Esempio n. 1
int ex_put_prop (int   exoid,
                 ex_entity_type obj_type,
                 ex_entity_id   obj_id,
                 const char *prop_name,
                 ex_entity_id   value)
  int status;
  int oldfill = 0;
  int temp;
  int found = FALSE;
  int num_props, i, dimid, propid, dims[1];
  int int_type;
  size_t start[1]; 
  size_t prop_name_len, name_length;
  char name[MAX_VAR_NAME_LENGTH+1];
  char tmpstr[MAX_STR_LENGTH+1];
  char dim_name[MAX_VAR_NAME_LENGTH+1];
  long long vals[1];

  char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH];

  exerrval  = 0; /* clear error code */

  /* check if property has already been created */

  num_props = ex_get_num_props(exoid, obj_type);

  if (num_props > 1) {  /* any properties other than the default 1? */

    for (i=1; i<=num_props; i++) {
      switch (obj_type) {
      case EX_ELEM_BLOCK:
	strcpy (name, VAR_EB_PROP(i));
      case EX_EDGE_BLOCK:
	strcpy (name, VAR_ED_PROP(i));
      case EX_FACE_BLOCK:
	strcpy (name, VAR_FA_PROP(i));
      case EX_NODE_SET:
	strcpy (name, VAR_NS_PROP(i));
      case EX_EDGE_SET:
	strcpy (name, VAR_ES_PROP(i));
      case EX_FACE_SET:
	strcpy (name, VAR_FS_PROP(i));
      case EX_ELEM_SET:
	strcpy (name, VAR_ELS_PROP(i));
      case EX_SIDE_SET:
	strcpy (name, VAR_SS_PROP(i));
      case EX_ELEM_MAP:
	strcpy (name, VAR_EM_PROP(i));
      case EX_FACE_MAP:
	strcpy (name, VAR_FAM_PROP(i));
      case EX_EDGE_MAP:
	strcpy (name, VAR_EDM_PROP(i));
      case EX_NODE_MAP:
	strcpy (name, VAR_NM_PROP(i));
	exerrval = EX_BADPARAM;
	sprintf(errmsg, "Error: object type %d not supported; file id %d",
		obj_type, exoid);

      if ((status = nc_inq_varid(exoid, name, &propid)) != NC_NOERR) {
	exerrval = status;
		"Error: failed to get property array id in file id %d",
	return (EX_FATAL);

      /*   compare stored attribute name with passed property name   */
      memset(tmpstr, 0, MAX_STR_LENGTH+1);
      if ((status = nc_get_att_text(exoid, propid, ATT_PROP_NAME, tmpstr)) != NC_NOERR) {
	exerrval = status;
		"Error: failed to get property name in file id %d", exoid);
	return (EX_FATAL);

      if (strcmp(tmpstr, prop_name) == 0) {
	found = TRUE;

  /* if property array has not been created, create it */
  if (!found) {

    name_length = ex_inquire_int(exoid, EX_INQ_DB_MAX_ALLOWED_NAME_LENGTH)+1;

    /* put netcdf file into define mode  */
    if ((status = nc_redef (exoid)) != NC_NOERR) {
      exerrval = status;
      sprintf(errmsg,"Error: failed to place file id %d into define mode",exoid);
      return (EX_FATAL);

    /*   create a variable with a name xx_prop#, where # is the new number   */
    /*   of the property                                                     */

    switch (obj_type){
    case EX_ELEM_BLOCK:
      strcpy (name, VAR_EB_PROP(num_props+1));
      strcpy (dim_name, DIM_NUM_EL_BLK);
    case EX_FACE_BLOCK:
      strcpy (name, VAR_FA_PROP(num_props+1));
      strcpy (dim_name, DIM_NUM_FA_BLK);
    case EX_EDGE_BLOCK:
      strcpy (name, VAR_ED_PROP(num_props+1));
      strcpy (dim_name, DIM_NUM_ED_BLK);
    case EX_NODE_SET:
      strcpy (name, VAR_NS_PROP(num_props+1));
      strcpy (dim_name, DIM_NUM_NS);
    case EX_EDGE_SET:
      strcpy (name, VAR_ES_PROP(num_props+1));
      strcpy (dim_name, DIM_NUM_ES);
    case EX_FACE_SET:
      strcpy (name, VAR_FS_PROP(num_props+1));
      strcpy (dim_name, DIM_NUM_FS);
    case EX_ELEM_SET:
      strcpy (name, VAR_ELS_PROP(num_props+1));
      strcpy (dim_name, DIM_NUM_ELS);
    case EX_SIDE_SET:
      strcpy (name, VAR_SS_PROP(num_props+1));
      strcpy (dim_name, DIM_NUM_SS);
    case EX_ELEM_MAP:
      strcpy (name, VAR_EM_PROP(num_props+1));
      strcpy (dim_name, DIM_NUM_EM);
    case EX_FACE_MAP:
      strcpy (name, VAR_FAM_PROP(num_props+1));
      strcpy (dim_name, DIM_NUM_FAM);
    case EX_EDGE_MAP:
      strcpy (name, VAR_EDM_PROP(num_props+1));
      strcpy (dim_name, DIM_NUM_EDM);
    case EX_NODE_MAP:
      strcpy (name, VAR_NM_PROP(num_props+1));
      strcpy (dim_name, DIM_NUM_NM);
      exerrval = EX_BADPARAM;
      sprintf(errmsg, "Error: object type %d not supported; file id %d",
	      obj_type, exoid);
      goto error_ret;        /* Exit define mode and return */

    /*   inquire id of previously defined dimension (number of objects) */
    if ((status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, dim_name, &dimid)) != NC_NOERR) {
      exerrval = status;
	      "Error: failed to locate number of objects in file id %d",
      ex_err("ex_put_prop",errmsg, exerrval);
      goto error_ret;  /* Exit define mode and return */

    dims[0] = dimid;
    nc_set_fill(exoid, NC_FILL, &oldfill); /* fill with zeros per routine spec */

    int_type = NC_INT;
    if (ex_int64_status(exoid) & EX_IDS_INT64_DB) {
      int_type = NC_INT64;

    if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, name, int_type, 1, dims, &propid)) != NC_NOERR) {
      exerrval = status;
	      "Error: failed to create property array variable in file id %d",
      goto error_ret;  /* Exit define mode and return */

    vals[0] = 0; /* fill value */
    /*   create attribute to cause variable to fill with zeros per routine spec */
    if ((status = nc_put_att_longlong(exoid, propid, _FillValue, int_type, 1, vals)) != NC_NOERR) {
      exerrval = status;
	      "Error: failed to create property name fill attribute in file id %d",
      goto error_ret;  /* Exit define mode and return */

    /*   Check that the property name length is less than MAX_NAME_LENGTH */
    prop_name_len = strlen(prop_name)+1;
    if (prop_name_len > name_length) {
	      "Warning: The property name '%s' is too long.\n\tIt will be truncated from %d to %d characters\n",
	      prop_name, (int)prop_name_len-1, (int)name_length-1);
      prop_name_len = name_length;

    /*   store property name as attribute of property array variable */
    if ((status = nc_put_att_text(exoid, propid, ATT_PROP_NAME, 
				  prop_name_len, (void*)prop_name)) != NC_NOERR) {
      exerrval = status;
	      "Error: failed to store property name %s in file id %d",
      goto error_ret;  /* Exit define mode and return */

    ex_update_max_name_length(exoid, prop_name_len-1);
    /* leave define mode  */
    if ((status = nc_enddef (exoid)) != NC_NOERR) {
      exerrval = status;
	      "Error: failed to leave define mode in file id %d",
      return (EX_FATAL);

    nc_set_fill(exoid, oldfill, &temp); /* default: nofill */

  /* find index into property array using obj_id; put value in property */
  /* array at proper index; ex_id_lkup returns an index that is 1-based,*/
  /* but netcdf expects 0-based arrays so subtract 1                    */

  /* special case: property name ID - check for duplicate ID assignment */
  if (strcmp("ID",prop_name) == 0) {
    start[0] = ex_id_lkup (exoid, obj_type, value);
    if (exerrval != EX_LOOKUPFAIL)   /* found the id */
	exerrval = EX_BADPARAM;
		"Warning: attempt to assign duplicate %s ID %"PRId64" in file id %d",
		ex_name_of_object(obj_type), value, exoid);
	return (EX_WARN);

  start[0] = ex_id_lkup (exoid, obj_type, obj_id);
  if (exerrval != 0) {
    if (exerrval == EX_NULLENTITY) {
	      "Warning: no properties allowed for NULL %s id %"PRId64" in file id %d",
	      ex_name_of_object(obj_type), obj_id,exoid);
      return (EX_WARN);
    } else {
	      "Error: failed to find value %"PRId64" in %s property array in file id %d",
	      obj_id, ex_name_of_object(obj_type), exoid);
      return (EX_FATAL);

  start[0] = start[0] - 1; 

  /* value is of type 'ex_entity_id' which is a typedef to int64_t or long long */
  status = nc_put_var1_longlong(exoid, propid, start, (long long*)&value);

  if (status != NC_NOERR) {
    exerrval = status;
	    "Error: failed to store property value in file id %d",
    return (EX_FATAL);

  return (EX_NOERR);

  /* Fatal error: exit definition mode and return */
  nc_set_fill(exoid, oldfill, &temp); /* default: nofill */

  if (nc_enddef (exoid) != NC_NOERR) {    /* exit define mode */
	    "Error: failed to complete definition for file id %d",
  return (EX_FATAL);
Esempio n. 2
int ex_put_prop_names(int exoid, ex_entity_type obj_type, int num_props, char **prop_names)
  int       status;
  int       oldfill, temp;
  int       i, propid, dimid, dims[1];
  size_t    name_length, prop_name_len;
  char *    name;
  long long vals[1];
  int       max_name_len = 0;
  int       int_type     = NC_INT;

  char errmsg[MAX_ERR_LENGTH];

  exerrval = 0; /* clear error code */

  if (ex_int64_status(exoid) & EX_IDS_INT64_DB) {
    int_type = NC_INT64;

  /* Get the name string length */
  name_length = ex_inquire_int(exoid, EX_INQ_DB_MAX_ALLOWED_NAME_LENGTH) + 1;

  /* inquire id of previously defined dimension (number of objects) */
  if ((status = nc_inq_dimid(exoid, ex_dim_num_objects(obj_type), &dimid)) != NC_NOERR) {
    exerrval = status;
    snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to locate number of %s in file id %d",
             ex_name_of_object(obj_type), exoid);
    ex_err("ex_put_prop_names", errmsg, exerrval);
    return (EX_FATAL);

  nc_set_fill(exoid, NC_FILL, &oldfill); /* fill with zeros per routine spec */

  /* put netcdf file into define mode  */
  if ((status = nc_redef(exoid)) != NC_NOERR) {
    exerrval = status;
    snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to place file id %d into define mode", exoid);
    ex_err("ex_put_prop_names", errmsg, exerrval);
    return (EX_FATAL);

  /* define num_props variables; we postpend the netcdf variable name with  */
  /* a counter starting at 2 because "xx_prop1" is reserved for the id array*/
  dims[0] = dimid;

  for (i = 0; i < num_props; i++) {
    switch (obj_type) {
    case EX_ELEM_BLOCK: name = VAR_EB_PROP(i + 2); break;
    case EX_FACE_BLOCK: name = VAR_FA_PROP(i + 2); break;
    case EX_EDGE_BLOCK: name = VAR_ED_PROP(i + 2); break;
    case EX_NODE_SET: name   = VAR_NS_PROP(i + 2); break;
    case EX_SIDE_SET: name   = VAR_SS_PROP(i + 2); break;
    case EX_EDGE_SET: name   = VAR_ES_PROP(i + 2); break;
    case EX_FACE_SET: name   = VAR_FS_PROP(i + 2); break;
    case EX_ELEM_SET: name   = VAR_ELS_PROP(i + 2); break;
    case EX_ELEM_MAP: name   = VAR_EM_PROP(i + 2); break;
    case EX_FACE_MAP: name   = VAR_FAM_PROP(i + 2); break;
    case EX_EDGE_MAP: name   = VAR_EDM_PROP(i + 2); break;
    case EX_NODE_MAP: name   = VAR_NM_PROP(i + 2); break;
      exerrval = EX_BADPARAM;
      snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: object type %d not supported; file id %d", obj_type,
      ex_err("ex_put_prop_names", errmsg, exerrval);
      goto error_ret; /* Exit define mode and return */

    if ((status = nc_def_var(exoid, name, int_type, 1, dims, &propid)) != NC_NOERR) {
      exerrval = status;
      snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH,
               "ERROR: failed to create property array variable in file id %d", exoid);
      ex_err("ex_put_prop_names", errmsg, exerrval);
      goto error_ret; /* Exit define mode and return */

    vals[0] = 0; /* fill value */

    /*   create attribute to cause variable to fill with zeros per routine spec
    if ((status = nc_put_att_longlong(exoid, propid, _FillValue, int_type, 1, vals)) != NC_NOERR) {
      exerrval = status;
      snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH,
               "ERROR: failed to create property name fill attribute in file id %d", exoid);
      ex_err("ex_put_prop_names", errmsg, exerrval);
      goto error_ret; /* Exit define mode and return */

    /*   Check that the property name length is less than MAX_NAME_LENGTH */
    prop_name_len = strlen(prop_names[i]) + 1;
    if (prop_name_len > name_length) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Warning: The property name '%s' is too long.\n\tIt will "
                      "be truncated from %d to %d characters\n",
              prop_names[i], (int)prop_name_len - 1, (int)name_length - 1);
      prop_name_len = name_length;

    if (prop_name_len > max_name_len) {
      max_name_len = prop_name_len;

    /*   store property name as attribute of property array variable */
    if ((status = nc_put_att_text(exoid, propid, ATT_PROP_NAME, prop_name_len, prop_names[i])) !=
        NC_NOERR) {
      exerrval = status;
      snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to store property name %s in file id %d",
               prop_names[i], exoid);
      ex_err("ex_put_prop_names", errmsg, exerrval);
      goto error_ret; /* Exit define mode and return */

  /* leave define mode  */
  if ((status = nc_enddef(exoid)) != NC_NOERR) {
    exerrval = status;
    snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to leave define mode in file id %d", exoid);
    ex_err("ex_put_prop_names", errmsg, exerrval);
    return (EX_FATAL);

  /* Update the maximum_name_length attribute on the file. */
  ex_update_max_name_length(exoid, max_name_len - 1);

  nc_set_fill(exoid, oldfill, &temp); /* default: turn off fill */
  return (EX_NOERR);

/* Fatal error: exit definition mode and return */
  if (nc_enddef(exoid) != NC_NOERR) { /* exit define mode */
    snprintf(errmsg, MAX_ERR_LENGTH, "ERROR: failed to complete definition for file id %d", exoid);
    ex_err("ex_put_prop_names", errmsg, exerrval);
  return (EX_FATAL);
Esempio n. 3
main(int argc, char **argv)
    (void) signal(SIGFPE, SIG_IGN);

   printf("\n*** Testing netcdf-4 attribute functions.\n");
   printf("*** testing really simple global atts...");
      int ncid;
      char name[NUM_SIMPLE_ATTS][ATT_MAX_NAME + 1] = {"Gc", "Gb", "Gs", "Gi", "Gf", 
						      "Gd", "G7", "G8", "G9"};
      char name_in[NC_MAX_NAME];
      int j;

      /* Create a file with some global atts. */
      if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4|NC_CLOBBER, &ncid)) ERR;
      for (j = 0; j < NUM_SIMPLE_ATTS; j++)
	 if (nc_put_att_int(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, name[j], NC_INT, 0, NULL)) ERR;      
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
      /* Reopen the file and check the order. */
      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, 0, &ncid)) ERR;
      for (j = 0; j < NUM_SIMPLE_ATTS; j++)
	 if (nc_inq_attname(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, j, name_in)) ERR;
	 if (strcmp(name_in, name[j])) ERR;

      /* Close up shop. */
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
   printf("*** testing simple global atts...");
      int ncid;
      nc_type att_type;
      size_t att_len;
      int i;

      char *speech_in;
      signed char schar_in[ATT_LEN], schar_out[ATT_LEN] = {NC_MIN_BYTE, 1, NC_MAX_BYTE};
      unsigned char uchar_in[ATT_LEN], uchar_out[ATT_LEN] = {0, 128, NC_MAX_CHAR};
      short short_in[ATT_LEN], short_out[ATT_LEN] = {NC_MIN_SHORT, -128, NC_MAX_SHORT};
      /*int int_in[ATT_LEN], int_out[ATT_LEN] = {NC_MIN_INT, 128, NC_MAX_INT};*/
      int int_in[ATT_LEN], int_out[ATT_LEN] = {-100000, 128, 100000};
      float float_in[ATT_LEN], float_out[ATT_LEN] = {.5, 0.25, 0.125};
      double double_in[ATT_LEN], double_out[ATT_LEN] = {0.25, .5, 0.125};
      unsigned short ushort_in[ATT_LEN], ushort_out[ATT_LEN] = {0, 128, NC_MAX_USHORT};
      unsigned int uint_in[ATT_LEN], uint_out[ATT_LEN] = {0, 128, NC_MAX_UINT};
      unsigned long long uint64_in[ATT_LEN], uint64_out[ATT_LEN] = {0, 128, 18446744073709551612ULL};
      long long int64_in[ATT_LEN], int64_out[ATT_LEN] = {NC_MIN_INT64, 128, NC_MAX_INT64};

      /* This won't work, because classic files can't create these types. */
      if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4|NC_CLASSIC_MODEL, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_ushort(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_USHORT_NAME, NC_USHORT, ATT_LEN, 
			    ushort_out) != NC_ESTRICTNC3) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_uint(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_UINT_NAME, NC_UINT, ATT_LEN, 
			  uint_out) != NC_ESTRICTNC3) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_longlong(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_INT64_NAME, NC_INT64, ATT_LEN, 
			      int64_out) != NC_ESTRICTNC3) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_ulonglong(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_UINT64_NAME, NC_UINT64, ATT_LEN, 
			       uint64_out) != NC_ESTRICTNC3) ERR;      
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

      /* Create a file with a global attribute of each type. */
      if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_text(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, strlen(speech)+1, speech)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_schar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SCHAR_NAME, NC_BYTE, ATT_LEN, schar_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_uchar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_UCHAR_NAME, NC_UBYTE, ATT_LEN, uchar_out)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_short(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SHORT_NAME, NC_SHORT, ATT_LEN, short_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_int(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_INT_NAME, NC_INT, ATT_LEN, int_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_float(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_FLOAT_NAME, NC_FLOAT, ATT_LEN, float_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_double(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_DOUBLE_NAME, NC_DOUBLE, ATT_LEN, double_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_ushort(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_USHORT_NAME, NC_USHORT, ATT_LEN, ushort_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_uint(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_UINT_NAME, NC_UINT, ATT_LEN, uint_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_longlong(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_INT64_NAME, NC_INT64, ATT_LEN, int64_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_ulonglong(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_UINT64_NAME, NC_UINT64, ATT_LEN, uint64_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

      /* Open the file and check attributes. */
      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, 0, &ncid)) ERR;
      /* Check text. */
      if (nc_inq_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, &att_type, &att_len))
      if (att_type != NC_CHAR || att_len != strlen(speech) + 1) ERR;
      if (!(speech_in = malloc(att_len + 1))) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_text(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, speech_in)) ERR;      
      if (strcmp(speech, speech_in)) ERR;
      /* Check numeric values. */
      if (nc_get_att_schar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SCHAR_NAME, schar_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (schar_in[i] != schar_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_uchar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_UCHAR_NAME, uchar_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (uchar_in[i] != uchar_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_short(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SHORT_NAME, short_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (short_in[i] != short_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_int(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_INT_NAME, int_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (int_in[i] != int_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_float(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_FLOAT_NAME, float_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (float_in[i] != float_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_double(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_DOUBLE_NAME, double_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (double_in[i] != double_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_ushort(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_USHORT_NAME, ushort_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (ushort_in[i] != ushort_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_uint(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_UINT_NAME, uint_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (uint_in[i] != uint_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_longlong(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_INT64_NAME, int64_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (int64_in[i] != int64_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_ulonglong(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_UINT64_NAME, uint64_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (uint64_in[i] != uint64_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
   printf("*** testing attribute data type conversions...");

      int ncid;
      int i;

      signed char schar_in[ATT_LEN], schar_out[ATT_LEN] = {NC_MIN_BYTE, 1, NC_MAX_BYTE};
      short short_in[ATT_LEN], short_out[ATT_LEN] = {NC_MIN_SHORT, -128, NC_MAX_SHORT};
      /*int int_in[ATT_LEN], int_out[ATT_LEN] = {NC_MIN_INT, 128, NC_MAX_INT};*/
      int int_in[ATT_LEN], int_out[ATT_LEN] = {-100000, 128, 100000};
      float float_in[ATT_LEN], float_out[ATT_LEN] = {.5, 0.25, 0.125};
      double double_in[ATT_LEN], double_out[ATT_LEN] = {0.25, .5, 0.125};
      unsigned short ushort_in[ATT_LEN];
      unsigned int uint_in[ATT_LEN];
      unsigned long long uint64_in[ATT_LEN];
      long long int64_in[ATT_LEN];

      /* Reopen the file and try different type conversions. */
      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, 0, &ncid)) ERR;

      /* No text conversions are allowed, and people who try them shold
       * be locked up, away from decent folk! */
      if (nc_get_att_short(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, short_in) != NC_ECHAR) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_int(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, int_in) != NC_ECHAR) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_float(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, float_in) != NC_ECHAR) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_double(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, double_in) != NC_ECHAR) ERR;
/*   if (nc_get_att_ubyte(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, uchar_in) != NC_ECHAR) ERR;*/
      if (nc_get_att_ushort(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, ushort_in) != NC_ECHAR) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_uint(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, uint_in) != NC_ECHAR) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_longlong(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, int64_in) != NC_ECHAR) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_ulonglong(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, uint64_in) != NC_ECHAR) ERR;

      /* Read all atts (except text) as double. */
      if (nc_get_att_double(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SCHAR_NAME, double_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (double_in[i] != schar_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_double(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SHORT_NAME, double_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (double_in[i] != short_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_double(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_INT_NAME, double_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (double_in[i] != int_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_double(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_FLOAT_NAME, double_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (double_in[i] != float_out[i]) ERR;
      /* Read all atts (except text) as float. */
      if (nc_get_att_float(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SCHAR_NAME, float_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (float_in[i] != schar_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_float(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SHORT_NAME, float_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (float_in[i] != short_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_float(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_INT_NAME, float_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (float_in[i] != (float)int_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_float(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_DOUBLE_NAME, float_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (float_in[i] != (float)double_out[i]) ERR;
      /* Read all atts (except text) as int. */
      if (nc_get_att_int(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SCHAR_NAME, int_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (int_in[i] != schar_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_int(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SHORT_NAME, int_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (int_in[i] != short_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_int(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_FLOAT_NAME, int_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (int_in[i] != (int)float_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_int(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_DOUBLE_NAME, int_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (int_in[i] != (int)double_out[i]) ERR;
      /* Read all atts (except text) as short. */
      if (nc_get_att_short(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SCHAR_NAME, short_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (short_in[i] != schar_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_short(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_INT_NAME, short_in) != NC_ERANGE) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (short_in[i] != (short)int_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_short(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_FLOAT_NAME, short_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (short_in[i] != (short)float_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_short(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_DOUBLE_NAME, short_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (short_in[i] != (short)double_out[i]) ERR;
      /* Read all atts (except text) as schar. Some range errors will
       * result converting to schar. */
      if (nc_get_att_schar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SHORT_NAME, schar_in) != NC_ERANGE) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (schar_in[i] != (signed char)short_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_schar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_INT_NAME, schar_in) != NC_ERANGE) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (schar_in[i] != (signed char)int_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_schar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_FLOAT_NAME, schar_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (schar_in[i] != (signed char)float_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_schar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_DOUBLE_NAME, schar_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (schar_in[i] != (signed char)double_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
   printf("*** testing simple variable atts...");
      int ncid, varid, dimids[2];
      nc_type att_type;
      size_t att_len;
      int i, v;

      char *speech_in;
      signed char schar_in[ATT_LEN], schar_out[ATT_LEN] = {NC_MIN_BYTE, 1, NC_MAX_BYTE};
      short short_in[ATT_LEN], short_out[ATT_LEN] = {NC_MIN_SHORT, -128, NC_MAX_SHORT};
      /*int int_in[ATT_LEN], int_out[ATT_LEN] = {NC_MIN_INT, 128, NC_MAX_INT};*/
      int int_in[ATT_LEN], int_out[ATT_LEN] = {-100000, 128, 100000};
      float float_in[ATT_LEN], float_out[ATT_LEN] = {.5, 0.25, 0.125};
      double double_in[ATT_LEN], double_out[ATT_LEN] = {0.25, .5, 0.125};

      /* Create a file with two vars, attaching to each an attribute of
       * each type. */
      if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_def_dim(ncid, DIM1_NAME, DIM1_LEN, &dimids[0])) ERR;
      if (nc_def_dim(ncid, DIM2_NAME, DIM2_LEN, &dimids[1])) ERR;
      if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR1_NAME, NC_INT, 2, dimids, &varid)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_text(ncid, varid, ATT_TEXT_NAME, strlen(speech)+1, speech)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_schar(ncid, varid, ATT_SCHAR_NAME, NC_BYTE, ATT_LEN, schar_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_short(ncid, varid, ATT_SHORT_NAME, NC_SHORT, 3, short_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_int(ncid, varid, ATT_INT_NAME, NC_INT, 3, int_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_float(ncid, varid, ATT_FLOAT_NAME, NC_FLOAT, 3, float_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_double(ncid, varid, ATT_DOUBLE_NAME, NC_DOUBLE, 3, double_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR2_NAME, NC_UINT, 2, dimids, &varid)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_text(ncid, varid, ATT_TEXT_NAME, strlen(speech)+1, speech)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_schar(ncid, varid, ATT_SCHAR_NAME, NC_BYTE, ATT_LEN, schar_out)) ERR; 
      if (nc_put_att_short(ncid, varid, ATT_SHORT_NAME, NC_SHORT, 3, short_out)) ERR;           
      if (nc_put_att_int(ncid, varid, ATT_INT_NAME, NC_INT, 3, int_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_float(ncid, varid, ATT_FLOAT_NAME, NC_FLOAT, 3, float_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_double(ncid, varid, ATT_DOUBLE_NAME, NC_DOUBLE, 3, double_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

      /* Open the file and check attributes. */
      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, 0, &ncid)) ERR;
      for (v=0; v<2; v++)
	 if (nc_inq_att(ncid, v, ATT_TEXT_NAME, &att_type, &att_len)) ERR;
	 if (att_type != NC_CHAR || att_len != strlen(speech) + 1) ERR;
	 if (!(speech_in = malloc(att_len + 1))) ERR;
	 if (nc_get_att_text(ncid, v, ATT_TEXT_NAME, speech_in)) ERR;      
	 if (strcmp(speech, speech_in)) ERR;
	 if (nc_get_att_schar(ncid, v, ATT_SCHAR_NAME, schar_in)) ERR;      
	 for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	    if (schar_in[i] != schar_out[i]) ERR;
	 if (nc_get_att_short(ncid, v, ATT_SHORT_NAME, short_in)) ERR;      
	 for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	    if (short_in[i] != short_out[i]) ERR;
	 if (nc_get_att_int(ncid, v, ATT_INT_NAME, int_in)) ERR;      
	 for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	    if (int_in[i] != int_out[i]) ERR;
	 if (nc_get_att_float(ncid, v, ATT_FLOAT_NAME, float_in)) ERR;      
	 for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	    if (float_in[i] != float_out[i]) ERR;
	 if (nc_get_att_double(ncid, v, ATT_DOUBLE_NAME, double_in)) ERR;      
	 for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	    if (double_in[i] != double_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
   printf("*** testing zero-length attributes...");
      int ncid;

      /*int int_in[ATT_LEN], int_out[ATT_LEN] = {NC_MIN_INT, 128, NC_MAX_INT};*/

      /* Create a file with a global attribute of each type of zero length. */
      if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_text(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, 0, NULL)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_schar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SCHAR_NAME, NC_BYTE, 0, NULL)) ERR;
/*   if (nc_put_att_uchar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_UCHAR_NAME, NC_UCHAR, ATT_LEN, uchar_out)) ERR;*/
      if (nc_put_att_short(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SHORT_NAME, NC_SHORT, 0, NULL)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_int(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_INT_NAME, NC_INT, 0, NULL)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_float(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_FLOAT_NAME, NC_FLOAT, 0, NULL)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_double(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_DOUBLE_NAME, NC_DOUBLE, 0, NULL)) ERR;
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

   /* Make sure we can read all these zero-length atts. */
      int ncid;
      signed char schar_in[ATT_LEN];
      short short_in[ATT_LEN];
      /*int int_in[ATT_LEN], int_out[ATT_LEN] = {NC_MIN_INT, 128, NC_MAX_INT};*/
      int int_in[ATT_LEN];
      float float_in[ATT_LEN];
      double double_in[ATT_LEN];
      size_t len;
      nc_type xtype;

      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, 0, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_text(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, NULL)) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, &xtype, &len)) ERR;
      if (len || xtype != NC_CHAR) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_schar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SCHAR_NAME, schar_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SCHAR_NAME, &xtype, &len)) ERR;
      if (len || xtype != NC_BYTE) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_short(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SHORT_NAME, short_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SHORT_NAME, &xtype, &len)) ERR;
      if (len || xtype != NC_SHORT) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_int(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_INT_NAME, int_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_INT_NAME, &xtype, &len)) ERR;
      if (len || xtype != NC_INT) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_float(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_FLOAT_NAME, float_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_FLOAT_NAME, &xtype, &len)) ERR;
      if (len || xtype != NC_FLOAT) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_double(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_DOUBLE_NAME, double_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_DOUBLE_NAME, &xtype, &len)) ERR;
      if (len || xtype != NC_DOUBLE) ERR;
      /* Conversions no longer result in range errors, since there's no data. */
      if (nc_get_att_schar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_DOUBLE_NAME, schar_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_schar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_FLOAT_NAME, schar_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_schar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_INT_NAME, schar_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_schar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SHORT_NAME, schar_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

   printf("*** testing zero-length attributes and redef...(this test skipped for HDF5-1.8.0 beta1");
      int ncid;
      signed char schar_in[ATT_LEN];
      short short_in[ATT_LEN];
      int int_in[ATT_LEN];
      float float_in[ATT_LEN];
      double double_in[ATT_LEN];

      /* Create a file with a global attribute of each type of zero length. */
      if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_redef(ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_text(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, 0, NULL)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_schar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SCHAR_NAME, NC_BYTE, 0, NULL)) ERR;
/*   if (nc_put_att_uchar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_UCHAR_NAME, NC_UCHAR, ATT_LEN, uchar_out)) ERR;*/
      if (nc_put_att_short(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SHORT_NAME, NC_SHORT, 0, NULL)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_int(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_INT_NAME, NC_INT, 0, NULL)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_float(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_FLOAT_NAME, NC_FLOAT, 0, NULL)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_double(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_DOUBLE_NAME, NC_DOUBLE, 0, NULL)) ERR;
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

      /* Make sure we can read all these zero-length atts added during a
       * redef. */
      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, 0, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_text(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, NULL)) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_schar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SCHAR_NAME, schar_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_short(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SHORT_NAME, short_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_int(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_INT_NAME, int_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_float(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_FLOAT_NAME, float_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_double(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_DOUBLE_NAME, double_in)) ERR;
      /* Conversions no longer result in range errors, since there's no data. */
      if (nc_get_att_schar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_DOUBLE_NAME, schar_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_schar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_FLOAT_NAME, schar_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_schar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_INT_NAME, schar_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_schar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SHORT_NAME, schar_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

   printf("*** testing attribute deletes and renames...");
      int ncid, varid, dimids[2];
      nc_type att_type;
      size_t att_len;
      char *speech_in;
      char name_in[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
      int attid_in, natts_in;
      int int_out[ATT_LEN] = {-100000, 128, 100000};

      /* Create a file with a global attribute. */
      if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_text(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, strlen(speech)+1, 
			  speech)) ERR;      
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
      /* Rename it. */
      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_attid(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, &attid_in)) ERR;
      if (attid_in != 0) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_attname(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, attid_in, name_in)) ERR;
      if (strcmp(name_in, ATT_TEXT_NAME)) ERR;
      if (nc_rename_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, ATT_TEXT_NAME2)) ERR;      
      if (nc_inq_attname(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, attid_in, name_in)) ERR;
      if (strcmp(name_in, ATT_TEXT_NAME2)) ERR;
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME2, &att_type, &att_len)) ERR;
      if (att_type != NC_CHAR || att_len != strlen(speech) + 1) ERR;
      if (!(speech_in = malloc(att_len + 1))) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_text(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME2, speech_in)) ERR;      
      if (strcmp(speech, speech_in)) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_text(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, speech_in) != NC_ENOTATT) ERR;      
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

      /* Now delete the att. */
      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_del_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME2)) ERR;
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

      /* Now create a file with a variable, which has an att. */
      if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_text(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, strlen(speech)+1, speech)) ERR;      
      if (nc_def_dim(ncid, DIM1_NAME, DIM1_LEN, &dimids[0])) ERR;
      if (nc_def_dim(ncid, DIM2_NAME, DIM2_LEN, &dimids[1])) ERR;
      if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR1_NAME, NC_INT, 2, dimids, &varid)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_int(ncid, varid, ATT_INT_NAME, NC_INT, 3, int_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
      /* Reopen the file and delete it. Make sure it's gone. */
      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_del_att(ncid, 0, ATT_INT_NAME)) ERR;
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

      /* Reopen the file and readd the attribute. Enddef and redef,
       * and delete it, then check to make sure it's gone. */
      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_int(ncid, varid, ATT_INT_NAME, NC_INT, 3, int_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_redef(ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_del_att(ncid, 0, ATT_INT_NAME)) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_varnatts(ncid, 0, &natts_in)) ERR;
      if (natts_in != 0) ERR;
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

   printf("*** testing attribute create order...");

#define ATT0 "Maturin"
#define ATT1 "Aubery"
      int ncid, varid, dimids[2];
      int attid_in;
      const int number = 42;

      /* Create a file with several global attributes. */
      if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4|NC_CLASSIC_MODEL, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_int(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT0, NC_INT, 1, &number)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_int(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT1, NC_INT, 1, &number)) ERR;
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
      /* Open it and check the order. */
      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_attid(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT0, &attid_in)) ERR;
      if (attid_in != 0) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_attid(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT1, &attid_in)) ERR;
      if (attid_in != 1) ERR;
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

      /* Now create a file with a variable, which has two atts. */
      if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_def_dim(ncid, DIM1_NAME, DIM1_LEN, &dimids[0])) ERR;
      if (nc_def_dim(ncid, DIM2_NAME, DIM2_LEN, &dimids[1])) ERR;
      if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR1_NAME, NC_INT, 2, dimids, &varid)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_int(ncid, varid, ATT0, NC_INT, 1, &number)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_int(ncid, varid, ATT1, NC_INT, 1, &number)) ERR;
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
      /* Reopen the file and check the order of the attributes on the var. */
      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_WRITE, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_attid(ncid, 0, ATT0, &attid_in)) ERR;
      if (attid_in != 0) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_attid(ncid, 0, ATT1, &attid_in)) ERR;
      if (attid_in != 1) ERR;
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

   printf("*** testing attribute ordering some more...");

#define VAR_NAME "i"
#define A1_NAME "i"      
#define A2_NAME "f"      
#define A3_NAME "d"      
#define A1_LEN 3
#define A2_LEN 4
#define A3_LEN 5
      int ncid;
      int varid, natts, nvars;
      double dvalue[] = {999.99, 999.99, 999.99, 999.99, 999.99};
      int varids[1];
      char name_in[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];

      /* Create a file with one var, and attach three atts to it. */
      if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4|NC_CLASSIC_MODEL, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME, NC_INT, 0, NULL, &varid)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_double(ncid, varid, A1_NAME, NC_INT, A1_LEN, dvalue)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_double(ncid, varid, A2_NAME, NC_INT, A2_LEN, dvalue)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_double(ncid, varid, A3_NAME, NC_INT, A3_LEN, dvalue)) ERR;      
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
      /* Reopen the file and check. */
      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, 0, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_varids(ncid, &nvars, varids)) ERR;
      if (nvars != 1 || varids[0] != 0) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_varnatts(ncid, 0, &natts)) ERR;
      if (natts != 3) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_attname(ncid, 0, 0, name_in)) ERR;
      if (strcmp(name_in, A1_NAME)) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_attname(ncid, 0, 1, name_in)) ERR;
      if (strcmp(name_in, A2_NAME)) ERR;
      if (nc_inq_attname(ncid, 0, 2, name_in)) ERR;
      if (strcmp(name_in, A3_NAME)) ERR;

      /* Close up shop. */
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

   printf("*** testing attribute ordering even more...");

   /* Test the ordering of atts for each cmode. */
   if (tst_att_ordering(NC_CLOBBER)) ERR;
   if (tst_att_ordering(NC_CLOBBER|NC_64BIT_OFFSET)) ERR;
   if (tst_att_ordering(NC_CLOBBER|NC_NETCDF4)) ERR;
   if (tst_att_ordering(NC_CLOBBER|NC_NETCDF4|NC_CLASSIC_MODEL)) ERR;

   printf("*** testing attributes and enddef/redef...");

#define ATT_1 "a"
#define ATT_2 "b"
#define ATT_3 "c"
      int ncid, att = 1;

      if (nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_redef(ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_1, NC_INT, 1, &att)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_2, NC_INT, 1, &att)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_3, NC_INT, 1, &att)) ERR;

      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME, 0, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;

   printf("*** testing copy of simple global atts...");
      int ncid, ncid2;
      nc_type att_type;
      size_t att_len;
      int i;

      char *speech_in;
      signed char schar_in[ATT_LEN], schar_out[ATT_LEN] = {NC_MIN_BYTE, 1, NC_MAX_BYTE};
      unsigned char uchar_in[ATT_LEN], uchar_out[ATT_LEN] = {0, 128, NC_MAX_CHAR};
      short short_in[ATT_LEN], short_out[ATT_LEN] = {NC_MIN_SHORT, -128, NC_MAX_SHORT};
      int int_in[ATT_LEN], int_out[ATT_LEN] = {-100000, 128, 100000};
      float float_in[ATT_LEN], float_out[ATT_LEN] = {.5, 0.25, 0.125};
      double double_in[ATT_LEN], double_out[ATT_LEN] = {0.25, .5, 0.125};
      unsigned short ushort_in[ATT_LEN], ushort_out[ATT_LEN] = {0, 128, NC_MAX_USHORT};
      unsigned int uint_in[ATT_LEN], uint_out[ATT_LEN] = {0, 128, NC_MAX_UINT};
      unsigned long long uint64_in[ATT_LEN], uint64_out[ATT_LEN] = {0, 128, 18446744073709551612ULL};
      long long int64_in[ATT_LEN], int64_out[ATT_LEN] = {NC_MIN_INT64, 128, NC_MAX_INT64};

      /* Create a file with a global attribute of each type. */
      if (nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_text(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, strlen(speech)+1, speech)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_schar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SCHAR_NAME, NC_BYTE, ATT_LEN, schar_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_uchar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_UCHAR_NAME, NC_UBYTE, ATT_LEN, uchar_out)) ERR;
      if (nc_put_att_short(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SHORT_NAME, NC_SHORT, ATT_LEN, short_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_int(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_INT_NAME, NC_INT, ATT_LEN, int_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_float(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_FLOAT_NAME, NC_FLOAT, ATT_LEN, float_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_double(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_DOUBLE_NAME, NC_DOUBLE, ATT_LEN, double_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_ushort(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_USHORT_NAME, NC_USHORT, ATT_LEN, ushort_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_uint(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_UINT_NAME, NC_UINT, ATT_LEN, uint_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_longlong(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_INT64_NAME, NC_INT64, ATT_LEN, int64_out)) ERR;      
      if (nc_put_att_ulonglong(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_UINT64_NAME, NC_UINT64, ATT_LEN, uint64_out)) ERR;      

      /* Create another file and copy all the attributes. */
      if (nc_create(FILE_NAME2, NC_NETCDF4, &ncid2)) ERR;      
      if (nc_copy_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, ncid2, NC_GLOBAL)) ERR;
      if (nc_copy_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SCHAR_NAME, ncid2, NC_GLOBAL)) ERR;
      if (nc_copy_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_UCHAR_NAME, ncid2, NC_GLOBAL)) ERR;
      if (nc_copy_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SHORT_NAME, ncid2, NC_GLOBAL)) ERR;
      if (nc_copy_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_INT_NAME, ncid2, NC_GLOBAL)) ERR;
      if (nc_copy_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_FLOAT_NAME, ncid2, NC_GLOBAL)) ERR;
      if (nc_copy_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_DOUBLE_NAME, ncid2, NC_GLOBAL)) ERR;
      if (nc_copy_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_USHORT_NAME, ncid2, NC_GLOBAL)) ERR;
      if (nc_copy_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_UINT_NAME, ncid2, NC_GLOBAL)) ERR;
      if (nc_copy_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_INT64_NAME, ncid2, NC_GLOBAL)) ERR;
      if (nc_copy_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_UINT64_NAME, ncid2, NC_GLOBAL)) ERR;

      /* Close both files. */
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;
      if (nc_close(ncid2)) ERR;

      /* Open the file and check attributes. */
      if (nc_open(FILE_NAME2, 0, &ncid)) ERR;
      /* Check text. */
      if (nc_inq_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, &att_type, &att_len)) ERR;
      if (att_type != NC_CHAR || att_len != strlen(speech) + 1) ERR;
      if (!(speech_in = malloc(att_len + 1))) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_text(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_TEXT_NAME, speech_in)) ERR;      
      if (strcmp(speech, speech_in)) ERR;
      /* Check numeric values. */
      if (nc_get_att_schar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SCHAR_NAME, schar_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (schar_in[i] != schar_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_uchar(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_UCHAR_NAME, uchar_in)) ERR;
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (uchar_in[i] != uchar_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_short(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_SHORT_NAME, short_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (short_in[i] != short_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_int(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_INT_NAME, int_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (int_in[i] != int_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_float(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_FLOAT_NAME, float_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (float_in[i] != float_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_double(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_DOUBLE_NAME, double_in)) ERR;      
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (double_in[i] != double_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_ushort(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_USHORT_NAME, ushort_in)) ERR;
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (ushort_in[i] != ushort_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_uint(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_UINT_NAME, uint_in)) ERR;
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (uint_in[i] != uint_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_longlong(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_INT64_NAME, int64_in)) ERR;
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (int64_in[i] != int64_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_get_att_ulonglong(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, ATT_UINT64_NAME, uint64_in)) ERR;
      for (i = 0; i < ATT_LEN; i++)
	 if (uint64_in[i] != uint64_out[i]) ERR;
      if (nc_close(ncid)) ERR;