Esempio n. 1
static void do_vert_pair(GPUVertBuf *vbo, uint pos, uint *vidx, int corner, int i)
  float inter[2], exter[2];
  inter[0] = cosf(corner * M_PI_2 + (i * M_PI_2 / (CORNER_RESOLUTION - 1.0f)));
  inter[1] = sinf(corner * M_PI_2 + (i * M_PI_2 / (CORNER_RESOLUTION - 1.0f)));

  /* Snap point to edge */
  float div = 1.0f / max_ff(fabsf(inter[0]), fabsf(inter[1]));
  mul_v2_v2fl(exter, inter, div);
  exter[0] = roundf(exter[0]);
  exter[1] = roundf(exter[1]);

  if (i == 0 || i == (CORNER_RESOLUTION - 1)) {
    copy_v2_v2(inter, exter);

  /* Line width is 20% of the entire corner size. */
  const float line_width = 0.2f; /* Keep in sync with shader */
  mul_v2_fl(inter, 1.0f - line_width);
  mul_v2_fl(exter, 1.0f + line_width);

  switch (corner) {
    case 0:
      add_v2_v2(inter, (float[2]){-1.0f, -1.0f});
      add_v2_v2(exter, (float[2]){-1.0f, -1.0f});
Esempio n. 2
/* Use 2D quad corners to create a matrix that set
 * a [-1..1] quad at the right position. */
static void v2_quad_corners_to_mat4(float corners[4][2], float r_mat[4][4])
  sub_v2_v2v2(r_mat[0], corners[1], corners[0]);
  sub_v2_v2v2(r_mat[1], corners[3], corners[0]);
  mul_v2_fl(r_mat[0], 0.5f);
  mul_v2_fl(r_mat[1], 0.5f);
  copy_v2_v2(r_mat[3], corners[0]);
  add_v2_v2(r_mat[3], r_mat[0]);
  add_v2_v2(r_mat[3], r_mat[1]);
Esempio n. 3
static int clip_view_ndof_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op), const wmEvent *event)
	if (event->type != NDOF_MOTION)
	else {
		SpaceClip *sc = CTX_wm_space_clip(C);
		ARegion *ar = CTX_wm_region(C);
		float pan_vec[3];

		const wmNDOFMotionData *ndof = event->customdata;
		const float speed = NDOF_PIXELS_PER_SECOND;

		WM_event_ndof_pan_get(ndof, pan_vec, true);

		mul_v2_fl(pan_vec, (speed * ndof->dt) / sc->zoom);
		pan_vec[2] *= -ndof->dt;

		sclip_zoom_set_factor(C, 1.0f + pan_vec[2], NULL);
		sc->xof += pan_vec[0];
		sc->yof += pan_vec[1];


Esempio n. 4
static bool kdtree2d_isect_tri(
        struct KDTree2D *tree,
        const unsigned int ind[3])
	const float *vs[3];
	unsigned int i;
	struct KDRange2D bounds[2] = {
	    {FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX},
	    {FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX},
	float tri_center[2] = {0.0f, 0.0f};

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		vs[i] = tree->coords[ind[i]];

		add_v2_v2(tri_center, vs[i]);

		CLAMP_MAX(bounds[0].min, vs[i][0]);
		CLAMP_MIN(bounds[0].max, vs[i][0]);
		CLAMP_MAX(bounds[1].min, vs[i][1]);
		CLAMP_MIN(bounds[1].max, vs[i][1]);

	mul_v2_fl(tri_center, 1.0f / 3.0f);

	return kdtree2d_isect_tri_recursive(tree, ind, vs, tri_center, bounds, &tree->nodes[tree->root]);
Esempio n. 5
static int create_primitive_from_points(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const float (*points)[2],
                                        int num_points, char handle_type)
	ScrArea *sa = CTX_wm_area(C);
	Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
	Mask *mask;
	MaskLayer *mask_layer;
	MaskSpline *new_spline;
	float scale, location[2], frame_size[2];
	int i, width, height;
	int size = RNA_float_get(op->ptr, "size");

	ED_mask_get_size(sa, &width, &height);
	scale = (float)size / max_ii(width, height);

	/* Get location in mask space. */
	frame_size[0] = width;
	frame_size[1] = height;
	RNA_float_get_array(op->ptr, "location", location);
	location[0] /= width;
	location[1] /= height;
	BKE_mask_coord_from_frame(location, location, frame_size);

	/* Make it so new primitive is centered to mouse location. */
	location[0] -= 0.5f * scale;
	location[1] -= 0.5f * scale;

	mask_layer = ED_mask_layer_ensure(C);
	mask = CTX_data_edit_mask(C);

	ED_mask_select_toggle_all(mask, SEL_DESELECT);

	new_spline = BKE_mask_spline_add(mask_layer);
	new_spline->flag = MASK_SPLINE_CYCLIC | SELECT;
	new_spline->tot_point = num_points;
	new_spline->points = MEM_recallocN(new_spline->points,
	                                   sizeof(MaskSplinePoint) * new_spline->tot_point);

	mask_layer->act_spline = new_spline;
	mask_layer->act_point = NULL;

	for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
		MaskSplinePoint *new_point = &new_spline->points[i];

		copy_v2_v2(new_point->bezt.vec[1], points[i]);
		mul_v2_fl(new_point->bezt.vec[1], scale);
		add_v2_v2(new_point->bezt.vec[1], location);

		new_point->bezt.h1 = handle_type;
		new_point->bezt.h2 = handle_type;
		BKE_mask_point_select_set(new_point, true);

	WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_MASK | NA_EDITED, mask);

	/* TODO: only update this spline */
	BKE_mask_update_display(mask, CFRA);

Esempio n. 6
static void calc_ray_shift(rcti *rect, float x, float y, const float source[2], float ray_length)
	float co[2] = {(float)x, (float)y};
	float dir[2], dist;

	/* move (x,y) vector toward the source by ray_length distance */
	sub_v2_v2v2(dir, co, source);
	dist = normalize_v2(dir);
	mul_v2_fl(dir, min_ff(dist, ray_length));
	sub_v2_v2(co, dir);

	int ico[2] = {(int)co[0], (int)co[1]};
	BLI_rcti_do_minmax_v(rect, ico);
Esempio n. 7
static void do_rough_end(const float loc[3], float mat[4][4], float t, float fac, float shape, ParticleKey *state)
	float rough[2];
	float roughfac;

	roughfac = fac * (float)pow((double)t, shape);
	copy_v2_v2(rough, loc);
	rough[0] = -1.0f + 2.0f * rough[0];
	rough[1] = -1.0f + 2.0f * rough[1];
	mul_v2_fl(rough, roughfac);

	madd_v3_v3fl(state->co, mat[0], rough[0]);
	madd_v3_v3fl(state->co, mat[1], rough[1]);
Esempio n. 8
static void getArrowEndPoint(const int width, const int height, const float zoom,
                             const float start_corner[2], const float end_corner[2],
                             float end_point[2])
	float direction[2];
	float max_length;

	sub_v2_v2v2(direction, end_corner, start_corner);

	direction[0] *= width;
	direction[1] *= height;
	max_length = normalize_v2(direction);
	mul_v2_fl(direction, min_ff(32.0f / zoom, max_length));
	direction[0] /= width;
	direction[1] /= height;

	add_v2_v2v2(end_point, start_corner, direction);
Esempio n. 9
/* Calculate stabilization data (translation, scale and rotation) from
 * given median of first and current frame medians, tracking data and
 * frame number.
 * NOTE: frame number should be in clip space, not scene space
static void stabilization_calculate_data(MovieTracking *tracking, int framenr, int width, int height,
                                         const float firstmedian[2], const float median[2],
                                         float translation[2], float *scale, float *angle)
	MovieTrackingStabilization *stab = &tracking->stabilization;

	*scale = (stab->scale - 1.0f) * stab->scaleinf + 1.0f;
	*angle = 0.0f;

	translation[0] = (firstmedian[0] - median[0]) * width * (*scale);
	translation[1] = (firstmedian[1] - median[1]) * height * (*scale);

	mul_v2_fl(translation, stab->locinf);

	if ((stab->flag & TRACKING_STABILIZE_ROTATION) && stab->rot_track && stab->rotinf) {
		MovieTrackingMarker *marker;
		float a[2], b[2];
		float x0 = (float)width / 2.0f, y0 = (float)height / 2.0f;
		float x = median[0] * width, y = median[1] * height;

		marker = BKE_tracking_marker_get(stab->rot_track, 1);
		sub_v2_v2v2(a, marker->pos, firstmedian);
		a[0] *= width;
		a[1] *= height;

		marker = BKE_tracking_marker_get(stab->rot_track, framenr);
		sub_v2_v2v2(b, marker->pos, median);
		b[0] *= width;
		b[1] *= height;

		*angle = -atan2f(a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0], a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1]);
		*angle *= stab->rotinf;

		/* convert to rotation around image center */
		translation[0] -= (x0 + (x - x0) * cosf(*angle) - (y - y0) * sinf(*angle) - x) * (*scale);
		translation[1] -= (y0 + (x - x0) * sinf(*angle) + (y - y0) * cosf(*angle) - y) * (*scale);
Esempio n. 10
static void marker_block_handler(bContext *C, void *arg_cb, int event)
	MarkerUpdateCb *cb = (MarkerUpdateCb *) arg_cb;
	MovieTrackingMarker *marker;
	int width, height, ok = FALSE;

	BKE_movieclip_get_size(cb->clip, cb->user, &width, &height);

	marker = BKE_tracking_marker_ensure(cb->track, cb->framenr);

	if (event == B_MARKER_POS) {
		marker->pos[0] = cb->marker_pos[0] / width;
		marker->pos[1] = cb->marker_pos[1] / height;

		/* to update position of "parented" objects */
		DAG_id_tag_update(&cb->clip->id, 0);
		WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SPACE | ND_SPACE_VIEW3D, NULL);

		ok = TRUE;
	else if (event == B_MARKER_PAT_DIM) {
		float dim[2], pat_dim[2], pat_min[2], pat_max[2];
		float scale_x, scale_y;
		int a;

		BKE_tracking_marker_pattern_minmax(cb->marker, pat_min, pat_max);

		sub_v2_v2v2(pat_dim, pat_max, pat_min);

		dim[0] = cb->marker_pat[0] / width;
		dim[1] = cb->marker_pat[1] / height;

		scale_x = dim[0] / pat_dim[0];
		scale_y = dim[1] / pat_dim[1];

		for (a = 0; a < 4; a++) {
			cb->marker->pattern_corners[a][0] *= scale_x;
			cb->marker->pattern_corners[a][1] *= scale_y;

		BKE_tracking_marker_clamp(cb->marker, CLAMP_PAT_DIM);

		ok = TRUE;
	else if (event == B_MARKER_SEARCH_POS) {
		float delta[2], side[2];

		sub_v2_v2v2(side, cb->marker->search_max, cb->marker->search_min);
		mul_v2_fl(side, 0.5f);

		delta[0] = cb->marker_search_pos[0] / width;
		delta[1] = cb->marker_search_pos[1] / height;

		sub_v2_v2v2(cb->marker->search_min, delta, side);
		add_v2_v2v2(cb->marker->search_max, delta, side);

		BKE_tracking_marker_clamp(cb->marker, CLAMP_SEARCH_POS);

		ok = TRUE;
	else if (event == B_MARKER_SEARCH_DIM) {
		float dim[2], search_dim[2];

		sub_v2_v2v2(search_dim, cb->marker->search_max, cb->marker->search_min);

		dim[0] = cb->marker_search[0] / width;
		dim[1] = cb->marker_search[1] / height;

		sub_v2_v2(dim, search_dim);
		mul_v2_fl(dim, 0.5f);

		cb->marker->search_min[0] -= dim[0];
		cb->marker->search_min[1] -= dim[1];

		cb->marker->search_max[0] += dim[0];
		cb->marker->search_max[1] += dim[1];

		BKE_tracking_marker_clamp(cb->marker, CLAMP_SEARCH_DIM);

		ok = TRUE;
	else if (event == B_MARKER_FLAG) {
		marker->flag = cb->marker_flag;

		ok = TRUE;
	else if (event == B_MARKER_OFFSET) {
		float offset[2], delta[2];
		int i;

		offset[0] = cb->track_offset[0] / width;
		offset[1] = cb->track_offset[1] / height;

		sub_v2_v2v2(delta, offset, cb->track->offset);
		copy_v2_v2(cb->track->offset, offset);

		for (i = 0; i < cb->track->markersnr; i++)
			sub_v2_v2(cb->track->markers[i].pos, delta);

		/* to update position of "parented" objects */
		DAG_id_tag_update(&cb->clip->id, 0);
		WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SPACE | ND_SPACE_VIEW3D, NULL);

		ok = TRUE;

	if (ok)
		WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_MOVIECLIP | NA_EDITED, cb->clip);
Esempio n. 11
static void draw_distortion(SpaceClip *sc, ARegion *ar, MovieClip *clip,
                            int width, int height, float zoomx, float zoomy)
	float x, y;
	const int n = 10;
	int i, j, a;
	float pos[2], tpos[2], grid[11][11][2];
	MovieTracking *tracking = &clip->tracking;
	bGPdata *gpd = NULL;
	float aspy = 1.0f / tracking->camera.pixel_aspect;
	float dx = (float)width / n, dy = (float)height / n * aspy;
	float offsx = 0.0f, offsy = 0.0f;

	if (!tracking->camera.focal)

	if ((sc->flag & SC_SHOW_GRID) == 0 && (sc->flag & SC_MANUAL_CALIBRATION) == 0)

	UI_view2d_view_to_region_fl(&ar->v2d, 0.0f, 0.0f, &x, &y);

	glTranslatef(x, y, 0);
	glScalef(zoomx, zoomy, 0);
	glScalef(width, height, 0);

	/* grid */
	if (sc->flag & SC_SHOW_GRID) {
		float val[4][2], idx[4][2];
		float min[2], max[2];

		for (a = 0; a < 4; a++) {
			if (a < 2)
				val[a][a % 2] = FLT_MAX;
				val[a][a % 2] = -FLT_MAX;

		for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
			for (j = 0; j <= n; j++) {
				if (i == 0 || j == 0 || i == n || j == n) {
					BKE_tracking_distort_v2(tracking, pos, tpos);

					for (a = 0; a < 4; a++) {
						int ok;

						if (a < 2)
							ok = tpos[a % 2] < val[a][a % 2];
							ok = tpos[a % 2] > val[a][a % 2];

						if (ok) {
							copy_v2_v2(val[a], tpos);
							idx[a][0] = j;
							idx[a][1] = i;

				pos[0] += dx;

			pos[0] = 0.0f;
			pos[1] += dy;

		INIT_MINMAX2(min, max);

		for (a = 0; a < 4; a++) {
			pos[0] = idx[a][0] * dx;
			pos[1] = idx[a][1] * dy;

			BKE_tracking_undistort_v2(tracking, pos, tpos);

			minmax_v2v2_v2(min, max, tpos);

		copy_v2_v2(pos, min);
		dx = (max[0] - min[0]) / n;
		dy = (max[1] - min[1]) / n;

		for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
			for (j = 0; j <= n; j++) {
				BKE_tracking_distort_v2(tracking, pos, grid[i][j]);

				grid[i][j][0] /= width;
				grid[i][j][1] /= height * aspy;

				pos[0] += dx;

			pos[0] = min[0];
			pos[1] += dy;

		glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

		for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
			for (j = 0; j <= n; j++) {

		for (j = 0; j <= n; j++) {
			for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {

	if (sc->gpencil_src == SC_GPENCIL_SRC_TRACK) {
		MovieTrackingTrack *track = BKE_tracking_track_get_active(&sc->clip->tracking);

		if (track) {
			int framenr = ED_space_clip_get_clip_frame_number(sc);
			MovieTrackingMarker *marker = BKE_tracking_marker_get(track, framenr);

			offsx = marker->pos[0];
			offsy = marker->pos[1];

			gpd = track->gpd;

	else {
		gpd = clip->gpd;

	if (sc->flag & SC_MANUAL_CALIBRATION && gpd) {
		bGPDlayer *layer = gpd->layers.first;

		while (layer) {
			bGPDframe *frame = layer->frames.first;

			if (layer->flag & GP_LAYER_HIDE) {
				layer = layer->next;

			glPointSize((float)(layer->thickness + 2));

			while (frame) {
				bGPDstroke *stroke = frame->strokes.first;

				while (stroke) {
					if (stroke->flag & GP_STROKE_2DSPACE) {
						if (stroke->totpoints > 1) {
							for (i = 0; i < stroke->totpoints - 1; i++) {
								float npos[2], dpos[2], len;
								int steps;

								pos[0] = (stroke->points[i].x + offsx) * width;
								pos[1] = (stroke->points[i].y + offsy) * height * aspy;

								npos[0] = (stroke->points[i + 1].x + offsx) * width;
								npos[1] = (stroke->points[i + 1].y + offsy) * height * aspy;

								len = len_v2v2(pos, npos);
								steps = ceil(len / 5.0f);

								/* we want to distort only long straight lines */
								if (stroke->totpoints == 2) {
									BKE_tracking_undistort_v2(tracking, pos, pos);
									BKE_tracking_undistort_v2(tracking, npos, npos);

								sub_v2_v2v2(dpos, npos, pos);
								mul_v2_fl(dpos, 1.0f / steps);

								for (j = 0; j <= steps; j++) {
									BKE_tracking_distort_v2(tracking, pos, tpos);
									glVertex2f(tpos[0] / width, tpos[1] / (height * aspy));

									add_v2_v2(pos, dpos);
						else if (stroke->totpoints == 1) {
							glVertex2f(stroke->points[0].x + offsx, stroke->points[0].y + offsy);

					stroke = stroke->next;

				frame = frame->next;

			layer = layer->next;


Esempio n. 12
static void setup_vertex_point(Mask *mask, MaskSpline *spline, MaskSplinePoint *new_point,
                               const float point_co[2], const float tangent[2], const float u,
                               MaskSplinePoint *reference_point, const short reference_adjacent,
                               const float view_zoom)
	MaskSplinePoint *prev_point = NULL;
	MaskSplinePoint *next_point = NULL;
	BezTriple *bezt;
	float co[3];
	const float len = 10.0; /* default length of handle in pixel space */

	copy_v2_v2(co, point_co);
	co[2] = 0.0f;

	/* point coordinate */
	bezt = &new_point->bezt;

	bezt->h1 = bezt->h2 = HD_ALIGN;

	if (reference_point) {
		bezt->h1 = bezt->h2 = MAX2(reference_point->bezt.h2, reference_point->bezt.h1);
	else if (reference_adjacent) {
		if (spline->tot_point != 1) {
			int index = (int)(new_point - spline->points);
			prev_point = &spline->points[(index - 1) % spline->tot_point];
			next_point = &spline->points[(index + 1) % spline->tot_point];

			bezt->h1 = bezt->h2 = MAX2(prev_point->bezt.h2, next_point->bezt.h1);

			/* note, we may want to copy other attributes later, radius? pressure? color? */

	copy_v3_v3(bezt->vec[0], co);
	copy_v3_v3(bezt->vec[1], co);
	copy_v3_v3(bezt->vec[2], co);

	/* initial offset for handles */
	if (spline->tot_point == 1) {
		/* first point of splien is aligned horizontally */
		bezt->vec[0][0] -= len * view_zoom;
		bezt->vec[2][0] += len * view_zoom;
	else if (tangent) {
		float vec[2];

		copy_v2_v2(vec, tangent);

		mul_v2_fl(vec, len);

		sub_v2_v2(bezt->vec[0], vec);
		add_v2_v2(bezt->vec[2], vec);

		if (reference_adjacent) {
			BKE_mask_calc_handle_adjacent_interp(spline, new_point, u);
	else {

		/* calculating auto handles works much nicer */
#if 0
		/* next points are aligning in the direction of previous/next point */
		MaskSplinePoint *point;
		float v1[2], v2[2], vec[2];
		float dir = 1.0f;

		if (new_point == spline->points) {
			point = new_point + 1;
			dir = -1.0f;
			point = new_point - 1;

		if (spline->tot_point < 3) {
			v1[0] = point->bezt.vec[1][0] * width;
			v1[1] = point->bezt.vec[1][1] * height;

			v2[0] = new_point->bezt.vec[1][0] * width;
			v2[1] = new_point->bezt.vec[1][1] * height;
		else {
			if (new_point == spline->points) {
				v1[0] = spline->points[1].bezt.vec[1][0] * width;
				v1[1] = spline->points[1].bezt.vec[1][1] * height;

				v2[0] = spline->points[spline->tot_point - 1].bezt.vec[1][0] * width;
				v2[1] = spline->points[spline->tot_point - 1].bezt.vec[1][1] * height;
			else {
				v1[0] = spline->points[0].bezt.vec[1][0] * width;
				v1[1] = spline->points[0].bezt.vec[1][1] * height;

				v2[0] = spline->points[spline->tot_point - 2].bezt.vec[1][0] * width;
				v2[1] = spline->points[spline->tot_point - 2].bezt.vec[1][1] * height;

		sub_v2_v2v2(vec, v1, v2);
		mul_v2_fl(vec, len * dir / len_v2(vec));

		vec[0] /= width;
		vec[1] /= height;

		add_v2_v2(bezt->vec[0], vec);
		sub_v2_v2(bezt->vec[2], vec);
		BKE_mask_calc_handle_point_auto(spline, new_point, TRUE);
		BKE_mask_calc_handle_adjacent_interp(spline, new_point, u);



	/* select new point */
Esempio n. 13
static int imagewraposa_aniso(Tex *tex, Image *ima, ImBuf *ibuf, const float texvec[3], float dxt[2], float dyt[2], TexResult *texres, struct ImagePool *pool, const bool skip_load_image)
	TexResult texr;
	float fx, fy, minx, maxx, miny, maxy;
	float maxd, val1, val2, val3;
	int curmap, retval, intpol, extflag = 0;
	afdata_t AFD;

	void (*filterfunc)(TexResult*, ImBuf*, float, float, afdata_t*);
	switch (tex->texfilter) {
		case TXF_EWA:
			filterfunc = ewa_eval;
		case TXF_FELINE:
			filterfunc = feline_eval;
		case TXF_AREA:
			filterfunc = area_sample;

	texres->tin = texres->ta = texres->tr = texres->tg = texres->tb = 0.f;

	/* we need to set retval OK, otherwise texture code generates normals itself... */
	retval = texres->nor ? 3 : 1;

	/* quick tests */
	if (ibuf==NULL && ima==NULL) return retval;

	if (ima) {	/* hack for icon render */
		if (skip_load_image && !BKE_image_has_loaded_ibuf(ima)) {
			return retval;
		ibuf = BKE_image_pool_acquire_ibuf(ima, &tex->iuser, pool);

	if ((ibuf == NULL) || ((ibuf->rect == NULL) && (ibuf->rect_float == NULL))) {
		if (ima)
			BKE_image_pool_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, pool);
		return retval;

	if (ima) {
		ima->flag |= IMA_USED_FOR_RENDER;

	/* mipmap test */
	image_mipmap_test(tex, ibuf);
	if (ima) {
		if ((tex->imaflag & TEX_USEALPHA) && (ima->flag & IMA_IGNORE_ALPHA) == 0) {
			if ((tex->imaflag & TEX_CALCALPHA) == 0) {
				texres->talpha = 1;
	texr.talpha = texres->talpha;

	if (tex->imaflag & TEX_IMAROT) {
		fy = texvec[0];
		fx = texvec[1];
	else {
		fx = texvec[0];
		fy = texvec[1];

	if (ibuf->flags & IB_fields) {
		if (R.r.mode & R_FIELDS) {			/* field render */
			if (R.flag & R_SEC_FIELD) {		/* correction for 2nd field */
				/* fac1= 0.5/( (float)ibuf->y ); */
				/* fy-= fac1; */
			else 	/* first field */
				fy += 0.5f/( (float)ibuf->y );

	/* pixel coordinates */
	minx = min_fff(dxt[0], dyt[0], dxt[0] + dyt[0]);
	maxx = max_fff(dxt[0], dyt[0], dxt[0] + dyt[0]);
	miny = min_fff(dxt[1], dyt[1], dxt[1] + dyt[1]);
	maxy = max_fff(dxt[1], dyt[1], dxt[1] + dyt[1]);

	/* tex_sharper has been removed */
	minx = (maxx - minx)*0.5f;
	miny = (maxy - miny)*0.5f;

	if (tex->imaflag & TEX_FILTER_MIN) {
		/* make sure the filtersize is minimal in pixels (normal, ref map can have miniature pixel dx/dy) */
		const float addval = (0.5f * tex->filtersize) / (float)MIN2(ibuf->x, ibuf->y);
		if (addval > minx) minx = addval;
		if (addval > miny) miny = addval;
	else if (tex->filtersize != 1.f) {
		minx *= tex->filtersize;
		miny *= tex->filtersize;
		dxt[0] *= tex->filtersize;
		dxt[1] *= tex->filtersize;
		dyt[0] *= tex->filtersize;
		dyt[1] *= tex->filtersize;

	if (tex->imaflag & TEX_IMAROT) {
		float t;
		SWAP(float, minx, miny);
		/* must rotate dxt/dyt 90 deg
		 * yet another blender problem is that swapping X/Y axes (or any tex proj switches) should do something similar,
		 * but it doesn't, it only swaps coords, so filter area will be incorrect in those cases. */
		t = dxt[0];
		dxt[0] = dxt[1];
		dxt[1] = -t;
		t = dyt[0];
		dyt[0] = dyt[1];
		dyt[1] = -t;

	/* side faces of unit-cube */
	minx = (minx > 0.25f) ? 0.25f : ((minx < 1e-5f) ? 1e-5f : minx);
	miny = (miny > 0.25f) ? 0.25f : ((miny < 1e-5f) ? 1e-5f : miny);

	/* repeat and clip */

	if (tex->extend == TEX_REPEAT) {
			extflag = TXC_EXTD;
		else if (tex->flag & TEX_REPEAT_XMIR)
			extflag = TXC_XMIR;
		else if (tex->flag & TEX_REPEAT_YMIR)
			extflag = TXC_YMIR;
			extflag = TXC_REPT;
	else if (tex->extend == TEX_EXTEND)
		extflag = TXC_EXTD;

	if (tex->extend == TEX_CHECKER) {
		int xs = (int)floorf(fx), ys = (int)floorf(fy);
		/* both checkers available, no boundary exceptions, checkerdist will eat aliasing */
		if ((tex->flag & TEX_CHECKER_ODD) && (tex->flag & TEX_CHECKER_EVEN)) {
			fx -= xs;
			fy -= ys;
		else if ((tex->flag & TEX_CHECKER_ODD) == 0 &&
		         (tex->flag & TEX_CHECKER_EVEN) == 0)
			if (ima)
				BKE_image_pool_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, pool);
			return retval;
		else {
			int xs1 = (int)floorf(fx - minx);
			int ys1 = (int)floorf(fy - miny);
			int xs2 = (int)floorf(fx + minx);
			int ys2 = (int)floorf(fy + miny);
			if ((xs1 != xs2) || (ys1 != ys2)) {
				if (tex->flag & TEX_CHECKER_ODD) {
					fx -= ((xs1 + ys) & 1) ? xs2 : xs1;
					fy -= ((ys1 + xs) & 1) ? ys2 : ys1;
				if (tex->flag & TEX_CHECKER_EVEN) {
					fx -= ((xs1 + ys) & 1) ? xs1 : xs2;
					fy -= ((ys1 + xs) & 1) ? ys1 : ys2;
			else {
				if ((tex->flag & TEX_CHECKER_ODD) == 0 && ((xs + ys) & 1) == 0) {
					if (ima)
						BKE_image_pool_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, pool);
					return retval;
				if ((tex->flag & TEX_CHECKER_EVEN) == 0 && (xs + ys) & 1) {
					if (ima)
						BKE_image_pool_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, pool);
					return retval;
				fx -= xs;
				fy -= ys;
		/* scale around center, (0.5, 0.5) */
		if (tex->checkerdist < 1.f) {
			const float omcd = 1.f / (1.f - tex->checkerdist);
			fx = (fx - 0.5f)*omcd + 0.5f;
			fy = (fy - 0.5f)*omcd + 0.5f;
			minx *= omcd;
			miny *= omcd;

	if (tex->extend == TEX_CLIPCUBE) {
		if ((fx + minx) < 0.f || (fy + miny) < 0.f || (fx - minx) > 1.f || (fy - miny) > 1.f || texvec[2] < -1.f || texvec[2] > 1.f) {
			if (ima)
				BKE_image_pool_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, pool);
			return retval;
	else if (tex->extend == TEX_CLIP || tex->extend == TEX_CHECKER) {
		if ((fx + minx) < 0.f || (fy + miny) < 0.f || (fx - minx) > 1.f || (fy - miny) > 1.f) {
			if (ima)
				BKE_image_pool_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, pool);
			return retval;
	else {
		if (tex->extend == TEX_EXTEND) {
			fx = (fx > 1.f) ? 1.f : ((fx < 0.f) ? 0.f : fx);
			fy = (fy > 1.f) ? 1.f : ((fy < 0.f) ? 0.f : fy);
		else {
			fx -= floorf(fx);
			fy -= floorf(fy);

	intpol = tex->imaflag & TEX_INTERPOL;

	/* warning no return! */
	if ((R.flag & R_SEC_FIELD) && (ibuf->flags & IB_fields))
		ibuf->rect += ibuf->x*ibuf->y;

	/* struct common data */
	copy_v2_v2(AFD.dxt, dxt);
	copy_v2_v2(AFD.dyt, dyt);
	AFD.intpol = intpol;
	AFD.extflag = extflag;

	/* brecht: added stupid clamping here, large dx/dy can give very large
	 * filter sizes which take ages to render, it may be better to do this
	 * more intelligently later in the code .. probably it's not noticeable */
	if (AFD.dxt[0]*AFD.dxt[0] + AFD.dxt[1]*AFD.dxt[1] > 2.0f*2.0f)
		mul_v2_fl(AFD.dxt, 2.0f/len_v2(AFD.dxt));
	if (AFD.dyt[0]*AFD.dyt[0] + AFD.dyt[1]*AFD.dyt[1] > 2.0f*2.0f)
		mul_v2_fl(AFD.dyt, 2.0f/len_v2(AFD.dyt));

	/* choice: */
	if (tex->imaflag & TEX_MIPMAP) {
		ImBuf *previbuf, *curibuf;
		float levf;
		int maxlev;
		ImBuf *mipmaps[IMB_MIPMAP_LEVELS + 1];

		/* modify ellipse minor axis if too eccentric, use for area sampling as well
		 * scaling dxt/dyt as done in pbrt is not the same
		 * (as in ewa_eval(), scale by sqrt(ibuf->x) to maximize precision) */
		const float ff = sqrtf(ibuf->x), q = ibuf->y/ff;
		const float Ux = dxt[0]*ff, Vx = dxt[1]*q, Uy = dyt[0]*ff, Vy = dyt[1]*q;
		const float A = Vx*Vx + Vy*Vy;
		const float B = -2.f*(Ux*Vx + Uy*Vy);
		const float C = Ux*Ux + Uy*Uy;
		const float F = A*C - B*B*0.25f;
		float a, b, th, ecc;
		BLI_ewa_imp2radangle(A, B, C, F, &a, &b, &th, &ecc);
		if (tex->texfilter == TXF_FELINE) {
			float fProbes;
			a *= ff;
			b *= ff;
			a = max_ff(a, 1.0f);
			b = max_ff(b, 1.0f);
			fProbes = 2.f*(a / b) - 1.f;
			AFD.iProbes = round_fl_to_int(fProbes);
			AFD.iProbes = MIN2(AFD.iProbes, tex->afmax);
			if (AFD.iProbes < fProbes)
				b = 2.f*a / (float)(AFD.iProbes + 1);
			AFD.majrad = a/ff;
			AFD.minrad = b/ff;
			AFD.theta = th;
			AFD.dusc = 1.f/ff;
			AFD.dvsc = ff / (float)ibuf->y;
		else {	/* EWA & area */
			if (ecc > (float)tex->afmax) b = a / (float)tex->afmax;
			b *= ff;
		maxd = max_ff(b, 1e-8f);
		levf = ((float)M_LOG2E) * logf(maxd);

		curmap = 0;
		maxlev = 1;
		mipmaps[0] = ibuf;
		while (curmap < IMB_MIPMAP_LEVELS) {
			mipmaps[curmap + 1] = ibuf->mipmap[curmap];
			if (ibuf->mipmap[curmap]) maxlev++;

		/* mipmap level */
		if (levf < 0.f) {  /* original image only */
			previbuf = curibuf = mipmaps[0];
			levf = 0.f;
		else if (levf >= maxlev - 1) {
			previbuf = curibuf = mipmaps[maxlev - 1];
			levf = 0.f;
			if (tex->texfilter == TXF_FELINE) AFD.iProbes = 1;
		else {
			const int lev = isnan(levf) ? 0 : (int)levf;
			curibuf = mipmaps[lev];
			previbuf = mipmaps[lev + 1];
			levf -= floorf(levf);

		/* filter functions take care of interpolation themselves, no need to modify dxt/dyt here */

		if (texres->nor && ((tex->imaflag & TEX_NORMALMAP) == 0)) {
			/* color & normal */
			filterfunc(texres, curibuf, fx, fy, &AFD);
			val1 = texres->tr + texres->tg + texres->tb;
			filterfunc(&texr, curibuf, fx + dxt[0], fy + dxt[1], &AFD);
			val2 = + + texr.tb;
			filterfunc(&texr, curibuf, fx + dyt[0], fy + dyt[1], &AFD);
			val3 = + + texr.tb;
			/* don't switch x or y! */
			texres->nor[0] = val1 - val2;
			texres->nor[1] = val1 - val3;
			if (previbuf != curibuf) {  /* interpolate */
				filterfunc(&texr, previbuf, fx, fy, &AFD);
				/* rgb */
				texres->tr += levf*( - texres->tr);
				texres->tg += levf*( - texres->tg);
				texres->tb += levf*(texr.tb - texres->tb);
				texres->ta += levf*(texr.ta - texres->ta);
				/* normal */
				val1 += levf*(( + + texr.tb) - val1);
				filterfunc(&texr, previbuf, fx + dxt[0], fy + dxt[1], &AFD);
				val2 += levf*(( + + texr.tb) - val2);
				filterfunc(&texr, previbuf, fx + dyt[0], fy + dyt[1], &AFD);
				val3 += levf*(( + + texr.tb) - val3);
				texres->nor[0] = val1 - val2;  /* vals have been interpolated above! */
				texres->nor[1] = val1 - val3;
		else {  /* color */
			filterfunc(texres, curibuf, fx, fy, &AFD);
			if (previbuf != curibuf) {  /* interpolate */
				filterfunc(&texr, previbuf, fx, fy, &AFD);
				texres->tr += levf*( - texres->tr);
				texres->tg += levf*( - texres->tg);
				texres->tb += levf*(texr.tb - texres->tb);
				texres->ta += levf*(texr.ta - texres->ta);

			if (tex->texfilter != TXF_EWA) {
				alpha_clip_aniso(ibuf, fx-minx, fy-miny, fx+minx, fy+miny, extflag, texres);
	else {	/* no mipmap */
		/* filter functions take care of interpolation themselves, no need to modify dxt/dyt here */
		if (tex->texfilter == TXF_FELINE) {
			const float ff = sqrtf(ibuf->x), q = ibuf->y/ff;
			const float Ux = dxt[0]*ff, Vx = dxt[1]*q, Uy = dyt[0]*ff, Vy = dyt[1]*q;
			const float A = Vx*Vx + Vy*Vy;
			const float B = -2.f*(Ux*Vx + Uy*Vy);
			const float C = Ux*Ux + Uy*Uy;
			const float F = A*C - B*B*0.25f;
			float a, b, th, ecc, fProbes;
			BLI_ewa_imp2radangle(A, B, C, F, &a, &b, &th, &ecc);
			a *= ff;
			b *= ff;
			a = max_ff(a, 1.0f);
			b = max_ff(b, 1.0f);
			fProbes = 2.f*(a / b) - 1.f;
			/* no limit to number of Probes here */
			AFD.iProbes = round_fl_to_int(fProbes);
			if (AFD.iProbes < fProbes) b = 2.f*a / (float)(AFD.iProbes + 1);
			AFD.majrad = a/ff;
			AFD.minrad = b/ff;
			AFD.theta = th;
			AFD.dusc = 1.f/ff;
			AFD.dvsc = ff / (float)ibuf->y;
		if (texres->nor && ((tex->imaflag & TEX_NORMALMAP) == 0)) {
			/* color & normal */
			filterfunc(texres, ibuf, fx, fy, &AFD);
			val1 = texres->tr + texres->tg + texres->tb;
			filterfunc(&texr, ibuf, fx + dxt[0], fy + dxt[1], &AFD);
			val2 = + + texr.tb;
			filterfunc(&texr, ibuf, fx + dyt[0], fy + dyt[1], &AFD);
			val3 = + + texr.tb;
			/* don't switch x or y! */
			texres->nor[0] = val1 - val2;
			texres->nor[1] = val1 - val3;
		else {
			filterfunc(texres, ibuf, fx, fy, &AFD);
			if (tex->texfilter != TXF_EWA) {
				alpha_clip_aniso(ibuf, fx-minx, fy-miny, fx+minx, fy+miny, extflag, texres);

	if (tex->imaflag & TEX_CALCALPHA)
		texres->ta = texres->tin = texres->ta * max_fff(texres->tr, texres->tg, texres->tb);
		texres->tin = texres->ta;
	if (tex->flag & TEX_NEGALPHA) texres->ta = 1.f - texres->ta;
	if ((R.flag & R_SEC_FIELD) && (ibuf->flags & IB_fields))
		ibuf->rect -= ibuf->x*ibuf->y;

	if (texres->nor && (tex->imaflag & TEX_NORMALMAP)) {	/* normal from color */
		/* The invert of the red channel is to make
		 * the normal map compliant with the outside world.
		 * It needs to be done because in Blender
		 * the normal used in the renderer points inward. It is generated
		 * this way in calc_vertexnormals(). Should this ever change
		 * this negate must be removed. */
		texres->nor[0] = -2.f*(texres->tr - 0.5f);
		texres->nor[1] = 2.f*(texres->tg - 0.5f);
		texres->nor[2] = 2.f*(texres->tb - 0.5f);

	/* de-premul, this is being premulled in shade_input_do_shade()
	 * TXF: this currently does not (yet?) work properly, destroys edge AA in clip/checker mode, so for now commented out
	 * also disabled in imagewraposa() to be able to compare results with blender's default texture filtering */

	/* brecht: tried to fix this, see "TXF alpha" comments */

	/* do not de-premul for generated alpha, it is already in straight */
	if (texres->ta!=1.0f && texres->ta>1e-4f && !(tex->imaflag & TEX_CALCALPHA)) {
		fx = 1.f/texres->ta;
		texres->tr *= fx;
		texres->tg *= fx;
		texres->tb *= fx;

	if (ima)
		BKE_image_pool_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, pool);

	return retval;
Esempio n. 14
void uiDrawBox(int mode, float minx, float miny, float maxx, float maxy, float rad)
	float vec[7][2] = {{0.195, 0.02}, {0.383, 0.067}, {0.55, 0.169}, {0.707, 0.293},
	                   {0.831, 0.45}, {0.924, 0.617}, {0.98, 0.805}};
	int a;
	/* mult */
	for (a = 0; a < 7; a++) {
		mul_v2_fl(vec[a], rad);


	/* start with corner right-bottom */
	if (roundboxtype & UI_CNR_BOTTOM_RIGHT) {
		glVertex2f(maxx - rad, miny);
		for (a = 0; a < 7; a++) {
			glVertex2f(maxx - rad + vec[a][0], miny + vec[a][1]);
		glVertex2f(maxx, miny + rad);
	else {
		glVertex2f(maxx, miny);
	/* corner right-top */
	if (roundboxtype & UI_CNR_TOP_RIGHT) {
		glVertex2f(maxx, maxy - rad);
		for (a = 0; a < 7; a++) {
			glVertex2f(maxx - vec[a][1], maxy - rad + vec[a][0]);
		glVertex2f(maxx - rad, maxy);
	else {
		glVertex2f(maxx, maxy);
	/* corner left-top */
	if (roundboxtype & UI_CNR_TOP_LEFT) {
		glVertex2f(minx + rad, maxy);
		for (a = 0; a < 7; a++) {
			glVertex2f(minx + rad - vec[a][0], maxy - vec[a][1]);
		glVertex2f(minx, maxy - rad);
	else {
		glVertex2f(minx, maxy);
	/* corner left-bottom */
	if (roundboxtype & UI_CNR_BOTTOM_LEFT) {
		glVertex2f(minx, miny + rad);
		for (a = 0; a < 7; a++) {
			glVertex2f(minx + vec[a][1], miny + rad - vec[a][0]);
		glVertex2f(minx + rad, miny);
	else {
		glVertex2f(minx, miny);
Esempio n. 15
/* view2d scrollers use it */
void uiDrawBoxVerticalShade(int mode, float minx, float miny, float maxx, float maxy,
                            float rad, float shadeLeft, float shadeRight)
	float vec[7][2] = {{0.195, 0.02}, {0.383, 0.067}, {0.55, 0.169}, {0.707, 0.293},
	                   {0.831, 0.45}, {0.924, 0.617}, {0.98, 0.805}};
	const float div = maxx - minx;
	const float idiv = 1.0f / div;
	float colLeft[3], colRight[3], color[4];
	int a;
	/* mult */
	for (a = 0; a < 7; a++) {
		mul_v2_fl(vec[a], rad);
	/* get current color, needs to be outside of glBegin/End */
	glGetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_COLOR, color);

	/* 'shade' defines strength of shading */
	colLeft[0]  = min_ff(1.0f, color[0] + shadeLeft);
	colLeft[1]  = min_ff(1.0f, color[1] + shadeLeft);
	colLeft[2]  = min_ff(1.0f, color[2] + shadeLeft);
	colRight[0] = max_ff(0.0f, color[0] + shadeRight);
	colRight[1] = max_ff(0.0f, color[1] + shadeRight);
	colRight[2] = max_ff(0.0f, color[2] + shadeRight);


	/* start with corner right-bottom */
	if (roundboxtype & UI_CNR_BOTTOM_RIGHT) {
		round_box_shade_col(colLeft, colRight, 0.0);
		glVertex2f(maxx - rad, miny);
		for (a = 0; a < 7; a++) {
			round_box_shade_col(colLeft, colRight, vec[a][0] * idiv);
			glVertex2f(maxx - rad + vec[a][0], miny + vec[a][1]);
		round_box_shade_col(colLeft, colRight, rad * idiv);
		glVertex2f(maxx, miny + rad);
	else {
		round_box_shade_col(colLeft, colRight, 0.0);
		glVertex2f(maxx, miny);
	/* corner right-top */
	if (roundboxtype & UI_CNR_TOP_RIGHT) {
		round_box_shade_col(colLeft, colRight, 0.0);
		glVertex2f(maxx, maxy - rad);
		for (a = 0; a < 7; a++) {
			round_box_shade_col(colLeft, colRight, (div - rad - vec[a][0]) * idiv);
			glVertex2f(maxx - vec[a][1], maxy - rad + vec[a][0]);
		round_box_shade_col(colLeft, colRight, (div - rad) * idiv);
		glVertex2f(maxx - rad, maxy);
	else {
		round_box_shade_col(colLeft, colRight, 0.0);
		glVertex2f(maxx, maxy);
	/* corner left-top */
	if (roundboxtype & UI_CNR_TOP_LEFT) {
		round_box_shade_col(colLeft, colRight, (div - rad) * idiv);
		glVertex2f(minx + rad, maxy);
		for (a = 0; a < 7; a++) {
			round_box_shade_col(colLeft, colRight, (div - rad + vec[a][0]) * idiv);
			glVertex2f(minx + rad - vec[a][0], maxy - vec[a][1]);
		round_box_shade_col(colLeft, colRight, 1.0);
		glVertex2f(minx, maxy - rad);
	else {
		round_box_shade_col(colLeft, colRight, 1.0);
		glVertex2f(minx, maxy);
	/* corner left-bottom */
	if (roundboxtype & UI_CNR_BOTTOM_LEFT) {
		round_box_shade_col(colLeft, colRight, 1.0);
		glVertex2f(minx, miny + rad);
		for (a = 0; a < 7; a++) {
			round_box_shade_col(colLeft, colRight, (vec[a][0]) * idiv);
			glVertex2f(minx + vec[a][1], miny + rad - vec[a][0]);
		round_box_shade_col(colLeft, colRight, 1.0);
		glVertex2f(minx + rad, miny);
	else {
		round_box_shade_col(colLeft, colRight, 1.0);
		glVertex2f(minx, miny);
Esempio n. 16
/** only called from #BKE_mask_spline_feather_differentiated_points_with_resolution() ! */
static float (*mask_spline_feather_differentiated_points_with_resolution__double(
        MaskSpline *spline, unsigned int *tot_feather_point,
        const unsigned int resol, const bool do_feather_isect))[2]
	MaskSplinePoint *points_array = BKE_mask_spline_point_array(spline);

	MaskSplinePoint *point_curr, *point_prev;
	float (*feather)[2], (*fp)[2];
	const int tot = BKE_mask_spline_differentiate_calc_total(spline, resol);
	int a;

	if (spline->tot_point <= 1) {
		/* nothing to differentiate */
		*tot_feather_point = 0;
		return NULL;

	/* len+1 because of 'forward_diff_bezier' function */
	*tot_feather_point = tot;
	feather = fp = MEM_mallocN((tot + 1) * sizeof(*feather), "mask spline vets");

	a = spline->tot_point - 1;
	if (spline->flag & MASK_SPLINE_CYCLIC)

	point_prev = points_array;
	point_curr = point_prev + 1;

	while (a--) {
		BezTriple local_prevbezt;
		BezTriple local_bezt;
		float point_prev_n[2], point_curr_n[2], tvec[2];
		float weight_prev, weight_curr;
		float len_base, len_feather, len_scalar;

		BezTriple *bezt_prev;
		BezTriple *bezt_curr;
		int j;

		if (a == 0 && (spline->flag & MASK_SPLINE_CYCLIC))
			point_curr = points_array;

		bezt_prev = &point_prev->bezt;
		bezt_curr = &point_curr->bezt;

		/* modified copy for feather */
		local_prevbezt = *bezt_prev;
		local_bezt     = *bezt_curr;

		bezt_prev = &local_prevbezt;
		bezt_curr = &local_bezt;

		/* calc the normals */
		sub_v2_v2v2(tvec, bezt_prev->vec[1], bezt_prev->vec[0]);
		point_prev_n[0] = -tvec[1];
		point_prev_n[1] =  tvec[0];

		sub_v2_v2v2(tvec, bezt_curr->vec[1], bezt_curr->vec[0]);
		point_curr_n[0] = -tvec[1];
		point_curr_n[1] =  tvec[0];

		weight_prev = bezt_prev->weight;
		weight_curr = bezt_curr->weight;

		mul_v2_fl(point_prev_n, weight_prev);
		mul_v2_fl(point_curr_n, weight_curr);

		/* before we transform verts */
		len_base = len_v2v2(bezt_prev->vec[1], bezt_curr->vec[1]);

		// add_v2_v2(bezt_prev->vec[0], point_prev_n);  // not needed
		add_v2_v2(bezt_prev->vec[1], point_prev_n);
		add_v2_v2(bezt_prev->vec[2], point_prev_n);

		add_v2_v2(bezt_curr->vec[0], point_curr_n);
		add_v2_v2(bezt_curr->vec[1], point_curr_n);
		// add_v2_v2(bezt_curr->vec[2], point_curr_n); // not needed

		len_feather = len_v2v2(bezt_prev->vec[1], bezt_curr->vec[1]);

		/* scale by chane in length */
		len_scalar = len_feather / len_base;
		dist_ensure_v2_v2fl(bezt_prev->vec[2], bezt_prev->vec[1], len_scalar * len_v2v2(bezt_prev->vec[2], bezt_prev->vec[1]));
		dist_ensure_v2_v2fl(bezt_curr->vec[0], bezt_curr->vec[1], len_scalar * len_v2v2(bezt_curr->vec[0], bezt_curr->vec[1]));

		for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
			BKE_curve_forward_diff_bezier(bezt_prev->vec[1][j], bezt_prev->vec[2][j],
			                              bezt_curr->vec[0][j], bezt_curr->vec[1][j],
			                              &(*fp)[j], resol, 2 * sizeof(float));

		/* scale by the uw's */
		if (point_prev->tot_uw) {
			for (j = 0; j < resol; j++, fp++) {
				float u = (float) j / resol;
				float weight_uw, weight_scalar;
				float co[2];

				/* TODO - these calls all calculate similar things
				 * could be unified for some speed */
				BKE_mask_point_segment_co(spline, point_prev, u, co);

				weight_uw     = BKE_mask_point_weight(spline, point_prev, u);
				weight_scalar = BKE_mask_point_weight_scalar(spline, point_prev, u);

				dist_ensure_v2_v2fl(*fp, co, len_v2v2(*fp, co) * (weight_uw / weight_scalar));
		else {
			fp += resol;

		if (a == 0 && (spline->flag & MASK_SPLINE_CYCLIC) == 0) {
			copy_v2_v2(*fp, bezt_curr->vec[1]);

		point_prev = point_curr;

	if ((spline->flag & MASK_SPLINE_NOINTERSECT) && do_feather_isect) {
		BKE_mask_spline_feather_collapse_inner_loops(spline, feather, tot);

	return feather;
Esempio n. 17
static int slide_point_modal(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *event)
	SlidePointData *data = (SlidePointData *)op->customdata;
	BezTriple *bezt = &data->point->bezt;
	float co[2], dco[2];

	switch (event->type) {
			if (ELEM(event->type, LEFTALTKEY, RIGHTALTKEY)) {
				if (data->action == SLIDE_ACTION_FEATHER)
					data->overall_feather = (event->val == KM_PRESS);
					data->curvature_only = (event->val == KM_PRESS);

				data->accurate = (event->val == KM_PRESS);

			/* fall-through */  /* update CV position */
			ScrArea *sa = CTX_wm_area(C);
			ARegion *ar = CTX_wm_region(C);

			ED_mask_mouse_pos(sa, ar, event->mval, co);
			sub_v2_v2v2(dco, co, data->co);

			if (data->action == SLIDE_ACTION_HANDLE) {
				float delta[2], offco[2];

				sub_v2_v2v2(delta, data->handle, data->co);

				sub_v2_v2v2(offco, co, data->co);
				if (data->accurate)
					mul_v2_fl(offco, 0.2f);
				add_v2_v2(offco, data->co);
				add_v2_v2(offco, delta);

				BKE_mask_point_set_handle(data->point, offco, data->curvature_only, data->handle, data->vec);
			else if (data->action == SLIDE_ACTION_POINT) {
				float delta[2];

				copy_v2_v2(delta, dco);
				if (data->accurate)
					mul_v2_fl(delta, 0.2f);

				add_v2_v2v2(bezt->vec[0], data->vec[0], delta);
				add_v2_v2v2(bezt->vec[1], data->vec[1], delta);
				add_v2_v2v2(bezt->vec[2], data->vec[2], delta);
			else if (data->action == SLIDE_ACTION_FEATHER) {
				float vec[2], no[2], p[2], c[2], w, offco[2];
				float *weight = NULL;
				float weight_scalar = 1.0f;
				int overall_feather = data->overall_feather || data->initial_feather;

				add_v2_v2v2(offco, data->feather, dco);

				if (data->uw) {
					/* project on both sides and find the closest one,
					 * prevents flickering when projecting onto both sides can happen */
					const float u_pos = BKE_mask_spline_project_co(data->spline, data->point,
					                                               data->uw->u, offco, MASK_PROJ_NEG);
					const float u_neg = BKE_mask_spline_project_co(data->spline, data->point,
					                                               data->uw->u, offco, MASK_PROJ_POS);
					float dist_pos = FLT_MAX;
					float dist_neg = FLT_MAX;
					float co_pos[2];
					float co_neg[2];
					float u;

					if (u_pos > 0.0f && u_pos < 1.0f) {
						BKE_mask_point_segment_co(data->spline, data->point, u_pos, co_pos);
						dist_pos = len_squared_v2v2(offco, co_pos);

					if (u_neg > 0.0f && u_neg < 1.0f) {
						BKE_mask_point_segment_co(data->spline, data->point, u_neg, co_neg);
						dist_neg = len_squared_v2v2(offco, co_neg);

					u = dist_pos < dist_neg ? u_pos : u_neg;

					if (u > 0.0f && u < 1.0f) {
						data->uw->u = u;

						data->uw = BKE_mask_point_sort_uw(data->point, data->uw);
						weight = &data->uw->w;
						weight_scalar = BKE_mask_point_weight_scalar(data->spline, data->point, u);
						if (weight_scalar != 0.0f) {
							weight_scalar = 1.0f / weight_scalar;

						BKE_mask_point_normal(data->spline, data->point, data->uw->u, no);
						BKE_mask_point_segment_co(data->spline, data->point, data->uw->u, p);
				else {
					weight = &bezt->weight;
					/* weight_scalar = 1.0f; keep as is */
					copy_v2_v2(no, data->no);
					copy_v2_v2(p, bezt->vec[1]);

				if (weight) {
					sub_v2_v2v2(c, offco, p);
					project_v2_v2v2(vec, c, no);

					w = len_v2(vec);

					if (overall_feather) {
						float delta;

						if (dot_v2v2(no, vec) <= 0.0f)
							w = -w;

						delta = w - data->weight * data->weight_scalar;

						if (data->orig_spline == NULL) {
							/* restore weight for currently sliding point, so orig_spline would be created
							 * with original weights used
							*weight = data->weight;

							data->orig_spline = BKE_mask_spline_copy(data->spline);

						slide_point_delta_all_feather(data, delta);
					else {
						if (dot_v2v2(no, vec) <= 0.0f)
							w = 0.0f;

						if (data->orig_spline) {
							/* restore possible overall feather changes */

							data->orig_spline = NULL;

						if (weight_scalar != 0.0f) {
							*weight = w * weight_scalar;

			WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_MASK | NA_EDITED, data->mask);
			DAG_id_tag_update(&data->mask->id, 0);


			if (event->val == KM_RELEASE) {
				Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);

				/* dont key sliding feather uw's */
				if ((data->action == SLIDE_ACTION_FEATHER && data->uw) == FALSE) {
					if (IS_AUTOKEY_ON(scene)) {
						ED_mask_layer_shape_auto_key(data->masklay, CFRA);

				WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_MASK | NA_EDITED, data->mask);
				DAG_id_tag_update(&data->mask->id, 0);

				free_slide_point_data(op->customdata); /* keep this last! */


		case ESCKEY:

			WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_MASK | NA_EDITED, data->mask);
			DAG_id_tag_update(&data->mask->id, 0);

			free_slide_point_data(op->customdata); /* keep this last! */

Esempio n. 18
/* tries to realize the wanted velocity taking all constraints into account */
void boid_body(BoidBrainData *bbd, ParticleData *pa)
	BoidSettings *boids = bbd->part->boids;
	BoidParticle *bpa = pa->boid;
	BoidValues val;
	EffectedPoint epoint;
	float acc[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, tan_acc[3], nor_acc[3];
	float dvec[3], bvec[3];
	float new_dir[3], new_speed;
	float old_dir[3], old_speed;
	float wanted_dir[3];
	float q[4], mat[3][3]; /* rotation */
	float ground_co[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, ground_nor[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
	float force[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
	float pa_mass=bbd->part->mass, dtime=bbd->dfra*bbd->timestep;

	set_boid_values(&val, boids, pa);

	/* make sure there's something in new velocity, location & rotation */
	copy_particle_key(&pa->state, &pa->prev_state, 0);

	if (bbd->part->flag & PART_SIZEMASS)

	/* if boids can't fly they fall to the ground */
	if ((boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_FLIGHT)==0 && ELEM(bpa->data.mode, eBoidMode_OnLand, eBoidMode_Climbing)==0 && psys_uses_gravity(bbd->sim))
		bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Falling;

	if (bpa->data.mode == eBoidMode_Falling) {
		/* Falling boids are only effected by gravity. */
		acc[2] = bbd->sim->scene->physics_settings.gravity[2];
	else {
		/* figure out acceleration */
		float landing_level = 2.0f;
		float level = landing_level + 1.0f;
		float new_vel[3];

		if (bpa->data.mode == eBoidMode_Liftoff) {
			bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_InAir;
			bpa->ground = boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
		else if (bpa->data.mode == eBoidMode_InAir && boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_LAND) {
			/* auto-leveling & landing if close to ground */

			bpa->ground = boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
			/* level = how many particle sizes above ground */
			level = (pa->[2] - ground_co[2])/(2.0f * pa->size) - 0.5f;

			landing_level = - boids->landing_smoothness * pa->prev_state.vel[2] * pa_mass;

			if (pa->prev_state.vel[2] < 0.0f) {
				if (level < 1.0f) {
					bbd->wanted_co[0] = bbd->wanted_co[1] = bbd->wanted_co[2] = 0.0f;
					bbd->wanted_speed = 0.0f;
					bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Falling;
				else if (level < landing_level) {
					bbd->wanted_speed *= (level - 1.0f)/landing_level;
					bbd->wanted_co[2] *= (level - 1.0f)/landing_level;

		copy_v3_v3(old_dir, pa->prev_state.ave);
		new_speed = normalize_v3_v3(wanted_dir, bbd->wanted_co);

		/* first check if we have valid direction we want to go towards */
		if (new_speed == 0.0f) {
			copy_v3_v3(new_dir, old_dir);
		else {
			float old_dir2[2], wanted_dir2[2], nor[3], angle;
			copy_v2_v2(old_dir2, old_dir);
			copy_v2_v2(wanted_dir2, wanted_dir);

			/* choose random direction to turn if wanted velocity */
			/* is directly behind regardless of z-coordinate */
			if (dot_v2v2(old_dir2, wanted_dir2) < -0.99f) {
				wanted_dir[0] = 2.0f*(0.5f - BLI_rng_get_float(bbd->rng));
				wanted_dir[1] = 2.0f*(0.5f - BLI_rng_get_float(bbd->rng));
				wanted_dir[2] = 2.0f*(0.5f - BLI_rng_get_float(bbd->rng));

			/* constrain direction with maximum angular velocity */
			angle = saacos(dot_v3v3(old_dir, wanted_dir));
			angle = min_ff(angle, val.max_ave);

			cross_v3_v3v3(nor, old_dir, wanted_dir);
			axis_angle_to_quat(q, nor, angle);
			copy_v3_v3(new_dir, old_dir);
			mul_qt_v3(q, new_dir);

			/* save direction in case resulting velocity too small */
			axis_angle_to_quat(q, nor, angle*dtime);
			copy_v3_v3(pa->state.ave, old_dir);
			mul_qt_v3(q, pa->state.ave);

		/* constrain speed with maximum acceleration */
		old_speed = len_v3(pa->prev_state.vel);
		if (bbd->wanted_speed < old_speed)
			new_speed = MAX2(bbd->wanted_speed, old_speed - val.max_acc);
			new_speed = MIN2(bbd->wanted_speed, old_speed + val.max_acc);

		/* combine direction and speed */
		copy_v3_v3(new_vel, new_dir);
		mul_v3_fl(new_vel, new_speed);

		/* maintain minimum flying velocity if not landing */
		if (level >= landing_level) {
			float len2 = dot_v2v2(new_vel, new_vel);
			float root;

			len2 = MAX2(len2, val.min_speed*val.min_speed);
			root = sasqrt(new_speed*new_speed - len2);

			new_vel[2] = new_vel[2] < 0.0f ? -root : root;

			mul_v2_fl(new_vel, sasqrt(len2));

		/* finally constrain speed to max speed */
		new_speed = normalize_v3(new_vel);
		mul_v3_fl(new_vel, MIN2(new_speed, val.max_speed));

		/* get acceleration from difference of velocities */
		sub_v3_v3v3(acc, new_vel, pa->prev_state.vel);

		/* break acceleration to components */
		project_v3_v3v3(tan_acc, acc, pa->prev_state.ave);
		sub_v3_v3v3(nor_acc, acc, tan_acc);

	/* account for effectors */
	pd_point_from_particle(bbd->sim, pa, &pa->state, &epoint);
	pdDoEffectors(bbd->sim->psys->effectors, bbd->sim->colliders, bbd->part->effector_weights, &epoint, force, NULL);

	if (ELEM(bpa->data.mode, eBoidMode_OnLand, eBoidMode_Climbing)) {
		float length = normalize_v3(force);

		length = MAX2(0.0f, length - boids->land_stick_force);

		mul_v3_fl(force, length);
	add_v3_v3(acc, force);

	/* store smoothed acceleration for nice banking etc. */
	madd_v3_v3fl(bpa->data.acc, acc, dtime);
	mul_v3_fl(bpa->data.acc, 1.0f / (1.0f + dtime));

	/* integrate new location & velocity */

	/* by regarding the acceleration as a force at this stage we*/
	/* can get better control allthough it's a bit unphysical	*/
	mul_v3_fl(acc, 1.0f/pa_mass);

	copy_v3_v3(dvec, acc);
	mul_v3_fl(dvec, dtime*dtime*0.5f);
	copy_v3_v3(bvec, pa->prev_state.vel);
	mul_v3_fl(bvec, dtime);
	add_v3_v3(dvec, bvec);
	add_v3_v3(pa->, dvec);

	madd_v3_v3fl(pa->state.vel, acc, dtime);

	//if (bpa->data.mode != eBoidMode_InAir)
	bpa->ground = boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);

	/* change modes, constrain movement & keep track of down vector */
	switch (bpa->data.mode) {
		case eBoidMode_InAir:
			float grav[3];

			grav[0] = 0.0f;
			grav[1] = 0.0f;
			grav[2] = bbd->sim->scene->physics_settings.gravity[2] < 0.0f ? -1.0f : 0.0f;

			/* don't take forward acceleration into account (better banking) */
			if (dot_v3v3(bpa->data.acc, pa->state.vel) > 0.0f) {
				project_v3_v3v3(dvec, bpa->data.acc, pa->state.vel);
				sub_v3_v3v3(dvec, bpa->data.acc, dvec);
			else {
				copy_v3_v3(dvec, bpa->data.acc);

			/* gather apparent gravity */
			madd_v3_v3v3fl(bpa->gravity, grav, dvec, -boids->banking);

			/* stick boid on goal when close enough */
			if (bbd->goal_ob && boid_goal_signed_dist(pa->, bbd->goal_co, bbd->goal_nor) <= pa->size * boids->height) {
				bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Climbing;
				bpa->ground = bbd->goal_ob;
				boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
				boid_climb(boids, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
			else if (pa->[2] <= ground_co[2] + pa->size * boids->height) {
				/* land boid when below ground */
				if (boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_LAND) {
					pa->[2] = ground_co[2] + pa->size * boids->height;
					pa->state.vel[2] = 0.0f;
					bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_OnLand;
				/* fly above ground */
				else if (bpa->ground) {
					pa->[2] = ground_co[2] + pa->size * boids->height;
					pa->state.vel[2] = 0.0f;
		case eBoidMode_Falling:
			float grav[3];

			grav[0] = 0.0f;
			grav[1] = 0.0f;
			grav[2] = bbd->sim->scene->physics_settings.gravity[2] < 0.0f ? -1.0f : 0.0f;

			/* gather apparent gravity */
			madd_v3_v3fl(bpa->gravity, grav, dtime);

			if (boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_LAND) {
				/* stick boid on goal when close enough */
				if (bbd->goal_ob && boid_goal_signed_dist(pa->, bbd->goal_co, bbd->goal_nor) <= pa->size * boids->height) {
					bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Climbing;
					bpa->ground = bbd->goal_ob;
					boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
					boid_climb(boids, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
				/* land boid when really near ground */
				else if (pa->[2] <= ground_co[2] + 1.01f * pa->size * boids->height) {
					pa->[2] = ground_co[2] + pa->size * boids->height;
					pa->state.vel[2] = 0.0f;
					bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_OnLand;
				/* if we're falling, can fly and want to go upwards lets fly */
				else if (boids->options & BOID_ALLOW_FLIGHT && bbd->wanted_co[2] > 0.0f)
					bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_InAir;
				bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_InAir;
		case eBoidMode_Climbing:
			boid_climb(boids, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
			//float nor[3];
			//copy_v3_v3(nor, ground_nor);

			///* gather apparent gravity to r_ve */
			//madd_v3_v3fl(pa->r_ve, ground_nor, -1.0);

			///* raise boid it's size from surface */
			//mul_v3_fl(nor, pa->size * boids->height);
			//add_v3_v3v3(pa->, ground_co, nor);

			///* remove normal component from velocity */
			//project_v3_v3v3(v, pa->state.vel, ground_nor);
			//sub_v3_v3v3(pa->state.vel, pa->state.vel, v);
		case eBoidMode_OnLand:
			/* stick boid on goal when close enough */
			if (bbd->goal_ob && boid_goal_signed_dist(pa->, bbd->goal_co, bbd->goal_nor) <= pa->size * boids->height) {
				bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Climbing;
				bpa->ground = bbd->goal_ob;
				boid_find_ground(bbd, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
				boid_climb(boids, pa, ground_co, ground_nor);
			/* ground is too far away so boid falls */
			else if (pa->[2]-ground_co[2] > 1.1f * pa->size * boids->height)
				bpa->data.mode = eBoidMode_Falling;
			else {
				/* constrain to surface */
				pa->[2] = ground_co[2] + pa->size * boids->height;
				pa->state.vel[2] = 0.0f;

			if (boids->banking > 0.0f) {
				float grav[3];
				/* Don't take gravity's strength in to account, */
				/* otherwise amount of banking is hard to control. */
				negate_v3_v3(grav, ground_nor);

				project_v3_v3v3(dvec, bpa->data.acc, pa->state.vel);
				sub_v3_v3v3(dvec, bpa->data.acc, dvec);

				/* gather apparent gravity */
				madd_v3_v3v3fl(bpa->gravity, grav, dvec, -boids->banking);
			else {
				/* gather negative surface normal */
				madd_v3_v3fl(bpa->gravity, ground_nor, -1.0f);

	/* save direction to state.ave unless the boid is falling */
	/* (boids can't effect their direction when falling) */
	if (bpa->data.mode!=eBoidMode_Falling && len_v3(pa->state.vel) > 0.1f*pa->size) {
		copy_v3_v3(pa->state.ave, pa->state.vel);
		pa->state.ave[2] *= bbd->part->boids->pitch;

	/* apply damping */
	if (ELEM(bpa->data.mode, eBoidMode_OnLand, eBoidMode_Climbing))
		mul_v3_fl(pa->state.vel, 1.0f - 0.2f*bbd->part->dampfac);

	/* calculate rotation matrix based on forward & down vectors */
	if (bpa->data.mode == eBoidMode_InAir) {
		copy_v3_v3(mat[0], pa->state.ave);

		project_v3_v3v3(dvec, bpa->gravity, pa->state.ave);
		sub_v3_v3v3(mat[2], bpa->gravity, dvec);
	else {
		project_v3_v3v3(dvec, pa->state.ave, bpa->gravity);
		sub_v3_v3v3(mat[0], pa->state.ave, dvec);

		copy_v3_v3(mat[2], bpa->gravity);
	cross_v3_v3v3(mat[1], mat[2], mat[0]);
	/* apply rotation */
	mat3_to_quat_is_ok(q, mat);
	copy_qt_qt(pa->state.rot, q);
Esempio n. 19
static void node_group_make_insert_selected(const bContext *C, bNodeTree *ntree, bNode *gnode)
	bNodeTree *ngroup = (bNodeTree *)gnode->id;
	bNodeLink *link, *linkn;
	bNode *node, *nextn;
	bNodeSocket *sock;
	ListBase anim_basepaths = {NULL, NULL};
	float min[2], max[2], center[2];
	int totselect;
	int expose_all = FALSE;
	bNode *input_node, *output_node;
	/* XXX rough guess, not nice but we don't have access to UI constants here ... */
	static const float offsetx = 200;
	static const float offsety = 0.0f;
	/* deselect all nodes in the target tree */
	for (node = ngroup->nodes.first; node; node = node->next)
		nodeSetSelected(node, FALSE);
	totselect = node_get_selected_minmax(ntree, gnode, min, max);
	add_v2_v2v2(center, min, max);
	mul_v2_fl(center, 0.5f);
	/* auto-add interface for "solo" nodes */
	if (totselect == 1)
		expose_all = TRUE;
	/* move nodes over */
	for (node = ntree->nodes.first; node; node = nextn) {
		nextn = node->next;
		if (node_group_make_use_node(node, gnode)) {
			/* keep track of this node's RNA "base" path (the part of the pat identifying the node) 
			 * if the old nodetree has animation data which potentially covers this node
			if (ntree->adt) {
				PointerRNA ptr;
				char *path;
				RNA_pointer_create(&ntree->id, &RNA_Node, node, &ptr);
				path = RNA_path_from_ID_to_struct(&ptr);
				if (path)
					BLI_addtail(&anim_basepaths, BLI_genericNodeN(path));
			/* ensure valid parent pointers, detach if parent stays outside the group */
			if (node->parent && !(node->parent->flag & NODE_SELECT))
			/* change node-collection membership */
			BLI_remlink(&ntree->nodes, node);
			BLI_addtail(&ngroup->nodes, node);
			/* ensure unique node name in the ngroup */
			nodeUniqueName(ngroup, node);
	/* move animation data over */
	if (ntree->adt) {
		LinkData *ld, *ldn = NULL;
		BKE_animdata_separate_by_basepath(&ntree->id, &ngroup->id, &anim_basepaths);
		/* paths + their wrappers need to be freed */
		for (ld = anim_basepaths.first; ld; ld = ldn) {
			ldn = ld->next;
			BLI_freelinkN(&anim_basepaths, ld);
	/* node groups don't use internal cached data */
	/* create input node */
	input_node = nodeAddStaticNode(C, ngroup, NODE_GROUP_INPUT);
	input_node->locx = min[0] - center[0] - offsetx;
	input_node->locy = -offsety;
	/* create output node */
	output_node = nodeAddStaticNode(C, ngroup, NODE_GROUP_OUTPUT);
	output_node->locx = max[0] - center[0] + offsetx;
	output_node->locy = -offsety;
	/* relink external sockets */
	for (link = ntree->links.first; link; link = linkn) {
		int fromselect = node_group_make_use_node(link->fromnode, gnode);
		int toselect = node_group_make_use_node(link->tonode, gnode);
		linkn = link->next;
		if ((fromselect && link->tonode == gnode) || (toselect && link->fromnode == gnode)) {
			/* remove all links to/from the gnode.
			 * this can remove link information, but there's no general way to preserve it.
			nodeRemLink(ntree, link);
		else if (fromselect && toselect) {
			BLI_remlink(&ntree->links, link);
			BLI_addtail(&ngroup->links, link);
		else if (toselect) {
			bNodeSocket *iosock = ntreeAddSocketInterfaceFromSocket(ngroup, link->tonode, link->tosock);
			bNodeSocket *input_sock;
			/* update the group node and interface node sockets,
			 * so the new interface socket can be linked.
			node_group_verify(ntree, gnode, (ID *)ngroup);
			node_group_input_verify(ngroup, input_node, (ID *)ngroup);
			/* create new internal link */
			input_sock = node_group_input_find_socket(input_node, iosock->identifier);
			nodeAddLink(ngroup, input_node, input_sock, link->tonode, link->tosock);
			/* redirect external link */
			link->tonode = gnode;
			link->tosock = node_group_find_input_socket(gnode, iosock->identifier);
		else if (fromselect) {
			bNodeSocket *iosock = ntreeAddSocketInterfaceFromSocket(ngroup, link->fromnode, link->fromsock);
			bNodeSocket *output_sock;
			/* update the group node and interface node sockets,
			 * so the new interface socket can be linked.
			node_group_verify(ntree, gnode, (ID *)ngroup);
			node_group_output_verify(ngroup, output_node, (ID *)ngroup);

			/* create new internal link */
			output_sock = node_group_output_find_socket(output_node, iosock->identifier);
			nodeAddLink(ngroup, link->fromnode, link->fromsock, output_node, output_sock);
			/* redirect external link */
			link->fromnode = gnode;
			link->fromsock = node_group_find_output_socket(gnode, iosock->identifier);

	/* move nodes in the group to the center */
	for (node = ngroup->nodes.first; node; node = node->next) {
		if (node_group_make_use_node(node, gnode) && !node->parent) {
			node->locx -= center[0];
			node->locy -= center[1];
	/* expose all unlinked sockets too */
	if (expose_all) {
		for (node = ngroup->nodes.first; node; node = node->next) {
			if (node_group_make_use_node(node, gnode)) {
				for (sock = node->inputs.first; sock; sock = sock->next) {
					bNodeSocket *iosock, *input_sock;
					int skip = FALSE;
					for (link = ngroup->links.first; link; link = link->next) {
						if (link->tosock == sock) {
							skip = TRUE;
					if (skip)
					iosock = ntreeAddSocketInterfaceFromSocket(ngroup, node, sock);
					node_group_input_verify(ngroup, input_node, (ID *)ngroup);
					/* create new internal link */
					input_sock = node_group_input_find_socket(input_node, iosock->identifier);
					nodeAddLink(ngroup, input_node, input_sock, node, sock);
				for (sock = node->outputs.first; sock; sock = sock->next) {
					bNodeSocket *iosock, *output_sock;
					int skip = FALSE;
					for (link = ngroup->links.first; link; link = link->next)
						if (link->fromsock == sock)
							skip = TRUE;
					if (skip)
					iosock = ntreeAddSocketInterfaceFromSocket(ngroup, node, sock);
					node_group_output_verify(ngroup, output_node, (ID *)ngroup);
					/* create new internal link */
					output_sock = node_group_output_find_socket(output_node, iosock->identifier);
					nodeAddLink(ngroup, node, sock, output_node, output_sock);

	/* update of the group tree */
	/* update of the tree containing the group instance node */
Esempio n. 20
void uiTemplateMarker(uiLayout *layout, PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, PointerRNA *userptr,
                      PointerRNA *trackptr, int compact)
	PropertyRNA *prop;
	uiBlock *block;
	uiBut *bt;
	PointerRNA clipptr;
	MovieClip *clip;
	MovieClipUser *user;
	MovieTrackingTrack *track;
	MovieTrackingMarker *marker;
	MarkerUpdateCb *cb;
	const char *tip;
	float pat_min[2], pat_max[2];

	if (!ptr->data)

	prop = RNA_struct_find_property(ptr, propname);
	if (!prop) {
		printf("%s: property not found: %s.%s\n",
		       __func__, RNA_struct_identifier(ptr->type), propname);

	if (RNA_property_type(prop) != PROP_POINTER) {
		printf("%s: expected pointer property for %s.%s\n",
		       __func__, RNA_struct_identifier(ptr->type), propname);

	clipptr = RNA_property_pointer_get(ptr, prop);
	clip = (MovieClip *);
	user = userptr->data;
	track = trackptr->data;

	marker = BKE_tracking_marker_get(track, user->framenr);

	cb = MEM_callocN(sizeof(MarkerUpdateCb), "uiTemplateMarker update_cb");
	cb->compact = compact;
	cb->clip = clip;
	cb->user = user;
	cb->track = track;
	cb->marker = marker;
	cb->marker_flag = marker->flag;
	cb->framenr = user->framenr;

	if (compact) {
		block = uiLayoutGetBlock(layout);

		if (cb->marker_flag & MARKER_DISABLED)
			tip = "Marker is disabled at current frame";
			tip = "Marker is enabled at current frame";

		bt = uiDefIconButBitI(block, TOGN, MARKER_DISABLED, 0, ICON_RESTRICT_VIEW_OFF, 0, 0, 20, 20,
		                      &cb->marker_flag, 0, 0, 1, 0, tip);
		uiButSetNFunc(bt, marker_update_cb, cb, NULL);
	else {
		int width, height, step, digits;
		float pat_dim[2], search_dim[2], search_pos[2];
		uiLayout *col;

		BKE_movieclip_get_size(clip, user, &width, &height);

		if (track->flag & TRACK_LOCKED) {
			uiLayoutSetActive(layout, FALSE);
			block = uiLayoutAbsoluteBlock(layout);
			uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Track is locked", 0, 0, 300, 19, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, "");


		step = 100;
		digits = 2;

		BKE_tracking_marker_pattern_minmax(marker, pat_min, pat_max);

		sub_v2_v2v2(pat_dim, pat_max, pat_min);
		sub_v2_v2v2(search_dim, marker->search_max, marker->search_min);

		add_v2_v2v2(search_pos, marker->search_max, marker->search_min);
		mul_v2_fl(search_pos, 0.5);

		to_pixel_space(cb->marker_pos, marker->pos, width, height);
		to_pixel_space(cb->marker_pat, pat_dim, width, height);
		to_pixel_space(cb->marker_search, search_dim, width, height);
		to_pixel_space(cb->marker_search_pos, search_pos, width, height);
		to_pixel_space(cb->track_offset, track->offset, width, height);

		cb->marker_flag = marker->flag;

		block = uiLayoutAbsoluteBlock(layout);
		uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, marker_block_handler, cb);
		uiBlockSetNFunc(block, marker_update_cb, cb, NULL);

		if (cb->marker_flag & MARKER_DISABLED)
			tip = "Marker is disabled at current frame";
			tip = "Marker is enabled at current frame";

		uiDefButBitI(block, OPTIONN, MARKER_DISABLED, B_MARKER_FLAG,  "Enabled", 10, 190, 145, 19, &cb->marker_flag,
		             0, 0, 0, 0, tip);

		col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, TRUE);
		uiLayoutSetActive(col, (cb->marker_flag & MARKER_DISABLED) == 0);

		block = uiLayoutAbsoluteBlock(col);

		uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Position:", 0, 190, 300, 19, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, "");
		uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MARKER_POS, "X:", 10, 171, 145, 19, &cb->marker_pos[0],
		          -10 * width, 10.0 * width, step, digits, "X-position of marker at frame in screen coordinates");
		uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MARKER_POS, "Y:", 165, 171, 145, 19, &cb->marker_pos[1],
		          -10 * height, 10.0 * height, step, digits, "Y-position of marker at frame in screen coordinates");

		uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Offset:", 0, 152, 300, 19, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, "");
		uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MARKER_OFFSET, "X:", 10, 133, 145, 19, &cb->track_offset[0],
		          -10 * width, 10.0 * width, step, digits, "X-offset to parenting point");
		uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MARKER_OFFSET, "Y:", 165, 133, 145, 19, &cb->track_offset[1],
		          -10 * height, 10.0 * height, step, digits, "Y-offset to parenting point");

		uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Pattern Area:", 0, 114, 300, 19, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, "");
		uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MARKER_PAT_DIM, "Width:", 10, 95, 300, 19, &cb->marker_pat[0], 3.0f,
		          10.0 * width, step, digits, "Width of marker's pattern in screen coordinates");
		uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MARKER_PAT_DIM, "Height:", 10, 76, 300, 19, &cb->marker_pat[1], 3.0f,
		          10.0 * height, step, digits, "Height of marker's pattern in screen coordinates");

		uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Search Area:", 0, 57, 300, 19, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, "");
		uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MARKER_SEARCH_POS, "X:", 10, 38, 145, 19, &cb->marker_search_pos[0],
		          -width, width, step, digits, "X-position of search at frame relative to marker's position");
		uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MARKER_SEARCH_POS, "Y:", 165, 38, 145, 19, &cb->marker_search_pos[1],
		          -height, height, step, digits, "X-position of search at frame relative to marker's position");
		uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MARKER_SEARCH_DIM, "Width:", 10, 19, 300, 19, &cb->marker_search[0], 3.0f,
		          10.0 * width, step, digits, "Width of marker's search in screen soordinates");
		uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MARKER_SEARCH_DIM, "Height:", 10, 0, 300, 19, &cb->marker_search[1], 3.0f,
		          10.0 * height, step, digits, "Height of marker's search in screen soordinates");
