Esempio n. 1
bool FileExists(const char * filePath)
   FILE * fp = muscleFopen(filePath, "rb");
   const bool ret = (fp != NULL);  // gotta take this value before calling fclose(), or cppcheck complains
   if (fp) fclose(fp);
   return ret;
Esempio n. 2
status_t CopyFile(const char * oldPath, const char * newPath, bool allowCopyFolder)
   if (strcmp(oldPath, newPath) == 0) return B_NO_ERROR;  // Copying something onto itself is a no-op

   if (allowCopyFolder)
      const FilePathInfo oldFPI(oldPath);
      if (oldFPI.IsDirectory()) return CopyDirectoryRecursive(oldPath, newPath);

   FILE * fpIn = muscleFopen(oldPath, "rb");
   if (fpIn == NULL) return B_ERROR;

   status_t ret = B_NO_ERROR;  // optimistic default
   FILE * fpOut = muscleFopen(newPath, "wb");
   if (fpOut)
         char buf[4*1024];
         const size_t bytesRead = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fpIn);
         if ((bytesRead < sizeof(buf))&&(feof(fpIn) == false))
            ret = B_ERROR;

         const size_t bytesWritten = fwrite(buf, 1, bytesRead, fpOut);
         if (bytesWritten < bytesRead)
            ret = B_ERROR;
         if (feof(fpIn)) break;
   else ret = B_ERROR;


   if ((fpOut)&&(ret != B_NO_ERROR)) (void) DeleteFile(newPath);  // clean up on error
   return ret;
Esempio n. 3
float GetSystemMemoryUsagePercentage()
#if defined(__linux__)
   FILE * fpIn = muscleFopen("/proc/meminfo", "r");
   if (fpIn)
      double memTotal = -1.0, memFree = -1.0, buffered = -1.0, cached = -1.0;
      char buf[512];
      while((fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fpIn) != NULL)&&((memTotal<=0.0)||(memFree<0.0)||(buffered<0.0)||(cached<0.0)))
              if (strncmp(buf, "MemTotal:", 9) == 0) memTotal = ParseMemValue(buf+9);
         else if (strncmp(buf, "MemFree:",  8) == 0) memFree  = ParseMemValue(buf+8);
         else if (strncmp(buf, "Buffers:",  8) == 0) buffered = ParseMemValue(buf+8);
         else if (strncmp(buf, "Cached:",   7) == 0) cached   = ParseMemValue(buf+7);

      if ((memTotal > 0.0)&&(memFree >= 0.0)&&(buffered >= 0.0)&&(cached >= 0.0))
         const double memUsed = memTotal-(memFree+buffered+cached);
         return (float) (memUsed/memTotal);
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
   FILE * fpIn = popen("/usr/bin/vm_stat", "r");
   if (fpIn)
      double pagesUsed = 0.0, totalPages = 0.0;
      char buf[512];
      while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fpIn) != NULL)
         if (strncmp(buf, "Pages", 5) == 0)
            const double val = ParseMemValue(buf);
            if (val >= 0.0)
               if ((strncmp(buf, "Pages wired", 11) == 0)||(strncmp(buf, "Pages active", 12) == 0)) pagesUsed += val;
               totalPages += val;
         else if (strncmp(buf, "Mach Virtual Memory Statistics", 30) != 0) break;  // Stop at "Translation Faults", we don't care about anything at or below that

      if (totalPages > 0.0) return (float) (pagesUsed/totalPages);
#elif defined(WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
   MEMORYSTATUSEX stat; memset(&stat, 0, sizeof(stat));
   stat.dwLength = sizeof(stat);
   return ((float)stat.dwMemoryLoad)/100.0f;
   return -1.0f;
Esempio n. 4
status_t TarFileWriter :: SetFile(const char * outputFileName, bool append)
   (void) Close();

   if (outputFileName)
      if (append == false) (void) DeleteFile(outputFileName);

      FILE * fpOut = muscleFopen(outputFileName, append?"ab":"wb");
      if (fpOut) 
         _writerIO.SetRef(newnothrow FileDataIO(fpOut));
         if (_writerIO()) return B_NO_ERROR;
                     else {fclose(fpOut); WARN_OUT_OF_MEMORY;}
      return B_ERROR;
   else return B_NO_ERROR;
Esempio n. 5
	, maxBytes(MUSCLE_NO_LIMIT)
	, maxNodesPerSession(MUSCLE_NO_LIMIT)
	, maxReceiveRate(MUSCLE_NO_LIMIT)
	, maxSendRate(MUSCLE_NO_LIMIT)
	, maxCombinedRate(MUSCLE_NO_LIMIT)
	, maxMessageSize(MUSCLE_NO_LIMIT)
	, maxSessions(MUSCLE_NO_LIMIT)
	, maxSessionsPerHost(MUSCLE_NO_LIMIT)
	, fprivateKeyFilePath(NULL)
	, retVal(0)
	, okay(true)
	CompleteSetupSystem css;


	// Set up memory allocation policies for our server.  These policies will make sure
	// that the server can't allocate more than a specified amount of memory, and if it tries,
	// some emergency callbacks will be called to free up cached info.
	FunctionCallback fcb(AbstractObjectRecycler::GlobalFlushAllCachedObjects);
	MemoryAllocatorRef nullRef;
	AutoCleanupProxyMemoryAllocator cleanupAllocator(nullRef);
	cleanupAllocator.GetCallbacksQueue().AddTail(GenericCallbackRef(&fcb, false));

	UsageLimitProxyMemoryAllocator usageLimitAllocator(MemoryAllocatorRef(&cleanupAllocator, false));

	SetCPlusPlusGlobalMemoryAllocator(MemoryAllocatorRef(&usageLimitAllocator, false));
	SetCPlusPlusGlobalMemoryAllocator(MemoryAllocatorRef());  // unset, so that none of our allocator objects will be used after they are gone
	if ((maxBytes != MUSCLE_NO_LIMIT) && (&usageLimitAllocator)) 


	server.GetAddressRemappingTable() = tempRemaps;

	if (maxNodesPerSession != MUSCLE_NO_LIMIT) 
		server.GetCentralState().AddInt32(PR_NAME_MAX_NODES_PER_SESSION, maxNodesPerSession);
	for (MessageFieldNameIterator iter = tempPrivs.GetFieldNameIterator(); iter.HasData(); iter++) 
		tempPrivs.CopyName(iter.GetFieldName(), server.GetCentralState());

	// If the user asked for bandwidth limiting, create Policy objects to handle that.
	AbstractSessionIOPolicyRef inputPolicyRef, outputPolicyRef;
	if (maxCombinedRate != MUSCLE_NO_LIMIT) {
		inputPolicyRef.SetRef(newnothrow RateLimitSessionIOPolicy(maxCombinedRate));
		outputPolicyRef = inputPolicyRef;
		if (inputPolicyRef()) 
			LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Limiting aggregate I/O bandwidth to %.02f kilobytes/second.\n", ((float)maxCombinedRate/1024.0f));
			okay = false;
	} else {
		if (maxReceiveRate != MUSCLE_NO_LIMIT) {
			inputPolicyRef.SetRef(newnothrow RateLimitSessionIOPolicy(maxReceiveRate));
			if (inputPolicyRef())
				LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Limiting aggregate receive bandwidth to %.02f kilobytes/second.\n", ((float)maxReceiveRate/1024.0f));
			else {
				okay = false;
		if (maxSendRate != MUSCLE_NO_LIMIT) {
			outputPolicyRef.SetRef(newnothrow RateLimitSessionIOPolicy(maxSendRate));
			if (outputPolicyRef())
				LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Limiting aggregate send bandwidth to %.02f kilobytes/second.\n", ((float)maxSendRate/1024.0f)); 
			else {
				okay = false; 

	// Set up the Session Factory.  This factory object creates the new StorageReflectSessions
	// as needed when people connect, and also has a filter to keep out the riff-raff.
	StorageReflectSessionFactory factory; factory.SetMaxIncomingMessageSize(maxMessageSize);
	FilterSessionFactory filter(ReflectSessionFactoryRef(&factory, false), maxSessionsPerHost, maxSessions);

	for (int b=bans.GetNumItems()-1; ((okay)&&(b>=0)); b--) 
		if (filter.PutBanPattern(bans[b]()) != B_NO_ERROR) 
			okay = false;
	for (int a=requires.GetNumItems()-1; ((okay)&&(a>=0)); a--) 
		if (filter.PutRequirePattern(requires[a]()) != B_NO_ERROR)
			okay = false;

   ByteBufferRef optCryptoBuf;
   if (fprivateKeyFilePath)
      FileDataIO fdio(muscleFopen(fprivateKeyFilePath->Cstr(), "rb"));
      ByteBufferRef fileData = GetByteBufferFromPool((uint32)fdio.GetLength());
      if ((fdio.GetFile())&&(fileData())&&(fdio.ReadFully(fileData()->GetBuffer(), fileData()->GetNumBytes()) == fileData()->GetNumBytes()))
         LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Using private key file [%s] to authenticate with connecting clients\n", fprivateKeyFilePath->Cstr());
         LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_CRITICALERROR, "Couldn't load private key file [%s] (file not found?)\n", fprivateKeyFilePath->Cstr());
         okay = false;
   if (fprivateKeyFilePath)
      LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_CRITICALERROR, "Can't loadp private key file [%s], SSL support is not compiled in!\n", fprivateKeyFilePath->Cstr());
      okay = false;

	// Set up ports.  We allow multiple ports, mostly just to show how it can be done;
	// they all get the same set of ban/require patterns (since they all do the same thing anyway).
	if (listenPorts.IsEmpty())
		listenPorts.PutWithDefault(IPAddressAndPort(invalidIP, DEFAULT_MUSCLED_PORT));
	for (HashtableIterator<IPAddressAndPort, Void> iter(listenPorts); iter.HasData(); iter++) {
		const IPAddressAndPort & iap = iter.GetKey();
		if (server.PutAcceptFactory(iap.GetPort(), ReflectSessionFactoryRef(&filter, false), iap.GetIPAddress()) != B_NO_ERROR) {
			if (iap.GetIPAddress() == invalidIP)
				LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_CRITICALERROR, "Error adding port %u, aborting.\n", iap.GetPort());
				LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_CRITICALERROR, "Error adding port %u to interface %s, aborting.\n", iap.GetPort(), Inet_NtoA(iap.GetIPAddress())());
			okay = false;

	if (okay) {
		retVal = (server.ServerProcessLoop() == B_NO_ERROR) ? 0 : 10;
		if (retVal > 0)
			LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_CRITICALERROR, "Server process aborted!\n");
			LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "Server process exiting.\n");
	} else
		LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_CRITICALERROR, "Error occurred during setup, aborting!\n");

MessageRef ReadZipFile(const char * fileName, bool loadData)
   FileDataIO fio(muscleFopen(fileName, "rb"));
   return ReadZipFile(fio, loadData);
status_t WriteZipFile(const char * fileName, const Message & msg, int compressionLevel, uint64 fileCreationTime)
   FileDataIO fio(muscleFopen(fileName, "wb"));
   return WriteZipFile(fio, msg, compressionLevel, fileCreationTime);