Esempio n. 1
void playOsc(Osc *o, int note) {
  float f = mtof(note);
  float u = 1000000.f/f;
  o->uPeriod = u;
  o->halfPeriod = o->uPeriod/2;
  o->note = note;
Esempio n. 2
void line_play::update(){
  if(f.size() > 0){  
    tstart += speed;
    push_output(0,mtof(f[mod((int) (tstart),f.size())]));
void playDirStepOsc(DirStepOsc *o, int note, int vel) {
	float f = mtof(note)*2;
	float u = 1000000.f/f;
	o->uPeriod = u;
	o->halfPeriod = o->uPeriod/2;
	o->out = 0;
	shiftPin(o->enableShiftPin, 1);
Esempio n. 4
// name: mtof()
// desc: midi to freq
double mtof( double f )
    if( f <= -1500 ) return (0);
    else if( f > 1499 ) return (mtof(1499));
    // else return (8.17579891564 * exp(.0577622650 * f));
    // TODO: optimize
    else return ( pow(2,(f-69)/12.0) * 440.0 );
Esempio n. 5
void playVelOsc(VelOsc *o, int note, int vel) {
  float f = mtof(note);
  float u = 1000000.f/f;
  o->uPeriod = u;
  o->pwmValue = 127-vel;
void playRandOsc(RandOsc *o, int note, int vel)
    float f = mtof(note);
    float u = 1000000.f/f;
    o->uPeriod = u;	
    o->halfPeriod = u/2;
void playControlStepOsc(ControlStepOsc *o, int note, int vel)
    shiftPin(o->enableShiftPin, 1);
    float f = mtof(note);
    float u = 1000000.f/f;
    o->uPeriod = u;
    o->halfPeriod = o->uPeriod/2;
    o->out = 0;
Esempio n. 8
void ccOsc(Osc *o, int ctrlId, int val) {
    //if(ctrlId==-1) {
      float f = mtof(o->note);
      float power = val - 63;
      power /= 63;
      f *= pow(2, power);
      float u = 1000000.f/f;
      o->uPeriod = u;
      o->halfPeriod = o->uPeriod/2;
void playLimitStepOsc(LimitStepOsc *o, int note, int vel)
    shiftPin(o->enableShiftPin, 1);
    float f = mtof(note);
    float u = 1000000.f/f;
    o->uPeriod = u;
    o->halfPeriod = o->uPeriod/2;
    o->out = 0;
    o->checked = 0;
    o->disabledTime = 0;
void playDrawerOsc(DrawerOsc *o, int note, int vel)
    shiftPin(o->enableShiftPin, 1);
    // optimum note for driving drawers is C3?
    float f = mtof(note);
    float u = 1000000.f/f;
    o->uPeriod = u;
    o->halfPeriod = o->uPeriod/2;
    o->out = 0;
    o->dir = DRAWER_START_DIR;
    digitalWrite(o->dirPin, o->dir);
    o->checked = 0;
    o->counter = DRAWER_STEPS;
void testApp::mousePressed(int x, int y, int button){
    float t, beatoffset;

    // some timing shit...
    t = ofGetElapsedTimef();
    float tempo = 0.125;
    beatoffset = tempo-fmod(t,tempo); // use for accurate ahead-of-time quantization for rhythmic triggering

    double bpattern[] = {1,0,0.25,0.5,0.75,0,1,0,0.75,0.5,0.2,0,1,0,0,0.5,1,0.2,0,0.2,0,0.3,0,0,0.5,0,0,0,0,0,0.6,1};

    switch (quadrant) {
        case 0:
            // fast attack waves
            WAVETABLE(0., 0.1, 0.2, mtof(scale(int((1.0-sy)*36.)+28., 2)), sy, "thewave", "theamp");
        case 1:
            // plucks
            //STRUM(0., 1.0, 0.3, mtof(scale(int((1.0-sy)*36.)+50., 5)), 1.0, 1., sx);
            //STRUM(0.125, 1.0, 0.2, mtof(scale(int((1.0-sy)*36.)+50.+4., 5)), ofMap(delta, 0., 1., 5., 0.1), 1., sx);
            //STRUM(0.25, 1.0, 0.2, mtof(scale(int((1.0-sy)*36.)+50.+7., 5)), ofMap(delta, 0., 1., 5., 0.1), 1., sx);
        case 2:
            // beats
            for(int i = 0;i<32;i++)
                if(bpattern[i]>0.) {
            //MMODALBAR(i*tempo+beatoffset, 1., 0.2*bpattern[i], mtof(scale(int((1.0-sy)*36.)+40., 2)), ofMap(i,0,31,0.1,0.9), sy, int(ofRandom(8)));
            if(DEBUG) cout << sx << " " << sy << " " << delta << endl;
        case 3:
            // only in mouseDragged(), sorry

void testApp::mouseDragged(int x, int y, int button){

    float t, beatoffset;
    // some timing shit...
    t = ofGetElapsedTimef();
    float tempo = 0.1;
    float del1, del2;
    beatoffset = tempo-fmod(t,tempo); // use for accurate ahead-of-time quantization for rhythmic triggering
    switch (quadrant) {
        case 0:
            // pretty waves
            WAVETABLE(0., 3., 0.05, mtof(scale(int((1.0-sy)*36.)+40., 2)), sy, "themellowwave", "themellowamp");
        case 1:
            // plucky
            //STRUM(0., 1.0, 0.2, mtof(scale(int((1.0-sy)*36.)+50., 5)), ofMap(delta, 0., 1., 5., 0.1), 1., sx);
        case 2:
            // only in mousePressed(), sorry
        case 3:
            // steve jobs in a beat
            del1 = tempo*4./(float(round(sx*8.0+1.0))/8.0);
            del2 = tempo*4./(float(round((1.0-sx)*8.0+1.0))/8.0);
            if(allownote==1) {
                //PANECHO(0+beatoffset, sy, ofMap(delta, 0., 1., 0.0, tempo), 0.7, del1, del2, 0.4, 10.);
            if(DEBUG) cout << beatoffset << " " << del1 << " " << del2 << endl;
Esempio n. 13
double mtof(double f)
    if (f <= -1500) return(0);
    else if (f > 1499) return(mtof(1499));
    else return (float)(8.17579891564 * exp(.0577622650 * (double)f));
Esempio n. 14
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

  unsigned int bpm = 120;

  std::array<int, 10> notes = { { 40, 41, 28, 28, 28, 28, 27, 25, 35, 78 } };
  std::array<int, 10> sweepRate = { { 1, 6, 6, 2, 1, 2, 4, 8, 3, 3 } };
  std::array<int, 16> kickSequence = { { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 } };
  unsigned int sweepPos = 0;
  unsigned int kickPos = 0;

  Oscillator<WaveformType::Saw<float>> sawA(0.0);
  Oscillator<WaveformType::Saw<float>> sawB(0.0);
  Oscillator<WaveformType::Triangle<float>> sweep(0.0);
  Oscillator<WaveformType::Sine<float>> kick(0.0);
  WhiteNoise<> noise;

  Decay snareDecayA(0.4);
  Decay snareDecayB(0.97);
  Decay kickDecay(0.85);

  Impulse trigger(bpm / 120.0f);
  Impulse snareTrigger(bpm / 50.0f, 44100.0f, 0.5);
  Impulse kickTrigger(bpm / 480.0f);

  random_selector<> randomSelect;
  float targetFrequency = 0.0f;
  float bassFrequency = 0.0f;

  Audio audio([&](Audio::sample_iterator aInBegin,
                  Audio::sample_iterator aInEnd,
                  Audio::sample_iterator aOutBegin,
                  Audio::sample_iterator aOutEnd)
                  for (Audio::sample_iterator it = aOutBegin; it != aOutEnd; it += 2)
                    if (trigger())
                      targetFrequency = mtof(randomSelect(notes));
                      if (sweepPos >= sweepRate.size()) sweepPos = 0;

                    bassFrequency = targetFrequency * 0.0008 + bassFrequency * 0.9992;
                    sawA.setFrequency(bassFrequency * 1.01);
                    sawB.setFrequency(bassFrequency * 0.99);

                    int kickTrig = kickTrigger();
                    if (kickTrig)
                      kickTrig &= kickSequence[kickPos++];
                      if (kickPos >= kickSequence.size()) kickPos = 0;

                    float kickDec = kickDecay(kickTrig);
                    kick.setFrequency(40.0 + (kickDec * kickDec * kickDec * 200));

                    int snareTrig = snareTrigger();
                    float snareEnvelope = snareDecayA(snareTrig) * 2 + snareDecayB(snareTrig) * 0.05;

                    float snareLeft = noise() * snareEnvelope;
                    float snareRight = noise() * snareEnvelope;
                    float kickSample = kick() * kickDec * 7;
                    float sample = sawA() + sawB() + kickSample;

                    *it = sample + snareLeft;
                    *(it + 1) = sample + snareRight;

  std::cout << "Stream opened with a buffer size of " << audio.bufferSize()
            << " samples, and a stream latency of " << audio.streamLatency()
            << " samples (" << (audio.streamLatency() / audio.samplerateControl().getSamplerate()) * 1000. << " ms.)" << std::endl;

Esempio n. 15
void pitch_tick_G4(t_pitch *x) {

	t_int halfFFTSize = x->FFTSize/2;
	t_float FsOverFFTSize = x->x_Fs/((t_float)x->FFTSize);
    t_pitchhist *ph;
	t_int i;
	// Zero padding
	for (i=x->BufSize; i<x->FFTSize; i++)
		x->BufFFT[i] = 0.0f;

	// Window the samples
	if (x->x_window != Recta)
		for (i=0; i<x->BufSize; ++i)
			x->BufFFT[i] *= x->WindFFT[i];
    // Look at the real signal as an interleaved complex vector by casting it.
    // Then call the transformation function ctoz to get a split complex vector,
    // which for a real signal, divides into an even-odd configuration.
    ctoz ((COMPLEX *) x->BufFFT, 2, &x->x_A, 1, x->x_FFTSizeOver2);
    // Carry out a Forward FFT transform
    fft_zrip(x->x_setup, &x->x_A, 1, x->x_log2n, FFT_FORWARD);

	// Fast rescaling required
//    vsmul( x->x_A.realp, 1, &x->x_scaleFactor, x->x_A.realp, 1, x->x_FFTSizeOver2);
//    vsmul( x->x_A.imagp, 1, &x->x_scaleFactor, x->x_A.imagp, 1, x->x_FFTSizeOver2);

    // The output signal is now in a split real form.  Use the function
    // ztoc to get a split real vector.
    ztoc ( &x->x_A, 1, (COMPLEX *) x->BufFFT, 2, x->x_FFTSizeOver2);
	// Squared Absolute
	for (i=0; i<x->FFTSize; i+=2) 
		x->BufPower[i/2] = (x->BufFFT[i] * x->BufFFT[i]) + (x->BufFFT[i+1] * x->BufFFT[i+1]);
	// Go into fiddle~ code
	// Output results
    if (x->x_npeakout) { // Output peaks
    	t_peakout *po;
    	for (i=0, po=x->peakBuf; i<x->x_npeakout; i++, po++) {
			t_atom at[3];
	    	atom_setlong(at, i+1);
	    	atom_setfloat(at+1, po->po_freq);
	    	atom_setfloat(at+2, po->po_amp);
	    	outlet_list(x->x_peakout, 0, 3, at);
    // Output amplitude 
    outlet_float(x->x_envout, x->x_dbs[x->x_histphase]);
    // Output fundamental frequencies + amplitudes
    if (x->x_npitch > 1) {
		for (i=0,  ph=x->x_hist; i<x->x_npitch; i++, ph++) {
			t_atom at[3];
			atom_setlong(at, i+1);
			atom_setfloat(at+1, ph->h_pitches[x->x_histphase]);
			atom_setfloat(at+2, ph->h_amps[x->x_histphase]);
			outlet_list(x->x_pitchout, 0, 3, at);
   	} else {
		for (i=0,  ph=x->x_hist; i<x->x_npitch; i++, ph++) {
			t_atom at[2];
			atom_setfloat(at, ph->h_pitches[x->x_histphase]);
			atom_setfloat(at+1, ph->h_amps[x->x_histphase]);
			outlet_list(x->x_pitchout, 0, 2, at);
    // Output cooked MIDI/Frequency pitch
    if (x->x_npitch > 1) {
	    for (i=0, ph=x->x_hist; i<x->x_npitch; i++, ph++)
 			if (ph->h_pitch) {
				t_atom at[3];
				atom_setlong(at, i+1);
				atom_setfloat(at+1, ph->h_pitch);
				atom_setfloat(at+2, mtof(ph->h_pitch));
				outlet_list(x->x_noteout, 0, 3, at);
	} else {
		ph = x->x_hist;
 		if (ph->h_pitch) {
			t_atom at[2];
			atom_setfloat(at, ph->h_pitch);
			atom_setfloat(at+1, mtof(ph->h_pitch));
			outlet_list(x->x_noteout, 0, 2, at);
    // Output attack bang 
    if (x->x_attackvalue) outlet_bang(x->x_attackout);

Esempio n. 16
void pitch_tick(t_pitch *x) {

	t_int halfFFTSize = x->FFTSize/2;
	t_float FsOverFFTSize = x->x_Fs/((t_float)x->FFTSize);
    t_pitchhist *ph;
	t_int i;
	// Zero padding
	for (i=x->BufSize; i<x->FFTSize; i++)
		x->BufFFT[i] = 0.0f;

	// Window the samples
	if (x->x_window != Recta)
		for (i=0; i<x->BufSize; ++i)
			x->BufFFT[i] *= x->WindFFT[i];
	// FFT
	fftRealfast(x->FFTSize, x->BufFFT, x->memFFT);
	// Squared Absolute
	for (i=0; i<x->FFTSize; i+=2) 
		x->BufPower[i/2] = (x->BufFFT[i] * x->BufFFT[i]) + (x->BufFFT[i+1] * x->BufFFT[i+1]);
	// Go into fiddle~ code
	// Output results
    if (x->x_npeakout) { // Output peaks
    	t_peakout *po;
    	for (i=0, po=x->peakBuf; i<x->x_npeakout; i++, po++) {
			t_atom at[3];
	    	atom_setlong(at, i+1);
	    	atom_setfloat(at+1, po->po_freq);
	    	atom_setfloat(at+2, po->po_amp);
	    	outlet_list(x->x_peakout, 0, 3, at);
    // Output amplitude 
    outlet_float(x->x_envout, x->x_dbs[x->x_histphase]);
    // Output fundamental frequencies + amplitudes
    if (x->x_npitch > 1) {
		for (i=0,  ph=x->x_hist; i<x->x_npitch; i++, ph++) {
			t_atom at[3];
			atom_setlong(at, i+1);
			atom_setfloat(at+1, ph->h_pitches[x->x_histphase]);
			atom_setfloat(at+2, ph->h_amps[x->x_histphase]);
			outlet_list(x->x_pitchout, 0, 3, at);
   	} else {
		for (i=0,  ph=x->x_hist; i<x->x_npitch; i++, ph++) {
			t_atom at[2];
			atom_setfloat(at, ph->h_pitches[x->x_histphase]);
			atom_setfloat(at+1, ph->h_amps[x->x_histphase]);
			outlet_list(x->x_pitchout, 0, 2, at);
    // Output cooked MIDI/Frequency pitch
    if (x->x_npitch > 1) {
	    for (i=0, ph=x->x_hist; i<x->x_npitch; i++, ph++)
 			if (ph->h_pitch) {
				t_atom at[3];
				atom_setlong(at, i+1);
				atom_setfloat(at+1, ph->h_pitch);
				atom_setfloat(at+2, mtof(ph->h_pitch));
				outlet_list(x->x_noteout, 0, 3, at);
	} else {
		ph = x->x_hist;
 		if (ph->h_pitch) {
			t_atom at[2];
			atom_setfloat(at, ph->h_pitch);
			atom_setfloat(at+1, mtof(ph->h_pitch));
			outlet_list(x->x_noteout, 0, 2, at);
    // Output attack bang 
    if (x->x_attackvalue) outlet_bang(x->x_attackout);

Esempio n. 17
        /* NP */
short ww_type(short *wwtype, short *dcp)
        /*      Watch type guidance                                         */
        /*      A decision tree to help with ww issuance                    */
        /*                                                                  */
        /*      Rich Thompson SPC OUN                                       */
        float ix1, ix2, ix3, ix4, lr75, shr6, t500, fzlh, mumixr, lowrh, midrh, low_mid_rh;
        float mucn, mlcn, mlcp, sbcp, mucp, lr1, lr3, shr6_dir, sr46_dir, sr46_spd, shr6_sr46_diff, mmp;
        float sig_tor, sig_tor_winter, sighail, wind_dmg, rm_scp, cbsig, dncp, srh1, sblcl, mllcl;
        float oldlplpres, pres, pbot, ptop, shr8, bot, top, esrh, lm_scp;
        short oldlplchoice, ww_choice;
        short pIndex, tIndex, zIndex, tdIndex;
        short x1, y1, x2, y2, tlx, tly, wid;
        struct _parcel pcl;
        char st[40];

        tlx = hov.tlx + 409;
        tly = hov.bry;
        wid = 119;

        setcliprgn( tlx+2, tly+2, tlx+wid+24, tly+wid+1);
        setlinestyle( 1, 1 );
        rectangle( 1,tlx, tly, tlx+wid+27, tly+wid+1);
        rectangle( 0, tlx, tly, tlx+wid+27, tly+wid+1);
        setlinestyle( 1, 1 );
        moveto( tlx + 2, tly + 18);
	lineto(tlx + wid + 27, tly + 18);

        /* ----- Plot Label ----- */
        outgtext( "Psbl Watch Type", tlx + 20, tly + 3 );

	*wwtype = 0;
	*dcp = 0;

        oldlplchoice = lplvals.flag;

        tIndex = getParmIndex("TEMP");
        pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
        zIndex = getParmIndex("HGHT");
        tdIndex = getParmIndex("DWPT");

/* 24 Mar 2008 */
/*        effective_inflow_layer(100, -250, &pbot, &ptop);*/

	/* sb parcel */
        ix1 = parcel(-1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
        sbcp = pcl.bplus;
        sblcl = agl(i_hght(pcl.lclpres, I_PRES));
        sig_tor_winter = sigtorn_fixed(st_dir, st_spd);

	/* ml parcel */
        ix1 = parcel(-1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
        mlcn = pcl.bminus;
        mlcp = pcl.bplus;
        mllcl = agl(i_hght(pcl.lclpres, I_PRES));
        sig_tor = sigtorn_cin(st_dir, st_spd);

	/* mu parcel */
        mucp = parcel(-1, -1, lplvals.pres, lplvals.temp, lplvals.dwpt, &pcl);
        mucn = pcl.bminus;

	dncp = dcape(&ix1, &ix2);

	/* sighail ingredients */
        lr75 = lapse_rate(&ix1, 700, 500);
        wind_shear(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], i_pres(msl(6000)), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
        shr6 = ix4;
        shr6_dir = ix3;
        wind_shear(sndg[sfc()][pIndex], i_pres(msl(8000)), &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
	shr8 = ix4;
        mumixr = mixratio(lplvals.pres, lplvals.dwpt);
        t500 =  i_temp(500, I_PRES);
        fzlh = mtof(agl(i_hght(temp_lvl(0, &ix1), I_PRES)));
        sighail = sig_hail(pcl.bplus, mumixr, lr75, t500, kt_to_mps(shr6), fzlh, pcl.bminus, 0, 0, 25, mlcp);

        rm_scp = scp(st_dir, st_spd);
        wind_dmg = damaging_wind();

        sr_wind( i_pres(msl(4000)), i_pres(msl(6000)), st_dir, st_spd, &ix1, &ix2, &ix3, &ix4);
        sr46_dir = ix3;
        sr46_spd = ix4;
        shr6_sr46_diff = (shr6_dir - sr46_dir);
	srh1 = helicity(0, 1000, st_dir, st_spd, &ix1, &ix2);
	bot = agl(i_hght(p_bot, I_PRES));
	top = agl(i_hght(p_top, I_PRES));	
	esrh = helicity(bot, top, st_dir, st_spd, &ix1, &ix2);

        lapse_rate(&ix2, sndg[sfc()][pIndex], i_pres(sndg[sfc()][zIndex]+1000));
        lr1 = ix2;
        lapse_rate(&ix2, sndg[sfc()][pIndex], i_pres(sndg[sfc()][zIndex]+3000));
        lr3 = ix2;

        mean_relhum(&ix1, sndg[sfc()][pIndex]-150, sndg[sfc()][pIndex]-350);
        midrh = ix1;
        mean_relhum(&ix1, sndg[sfc()][pIndex], sndg[sfc()][pIndex]-150);
        lowrh = ix1;
        low_mid_rh = ((lowrh + midrh)/2);
        mmp = coniglio1();
        cbsig = (mlcp * kt_to_mps(shr6));

/* 24 Mar 2008 */
/* all "p_bot" below were changed from "pbot" */

/* Decision tree below is identical to the operational "ww_type" flow chart documentation 9/23/09 RLT */
        if ((sig_tor >= 3.0) && (sig_tor_winter >= 3.0) && (srh1 >= 150) && (esrh >= 150) && (sr46_spd >= 15.0) && (shr8 >= 40.0) && (sblcl < 1000) && (mllcl < 1100) && (lr1 >= 5.0) && (bot == 0.0)) {
		*dcp = 1;
		*wwtype = 5;
                ww_choice = 5;
        	/*printf("\n dcp (in PDS) = %d", *dcp);*/
        	outgtext( "PDS TOR", tlx + 45, tly + 60 );

/*        else
        if ((sig_tor_winter >= 4.0) && (sr46_spd >= 15.0) && (shr8 >= 40.0) && (sblcl < 1000) && (lr1 >= 5.0) && (bot == 0.0)) {
                *dcp = 2;
                *wwtype = 5;
                ww_choice = 5;
                outgtext( "PDS TOR", tlx + 45, tly + 60 );
        if (((sig_tor >= 3.0) || (sig_tor_winter >= 4.0)) && (bot == 0.0)) {
                *dcp = 3;
                *wwtype = 4;
                ww_choice = 4;
                /*printf("\n dcp (in TOR) = %d", *dcp);*/
                outgtext( "TOR", tlx + 45, tly + 60 );
        if (((sig_tor >= 1.0) || (sig_tor_winter >= 1.0)) && ((sr46_spd >= 15.0) || (shr8 >= 40.0)) && (bot == 0.0)) {
                *dcp = 4;
                *wwtype = 4;
                ww_choice = 4;
                /*printf("\n dcp (in TOR) = %d", *dcp);*/
                outgtext( "TOR", tlx + 45, tly + 60 );

        if (((sig_tor >= 1.0) || (sig_tor_winter >= 1.0)) && (low_mid_rh >= 60) && (lr1 >= 5.0) && (bot == 0.0)) {
                *dcp = 5;
                *wwtype = 4;
                ww_choice = 4;
                /*printf("\n dcp (in TOR) = %d", *dcp);*/
                outgtext( "TOR", tlx + 45, tly + 60 );

        if ((( sig_tor >= 1.0) || (sig_tor_winter >= 1.0)) && (bot == 0.0)) {
                *dcp = 6;
                *wwtype = 3;	
                ww_choice = 3; 
                /*printf("\n dcp (in mrgl TOR) = %d", *dcp);*/
                outgtext( "mrgl TOR", tlx + 40, tly + 60 );

        if (((( sig_tor >= 0.5) && (esrh >= 150)) || ((sig_tor_winter >= 0.5) && (srh1 >= 150))) && (bot == 0.0)) {
                *dcp = 7;
                *wwtype = 3;	
                ww_choice = 3;
                /*printf("\n dcp (in mrgl TOR) = %d", *dcp);*/
                outgtext( "mrgl TOR", tlx + 40, tly + 60 );

        if ((( sig_tor_winter >= 1.0) || (rm_scp >= 4.0) || (sig_tor >= 1.0)) && (mucn >= -50.0)) {
                *dcp = 8;
                *wwtype = 2;
                ww_choice = 2;
                /*printf("\n dcp (in SVR) = %d", *dcp);*/
                outgtext( "SVR",  tlx + 60, tly + 60 );

        if ((rm_scp >= 2.0) && ((sighail >= 1.0) || (dncp >= 750)) && (mucn >= -50.0)) {
                *dcp = 9;
                *wwtype = 2;
                ww_choice = 2;
                /*printf("\n dcp (in SVR) = %d", *dcp);*/
                outgtext( "SVR",  tlx + 60, tly + 60 );

        if ((cbsig >= 30000) && (mmp >= 0.6) && (mucn >= -50.0)) {
                *dcp = 10;
                *wwtype = 2;
                ww_choice = 2;
                /*printf("\n dcp (in SVR) = %d", *dcp);*/
                outgtext( "SVR",  tlx + 60, tly + 60 );
        if ((mucn >= -75.0) && ((wind_dmg >= 0.5) || (sighail >= 0.5) || (rm_scp >= 0.5)))  {
                *dcp = 11;
                *wwtype = 1;
                ww_choice = 1;
                /*printf("\n dcp (in mrgl SVR) = %d", *dcp);*/
                outgtext( "MRGL SVR",  tlx + 40, tly + 60 );
        else    {
                *dcp = 0;
                /*printf("\n dcp (after logic checks) = %d", *dcp);*/
                *wwtype = 0;
                ww_choice = 0;

        if (*wwtype == 0) {
                outgtext( "NONE",  tlx + 50, tly + 60 );
    	//printf("sig_tor=%f sig_tor_winter=%f srh1=%f esrh=%f sr46_spd=%f shr8=%f sblcl=%f\n mllcl=%f lr1=%f bot=%f low_mid_rh=%f rm_scp=%f\n mucn=%f dncp=%f sighail=%f cbsig=%f wind_dmg=%f",
    	//		sig_tor,sig_tor_winter,srh1,esrh,sr46_spd,shr8, sblcl, mllcl, lr1, bot, low_mid_rh, rm_scp,mucn, dncp, sighail, cbsig, wind_dmg);

/*      define_parcel(oldlplchoice, oldlplpres); */
        /* set parcel back to user selection */
        if (oldlplchoice == 1)
          pres = 0;
        else if (oldlplchoice == 2)
          pres = 0;
        else if (oldlplchoice == 3)
          pres = mu_layer;
        else if (oldlplchoice == 4)
          pres = mml_layer;
        else if (oldlplchoice == 5)
          pres = user_level;
        else if (oldlplchoice == 6)
          pres = mu_layer;
        define_parcel(oldlplchoice, pres);

        return ww_choice;
