void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
    // Check for proper number of arguments
    if (nrhs != 2)
        mexErrMsgTxt("Two input arguments required.");
    if (nlhs != 4)
        mexErrMsgTxt("Four output arguments required.");
    // The input must be noncomplex
    if (mxIsComplex(prhs[0]) || mxIsComplex(prhs[1]) ||
        !mxIsNumeric(prhs[0]) || !mxIsNumeric(prhs[1]))
        mexErrMsgTxt("The input must be noncomplex (and numeric).");

    // The second input must be an unsigned integer
    if (mxIsSingle(prhs[1]) || mxIsDouble(prhs[1]))
        mexErrMsgTxt("The second input must be an integer.");

    if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0])) {
        if (mxIsInt8(prhs[1]))
            compute<float, char>(plhs, prhs);
        else if (mxIsUint8(prhs[1]))
            compute<float, unsigned char>(plhs, prhs);
        else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[1]))
            compute<float, short>(plhs, prhs);
        else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[1]))
            compute<float, unsigned short>(plhs, prhs);
        else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[1]))
            compute<float, int>(plhs, prhs);
        else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[1]))
            compute<float, unsigned int>(plhs, prhs);
        else if (mxIsInt64(prhs[1]))
            compute<float, long long int>(plhs, prhs);
        else if (mxIsUint64(prhs[1]))
            compute<float, unsigned long long int>(plhs, prhs);
    else if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0])) {
        if (mxIsInt8(prhs[1]))
            compute<double, char>(plhs, prhs);
        else if (mxIsUint8(prhs[1]))
            compute<double, unsigned char>(plhs, prhs);
        else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[1]))
            compute<double, short>(plhs, prhs);
        else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[1]))
            compute<double, unsigned short>(plhs, prhs);
        else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[1]))
            compute<double, int>(plhs, prhs);
        else if (mxIsUint32(prhs[1]))
            compute<double, unsigned int>(plhs, prhs);
        else if (mxIsInt64(prhs[1]))
            compute<double, long long int>(plhs, prhs);
        else if (mxIsUint64(prhs[1]))
            compute<double, unsigned long long int>(plhs, prhs);
        mexErrMsgTxt("Input types not supported.");
Esempio n. 2
void check_argin(int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
  if (nrhs > 2  || nrhs < 1)
    mxErrMsgTxt("TZ_SEGDETECTOR takes 1~3 arguments.");

  if (!mxIsInt8(prhs[0]))
    mxErrMsgTxt("The first argument must be an int8 array.");

  if (!tz_mxIsVector(prhs[0]))
    mxErrMsgTxt("The first argument must be a vector.");

  if (nrhs >= 2)
    if (!mxIsInt8(prhs[1]))
      mxErrMsgTxt("The first argument must be an int8 scalar.");
Esempio n. 3
const char *mxGetClassName(const mxArray *ptr)
    if (mxIsDouble(ptr))
        return "double";
    if (mxIsChar(ptr))
        return "char";
    if (mxIsLogical(ptr))
        return "bool";
    if (mxIsSparse(ptr))
        return "sparse";
    if (mxIsInt8(ptr))
        return "int8";
    if (mxIsInt16(ptr))
        return "int16";
    if (mxIsInt32(ptr))
        return "int32";
    if (mxIsInt64(ptr))
        return "int64";
    if (mxIsUint8(ptr))
        return "uint8";
    if (mxIsUint16(ptr))
        return "uint16";
    if (mxIsUint32(ptr))
        return "uint32";
    if (mxIsUint64(ptr))
        return "uint64";
    if (mxIsCell(ptr))
        return "cell";
    if (mxIsStruct(ptr))
        return "struct";
    return "unknown";
Esempio n. 4
int mxGetElementSize(const mxArray *ptr)
    if (mxIsChar(ptr))
        return sizeof(wchar_t*);
    else if (mxIsLogical(ptr))
        return sizeof(int);
    else if (mxIsDouble(ptr))
        return sizeof(double);
    else if (mxIsSparse(ptr))
        return sizeof(double);
    else if (mxIsInt8(ptr))
        return sizeof(char);
    else if (mxIsInt16(ptr))
        return sizeof(short);
    else if (mxIsInt32(ptr))
        return sizeof(int);
    else if (mxIsInt64(ptr))
        return sizeof(long long);
    else if (mxIsUint8(ptr))
        return sizeof(unsigned char);
    else if (mxIsUint16(ptr))
        return sizeof(unsigned short);
    else if (mxIsUint32(ptr))
        return sizeof(unsigned int);
    else if (mxIsUint64(ptr))
        return sizeof(unsigned long long);
    else if (mxIsCell(ptr))
        return sizeof(types::InternalType*);
    else if (mxIsStruct(ptr))
        return sizeof(types::SingleStruct*);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 5
static MAPTYPE *get_maps_3dvol(const mxArray *ptr, int *n)
    int num_dims, jj, t, dtype = 0;
    const mwSize *dims;
    MAPTYPE *maps;
    unsigned char *dptr;

    if      (mxIsDouble(ptr)) dtype = SPM_DOUBLE;
    else if (mxIsSingle(ptr)) dtype = SPM_FLOAT;
    else if (mxIsInt32 (ptr)) dtype = SPM_SIGNED_INT;
    else if (mxIsUint32(ptr)) dtype = SPM_UNSIGNED_INT;
    else if (mxIsInt16 (ptr)) dtype = SPM_SIGNED_SHORT;
    else if (mxIsUint16(ptr)) dtype = SPM_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
    else if (mxIsInt8  (ptr)) dtype = SPM_SIGNED_CHAR;
    else if (mxIsUint8 (ptr)) dtype = SPM_UNSIGNED_CHAR;
    else mexErrMsgTxt("Unknown volume datatype.");

    maps = (MAPTYPE *)mxCalloc(1, sizeof(MAPTYPE));

    num_dims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(ptr);
    if (num_dims > 3)
        mexErrMsgTxt("Too many dimensions.");

    dims     = mxGetDimensions(ptr);
    for(jj=0; jj<num_dims; jj++)
    for(jj=num_dims; jj<3; jj++)

    for(jj=0; jj<16; jj++)
        maps->mat[jj] = 0.0;
    for(jj=0; jj<4; jj++)
        maps->mat[jj + jj*4] = 1.0;

    maps->dtype  = dtype;

    maps->data   = (void  **)mxCalloc(maps->dim[2],sizeof(void *));
    maps->scale  = (double *)mxCalloc(maps->dim[2],sizeof(double));
    maps->offset = (double *)mxCalloc(maps->dim[2],sizeof(double));

    t     = maps->dim[0]*maps->dim[1]*get_datasize(maps->dtype)/8;
    dptr   = (unsigned char *)mxGetPr(ptr);

    for(jj=0; jj<maps->dim[2]; jj++)
        maps->scale[jj]  = 1.0;
        maps->offset[jj] = 0.0;
        maps->data[jj]   = &(dptr[jj*t]);

    maps->addr      = 0;
    maps->len       = 0;

    *n = 1;
Esempio n. 6
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
  /* Check arguments */
  if (nrhs < 4)
    mexErrMsgTxt("Need four input arguments.");

  if (!mxIsInt8(prhs[0])) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Map needs to be int8 array");
  char *im = (char *)mxGetData(prhs[0]);
  int nx = mxGetM(prhs[0]);
  int ny = mxGetN(prhs[0]);

  double *x_im = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
  double xmin = x_im[0];
  double xmax = x_im[mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1])-1];
  double xresolution = (xmax-xmin)/(nx-1);
  //printf("x: %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", xmin, xmax, xresolution);

  double *y_im = mxGetPr(prhs[2]);
  double ymin = y_im[0];
  double ymax = y_im[mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[2])-1];
  double yresolution = (ymax-ymin)/(ny-1);
  //printf("y: %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", ymin, ymax, yresolution);

  double *vp = mxGetPr(prhs[3]);
  if (mxGetM(prhs[3]) != 3) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Point array needs to contain 3 rows");
  int np = mxGetN(prhs[3]);

  double af = 0.5;
  if (nrhs >= 5) {
    af = mxGetScalar(prhs[4]);

  for (int k = 0; k < np; k++) {
    int ix = (int) round((vp[3*k]-xmin)/xresolution);
    int iy = (int) round((vp[3*k+1]-ymin)/yresolution);
    //    printf("ix,iy = %d,%d\n",ix,iy);

    if ((ix >= 0) && (ix < nx) && (iy >= 0) && (iy < ny)) {
      int index = ix + nx*iy;
      int s = im[index] + af*(vp[3*k+2] - im[index]);
      if (s >= 127) s = 127;
      if (s <= -128) s = -128;
      im[index] = s;
  plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0,0,mxREAL);
Esempio n. 7
void mxSetImagData(mxArray *array_ptr, void *data_ptr)
    if (mxIsChar(array_ptr))
        ((String *)array_ptr)->setImg((wchar_t **)data_ptr);
    else if (mxIsDouble(array_ptr))
        ((Double *)array_ptr)->setImg((double *)data_ptr);
    else if (mxIsInt8(array_ptr))
        ((Int8 *)array_ptr)->setImg((char *)data_ptr);
    else if (mxIsInt16(array_ptr))
        ((Int16 *)array_ptr)->setImg((short *)data_ptr);
    else if (mxIsInt32(array_ptr))
        ((Int32 *)array_ptr)->setImg((int *)data_ptr);
    else if (mxIsInt64(array_ptr))
        ((Int64 *)array_ptr)->setImg((long long *)data_ptr);
    else if (mxIsLogical(array_ptr))
        ((Bool *)array_ptr)->setImg((int *)data_ptr);
    // else if (mxIsSingle(array_ptr)) {
    //   ((Float *) array_ptr)->setImg((float *) data_ptr);
    // }
    else if (mxIsUint8(array_ptr))
        ((UInt8 *)array_ptr)->setImg((unsigned char *)data_ptr);
    else if (mxIsUint16(array_ptr))
        ((UInt16 *)array_ptr)->setImg((unsigned short *)data_ptr);
    else if (mxIsUint32(array_ptr))
        ((UInt32 *)array_ptr)->setImg((unsigned int *)data_ptr);
    else if (mxIsUint64(array_ptr))
        ((UInt64 *)array_ptr)->setImg((unsigned long long *) data_ptr);
Esempio n. 8
void mxSetImagData(mxArray *array_ptr, void *data_ptr)
    if (mxIsChar(array_ptr))
        ((types::String *)array_ptr)->setImg((wchar_t **)data_ptr);
    else if (mxIsDouble(array_ptr))
        ((types::Double *)array_ptr)->setImg((double *)data_ptr);
    else if (mxIsInt8(array_ptr))
        ((types::Int8 *)array_ptr)->setImg((char *)data_ptr);
    else if (mxIsInt16(array_ptr))
        ((types::Int16 *)array_ptr)->setImg((short *)data_ptr);
    else if (mxIsInt32(array_ptr))
        ((types::Int32 *)array_ptr)->setImg((int *)data_ptr);
    else if (mxIsInt64(array_ptr))
        ((types::Int64 *)array_ptr)->setImg((long long *)data_ptr);
    else if (mxIsLogical(array_ptr))
        ((types::Bool *)array_ptr)->setImg((int *)data_ptr);
    else if (mxIsUint8(array_ptr))
        ((types::UInt8 *)array_ptr)->setImg((unsigned char *)data_ptr);
    else if (mxIsUint16(array_ptr))
        ((types::UInt16 *)array_ptr)->setImg((unsigned short *)data_ptr);
    else if (mxIsUint32(array_ptr))
        ((types::UInt32 *)array_ptr)->setImg((unsigned int *)data_ptr);
    else if (mxIsUint64(array_ptr))
        ((types::UInt64 *)array_ptr)->setImg((unsigned long long *) data_ptr);
Esempio n. 9
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
    /* arguments:
     * img - image (m-by-n-by-k float, i.e. float image[k][n][m])
     * w - window (m-by-n char, i.e. char w[n][m])
    if (nrhs != 2)
        mexErrMsgTxt("Wrong number of arguments (expected: image, window).");

    if (!mxIsSingle(prhs[0]) || mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[0]) != 3 ||
        mexErrMsgTxt("Image should be a 3D array of real singles.");
    if  (!mxIsInt8(prhs[1]) || mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[1]) != 2 ||
        mexErrMsgTxt("Window should be a 2D array of real int8s.");
    const mwSize *imgdims = mxGetDimensions(prhs[0]);
    const mwSize imgx = imgdims[0];
    const mwSize imgy = imgdims[1];
    const mwSize imgz = imgdims[2];
    float *img = (float*)mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
    size_t wx = mxGetM(prhs[1]);
    size_t wy = mxGetN(prhs[1]);
    char *w = (char*)mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
    if (!(wx % 2) || !(wy % 2))
        mexErrMsgTxt("Window size should be odd-by-odd.");

    plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(3, imgdims, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
    float *newimg = (float*)mxGetPr(plhs[0]);

    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) num_threads(4)
    for (size_t k = 0; k < imgz; k++)
        size_t offs = imgx * imgy * k;
        dilate(img + offs, newimg + offs, imgx, imgy, w, wx, wy);
Esempio n. 10
void mexFunction(int POutputCount,  mxArray* POutput[], int PInputCount, const mxArray *PInputs[])
    	const int	*SZ;	    
    	double* 	LInput;
    	double* 	LInputI;
    	double* 	LOutputSum;
    	double* 	LOutputSumI;
    	double* 	LOutputCount;
    	double* 	LOutputSum2;
    	double* 	LOutputSum4;
    	double  	x, x2;
    	unsigned long   LCount, LCountI;
    	double  	LSum, LSum2, LSum4;

    	unsigned	DIM = 0; 
    	unsigned long	D1, D2, D3; 	// NN; 	//  	
    	unsigned    	ND, ND2;	// number of dimensions: input, output
    	unsigned long	ix1, ix2;	// index to input and output
    	unsigned    	j, k, l;	// running indices 
    	int 		*SZ2;		// size of output 	    

	// check for proper number of input and output arguments
	if ((PInputCount <= 0) || (PInputCount > 2))
	        mexErrMsgTxt("SumSkipNan.MEX requires 1 or 2 arguments.");
	if (POutputCount > 4)
	        mexErrMsgTxt("SumSkipNan.MEX has 1 to 4 output arguments.");

	// get 1st argument
		LInput  = mxGetPr(PInputs[0]);
		mexErrMsgTxt("First argument must be DOUBLE.");

		LInput  = (double*)mxGetLogicals(PInputs[0]);
	else if(mxIsNumeric(PInputs[0]))
		LInput  = mxGetPr(PInputs[0]);
	else if(mxIsSparse(PInputs[0]))
		LInput  = mxGetPr(PInputs[0]);
	else if(mxIsInt8(PInputs[0]))
		LInput  = (double *)mxGetData(PInputs[0]);
	else if(mxIsUint8(PInputs[0]))
		LInput  = (double *)mxGetData(PInputs[0]);
	else if(mxIsInt16(PInputs[0]))
		LInput  = (double *)mxGetData(PInputs[0]);
	else if(mxIsUint16(PInputs[0]))
		LInput  = (double *)mxGetData(PInputs[0]);
	else if(mxIsInt32(PInputs[0]))
		LInput  = (double *)mxGetData(PInputs[0]);
	else if(mxIsUint32(PInputs[0]))
		LInput  = (double *)mxGetData(PInputs[0]);
		mexErrMsgTxt("First argument must be NUMERIC.");

		LInputI = mxGetPi(PInputs[0]);
	if(mxIsComplex(PInputs[0]) & (POutputCount > 3))
	        mexErrMsgTxt("More than 3 output arguments only supported for REAL data ");

    	// get 2nd argument
    	if  (PInputCount == 2){
 	       	switch (mxGetNumberOfElements(PInputs[1])) {
		case 0: x = 0.0; 		// accept empty element
		case 1: x = (mxIsNumeric(PInputs[1]) ? mxGetScalar(PInputs[1]) : -1.0); 
		default:x = -1.0;		// invalid 
		if ((x < 0) || (x > 65535) || (x != floor(x))) 
			mexErrMsgTxt("Error SUMSKIPNAN.MEX: DIM-argument must be a positive integer scalar");

		DIM = (unsigned)floor(x);	

	// get size 
    	ND = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(PInputs[0]);	
    	// NN = mxGetNumberOfElements(PInputs[0]);
    	SZ = mxGetDimensions(PInputs[0]);		

	// if DIM==0 (undefined), look for first dimension with more than 1 element. 
	for (k = 0; (DIM < 1) && (k < ND); k++) 
		if (SZ[k]>1) DIM = k+1;
	if (DIM < 1) DIM=1;		// in case DIM is still undefined 

	ND2 = (ND>DIM ? ND : DIM);	// number of dimensions of output 

	SZ2 = (int*)mxCalloc(ND2, sizeof(int)); // allocate memory for output size

	for (j=0; j<ND; j++)		// copy size of input;  
		SZ2[j] = SZ[j]; 	
	for (j=ND; j<ND2; j++)		// in case DIM > ND, add extra elements 1 
		SZ2[j] = 1; 	

    	for (j=0, D1=1; j<DIM-1; D1=D1*SZ2[j++]); 	// D1 is the number of elements between two elements along dimension  DIM  
	D2 = SZ2[DIM-1];		// D2 contains the size along dimension DIM 	
    	for (j=DIM, D3=1;  j<ND; D3=D3*SZ2[j++]); 	// D3 is the number of blocks containing D1*D2 elements 

	SZ2[DIM-1] = 1;		// size of output is same as size of input but SZ(DIM)=1;

	    // create outputs

	{	POutput[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(ND2, SZ2, TYP, mxCOMPLEX);
		LOutputSum = mxGetPr(POutput[0]);
		LOutputSumI= mxGetPi(POutput[0]);
	{	POutput[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(ND2, SZ2, TYP, mxREAL);
		LOutputSum = mxGetPr(POutput[0]);

    	if (POutputCount >= 2){
		POutput[1] = mxCreateNumericArray(ND2, SZ2, TYP, mxREAL);
        	LOutputCount = mxGetPr(POutput[1]);
    	if (POutputCount >= 3){
		POutput[2] = mxCreateNumericArray(ND2, SZ2, TYP, mxREAL);
        	LOutputSum2  = mxGetPr(POutput[2]);
    	if (POutputCount >= 4){
		POutput[3] = mxCreateNumericArray(ND2, SZ2, TYP, mxREAL);
        	LOutputSum4  = mxGetPr(POutput[3]);


	// OUTER LOOP: along dimensions > DIM
	for (l = 0; l<D3; l++) 	
		ix2 =   l*D1;	// index for output 
		ix1 = ix2*D2;	// index for input 

		// Inner LOOP: along dimensions < DIM
		for (k = 0; k<D1; k++, ix1++, ix2++) 	
		        LCount = 0;
			LSum   = 0.0;
			LSum2  = 0.0;
			LSum4  = 0.0;
			// LOOP  along dimension DIM
	    		for (j=0; j<D2; j++) 	
				x = LInput[ix1 + j*D1];
        	        	if (!mxIsNaN(x))
					LSum += x; 
					x2 = x*x;
					LSum2 += x2; 
					LSum4 += x2*x2; 
			LOutputSum[ix2] = LSum;
            		if (POutputCount >= 2)
                		LOutputCount[ix2] = (double)LCount;
            		if (POutputCount >= 3)
                		LOutputSum2[ix2] = LSum2;
            		if (POutputCount >= 4)
                		LOutputSum4[ix2] = LSum4;

				LSum = 0.0;	
	    			LCountI = 0;
				LSum2  = 0.0;
				for (j=0; j<D2; j++) 	
					x = LInputI[ix1 + j*D1];
        	        		if (!mxIsNaN(x))
						LSum  += x; 
						LSum2 += x*x; 
				LOutputSumI[ix2] = LSum;
				if (LCount != LCountI)
			            	mexErrMsgTxt("Number of NaNs is different for REAL and IMAG part");
	            		if (POutputCount >= 3)
        	        		LOutputSum2[ix2] += LSum2;
int isFunctionHandle( const mxArray* const M )
	if ( M == NULL )
		return 0;

	if ( mxIsCell(M) )
		return 0;

	if ( mxIsChar(M) )
		return 0;

	if ( mxIsComplex(M) )
		return 0;

	if ( mxIsDouble(M) )
		return 0;

	if ( mxIsEmpty(M) )
		return 0;

	if ( mxIsInt8(M) )
		return 0;

	if ( mxIsInt16(M) )
		return 0;

	if ( mxIsInt32(M) )
		return 0;

	if ( mxIsLogical(M) )
		return 0;

	if ( mxIsLogicalScalar(M) )
		return 0;

	if ( mxIsLogicalScalarTrue(M) )
		return 0;

	if ( mxIsNumeric(M) )
		return 0;

	if ( mxIsSingle(M) )
		return 0;

	if ( mxIsSparse(M) )
		return 0;

	if ( mxIsStruct(M) )
		return 0;

	if ( mxIsUint8(M) )
		return 0;

	if ( mxIsUint16(M) )
		return 0;

	if ( mxIsUint32(M) )
		return 0;

	// assume to be a function handle iff it is nothing else
	return 1;
Esempio n. 12
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])

  // check the arguments

  if(nrhs != 3 && nrhs !=2 && nrhs!=4)
    mexErrMsgTxt("Usage [jointprob_table, marginprob_1, marginprob2] = progname(vector1, vector2, maxstatenum, b_returnprob). \n(Both vectors can be images). Max range handled: INT type of the OS");
  if(nlhs > 3)
    mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output argument <jointprob_table>.");

  if (!mxIsInt8(prhs[0]) && !mxIsUint8(prhs[0]) && !mxIsDouble(prhs[0]) ) 
    mexErrMsgTxt("The first input argument must be types of INT8 or UINT8 or DOUBLE.");
  if (!mxIsInt8(prhs[1]) && !mxIsUint8(prhs[1]) && !mxIsDouble(prhs[1]) ) 
    mexErrMsgTxt("The second input argument must be types of INT8 or UINT8 or DOUBLE.");

  //get and check size information

  long i,j;

  void *img1 = (void *)mxGetData(prhs[0]);
  long len1 = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[0]);
  mxClassID type1 = mxGetClassID(prhs[0]);

  void *img2 = (void *)mxGetData(prhs[1]);
  long len2 = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1]);
  mxClassID type2 = mxGetClassID(prhs[1]);
  if (!img1 || !img2 || !len1 || !len2)
    mexErrMsgTxt("At least one of the input vectors is invalid.");
  if (len1!=len2)
    mexErrMsgTxt("The two vectors/images should have the same length.");

  int b_findstatenum = 1;
  int nstate1 = 0, nstate2 = 0;
  if (nrhs>=3)
    b_findstatenum = 0;
    long MaxGrayLevel = (long) mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);
    nstate1 = nstate2 = MaxGrayLevel;
    if (MaxGrayLevel<=1)
      printf("The argument #state is invalid. This program will decide #state itself.\n");
      b_findstatenum = 1;

  int b_returnprob = 1;
  if (nrhs>=4)
    b_returnprob = (mxGetScalar(prhs[3])!=0);

  //copy data into new INT type array (hence quantization) and then reange them begin from 0 (i.e. state1)

  int * vec1 = new int[len1];
  int * vec2 = new int[len2];
  int nrealstate1=0, nrealstate2=0;
    case mxINT8_CLASS: copyvecdata((char *)img1,len1,vec1,nrealstate1); break;
    case mxUINT8_CLASS: copyvecdata((unsigned char *)img1,len1,vec1,nrealstate1); break;
    case mxDOUBLE_CLASS: copyvecdata((double *)img1,len1,vec1,nrealstate1); break;
    case mxINT8_CLASS: copyvecdata((char *)img2,len2,vec2,nrealstate2); break;
    case mxUINT8_CLASS: copyvecdata((unsigned char *)img2,len2,vec2,nrealstate2); break;
    case mxDOUBLE_CLASS: copyvecdata((double *)img2,len2,vec2,nrealstate2); break;

  //update the #state when necessary
  if (nstate1<nrealstate1)
    nstate1 = nrealstate1;
    // printf("First vector #state = %i\n",nrealstate1);
  if (nstate2<nrealstate2)
    nstate2 = nrealstate2;
    // printf("Second vector #state = %i\n",nrealstate2);

  //generate the joint-distribution table

  plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nstate1,nstate2,mxREAL);
  double *hab = (double *) mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
  double **hab2d = new double * [nstate2];
    hab2d[j] = hab + (long)j*nstate1;

  for (i=0; i<nstate1;i++)
  for (j=0; j<nstate2;j++)
    hab2d[j][i] = 0;
  for (i=0;i<len1;i++)
    //old method -- slow
    //     indx = (long)(vec2[i]) * nstate1 + vec1[i];
    //     hab[indx] += 1;

    //new method -- fast
    hab2d[vec2[i]][vec1[i]] += 1;
  //return the probabilities, otherwise return count numbers
    for (i=0; i<nstate1;i++)
    for (j=0; j<nstate2;j++)
      hab2d[j][i] /= len1;

  //for nlhs>=2

  if (nlhs>=2)
    plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nstate1,1,mxREAL);
    double *ha = (double *)mxGetPr(plhs[1]);
    for (i=0;i<nstate1;i++) {ha[i] = 0;}
    for (i=0;i<nstate1;i++)
    for (j=0;j<nstate2;j++)
      ha[i] += hab2d[j][i];
  if (nlhs>=3)
    plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(nstate2,1,mxREAL);
    double *hb = (double *)mxGetPr(plhs[2]);
    for (j=0;j<nstate2;j++) {hb[j] = 0;}
    for (i=0;i<nstate1;i++)
    for (j=0;j<nstate2;j++)
      hb[j] += hab2d[j][i];

  if (hab2d) {delete []hab2d;}
  if (vec1) delete []vec1;
  if (vec2) delete []vec2;

Esempio n. 13
int mxIsClass(const mxArray *ptr, const char *name)
    if (strcmp(name, "cell") == 0)
        return mxIsCell(ptr);
    if (strcmp(name, "char") == 0)
        return mxIsChar(ptr);
    if (strcmp(name, "double") == 0)
        return mxIsDouble(ptr);
    if (strcmp(name, "int8") == 0)
        return mxIsInt8(ptr);
    if (strcmp(name, "int16") == 0)
        return mxIsInt16(ptr);
    if (strcmp(name, "int32") == 0)
        return mxIsInt32(ptr);
    if (strcmp(name, "int64") == 0)
        return mxIsInt64(ptr);
    if (strcmp(name, "logical") == 0)
        return mxIsLogical(ptr);
    if (strcmp(name, "single") == 0)
        return mxIsSingle(ptr);
    if (strcmp(name, "struct") == 0)
        return mxIsStruct(ptr);
    if (strcmp(name, "uint8") == 0)
        return mxIsUint8(ptr);
    if (strcmp(name, "uint16") == 0)
        return mxIsUint16(ptr);
    if (strcmp(name, "uint32") == 0)
        return mxIsUint32(ptr);
    if (strcmp(name, "uint64") == 0)
        return mxIsUint64(ptr);
    // TODO: how to handle <class_name> and <class_id>?
    return 0;
Esempio n. 14
int mxIsNumeric(const mxArray *ptr)
    return mxIsDouble(ptr) || mxIsSingle(ptr) ||
           mxIsInt8(ptr) || mxIsUint8(ptr) ||
           mxIsInt16(ptr) || mxIsUint16(ptr) || mxIsInt32(ptr) || mxIsUint32(ptr) || mxIsInt64(ptr) || mxIsUint64(ptr);
Esempio n. 15
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {

	int i, j, nx, ny, n_read = 0, n_points = 0, one_or_zero;
	int n_output = 0, n_fields, n_pts, ii, jj, GMT_pad[4];
	int error = FALSE, suppress = FALSE, node = FALSE, z_only = FALSE;
	int is_double = FALSE, is_single = FALSE, is_int32 = FALSE, is_int16 = FALSE;
	int is_uint16 = FALSE, is_uint8 = FALSE, is_int8 = FALSE;
	int free_copy = TRUE, need_padding = FALSE, row_maj = FALSE;
	double value, west, east, south, north, threshold = 1.0, i_dx, i_dy, half, *in, *out;
	float *f;

	int	i2, argc = 0, nc_h, nr_h, mx, n_arg_no_char = 0, *i_4, interpolant = BCR_BICUBIC;
	short int *i_2;
	unsigned short int *ui_2;
	char	**argv, *i_1;
	unsigned char *ui_1;
	float	*z_4;
	double	*pdata_d, *z_8, *head;
	struct GRD_HEADER grd;
	struct GMT_EDGEINFO edgeinfo;
	struct GMT_BCR bcr;

	argc = nrhs;
	for (i = 0; i < nrhs; i++) {		/* Check input to find how many arguments are of type char */
		if(!mxIsChar(prhs[i])) {
			n_arg_no_char++;	/* Number of arguments that have a type other than char */
	argc++;			/* to account for the program's name to be inserted in argv[0] */

	/* get the length of the input string */
	argv = (char **)mxCalloc(argc, sizeof(char *));
	argv[0] = "grdtrack_m";
	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
		argv[i] = (char *)mxArrayToString(prhs[i+n_arg_no_char-1]);

	west = east = south = north = 0.0;
	GMT_boundcond_init (&edgeinfo);

	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
		if (argv[i][0] == '-') {
			switch (argv[i][1]) {
				case 'R':
					error += decode_R (argv[i], &west, &east, &south, &north);
				case 'L':
					if (argv[i][2]) {
						error += GMT_boundcond_parse (&edgeinfo, &argv[i][2]);
						/*if (edgeinfo.gn) {
							GMT_io.in_col_type[0] = GMT_io.out_col_type[0] = GMT_IS_LON;
							GMT_io.in_col_type[1] = GMT_io.out_col_type[1] = GMT_IS_LAT;
					/*else {
						GMT_io.in_col_type[0] = GMT_io.out_col_type[0] = GMT_IS_LON;
						GMT_io.in_col_type[1] = GMT_io.out_col_type[1] = GMT_IS_LAT;
				case 'N':
					node = TRUE;
				case 'Q':
					interpolant = BCR_BILINEAR;
					threshold = (argv[i][2]) ? atof (&argv[i][2]) : 1.0;
				case 'S':
					suppress = TRUE;
				case 'Z':
					z_only = TRUE;
					error = TRUE;
	if (argc == 1 || error) {
		mexPrintf ("grdtrack - Sampling of a 2-D gridded netCDF grdfile along 1-D trackline\n\n");
		mexPrintf ("usage: out = grdtrack_m(grd,head,xydata, ['-L<flag>'], ['-N']\n"); 
		mexPrintf ("\t['-Q[<value>]'], ['-R<west/east/south/north>[r]'] ['-S'] ['-Z'] ['-f[i|o]<colinfo>']\n");
		mexPrintf ("\t<xydata> is an multicolumn array with (lon,lat) in the first two columns\n");
		mexPrintf ("\n\tOPTIONS:\n");
		mexPrintf ("\t-L sets boundary conditions.  <flag> can be either\n");
		mexPrintf ("\t   g for geographic boundary conditions\n");
		mexPrintf ("\t   or one or both of\n");
		mexPrintf ("\t   x for periodic boundary conditions on x\n");
		mexPrintf ("\t   y for periodic boundary conditions on y\n");
		mexPrintf ("\t-N Report value at nearest node instead of interpolating\n");
		mexPrintf ("\t-Q Quick mode, use bilinear rather than bicubic interpolation.\n");
		mexPrintf ("\t   Optionally, append <value> in the 0 < value <= 1 range.\n");
		mexPrintf ("\t   [Default = 1 requires all 4 nodes to be non-NaN.], <value> = 0.5\n");
		mexPrintf ("\t   will interpolate about 1/2 way from a non-NaN to a NaN node, while\n");
		mexPrintf ("\t   0.1 will go about 90%% of the way, etc.\n");
		mexPrintf ("\t-R specifies a subregion [Default is old region]\n");
		mexPrintf ("\t-S Suppress output when result equals NaN\n");
		mexPrintf ("\t-Z only output z-values [Default gives all columns]\n");
		mexPrintf ("\n\tSECRET INFO:\n");
		mexPrintf ("\t   When input points are inside the outer skirt of 2 rows and columns of\n");
		mexPrintf ("\t   the 2-D grid we don't need to set boundary conditions and as\n");
		mexPrintf ("\t   such we can use the input array without further to C order\n");
		mexPrintf ("\t   conversion (to row major). This save a lot of memory and execution\n");
		mexPrintf ("\t   time. However, this possibility works only when input 2-D array is\n");
		mexPrintf ("\t   of tipe SINGLE (though the computations are all done in doubles).\n");
		mexPrintf ("\t   The other cases request using a temporary array of size (M+2)x(N+2)\n");

	if (threshold <= 0.0 || threshold > 1.0) {
		mexPrintf ("GRDTRACK_M SYNTAX ERROR -Q:  threshold must be in <0,1] range\n");
	if (error) return;

	if (nlhs == 0) {
		mexPrintf("ERROR: Must provide an output.\n");

	/* Find out in which data type was given the input array */
	if (mxIsDouble(prhs[0])) {
		z_8 = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
		is_double = TRUE;
	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[0])) {
		z_4 = mxGetData(prhs[0]);
		is_single = TRUE;
	else if (mxIsInt32(prhs[0])) {
		i_4 = mxGetData(prhs[0]);
		is_int32 = TRUE;
	else if (mxIsInt16(prhs[0])) {
		i_2 = mxGetData(prhs[0]);
		is_int16 = TRUE;
	else if (mxIsUint16(prhs[0])) {
		ui_2 = mxGetData(prhs[0]);
		is_uint16 = TRUE;
	else if (mxIsUint8(prhs[0])) {
		ui_1 = mxGetData(prhs[0]);
		is_uint8 = TRUE;
	else if (mxIsInt8(prhs[0])) {
		i_1 = mxGetData(prhs[0]);
		is_int8 = TRUE;
	else {
		mexPrintf("GRDTRACK ERROR: Unknown input data type.\n");
		mexErrMsgTxt("Valid types are:double, single, Int32, Int16, UInt16, UInt8 and Int8.\n");

	nx = mxGetN (prhs[0]);
	ny = mxGetM (prhs[0]);
	if (!mxIsNumeric(prhs[0]) || ny < 2 || nx < 2)
		mexErrMsgTxt("First argument must contain a decent array\n");

	nc_h = mxGetN (prhs[1]);
	nr_h = mxGetM (prhs[1]);
	if (!mxIsNumeric(prhs[1]) || nr_h > 1 || nc_h < 9)
		mexErrMsgTxt("Second argument must contain a valid header of the input array.\n");
	head  = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);		/* Get header info */

	/* Check that thirth argument contains at least a mx2 table */
	n_pts = mxGetM (prhs[2]);
	n_fields = mxGetN(prhs[2]);
	if (!mxIsNumeric(prhs[2]) || (n_fields < 2))
		mexErrMsgTxt("GRDTRACK ERROR: thirth argument must contain the x,y positions where to interpolate.\n");
	if (z_only)
		n_fields = 0;

	/* Read the interpolation points and convert them to double */
	if (mxIsDouble(prhs[2]))
		in = mxGetPr(prhs[2]);
	else if (mxIsSingle(prhs[2]))
		in = mxGetData(prhs[2]);

	grd.x_min = head[0];	grd.x_max = head[1];
	grd.y_min = head[2];	grd.y_max = head[3];
	grd.z_min = head[4];	grd.z_max = head[5];
	grd.x_inc = head[7];	grd.y_inc = head[8];
	grd.nx = nx;			grd.ny = ny;
	grd.node_offset = irint(head[6]);
	mx = nx + 4;

	if (west == east) {	/* No subset asked for */
		west = grd.x_min;
		east = grd.x_max;
		south = grd.y_min;
		north = grd.y_max;
	one_or_zero = (grd.node_offset) ? 0 : 1;
	half = (grd.node_offset) ? 0.5 : 0.0;
	nx = irint ( (east - west) / grd.x_inc) + one_or_zero;
	ny = irint ( (north - south) / grd.y_inc) + one_or_zero;
	i_dx = 1.0 / grd.x_inc;
	i_dy = 1.0 / grd.y_inc;

	if (!node) {
		/* If we don't have any point inside the two outer row/columns
		   there is no need to set boundary conditions plus all the extra
		   ovehead that it implies. So check it out here. */
		int n;
		double this_xmin, this_xmax, this_ymin, this_ymax;
		n = (interpolant == BCR_BILINEAR) ? 1 : 2;
		this_xmin = grd.x_min + n * grd.x_inc;
		this_xmax = grd.x_max - n * grd.x_inc;
		this_ymin = grd.y_min + n * grd.y_inc;
		this_ymax = grd.y_max - n * grd.y_inc;
		for (i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) {
			if (in[i] < this_xmin || in[i] > this_xmax) {
				need_padding = TRUE;
			if (in[i+n_pts] < this_ymin || in[i+n_pts] > this_ymax) {
				need_padding = TRUE;

#if original_GMT_code
	need_padding = TRUE;

	if (need_padding) row_maj = TRUE;	/* Here we have to use the old row major code */

	if (!need_padding) {		/* We can use the column major order of the Matlab array */

		if (!is_single)
			f = mxCalloc (nx * ny, sizeof (float));

		if (is_double) 
			for (j = 0; j < nx*ny; j++) f[j] = (float)z_8[j];

		else if (is_single) {
			f = z_4;
			free_copy = FALSE;	/* Signal that we shouldn't free f */

		else if (is_int32)
			for (j = 0; j < nx*ny; j++) f[j] = (float)i_4[j];

		else if (is_int16)
			for (j = 0; j < nx*ny; j++) f[j] = (float)i_2[j];

		else if (is_uint16)
			for (j = 0; j < nx*ny; j++) f[j] = (float)ui_2[j];

		else if (is_uint8)
			for (j = 0; j < nx*ny; j++) f[j] = (float)ui_1[j];

		else if (is_int8)
			for (j = 0; j < nx*ny; j++) f[j] = (float)i_1[j];

		GMT_pad[0] = GMT_pad[1] = GMT_pad[2] = GMT_pad[3] = 0;

	else {

		f = mxCalloc ((nx+4)*(ny+4), sizeof (float));

		/* Transpose from Matlab orientation to gmt grd orientation */
		if (is_double) {
			for (i = 0, i2 = ny - 1; i < ny; i++, i2--) {
				ii = (i2 + 2)*mx + 2;
				for (j = 0; j < nx; j++) f[ii + j] = (float)z_8[j*ny+i];
		else if (is_single) {
			for (i = 0, i2 = ny - 1; i < ny; i++, i2--) {
				ii = (i2 + 2)*mx + 2;
				for (j = 0; j < nx; j++) f[ii + j] = z_4[j*ny+i];
		else if (is_int32) {
			for (i = 0, i2 = ny - 1; i < ny; i++, i2--) {
				ii = (i2 + 2)*mx + 2;
				for (j = 0; j < nx; j++) f[ii + j] = (float)i_4[j*ny+i];
		else if (is_int16) {
			for (i = 0, i2 = ny - 1; i < ny; i++, i2--) {
			ii = (i2 + 2)*mx + 2;
				for (j = 0; j < nx; j++) f[ii + j] = (float)i_2[j*ny+i];
		else if (is_uint16) {
			for (i = 0, i2 = ny - 1; i < ny; i++, i2--) {
				ii = (i2 + 2)*mx + 2;
				for (j = 0; j < nx; j++) f[ii + j] = (float)ui_2[j*ny+i];
		else if (is_uint8) {
			for (i = 0, i2 = ny - 1; i < ny; i++, i2--) {
				ii = (i2 + 2)*mx + 2;
				for (j = 0; j < nx; j++) f[ii + j] = (float)ui_1[j*ny+i];
		else if (is_int8) {
			for (i = 0, i2 = ny - 1; i < ny; i++, i2--) {
				ii = (i2 + 2)*mx + 2;
				for (j = 0; j < nx; j++) f[ii + j] = (float)i_1[j*ny+i];

		GMT_pad[0] = GMT_pad[1] = GMT_pad[2] = GMT_pad[3] = 2;

		GMT_boundcond_param_prep (&grd, &edgeinfo);
	/*project_info.w = west;	project_info.e = east;
	project_info.s = south;	project_info.n = north;*/
	/* Initialize bcr structure:  */

	GMT_bcr_init (&grd, GMT_pad, interpolant, threshold, &bcr);

	if (need_padding)
		/* Set boundary conditions  */
		GMT_boundcond_set (&grd, &edgeinfo, GMT_pad, f);
	if ((out = mxCalloc(n_pts * (n_fields+1), sizeof (double))) == 0)
		mexErrMsgTxt("GRDTRACK ERROR: Could not allocate memory\n");

	for (i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) {
		while ( (mxIsNaN(in[i]) || mxIsNaN(in[i+n_pts])) && !z_only) {
			for (j = 0; j < n_fields; j++) out[j*n_pts+i] = in[j*n_pts+i];
			out[j*n_pts+i] = mxGetNaN();

		/* If point is outside grd area, shift it using periodicity or skip if not periodic. */
		while ( (in[i+n_pts] < grd.y_min) && (edgeinfo.nyp > 0) ) in[i+n_pts] += (grd.y_inc * edgeinfo.nyp);
		if (in[i+n_pts] < grd.y_min) continue;

		while ( (in[i+n_pts] > grd.y_max) && (edgeinfo.nyp > 0) ) in[i+n_pts] -= (grd.y_inc * edgeinfo.nyp);
		if (in[i+n_pts] > grd.y_max) continue;

		while ( (in[i] < grd.x_min) && (edgeinfo.nxp > 0) ) in[i] += (grd.x_inc * edgeinfo.nxp);
		if (in[i] < grd.x_min) continue;

		while ( (in[i] > grd.x_max) && (edgeinfo.nxp > 0) ) in[i] -= (grd.x_inc * edgeinfo.nxp);
		if (in[i] > grd.x_max) continue;
		if (node) {
			ii = irint ((in[i] - grd.x_min) * i_dx - half) + one_or_zero;
			jj = irint ((grd.y_max - in[i+n_pts]) * i_dy - half) + one_or_zero;
			value = f[(jj+GMT_pad[3])*mx+ii+GMT_pad[0]];
			value = GMT_get_bcr_z(&grd, in[i], in[i+n_pts], f, &edgeinfo, &bcr, row_maj);

		if (suppress && mxIsNaN (value)) continue;

		if (z_only) {	/* Simply print out value */
			out[i] = value;
		else {	/* Simply copy other columns, append value, and output */
			for (j = 0; j < n_fields; j++) out[j*n_pts+i] = in[j*n_pts+i];
			out[j*n_pts+i] = value;

	/*if (!(!need_padding && !is_single)) {
		mexPrintf("Merda vou Friar %d\t%d\n", need_padding, is_single);
		mxFree((void *)f);
	if (free_copy)
		mxFree((void *)f);

	plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix (n_pts,n_fields+1, mxREAL);
	pdata_d = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
	memcpy(pdata_d, out, n_pts*(n_fields+1)*8);
Esempio n. 16
int mxSetDimensions(mxArray *array_ptr, const int *dims, int ndim)
    if (mxIsCell(array_ptr))
        ((types::Cell *)array_ptr)->resize((int *)dims, ndim);
    else if (mxIsChar(array_ptr))
        ((types::String *)array_ptr)->resize((int *)dims, ndim);
    else if (mxIsDouble(array_ptr))
        ((types::Double *)array_ptr)->resize((int *)dims, ndim);
    else if (mxIsSparse(array_ptr))
    else if (mxIsInt8(array_ptr))
        ((types::Int8 *)array_ptr)->resize((int *)dims, ndim);
    else if (mxIsInt16(array_ptr))
        ((types::Int16 *)array_ptr)->resize((int *)dims, ndim);
    else if (mxIsInt32(array_ptr))
        ((types::Int32 *)array_ptr)->resize((int *)dims, ndim);
    else if (mxIsInt64(array_ptr))
        ((types::Int64 *)array_ptr)->resize((int *)dims, ndim);
    else if (mxIsLogical(array_ptr))
        ((types::Bool *)array_ptr)->resize((int *)dims, ndim);
    else if (mxIsStruct(array_ptr))
        ((types::Struct *)array_ptr)->resize((int *)dims, ndim);
    else if (mxIsUint8(array_ptr))
        ((types::UInt8 *)array_ptr)->resize((int *)dims, ndim);
    else if (mxIsUint16(array_ptr))
        ((types::UInt16 *)array_ptr)->resize((int *)dims, ndim);
    else if (mxIsUint32(array_ptr))
        ((types::UInt32 *)array_ptr)->resize((int *)dims, ndim);
    else if (mxIsUint64(array_ptr))
        ((types::UInt64 *)array_ptr)->resize((int *)dims, ndim);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 17
static void get_map_dat(int i, const mxArray *ptr, MAPTYPE *maps)
    mxArray *tmp;
    double *pr;
    int num_dims, j, t, dtype = 0;
    const mwSize *dims;
    unsigned char *dptr;

    if (tmp == (mxArray *)0)
        mexErrMsgTxt("Cant find dat.");
    if      (mxIsDouble(tmp)) dtype = SPM_DOUBLE;
    else if (mxIsSingle(tmp)) dtype = SPM_FLOAT;
    else if (mxIsInt32 (tmp)) dtype = SPM_SIGNED_INT;
    else if (mxIsUint32(tmp)) dtype = SPM_UNSIGNED_INT;
    else if (mxIsInt16 (tmp)) dtype = SPM_SIGNED_SHORT;
    else if (mxIsUint16(tmp)) dtype = SPM_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
    else if (mxIsInt8  (tmp)) dtype = SPM_SIGNED_CHAR;
    else if (mxIsUint8 (tmp)) dtype = SPM_UNSIGNED_CHAR;
        mexErrMsgTxt("Unknown volume datatype.");
    dptr  = (unsigned char *)mxGetPr(tmp);

    num_dims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(tmp);
    if (num_dims > 3)
        mexErrMsgTxt("Too many dimensions.");
    dims     = mxGetDimensions(tmp);
    for(j=0; j<num_dims; j++)
    for(j=num_dims; j<3; j++)
    if (tmp != (mxArray *)0)
        if (mxGetM(tmp)*mxGetN(tmp) != 3)
            mexErrMsgTxt("Wrong sized dim.");
        pr = mxGetPr(tmp);
        if (maps[i].dim[0] != (mwSize)fabs(pr[0]) ||
            maps[i].dim[1] != (mwSize)fabs(pr[1]) ||
            maps[i].dim[2] != (mwSize)fabs(pr[2]))
            mexErrMsgTxt("Incompatible volume dimensions in dim.");
    if (tmp != (mxArray *)0)
        if (mxGetM(tmp)*mxGetN(tmp) != 1 && mxGetM(tmp)*mxGetN(tmp) != 2)
            mexErrMsgTxt("Wrong sized dt.");
        pr = mxGetPr(tmp);
        if (dtype != (int)fabs(pr[0]))
            mexErrMsgTxt("Incompatible datatype in dt.");

    maps[i].addr      = 0;
    maps[i].len       = 0;
    maps[i].dtype  = dtype;
    maps[i].data   = (void  **)mxCalloc(maps[i].dim[2],sizeof(void *));
    maps[i].scale  = (double *)mxCalloc(maps[i].dim[2],sizeof(double));
    maps[i].offset = (double *)mxCalloc(maps[i].dim[2],sizeof(double));

    t   = maps[i].dim[0]*maps[i].dim[1]*get_datasize(maps[i].dtype)/8;
    tmp = mxGetField(ptr,i,"pinfo");
    if (tmp != (mxArray *)0)
        if ((mxGetM(tmp) != 2 && mxGetM(tmp) != 3) || (mxGetN(tmp) != 1 && mxGetN(tmp) != maps[i].dim[2]))
            mexErrMsgTxt("Wrong sized pinfo.");
        if (mxGetM(tmp) == 3 && mxGetPr(tmp)[2] != 0)
            mexErrMsgTxt("pinfo(3) must equal 0 to read dat field.");
        pr = mxGetPr(tmp);
        if (mxGetN(tmp) == 1)
            for(j=0; j<maps[i].dim[2]; j++)
                maps[i].scale[j]  = pr[0];
                maps[i].offset[j] = pr[1];
                maps[i].data[j]   = &(dptr[j*t]);
            for(j=0; j<maps[i].dim[2]; j++)
                maps[i].scale[j]  = pr[0+j*2];
                maps[i].offset[j] = pr[1+j*2];
                maps[i].data[j]   = &(dptr[j*t]);
        for(j=0; j<maps[i].dim[2]; j++)
            maps[i].scale[j]  = 1.0;
            maps[i].offset[j] = 0.0;
            maps[i].data[j]   = &(dptr[j*t]);
    if (tmp != (mxArray *)0)
        if (mxGetM(tmp) != 4 || mxGetN(tmp) != 4)
            mexErrMsgTxt("Wrong sized mat.");
        pr = mxGetPr(tmp);
        for(j=0; j<16; j++)
            maps[i].mat[j] = pr[j];
        for(j=0; j<16; j++)
            maps[i].mat[j] = 0.0;
        for(j=0; j<4; j++)
            maps[i].mat[j + j*4] = 1.0;
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs,
                 const mxArray *prhs[])
    char *CIN;
    int *DS, *WS, *SI, *ZIN;
    double *srww,*srwp,*srdp, *probs, *WC, *WWC, *ZZ;
    mwIndex *irww, *jcww, *irwp, *jcwp, *irdp, *jcdp;
    int *z,*d,*w, *s, *c, *sc, *order, *wp, *dp, *ztot, *wtot, *wc;
    int W,T,D,NN,SEED,OUTPUT, nzmax, nzmaxwp, nzmaxdp, ntokens;
    int i,j,cc,n,nt,wi,di;
    int startcond;

    mexPrintf( "GibbsSamplerLDACOL: entering...\n" );

    /* Check for proper number of arguments. */
    if (nrhs < 13) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("At least 13 input arguments required");
    } else if (nlhs != 5) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("5 output arguments required");

    //[ WP,DP,WC,C,Z ] = GibbsSamplerLDACOL( WS , DS , SI , WW , T , N , ALPHA , BETA , GAMMA0, GAMMA1 , DELTA , SEED , OUTPUT , CIN , ZIN );

    /* process the input arguments */
    if (mxIsInt32( prhs[ 0 ] ) != 1)
        mexErrMsgTxt("WS must be int32");
    WS = (int *)mxGetData(prhs[0]);

    if (mxIsInt32( prhs[ 1 ] ) != 1)
        mexErrMsgTxt("DS must be int32");
    DS = (int *)mxGetData(prhs[1]);

    if (mxIsInt32( prhs[ 2 ] ) != 1)
        mexErrMsgTxt("SI must be int32");
    SI = (int *)mxGetData(prhs[2]);

    //for (int yy=0;yy<20;yy++)
    //  printf("%2d: WS=%4u, DS=%4u, SI=%4u\n",yy,WS[yy],DS[yy],SI[yy]);

    if ((mxIsSparse( prhs[ 3 ] ) != 1) || (mxIsDouble( prhs[ 3 ] ) != 1))
        mexErrMsgTxt("WW collocation matrix must be a sparse double precision matrix");

    /* dealing with sparse array WW */
    srww = mxGetPr(prhs[3]);
    irww  = mxGetIr(prhs[3]);
    jcww  = mxGetJc(prhs[3]);
    nzmax= mxGetNzmax(prhs[3]);

    W    = mxGetM( prhs[3] );
    ntokens = mxGetM( prhs[ 0 ] ) * mxGetN( prhs[ 0 ] );

    D    = 0;
    for (i=0; i<ntokens; i++) {
        if (DS[ i ] > D) D = (int) DS[ i ];

    T    = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[4]);
    if (T<=0) mexErrMsgTxt("Number of topics must be greater than zero");

    NN    = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[5]);
    if (NN<0) mexErrMsgTxt("Number of iterations must be greater than zero");

    ALPHA = (double) mxGetScalar(prhs[6]);
    if (ALPHA<=0) mexErrMsgTxt("ALPHA must be greater than zero");

    BETA = (double) mxGetScalar(prhs[7]);
    if (BETA<=0) mexErrMsgTxt("BETA must be greater than zero");

    GAMMA0 = (double) mxGetScalar(prhs[8]);
    if (GAMMA0<=0) mexErrMsgTxt("GAMMA0 must be greater than zero");

    GAMMA1 = (double) mxGetScalar(prhs[9]);
    if (GAMMA1<=0) mexErrMsgTxt("GAMMA1 must be greater than zero");

    DELTA = (double) mxGetScalar(prhs[10]);
    if (DELTA<=0) mexErrMsgTxt("DELTA must be greater than zero");

    SEED = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[11]);
    // set the seed of the random number generator

    OUTPUT = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[12]);

    // assume that we start a new chain
    startcond = 0;

    if (nrhs > 13) {
        startcond = 1;

        if (mxIsInt8( prhs[ 13 ] ) != 1)
            mexErrMsgTxt("C must be int8");
        CIN =  (char*)mxGetData(prhs[13]);

        if (mxIsInt32( prhs[ 14 ] ) != 1)
            mexErrMsgTxt("Z must be int32");
        ZIN =  (int*)mxGetData(prhs[14]);

        //for (int yy=0;yy<20;yy++)
        //   printf("%2d: Z=%4u, C=%4u\n",yy,ZIN[yy],CIN[yy]);


    // seeding
    seedMT( 1 + SEED * 2 ); // seeding only works on uneven numbers

    /* allocate memory */
    if (OUTPUT==2) {
        mexPrintf( "GibbsSamplerLDACOL: Allocating z,d,w,s,c,sc\n" );
    z  = (int *) mxCalloc( ntokens , sizeof( int ));
    d  = (int *) mxCalloc( ntokens , sizeof( int ));
    w  = (int *) mxCalloc( ntokens , sizeof( int ));
    s  = (int *) mxCalloc( ntokens , sizeof( int ));
    c  = (int *) mxCalloc( ntokens , sizeof( int ));
    sc  = (int *) mxCalloc( ntokens , sizeof( int ));

    if (startcond==1) {
        if (OUTPUT==2) {
            mexPrintf( "GibbsSamplerLDACOL: Preparing c,z\n" );
        for (i=0; i<ntokens; i++) c[ i ] = (int) CIN[ i ];
        for (i=0; i<ntokens; i++) z[ i ] = (int) ZIN[ i ] - (int) 1;

    if (OUTPUT==2) {
        mexPrintf( "GibbsSamplerLDACOL: Preparing w,d,s\n" );
    for (i=0; i<ntokens; i++) w[ i ] = (int) (WS[ i ] - 1); // Matlab indexing not zero based
    for (i=0; i<ntokens; i++) d[ i ] = (int) (DS[ i ] - 1); // Matlab indexing not zero based
    for (i=0; i<ntokens; i++) s[ i ] = (int) SI[ i ];

    if (OUTPUT==2) {
        mexPrintf( "GibbsSamplerLDACOL: Allocating order,wp,dp,wc,ztot,wtot,probs\n" );
    order  = (int *) mxCalloc( ntokens , sizeof( int ));
    wp  = (int *) mxCalloc( T*W , sizeof( int ));
    dp  = (int *) mxCalloc( T*D , sizeof( int ));
    wc  = (int *) mxCalloc( W , sizeof( int ));
    ztot  = (int *) mxCalloc( T , sizeof( int ));
    wtot  = (int *) mxCalloc( W , sizeof( int ));
    probs  = (double *) mxCalloc( T , sizeof( double ));

    n = ntokens;

    /*for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
       mexPrintf( "i=%4d w[i]=%3d d[i]=%d z[i]=%d s[i]=%d\n" , i , w[i] , d[i] , z[i] , s[i] );

    if (OUTPUT==2) {
        mexPrintf( "Running LDA COL Gibbs Sampler Version 1.0\n" );
        if (startcond==1) mexPrintf( "Starting with C and Z vector given as input\n" );
        mexPrintf( "Arguments:\n" );
        mexPrintf( "\tNumber of words      W = %d\n" , W );
        mexPrintf( "\tNumber of docs       D = %d\n" , D );
        mexPrintf( "\tNumber of topics     T = %d\n" , T );
        mexPrintf( "\tNumber of iterations N = %d\n" , NN );
        mexPrintf( "\tHyperparameter   ALPHA = %4.4f\n" , ALPHA );
        mexPrintf( "\tHyperparameter    BETA = %4.4f\n" , BETA );
        mexPrintf( "\tHyperparameter  GAMMA0 = %4.4f\n" , GAMMA0 );
        mexPrintf( "\tHyperparameter  GAMMA1 = %4.4f\n" , GAMMA1 );
        mexPrintf( "\tHyperparameter  DELTA  = %4.4f\n" , DELTA );
        mexPrintf( "\tSeed number            = %d\n" , SEED );
        mexPrintf( "\tNumber of tokens       = %d\n" , ntokens );
        mexPrintf( "Internal Memory Allocation\n" );
        mexPrintf( "\tw,d,z,s,c,sc,order indices combined = %d bytes\n" , 7 * sizeof( int) * ntokens );
        mexPrintf( "\twp (full) matrix (%dx%d) = %d bytes\n" , W,T,sizeof( int ) * W * T  );
        mexPrintf( "\tdp (full) matrix (%dx%d) = %d bytes\n" , D,T,sizeof( int ) * D * T  );
        mexPrintf( "Checking: sizeof(char)=%d sizeof(int)=%d sizeof(long)=%d sizeof(double)=%d\n" , sizeof(char),sizeof(int) , sizeof(long) , sizeof(double));

    /* run the model */
    GibbsSamplerLDACOL( ALPHA, BETA, GAMMA0,GAMMA1,DELTA, W, T, D, NN, OUTPUT, n, z, d, w, s, c, sc, wp, dp, ztot, wtot, order, probs , srww, irww, jcww, wc, startcond );

    /* ---------------------------------------------
     Erasing variables to free memory
    if (OUTPUT==2) {
        mexPrintf( "Freeing internal memory from d,w,s,sc,ztot,wtot,probs\n");

    /* ---------------------------------------------
     convert the full wp matrix into a sparse matrix
    nzmaxwp = 0;
    for (i=0; i<W; i++) {
        for (j=0; j<T; j++)
            nzmaxwp += (int) ( *( wp + j + i*T )) > 0;

    if (OUTPUT==2) {
        mexPrintf( "Constructing sparse output matrix wp\n" );
        mexPrintf( "Number of nonzero entries for WP = %d\n" , nzmaxwp );

    plhs[0] = mxCreateSparse( W,T,nzmaxwp,mxREAL);
    srwp  = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
    irwp = mxGetIr(plhs[0]);
    jcwp = mxGetJc(plhs[0]);

    n = 0;
    for (j=0; j<T; j++) {
        *( jcwp + j ) = n;
        for (i=0; i<W; i++) {
            cc = (int) *( wp + i*T + j );
            if (cc >0) {
                *( srwp + n ) = cc;
                *( irwp + n ) = i;

    *( jcwp + T ) = n;

    if (OUTPUT==2) {
        mexPrintf( "Freeing internal memory from matrix 'wp'\n");

    /* ---------------------------------------------
     convert the full DP matrix into a sparse matrix
    nzmaxdp = 0;
    for (i=0; i<D; i++) {
        for (j=0; j<T; j++)
            nzmaxdp += (int) ( *( dp + j + i*T )) > 0;
    if (OUTPUT==2) {
        mexPrintf( "Constructing sparse output matrix dp\n" );
        mexPrintf( "Number of nonzero entries for DP = %d\n" , nzmaxdp );

    plhs[1] = mxCreateSparse( D,T,nzmaxdp,mxREAL);
    srdp  = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);
    irdp = mxGetIr(plhs[1]);
    jcdp = mxGetJc(plhs[1]);

    n = 0;
    for (j=0; j<T; j++) {
        *( jcdp + j ) = n;
        for (i=0; i<D; i++) {
            cc = (int) *( dp + i*T + j );
            if (cc >0) {
                *( srdp + n ) = cc;
                *( irdp + n ) = i;

    *( jcdp + T ) = n;

    if (OUTPUT==2) {
        mexPrintf( "Freeing internal memory from matrix 'dp'\n");

    /* ---------------------------------------------
       create the WC count matrix
    plhs[ 2 ] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix( W , 1 , mxREAL );
    WC = mxGetPr( plhs[ 2 ] );
    for (i=0; i<W; i++) WC[ i ] = (double) wc[ i ];

    if (OUTPUT==2) {
        mexPrintf( "Freeing internal memory from matrix 'wc'\n");

    /* ---------------------------------------------
       create the C route vector
    plhs[ 3 ] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix( ntokens , 1 , mxREAL );
    WWC = mxGetPr( plhs[ 3 ] );
    for (i=0; i<ntokens; i++) WWC[ i ] = (double) c[ i ];

    if (OUTPUT==2) {
        mexPrintf( "Freeing internal memory from matrix 'c'\n");

    /* ---------------------------------------------
       create the topic assignment vector
    plhs[ 4 ] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix( ntokens , 1 , mxREAL );
    ZZ = mxGetPr( plhs[ 4 ] );
    for (i=0; i<ntokens; i++) ZZ[ i ] = (double) z[ i ] + 1;

    if (OUTPUT==2) {
        mexPrintf( "Freeing internal memory from matrix 'z'\n");
