Esempio n. 1
/* 線の色は設定していない             */
void myMarkSquare(int patt_id){
		glLineWidth(3.0);             // 線の太さを設定
		glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP );
			glVertex3f( -object[patt_id].patt_width/2.0, -object[patt_id].patt_width/2.0, 0.0 );
			glVertex3f(  object[patt_id].patt_width/2.0, -object[patt_id].patt_width/2.0, 0.0 );
			glVertex3f(  object[patt_id].patt_width/2.0,  object[patt_id].patt_width/2.0, 0.0 );
			glVertex3f( -object[patt_id].patt_width/2.0,  object[patt_id].patt_width/2.0, 0.0 );
Vector<T> Matrix<T>::solve(Vector<T> b)
  Matrix<T> myMatrix(MatrixBase<T>::size());
  for(unsigned int i=0;i<myMatrix.size(); i++)
    for(unsigned int j=0;j<myMatrix.size(); j++)
      myMatrix[i][j] = operator()(i,j);
  //Forward elimination with partial pivoting
  for(unsigned int i=0;i<myMatrix.size()-1;i++) // need to eliminate things down to last column
    int rowWithMax;
    rowWithMax = myMatrix.findMaxRow(i); //find row # with maximum element in col xzcV
    //Eliminate all the values below swapped row
    T mult;  //used as the multiplier in the row operations
    for (unsigned int j=myMatrix.size()-1;j>i;j--)
      if(myMatrix[j][i] != 0)
        mult = -(myMatrix[j][i]/myMatrix[i][i]);
        myMatrix[j][i] = 0;
  //now solve the matrix using back substitution
  Vector<T> solution(myMatrix.size());
  //start at bottom row, work up.
  for(int i = myMatrix.size() - 1; i>=0; i--) 
    T subtractMe = 0;
    //gives 0 iterations at bottom row and one more for each row up after that
    for(int j = myMatrix.size() - 1 - i; j>0 ; j--)
      subtractMe = subtractMe + myMatrix[i][myMatrix.size()-j] * solution[solution.size()-j];
    solution[i] = (b[i] - subtractMe)/myMatrix[i][i];    
  return solution;
void dgCollisionScene::CollideCompoundPair (dgCollidingPairCollector::dgPair* const pair, dgCollisionParamProxy& proxy) const
	const dgNodeBase* stackPool[4 * DG_COMPOUND_STACK_DEPTH][2];

	dgContact* const constraint = pair->m_contact;
	dgBody* const myBody = constraint->GetBody1();
	dgBody* const otherBody = constraint->GetBody0();

	dgAssert (myBody == proxy.m_floatingBody);
	dgAssert (otherBody == proxy.m_referenceBody);

	dgCollisionInstance* const myCompoundInstance = myBody->m_collision;
	dgCollisionInstance* const otherCompoundInstance = otherBody->m_collision;

	dgAssert (myCompoundInstance->GetChildShape() == this);
	dgAssert (otherCompoundInstance->IsType (dgCollision::dgCollisionCompound_RTTI));
	dgCollisionCompound* const otherCompound = (dgCollisionCompound*)otherCompoundInstance->GetChildShape();

	const dgContactMaterial* const material = constraint->GetMaterial();

	dgMatrix myMatrix (myCompoundInstance->GetLocalMatrix() * myBody->m_matrix);
	dgMatrix otherMatrix (otherCompoundInstance->GetLocalMatrix() * otherBody->m_matrix);
	dgOOBBTestData data (otherMatrix * myMatrix.Inverse());

	dgInt32 stack = 1;
	stackPool[0][0] = m_root;
	stackPool[0][1] = otherCompound->m_root;

	const dgVector& hullVeloc = otherBody->m_veloc;
	dgFloat32 baseLinearSpeed = dgSqrt (hullVeloc % hullVeloc);

	dgFloat32 closestDist = dgFloat32 (1.0e10f);
	if (proxy.m_continueCollision && (baseLinearSpeed > dgFloat32 (1.0e-6f))) {
		dgAssert (0);
	} else {
		while (stack) {
			stack --;
			const dgNodeBase* const me = stackPool[stack][0];
			const dgNodeBase* const other = stackPool[stack][1];

			dgAssert (me && other);

			if (me->BoxTest (data, other)) {

				if ((me->m_type == m_leaf) && (other->m_type == m_leaf)) {
					dgAssert (!me->m_right);

					bool processContacts = true;
					if (material->m_compoundAABBOverlap) {
						processContacts = material->m_compoundAABBOverlap (*material, myBody, me->m_myNode, otherBody, other->m_myNode, proxy.m_threadIndex);

					if (processContacts) {
						const dgCollisionInstance* const mySrcInstance =  me->GetShape();
						const dgCollisionInstance* const otherSrcInstance =  other->GetShape();
						//dgCollisionInstance childInstance (*mySrcInstance, mySrcInstance->GetChildShape());
						//dgCollisionInstance otherInstance (*otherSrcInstance, otherSrcInstance->GetChildShape());
						dgCollisionInstance childInstance (*me->GetShape(), me->GetShape()->GetChildShape());
						dgCollisionInstance otherInstance (*other->GetShape(), other->GetShape()->GetChildShape());

						childInstance.SetGlobalMatrix(childInstance.GetLocalMatrix() * myMatrix);
						otherInstance.SetGlobalMatrix(otherInstance.GetLocalMatrix() * otherMatrix);
						proxy.m_floatingCollision = &childInstance;
						proxy.m_referenceCollision = &otherInstance;

						dgInt32 count = pair->m_contactCount;
						m_world->SceneChildContacts (pair, proxy);
						if (pair->m_contactCount > count) {
							dgContactPoint* const buffer = proxy.m_contacts;
							for (dgInt32 i = count; i < pair->m_contactCount; i ++) {
								//if (buffer[i].m_collision0 == proxy.m_floatingCollision) {
								//	buffer[i].m_collision0 = mySrcInstance;
								//if (buffer[i].m_collision1 == proxy.m_referenceCollision) {
								//	buffer[i].m_collision1 = otherSrcInstance;
								if (buffer[i].m_collision1->GetChildShape() == otherSrcInstance->GetChildShape()) {
									dgAssert(buffer[i].m_collision0->GetChildShape() == mySrcInstance->GetChildShape());
									buffer[i].m_collision0 = mySrcInstance;
									buffer[i].m_collision1 = otherSrcInstance;
								} else {
									dgAssert(buffer[i].m_collision1->GetChildShape() == mySrcInstance->GetChildShape());
									buffer[i].m_collision1 = mySrcInstance;
									buffer[i].m_collision0 = otherSrcInstance;

						closestDist = dgMin(closestDist, constraint->m_closestDistance);

				} else if (me->m_type == m_leaf) {
					dgAssert (other->m_type == m_node);

					stackPool[stack][0] = me;
					stackPool[stack][1] = other->m_left;
					dgAssert (stack < dgInt32 (sizeof (stackPool) / sizeof (dgNodeBase*)));

					stackPool[stack][0] = me;
					stackPool[stack][1] = other->m_right;
					dgAssert (stack < dgInt32 (sizeof (stackPool) / sizeof (dgNodeBase*)));

				} else if (other->m_type == m_leaf) {
					dgAssert (me->m_type == m_node);

					stackPool[stack][0] = me->m_left;
					stackPool[stack][1] = other;
					dgAssert (stack < dgInt32 (sizeof (stackPool) / sizeof (dgNodeBase*)));

					stackPool[stack][0] = me->m_right;
					stackPool[stack][1] = other;
					dgAssert (stack < dgInt32 (sizeof (stackPool) / sizeof (dgNodeBase*)));
				} else {
					dgAssert (me->m_type == m_node);
					dgAssert (other->m_type == m_node);

					stackPool[stack][0] = me->m_left;
					stackPool[stack][1] = other->m_left;
					dgAssert (stack < dgInt32 (sizeof (stackPool) / sizeof (dgNodeBase*)));

					stackPool[stack][0] = me->m_left;
					stackPool[stack][1] = other->m_right;
					dgAssert (stack < dgInt32 (sizeof (stackPool) / sizeof (dgNodeBase*)));

					stackPool[stack][0] = me->m_right;
					stackPool[stack][1] = other->m_left;
					dgAssert (stack < dgInt32 (sizeof (stackPool) / sizeof (dgNodeBase*)));

					stackPool[stack][0] = me->m_right;
					stackPool[stack][1] = other->m_right;
					dgAssert (stack < dgInt32 (sizeof (stackPool) / sizeof (dgNodeBase*)));
	constraint->m_closestDistance = closestDist;
Esempio n. 4
static void draw(void) {
	int i,j,k;
	float size = CUBE_SIZE;
	float normals[6][3] = {
		{ 0.0,  0.0, -1.0},
		{ 1.0,  0.0,  0.0},
		{ 0.0,  0.0,  1.0},
		{-1.0,  0.0,  0.0},
		{ 0.0,  1.0,  0.0},
		{ 0.0, -1.0,  0.0}
	float cube_points[8][3] ={
		{ -size, -size, -size },
		{  size, -size, -size },
		{  size, -size,  size },
		{ -size, -size,  size },
		{ -size,  size, -size },
		{  size,  size, -size },
		{  size,  size,  size },
		{ -size,  size,  size }

	/* 3Dオブジェクトを描画するための準備 */
	argDraw3dCamera(0, 0);

	glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); //バッファの消去
	glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );		// 陰面処理の適用

	glEnable( GL_LIGHTING );

	renew(); // フレーム毎の更新内容

	// 立方体
		glTranslated( c_trans[0], c_trans[1], c_trans[2]);//平行移動値の設定
		glRotatef(c_angle[0], 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
		glRotatef(c_angle[1], 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
		glRotatef(c_angle[2], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
		/* 前 */
		glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
		glBegin( GL_QUADS );
			mySetMaterial( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
			glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
			glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0); glVertex3fv(cube_points[0]);
			glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0); glVertex3fv(cube_points[1]);
			glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0); glVertex3fv(cube_points[5]);
			glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0); glVertex3fv(cube_points[4]);
		glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
		/* 右 */
		glBegin( GL_QUADS );
			mySetMaterial( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);

		/* 後ろ */
		glBegin( GL_QUADS );
			mySetMaterial( 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);

		/* 左 */
		glBegin( GL_QUADS );
			mySetMaterial( 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);

		/* 上 */
		glBegin( GL_QUADS );
			mySetMaterial( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

		/* 下 */
		glBegin( GL_QUADS );
			mySetMaterial( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);


	glDisable( GL_LIGHTING );
	glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );		// 陰面処理の適用
Esempio n. 5
Rcpp::StringMatrix proc_feature( Rcpp::StringVector myBed,
//                                 std::vector< int > POS,
                                 Rcpp::StringMatrix myData,
                                 int fill_missing
  // myBed is a StringVector:
  //  myBed(0) = chrom
  //  myBed(1) = chromStart
  //  myBed(2) = chromEnd
  //  myBed(3) = name
  // myData is a StringMatrix
  // column 0 = CHROM
  // column 1 = POS
  // Convert POS to ints
  std::vector< int > POS = get_pos(myData);
  // Create an empty matrix to return in exceptions.
  Rcpp::StringMatrix MT_matrix(0, myData.ncol());

  // Rcpp::StringVector myBed includes start and stop integer coordinates.
  // Convert Rcpp::StringVector elements to int
  std::string temp = Rcpp::as< std::string >( myBed(1) );
  int start = atoi(temp.c_str());
  temp = Rcpp::as< std::string >( myBed(2) );
  int end = atoi(temp.c_str());

  // Manage if feature is on reverse strand
  if(end < start){
    int tmp = start;
    start = end;
    end = tmp;

  // Increment i so that chromosome in myData
  // matches the chromosome in the single BED record.
  int i = 0; // Data row counter
  while ( myData(i,0) != myBed(0) && i < myData.nrow() ){
  // If we didn't find the chromosome return an empty matrix.
  if( i == myData.nrow() & fill_missing != 1 ){
    return MT_matrix;
//  Rcpp::Rcout << "  Found CHROM " << myBed(0) << " in myData CHROM:" << myData(i,0) << " POS:" << myData(i,1) << "\n";

  // We should now have i at the correct chromosome in myData.
  // POS is the integer recast of POS in myData.
  // We can now increment to the correct position in the chromosome
  // by incrementing to the start of teh annotation.
  // Increment to POS.
  while( myData(i,0) == myBed(0) && POS[i] < start && i < myData.nrow() ){
  // If we didn't find the POS return an empty matrix.
  if( i == myData.nrow() & fill_missing != 1 ){
    return MT_matrix;
//  Rcpp::Rcout << "  Found CHROM " << myBed(0) << " in myData POS:" << POS[i] << "\n";
  // Increment to the end of the feature
  int j=i;
  while( myData(j,0) == myBed(0) && POS[j] <= end && j < myData.nrow() ){
//  Rcpp::Rcout << "  Found end of feature at: " << POS[j-1] << "\n";

  // We now have the information to declare a return matrix
  // and populate it.
  if( fill_missing != 1 ){
    // Do not fill missubg data.
    Rcpp::StringMatrix myMatrix( j-i , myData.ncol());
    Rcpp::colnames(myMatrix) = Rcpp::colnames(myData);
    // Populate the return matrix
    for(int k = 0; k < myMatrix.nrow(); k++){
      myMatrix(k, Rcpp::_) = myData(k+i, Rcpp::_);
    return myMatrix;
  } else {
    // Fill missing data.
    Rcpp::StringMatrix myMatrix( end - start + 1 , myData.ncol());
    Rcpp::colnames(myMatrix) = Rcpp::colnames(myData);

    // Populate the return matrix
    if( i >= myData.nrow()){
      // No data
      for(int k = 0; k < myMatrix.nrow(); k++){
        myMatrix(k,0) = myBed(0);
//        myMatrix(k,1) = std::to_string(start + k);
        std::ostringstream stm;
        stm << start + k;
        myMatrix(k,1) = stm.str();
        myMatrix(k,2) = NA_STRING;
//        for(int m=2; m<myMatrix.ncol(); m++){
//          myMatrix(k,m) = NA_STRING;
//        }
    } else {
      // Data and possibly missing data    
      int l = 0;
      for(int k = 0; k < myMatrix.nrow(); k++){
        if( i + l < myData.nrow() ){
          // We have not overrun the file yet
          temp = Rcpp::as< std::string >( myData( i+l , 1 ) );
          int myPOS = atoi(temp.c_str());
//          int myPOS = stoi(temp);

          if( myPOS == start + k ){
//            myMatrix(k, Rcpp::_) = myData(k+i, Rcpp::_);
            myMatrix(k, Rcpp::_) = myData( i + l, Rcpp::_);

          } else {
            myMatrix(k,0) = myBed(0);
//            myMatrix(k,1) = std::to_string(myPOS);
            std::ostringstream stm;
            stm << myPOS;
            myMatrix(k,1) = stm.str();
            myMatrix(k,2) = NA_STRING;
            //myMatrix(k,1) = myBed(1) + k;
            //for(int m=2; m<myMatrix.ncol(); m++){
            //  myMatrix(k,m) = NA_STRING;
        } else {
          // We've overrun the rows in the file.
          myMatrix(k,0) = myBed(0);
//          myMatrix(k,1) = std::to_string( start + k );
          std::ostringstream stm;
          stm << start + k;
          myMatrix(k,1) = stm.str();

          myMatrix(k,2) = NA_STRING;
          //myMatrix(k,1) = myBed(1) + k;
          //for(int m=2; m<myMatrix.ncol(); m++){
          //  myMatrix(k,m) = NA_STRING;
    return myMatrix;

  Rcpp::Rcerr << "You should never get here, something bad has happened!\n";
Esempio n. 6
static void draw( void )
	static int before_visible[2] = {0, 0};
	static int Wire_count = -1;  // 出力する Wire の選択(0〜4)
	static int flag_first1 = 0;  // 一度でも hiro が見つかったら立つ
	int i;
	static double begin[3];
	double wtrans[3][4];
	double gl_para[16];
	/* 3Dオブジェクトを描画するための準備 */
	argDraw3dCamera(0, 0);

	/* Zバッファなどの設定 */
	glClear( GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT );	// 陰面処理の設定
	glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );		// 陰面処理の適用

	mySetLight();				// 光源の設定
	glEnable( GL_LIGHTING );	// 光源の適用

	/* マーカの出現と消失の処理 */

	/* マーカ1の処理 */
	if( myCheck_appear(before_visible[PTT1_MARK_ID], object[PTT1_MARK_ID].visible) ){
		begin[0] = object[PTT1_MARK_ID].patt_trans[0][3];
		begin[1] = object[PTT1_MARK_ID].patt_trans[1][3];
		begin[2] = object[PTT1_MARK_ID].patt_trans[2][3];

		points[L_P_count].flag_after_change = 0;
	if( myCheck_disappear(before_visible[PTT1_MARK_ID], object[PTT1_MARK_ID].visible) ){
		myCopyTrans( object[PTT1_MARK_ID].patt_trans, points[L_P_count].trans);
		points[L_P_count].start_point[0] = begin[0] - object[PTT1_MARK_ID].patt_trans[0][3];
		points[L_P_count].start_point[1] = -( begin[1] - object[PTT1_MARK_ID].patt_trans[1][3] ); // Y軸はカメラに対して反転しているので
		points[L_P_count].start_point[2] = -( begin[2] - object[PTT1_MARK_ID].patt_trans[2][3] ); // Z軸はカメラに対して反転しているので
		for(i=0; i<3; i++){
			points[L_P_count].end_point[i] = 0.0;
		myMoveBallInit( &points[L_P_count] );

		if(MAX_LINES <= L_P_count){
			L_P_count = 0;

	/* マーカ2の出現と消失 */
	if( myCheck_appear(before_visible[PTT2_MARK_ID], object[PTT2_MARK_ID].visible) ){
		for(i=0; i < L_P_count; i++){
			arUtilMatMul( itrans2, points[i].trans, wtrans);
			myCopyTrans( wtrans, points[i].trans);
			points[i].flag_after_change = 1;
	if( myCheck_disappear(before_visible[PTT2_MARK_ID], object[PTT2_MARK_ID].visible) ){
		for(i=0; i < L_P_count; i++){
			arUtilMatMul( object[PTT2_MARK_ID].patt_trans, points[i].trans, wtrans);
			myCopyTrans( wtrans, points[i].trans );

	/* 3Dオブジェクトの描画 */

	/* 過去に描いた線分の描画 */
	if(flag_first1 && L_P_count >= 1 && !(object[PTT2_MARK_ID].visible) ){
		mySelectColor( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); // 材質特性の設定
		glLineWidth( 5.0);
		for(i=0; i < L_P_count; i++){
			glPushMatrix(); // 念のため
				myMatrix( points[i].trans);
				myLineLoop(i, i+1);
			glPopMatrix();  // 念のため

	/* マーカ1(Hiro) が映ったときの処理 */
		flag_first1 = 1;

		/* 現在書いている線分の描画 */
		mySelectColor( 1.0, 0.8, 0.0); // 材質特性の設定
		glLineWidth( 5.0);

		glBegin( GL_LINES );
			glVertex3f( begin[0] - object[PTT1_MARK_ID].patt_trans[0][3], -( begin[1] - object[PTT1_MARK_ID].patt_trans[1][3] ),
				-( begin[2] - object[PTT1_MARK_ID].patt_trans[2][3] ) );
			glVertex3f( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );

		/* hiro のマーカを縁取り */
		mySelectColor( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // 材質特性の設定
		glLineWidth( 3.0);
		myMarkSquare (PTT1_MARK_ID);

	/* マーカ2(kanji) が表示されているとき */
		/* マーカ2の縁取り */
		mySelectColor( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); // 材質特性の設定
		glLineWidth( 3.0);
		myMarkSquare (PTT2_MARK_ID);

		/* 座標変換 */
		glLineWidth( 5.0);

		for(i=0; i < L_P_count; i++){
				mySelectColor( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // 材質特性の設定
				argConvGlpara( points[i].trans, gl_para );
				glMultMatrixd( gl_para );
				myLineLoop(i, i+1);
				if( flag_animation){
					myMoveBall( &points[i] );
					myMoveBall2( &points[i], i );

	visible_log(PTT_NUM, before_visible);	// 各マーカの visible 状態の記録
	glDisable( GL_LIGHTING );	// 光源の無効化
	glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );	// 陰面処理の無効化
Esempio n. 7
void ofxGLWarper::processMatrices(){
	//we set it to the default - 0 translation
	//and 1.0 scale for x y z and w
    myMatrix = ofMatrix4x4(); // default constructor generates identity
	//we need our points as opencv points
	//be nice to do this without opencv?
	CvPoint2D32f cvsrc[4];
	CvPoint2D32f cvdst[4];	
	//we set the warp coordinates
	//source coordinates as the dimensions of our window
	cvsrc[0].x = x;
	cvsrc[0].y = y;
	cvsrc[1].x = x+width;
	cvsrc[1].y = y;
	cvsrc[2].x = x+width;
	cvsrc[2].y = y+height;
	cvsrc[3].x = x;
	cvsrc[3].y = y+height;			
	//corners are in 0.0 - 1.0 range
	//so we scale up so that they are at the window's scale
	for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
		//cvdst[i].x = corners[i].x  * (float)width;
		//cvdst[i].y = corners[i].y * (float)height;
        cvdst[i].x = corners[i].x;
		cvdst[i].y = corners[i].y;
	//we create a matrix that will store the results
	//from openCV - this is a 3x3 2D matrix that is
	//row ordered
	CvMat * translate = cvCreateMat(3,3,CV_32FC1);
	//this is the slightly easier - but supposidly less
	//accurate warping method 
	//cvWarpPerspectiveQMatrix(cvsrc, cvdst, translate); 
	//for the more accurate method we need to create
	//a couple of matrixes that just act as containers
	//to store our points  - the nice thing with this 
	//method is you can give it more than four points!
	CvMat* src_mat = cvCreateMat( 4, 2, CV_32FC1 );
	CvMat* dst_mat = cvCreateMat( 4, 2, CV_32FC1 );
	//copy our points into the matrixes
	cvSetData( src_mat, cvsrc, sizeof(CvPoint2D32f));
	cvSetData( dst_mat, cvdst, sizeof(CvPoint2D32f));
	//figure out the warping!
	//warning - older versions of openCV had a bug
	//in this function.
	cvFindHomography(src_mat, dst_mat, translate);
	//get the matrix as a list of floats
	float *matrix = translate->data.fl;
	//we need to copy these values
	//from the 3x3 2D openCV matrix which is row ordered
	// ie:   [0][1][2] x
	//       [3][4][5] y
	//       [6][7][8] w
	//to openGL's 4x4 3D column ordered matrix
	//        x  y  z  w   
	// ie:   [0][3][ ][6]
	//       [1][4][ ][7]
	//		 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
	//       [2][5][ ][8]

        myMatrix(0,0) = matrix[0];
        myMatrix(1,0) = matrix[1];
        myMatrix(3,0) = matrix[2];

        myMatrix(0,1) = matrix[3];
        myMatrix(1,1) = matrix[4];
        myMatrix(3,1) = matrix[5];

        myMatrix(0,3) = matrix[6];
        myMatrix(1,3) = matrix[7];
        myMatrix(3,3) = matrix[8];