 * Hard codes the following directory structure:
 * root
 *   foo1 50  (Directory block 0) - NOTE: no actual directory file created
 *   foo2 60,70  (Directory block 1)
 *     bar1 80 (Directory block 1_1)
 *     hello.txt 100 (File block 1)
void test_file_operations_setup() {
  size_of_disk = dev_open();
  if (size_of_disk != 250000) {
    printf("\ntest_file_operations_setup FAIL.  Size of disk must be 250,000 blocks.\n");
  // Zero out buffers
  char buffer[BLOCKSIZE];
  char *buffer_ptr = buffer;
  char name[MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH];
  /** ROOT BLOCK **/  
  unsigned short bytes_allocated = HEADER_SIZE + 2 * FILE_NUM_PAIRINGS_SIZE;
  populate_file_header(buffer, ROOT_BLOCK, bytes_allocated, 'd');
  // Set directory one name and block number
  memset(name, 0, MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH);
  strcpy(name, "foo1");
  buffer_ptr += HEADER_SIZE;
  memcpy(buffer_ptr, name, MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH);
  unsigned int block_num = DIRECTORY_BLOCK_0;
  buffer_ptr += MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH;
  memcpy(buffer_ptr, &block_num, BYTES_IN_INT);
  // Set directory two name and block number
  memset(name, 0, MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH);
  buffer_ptr += BYTES_IN_INT;
  strcpy(name, "foo2");
  memcpy(buffer_ptr, name, MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH);
  block_num = DIRECTORY_BLOCK_1;
  buffer_ptr += MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH;
  memcpy(buffer_ptr, &block_num, BYTES_IN_INT);

  write_block(ROOT_BLOCK, buffer);
  setBlockInBitmapToStatus (1, ROOT_BLOCK);
  /** DIRECTORY 1 **/
  bytes_allocated = HEADER_SIZE + 1 * FILE_NUM_PAIRINGS_SIZE;
  populate_file_header(buffer, DIRECTORY_BLOCK_1_NEXT_BLOCK, bytes_allocated, 'd');
  // Set directory one name and block number
  memset(name, 0, MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH);
  strcpy(name, "bar1");
  buffer_ptr = buffer;
  buffer_ptr += HEADER_SIZE;
  memcpy(buffer_ptr, name, MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH);
  block_num = DIRECTORY_BLOCK_1_1;
  buffer_ptr += MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH;
  memcpy(buffer_ptr, &block_num, BYTES_IN_INT);

  write_block(DIRECTORY_BLOCK_1, buffer);
  setBlockInBitmapToStatus (1, DIRECTORY_BLOCK_1);
  bytes_allocated = HEADER_SIZE + 1 * FILE_NUM_PAIRINGS_SIZE;
  populate_file_header(buffer, ROOT_BLOCK, bytes_allocated, 'd');
  // Set directory one name and block number
  memset(name, 0, MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH);
  strcpy(name, "hello.txt");
  buffer_ptr = buffer;
  buffer_ptr += HEADER_SIZE;
  memcpy(buffer_ptr, name, MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH);
  block_num = FILE_BLOCK_1;
  buffer_ptr += MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH;
  memcpy(buffer_ptr, &block_num, BYTES_IN_INT);

  write_block(DIRECTORY_BLOCK_1_NEXT_BLOCK, buffer);
  setBlockInBitmapToStatus (1, DIRECTORY_BLOCK_1_NEXT_BLOCK);
  /** DIRECTORY 1_1 **/
  bytes_allocated = HEADER_SIZE;
  populate_file_header(buffer, ROOT_BLOCK, bytes_allocated, 'd');
  // Set directory one name and block number
  write_block(DIRECTORY_BLOCK_1_1, buffer);
  setBlockInBitmapToStatus (1, DIRECTORY_BLOCK_1_1);
Esempio n. 2
int main (int argc, char ** argv) {
	my_mkfs ();