Esempio n. 1
static inline mwvector exponentialDiskAccel(const Disk* disk, mwvector pos, real r)
    const real b = disk->scaleLength;

    const real expPiece = mw_exp(-r / b) * (r + b) / b;
    const real factor   = disk->mass * (expPiece - 1.0) / cube(r);

    return mw_mulvs(pos, factor);
/* get stream & background weight constants */
static real get_stream_bg_weight_consts(StreamStats* ss, const Streams* streams)
    unsigned int i;
    real epsilon_b;
    real denom = 1.0;

    for (i = 0; i < streams->number_streams; i++)
        denom += mw_exp(streams->parameters[i].epsilon);

    for (i = 0; i < streams->number_streams; i++)
        ss[i].epsilon_s = mw_exp(streams->parameters[i].epsilon) / denom;
        printf("epsilon_s[%d]: %lf\n", i, ss[i].epsilon_s);

    epsilon_b = 1.0 / denom;
    printf("epsilon_b:    %lf\n", epsilon_b);
    return epsilon_b;
void setExpStreamWeights(const AstronomyParameters* ap, Streams* streams)
    int i;

    streams->sumExpWeights = ap->exp_background_weight;
    for (i = 0; i < streams->number_streams; i++)
        streams->parameters[i].epsilonExp = mw_exp(streams->parameters[i].epsilon);
        streams->sumExpWeights += streams->parameters[i].epsilonExp;

    streams->sumExpWeights *= 0.001;
int setAstronomyParameters(AstronomyParameters* ap, const BackgroundParameters* bgp)
    ap->alpha = bgp->alpha;
    ap->q     = bgp->q;

    ap->r0    = bgp->r0;
    ap->delta = bgp->delta;

    ap->q_inv = inv(ap->q);
    ap->q_inv_sqr = inv(sqr(ap->q));

    ap->aux_bg_profile = (bgp->a != 0.0) || (bgp->b != 0.0) || (bgp->c != 0.0);
    ap->bg_a = bgp->a;
    ap->bg_b = bgp->b;
    ap->bg_c = bgp->c;

    if (ap->convolve == 0 || ap->convolve > MAX_CONVOLVE || !mwEven(ap->convolve))
        mw_printf("convolve (%u) must be > 0, <= 256 and even\n", ap->convolve);
        return 1;

 //   ap->coeff = 1.0 / (stdev * SQRT_2PI);
    ap->alpha_delta3 = 3.0 - ap->alpha + ap->delta;

    ap->exp_background_weight = mw_exp(bgp->epsilon);
    //Check if we need to use fast or slow hernquist if we are not using Broken Power Law which doesn't care.
    if(ap->background_profile != BROKEN_POWER_LAW)
    	if(ap->alpha == 1.0 && ap->delta == 1.0)
    		ap->background_profile = FAST_HERNQUIST;
    		ap->background_profile = SLOW_HERNQUIST;

    ap->sun_r0 = const_sun_r0;
    ap->m_sun_r0 = -ap->sun_r0;

    return 0;
int setAstronomyParameters(AstronomyParameters* ap, const BackgroundParameters* bgp)
#ifdef ANDROID
    int armExt = mwDetectARMExt();

    ap->alpha = bgp->alpha;
    ap->q     = bgp->q;

    ap->r0    = bgp->r0;
    ap->delta = bgp->delta;

    ap->q_inv = inv(ap->q);
    ap->q_inv_sqr = inv(sqr(ap->q));

    ap->aux_bg_profile = (bgp->a != 0.0) || (bgp->b != 0.0) || (bgp->c != 0.0);
    ap->bg_a = bgp->a;
    ap->bg_b = bgp->b;
    ap->bg_c = bgp->c;
    if (ap->convolve == 0 || ap->convolve > 256 || !mwEven(ap->convolve))
        warn("convolve (%u) must be > 0, <= 256 and even\n", ap->convolve);
        return 1;

    ap->coeff = 1.0 / (stdev * SQRT_2PI);
    ap->alpha_delta3 = 3.0 - ap->alpha + ap->delta;

    ap->exp_background_weight = mw_exp(bgp->epsilon);
    ap->fast_h_prob = (ap->alpha == 1.0 && ap->delta == 1.0);

    ap->sun_r0 = const_sun_r0;
    ap->m_sun_r0 = -ap->sun_r0;

#ifdef ANDROID
    if (armExt==ARM_CPU_NOVFP && ap->fast_h_prob && ap->r0 < 0.0)
        warn("IntFp Engine cant handle r0<0.0\n");
        return 1;
    return 0;