Esempio n. 1
int main(int argc, char** argv)

	ROS_INFO("Running babslam_main...");

	srand (static_cast <unsigned> (time(0)));
	ros::init(argc, argv, "babs_slam");

	ros::NodeHandle nh_;

	babs_slam babs(&nh_);
	ros::Rate naptime(1/babs.dt);
	bool warmedup = false;
		ROS_INFO("waiting for data");




    return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    ros::init(argc, argv, "minimal_publisher2"); // name of this node will be "minimal_publisher2"
    ros::NodeHandle n; // two lines to create a publisher object that can talk to ROS
    ros::Publisher my_publisher_object = n.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>("topic1", 1);
    //"topic1" is the name of the topic to which we will publish
    // the "1" argument says to use a buffer size of 1; could make larger, if expect network backups
    std_msgs::Float64 input_float; //create a variable of type "Float64", 
    // as defined in: /opt/ros/indigo/share/std_msgs
    // any message published on a ROS topic must have a pre-defined format, 
    // so subscribers know how to interpret the serialized data transmission
   ros::Rate naptime(1.0); //create a ros object from the ros “Rate” class; 
   //set the sleep timer for 1Hz repetition rate (arg is in units of Hz) = 0.0;
    // do work here in infinite loop (desired for this example), but terminate if detect ROS has faulted
    while (ros::ok()) 
        // this loop has no sleep timer, and thus it will consume excessive CPU time
        // expect one core to be 100% dedicated (wastefully) to this small task = + 0.001; //increment by 0.001 each iteration
        my_publisher_object.publish(input_float); // publish the value--of type Float64-- 
        //to the topic "topic1"
	//the next line will cause the loop to sleep for the balance of the desired period 
        // to achieve the specified loop frequency 
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    ros::init(argc, argv, "test_baxter_gripper"); 
    ros::NodeHandle n; 
    ros::Publisher gripper_publisher_object = n.advertise<baxter_core_msgs::EndEffectorCommand>("/robot/end_effector/right_gripper/command", 1);
    ros::Rate naptime(1.0);
    //define and populate messages for gripper control:
    baxter_core_msgs::EndEffectorCommand gripper_cmd_open, gripper_cmd_close; 
    gripper_cmd_open.command ="go";
    gripper_cmd_open.args = "{'position': 100.0}'";
    gripper_cmd_open.sender = "gripper_publisher";
    gripper_cmd_close.command ="go";
    gripper_cmd_close.args = "{'position': 0.0}'";
    gripper_cmd_close.sender = "gripper_publisher";
    // do work here in infinite loop (desired for this example), but terminate if detect ROS has faulted
    while (ros::ok()) 
        //close the right gripper fully
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    ros::init(argc, argv, "urdf_rviz_commander"); // minimal_commander node
    ros::NodeHandle n;
    ros::Publisher joint_publisher = n.advertise<sensor_msgs::JointState>("joint_states", 1); // publish to vel_cmd topic
    ros::Rate naptime(10); // update @ 10hz

    double pi = 3.14159; // value of pi
    double t = 0; // current time in calculation
    double dt = 0.01; // timestep for calculation
    double sine1; // sine output for joint1
    double sine2; // sine output for joint2
    double amplitude1 = pi; // amplitude value for joint1
    double frequency1 = 1; // frequency value for joint1
    double amplitude2 = pi; // amplitude value for joint2
    double frequency2 = 4; // frequency value for joint2
    std::vector<double> position(2, 0);
    std::vector<std::string> name;
    std::vector<std::string>::iterator nameIt;
    sensor_msgs::JointState output; // message wrapper for sine output
    while (ros::ok()) {
        sine1 = amplitude1 * sin(2*pi*frequency1*t); // Calculate sine1
        sine2 = amplitude2 * sin(2*pi*frequency2*t); // Calculate sine2
        output.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); = name;
        position[0] = sine1; // Store sine value in proper message format
        position[1] = sine2;
        output.position = position;
        joint_publisher.publish(output); // Publish value to vel_cmd topic
        t += dt; // Increment t by timeset dt
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    ros::init(argc, argv, "hand_open_close_test"); 
    ros::NodeHandle n; 

    //std::cout<<"enter motor_id to test: ";
    int motor_id=1; // hard coded for bare motor
    char cmd_topic_name[50];
    ROS_INFO("using command topic: %s",cmd_topic_name);

    char cmd_topic_toggle[50];

    ros::Publisher dyn_pub = n.advertise<std_msgs::Int16>(cmd_topic_name, 1);
    ros::Publisher torque_toggle = n.advertise<std_msgs::Bool>(cmd_topic_toggle, 1);

    ros::Subscriber manual_cmd_subscriber = n.subscribe("gripper_cmd",1,manualCmdCB);     

    std_msgs::Int16 cmd_msg;
    std_msgs::Bool toggle_msg;
   double dt = 0.02; // repeat at freq 1/dt
   ros::Rate naptime(1/dt); //create a ros object from the ros “Rate” class; 

// initialize motor to position mode and open hand = 0; = 3000; 
    // do work here in infinite loop (desired for this example), but terminate if detect ROS has faulted
    while (ros::ok()) 
    { = input_command;

  	if ( == 0)
   	  ROS_INFO("sending open command"); = 3000; //setting open value (position)

  	if ( == 1)
   	  ROS_INFO("sending close command"); = 80; //setting close value (torque). This should firmly grip the larger blocks and loosely grip the smaller blocks

	torque_toggle.publish(toggle_msg); // publish the operation mode (position/torque) to the motor node
        dyn_pub.publish(cmd_msg); // publish the command to the motor node

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    ros::init(argc, argv, "dynamixel_sin_test"); 
    ros::NodeHandle n; 

    //std::cout<<"enter motor_id to test: ";
    int motor_id=2; // hard coded for Yale hand
    char cmd_topic_name[50];
    ROS_INFO("using command topic: %s",cmd_topic_name);

    ros::Publisher torque_pub = n.advertise<std_msgs::Int16>(cmd_topic_name, 1);
    std_msgs::Int16 int_torque; 
   double dt = 0.02; // repeat at freq 1/dt
   ros::Rate naptime(1/dt); //create a ros object from the ros “Rate” class; = 0.0;

    //double mid_angle = 3500;
    //double amp = 500;
    //double omega = 0.1*2*M_PI; // in Hz 
    //double phase = 0;
    //double dbl_ang=0.0;
    short int int_ang=3500; // mak237, initialize hand at mid position for safety
    short int int_trq=0; // initialize torque to 0 to keep still
    int cycle_counter = 0;
    // do work here in infinite loop (desired for this example), but terminate if detect ROS has faulted
    while (ros::ok()) 
        //phase += omega*dt;
        //dbl_ang = amp*sin(phase)+mid_angle;
	//int_ang = (short int) dbl_ang;
// mak237, modified code to move between two positions at set intervals
	if (cycle_counter <= (2 * (1/dt))) // 2 is a magic number indicating holding the position for 2 seconds
	    int_trq = 0;
	else if (cycle_counter > (2 * (1/dt))) // 2 is a magic number indicating changing the set torque
	    int_trq = 64;
	} = int_trq;
        ROS_INFO("sending: %d",int_trq);
        torque_pub.publish(int_torque); // publish the value--of type Float64-- 
	cycle_counter++; // increment counter to indicate a cycle has passed
	// If more than 4 seconds have elapsed reset the counter to the initial state
	if (cycle_counter >= (4 * (1/dt)))  
	    cycle_counter = 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    ros::init(argc, argv, "dynamixel_gripper_subscriber"); 
    ros::NodeHandle n; 

    //std::cout<<"enter motor_id to test: ";
    int motor_id=1; // hard coded for Yale hand
    char cmd_topic_name[50];
    ROS_INFO("using command topic: %s",cmd_topic_name);

    ros::Publisher dyn_pub = n.advertise<std_msgs::Int16>(cmd_topic_name, 1);
    ros::Subscriber manual_cmd_subscriber = n.subscribe("manual_cmd",1,manualCmdCB);     

    std_msgs::Int16 int_angle; 
   double dt = 0.02; // repeat at freq 1/dt
   ros::Rate naptime(1/dt); //create a ros object from the ros “Rate” class; = 3000; // initialize hand at full open

    int cycle_counter = 0;
    // do work here in infinite loop (desired for this example), but terminate if detect ROS has faulted
    while (ros::ok()) 

	// Using the input position as a boolean input
	// 1 is open and 0 is close because any input other than 0 and 1 defaults to 1
	// This should cause the hand to open in the event of a malformed command.

	// If input is 1 open hand
	if (gripper_pos == 1)  
	{ = 3000;
            ROS_INFO("sending open command");

	// If input is 2 close hand
	else if (gripper_pos == 0)  
	{ = 3800;
            ROS_INFO("sending close command");


int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	ros::init(argc, argv, "minimal_commander"); //initializing this node with the correct name for ROS
	ros::NodeHandle handle; //designating node handle

	//setup the service client for receiving data
	ros::ServiceClient client = handle.serviceClient<msd78_assgn2::sine_params>("velocity_command_service");
	msd78_assgn2::sine_params srv; //create service request message = "velocity"; //set message type for correct service retrieval

	//create a publisher for the vel_cmd subject to output the step values of the sinusoid
	ros::Publisher sine_publisher = handle.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>("vel_cmd", 1);

	std_msgs::Float64 vel; //published message for vel_cmd topic

	int amp; //sinusoid amplitude, set by service
	double freq; //sinusoid frequency, set by service
	double time = 0; //stores time passed while running for the sine function

	ros::Rate naptime(10.0); //set sleep rate at frequency rate - will only publish with new values

	//while roscore is running, publish
	while(ros::ok()) {
		if( {
			//need to store results from service request in local variables
			amp = srv.response.amplitude;
			freq = srv.response.frequency;

			//calculate the sine as =amp*sine of (2*PI*freq*time) = amp*sin(2*PI*freq*time);

			//update time via the inverse of frequency
			//the time passed for each cycle is 1/freq
			time += 0.5; 
			//publish velocity
			naptime.sleep(); //rest between cycle outputs
		} else {
			//failed to get a response from the service 
			ROS_INFO("Failed to receive a response from the client"); 
			return 1;	
	return 0; //roscore has died
Esempio n. 9
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  ros::init(argc, argv, "minimal_commander");
  ROS_INFO("New node based on minimal_publisher node.");
  double dt=.010;

ros::NodeHandle n;// two lines to create a publisher object that can talk to ROS
    ros::Publisher my_publisher_object = n.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>("vel_cmd", 1);
    // "vel_cmd" is the name of the topic to which we will publish
    // the "1" argument says to use a buffer size of 1; could make larger, if expect network backups

    ros::ServiceServer service = n.advertiseService("amp_freq", callback);
    ROS_INFO("Ready to accept amplitude and frequency values.");
    std_msgs::Float64 input_float, vel_cmd; //create a variable of type "Float64", 
    // as defined in: /opt/ros/indigo/share/std_msgs
    // any message published on a ROS topic must have a pre-defined format, 
    // so subscribers know how to interpret the serialized data transmission
   ros::Rate naptime(1/dt); //create a ros object from the ros “Rate” class;
   //set the sleep timer for 100Hz repetition rate (arg is in units of Hz) = 0.0; = 0.0;
    // Based on the minimal_publisher node provided.
    // do work here in infinite loop (desired for this example), but terminate if detect ROS has faulted
    while (ros::ok())
        // this loop has no sleep timer, and thus it will consume excessive CPU time
        // expect one core to be 100% dedicated (wastefully) to this small task = + dt; // increment by 0.0001 each iteration*sin(2*PI*frequency*;
        my_publisher_object.publish(vel_cmd); // publish the value--of type Float64--
        // to the topic "topic1"
  // the next line will cause the loop to sleep for the balance of the desired period 
        // to achieve the specified loop frequency 

Esempio n. 10
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    ros::init(argc, argv, "minimal_controller"); //name this node 
    // when this compiled code is run, ROS will recognize it as a node called "minimal_controller" 
    ros::NodeHandle nh; // node handle 

    ros::Subscriber my_subscriber_object2 = nh.subscribe("pos_cmd", 1, myCallbackPosCmd);

    ros::Publisher my_publisher_object = nh.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>("vel_cmd", 1);

    double a = 1.0; // velocity feedback gain 
    double dt_controller = 0.1; //specify 10Hz controller sample rate (pretty slow, but 
    double sample_rate = 1.0 / dt_controller; // compute the corresponding update frequency 
    ros::Rate naptime(sample_rate); // use to regulate loop rate = 0.0; // initialize force to 0; will get updated by callback = 0.0; // init velocity command to zero 
    double vel_max = 0.0;
    double d = 0.0;
    int p = 0;

    while (ros::ok()) {
        d = - 0;
	vel_max = sqrt(d*a);
        if(p == 0 && <= vel_max){ = + a*dt_controller;}
        else if (p == 0 && >= vel_max){p = 1;}
        else if (p == 1 && >= 0){ = - a*dt_controller;}
        else if (p == 1 && <= 0){p = 2;}
        else if (p == 2){ = 0;}

        my_publisher_object.publish(g_vel); // publish the control effort computed by this 
        ROS_INFO("velocity command = %f, %i, %f",, p, vel_max);
        ros::spinOnce(); //allow data update from callback; 
        naptime.sleep(); // wait for remainder of specified period; 
    return 0; // should never get here, unless roscore dies 
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    ros::init(argc, argv, "example_ros_message_publisher"); // name of this node 
    ros::NodeHandle n; // two lines to create a publisher object that can talk to ROS
    ros::Publisher my_publisher_object = n.advertise<example_ros_msg::example_message>("example_topic", 1);
    //"example_topic" is the name of the topic to which we will publish
    // the "1" argument says to use a buffer size of 1; could make larger, if expect network backups
    example_ros_msg::example_message  my_new_message;
    //create a variable of type "example_msg", 
    // as defined in this package
   ros::Rate naptime(1.0); //create a ros object from the ros “Rate” class; 
   //set the sleep timer for 1Hz repetition rate (arg is in units of Hz)

   // put some data in the header.  Do: rosmsg show std_msgs/Header
   //  to see the definition of "Header" in std_msgs
    my_new_message.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); //set the time stamp in the header;
    my_new_message.header.seq=0; // call this sequence number zero
    my_new_message.header.frame_id = "base_frame"; // would want to put true reference frame name here, if needed for coord transforms
    my_new_message.demo_int= 1;
    double sqrt_arg;
    // do work here in infinite loop (desired for this example), but terminate if detect ROS has faulted
    while (ros::ok()) 
       my_new_message.header.seq++; //increment the sequence counter
       my_new_message.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); //update the time stamp
       my_new_message.demo_int*=2.0; //double the integer in this field
       sqrt_arg = my_new_message.demo_double;
       my_new_message.demo_double = sqrt(sqrt_arg);
        my_publisher_object.publish(my_new_message); // publish the data in new message format on topic "example_topic"
	//the next line will cause the loop to sleep for the balance of the desired period 
        // to achieve the specified loop frequency 
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    ros::init(argc, argv, "minimal_commander"); // minimal_commander node
    ros::NodeHandle n;
    ros::Publisher command_publisher = n.advertise<std_msgs::Float64>("vel_cmd", 1); // publish to vel_cmd topic
    ros::Rate naptime(10); // update @ 10hz

    double pi = 3.14159; // value of pi
    double t = 0; // current time in calculation
    double dt = 0.1; // timestep for calculation
    double sine; // sine output
    double amplitude = 1; // amplitude value for sine 
    double frequency = 1; // frequency value for sine
    std_msgs::Float64 output; // message wrapper for sine output

    while (ros::ok()) {
        sine = amplitude * sin(2*pi*frequency*t); // Calculate sine value = sine; // Store sine value in proper message format
        command_publisher.publish(output); // Publish value to vel_cmd topic
        t += dt; // Increment t by timeset dt