void ofdmoqamframe64sync_execute_plcplong1(ofdmoqamframe64sync _q, float complex _x)
    // cross-correlator
    float complex rxy;
    firfilt_cccf_push(_q->crosscorr, _x);
    firfilt_cccf_execute(_q->crosscorr, &rxy);

    rxy *= _q->g;

    windowcf_push(_q->debug_rxy, rxy);

    if (_q->timer < _q->num_subcarriers-8) {
    } else if (_q->timer > _q->num_subcarriers+8) {
        printf("warning: ofdmoqamframe64sync could not find second PLCP long sequence; resetting synchronizer\n");

    if (cabsf(rxy) > 0.7f*(_q->rxy_thresh)*(_q->num_subcarriers)) {
        printf("rxy[1] : %12.8f at input[%3u]\n", cabsf(rxy), _q->num_samples);

        float complex * rc;
        windowcf_read(_q->input_buffer, &rc);
        memmove(_q->S1b, rc, 64*sizeof(float complex));

        // estimate frequency offset
        float complex rxy_hat=0.0f;
        unsigned int j;
        for (j=0; j<64; j++) {
            rxy_hat += _q->S1a[j] * conjf(_q->S1b[j]) * hamming(j,64);
        float nu_hat1 = -cargf(rxy_hat);
        if (nu_hat1 >  M_PI) nu_hat1 -= 2.0f*M_PI;
        if (nu_hat1 < -M_PI) nu_hat1 += 2.0f*M_PI;
        nu_hat1 /= 64.0f;
        printf("nu_hat[0] = %12.8f\n", _q->nu_hat);
        printf("nu_hat[1] = %12.8f\n", nu_hat1);
        nco_crcf_adjust_frequency(_q->nco_rx, nu_hat1);

        printf("exiting prematurely\n");

Esempio n. 2
// recover symbol, correcting for gain, pilot phase, etc.
void wlanframesync_rxsymbol(wlanframesync _q)
    // apply gain
    unsigned int i;
    for (i=0; i<64; i++)
        _q->X[i] *= _q->R[i];

    // polynomial curve-fit
    float x_phase[4] = {-21.0f, -7.0f, 7.0f, 21.0f};
    float y_phase[4];
    float p_phase[2];

    // update pilot phase
    unsigned int pilot_phase = wlan_lfsr_advance(_q->ms_pilot);

    y_phase[0] = pilot_phase ? cargf(-_q->X[43]) : cargf( _q->X[43]);
    y_phase[1] = pilot_phase ? cargf(-_q->X[57]) : cargf( _q->X[57]);
    y_phase[2] = pilot_phase ? cargf(-_q->X[ 7]) : cargf( _q->X[ 7]);
    y_phase[3] = pilot_phase ? cargf( _q->X[21]) : cargf(-_q->X[21]);

    // unwrap phase
    if ( (y_phase[1]-y_phase[0]) >  M_PI ) y_phase[1] -= 2*M_PI;
    if ( (y_phase[1]-y_phase[0]) < -M_PI ) y_phase[1] += 2*M_PI;

    if ( (y_phase[2]-y_phase[1]) >  M_PI ) y_phase[2] -= 2*M_PI;
    if ( (y_phase[2]-y_phase[1]) < -M_PI ) y_phase[2] += 2*M_PI;

    if ( (y_phase[3]-y_phase[2]) >  M_PI ) y_phase[3] -= 2*M_PI;
    if ( (y_phase[3]-y_phase[2]) < -M_PI ) y_phase[3] += 2*M_PI;

#if 0
    printf("    x = [-21 -7 7 21]; y = [%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f];\n", y_phase[0], y_phase[1], y_phase[2], y_phase[3]);

    // fit phase to 1st-order polynomial (2 coefficients)
    polyf_fit(x_phase, y_phase, 4, p_phase, 2);

    // compensate for phase offset
    // TODO : find more computationally efficient way to do this
    for (i=0; i<64; i++) {
        float fx    = (i > 31) ? (float)i - (float)(64) : (float)i;
        float theta = polyf_val(p_phase, 2, fx);
        _q->X[i] *= cexpf(-_Complex_I*theta);

    // adjust NCO frequency based on differential phase
    if (_q->num_symbols > 0) {
        // compute phase error (unwrapped)
        float dphi_prime = p_phase[0] - _q->phi_prime;
        if (dphi_prime >  M_PI) dphi_prime -= M_2_PI;
        if (dphi_prime < -M_PI) dphi_prime += M_2_PI;

        // adjust NCO proportionally to phase error
        nco_crcf_adjust_frequency(_q->nco_rx, 1e-3f*dphi_prime);
    // set internal phase state
    _q->phi_prime = p_phase[0];
int main() {
    // options
    unsigned int num_channels=8;    // number of channels
    unsigned int m=2;               // filter delay
    float As=-60;                   // stop-band attenuation
    unsigned int num_frames=25;     // number of frames

    // create objects
    firpfbch_crcf c = firpfbch_crcf_create_kaiser(LIQUID_ANALYZER, num_channels, m, As);


    FILE*fid = fopen(OUTPUT_FILENAME,"w");
    fprintf(fid,"%% %s: auto-generated file\n\n", OUTPUT_FILENAME);
    fprintf(fid,"clear all;\nclose all;\n\n");
    fprintf(fid,"num_channels=%u;\n", num_channels);
    fprintf(fid,"num_frames=%u;\n", num_frames);

    fprintf(fid,"x = zeros(1,%u);\n",  num_channels * num_frames);
    fprintf(fid,"y  = zeros(%u,%u);\n", num_channels, num_frames);

    unsigned int i, j, n=0;
    float complex x[num_channels];  // time-domain input
    float complex y[num_channels];  // channelized output

    // create nco: sweeps entire range of frequencies over the evaluation interval
    nco_crcf nco_tx = nco_crcf_create(LIQUID_VCO);
    nco_crcf_set_frequency(nco_tx, 0.0f);
    float df = 2*M_PI/(num_channels*num_frames);
    for (j=0; j<num_channels; j++)  printf("%3u",j);
    for (i=0; i<num_frames; i++) {

        // generate frame of data
        for (j=0; j<num_channels; j++) {
            nco_crcf_cexpf(nco_tx, &x[j]);
            nco_crcf_adjust_frequency(nco_tx, df);

        // execute analysis filter bank
        firpfbch_crcf_analyzer_execute(c, x, y);

        printf("%4u : ", i);
        for (j=0; j<num_channels; j++) {
            if (cabsf(y[j]) > num_channels / 4)
                printf(" x ");
                printf(" . ");

        // write output to file
        for (j=0; j<num_channels; j++) {
            // frequency data
            fprintf(fid,"y(%4u,%4u) = %12.4e + j*%12.4e;\n", j+1, i+1, crealf(y[j]), cimagf(y[j]));

            // time data
            fprintf(fid,"x(%4u) = %12.4e + j*%12.4e;\n", n+1, crealf(x[j]), cimag(x[j]));

    // destroy objects

    // plot results
    fprintf(fid,"  plot(1:length(x),real(x),1:length(x),imag(x));\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  xlabel('time');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  ylabel('signal');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  plot(20*log10(abs(y.')/num_channels));\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  xlabel('time (decimated)');\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  ylabel('channelized energy [dB]');\n");

    fprintf(fid,"for i=1:n\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  subplot(n,1,i);\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  plot(1:num_frames,real(y(i,:)),1:num_frames,imag(y(i,:)));\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  axis off;\n");
    fprintf(fid,"  ylabel(num2str(i));\n");

    printf("results written to %s\n", OUTPUT_FILENAME);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
// recover symbol, correcting for gain, pilot phase, etc.
void ofdmframesync_rxsymbol(ofdmframesync _q)
    // apply gain
    unsigned int i;
    for (i=0; i<_q->M; i++)
        _q->X[i] *= _q->R[i];

    // polynomial curve-fit
    float x_phase[_q->M_pilot];
    float y_phase[_q->M_pilot];
    float p_phase[2];

    unsigned int n=0;
    unsigned int k;
    float complex pilot = 1.0f;
    for (i=0; i<_q->M; i++) {

        // start at mid-point (effective fftshift)
        k = (i + _q->M2) % _q->M;

        if (_q->p[k]==OFDMFRAME_SCTYPE_PILOT) {
            if (n == _q->M_pilot) {
                fprintf(stderr,"warning: ofdmframesync_rxsymbol(), pilot subcarrier mismatch\n");
            pilot = (msequence_advance(_q->ms_pilot) ? 1.0f : -1.0f);
#if 0
            printf("pilot[%3u] = %12.4e + j*%12.4e (expected %12.4e + j*%12.4e)\n",
                    crealf(_q->X[k]), cimagf(_q->X[k]),
                    crealf(pilot),    cimagf(pilot));
            // store resulting...
            x_phase[n] = (k > _q->M2) ? (float)k - (float)(_q->M) : (float)k;
            y_phase[n] = cargf(_q->X[k]*conjf(pilot));

            // update counter


    if (n != _q->M_pilot) {
        fprintf(stderr,"warning: ofdmframesync_rxsymbol(), pilot subcarrier mismatch\n");

    // try to unwrap phase
    for (i=1; i<_q->M_pilot; i++) {
        while ((y_phase[i] - y_phase[i-1]) >  M_PI)
            y_phase[i] -= 2*M_PI;
        while ((y_phase[i] - y_phase[i-1]) < -M_PI)
            y_phase[i] += 2*M_PI;

    // fit phase to 1st-order polynomial (2 coefficients)
    polyf_fit(x_phase, y_phase, _q->M_pilot, p_phase, 2);

    // filter slope estimate (timing offset)
    float alpha = 0.3f;
    p_phase[1] = alpha*p_phase[1] + (1-alpha)*_q->p1_prime;
    _q->p1_prime = p_phase[1];

    if (_q->debug_enabled) {
        // save pilots
        memmove(_q->px, x_phase, _q->M_pilot*sizeof(float));
        memmove(_q->py, y_phase, _q->M_pilot*sizeof(float));

        // NOTE : swapping values for octave
        _q->p_phase[0] = p_phase[1];
        _q->p_phase[1] = p_phase[0];

        windowf_push(_q->debug_pilot_0, p_phase[0]);
        windowf_push(_q->debug_pilot_1, p_phase[1]);

    // compensate for phase offset
    // TODO : find more computationally efficient way to do this
    for (i=0; i<_q->M; i++) {
        // only apply to data/pilot subcarriers
        if (_q->p[i] == OFDMFRAME_SCTYPE_NULL) {
            _q->X[i] = 0.0f;
        } else {
            float fx    = (i > _q->M2) ? (float)i - (float)(_q->M) : (float)i;
            float theta = polyf_val(p_phase, 2, fx);
            _q->X[i] *= liquid_cexpjf(-theta);

    // adjust NCO frequency based on differential phase
    if (_q->num_symbols > 0) {
        // compute phase error (unwrapped)
        float dphi_prime = p_phase[0] - _q->phi_prime;
        while (dphi_prime >  M_PI) dphi_prime -= M_2_PI;
        while (dphi_prime < -M_PI) dphi_prime += M_2_PI;

        // adjust NCO proportionally to phase error
        nco_crcf_adjust_frequency(_q->nco_rx, 1e-3f*dphi_prime);
    // set internal phase state
    _q->phi_prime = p_phase[0];
    //printf("%3u : theta : %12.8f, nco freq: %12.8f\n", _q->num_symbols, p_phase[0], nco_crcf_get_frequency(_q->nco_rx));
    // increment symbol counter

#if 0
    for (i=0; i<_q->M_pilot; i++)
        printf("x_phase(%3u) = %12.8f; y_phase(%3u) = %12.8f;\n", i+1, x_phase[i], i+1, y_phase[i]);
    printf("poly : p0=%12.8f, p1=%12.8f\n", p_phase[0], p_phase[1]);
Esempio n. 5
void wlanframesync_execute_rxlong1(wlanframesync _q)
    if (_q->timer < 64)

    // run fft
    float complex * rc;
    windowcf_read(_q->input_buffer, &rc);

    // estimate S1 gain, adding backoff in gain estimation
    wlanframesync_estimate_gain_S1(_q, &rc[16-2], _q->G1b);

    // compute S1 metrics
    float complex s_hat;
    wlanframesync_S1_metrics(_q, _q->G1b, &s_hat);
    s_hat *= _q->g0;    // scale output by raw gain estimate

    // rotate by complex phasor relative to timing backoff
    //s_hat *= cexpf(_Complex_I * 2.0f * 2.0f * M_PI / 64.0f);
    s_hat *= cexpf(_Complex_I * 0.19635f);

    // save second 'long' symbol statistic
    _q->s1b_hat = s_hat;

    // rotate by complex phasor relative to timing backoff
    //s_hat *= liquid_cexpjf((float)(_q->backoff)*2.0f*M_PI/(float)(_q->M));

    printf("    s_hat   :   %12.8f <%12.8f>\n", cabsf(s_hat), cargf(s_hat));

    // check conditions for s_hat
    float s_hat_abs = cabsf(s_hat);
    float s_hat_arg = cargf(s_hat);
    if (s_hat_arg >  M_PI) s_hat_arg -= 2.0f*M_PI;
    if (s_hat_arg < -M_PI) s_hat_arg += 2.0f*M_PI;
    // check conditions for s_hat:
    //  1. magnitude should be large (near unity) when aligned
    //  2. phase should be very near zero (time aligned)
    if (s_hat_abs        > WLANFRAMESYNC_S1B_ABS_THRESH &&
        fabsf(s_hat_arg) < WLANFRAMESYNC_S1B_ARG_THRESH)
        printf("    acquisition S1[b]\n");
        // refine CFO estimate with G1a, G1b and adjust NCO appropriately
        float nu_hat = wlanframesync_estimate_cfo_S1(_q->G1a, _q->G1b);
        nco_crcf_adjust_frequency(_q->nco_rx, nu_hat);
        printf("   nu_hat[1]:   %12.8f\n", nu_hat);
        // TODO : de-rotate S1b by phase offset (help with equalizer)

        // estimate equalizer with G1a, G1b
        // set state
        _q->state = WLANFRAMESYNC_STATE_RXLONG1;

        // reset timer
        _q->timer = 0;

    // set state

    // reset timer
    _q->timer = 0;
