Esempio n. 1
Vector Rosen34(
	Fun           &F , 
	size_t         M , 
	const Scalar &ti , 
	const Scalar &tf , 
	const Vector &xi ,
	Vector       &e )

	// check numeric type specifications

	// check simple vector class specifications
	CheckSimpleVector<Scalar, Vector>();

	// Parameters for Shampine's Rosenbrock method
	// are static to avoid recalculation on each call and 
	// do not use Vector to avoid possible memory leak
	static Scalar a[3] = {
		Scalar(3)   / Scalar(5)
	static Scalar b[2 * 2] = {
		Scalar(24)  / Scalar(25),
		Scalar(3)   / Scalar(25)
	static Scalar ct[4] = {
		Scalar(1)   / Scalar(2),
		- Scalar(3) / Scalar(2),
		Scalar(121) / Scalar(50),
		Scalar(29)  / Scalar(250)
	static Scalar cg[3 * 3] = {
		- Scalar(4),
		Scalar(186) / Scalar(25),
		Scalar(6)   / Scalar(5),
		- Scalar(56) / Scalar(125),
		- Scalar(27) / Scalar(125),
		- Scalar(1)  / Scalar(5)
	static Scalar d3[3] = {
		Scalar(97) / Scalar(108),
		Scalar(11) / Scalar(72),
		Scalar(25) / Scalar(216)
	static Scalar d4[4] = {
		Scalar(19)  / Scalar(18),
		Scalar(1)   / Scalar(4),
		Scalar(25)  / Scalar(216),
		Scalar(125) / Scalar(216)
		M >= 1,
		"Error in Rosen34: the number of steps is less than one"
		e.size() == xi.size(),
		"Error in Rosen34: size of e not equal to size of xi"
	size_t i, j, k, l, m;             // indices

	size_t  n    = xi.size();         // number of components in X(t)
	Scalar  ns   = Scalar(double(M)); // number of steps as Scalar object
	Scalar  h    = (tf - ti) / ns;    // step size 
	Scalar  zero = Scalar(0);         // some constants
	Scalar  one  = Scalar(1);
	Scalar  two  = Scalar(2);

	// permutation vectors needed for LU factorization routine
	CppAD::vector<size_t> ip(n), jp(n);

	// vectors used to store values returned by F
	Vector E(n * n), Eg(n), f_t(n);
	Vector g(n * 3), x3(n), x4(n), xf(n), ftmp(n), xtmp(n), nan_vec(n);

	// initialize e = 0, nan_vec = nan
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
	{	e[i]       = zero;
		nan_vec[i] = nan(zero);

	xf = xi;           // initialize solution
	for(m = 0; m < M; m++)
	{	// time at beginning of this interval
		Scalar t = ti * (Scalar(int(M - m)) / ns) 
		         + tf * (Scalar(int(m)) / ns);

		// value of x at beginning of this interval
		x3 = x4 = xf;

		// evaluate partial derivatives at beginning of this interval
		F.Ode_ind(t, xf, f_t);
		F.Ode_dep(t, xf, E);    // E = f_x
		if( hasnan(f_t) || hasnan(E) )
		{	e = nan_vec;
			return nan_vec;

		// E = I - f_x * h / 2
		for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
		{	for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
				E[i * n + j] = - E[i * n + j] * h / two;
			E[i * n + i] += one;

		// LU factor the matrix E
# ifndef NDEBUG
		int sign = LuFactor(ip, jp, E);
# else
		LuFactor(ip, jp, E);
# endif
			sign != 0,
			"Error in Rosen34: I - f_x * h / 2 not invertible"

		// loop over integration steps
		for(k = 0; k < 3; k++)
		{	// set location for next function evaluation
			xtmp = xf; 
			for(l = 0; l < k; l++)
			{	// loop over previous function evaluations
				Scalar bkl = b[(k-1)*2 + l];
				for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
				{	// loop over elements of x
					xtmp[i] += bkl * g[i*3 + l] * h;
			// ftmp = F(t + a[k] * h, xtmp)
			F.Ode(t + a[k] * h, xtmp, ftmp); 
			if( hasnan(ftmp) )
			{	e = nan_vec;
				return nan_vec;

			// Form Eg for this integration step
			for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
				Eg[i] = ftmp[i] + ct[k] * f_t[i] * h;
			for(l = 0; l < k; l++)
			{	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
					Eg[i] += cg[(k-1)*3 + l] * g[i*3 + l];

			// Solve the equation E * g = Eg
			LuInvert(ip, jp, E, Eg);

			// save solution and advance x3, x4
			for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
			{	g[i*3 + k]  = Eg[i];
				x3[i]      += h * d3[k] * Eg[i];
				x4[i]      += h * d4[k] * Eg[i];
		// Form Eg for last update to x4 only
		for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
			Eg[i] = ftmp[i] + ct[3] * f_t[i] * h;
		for(l = 0; l < 3; l++)
		{	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
				Eg[i] += cg[2*3 + l] * g[i*3 + l];

		// Solve the equation E * g = Eg
		LuInvert(ip, jp, E, Eg);

		// advance x4 and accumulate error bound
		for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
		{	x4[i] += h * d4[3] * Eg[i];

			// cant use abs because cppad.hpp may not be included
			Scalar diff = x4[i] - x3[i];
			if( diff < zero )
				e[i] -= diff;
			else	e[i] += diff;

		// advance xf for this step using x4
		xf = x4;
	return xf;
Esempio n. 2
Vector OdeErrControl(
	Method          &method,
	const Scalar    &ti    ,
	const Scalar    &tf    ,
	const Vector    &xi    ,
	const Scalar    &smin  ,
	const Scalar    &smax  ,
	Scalar          &scur  ,
	const Vector    &eabs  ,
	const Scalar    &erel  ,
	Vector          &ef    ,
	Vector          &maxabs,
	size_t          &nstep )
	// check simple vector class specifications
	CheckSimpleVector<Scalar, Vector>();

	size_t n = size_t(xi.size());

		smin <= smax,
		"Error in OdeErrControl: smin > smax"
		size_t(eabs.size()) == n,
		"Error in OdeErrControl: size of eabs is not equal to n"
		size_t(maxabs.size()) == n,
		"Error in OdeErrControl: size of maxabs is not equal to n"
	size_t m = method.order();
		m > 1,
		"Error in OdeErrControl: m is less than or equal one"

	bool    ok;
	bool    minimum_step;
	size_t  i;
	Vector xa(n), xb(n), eb(n), nan_vec(n);

	// initialization
	Scalar zero(0);
	Scalar one(1);
	Scalar two(2);
	Scalar three(3);
	Scalar m1(m-1);
	Scalar ta = ti;
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
	{	nan_vec[i] = nan(zero);
		ef[i]      = zero;
		xa[i]      = xi[i];
		if( zero <= xi[i] )
			maxabs[i] = xi[i];
		else	maxabs[i] = - xi[i];

	nstep = 0;

	Scalar tb, step, lambda, axbi, a, r, root;
	while( ! (ta == tf) )
	{	// start with value suggested by error criteria
		step = scur;

		// check maximum
		if( smax <= step )
			step = smax;

		// check minimum
		minimum_step = step <= smin;
		if( minimum_step )
			step = smin;

		// check if near the end
		if( tf <= ta + step * three / two )
			tb = tf;
		else	tb = ta + step;

		// try using this step size
		method.step(ta, tb, xa, xb, eb);
		step = tb - ta;

		// check if this steps error estimate is ok
		ok = ! (hasnan(xb) || hasnan(eb));
		if( (! ok) && minimum_step )
		{	ef = nan_vec;
			return nan_vec;

		// compute value of lambda for this step
		lambda = Scalar(10) * scur / step;
		for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
		{	if( zero <= xb[i] )
				axbi = xb[i];
			else	axbi = - xb[i];
			a    = eabs[i] + erel * axbi;
			if( ! (eb[i] == zero) )
			{	r = ( a / eb[i] ) * step / (tf - ti);
				root = exp( log(r) / m1 );
				if( root <= lambda )
					lambda = root;
		if( ok && ( one <= lambda || step <= smin * three / two) )
		{	// this step is within error limits or
			// close to the minimum size
			ta = tb;
			for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
			{	xa[i] = xb[i];
				ef[i] = ef[i] + eb[i];
				if( zero <= xb[i] )
					axbi = xb[i];
				else	axbi = - xb[i];
				if( axbi > maxabs[i] )
					maxabs[i] = axbi;
		if( ! ok )
		{	// decrease step an see if method will work this time
			scur = step / two;
		else if( ! (ta == tf) )
		{	// step suggested by the error criteria is not used
			// on the last step because it may be very small.
			scur = lambda * step / two;
	return xa;