Esempio n. 1
void CNetworkSetup::testNetworkSettings()
	std::string our_ip, our_mask, our_broadcast, our_gateway, our_nameserver;

	std::string text, testsite, offset = "    ";

	//set default testdomain
	std::string defaultsite = "";

	//set wiki-URL and wiki-IP
	std::string wiki_URL = "";
	std::string wiki_IP = "";

	//get www-domain testsite from /.version
	CConfigFile config('\t');
	testsite = config.getString("homepage",defaultsite);
	testsite.replace( 0, testsite.find("www",0), "" );

	//use default testdomain if testsite missing
	if (testsite.length()==0)
		testsite = defaultsite;

	if (networkConfig->inet_static)
		our_ip = networkConfig->address;
		our_mask = networkConfig->netmask;
		our_broadcast = networkConfig->broadcast;
		our_gateway = networkConfig->gateway;
		our_nameserver = networkConfig->nameserver;
		// FIXME test with current, not changed ifname ?
		netGetIP(old_ifname, our_ip, our_mask, our_broadcast);

	printf("testNw IP: %s\n", our_ip.c_str());
	printf("testNw MAC-address: %s\n", old_mac_addr.c_str());
	printf("testNw Netmask: %s\n", our_mask.c_str());
	printf("testNw Broadcast: %s\n", our_broadcast.c_str());
	printf("testNw Gateway: %s\n", our_gateway.c_str());
	printf("testNw Nameserver: %s\n", our_nameserver.c_str());
	printf("testNw Testsite: %s\n", testsite.c_str());

	if (our_ip.empty())
		text = "Box (" + old_mac_addr + "):\n";
		text += offset + our_ip + " " + mypinghost(our_ip) + "\n";
		text += (std::string)g_Locale->getText(LOCALE_NETWORKMENU_GATEWAY) + " (Router):\n";
		text += offset + our_gateway + " " + mypinghost(our_gateway) + "\n";
		text += (std::string)g_Locale->getText(LOCALE_NETWORKMENU_NAMESERVER) + ":\n";
		text += offset + our_nameserver + " " + mypinghost(our_nameserver) + "\n";
		if ( (pinghost(our_nameserver) == 1) && g_settings.network_ntpenable && (!g_settings.network_ntpserver.empty()) )
			text += std::string(g_Locale->getText(LOCALE_NETWORKMENU_NTPSERVER)) + ":\n";
			text += offset + g_settings.network_ntpserver + " " + mypinghost(g_settings.network_ntpserver) + "\n";
		text += wiki_URL + ":\n";
		text += offset + "via IP (" + wiki_IP + "): " + mypinghost(wiki_IP) + "\n";
		if (pinghost(our_nameserver) == 1)
			text += offset + "via DNS: " + mypinghost(wiki_URL) + "\n";
			//testsite (or defaultsite)
			text += testsite + ":\n";
			text += offset + "via DNS: " + mypinghost(testsite) + "\n";

	ShowMsg(LOCALE_NETWORKMENU_TEST, text, CMessageBox::mbrBack, CMessageBox::mbBack); // UTF-8
Esempio n. 2
void CNetworkSetup::testNetworkSettings()
	char our_ip[16];
	char our_mask[16];
	char our_broadcast[16];
	char our_gateway[16];
	char our_nameserver[16];
	std::string text, ethID, testsite;
	//set default testdomain and wiki-IP
	std::string defaultsite = "", wiki_IP = "";
	//set physical adress
	static CNetAdapter netadapter;
	ethID = netadapter.getMacAddr();
	//get www-domain testsite from /.version 	
	CConfigFile config('\t');
	testsite = config.getString("homepage",defaultsite);	
	testsite.replace( 0, testsite.find("www",0), "" );
	//use default testdomain if testsite missing
	if (testsite.length() == 0)
		testsite = defaultsite; 

	if (networkConfig->inet_static) {
		strcpy(our_ip, networkConfig->address.c_str());
		strcpy(our_mask, networkConfig->netmask.c_str());
		strcpy(our_broadcast, networkConfig->broadcast.c_str());
		strcpy(our_gateway, networkConfig->gateway.c_str());
		strcpy(our_nameserver, networkConfig->nameserver.c_str());
	else {
		netGetIP("eth0", our_ip, our_mask, our_broadcast);
	printf("testNw IP: %s\n", our_ip);
	printf("testNw MAC-address: %s\n", ethID.c_str());
	printf("testNw Netmask: %s\n", our_mask);
	printf("testNw Broadcast: %s\n", our_broadcast);
	printf("testNw Gateway: %s\n", our_gateway);
	printf("testNw Nameserver: %s\n", our_nameserver);
	printf("testNw Testsite %s\n", testsite.c_str());
	text = (std::string)"dbox:\n"
	     + "    " + our_ip + ": " + mypinghost(our_ip) + '\n'
		 + "    " + "eth-ID: " + ethID + '\n'
	     + g_Locale->getText(LOCALE_NETWORKMENU_GATEWAY) + ":\n"
	     + "    " + our_gateway + ": " + ' ' + mypinghost(our_gateway) + '\n'
	     + g_Locale->getText(LOCALE_NETWORKMENU_NAMESERVER) + ":\n"
	     + "    " + our_nameserver + ": " + ' ' + mypinghost(our_nameserver) + '\n'
	     + "\n"
	     + "    via IP (" + wiki_IP + "): " + mypinghost(wiki_IP.c_str()) + '\n';
	if (1 == pinghost(our_nameserver)) text += (std::string)
	       "    via DNS: " + mypinghost("") + '\n'
	     + testsite + ":\n"
	     + "    via DNS: " + mypinghost(testsite.c_str()) + '\n';

	ShowMsgUTF(LOCALE_NETWORKMENU_TEST, text, CMessageBox::mbrBack, CMessageBox::mbBack); // UTF-8