Esempio n. 1
List gp_gdp(vec y, mat X, mat cand_S, vec init, vec priors, int B, int burn, bool printProg) {
  int n = y.size();
  int num_params = cand_S.n_rows;
  mat In = eye<mat>(n,n);
  int acc_rate = 0;
  mat param = zeros<mat>(B+burn,num_params);
  double log_ratio;
  vec cand = zeros<vec>(num_params);
  vec curr = zeros<vec>(num_params);
  List ret;
  clock_t start_time = clock();
  int freq = 50;
  param.row(0) = reshape(init,1,num_params);

  Rcout << endl;
  for (int b=1; b<B+burn; b++) {
    // Update s2, phi, tau:
    curr = vectorise(param.row(b-1));
    cand = mvrnorm(curr, cand_S); // s2, phi, tau, d1,...,dp

    log_ratio = log_like_plus_log_prior(y,X,cand,In,priors) - 

    if ( log_ratio > log(randu()) ) {
      param.row(b) = reshape(cand,1,num_params);
      if (b > burn) acc_rate++;
    } else {
      param.row(b) = param.row(b-1);

    if (printProg) time_remain(start_time, b, B+burn-1, freq);
    if (b % freq == 0) start_time = clock();
  Rcout << endl;

  param.col(0) = exp(param.col(0));
  param.col(1) = (priors[3]*exp(param.col(1))+priors[2]) / ( exp(param.col(1))+1 );// inverse logit
  param.col(2) = exp(param.col(2));

  Rcout <<"Acceptance Rate: " << acc_rate * 1.0 / B << endl;
  Rcout <<"The parameters in $param are 's2,phi,tau'" << endl;

  ret["param"] = param.tail_rows(B); //s2, phi, tau
  ret["acc_rate"] = acc_rate * 1.0 / B;
  ret["y"] = y;
  ret["X"] = X;
  ret["cand_S"] = cand_S;

  return ret;
Esempio n. 2
mat one_pred_gp_gdp(mat X, vec y, mat param_row) {
  vec param = vectorise(param_row);

  double s2 = param[0];
  double phi = param[1];
  double tau = param[2];

  vec d = param.tail(param.size()-3);
  int n = X.n_rows;

  mat XdX = xDx(X,d % d);
  mat K = tau * exp(-phi*XdX);

  mat Xt = X.t();
  mat I = eye(n,n);

  mat S_i = (K.i() + I / s2).i();
  vec mu = S_i*y / s2;

  vec pred_y = mvrnorm(mu,S_i);

  return reshape(pred_y,1,n);
Esempio n. 3
  SEXP spPPLM(SEXP Y_r, SEXP X_r, SEXP p_r, SEXP n_r, SEXP m_r, SEXP knotsD_r, SEXP knotsCoordsD_r, 
	      SEXP modPP_r, SEXP betaPrior_r, SEXP betaNorm_r, SEXP sigmaSqIG_r, SEXP tauSqIG_r, SEXP nuUnif_r, SEXP phiUnif_r,
	      SEXP betaStarting_r, SEXP phiStarting_r, SEXP sigmaSqStarting_r, SEXP tauSqStarting_r, SEXP nuStarting_r,
	      SEXP phiTuning_r, SEXP sigmaSqTuning_r, SEXP tauSqTuning_r, SEXP nuTuning_r, 
	      SEXP nugget_r, SEXP covModel_r, SEXP amcmc_r, SEXP nBatch_r, SEXP batchLength_r, SEXP acceptRate_r, SEXP verbose_r, SEXP nReport_r){

                Common variables
    int i, j, k, l, b, s, info, nProtect=0;
    char const *lower = "L";
    char const *upper = "U";
    char const *nUnit = "N";
    char const *yUnit = "U";
    char const *ntran = "N";
    char const *ytran = "T";
    char const *rside = "R";
    char const *lside = "L";
    const double one = 1.0;
    const double negOne = -1.0;
    const double zero = 0.0;
    const int incOne = 1;

    double *Y = REAL(Y_r);
    double *X = REAL(X_r);
    int p = INTEGER(p_r)[0];
    int pp = p*p;
    int n = INTEGER(n_r)[0];
    int nn = n*n;
    int np = n*p;
    int m = INTEGER(m_r)[0];
    int nm = n*m;
    int mm = m*m;
    int mp = m*p;

    double *knotsD = REAL(knotsD_r);
    double *knotsCoordsD = REAL(knotsCoordsD_r);

    bool modPP = static_cast<bool>(INTEGER(modPP_r)[0]);
    std::string covModel = CHAR(STRING_ELT(covModel_r,0));

    std::string betaPrior = CHAR(STRING_ELT(betaPrior_r,0));
    double *betaMu = NULL;
    double *betaC = NULL;
    if(betaPrior == "normal"){
      betaMu = (double *) R_alloc(p, sizeof(double));
      F77_NAME(dcopy)(&p, REAL(VECTOR_ELT(betaNorm_r, 0)), &incOne, betaMu, &incOne);

      betaC = (double *) R_alloc(pp, sizeof(double)); 
      F77_NAME(dcopy)(&pp, REAL(VECTOR_ELT(betaNorm_r, 1)), &incOne, betaC, &incOne);

    double sigmaSqIGa = REAL(sigmaSqIG_r)[0]; double sigmaSqIGb = REAL(sigmaSqIG_r)[1];
    double phiUnifa = REAL(phiUnif_r)[0]; double phiUnifb = REAL(phiUnif_r)[1];

    bool nugget = static_cast<bool>(INTEGER(nugget_r)[0]);
    double tauSqIGa = 0, tauSqIGb = 0;
      tauSqIGa = REAL(tauSqIG_r)[0]; tauSqIGb = REAL(tauSqIG_r)[1]; 

    double nuUnifa = 0, nuUnifb = 0;
    if(covModel == "matern"){
      nuUnifa = REAL(nuUnif_r)[0]; nuUnifb = REAL(nuUnif_r)[1]; 

    bool amcmc = static_cast<bool>(INTEGER(amcmc_r)[0]);
    int nBatch = INTEGER(nBatch_r)[0];
    int batchLength = INTEGER(batchLength_r)[0];
    double acceptRate = REAL(acceptRate_r)[0];
    int nSamples = nBatch*batchLength;
    int verbose = INTEGER(verbose_r)[0];
    int nReport = INTEGER(nReport_r)[0];

      Rprintf("\tGeneral model description\n");
      Rprintf("Model fit with %i observations.\n\n", n);
      Rprintf("Number of covariates %i (including intercept if specified).\n\n", p);
      Rprintf("Using the %s spatial correlation model.\n\n", covModel.c_str());
	Rprintf("Using modified predictive process with %i knots.\n\n", m);
	Rprintf("Using non-modified predictive process with %i knots.\n\n", m);

	Rprintf("Using adaptive MCMC.\n\n");
	Rprintf("\tNumber of batches %i.\n", nBatch);
	Rprintf("\tBatch length %i.\n", batchLength);
	Rprintf("\tTarget acceptance rate %.5f.\n", acceptRate);
	Rprintf("Number of MCMC samples %i.\n\n", nSamples);

	Rprintf("tau.sq not included in the model (i.e., no nugget model).\n\n");

      Rprintf("Priors and hyperpriors:\n");
      if(betaPrior == "flat"){
	Rprintf("\tbeta flat.\n");
	Rprintf("\tbeta normal:\n");
	Rprintf("\tmu:"); printVec(betaMu, p);
	Rprintf("\tcov:\n"); printMtrx(betaC, p, p);
      Rprintf("\tsigma.sq IG hyperpriors shape=%.5f and scale=%.5f\n", sigmaSqIGa, sigmaSqIGb);
	Rprintf("\ttau.sq IG hyperpriors shape=%.5f and scale=%.5f\n", tauSqIGa, tauSqIGb); 

      Rprintf("\tphi Unif hyperpriors a=%.5f and b=%.5f\n", phiUnifa, phiUnifb);
      if(covModel == "matern"){
	Rprintf("\tnu Unif hyperpriors a=%.5f and b=%.5f\n", nuUnifa, nuUnifb);	  


         Set-up MCMC sample matrices etc.
    int nParams, sigmaSqIndx, tauSqIndx, phiIndx, nuIndx;

    if(!nugget && covModel != "matern"){
      nParams = 2;//sigma^2, phi
      sigmaSqIndx = 0; phiIndx = 1;
    }else if(nugget && covModel != "matern"){
      nParams = 3;//sigma^2, tau^2, phi
      sigmaSqIndx = 0; tauSqIndx = 1; phiIndx = 2;
    }else if(!nugget && covModel == "matern"){
      nParams = 3;//sigma^2, phi, nu
      sigmaSqIndx = 0; phiIndx = 1; nuIndx = 2;
      nParams = 4;//sigma^2, tau^2, phi, nu
      sigmaSqIndx = 0; tauSqIndx = 1; phiIndx = 2; nuIndx = 3;//sigma^2, tau^2, phi, nu
    double *params = (double *) R_alloc(nParams, sizeof(double));

    double *beta = (double *) R_alloc(p, sizeof(double)); 
    F77_NAME(dcopy)(&p, REAL(betaStarting_r), &incOne, beta, &incOne);

    params[sigmaSqIndx] = log(REAL(sigmaSqStarting_r)[0]);

      params[tauSqIndx] = log(REAL(tauSqStarting_r)[0]);

    params[phiIndx] = logit(REAL(phiStarting_r)[0], phiUnifa, phiUnifb);

    if(covModel == "matern"){
      params[nuIndx] = logit(REAL(nuStarting_r)[0], nuUnifa, nuUnifb);

    //tuning and fixed
    double *tuning = (double *) R_alloc(nParams, sizeof(double));
    int *fixed = (int *) R_alloc(nParams, sizeof(int)); zeros(fixed, nParams);
    tuning[sigmaSqIndx] = REAL(sigmaSqTuning_r)[0];
    if(tuning[sigmaSqIndx] == 0){
      fixed[sigmaSqIndx] = 1;
      tuning[tauSqIndx] = REAL(tauSqTuning_r)[0];
      if(tuning[tauSqIndx] == 0){
	fixed[tauSqIndx] = 1;
    tuning[phiIndx] = REAL(phiTuning_r)[0];
    if(tuning[phiIndx] == 0){
      fixed[phiIndx] = 1;
    if(covModel == "matern"){
      tuning[nuIndx] = REAL(nuTuning_r)[0];
      if(tuning[nuIndx] == 0){
	fixed[nuIndx] = 1;

    for(i = 0; i < nParams; i++){
      tuning[i] = log(sqrt(tuning[i]));

    //return stuff  
    SEXP samples_r, accept_r, tuning_r, betaSamples_r;
    PROTECT(samples_r = allocMatrix(REALSXP, nParams, nSamples)); nProtect++; 
    PROTECT(accept_r = allocMatrix(REALSXP, nParams, nBatch)); nProtect++; 
    PROTECT(tuning_r = allocMatrix(REALSXP, nParams, nBatch)); nProtect++;
    PROTECT(betaSamples_r = allocMatrix(REALSXP, p, nSamples)); nProtect++; 
       Set-up MCMC alg. vars. matrices etc.
    int status=1, batchAccept=0;
    double logMHRatio =0, logPostCurrent = R_NegInf, logPostCand = 0, paramsjCurrent = 0;
    double det = 0, detCurrent = 0;
    double priors = 0, priorsCurrent = 0;
    bool updateBeta = false;
    double *paramsCurrent = (double *) R_alloc(nParams, sizeof(double));
    double *accept = (double *) R_alloc(nParams, sizeof(double)); zeros(accept, nParams);

    double *P = (double *) R_alloc(nm, sizeof(double)); 
    double *K = (double *) R_alloc(mm, sizeof(double)); 
    double *D = (double *) R_alloc(n, sizeof(double)); 
    double *H = (double *) R_alloc(nm, sizeof(double)); 

    double *u = (double *) R_alloc(n, sizeof(double)); 
    F77_NAME(dgemv)(ntran, &n, &p, &negOne, X, &n, beta, &incOne, &zero, u, &incOne);
    F77_NAME(daxpy)(&n, &one, Y, &incOne, u, &incOne);

    double *DCurrent = (double *) R_alloc(n, sizeof(double)); 
    double *HCurrent = (double *) R_alloc(nm, sizeof(double)); 
    double sigmaSq, phi, tauSq, nu, Q;
    double *theta = (double *) R_alloc(3, sizeof(double)); //phi, nu, and perhaps more in the future

    double *tmp_n = (double *) R_alloc(n, sizeof(double)); 
    double *tmp_np = (double *) R_alloc(np, sizeof(double));
    double *tmp_mm = (double *) R_alloc(mm, sizeof(double));
    double *tmp_mp = (double *) R_alloc(mp, sizeof(double));
    double *tmp_pp = (double *) R_alloc(pp, sizeof(double));
    double *tmp_pp2 = (double *) R_alloc(pp, sizeof(double));
    double *tmp_p = (double *) R_alloc(p, sizeof(double));
    double *tmp_p2 = (double *) R_alloc(p, sizeof(double));
    double *tmp_m = (double *) R_alloc(m, sizeof(double));
    double *betaCInv = NULL;
    double *betaCInvMu = NULL;
    if(betaPrior == "normal"){
      betaCInv = (double *) R_alloc(pp, sizeof(double));
      betaCInvMu = (double *) R_alloc(p, sizeof(double));
      F77_NAME(dcopy)(&pp, betaC, &incOne, betaCInv, &incOne);
      F77_NAME(dpotrf)(lower, &p, betaCInv, &p, &info); if(info != 0){error("c++ error: dpotrf failed\n");}
      F77_NAME(dpotri)(lower, &p, betaCInv, &p, &info); if(info != 0){error("c++ error: dpotri failed\n");}
      F77_NAME(dsymv)(lower, &p, &one, betaCInv, &p, betaMu, &incOne, &zero, betaCInvMu, &incOne);      

      #ifdef Win32
    for(b = 0, s = 0; b < nBatch; b++){    
      for(i = 0; i < batchLength; i++, s++){
	for(j = 0; j < nParams; j++){
	    if(fixed[j] == 1){
	      paramsjCurrent = params[j];
	      paramsjCurrent = params[j];
	      params[j] = rnorm(paramsjCurrent, exp(tuning[j]));
	    F77_NAME(dcopy)(&nParams, params, &incOne, paramsCurrent, &incOne);
	    for(j = 0; j < nParams; j++){
	      if(fixed[j] == 1){
		params[j] = params[j];
		params[j] = rnorm(params[j], exp(tuning[j]));
	  //extract and transform
	  sigmaSq = theta[0] = exp(params[sigmaSqIndx]);
	  phi = theta[1] = logitInv(params[phiIndx], phiUnifa, phiUnifb);
	    tauSq = exp(params[tauSqIndx]);

	  if(covModel == "matern"){
	    nu = theta[2] = logitInv(params[nuIndx], nuUnifa, nuUnifb);
	  //construct covariance matrices 
	  spCovLT(knotsD, m, theta, covModel, K);
	  spCov(knotsCoordsD, nm, theta, covModel, P);
	  //get D
	    for(k = 0; k < m; k++){
	      for(l = k; l < m; l++){
		tmp_mm[k*m+l] = K[k*m+l];
	    F77_NAME(dpotrf)(lower, &m, tmp_mm, &m, &info); if(info != 0){error("c++ error: dpotrf failed\n");}//L_K
	    F77_NAME(dcopy)(&nm, P, &incOne, H, &incOne);
	    F77_NAME(dtrsm)(lside, lower, ntran, nUnit, &m, &n, &one, tmp_mm, &m, H, &m);
	    for(k = 0; k < n; k++){
	      D[k] = sigmaSq - F77_NAME(ddot)(&m, &H[k*m], &incOne, &H[k*m], &incOne);
		D[k] += tauSq;
	    for(k = 0; k < n; k++){
	      D[k] = tauSq;
	  for(k = 0; k < n; k++){
	    for(l = 0; l < m; l++){
	      H[k*m+l] = P[k*m+l]/sqrt(D[k]);//W'
	  F77_NAME(dgemm)(ntran, ytran, &m, &m, &n, &one, H, &m, H, &m, &zero, tmp_mm, &m);//W'W
	  for(k = 0; k < m; k++){
	    for(l = k; l < m; l++){
	      K[k*m+l] += tmp_mm[k*m+l];
	  F77_NAME(dpotrf)(lower, &m, K, &m, &info); if(info != 0){error("c++ error: dpotrf failed\n");}//L
	  F77_NAME(dtrsm)(lside, lower, ntran, nUnit, &m, &n, &one, K, &m, H, &m);//LH = W'
	  for(k = 0; k < n; k++){
	    tmp_n[k] = u[k]/sqrt(D[k]);//v
	  F77_NAME(dgemv)(ntran, &m, &n, &one, H, &m, tmp_n, &incOne, &zero, tmp_m, &incOne); //w = Hv
	  Q = F77_NAME(ddot)(&n, tmp_n, &incOne, tmp_n, &incOne) - F77_NAME(ddot)(&m, tmp_m, &incOne, tmp_m, &incOne);
	  F77_NAME(dgemm)(ntran, ytran, &m, &m, &n, &negOne, H, &m, H, &m, &zero, tmp_mm, &m);//-HH'
	  for(k = 0; k < m; k++){
	    tmp_mm[k*m+k] += 1.0; //J
	  F77_NAME(dpotrf)(lower, &m, tmp_mm, &m, &info); if(info != 0){error("c++ error: dpotrf failed\n");}//L_J
	  det = 0;
	  for(k = 0; k < n; k++){
	    det += log(D[k]);
	  for(k = 0; k < m; k++){
	    det -= 2*log(tmp_mm[k*m+k]);
	  //Priors, jacobian adjustments, and likelihood
	  priors = -1.0*(1.0+sigmaSqIGa)*log(sigmaSq)-sigmaSqIGb/sigmaSq+log(sigmaSq);
	    priors += -1.0*(1.0+tauSqIGa)*log(tauSq)-tauSqIGb/tauSq+log(tauSq);

	  priors += log(phi - phiUnifa) + log(phiUnifb - phi); 
	  if(covModel == "matern"){
	    priors += log(nu - nuUnifa) + log(nuUnifb - nu);   
	  logPostCand = priors-0.5*det-0.5*Q;
	  //MH accept/reject	
	  logMHRatio = logPostCand - logPostCurrent;

	  if(runif(0.0,1.0) <= exp(logMHRatio)){
	    logPostCurrent = logPostCand;

	    F77_NAME(dcopy)(&n, D, &incOne, DCurrent, &incOne);
	    F77_NAME(dcopy)(&nm, H, &incOne, HCurrent, &incOne);
	    detCurrent = det;
	    priorsCurrent = priors;

	    //set to true so beta's mu and var are updated
	    updateBeta = true;


	      params[j] = paramsjCurrent;
	      F77_NAME(dcopy)(&nParams, paramsCurrent, &incOne, params, &incOne);
	}//end params
	//only update beta's mu and var if theta has changed
	  for(k = 0; k < n; k++){
	    tmp_n[k] = Y[k]/sqrt(DCurrent[k]);//\tilda{y}
	    for(l = 0; l < p; l++){
	      tmp_np[l*n+k] = X[l*n+k]/sqrt(DCurrent[k]);//V
	  F77_NAME(dgemm)(ntran, ntran, &m, &p, &n, &one, HCurrent, &m, tmp_np, &n, &zero, tmp_mp, &m);//\tilda{V}
	  F77_NAME(dgemm)(ytran, ntran, &p, &p, &n, &one, tmp_np, &n, tmp_np, &n, &zero, tmp_pp, &p);//V'V
	  F77_NAME(dgemm)(ytran, ntran, &p, &p, &m, &one, tmp_mp, &m, tmp_mp, &m, &zero, tmp_pp2, &p);//\tilda{V}'\tilda{V}
	  for(k = 0; k < p; k++){
	    for(l = k; l < p; l++){
	      tmp_pp[k*p+l] -= tmp_pp2[k*p+l];//Z
	      if(betaPrior == "normal"){
		tmp_pp[k*p+l] += betaCInv[k*p+l];
	  F77_NAME(dpotrf)(lower, &p, tmp_pp, &p, &info); if(info != 0){error("c++ error: Cholesky failed\n");}
	  F77_NAME(dpotri)(lower, &p, tmp_pp, &p, &info); if(info != 0){error("c++ error: Cholesky inverse failed\n");}
	  F77_NAME(dgemv)(ytran, &n, &p, &one, tmp_np, &n, tmp_n, &incOne, &zero, tmp_p, &incOne); //V'\tilda{y}
	  F77_NAME(dgemv)(ntran, &m, &n, &one, HCurrent, &m, tmp_n, &incOne, &zero, tmp_m, &incOne); //H\tilda{y}
	  F77_NAME(dgemv)(ytran, &m, &p, &one, tmp_mp, &m, tmp_m, &incOne, &zero, tmp_pp2, &incOne); //\tilda{V}'(H\tilda{y})
	  for(k = 0; k < p; k++){
	    tmp_p[k] -= tmp_pp2[k]; 
	    if(betaPrior == "normal"){
	      tmp_p[k] += betaCInvMu[k];
	  F77_NAME(dsymv)(lower, &p, &one, tmp_pp, &p, tmp_p, &incOne, &zero, tmp_p2, &incOne); //Bb
	  F77_NAME(dpotrf)(lower, &p, tmp_pp, &p, &info); if(info != 0){error("c++ error: dpotrf failed\n");}

	}//end updateBeta

	//set to false so beta's mu and var are only updated when theta has changed
       	updateBeta = false;
	//draw beta
	mvrnorm(beta, tmp_p2, tmp_pp, p, false);//note, tmp_p2 and tmp_pp will carry over when theta is not updated
	//update logPostCurrent (beta changes on every iteration so logPostCurrent must be updated)
	F77_NAME(dgemv)(ntran, &n, &p, &negOne, X, &n, beta, &incOne, &zero, u, &incOne);
	F77_NAME(daxpy)(&n, &one, Y, &incOne, u, &incOne);//u
	for(k = 0; k < n; k++){
	  tmp_n[k] = u[k]/sqrt(DCurrent[k]);//v
	F77_NAME(dgemv)(ntran, &m, &n, &one, HCurrent, &m, tmp_n, &incOne, &zero, tmp_m, &incOne); //w = Hv
	Q = F77_NAME(ddot)(&n, tmp_n, &incOne, tmp_n, &incOne) - F77_NAME(ddot)(&m, tmp_m, &incOne, tmp_m, &incOne);

	logPostCurrent = priorsCurrent-0.5*detCurrent-0.5*Q;

               Save samples
	F77_NAME(dcopy)(&p, beta, &incOne, &REAL(betaSamples_r)[s*p], &incOne);
	F77_NAME(dcopy)(&nParams, params, &incOne, &REAL(samples_r)[s*nParams], &incOne);

      }//end batch
      //adjust tuning
	for(j = 0; j < nParams; j++){
	  REAL(accept_r)[b*nParams+j] = accept[j]/batchLength;
	  REAL(tuning_r)[b*nParams+j] = tuning[j];
	  if(accept[j]/batchLength > acceptRate){
	    tuning[j] += std::min(0.01, 1.0/sqrt(static_cast<double>(b)));
	    tuning[j] -= std::min(0.01, 1.0/sqrt(static_cast<double>(b)));
	  accept[j] = 0.0;
	if(status == nReport){
	    Rprintf("Batch: %i of %i, %3.2f%%\n", b+1, nBatch, 100.0*(b+1)/nBatch);
	    Rprintf("\tsigma.sq\t%3.1f%\t\t%1.5f\n", 100.0*REAL(accept_r)[b*nParams+sigmaSqIndx], exp(tuning[sigmaSqIndx]));
	      Rprintf("\ttau.sq\t\t%3.1f%\t\t%1.5f\n", 100.0*REAL(accept_r)[b*nParams+tauSqIndx], exp(tuning[tauSqIndx]));
	    Rprintf("\tphi\t\t%3.1f%\t\t%1.5f\n", 100.0*REAL(accept_r)[b*nParams+phiIndx], exp(tuning[phiIndx]));
	    if(covModel == "matern"){
	      Rprintf("\tnu\t\t%3.1f%\t\t%1.5f\n", 100.0*REAL(accept_r)[b*nParams+nuIndx], exp(tuning[nuIndx]));
	    Rprintf("Sampled: %i of %i, %3.2f%%\n", s, nSamples, 100.0*s/nSamples);
	    Rprintf("Report interval Metrop. Acceptance rate: %3.2f%%\n", 100.0*batchAccept/nReport);
	    Rprintf("Overall Metrop. Acceptance rate: %3.2f%%\n", 100.0*accept[0]/s);
          #ifdef Win32
	  status = 0;
	  batchAccept = 0;
    }//end sample loop

    //untransform variance variables
    for(s = 0; s < nSamples; s++){
      REAL(samples_r)[s*nParams+sigmaSqIndx] = exp(REAL(samples_r)[s*nParams+sigmaSqIndx]);
	REAL(samples_r)[s*nParams+tauSqIndx] = exp(REAL(samples_r)[s*nParams+tauSqIndx]);
      REAL(samples_r)[s*nParams+phiIndx] = logitInv(REAL(samples_r)[s*nParams+phiIndx], phiUnifa, phiUnifb);
      if(covModel == "matern")
	REAL(samples_r)[s*nParams+nuIndx] = logitInv(REAL(samples_r)[s*nParams+nuIndx], nuUnifa, nuUnifb);
    //make return object
    SEXP result_r, resultName_r;
    int nResultListObjs = 4;

    PROTECT(result_r = allocVector(VECSXP, nResultListObjs)); nProtect++;
    PROTECT(resultName_r = allocVector(VECSXP, nResultListObjs)); nProtect++;

    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result_r, 0, samples_r);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(resultName_r, 0, mkChar("p.theta.samples")); 

    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result_r, 1, accept_r);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(resultName_r, 1, mkChar("acceptance"));

    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result_r, 2, tuning_r);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(resultName_r, 2, mkChar("tuning"));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result_r, 3, betaSamples_r);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(resultName_r, 3, mkChar("p.beta.samples"));
    namesgets(result_r, resultName_r);
Esempio n. 4
  SEXP spPPGLM(SEXP Y_r, SEXP X_r, SEXP p_r, SEXP n_r, SEXP family_r, SEXP weights_r,
	       SEXP m_r, SEXP knotsD_r, SEXP knotsCoordsD_r, 
	       SEXP betaPrior_r, SEXP betaNorm_r, SEXP sigmaSqIG_r, SEXP nuUnif_r, SEXP phiUnif_r,
	       SEXP phiStarting_r, SEXP sigmaSqStarting_r, SEXP nuStarting_r, SEXP betaStarting_r, SEXP w_strStarting_r,
	       SEXP phiTuning_r, SEXP sigmaSqTuning_r, SEXP nuTuning_r, SEXP betaTuning_r, SEXP w_strTuning_r,
	       SEXP covModel_r, SEXP nSamples_r, SEXP verbose_r, SEXP nReport_r){
                Common variables
    int i,j,k,l,info,nProtect= 0;
    char const *lower = "L";
    char const *upper = "U";
    char const *ntran = "N";
    char const *ytran = "T";
    char const *rside = "R";
    char const *lside = "L";
    const double one = 1.0;
    const double negOne = -1.0;
    const double zero = 0.0;
    const int incOne = 1;

    double *Y = REAL(Y_r);
    double *X = REAL(X_r);
    int p = INTEGER(p_r)[0];
    int pp = p*p;
    int n = INTEGER(n_r)[0];

    std::string family = CHAR(STRING_ELT(family_r,0));

    int *weights = INTEGER(weights_r);

    //covariance model
    std::string covModel = CHAR(STRING_ELT(covModel_r,0));

    int m = INTEGER(m_r)[0];
    double *knotsD = REAL(knotsD_r);
    double *knotsCoordsD = REAL(knotsCoordsD_r);

    //priors and starting
    std::string betaPrior = CHAR(STRING_ELT(betaPrior_r,0));

    double *betaMu = NULL;
    double *betaSd = NULL;
    if(betaPrior == "normal"){
      betaMu = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(betaNorm_r, 0)); 
      betaSd = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(betaNorm_r, 1));
    double *sigmaSqIG = REAL(sigmaSqIG_r);
    double *phiUnif = REAL(phiUnif_r);

    double phiStarting = REAL(phiStarting_r)[0];
    double sigmaSqStarting = REAL(sigmaSqStarting_r)[0];
    double *betaStarting = REAL(betaStarting_r);
    double *w_strStarting = REAL(w_strStarting_r);

    double sigmaSqIGa = sigmaSqIG[0]; double sigmaSqIGb = sigmaSqIG[1];
    double phiUnifa = phiUnif[0]; double phiUnifb = phiUnif[1];

    //if matern
    double *nuUnif = NULL;
    double nuStarting = 0;
    double nuUnifa = 0, nuUnifb = 0;
    if(covModel == "matern"){
      nuUnif = REAL(nuUnif_r);
      nuStarting = REAL(nuStarting_r)[0];
      nuUnifa = nuUnif[0]; nuUnifb = nuUnif[1]; 

    double *betaTuning = (double *) R_alloc(p*p, sizeof(double)); 
    F77_NAME(dcopy)(&pp, REAL(betaTuning_r), &incOne, betaTuning, &incOne);
    double phiTuning = sqrt(REAL(phiTuning_r)[0]);
    double sigmaSqTuning = sqrt(REAL(sigmaSqTuning_r)[0]);
    double *w_strTuning = REAL(w_strTuning_r);
    double nuTuning = 0;
    if(covModel == "matern")
      nuTuning = sqrt(REAL(nuTuning_r)[0]);

    int nSamples = INTEGER(nSamples_r)[0];
    int verbose = INTEGER(verbose_r)[0];
    int nReport = INTEGER(nReport_r)[0];

      Rprintf("\tGeneral model description\n");
      Rprintf("Model fit with %i observations.\n\n", n);
      Rprintf("Number of covariates %i (including intercept if specified).\n\n", p);
      Rprintf("Using the %s spatial correlation model.\n\n", covModel.c_str());
      Rprintf("Using non-modified predictive process with %i knots.\n\n", m);
      Rprintf("Number of MCMC samples %i.\n\n", nSamples);

      Rprintf("Priors and hyperpriors:\n");

      if(betaPrior == "flat"){
	Rprintf("\tbeta flat.\n");
	Rprintf("\tbeta normal:\n");
	Rprintf("\t\tmu:"); printVec(betaMu, p);
	Rprintf("\t\tsd:"); printVec(betaSd, p);Rprintf("\n");
      Rprintf("\tsigma.sq IG hyperpriors shape=%.5f and scale=%.5f\n", sigmaSqIGa, sigmaSqIGb);
      Rprintf("\tphi Unif hyperpriors a=%.5f and b=%.5f\n", phiUnifa, phiUnifb);
      if(covModel == "matern"){
	Rprintf("\tnu Unif hyperpriors a=%.5f and b=%.5f\n", nuUnifa, nuUnifb);	  

      Rprintf("Metropolis tuning values:\n");
      Rprintf("\tbeta tuning:\n");
      printMtrx(betaTuning, p, p);

      Rprintf("\tsigma.sq tuning: %.5f\n", sigmaSqTuning);

      Rprintf("\tphi tuning: %.5f\n", phiTuning);

      if(covModel == "matern"){
	Rprintf("\tnu tuning: %.5f\n", nuTuning);

      Rprintf("Metropolis starting values:\n");
      Rprintf("\tbeta starting:\n");
      Rprintf("\t"); printVec(betaStarting, p);

      Rprintf("\tsigma.sq starting: %.5f\n", sigmaSqStarting);

      Rprintf("\tphi starting: %.5f\n", phiStarting);

      if(covModel == "matern"){
	Rprintf("\tnu starting: %.5f\n", nuStarting);


         Set-up MCMC sample matrices etc.
    int nn = n*n, nm = n*m, mm = m*m;

    //spatial parameters
    int nParams, betaIndx, sigmaSqIndx, phiIndx, nuIndx;

    if(covModel != "matern"){
      nParams = p+2;//sigma^2, phi
      betaIndx = 0; sigmaSqIndx = betaIndx+p; phiIndx = sigmaSqIndx+1;
      nParams = p+3;//sigma^2, phi, nu
      betaIndx = 0; sigmaSqIndx = betaIndx+p; phiIndx = sigmaSqIndx+1; nuIndx = phiIndx+1;

    double *spParams = (double *) R_alloc(nParams, sizeof(double));
    //set starting
    F77_NAME(dcopy)(&p, betaStarting, &incOne, &spParams[betaIndx], &incOne);

    spParams[sigmaSqIndx] = log(sigmaSqStarting);

    spParams[phiIndx] = logit(phiStarting, phiUnifa, phiUnifb);

    if(covModel == "matern") 
      spParams[nuIndx] = logit(nuStarting, nuUnifa, nuUnifb);

    double *wCurrent = (double *) R_alloc(n, sizeof(double));
    double *w_strCurrent = (double *) R_alloc(m, sizeof(double));
    F77_NAME(dcopy)(&m, w_strStarting, &incOne, w_strCurrent, &incOne);

    //samples and random effects
    SEXP w_r, w_str_r, samples_r, accept_r;

    PROTECT(w_r = allocMatrix(REALSXP, n, nSamples)); nProtect++; 
    double *w = REAL(w_r); zeros(w, n*nSamples);

    PROTECT(w_str_r = allocMatrix(REALSXP, m, nSamples)); nProtect++; 
    double *w_str = REAL(w_str_r); zeros(w_str, m*nSamples);

    PROTECT(samples_r = allocMatrix(REALSXP, nParams, nSamples)); nProtect++; 
    double *samples = REAL(samples_r);

    PROTECT(accept_r = allocMatrix(REALSXP, 1, 1)); nProtect++;

       Set-up MCMC alg. vars. matrices etc.
    int s=0, status=0, rtnStatus=0, accept=0, batchAccept = 0;
    double logPostCurrent = 0, logPostCand = 0, detCand = 0;
    double *P = (double *) R_alloc(nm, sizeof(double));
    double *K = (double *) R_alloc(mm, sizeof(double));
    double *tmp_n = (double *) R_alloc(n, sizeof(double));
    double *tmp_m = (double *) R_alloc(m, sizeof(double));
    double *tmp_nm = (double *) R_alloc(nm, sizeof(double));
    double *theta = (double *) R_alloc(3, sizeof(double)); //phi, nu, and perhaps more in the future

    double *candSpParams = (double *) R_alloc(nParams, sizeof(double));
    double *w_strCand = (double *) R_alloc(m, sizeof(double));
    double *wCand = (double *) R_alloc(n, sizeof(double));
    double sigmaSq, phi, nu;
    double *beta = (double *) R_alloc(p, sizeof(double));

    double logMHRatio;

      #ifdef Win32

    logPostCurrent = R_NegInf;

    for(s = 0; s < nSamples; s++){
      mvrnorm(&candSpParams[betaIndx], &spParams[betaIndx], betaTuning, p, false);
      F77_NAME(dcopy)(&p, &candSpParams[betaIndx], &incOne, beta, &incOne);

      candSpParams[sigmaSqIndx] = rnorm(spParams[sigmaSqIndx], sigmaSqTuning);
      sigmaSq = theta[0] = exp(candSpParams[sigmaSqIndx]);

      candSpParams[phiIndx] = rnorm(spParams[phiIndx], phiTuning);
      phi = theta[1] = logitInv(candSpParams[phiIndx], phiUnifa, phiUnifb);

      if(covModel == "matern"){
	candSpParams[nuIndx] = rnorm(spParams[nuIndx], nuTuning);
	nu = theta[2] = logitInv(candSpParams[nuIndx], nuUnifa, nuUnifb);

      for(i = 0; i < m; i++){
	w_strCand[i] = rnorm(w_strCurrent[i], sqrt(w_strTuning[i]));
      //construct covariance matrices 
      spCovLT(knotsD, m, theta, covModel, K);
      spCov(knotsCoordsD, nm, theta, covModel, P);
      //invert C and log det cov
      detCand = 0;
      F77_NAME(dpotrf)(lower, &m, K, &m, &info); if(info != 0){error("c++ error: Cholesky failed in spGLM\n");}
      for(i = 0; i < m; i++) detCand += 2*log(K[i*m+i]);
      F77_NAME(dpotri)(lower, &m, K, &m, &info); if(info != 0){error("c++ error: Cholesky inverse failed in spGLM\n");}
      //make \tild{w}
      F77_NAME(dsymv)(lower, &m, &one, K, &m, w_strCand, &incOne, &zero, tmp_m, &incOne);     
      F77_NAME(dgemv)(ytran, &m, &n, &one, P, &m, tmp_m, &incOne, &zero, wCand, &incOne);
      //Likelihood with Jacobian  
      logPostCand = 0.0;

      if(betaPrior == "normal"){
	for(i = 0; i < p; i++){
	  logPostCand += dnorm(beta[i], betaMu[i], betaSd[i], 1);

      logPostCand += -1.0*(1.0+sigmaSqIGa)*log(sigmaSq)-sigmaSqIGb/sigmaSq+log(sigmaSq); 
      logPostCand += log(phi - phiUnifa) + log(phiUnifb - phi); 

      if(covModel == "matern"){
	logPostCand += log(nu - nuUnifa) + log(nuUnifb - nu);   

      F77_NAME(dgemv)(ntran, &n, &p, &one, X, &n, beta, &incOne, &zero, tmp_n, &incOne);
      if(family == "binomial"){
	logPostCand += binomial_logpost(n, Y, tmp_n, wCand, weights);
      }else if(family == "poisson"){
	logPostCand += poisson_logpost(n, Y, tmp_n, wCand, weights);
	error("c++ error: family misspecification in spGLM\n");

      //(-1/2) * tmp_n` *  C^-1 * tmp_n
      logPostCand += -0.5*detCand-0.5*F77_NAME(ddot)(&m, w_strCand, &incOne, tmp_m, &incOne);

      //MH accept/reject	
      //MH ratio with adjustment
      logMHRatio = logPostCand - logPostCurrent;
      if(runif(0.0,1.0) <= exp(logMHRatio)){
	F77_NAME(dcopy)(&nParams, candSpParams, &incOne, spParams, &incOne);
	F77_NAME(dcopy)(&n, wCand, &incOne, wCurrent, &incOne);
	F77_NAME(dcopy)(&m, w_strCand, &incOne, w_strCurrent, &incOne);
	logPostCurrent = logPostCand;
          Save samples and report
      F77_NAME(dcopy)(&nParams, spParams, &incOne, &samples[s*nParams], &incOne);
      F77_NAME(dcopy)(&n, wCurrent, &incOne, &w[s*n], &incOne);
      F77_NAME(dcopy)(&m, w_strCurrent, &incOne, &w_str[s*m], &incOne);
	if(status == nReport){
	  Rprintf("Sampled: %i of %i, %3.2f%%\n", s, nSamples, 100.0*s/nSamples);
	  Rprintf("Report interval Metrop. Acceptance rate: %3.2f%%\n", 100.0*batchAccept/nReport);
	  Rprintf("Overall Metrop. Acceptance rate: %3.2f%%\n", 100.0*accept/s);
          #ifdef Win32
	  status = 0;
	  batchAccept = 0;
    }//end sample loop
    //final status report
      Rprintf("Sampled: %i of %i, %3.2f%%\n", s, nSamples, 100.0*s/nSamples);
      #ifdef Win32

    //untransform variance variables
    for(s = 0; s < nSamples; s++){
      samples[s*nParams+sigmaSqIndx] = exp(samples[s*nParams+sigmaSqIndx]);

      samples[s*nParams+phiIndx] = logitInv(samples[s*nParams+phiIndx], phiUnifa, phiUnifb);

      if(covModel == "matern")
	samples[s*nParams+nuIndx] = logitInv(samples[s*nParams+nuIndx], nuUnifa, nuUnifb);
    //calculate acceptance rate
    REAL(accept_r)[0] = 100.0*accept/s;

    //make return object
    SEXP result, resultNames;
    int nResultListObjs = 4;

    PROTECT(result = allocVector(VECSXP, nResultListObjs)); nProtect++;
    PROTECT(resultNames = allocVector(VECSXP, nResultListObjs)); nProtect++;

    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 0, samples_r);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(resultNames, 0, mkChar("p.beta.theta.samples")); 

    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 1, accept_r);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(resultNames, 1, mkChar("acceptance"));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 2, w_r);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(resultNames, 2, mkChar("p.w.samples"));

    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 3, w_str_r);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(resultNames, 3, mkChar("p.w.knots.samples"));
    namesgets(result, resultNames);
Esempio n. 5
  SEXP spSVCPredictJoint(SEXP m_r, SEXP n_r, SEXP KDiag_r, SEXP obsD_r, SEXP predObsD_r, SEXP predD_r, SEXP q_r,
			 SEXP samples_r, SEXP wSamples_r, SEXP nSamples_r, 
			 SEXP AIndx_r, SEXP phiIndx_r, SEXP nuIndx_r, 	   
			 SEXP covModel_r, 
			 SEXP verbose_r, SEXP nReport_r, SEXP nThreads_r){

                Common variables
    int i, j, k, l, b, s, h, info, nProtect=0;
    char const *lower = "L";
    char const *upper = "U";
    char const *nUnit = "N";
    char const *yUnit = "U";
    char const *ntran = "N";
    char const *ytran = "T";
    char const *rside = "R";
    char const *lside = "L";
    const double one = 1.0;
    const double negOne = -1.0;
    const double zero = 0.0;
    const int incOne = 1;
    double *obsD = REAL(obsD_r);
    double *predObsD = REAL(predObsD_r);
    double *predD = REAL(predD_r);
    int m = INTEGER(m_r)[0];
    int mm = m*m;
    int n = INTEGER(n_r)[0];
    int nn = n*n;
    int nm = n*m;
    int nmnm = nm*nm;
    int q = INTEGER(q_r)[0];//number of prediction locations
    int qm = q*m;
    int qmnm = qm*nm;
    int qmqm = qm*qm;
    bool KDiag = static_cast<bool>(INTEGER(KDiag_r)[0]);
    int nLTr = m*(m-1)/2+m;
    double *samples = REAL(samples_r);
    double *wSamples = REAL(wSamples_r);
    int nSamples = INTEGER(nSamples_r)[0];

    int AIndx = INTEGER(AIndx_r)[0]; 
    int phiIndx = INTEGER(phiIndx_r)[0]; 
    int nuIndx  = INTEGER(nuIndx_r)[0]; 

    std::string covModel = CHAR(STRING_ELT(covModel_r,0));
    int verbose = INTEGER(verbose_r)[0];
    int nReport = INTEGER(nReport_r)[0];
    int nThreads = INTEGER(nThreads_r)[0];
       Set-up MCMC alg. vars. matrices etc.
    SEXP wPredSamples_r;
    PROTECT(wPredSamples_r = allocMatrix(REALSXP, qm, nSamples)); nProtect++; 

    int status=1;
    double *A = (double *) R_alloc(mm, sizeof(double)); zeros(A, mm); //to simplify a future move to the more general cross-cov model
    double *K = (double *) R_alloc(nmnm, sizeof(double)); 
    double *B = (double *) R_alloc(qmnm, sizeof(double)); 
    double *C = (double *) R_alloc(qmqm, sizeof(double));
    double *tmp_nltr = (double *) R_alloc(nLTr, sizeof(double)); 
    double *tmp_qmnm = (double *) R_alloc(qmnm, sizeof(double)); 
    double *tmp_qm = (double *) R_alloc(qm, sizeof(double));
    double *tmp_qmqm = (double *) R_alloc(qmqm, sizeof(double));
    double *phi = (double *) R_alloc(m, sizeof(double));
    double *nu = (double *) R_alloc(m, sizeof(double)); zeros(nu, m); //this just remains empty of not matern

    double maxNu = 0; //needed for thread safe bessel
    if(covModel == "matern"){
      for(s = 0; s < nSamples; s++){
	for(i = 0; i < m; i++){
	  if(samples[(nuIndx+i)*nSamples+s] > maxNu){
	    maxNu = samples[(nuIndx+i)*nSamples+s];

    int threadID = 0;
    int bessel_ws_inc = static_cast<int>(1.0+maxNu);
    double *bessel_ws = (double *) R_alloc(nThreads*bessel_ws_inc, sizeof(double));

#ifdef _OPENMP
    Rprintf("Source compiled with OpenMP, posterior sampling is using %i thread(s).\n", nThreads);
    if(nThreads > 1){
      warning("n.omp.threads = %i, but source not compiled with OpenMP support.", nThreads);
      nThreads = 1;
	Rprintf("\tJoint sampling of predicted w\n");
      #ifdef Win32
    for(s = 0; s < nSamples; s++){
      if(KDiag == false){
	dcopy_(&nLTr, &samples[AIndx*nSamples+s], &nSamples, tmp_nltr, &incOne);
      	covExpand(tmp_nltr, A, m);//note this is K, so we need chol
      	F77_NAME(dpotrf)(lower, &m, A, &m, &info); if(info != 0){error("c++ error: dpotrf failed 1\n");} 
      	clearUT(A, m); //make sure upper tri is clear

      for(k = 0; k < m; k++){

	  A[k*m+k] = sqrt(samples[(AIndx+k)*nSamples+s]);
	phi[k] = samples[(phiIndx+k)*nSamples+s]; 
	if(covModel == "matern"){
	  nu[k] = samples[(nuIndx+k)*nSamples+s]; 
      //construct covariance matrix
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for private(i, k, l, h, threadID)
      for(j = 0; j < n; j++){
#ifdef _OPENMP
	threadID = omp_get_thread_num();
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++){	
	  for(k = 0; k < m; k++){
	    for(l = 0; l < m; l++){
	      K[(k+j*m)*nm+(i*m+l)] = 0.0; 
	      for(h = 0; h < m; h++){
		K[(k+j*m)*nm+(i*m+l)] += A[k+m*h]*A[l+m*h]*spCorTS(obsD[j*n+i], phi[h], nu[h], covModel, &bessel_ws[threadID*bessel_ws_inc]);
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for private(i, k, l, h, threadID)
      for(j = 0; j < n; j++){
#ifdef _OPENMP
	threadID = omp_get_thread_num();
	for(i = 0; i < q; i++){	
	  for(k = 0; k < m; k++){
	    for(l = 0; l < m; l++){
	      B[(k+j*m)*qm+(i*m+l)] = 0.0; 
	      for(h = 0; h < m; h++){
		B[(k+j*m)*qm+(i*m+l)] += A[k+m*h]*A[l+m*h]*spCorTS(predObsD[j*q+i], phi[h], nu[h], covModel, &bessel_ws[threadID*bessel_ws_inc]);
      //printMtrx(B, qm, nm);
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for private(i, k, l, h, threadID)
      for(j = 0; j < q; j++){
#ifdef _OPENMP
	threadID = omp_get_thread_num();
	for(i = 0; i < q; i++){	
	  for(k = 0; k < m; k++){
	    for(l = 0; l < m; l++){
	      C[(k+j*m)*qm+(i*m+l)] = 0.0; 
	      for(h = 0; h < m; h++){
		C[(k+j*m)*qm+(i*m+l)] += A[k+m*h]*A[l+m*h]*spCorTS(predD[j*q+i], phi[h], nu[h], covModel, &bessel_ws[threadID*bessel_ws_inc]);
      F77_NAME(dpotrf)(lower, &nm, K, &nm, &info); if(info != 0){error("c++ error: dpotrf failed 1\n");}
      F77_NAME(dpotri)(lower, &nm, K, &nm, &info); if(info != 0){error("c++ error: dpotri failed\n");}     
      F77_NAME(dsymm)(rside, lower, &qm, &nm, &one, K, &nm, B, &qm, &zero, tmp_qmnm, &qm);
      F77_NAME(dgemv)(ntran, &qm, &nm, &one, tmp_qmnm, &qm, &wSamples[s*nm], &incOne, &zero, tmp_qm, &incOne);

      F77_NAME(dgemm)(ntran, ytran, &qm, &qm, &nm, &one, tmp_qmnm, &qm, B, &qm, &zero, tmp_qmqm, &qm);

      for(i = 0; i < qmqm; i++){
	C[i] = C[i] - tmp_qmqm[i];
      F77_NAME(dpotrf)(lower, &qm, C, &qm, &info); if(info != 0){error("c++ error: dpotrf failed 2\n");}
      mvrnorm(&REAL(wPredSamples_r)[s*qm], tmp_qm, C, qm, false);
      	if(status == nReport){
	  Rprintf("Sampled: %i of %i, %3.2f%%\n", s, nSamples, 100.0*s/nSamples);
          #ifdef Win32
      	  status = 0;
    }//end sample loop
    //make return object
    SEXP result_r, resultName_r;
    int nResultListObjs = 1;

    PROTECT(result_r = allocVector(VECSXP, nResultListObjs)); nProtect++;
    PROTECT(resultName_r = allocVector(VECSXP, nResultListObjs)); nProtect++;
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(result_r, 0, wPredSamples_r);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(resultName_r, 0, mkChar("p.w.predictive.samples")); 

    namesgets(result_r, resultName_r);
