CAST "#LayerFolder_check");

  else {
    if (strcasecmp(layerDsiplayFolder, "checkHideChildren") == 0)
      xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "styleUrl", BAD_CAST "#LayerFolder_checkHideChildren");
    else if (strcasecmp(layerDsiplayFolder, "checkOffOnly") == 0)
      xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "styleUrl", BAD_CAST "#LayerFolder_checkOffOnly");
    else if (strcasecmp(layerDsiplayFolder, "radioFolder") == 0)
      xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "styleUrl", BAD_CAST "#LayerFolder_radioFolder");
      xmlNewChild(LayerNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "styleUrl", BAD_CAST "#LayerFolder_check");

  /*Init few things on the first layer*/
  if (FirstLayer) {
    FirstLayer = MS_FALSE;
    map = layer->map;

    if (layer->map->mappath)
      snprintf(MapPath, sizeof(MapPath), "%s", layer->map->mappath);

    /*First rendered layer - check mapfile projection*/

    /*check for image path and image url*/
    if (layer->map->debug && (layer->map->web.imageurl == NULL ||   layer->map->web.imagepath == NULL))
      msDebug("KmlRenderer::startNewLayer: imagepath and imageurl sould be set in the web object\n");

    /*map rect for ground overlay*/
    MapExtent = layer->map->extent;
    MapCellsize = layer->map->cellsize;
    BgColor = layer->map->imagecolor;

    xmlNewChild(DocNode, NULL, BAD_CAST "name", BAD_CAST layer->map->name);
    aggFormat = msSelectOutputFormat( layer->map, "png24");
    aggFormat->transparent = MS_TRUE;


  currentLayer = layer;

  if (!msLayerIsOpen(layer)) {
    if (msLayerOpen(layer) != MS_SUCCESS) {
      msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "msLayerOpen failed", "KmlRenderer::startNewLayer" );

  /*pre process the layer to set things that make sense for kml output*/
  if (img)
    processLayer(layer, img->format);
    processLayer(layer, NULL);

  if (msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_description"))
    pszLayerDescMetadata = msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_description");
  else if (msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "ows_description"))
    pszLayerDescMetadata = msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "ows_description");

  value=msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_include_items");
  if (!value)
    value=msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "ows_include_items");
  if (value)
    papszLayerIncludeItems = msStringSplit(value, ',', &nIncludeItems);

  value=msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_exclude_items");
  if (!value)
    value=msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "ows_exclude_items");
  if (value)
    papszLayerExcludeItems = msStringSplit(value, ',', &nExcludeItems);

  if (msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_name_item"))
    pszLayerNameAttributeMetadata = msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_name_item");

  /*get all attributes*/
  msLayerWhichItems(layer, MS_TRUE, NULL);

  NumItems = layer->numitems;
  if (NumItems) {
    Items = (char **)msSmallCalloc(NumItems, sizeof(char *));
    for (int i=0; i<NumItems; i++)
      Items[i] = msStrdup(layer->items[i]);

  char* elevationAttribute = msLookupHashTable(&layer->metadata, "kml_elevation_attribute");
  if( elevationAttribute ) {
    mElevationFromAttribute = true;
    for( int i = 0; i < layer->numitems; ++i ) {
      if( strcasecmp( layer->items[i], elevationAttribute ) == 0 ) {
        mElevationAttributeIndex = i;

  return MS_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 30
int msContourLayerWhichShapes(layerObj *layer, rectObj rect, int isQuery)
  int i;
  rectObj newRect;
  contourLayerInfo *clinfo = (contourLayerInfo *) layer->layerinfo;

  if (layer->debug)
    msDebug("Entering msContourLayerWhichShapes().\n");

  if (clinfo == NULL) {
    msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "Assertion failed: Contour layer not opened!!!",
    return MS_FAILURE;

  newRect = rect;
#ifdef USE_PROJ
    /* if necessary, project the searchrect to source coords */
    if (msProjectionsDiffer( &(layer->map->projection), &(layer->projection)))  {
      if (msProjectRect(&layer->projection, &layer->map->projection, &newRect)
          != MS_SUCCESS ) {
        msDebug("msContourLayerWhichShapes(%s): unable to reproject map request rectangle into layer projection, canceling.\n", layer->name);
        return MS_FAILURE;

  /* regenerate the raster io */
  if (clinfo->hOGRDS)
    msConnPoolRelease(&clinfo->ogrLayer, clinfo->hOGRDS);
  /* Open the raster source */
  if (msContourLayerReadRaster(layer, newRect) != MS_SUCCESS)
    return MS_FAILURE;

  /* Generate Contour Dataset */
  if (msContourLayerGenerateContour(layer) != MS_SUCCESS)
    return MS_FAILURE;

  if (clinfo->hDS) {
    clinfo->hDS = NULL;
  if (!clinfo->hOGRDS) /* no overlap */
    return MS_DONE;
  /* Open our virtual ogr layer */
  if (msLayerOpen(&clinfo->ogrLayer) != MS_SUCCESS)
    return MS_FAILURE;

  clinfo->ogrLayer.numitems = layer->numitems;
  clinfo->ogrLayer.items = (char **) msSmallMalloc(sizeof(char *)*layer->numitems);
  for (i=0; i<layer->numitems;++i) {
    clinfo->ogrLayer.items[i] = msStrdup(layer->items[i]);

  return msLayerWhichShapes(&clinfo->ogrLayer, rect, isQuery);