Esempio n. 1
void Controller::createBalloon(){
	//BALLOON CREATION RATE based on difficulty
	if (--iTimeBetweenBalloonCreation !=0)
	iTimeBetweenBalloonCreation = QUANTUM_WAIT_TIME + QUANTUM_WAIT_TIME*(FAST-mSpeed);		//if set to fast last term drops to 0 then balloons are created quickly

	//LOCATION  number between 0 and max balloon size for location
	int ilocx = rand()%(myScreenBufferSize.x -BALLOON_WIDTH);
	int ilocy = rand()%BALLOON_APPEAR_BAND_SIZE;	//anywhere withen first 5 lines
	location myLoc(ilocx, ilocy);


	SPEED iBalloonSpeed = (SPEED)((rand()%mSpeed) +1);	//make sure this falls between SLOW=1 and FAST=4

	Balloon aBalloon(myScreenBufferSize,myLoc,iHowLongBeforeFall,iBalloonSpeed);
Esempio n. 2
bool AI::runZombie()
  cout<<"Zombie Turn: "<<turnNum()<<endl;
  int freeToSpawn = (getZombieCap() - zombies.size()<getZombiesReady()?getZombieCap() - zombies.size():getZombiesReady());
  //cout<<"Cap: "<<getZombieCap()<<" Size: "<<zombies.size()<<" Ready: "<<getZombiesReady()<<" Spawning: "<<freeToSpawn<<endl;
  for(int s=0;s<freeToSpawn;s++)
  int index;
  for(unsigned int z=0;z<zombies.size();z++)
    location myLoc(zombies[z].x(),zombies[z].y());
    location inFrontOfMe = myLoc + offset[zombies[z].facing()];
      zombies[z].turn( (rand()%2==0?TURN_LEFT:TURN_RIGHT) );
    //if there is a wall in front of you
    else if((index=atLocation(walls,inFrontOfMe))!=-1)
//      cout<<"Zombie Facing Wall["<<index<<"] at "<<walls[index].x()<<" "<<walls[index].y()<<endl;
      //turns at random either left or right
      zombies[z].turn( (rand()%2==0?TURN_LEFT:TURN_RIGHT) );
    //if a human is directly in front of you
    else if((index=atLocation(humans,inFrontOfMe)) != -1)
      zombies[z].turn( (rand()%2==0?TURN_LEFT:TURN_RIGHT) );
    else //if nothing is directly in front of you
  return true;
void TypicalTimeOfLocalisationBuilt(std::string iInstance)
  // Creation of the instance
  Testio Instance(iInstance);

  // Time needed to build the localisation
  double ConstructionUserTime =  0;
  double ConstructionCPUTime = 0;
  // Time to explore a neighbourhood for Hamming distance equal to 1
  double Exploration1UserTime = 0;
  double Exploration1CPUTime = 0;
  // Time to explore a neighbourhood for Hamming distance equal to 2
  double Exploration2UserTime = 0;
  double Exploration2CPUTime = 0;
  // Time to explore a neighbourhood for Hamming distance equal to 3
  double Exploration3UserTime = 0;
  double Exploration3CPUTime = 0;
  // Time to execute a complete local search
  double LocalSearchUserTime = 0;
  double LocalSearchCPUTime = 0;

  int NbIter = 10;
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < NbIter; i++)
    Localisation myLoc(Instance, 0, 0);

    // Construction of the localisation
    double BeginUserTime =  get_wall_time();
    double BeginCPUTime = get_cpu_time();
    double EndCPUTime = get_cpu_time();
    double EndUserTime =  get_wall_time();
    ConstructionUserTime = ConstructionUserTime + EndUserTime - BeginUserTime;
    ConstructionCPUTime = ConstructionCPUTime + EndCPUTime - BeginCPUTime;

    // Exploration of a neighbourhood for Hamming distance equal to 1
    BeginUserTime =  get_wall_time();
    BeginCPUTime = get_cpu_time();
    EndCPUTime = get_cpu_time();
    EndUserTime =  get_wall_time();
    Exploration1UserTime = Exploration1UserTime + EndUserTime - BeginUserTime;
    Exploration1CPUTime = Exploration1CPUTime + EndCPUTime - BeginCPUTime;

    // Exploration of a neighbourhood for Hamming distance equal to 1
    BeginUserTime =  get_wall_time();
    BeginCPUTime = get_cpu_time();
    EndCPUTime = get_cpu_time();
    EndUserTime =  get_wall_time();
    Exploration2UserTime = Exploration2UserTime + EndUserTime - BeginUserTime;
    Exploration2CPUTime = Exploration2CPUTime + EndCPUTime - BeginCPUTime;

    // Exploration of a neighbourhood for Hamming distance equal to 1
    BeginUserTime =  get_wall_time();
    BeginCPUTime = get_cpu_time();
    EndCPUTime = get_cpu_time();
    EndUserTime =  get_wall_time();
    Exploration3UserTime = Exploration3UserTime + EndUserTime - BeginUserTime;
    Exploration3CPUTime = Exploration3CPUTime + EndCPUTime - BeginCPUTime;
  int NbLocalSearch = 5;
  for (i = 0; i < NbLocalSearch; i++)
    Localisation myLoc(Instance, 0, 0);

    // Construction of the localisation

    // Computation of a complete local search
    double BeginUserTime =  get_wall_time();
    double BeginCPUTime = get_cpu_time();
    double EndCPUTime = get_cpu_time();
    double EndUserTime =  get_wall_time();
    LocalSearchUserTime = LocalSearchUserTime + EndUserTime - BeginUserTime;
    LocalSearchCPUTime = LocalSearchCPUTime + EndCPUTime - BeginCPUTime;

  std::cout << "Time needed to build the localisation\n";
  std::cout << "  CPU time : " << ConstructionCPUTime/NbIter << "s\n";
  std::cout << "  User time: " << ConstructionUserTime/NbIter << "s\n";
  std::cout << "Time to explore a neighbourhood for Hamming distance equal to 1\n";
  std::cout << "  CPU time : " << Exploration1CPUTime/NbIter << "s\n";
  std::cout << "  User time: " << Exploration1UserTime/NbIter << "s\n";
  std::cout << "Time to explore a neighbourhood for Hamming distance equal to 2\n";
  std::cout << "  CPU time : " << Exploration2CPUTime/NbIter << "s\n";
  std::cout << "  User time: " << Exploration2UserTime/NbIter << "s\n";
  std::cout << "Time to explore a neighbourhood for Hamming distance equal to 3\n";
  std::cout << "  CPU time : " << Exploration3CPUTime/NbIter << "s\n";
  std::cout << "  User time: " << Exploration3UserTime/NbIter << "s\n";
  std::cout << "Time to execute a complete local search\n";
  std::cout << "  CPU time : " << LocalSearchCPUTime/NbLocalSearch << "s\n";
  std::cout << "  User time: " << LocalSearchUserTime/NbLocalSearch << "s\n";
  std::cout << "\n";