Esempio n. 1
// [email protected] section mismatch error fix
//static s32 __init muic_probe(struct i2c_client *client, const struct i2c_device_id *id){
static s32 muic_probe(struct i2c_client *client, const struct i2c_device_id *id){

	s32 ret = 0;
	u32 retry_no = 0;
/* B-Prj Power off charging [[email protected]] 2010-12-15 */
	int err = 0;
/* B-Prj Power off charging [[email protected]] 2010-12-15 */

// [email protected] 20120502 MUIC re-work
	struct hub_muic_device *dev = NULL;
	struct muic_platform_data *pdata = client->dev.platform_data;

	dev_info(&client->dev, "muic: %s()\n", __func__);

	if (!pdata) {
		dev_err(&client->dev, "muic: %s: no platform data\n", __func__);
		return -EINVAL;

	dev = kzalloc(sizeof(struct hub_muic_device), GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!dev) {
		dev_err(&client->dev, "muic: %s: no memory\n", __func__);
		return -ENOMEM;

	dev->client = client;
// [email protected] 20120502 MUIC re-work

	muic_client = client;

	/* wake lock for usb connection */
	wake_lock_init(&the_wlock.wake_lock, WAKE_LOCK_SUSPEND, "usb_connection");

	/* GPIO initialization */
	omap_mux_init_gpio(GPIO_DP3T_IN_1, OMAP_PIN_OUTPUT);
	omap_mux_init_gpio(GPIO_DP3T_IN_2, OMAP_PIN_OUTPUT);
	omap_mux_init_gpio(GPIO_USIF_IN_1, OMAP_PIN_OUTPUT);		// USIF_IN_1_GPIO -> GPIO_USIF_IN_1
	omap_mux_init_gpio(GPIO_IFX_USB_VBUS_EN, OMAP_PIN_OUTPUT);

//[email protected] 20120502 MUIC re-work	start
	ret = muic_device_register(&muic_dev, NULL);
	if (ret < 0) {
		dev_err(&client->dev, "muic: %s: muic_device_register failed\n",
		goto err_gpio_request;

	i2c_set_clientdata(client, dev);
	printk("%s, registering ops\n", __func__);
	muic_client_dev_register(dev->client->name, dev, &hub_muic_ops);
//[email protected] 20120502 MUIC re-work end

	/* Initialize GPIO direction before use.
	 * Check if other driver already occupied it.
//[email protected] 20120502 MUIC re-work	start
	//if (gpio_request(GPIO_USIF_IN_1, "USIF switch control GPIO") < 0) {
	//	printk(KERN_INFO "[MUIC] GPIO %d USIF1_SW is already occupied by other driver!\n", GPIO_USIF_IN_1);
	//	/* We know board_hub.c:ifx_n721_configure_gpio() performs a gpio_request on this pin first.
	//	 * Because the prior gpio_request is also for the analog switch control, this is not a confliction.*/
	//	ret = -ENOSYS;
	//	goto err_gpio_request;

	//if (gpio_request(GPIO_DP3T_IN_1, "DP3T switch control 1 GPIO") < 0) {
	//	printk(KERN_INFO "[MUIC] GPIO %d GPIO_DP3T_IN_1 is already occupied by other driver!\n", GPIO_DP3T_IN_1);
	//	ret = -ENOSYS;
	//	goto err_gpio_request;

	//if (gpio_request(GPIO_DP3T_IN_2, "DP3T switch control 2 GPIO") < 0) {
	//	printk(KERN_INFO "[MUIC] GPIO %d GPIO_DP3T_IN_2 is already occupied by other driver!\n", GPIO_DP3T_IN_2);
	//	ret = -ENOSYS;
	//	goto err_gpio_request;

	//if (gpio_request(GPIO_IFX_USB_VBUS_EN, "IFX VBUS EN") < 0) {
	//	printk(KERN_INFO "[MUIC] GPIO %d GPIO_IFX_USB_VBUS_EN is already occupied by other driver!\n", GPIO_IFX_USB_VBUS_EN);
	//	ret = -ENOSYS;
	//	goto err_gpio_request;
//[email protected] 20120502 MUIC re-work end

	/* Initialize GPIO 40 (MUIC_INT_N).
	 * Check if other driver already occupied it.
	if (gpio_request(MUIC_INT_GPIO, "MUIC IRQ GPIO") < 0) {
		printk(KERN_INFO "[MUIC] GPIO %d MUIC_INT_N is already occupied by other driver!\n", MUIC_INT_GPIO);
		ret = -ENOSYS;
		goto err_gpio_request;

	/* Initialize GPIO direction before use or IRQ setting */
	if (gpio_direction_input(MUIC_INT_GPIO) < 0) {
		printk(KERN_INFO "[MUIC] GPIO %d MUIC_INT_N direction initialization failed!\n", MUIC_INT_GPIO);
		ret = -ENOSYS;
		goto err_gpio_request;
//[[UBIQUIX_CHANGE_START, 0120419, [email protected], For AP/CP switching
	//gpio_direction_output(GPIO_DP3T_IN_1, 0);
	//gpio_direction_output(GPIO_DP3T_IN_2, 0);
	//gpio_direction_output(GPIO_USIF_IN_1, 0);
	//gpio_direction_output(GPIO_IFX_USB_VBUS_EN, 0);
//UBIQUIX_CHANGE_START, 0120419, [email protected], For AP/CP switching]]

	/* Register MUIC work queue function */
	INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&muic_wq, muic_wq_func);

	/* Set up an IRQ line and enable the involved interrupt handler.
	 * From this point, a MUIC_INT_N can invoke muic_interrupt_handler().
	 * muic_interrupt_handler merely calls schedule_work() with muic_wq_func().
	 * muic_wq_func() actually performs the accessory detection.
	if (request_irq(gpio_to_irq(MUIC_INT_GPIO),
			  &client->dev) < 0) {
		printk(KERN_INFO "[MUIC] GPIO %d MUIC_INT_N IRQ line set up failed!\n", MUIC_INT_GPIO);
		free_irq(gpio_to_irq(MUIC_INT_GPIO), &client->dev);
		ret = -ENOSYS;
		goto err_gpio_request;		

	/* Make the interrupt on MUIC INT wake up OMAP which is in suspend mode */
	if (enable_irq_wake(gpio_to_irq(MUIC_INT_GPIO)) < 0) {
		printk(KERN_INFO "[MUIC] GPIO %d MUIC_INT_N wake up source setting failed!\n", MUIC_INT_GPIO);
		ret = -ENOSYS;
		goto err_gpio_request;

	/* Prepare a human accessible method to control MUIC */

/* B-Prj Power off charging [[email protected]] 2010-12-15 */
	err = device_create_file(&client->dev, &dev_attr_wake_lock);
	err = device_create_file(&client->dev, &dev_attr_charging_mode);
/* B-Prj Power off charging [[email protected]] 2010-12-15 */

	/* Initialize MUIC - Finally MUIC INT becomes enabled */

/* LGE_CHANGE_START 2011-03-16 [email protected] patch for Adb offline set and Mass Storage Driver detecting fail */    
	 muic_init_done = 1; //20110113 [email protected] check muic driver init. state
/* LGE_CHANGE_END 2011-03-16 [email protected] */


	ret = muic_device_detection(NOT_UPON_IRQ);

	/* If an erronous situation occurs, try again */
	while(ret < 0 && retry_no < 3){
		printk(KERN_INFO "[MUIC] muic_probe(): muic_device_detection() failed %d times\n", ++retry_no);
		ret = muic_device_detection(NOT_UPON_IRQ);

	printk(KERN_INFO "[MUIC] muic_probe(): done!\n");

	return ret;
	free_irq(gpio_to_irq(MUIC_INT_GPIO), dev);

	return ret;
Esempio n. 2
static int __devinit max14526_probe(struct i2c_client *client,
		const struct i2c_device_id *id)
	int ret = 0;
	TYPE_MUIC_MODE muic_mode;
	struct ts5usb_device *dev = NULL;
	struct muic_platform_data *pdata = client->dev.platform_data;

	dev_info(&client->dev, "muic: %s()\n", __func__);

	if (!pdata) {
		dev_err(&client->dev, "muic: %s: no platform data\n", __func__);
		return -EINVAL;

	dev = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ts5usb_device), GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!dev) {
		dev_err(&client->dev, "muic: %s: no memory\n", __func__);
		return -ENOMEM;

	dev->client = client;
	dev->gpio_int = pdata->gpio_int;
#if defined(CONFIG_MHL)
	dev->gpio_mhl = pdata->gpio_mhl;
	dev->gpio_ifx_vbus = pdata->gpio_ifx_vbus;
	dev->irq = client->irq;

	max14526 = client;

	/* Initializes gpio_165 (USIF1_SW). */
	ret = gpio_request(USIF_IN_1_GPIO, "USIF switch control GPIO");
	if (ret < 0) {
		printk(KERN_INFO "[MUIC] GPIO 165 USIF1_SW is already occupied by other driver!\n");
		 * We know board_cosmo.c:ifx_n721_configure_gpio() performs a gpio_request on this pin first.
		 * Because the prior gpio_request is also for the analog switch control, this is not a confliction.
		return -ENOSYS;

	ret = gpio_direction_output(USIF_IN_1_GPIO, 0);
	if (ret < 0) {
		printk(KERN_INFO "[MUIC] gpio_16 USIF_IN_1_GPIO direction initialization failed!\n");
		return -ENOSYS;

	/*  Initializes gpio_11 (OMAP_UART_SW) and gpio_12 (IFX_UART_SW) */
	ret = gpio_request(DP3T_IN_1_GPIO, "DP3T switch control 1 GPIO");
	if (ret < 0) {
		printk(KERN_INFO "[MUIC] GPIO 11 DP3T_IN_1_GPIO is already occupied by other driver!\n");
		return -ENOSYS;

	ret = gpio_direction_output(DP3T_IN_1_GPIO, 0);
	if (ret < 0) {
		printk(KERN_INFO "[MUIC] gpio_11 DP3T_IN_1_GPIO direction initialization failed!\n");
		return -ENOSYS;

	ret = gpio_request(DP3T_IN_2_GPIO, "DP3T switch control 2 GPIO");
	if (ret < 0) {
		printk(KERN_INFO "[MUIC] gpio_12 DP3T_IN_2_GPIO is already occupied by other driver!\n");
		return -ENOSYS;

	ret = gpio_direction_output(DP3T_IN_2_GPIO, 0);
	if (ret < 0) {
		printk(KERN_INFO "[MUIC] gpio_12 DP3T_IN_2_GPIO direction initialization failed!\n");
		return -ENOSYS;

	ret = gpio_request(IFX_USB_VBUS_EN_GPIO, "DP3T switch control 2 GPIO");
	if (ret < 0) {
		printk(KERN_INFO "[MUIC] gpio_55 IFX_USB_VBUS_EN_GPIO is already occupied by other driver!\n");
		return -ENOSYS;

	ret = gpio_direction_output(IFX_USB_VBUS_EN_GPIO, 0);
	if (ret < 0) {
		printk(KERN_INFO "[MUIC] gpio_55 IFX_USB_VBUS_EN_GPIO direction initialization failed!\n");
		return -ENOSYS;

	 * Initializes gpio_wk8 (MUIC_INT_N).
	 * Checks if other driver already occupied it.
	ret = gpio_request(dev->gpio_int, "MUIC IRQ GPIO");
	if (ret < 0) {
		dev_err(&client->dev, "muic: GPIO %d is already used\n",	dev->gpio_int);
		ret = -ENOSYS;
		goto err_gpio_request;
	/* Initializes GPIO direction before use or IRQ setting */

	/* Registers MUIC work queue function */
	INIT_WORK(&dev->muic_wq, max14526_wq_func);

	 * Set up an IRQ line and enable the involved interrupt handler.
	 * From this point, a MUIC_INT_N can invoke muic_interrupt_handler().
	 * muic_interrupt_handler merely calls schedule_work() with muic_wq_func().
	 * muic_wq_func() actually performs the accessory detection.
	ret = request_irq(dev->irq, max14526_interrupt_handler,IRQF_TRIGGER_FALLING, "muic_irq", dev);
	if (ret < 0) 
		dev_err(&client->dev, "muic: %s: request_irq failed!\n",__func__);
		goto err_request_irq;


	/* Prepares a human accessible method to control MUIC */

	/* Selects one of the possible muic chips */

	wake_lock_init(&dev->muic_wake_lock, WAKE_LOCK_SUSPEND,"muic_wake_lock");

	ret = muic_device_register(&muic_dev, NULL);
	if (ret < 0) {
		dev_err(&client->dev, "muic: %s: muic_device_register failed\n",__func__);
		goto err_muic_device_register;

	i2c_set_clientdata(client, dev);

	// hunsoo.lee
	printk("%s, registering ops\n", __func__);
	muic_client_dev_register(dev->client->name, dev, &max14526_ops);

	/* Initializes MUIC - Finally MUIC INT becomes enabled */
	if (BOOT_RECOVERY == muic_retain_mode) 
	{ /* Recovery mode */
		muic_mode = MUIC_CP_UART;
		muic_init_max14526(client, BOOTUP);
		dev_info(&client->dev, "muic: %s: first boot\n", __func__);
		muic_init_max14526(client, RESET);
		muic_max14526_detect_accessory(client, NOT_UPON_IRQ);
		muic_mode = muic_get_mode();

	/* Makes the interrupt on MUIC INT wake up OMAP which is in suspend mode */
	ret = enable_irq_wake(dev->irq);
	if (ret < 0) {
		dev_err(&client->dev, "muic: GPIO %d wake up source setting failed!\n", dev->gpio_int);
		goto err_irq_wake;

	dev_info(&client->dev, "muic: muic_probe()\n");

	return ret;

	free_irq(dev->irq, dev);

	return ret;