Esempio n. 1
 *  GLUT calls this routine when an arrow key is pressed
void special(int key,int x,int y)
   if(!fp) {
      //  Right arrow key - increase angle by 5 degrees
      if (key == GLUT_KEY_RIGHT)
         th += 5;
      //  Left arrow key - decrease angle by 5 degrees
      else if (key == GLUT_KEY_LEFT)
         th -= 5;
      //  Up arrow key - increase elevation by 5 degrees
      else if (key == GLUT_KEY_UP)
         ph += 5;
      //  Down arrow key - decrease elevation by 5 degrees
      else if (key == GLUT_KEY_DOWN)
         ph -= 5;
      //  PageUp key - increase dim
      else if (key == GLUT_KEY_PAGE_UP && dim>1)
         dim -= 0.1;
      //  PageDown key - decrease dim
      else if (key == GLUT_KEY_PAGE_DOWN)
         dim += 0.1;
      //  Keep angles to +/-360 degrees
      th %= 360;
      ph %= 360;
   //  Update projection
   //  Tell GLUT it is necessary to redisplay the scene
Esempio n. 2
 *  GLUT calls this routine when the window is resized
void reshape(int width,int height)
   //  Ratio of the width to the height of the window
   asp = (height>0) ? (double)width/height : 1;
   //  Set the viewport to the entire window
   glViewport(0,0, width,height);
   //  Set projection
Esempio n. 3
///		CUDA-lizable
void projectAllParticles(std::vector<Particle> &pars3d, std::vector<Particle> &pars2d)
	for(int i = 0; i < pars3d.size(); i++)
		double vPrjPos[3] = {0};

		if(!myProject( pars3d[i]._pos[0], pars3d[i]._pos[1], pars3d[i]._pos[2],
						modelview, projection, viewport, 
						vPrjPos + 0, vPrjPos + 1, vPrjPos + 2) )
			printf("gluProject fail.. %d\n", i);

		float vFvPrjPos[3] = {vPrjPos[0], vPrjPos[1], vPrjPos[2]};
		float vel[3] = {0};
		pars2d.push_back(Particle(pars3d[i].nId, vFvPrjPos, vel, pars3d[i]._color));
Esempio n. 4
 *  GLUT calls this routine when a key is pressed
void key(unsigned char ch,int x,int y)
   //  Exit on ESC
   if (ch == 27)
   //  Toggle axes
   else if (ch == '9')
      axes = 1-axes;
   //  Pause Light
   else if (ch == ' ') {
      move = 1-move;
   //  Move light
   else if (ch == '<')
      zh += 3;
   else if (ch == '>')
      zh -= 3;
   //  Toggle first person
   else if (ch == 'f' || ch == 'F')
      fp = 1-fp;

   if (fp) {
      double dt = 0.05;
      if (ch == 'w' || ch == 'W'){
         Ex += Cx*dt; //Update the eye vector based on the camera vector
         Ez += Cz*dt;
      else if (ch == 'a' || ch == 'A'){
         rot -= 3;
      else if (ch == 's' || ch == 'S'){
         Ex -= Cx*dt;
         Ez -= Cz*dt;
      else if (ch == 'd' || ch == 'D'){
         rot += 3;

      //  Keep angles to +/-360 degrees
      rot %= 360;
   else {
      //  Reset view angle
      if (ch == '0')
         th = ph = 0;
      //  Switch display mode
      else if (ch == 'm' || ch == 'M')
         mode = 1-mode;
      //  Change field of view angle
      else if (ch == '1')
      else if (ch == '2')
   //  Reproject
   //  Animate if requested
   //  Tell GLUT it is necessary to redisplay the scene