Esempio n. 1
void  PTSMaker::PrintDumpInfo()
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Error in PTS setting \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Input frame number is %d\n"), m_NumFrame_In);
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Output frame number is %d\n"), m_NumFrame_Out);
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Initial time offset is %f\n"), m_TimeOffset);
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("PTS difference is %f\n"), m_CurrDiff);
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    sInputParams        Params;   // input parameters from command line
    CDecodingPipeline   Pipeline; // pipeline for decoding, includes input file reader, decoder and output file writer

    mfxStatus sts = MFX_ERR_NONE; // return value check

    sts = ParseInputString(argv, (mfxU8)argc, &Params);

    if (Params.bIsMVC)

    sts = Pipeline.Init(&Params);

    // print stream info

    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Decoding started\n"));

    for (;;)
        sts = Pipeline.RunDecoding();

            if (MFX_ERR_INCOMPATIBLE_VIDEO_PARAM == sts)
                msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("\nERROR: Incompatible video parameters detected. Recovering...\n"));
                msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("\nERROR: Hardware device was lost or returned unexpected error. Recovering...\n"));
                sts = Pipeline.ResetDevice();
                MSDK_CHECK_RESULT(sts, MFX_ERR_NONE, 1);

            sts = Pipeline.ResetDecoder(&Params);
            MSDK_CHECK_RESULT(sts, MFX_ERR_NONE, 1);
            MSDK_CHECK_RESULT(sts, MFX_ERR_NONE, 1);

    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("\nDecoding finished\n"));

    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
mfxStatus CVAAPIDeviceWayland::RenderFrame(mfxFrameSurface1 * pSurface, mfxFrameAllocator * /*pmfxAlloc*/)
    uint32_t drm_format;
    int offsets[3], pitches[3];
    mfxStatus mfx_res = MFX_ERR_NONE;
    vaapiMemId * memId = NULL;
    struct wl_buffer *m_wl_buffer = NULL;
    if(NULL==pSurface) {
        mfx_res = MFX_ERR_UNKNOWN;
        return mfx_res;
    memId = (vaapiMemId*)(pSurface->Data.MemId);

    if (pSurface->Info.FourCC == MFX_FOURCC_NV12)
        drm_format = WL_DRM_FORMAT_NV12;
    } else if(pSurface->Info.FourCC = MFX_FOURCC_RGB4)
        drm_format = WL_DRM_FORMAT_ARGB8888;

    offsets[0] = memId->m_image.offsets[0];
    offsets[1] = memId->m_image.offsets[1];
    offsets[2] = memId->m_image.offsets[2];
    pitches[0] = memId->m_image.pitches[0];
    pitches[1] = memId->m_image.pitches[1];
    pitches[2] = memId->m_image.pitches[2];
    m_wl_buffer = m_Wayland->CreatePrimeBuffer(memId->m_buffer_info.handle
      , pSurface->Info.CropW
      , pSurface->Info.CropH
      , drm_format
      , offsets
      , pitches);
    if(NULL == m_wl_buffer)
            msdk_printf("\nCan't wrap flink to wl_buffer\n");
            mfx_res = MFX_ERR_UNKNOWN;
            return mfx_res;

    m_Wayland->RenderBuffer(m_wl_buffer, pSurface->Info.CropW, pSurface->Info.CropH);

    return mfx_res;
Esempio n. 4
mfxStatus CParametersDumper::DumpLibraryConfiguration(msdk_string fileName, MFXVideoDECODE* pMfxDec, MFXVideoVPP* pMfxVPP, MFXVideoENCODE* pMfxEnc,
    const mfxVideoParam* pDecoderPresetParams, const mfxVideoParam* pVPPPresetParams, const mfxVideoParam* pEncoderPresetParams)
        msdk_fstream sstr(fileName.c_str(),std::fstream::out);
        sstr<<MSDK_STRING("Configuration settings (fields from API ") <<

        mfxVideoParam params;
            if (GetUnitParams(pMfxDec, pDecoderPresetParams,&params) == MFX_ERR_NONE)
                SerializeVideoParamStruct(sstr, MSDK_STRING("*** Decoder ***"), params, false);
            if (GetUnitParams(pMfxVPP, pVPPPresetParams, &params) == MFX_ERR_NONE)
                SerializeVideoParamStruct(sstr, MSDK_STRING("*** VPP ***"), params, true);
            if (GetUnitParams(pMfxEnc, pEncoderPresetParams, &params) == MFX_ERR_NONE)
                SerializeVideoParamStruct(sstr, MSDK_STRING("*** Encoder ***"), params, false);
        msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Cannot save library settings into file.\n"));
        return MFX_ERR_NULL_PTR;
    return MFX_ERR_NONE;
Esempio n. 5
mfxStatus CVAAPIDeviceDRM::Init(mfxHDL hWindow, mfxU16 nViews, mfxU32 nAdapterNum)
    if (0 == nViews) {
        return MFX_ERR_NONE;
    if (1 == nViews) {
        if (m_DRMLibVA.getBackendType() == MFX_LIBVA_DRM_RENDERNODE) {
          return MFX_ERR_NONE;
        mfxI32 * monitorType = (mfxI32*)hWindow;
        if (!monitorType) return MFX_ERR_INVALID_VIDEO_PARAM;
        try {
            m_rndr = new drmRenderer(m_DRMLibVA.getFD(), *monitorType);
        } catch(...) {
            msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("vaapi_device: failed to initialize drmrender\n"));
            return MFX_ERR_UNKNOWN;
        return MFX_ERR_NONE;
Esempio n. 6
void PrintHelp(msdk_char *strAppName, const msdk_char *strErrorMessage)
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Decoding Sample Version %s\n\n"), MSDK_SAMPLE_VERSION);

    if (strErrorMessage)
        msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Error: %s\n"), strErrorMessage);

    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Usage: %s <codecid> [<options>] -i InputBitstream\n"), strAppName);
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   or: %s <codecid> [<options>] -i InputBitstream -r\n"), strAppName);
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   or: %s <codecid> [<options>] -i InputBitstream -o OutputYUVFile\n"), strAppName);
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Supported codecs (<codecid>):\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   <codecid>=h264|mpeg2|vc1|mvc|jpeg - built-in Media SDK codecs\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   <codecid>=h265|capture            - in-box Media SDK plugins (may require separate downloading and installation)\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Work models:\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("  1. Performance model: decoding on MAX speed, no rendering, no YUV dumping (no -r or -o option)\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("  2. Rendering model: decoding with rendering on the screen (-r option)\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("  3. Dump model: decoding with YUV dumping (-o option)\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-hw]                     - use platform specific SDK implementation (default)\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-sw]                     - use software implementation, if not specified platform specific SDK implementation is used\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-p guid]                 - 32-character hexadecimal guid string\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-path path]              - path to plugin (valid only in pair with -p option)\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("                               (optional for Media SDK in-box plugins, required for user-decoder ones)\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-f]                      - rendering framerate\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-w]                      - output width\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-h]                      - output height\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-di bob/adi]             - enable deinterlacing BOB/ADI\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Output format parameters:\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-i420]                   - by default\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-rgb4]\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-p010]\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-a2rgb10]\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-d3d]                    - work with d3d9 surfaces\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-d3d11]                  - work with d3d11 surfaces\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-r]                      - render decoded data in a separate window \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-wall w h n m t tmo]     - same as -r, and positioned rendering window in a particular cell on specific monitor \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("       w                     - number of columns of video windows on selected monitor\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("       h                     - number of rows of video windows on selected monitor\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("       n(0,.,w*h-1)          - order of video window in table that will be rendered\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("       m(0,1..)              - monitor id \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("       t(0/1)                - enable/disable window's title\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("       tmo                   - timeout for -wall option\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Screen capture parameters:\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-scr:w]                  - screen resolution width\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-scr:h]                  - screen resolution height\n"));

#if defined(LIBVA_SUPPORT)
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-vaapi]                  - work with vaapi surfaces\n"));
#if defined(LIBVA_X11_SUPPORT)
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-r]                      - render decoded data in a separate X11 window \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-rwld]                   - render decoded data in a Wayland window \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-perf]                   - turn on asynchronous flipping for Wayland rendering \n"));
#if defined(LIBVA_DRM_SUPPORT)
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-rdrm]                   - render decoded data in a thru DRM frame buffer\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-window x y w h]\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-low_latency]            - configures decoder for low latency mode (supported only for H.264 and JPEG codec)\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-calc_latency]           - calculates latency during decoding and prints log (supported only for H.264 and JPEG codec)\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-async]                  - depth of asynchronous pipeline. default value is 4. must be between 1 and 20\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-no_gpu_copy]            - disable GPU Copy functionality\n"));
#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64)
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-threads_num]            - number of mediasdk task threads\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-threads_schedtype]      - scheduling type of mediasdk task threads\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-threads_priority]       - priority of mediasdk task threads\n"));
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-jpeg_rotate n]          - rotate jpeg frame n degrees \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("       n(90,180,270)         - number of degrees \n"));

    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("\nFeatures: \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   Press 1 to toggle fullscreen rendering on/off\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("  %s h265 -i in.bit -o out.yuv -p 15dd936825ad475ea34e35f3f54217a6\n"), strAppName);
Esempio n. 7
mfxStatus ParseInputString(msdk_char* strInput[], mfxU8 nArgNum, sInputParams* pParams)
    if (1 == nArgNum)
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], NULL);
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;


    // set default implementation
    pParams->bUseHWLib = true;
#if defined(LIBVA_SUPPORT)
    pParams->libvaBackend = MFX_LIBVA_DRM;

    for (mfxU8 i = 1; i < nArgNum; i++)
        if (MSDK_CHAR('-') != strInput[i][0])
            mfxStatus sts = StrFormatToCodecFormatFourCC(strInput[i], pParams->videoType);
            if (sts != MFX_ERR_NONE)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unknown codec"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (!IsDecodeCodecSupported(pParams->videoType))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unsupported codec"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (pParams->videoType == CODEC_MVC)
                pParams->videoType = MFX_CODEC_AVC;
                pParams->bIsMVC = true;

        if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-sw")))
            pParams->bUseHWLib = false;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-hw")))
            pParams->bUseHWLib = true;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-d3d")))
            pParams->memType = D3D9_MEMORY;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-d3d11")))
            pParams->memType = D3D11_MEMORY;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-r")))
            pParams->mode = MODE_RENDERING;
            // use d3d9 rendering by default
            if (SYSTEM_MEMORY == pParams->memType)
                pParams->memType = D3D9_MEMORY;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-wall")))
            if(i + 6 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -wall key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            // use d3d9 rendering by default
            if (SYSTEM_MEMORY == pParams->memType)
                pParams->memType = D3D9_MEMORY;

            pParams->mode = MODE_RENDERING;

            msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nWallW);
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nWallH);
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nWallCell);
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nWallMonitor);

            mfxU32 nTitle;
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], nTitle);

            pParams->bWallNoTitle = 0 == nTitle;

            msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nWallTimeout);
#if defined(LIBVA_SUPPORT)
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-vaapi")))
            pParams->memType = D3D9_MEMORY;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-r")))
            pParams->memType = D3D9_MEMORY;
            pParams->mode = MODE_RENDERING;
            pParams->libvaBackend = MFX_LIBVA_X11;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-rwld")))
            pParams->memType = D3D9_MEMORY;
            pParams->mode = MODE_RENDERING;
            pParams->libvaBackend = MFX_LIBVA_WAYLAND;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-perf")))
            pParams->bPerfMode = true;
        else if (0 == msdk_strncmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-rdrm"), 5))
            pParams->memType = D3D9_MEMORY;
            pParams->mode = MODE_RENDERING;
            pParams->libvaBackend = MFX_LIBVA_DRM_MODESET;
            if (strInput[i][5]) {
                if (strInput[i][5] != '-') {
                    PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("unsupported monitor type"));
                    return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                pParams->monitorType = getMonitorType(&strInput[i][6]);
                if (pParams->monitorType >= MFX_MONITOR_MAXNUMBER) {
                    PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("unsupported monitor type"));
                    return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            } else {
                pParams->monitorType = MFX_MONITOR_AUTO; // that's case of "-rdrm" pure option
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-window")))
            if(i +4 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -window key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nRenderWinX);
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nRenderWinY);
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->Width);
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->Height);

            if (0 == pParams->Width)
                pParams->Width = 320;
            if (0 == pParams->Height)
                pParams->Height = 240;

            pParams->bRenderWin = true;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-low_latency")))
            switch (pParams->videoType)
                case MFX_CODEC_HEVC:
                case MFX_CODEC_AVC:
                case MFX_CODEC_JPEG:
                    pParams->bLowLat = true;
                    if (!pParams->bIsMVC)
                     PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-low_latency mode is suppoted only for H.264 and JPEG codecs"));
                     return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-jpeg_rotate")))
            if(MFX_CODEC_JPEG != pParams->videoType)
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

            if(i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -jpeg_rotate key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

            msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nRotation);
            if((pParams->nRotation != 90)&&(pParams->nRotation != 180)&&(pParams->nRotation != 270))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-jpeg_rotate is supported only for 90, 180 and 270 angles"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-calc_latency")))
            switch (pParams->videoType)
                case MFX_CODEC_HEVC:
                case MFX_CODEC_AVC:
                case MFX_CODEC_JPEG:
                    pParams->bCalLat = true;
                    if (!pParams->bIsMVC)
                     PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-calc_latency mode is suppoted only for H.264 and JPEG codecs"));
                     return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-async")))
            if(i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -async key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nAsyncDepth))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("async is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-di")))
            if(i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -di key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            msdk_char diMode[4] = {};
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], diMode))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("deinterlace value is not set"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

            if (0 == msdk_strcmp(diMode, MSDK_CHAR("bob")))
                pParams->eDeinterlace = MFX_DEINTERLACING_BOB;
            else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(diMode, MSDK_CHAR("adi")))
                pParams->eDeinterlace = MFX_DEINTERLACING_ADVANCED;
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("deinterlace value is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-no_gpu_copy")))
            pParams->gpuCopy = MFX_GPUCOPY_OFF;
#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64)
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-threads_num")))
            if(i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -threads_num key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nThreadsNum))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("threads_num is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-threads_schedtype")))
            if(i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -threads_schedtype key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_thread_get_schedtype(strInput[++i], pParams->SchedulingType))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("threads_schedtype is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-threads_priority")))
            if(i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -threads_priority key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->Priority))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("threads_priority is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
#endif // #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN64)
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-f")))
            if(i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -f key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nMaxFPS))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("rendering frame rate is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-scr:w")))
            if (i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -scr:w key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->scrWidth))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("screen width rate is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-scr:h")))
            if (i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -scr:h key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->scrHeight))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("screen height is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-w")))
            if (i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -w key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->Width))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("width is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-h")))
            if (i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -h key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->Height))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("height is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-n")))
            if(i + 1 >= nArgNum)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Not enough parameters for -n key"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nFrames))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("rendering frame rate is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-i420")))
            pParams->fourcc = MFX_FOURCC_NV12;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-rgb4")))
            pParams->fourcc = MFX_FOURCC_RGB4;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-p010")))
            pParams->fourcc = MFX_FOURCC_P010;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-a2rgb10")))
            pParams->fourcc = MFX_FOURCC_A2RGB10;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-path")))
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
            msdk_char wchar[MSDK_MAX_FILENAME_LEN];
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], wchar);
            std::wstring wstr(wchar);
            std::string str(wstr.begin(), wstr.end());

            strcpy_s(pParams->pluginParams.strPluginPath, str.c_str());
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->pluginParams.strPluginPath);
            pParams->pluginParams.type = MFX_PLUGINLOAD_TYPE_FILE;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-i:null")))
        else // 1-character options
            switch (strInput[i][1])
            case MSDK_CHAR('p'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                   if (MFX_ERR_NONE == ConvertStringToGuid(strInput[i], pParams->pluginParams.pluginGuid))
                        pParams->pluginParams.type = MFX_PLUGINLOAD_TYPE_GUID;
                        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unknown options"));
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-p' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('i'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->strSrcFile);
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-i' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('o'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    pParams->mode = MODE_FILE_DUMP;
                    msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->strDstFile);
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-o' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('?'):
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], NULL);
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                    std::basic_stringstream<msdk_char> stream;
                    stream << MSDK_STRING("Unknown option: ") << strInput[i];
                    PrintHelp(strInput[0], stream.str().c_str());
                    return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if (0 == msdk_strlen(pParams->strSrcFile) && MFX_CODEC_CAPTURE != pParams->videoType)
        msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: source file name not found"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if (MFX_CODEC_CAPTURE == pParams->videoType)
        if (!pParams->scrWidth || !pParams->scrHeight)
            msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: for screen capture, width and height must be specified manually (-w and -h)"));
            return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
    else if (pParams->scrWidth || pParams->scrHeight)
        msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: width and height parameters are supported only by screen capture decoder"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if ((pParams->mode == MODE_FILE_DUMP) && (0 == msdk_strlen(pParams->strDstFile)))
        msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: destination file name not found"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if (MFX_CODEC_MPEG2   != pParams->videoType &&
        MFX_CODEC_AVC     != pParams->videoType &&
        MFX_CODEC_HEVC    != pParams->videoType &&
        MFX_CODEC_VC1     != pParams->videoType &&
        MFX_CODEC_JPEG    != pParams->videoType &&
        MFX_CODEC_CAPTURE != pParams->videoType &&
        CODEC_VP8         != pParams->videoType)
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unknown codec"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if (pParams->nAsyncDepth == 0)
        pParams->nAsyncDepth = 4; //set by default;

    return MFX_ERR_NONE;
Esempio n. 8
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    sInputParams Params = {};   // input parameters from command line
    std::auto_ptr<CEncodingPipeline>  pPipeline;

    mfxStatus sts = MFX_ERR_NONE; // return value check

    sts = ParseInputString(argv, (mfxU8)argc, &Params);

    // Choosing which pipeline to use


    if (MVC_ENABLED & Params.MVC_flags)

    sts = pPipeline->Init(&Params);


    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Processing started\n"));

    if (pPipeline->CaptureStartV4L2Pipeline() != MFX_ERR_NONE)
        msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("V4l2 failure terminating the program\n"));
        return 0;

    for (;;)
        sts = pPipeline->Run();

        if (MFX_ERR_DEVICE_LOST == sts || MFX_ERR_DEVICE_FAILED == sts)
            msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("\nERROR: Hardware device was lost or returned an unexpected error. Recovering...\n"));
            sts = pPipeline->ResetDevice();
            MSDK_CHECK_RESULT(sts, MFX_ERR_NONE, 1);

            sts = pPipeline->ResetMFXComponents(&Params);
            MSDK_CHECK_RESULT(sts, MFX_ERR_NONE, 1);
            MSDK_CHECK_RESULT(sts, MFX_ERR_NONE, 1);



    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("\nProcessing finished\n"));

    return 0;
Esempio n. 9
mfxStatus ParseInputString(msdk_char* strInput[], mfxU8 nArgNum, sInputParams* pParams)

    if (1 == nArgNum)
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], NULL);
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    msdk_opt_read(MSDK_CPU_ROTATE_PLUGIN, pParams->strPluginDLLPath);

    // default implementation
    pParams->bUseHWLib = true;
    pParams->isV4L2InputEnabled = false;
    pParams->nNumFrames = 0;
#if defined (ENABLE_V4L2_SUPPORT)
    pParams->MipiPort = -1;
    pParams->MipiMode = NONE;
    pParams->v4l2Format = NO_FORMAT;

    // parse command line parameters
    for (mfxU8 i = 1; i < nArgNum; i++)

        if (MSDK_CHAR('-') != strInput[i][0])
            mfxStatus sts = StrFormatToCodecFormatFourCC(strInput[i], pParams->CodecId);
            if (sts != MFX_ERR_NONE)
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unknown codec"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (!IsEncodeCodecSupported(pParams->CodecId))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unsupported codec"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            if (pParams->CodecId == CODEC_MVC)
                pParams->CodecId = MFX_CODEC_AVC;
                pParams->MVC_flags |= MVC_ENABLED;

        // process multi-character options
        if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-dstw")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nDstWidth))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Destination picture Width is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-dsth")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nDstHeight))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Destination picture Height is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-sw")))
            pParams->bUseHWLib = false;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-hw")))
            pParams->bUseHWLib = true;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-yuy2")))
#if defined (ENABLE_V4L2_SUPPORT)
            pParams->v4l2Format = YUY2;
            pParams->ColorFormat = MFX_FOURCC_YUY2;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-nv12")))
            pParams->ColorFormat = MFX_FOURCC_NV12;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-tff")))
            pParams->nPicStruct = MFX_PICSTRUCT_FIELD_TFF;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-bff")))
            pParams->nPicStruct = MFX_PICSTRUCT_FIELD_BFF;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-bref")))
            pParams->nBRefType = MFX_B_REF_PYRAMID;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-nobref")))
            pParams->nBRefType = MFX_B_REF_OFF;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-idr_interval")))
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nIdrInterval))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("IdrInterval is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-angle")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nRotationAngle))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Rotation Angle is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-opencl")))
            msdk_opt_read(MSDK_OCL_ROTATE_PLUGIN, pParams->strPluginDLLPath);
            pParams->nRotationAngle = 180;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-viewoutput")))
            if (!(MVC_ENABLED & pParams->MVC_flags))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-viewoutput option is supported only when mvc codec specified"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
            pParams->MVC_flags |= MVC_VIEWOUTPUT;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-la")))
            pParams->nRateControlMethod = MFX_RATECONTROL_LA;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-lad")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            pParams->nRateControlMethod = MFX_RATECONTROL_LA;
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nLADepth))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Look Ahead Depth is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-mss")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nMaxSliceSize))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("MaxSliceSize is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-d3d")))
            pParams->memType = D3D9_MEMORY;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-d3d11")))
            pParams->memType = D3D11_MEMORY;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-vaapi")))
            pParams->memType = D3D9_MEMORY;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-async")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);

            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nAsyncDepth))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Async Depth is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-gpucopy::on")))
            pParams->gpuCopy = MFX_GPUCOPY_ON;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-gpucopy::off")))
            pParams->gpuCopy = MFX_GPUCOPY_OFF;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-cqp")))
            pParams->nRateControlMethod = MFX_RATECONTROL_CQP;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-qpi")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nQPI))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Quantizer for I frames is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-qpp")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nQPP))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Quantizer for P frames is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-qpb")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nQPB))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Quantizer for B frames is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-qsv-ff")))
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-num_slice")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->nNumSlice))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Number of slices is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        } else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-path")))
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
            msdk_char wchar[MSDK_MAX_FILENAME_LEN];
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], wchar);
            std::wstring wstr(wchar);
            std::string str(wstr.begin(), wstr.end());

            strcpy_s(pParams->pluginParams.strPluginPath, str.c_str());
            msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->pluginParams.strPluginPath);
            pParams->pluginParams.type = MFX_PLUGINLOAD_TYPE_FILE;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-re")))
            pParams->UseRegionEncode = true;
#if defined (ENABLE_V4L2_SUPPORT)
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-d")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->DeviceName))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Device name is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-uyvy")))
            pParams->v4l2Format = UYVY;

        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-p")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->MipiPort))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Mipi-port is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-m")))
            VAL_CHECK(i+1 >= nArgNum, i, strInput[i]);
            if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[++i], pParams->MipiModeName))
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Device name is invalid"));
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

            if(strcasecmp(pParams->MipiModeName,"STILL") == 0)
                pParams->MipiMode = STILL;
            else if(strcasecmp(pParams->MipiModeName,"VIDEO") == 0)
                pParams->MipiMode = VIDEO;
            else if(strcasecmp(pParams->MipiModeName,"PREVIEW") == 0)
                pParams->MipiMode = PREVIEW;
            else if(strcasecmp(pParams->MipiModeName,"CONTINUOUS") == 0)
                pParams->MipiMode = CONTINUOUS;
                pParams->MipiMode = NONE;
        else if (0 == msdk_strcmp(strInput[i], MSDK_STRING("-i::v4l2")))
            pParams->isV4L2InputEnabled = true;
        else // 1-character options
            switch (strInput[i][1])
            case MSDK_CHAR('u'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    pParams->nTargetUsage = StrToTargetUsage(strInput[i]);
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-u' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('w'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->nWidth))
                        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Width is invalid"));
                        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-w' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('h'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->nHeight))
                        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Height is invalid"));
                        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-h' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('f'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->dFrameRate))
                        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Frame Rate is invalid"));
                        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-f' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('n'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->nNumFrames))
                        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Number of frames to process is invalid"));
                        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-n' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('b'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->nBitRate))
                        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Bit Rate is invalid"));
                        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-b' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('x'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->nNumRefFrame))
                        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Ref Num is invalid"));
                        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-x' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('g'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->nGopPicSize))
                        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Gop Size is invalid"));
                        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-g' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('r'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->nGopRefDist))
                        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Ref Dist is invalid"));
                        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-r' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('i'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->strSrcFile);
                    if (MVC_ENABLED & pParams->MVC_flags)
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-i' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('o'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-o' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('q'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    if (MFX_ERR_NONE != msdk_opt_read(strInput[i], pParams->nQuality))
                        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Quality is invalid"));
                        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-q' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('p'):
                if (++i < nArgNum) {
                    if (MFX_ERR_NONE == ConvertStringToGuid(strInput[i], pParams->pluginParams.pluginGuid))
                        pParams->pluginParams.type = MFX_PLUGINLOAD_TYPE_GUID;
                        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unknown options"));
                else {
                    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("error: option '-p' expects an argument\n"));
            case MSDK_CHAR('?'):
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], NULL);
                return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
                PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unknown options"));

#if defined (ENABLE_V4L2_SUPPORT)
    if (pParams->isV4L2InputEnabled)
        if (0 == msdk_strlen(pParams->DeviceName))
            PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Device Name not found"));
            return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

        if ((pParams->MipiPort > -1 && pParams->MipiMode == NONE) ||
            (pParams->MipiPort < 0 && pParams->MipiMode != NONE))
            PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Invalid Mipi Configuration\n"));
            return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

        if (pParams->v4l2Format == NO_FORMAT)
            PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("NO input v4l2 format\n"));
            return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    // check if all mandatory parameters were set
    if (0 == msdk_strlen(pParams->strSrcFile) && !pParams->isV4L2InputEnabled)
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Source file name not found"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if (pParams->dstFileBuff.empty())
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Destination file name not found"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if (0 == pParams->nWidth || 0 == pParams->nHeight)
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-w, -h must be specified"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if (MFX_CODEC_MPEG2 != pParams->CodecId &&
        MFX_CODEC_AVC != pParams->CodecId &&
        MFX_CODEC_JPEG != pParams->CodecId &&
        MFX_CODEC_VP8 != pParams->CodecId &&
        MFX_CODEC_HEVC != pParams->CodecId)
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unknown codec"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if (MFX_CODEC_JPEG != pParams->CodecId &&
        pParams->ColorFormat == MFX_FOURCC_YUY2 &&
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-yuy2 option is supported only for JPEG encoder"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    // check parameters validity
    if (pParams->nRotationAngle != 0 && pParams->nRotationAngle != 180)
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Angles other than 180 degrees are not supported."));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED; // other than 180 are not supported

    if (pParams->nQuality && (MFX_CODEC_JPEG != pParams->CodecId))
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-q option is supported only for JPEG encoder"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if ((pParams->nTargetUsage || pParams->nBitRate) && (MFX_CODEC_JPEG == pParams->CodecId))
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-u and -b options are supported only for H.264, MPEG2 and MVC encoders. For JPEG encoder use -q"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    // set default values for optional parameters that were not set or were set incorrectly
    mfxU32 nviews = (mfxU32)pParams->srcFileBuff.size();
    if ((nviews <= 1) || (nviews > 2))
        if (!(MVC_ENABLED & pParams->MVC_flags))
            pParams->numViews = 1;
            PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Only 2 views are supported right now in this sample."));
            return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;
        pParams->numViews = nviews;

    if (MFX_TARGETUSAGE_BEST_QUALITY != pParams->nTargetUsage && MFX_TARGETUSAGE_BEST_SPEED != pParams->nTargetUsage)
        pParams->nTargetUsage = MFX_TARGETUSAGE_BALANCED;

    if (pParams->dFrameRate <= 0)
        pParams->dFrameRate = 30;

    // if no destination picture width or height wasn't specified set it to the source picture size
    if (pParams->nDstWidth == 0)
        pParams->nDstWidth = pParams->nWidth;

    if (pParams->nDstHeight == 0)
        pParams->nDstHeight = pParams->nHeight;

    // calculate default bitrate based on the resolution (a parameter for encoder, so Dst resolution is used)
    if (pParams->nBitRate == 0)
        pParams->nBitRate = CalculateDefaultBitrate(pParams->CodecId, pParams->nTargetUsage, pParams->nDstWidth,
            pParams->nDstHeight, pParams->dFrameRate);

    // if nv12 option wasn't specified we expect input YUV file in YUV420 color format
    if (!pParams->ColorFormat)
        pParams->ColorFormat = MFX_FOURCC_YV12;

    if (!pParams->nPicStruct)
        pParams->nPicStruct = MFX_PICSTRUCT_PROGRESSIVE;

    if ((pParams->nRateControlMethod == MFX_RATECONTROL_LA) && (!pParams->bUseHWLib))
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Look ahead BRC is supported only with -hw option!"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if ((pParams->nMaxSliceSize) && (!pParams->bUseHWLib))
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("MaxSliceSize option is supported only with -hw option!"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if ((pParams->nMaxSliceSize) && (pParams->nNumSlice))
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("-mss and -num_slice options are not compatible!"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if ((pParams->nRateControlMethod == MFX_RATECONTROL_LA) && (pParams->CodecId != MFX_CODEC_AVC))
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Look ahead BRC is supported only with H.264 encoder!"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if ((pParams->nMaxSliceSize) && (pParams->CodecId != MFX_CODEC_AVC))
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("MaxSliceSize option is supported only with H.264 encoder!"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if (pParams->nLADepth && (pParams->nLADepth < 10 || pParams->nLADepth > 100))
        if ((pParams->nLADepth != 1) || (!pParams->nMaxSliceSize))
            PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Unsupported value of -lad parameter, must be in range [10, 100] or 1 in case of -mss option!"));
            return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    // not all options are supported if rotate plugin is enabled
    if (pParams->nRotationAngle == 180 && (
        MFX_PICSTRUCT_PROGRESSIVE != pParams->nPicStruct ||
        pParams->nDstWidth != pParams->nWidth ||
        pParams->nDstHeight != pParams->nHeight ||
        MVC_ENABLED & pParams->MVC_flags ||
        pParams->nRateControlMethod == MFX_RATECONTROL_LA))
        PrintHelp(strInput[0], MSDK_STRING("Some of the command line options are not supported with rotation plugin!"));
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    if (pParams->nAsyncDepth == 0)
        pParams->nAsyncDepth = 4; //set by default;

    // Ignoring user-defined Async Depth for LA
    if (pParams->nMaxSliceSize)
        pParams->nAsyncDepth = 1;

    if (pParams->nRateControlMethod == 0)
        pParams->nRateControlMethod = MFX_RATECONTROL_CBR;

        if(pParams->CodecId != MFX_CODEC_HEVC)
            msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Region encode option is compatible with h265(HEVC) encoder only.\nRegion encoding is disabled\n"));
        if (pParams->nWidth  != pParams->nDstWidth ||
            pParams->nHeight != pParams->nDstHeight ||

            msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Region encode option is not compatible with VPP processing.\nRegion encoding is disabled\n"));

    return MFX_ERR_NONE;
Esempio n. 10
void PrintHelp(msdk_char *strAppName, const msdk_char *strErrorMessage, ...)
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Encoding Sample Version %s\n\n"), MSDK_SAMPLE_VERSION);

    if (strErrorMessage)
        va_list args;
        msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("ERROR: "));
        va_start(args, strErrorMessage);
        msdk_vprintf(strErrorMessage, args);

    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Usage: %s <msdk-codecid> [<options>] -i InputYUVFile -o OutputEncodedFile -w width -h height\n"), strAppName);
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Supported codecs, <msdk-codecid>:\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   <codecid>=h264|mpeg2|vc1|mvc|jpeg - built-in Media SDK codecs\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   <codecid>=h265|vp8                - in-box Media SDK plugins (may require separate downloading and installation)\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   If codecid is jpeg, -q option is mandatory.)\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Options: \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-nv12|yuy2] - input is in NV12 color format, if not specified YUV420 is expected. YUY2 are for JPEG encode only\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-tff|bff] - input stream is interlaced, top|bottom fielf first, if not specified progressive is expected\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-bref] - arrange B frames in B pyramid reference structure\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-nobref] -  do not use B-pyramid (by default the decision is made by library)\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-idr_interval size] - idr interval, default 0 means every I is an IDR, 1 means every other I frame is an IDR etc\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-f frameRate] - video frame rate (frames per second)\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-n number] - number of frames to process\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-b bitRate] - encoded bit rate (Kbits per second), valid for H.264, H.265, MPEG2 and MVC encoders \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-u speed|quality|balanced] - target usage, valid for H.264, H.265, MPEG2 and MVC encoders\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-q quality] - mandatory quality parameter for JPEG encoder. In range [1,100]. 100 is the best quality. \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-r distance] - Distance between I- or P- key frames (1 means no B-frames) \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-g size] - GOP size (default 256)\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-x numRefs]   - number of reference frames\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-la] - use the look ahead bitrate control algorithm (LA BRC) (by default constant bitrate control method is used)\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("           for H.264, H.265 encoder. Supported only with -hw option on 4th Generation Intel Core processors. \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-lad depth] - depth parameter for the LA BRC, the number of frames to be analyzed before encoding. In range [10,100].\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("            may be 1 in the case when -mss option is specified \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-dstw width] - destination picture width, invokes VPP resizing\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-dsth height] - destination picture height, invokes VPP resizing\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-hw] - use platform specific SDK implementation (default)\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-sw] - use software implementation, if not specified platform specific SDK implementation is used\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-p guid] - 32-character hexadecimal guid string\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("                              (optional for Media SDK in-box plugins, required for user-encoder ones)\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-path path] - path to plugin (valid only in pair with -p option)\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-async]                 - depth of asynchronous pipeline. default value is 4. must be between 1 and 20.\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-gpucopy::<on,off>] Enable or disable GPU copy mode\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-cqp]                   - constant quantization parameter (CQP BRC) bitrate control method\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("                              (by default constant bitrate control method is used), should be used along with -qpi, -qpp, -qpb.\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-qpi]                   - constant quantizer for I frames (if bitrace control method is CQP). In range [1,51]. 0 by default, limitations on QP.\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-qpp]                   - constant quantizer for P frames (if bitrace control method is CQP). In range [1,51]. 0 by default, limitations on QP.\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-qpb]                   - constant quantizer for B frames (if bitrace control method is CQP). In range [1,51]. 0 by default, limitations on QP.\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-qsv-ff]       Enable QSV-FF mode\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-num_slice]             - number of slices in each video frame. 0 by default.\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("                              If num_slice equals zero, the encoder may choose any slice partitioning allowed by the codec standard.\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-mss]                   - maximum slice size in bytes. Supported only with -hw and h264 codec. This option is not compatible with -num_slice option.\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-re]                    - enable region encode mode. Works only with h265 encoder\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Example: %s h265 -i InputYUVFile -o OutputEncodedFile -w width -h height -hw -p 2fca99749fdb49aeb121a5b63ef568f7\n"), strAppName);
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-d3d] - work with d3d surfaces\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-d3d11] - work with d3d11 surfaces\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Example: %s h264|h265|mpeg2|jpeg -i InputYUVFile -o OutputEncodedFile -w width -h height -d3d -hw \n"), strAppName);
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Example for MVC: %s mvc -i InputYUVFile_1 -i InputYUVFile_2 -o OutputEncodedFile -w width -h height \n"), strAppName);
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-vaapi] - work with vaapi surfaces\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Example: %s h264|mpeg2|mvc -i InputYUVFile -o OutputEncodedFile -w width -h height -angle 180 -g 300 -r 1 \n"), strAppName);
#if defined (ENABLE_V4L2_SUPPORT)
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-d]                            - Device video node (eg: /dev/video0)\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-p]                            - Mipi Port number (eg: Port 0)\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-m]                            - Mipi Mode Configuration [PREVIEW/CONTINUOUS/STILL/VIDEO]\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-uyvy]                        - Input Raw format types V4L2 Encode\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-YUY2]                        - Input Raw format types V4L2 Encode\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-i::v4l2]                        - To enable v4l2 option\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Example: %s h264|mpeg2|mvc -i::v4l2 -o OutputEncodedFile -w width -h height -d /dev/video0 -uyvy -m preview -p 0\n"), strAppName);
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-viewoutput] - instruct the MVC encoder to output each view in separate bitstream buffer. Depending on the number of -o options behaves as follows:\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("                   1: two views are encoded in single file\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("                   2: two views are encoded in separate files\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("                   3: behaves like 2 -o opitons was used and then one -o\n\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Example: %s mvc -i InputYUVFile_1 -i InputYUVFile_2 -o OutputEncodedFile_1 -o OutputEncodedFile_2 -viewoutput -w width -h height \n"), strAppName);
    // user module options
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("User module options: \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-angle 180] - enables 180 degrees picture rotation before encoding, CPU implementation by default. Rotation requires NV12 input. Options -tff|bff, -dstw, -dsth, -d3d are not effective together with this one, -nv12 is required.\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-opencl] - rotation implementation through OPENCL\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Example: %s h264|h265|mpeg2|mvc|jpeg -i InputYUVFile -o OutputEncodedFile -w width -h height -angle 180 -opencl \n"), strAppName);

/* Custom methods */
mfxStatus Rotate::Init(mfxVideoParam *mfxParam)

    mfxStatus sts = MFX_ERR_NONE;
    // whether we use d3d memory on
    int bd3d[2] = { 0,       // input
                    0};      // output

    m_VideoParam = *mfxParam;

    // map opaque surfaces array in case of opaque surfaces
    m_bIsInOpaque = (m_VideoParam.IOPattern & MFX_IOPATTERN_IN_OPAQUE_MEMORY) ? true : false;
    m_bIsOutOpaque = (m_VideoParam.IOPattern & MFX_IOPATTERN_OUT_OPAQUE_MEMORY) ? true : false;
    mfxExtOpaqueSurfaceAlloc* pluginOpaqueAlloc = NULL;

    if (m_bIsInOpaque || m_bIsOutOpaque)
        pluginOpaqueAlloc = (mfxExtOpaqueSurfaceAlloc*)GetExtBuffer(m_VideoParam.ExtParam,
            m_VideoParam.NumExtParam, MFX_EXTBUFF_OPAQUE_SURFACE_ALLOCATION);

    // check existence of corresponding allocs
    if ((m_bIsInOpaque && ! pluginOpaqueAlloc->In.Surfaces) || (m_bIsOutOpaque && !pluginOpaqueAlloc->Out.Surfaces))

    if (m_bIsInOpaque)
        sts = m_pmfxCore->MapOpaqueSurface(m_pmfxCore->pthis, pluginOpaqueAlloc->In.NumSurface,
            pluginOpaqueAlloc->In.Type, pluginOpaqueAlloc->In.Surfaces);

        bd3d[0] = pluginOpaqueAlloc->In.Type &
        bd3d[0] = m_VideoParam.IOPattern & MFX_IOPATTERN_IN_VIDEO_MEMORY;

    if (m_bIsOutOpaque)
        sts = m_pmfxCore->MapOpaqueSurface(m_pmfxCore->pthis, pluginOpaqueAlloc->Out.NumSurface,
            pluginOpaqueAlloc->Out.Type, pluginOpaqueAlloc->Out.Surfaces);

        bd3d[1] = pluginOpaqueAlloc->Out.Type &
        bd3d[1] = m_VideoParam.IOPattern & MFX_IOPATTERN_OUT_VIDEO_MEMORY;

    m_MaxNumTasks = 1;

    m_pTasks = new RotateTask [m_MaxNumTasks];
    memset(m_pTasks, 0, sizeof(RotateTask) * m_MaxNumTasks);

    m_NumChunks = 1;
    m_pChunks = new DataChunk [m_NumChunks];
    memset(m_pChunks, 0, sizeof(DataChunk) * m_NumChunks);

    // divide frame into data chunks
    mfxU32 num_lines_in_chunk = mfxParam->vpp.In.CropH / m_NumChunks; // integer division
    mfxU32 remainder_lines = mfxParam->vpp.In.CropH % m_NumChunks; // get remainder
    // remaining lines are distributed among first chunks (+ extra 1 line each)
    for (mfxU32 i = 0; i < m_NumChunks; i++)
        m_pChunks[i].StartLine = (i == 0) ? 0 : m_pChunks[i-1].EndLine + 1;
        m_pChunks[i].EndLine = (i < remainder_lines) ? (i + 1) * num_lines_in_chunk : (i + 1) * num_lines_in_chunk - 1;

    // enable surface sharing in case both input and output are d3d surfaces
    if (bd3d[0] && bd3d[1])
        m_bOpenCLSurfaceSharing = true;

    if (m_bOpenCLSurfaceSharing)
        // init OpenCLFilter
        cl_int error = CL_SUCCESS;

#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
        if (MFX_IMPL_VIA_MASK(m_impl) == MFX_IMPL_VIA_D3D11) {
             m_OpenCLFilter.reset(new OpenCLFilterDX11());
        } else {
            m_OpenCLFilter.reset(new OpenCLFilterDX9());
        error = m_OpenCLFilter.get()->AddKernel(readFile("").c_str(), "rotate_Y", "rotate_UV");
        if (error) return MFX_ERR_DEVICE_FAILED;

        error = m_OpenCLFilter.get()->OCLInit(m_device);

        m_OpenCLFilter.reset(new OpenCLFilterVA());
        error = m_OpenCLFilter.get()->AddKernel(readFile("").c_str(), "rotate_Y", "rotate_UV");
        if (error) return MFX_ERR_DEVICE_FAILED;
        error = m_OpenCLFilter.get()->OCLInit(m_device);
        if (error)
            error = CL_SUCCESS;
            std::cout << "\nWARNING: Initializing plugin with media sharing failed" << std::endl;
            m_bOpenCLSurfaceSharing = false; // try init plugin without sharing
            error = m_OpenCLFilter->SelectKernel(0);
            if (error) return MFX_ERR_DEVICE_FAILED;

    if (!m_bOpenCLSurfaceSharing)
            m_pOpenCLRotator180Context.reset(new OpenCLRotator180Context(readFile("").c_str()));
        catch (const std::exception &err)
            std::cout << "Error: The readFile method throws an exception: " << err.what() << std::endl;
            return MFX_ERR_DEVICE_FAILED;

    if (m_bOpenCLSurfaceSharing)
        msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("info: using GPU OpenCL device with media sharing extension\n"));
        msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("info: using CPU OpenCL device without media sharing extension\n"));

    m_bInited = true;

    return MFX_ERR_NONE;
Esempio n. 12
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    sInputParams      Params;   // input parameters from command line
    CCameraPipeline   Pipeline; // pipeline for decoding, includes input file reader, decoder and output file writer

    mfxStatus sts = MFX_ERR_NONE; // return value check

    sts = ParseInputString(argv, (mfxU8)argc, &Params);

    sts = Pipeline.Init(&Params);

    // print stream info

    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Camera pipe started\n"));
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
    LARGE_INTEGER timeBegin, timeEnd, m_Freq;

    int resetNum = 0;
    for (;;) {
        sts = Pipeline.Run();
        if (MFX_WRN_VIDEO_PARAM_CHANGED == sts) {
            sInputParams *pParams = &Params;
            if (resetNum >= (int)Params.resetParams.size())
            msdk_strcopy(Params.strSrcFile, Params.resetParams[resetNum].strSrcFile);
            msdk_strcopy(pParams->strDstFile, Params.resetParams[resetNum].strDstFile);
            pParams->frameInfo[VPP_IN].nWidth   = (mfxU16)Params.resetParams[resetNum].width;
            pParams->frameInfo[VPP_IN].nHeight  = (mfxU16)Params.resetParams[resetNum].height;
            pParams->frameInfo[VPP_IN].CropW = pParams->frameInfo[VPP_IN].nWidth;
            if ( Params.resetParams[resetNum].cropW )
                pParams->frameInfo[VPP_IN].CropW = Params.resetParams[resetNum].cropW;
            pParams->frameInfo[VPP_IN].CropH = pParams->frameInfo[VPP_IN].nHeight;
            if ( Params.resetParams[resetNum].cropH )
                pParams->frameInfo[VPP_IN].CropH = Params.resetParams[resetNum].cropH;
            pParams->frameInfo[VPP_IN].CropX = align(Params.resetParams[resetNum].cropX);
            pParams->frameInfo[VPP_IN].CropY = Params.resetParams[resetNum].cropY;

            if ( ! pParams->frameInfo[VPP_IN].CropW )
                pParams->frameInfo[VPP_IN].CropW = pParams->frameInfo[VPP_IN].nWidth;

            if ( ! pParams->frameInfo[VPP_IN].CropH )
                pParams->frameInfo[VPP_IN].CropH = pParams->frameInfo[VPP_IN].nHeight;

            pParams->frameInfo[VPP_OUT].nWidth  = pParams->frameInfo[VPP_IN].CropW;
            pParams->frameInfo[VPP_OUT].nHeight = pParams->frameInfo[VPP_IN].CropH;
            pParams->frameInfo[VPP_OUT].CropW = pParams->frameInfo[VPP_IN].CropW;
            pParams->frameInfo[VPP_OUT].CropH = pParams->frameInfo[VPP_IN].CropH;

            pParams->bayerType     = Params.resetParams[resetNum].bayerType;
            pParams->bHP           = Params.resetParams[resetNum].bHP;
            pParams->hp_diff       = Params.resetParams[resetNum].hp_diff;
            pParams->hp_num        = Params.resetParams[resetNum].hp_num;

            pParams->bBayerDenoise    = Params.resetParams[resetNum].bDenoise;
            pParams->denoiseThreshold = Params.resetParams[resetNum].denoiseThreshold;

            pParams->bBlackLevel   = Params.resetParams[resetNum].bBlackLevel;
            pParams->black_level_B = Params.resetParams[resetNum].black_level_B;
            pParams->black_level_G0= Params.resetParams[resetNum].black_level_G0;
            pParams->black_level_G1= Params.resetParams[resetNum].black_level_G1;
            pParams->black_level_R = Params.resetParams[resetNum].black_level_R;
            pParams->bWhiteBalance   = Params.resetParams[resetNum].bWhiteBalance;
            pParams->white_balance_B = Params.resetParams[resetNum].white_balance_B;
            pParams->white_balance_G0= Params.resetParams[resetNum].white_balance_G0;
            pParams->white_balance_G1= Params.resetParams[resetNum].white_balance_G1;
            pParams->white_balance_R = Params.resetParams[resetNum].white_balance_R;
            pParams->bCCM = Params.resetParams[resetNum].bCCM;
            for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                for (int z = 0; z < 3; z++)
                    pParams->CCM[k][z] = Params.resetParams[resetNum].CCM[k][z];

            //pParams->frameInfo[VPP_OUT].FourCC = MFX_FOURCC_ARGB16;
            //pParams->memTypeIn = pParams->memTypeOut = SYSTEM_MEMORY;

            sts = Pipeline.Reset(&Params);
            if (sts == MFX_ERR_INCOMPATIBLE_VIDEO_PARAM)
                sts = Pipeline.Init(&Params);
            if (sts != MFX_ERR_NONE)
        } else

#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)

    double time = ((double)timeEnd.QuadPart - (double)timeBegin.QuadPart)/ (double)m_Freq.QuadPart;

    int frames = Pipeline.GetNumberProcessedFrames();

    _tprintf(_T("Total frames %d \n"), frames);
    _tprintf(_T("Total time   %.2lf sec\n"), time);
    _tprintf(_T("Total FPS    %.2lf fps\n"), frames/time);

    if(MFX_ERR_ABORTED != sts)

    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("\nCamera pipe finished\n"));

    return 0;
Esempio n. 13
void PrintHelp(msdk_char *strAppName, const msdk_char *strErrorMessage)
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Intel(R) Camera Expert SDK Sample Version %s\n\n"), MSDK_SAMPLE_VERSION);

    if (strErrorMessage)
        msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Error: %s\n"), strErrorMessage);

    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Usage: %s [Options] -p PathToCameraPlugin -i InputFileNameBase -o OutputFileNameBase [numberOfFilesToDump]\n"), strAppName);
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("Options: \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-plugin_version ver]                                - define camera plugin version\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-a asyncDepth] / [-asyncDepth asyncDepth]          - set async depth, default %d \n"), CAM_SAMPLE_ASYNC_DEPTH);
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-b bitDepth] / [-bitDepth bitDepth]                - set bit depth, default 10 \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-f format] / [-format format]                      - input Bayer format: rggb, bggr, grbg or gbrg\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-of format] / [-outFormat format]                  - output format: of argb16 or 16 meaning 16 bit ARGB, 8 bit ARGB otherwise\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-3DLUT_gamma]                                      - use 3D LUT gamma correction\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-ng] / [-noGamma]                                  - no gamma correction\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-gamma_points]                                     - set specific gamma points (64 points expected)\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-gamma_corrected]                                  - set specific gamma corrected values (64 values expected)\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("                                                           -gamma_points and -gamma_corrected options must be used together\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-bdn threshold] / [-bayerDenoise threshold]        - bayer denoise on\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-hot_pixel Diff Num]                               - bayer hot pixel removal\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-bbl B G0 G1 R] / [-bayerBlackLevel B G0 G1 R]     - bayer black level correction\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-bwb B G0 G1 R] / [-bayerWhiteBalance B G0 G1 R]   - bayer white balance\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-ccm n00 n01 ... n33 ]                             - color correction 3x3 matrix\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-vignette maskfile ]                               - enable vignette correction using mask from specified file\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-lens a b c d ]                                    - enable lens geometry distortion correction\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-chroma_aberration aR bR cR dR aG bG cG dG aB bB cB dB ] - enable chroma aberration correction\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-w width] / [-width width]                         - input width, default 4096\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-h height] / [-height height]                      - input height, default 2160\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-n numFrames] / [-numFramesToProcess numFrames]    - number of frames to process\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-alpha alpha]                                      - write value to alpha channel of output surface \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-pd] / [-padding]                                  - do input surface padding \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-resetInterval resetInterval]                      - reset interval in frames, default 7 \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-reset -i ... -o ... -f ... -w ... -h ... -bbl ... -bwb ... -ccm ...]     -  params to be used after next reset.\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("       Only params listed above are supported, if a param is not set here, the originally set value is used. \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("       There can be any number of resets, applied in order of appearance in the command line, \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("           after resetInterval frames are processed with the current params  \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-imem]                                              - input memory type (sys|video). Default is system\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-omem]                                              - output memory type (sys|video). Default is system\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-accel]                                             - type of acceleration device (d3d9|d3d11). Default is d3d9\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-r]  / [-render]                                    - render output in a separate window \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   [-wall w h n m f t tmo]                              - same as -r, and positioned rendering window in a particular cell on specific monitor \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("       w               - number of columns of video windows on selected monitor\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("       h               - number of rows of video windows on selected monitor\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("       n(0,.,w*h-1)    - order of video window in table that will be rendered\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("       m(0,1..)        - monitor id \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("       f               - rendering framerate\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("       t(0/1)          - enable/disable window's title\n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("       tmo             - timeout for -wall option\n"));
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("\nFeatures: \n"));
    msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("   Press 1 to toggle fullscreen rendering on/off\n"));
Esempio n. 14
mfxStatus D3DFrameAllocator::AllocImpl(mfxFrameAllocRequest *request, mfxFrameAllocResponse *response)
    HRESULT hr;

    if (request->NumFrameSuggested == 0)
        return MFX_ERR_UNKNOWN;

    D3DFORMAT format = ConvertMfxFourccToD3dFormat(request->Info.FourCC);

    if (format == D3DFMT_UNKNOWN)
        msdk_printf(MSDK_STRING("D3D Allocator: invalid fourcc is provided (%#X), exitting\n"),request->Info.FourCC);
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    DWORD   target;

    if (MFX_MEMTYPE_DXVA2_DECODER_TARGET & request->Type)
        target = DXVA2_VideoDecoderRenderTarget;
    else if (MFX_MEMTYPE_DXVA2_PROCESSOR_TARGET & request->Type)
        target = DXVA2_VideoProcessorRenderTarget;
        return MFX_ERR_UNSUPPORTED;

    IDirectXVideoAccelerationService* videoService = NULL;

    if (target == DXVA2_VideoProcessorRenderTarget) {
        if (!m_hProcessor) {
            hr = m_manager->OpenDeviceHandle(&m_hProcessor);
            if (FAILED(hr))
                return MFX_ERR_MEMORY_ALLOC;

            hr = m_manager->GetVideoService(m_hProcessor, IID_IDirectXVideoProcessorService, (void**)&m_processorService);
            if (FAILED(hr))
                return MFX_ERR_MEMORY_ALLOC;
        videoService = m_processorService;
    else {
        if (!m_hDecoder)
            hr = m_manager->OpenDeviceHandle(&m_hDecoder);
            if (FAILED(hr))
                return MFX_ERR_MEMORY_ALLOC;

            hr = m_manager->GetVideoService(m_hDecoder, IID_IDirectXVideoDecoderService, (void**)&m_decoderService);
            if (FAILED(hr))
                return MFX_ERR_MEMORY_ALLOC;
        videoService = m_decoderService;

    mfxHDLPair *dxMids = NULL, **dxMidPtrs = NULL;
    dxMids = (mfxHDLPair*)calloc(request->NumFrameSuggested, sizeof(mfxHDLPair));
    dxMidPtrs = (mfxHDLPair**)calloc(request->NumFrameSuggested, sizeof(mfxHDLPair*));

    if (!dxMids || !dxMidPtrs) {
        return MFX_ERR_MEMORY_ALLOC;

    response->mids = (mfxMemId*)dxMidPtrs;
    response->NumFrameActual = request->NumFrameSuggested;

    if (request->Type & MFX_MEMTYPE_EXTERNAL_FRAME) {
        for (int i = 0; i < request->NumFrameSuggested; i++) {
            hr = videoService->CreateSurface(request->Info.Width, request->Info.Height, 0,  format,
                                             D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, m_surfaceUsage, target, (IDirect3DSurface9**)&dxMids[i].first, &dxMids[i].second);
            if (FAILED(hr)) {
                return MFX_ERR_MEMORY_ALLOC;
            dxMidPtrs[i] = &dxMids[i];
    } else {
        safe_array<IDirect3DSurface9*> dxSrf(new IDirect3DSurface9*[request->NumFrameSuggested]);
        if (!dxSrf.get())
            return MFX_ERR_MEMORY_ALLOC;
        hr = videoService->CreateSurface(request->Info.Width, request->Info.Height, request->NumFrameSuggested - 1,  format,
                                         D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, m_surfaceUsage, target, dxSrf.get(), NULL);
        if (FAILED(hr))
            return MFX_ERR_MEMORY_ALLOC;

        for (int i = 0; i < request->NumFrameSuggested; i++) {
            dxMids[i].first = dxSrf.get()[i];
            dxMidPtrs[i] = &dxMids[i];
    return MFX_ERR_NONE;
Esempio n. 15
void v4l2Device::V4L2Init()
    int ret;
    struct v4l2_format fmt;
    struct v4l2_capability caps;
    struct v4l2_streamparm parm;
    struct v4l2_requestbuffers rqbufs;

    m_fd = open(m_devname, O_RDWR);
    BYE_ON(m_fd < 0, "failed to open %s: %s\n", m_devname, ERRSTR);

    /* Specifically for setting up mipi configuration. DMABUFF is
     * also enable by default here.
    if (m_MipiPort > -1  && m_MipiMode != NONE) {
    parm.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
    parm.parm.capture.capturemode = GetAtomISPModes(m_MipiMode);

    ret = blockIOCTL(m_fd, VIDIOC_S_INPUT, &m_MipiPort);
    BYE_ON(ret < 0, "VIDIOC_S_INPUT failed: %s\n", ERRSTR);

    ret = blockIOCTL(m_fd, VIDIOC_S_PARM, &parm);
    BYE_ON(ret < 0, "VIDIOC_S_PARAM failed: %s\n", ERRSTR);

    ret = blockIOCTL(m_fd, VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, &caps);
    msdk_printf( "Driver Caps:\n"
            "  Driver: \"%s\"\n"
            "  Card: \"%s\"\n"
            "  Bus: \"%s\"\n"
            "  Version: %d.%d\n"
            "  Capabilities: %08x\n",

    BYE_ON(ret, "VIDIOC_QUERYCAP failed: %s\n", ERRSTR);
    BYE_ON(~caps.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE,
                "video: singleplanar capture is not supported\n");

    fmt.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
    ret = blockIOCTL(m_fd, VIDIOC_G_FMT, &fmt);

    BYE_ON(ret < 0, "VIDIOC_G_FMT failed: %s\n", ERRSTR);

    msdk_printf("G_FMT(start): width = %u, height = %u, 4cc = %.4s, BPP = %u sizeimage = %d field = %d\n",
        fmt.fmt.pix.width, fmt.fmt.pix.height,

    fmt.fmt.pix = m_format;

    msdk_printf("G_FMT(pre): width = %u, height = %u, 4cc = %.4s, BPP = %u sizeimage = %d field = %d\n",
        fmt.fmt.pix.width, fmt.fmt.pix.height,

    ret = blockIOCTL(m_fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &fmt);
    BYE_ON(ret < 0, "VIDIOC_S_FMT failed: %s\n", ERRSTR);

    ret = blockIOCTL(m_fd, VIDIOC_G_FMT, &fmt);
    BYE_ON(ret < 0, "VIDIOC_G_FMT failed: %s\n", ERRSTR);
    msdk_printf("G_FMT(final): width = %u, height = %u, 4cc = %.4s, BPP = %u\n",
        fmt.fmt.pix.width, fmt.fmt.pix.height,

    rqbufs.count = m_num_buffers;
    rqbufs.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
    rqbufs.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_DMABUF;

    ret = blockIOCTL(m_fd, VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &rqbufs);
    BYE_ON(ret < 0, "VIDIOC_REQBUFS failed: %s\n", ERRSTR);
    BYE_ON(rqbufs.count < m_num_buffers, "video node allocated only "
            "%u of %u buffers\n", rqbufs.count, m_num_buffers);

    m_format = fmt.fmt.pix;