Esempio n. 1
int network_udp_bind(UDPsocket udp, int channel, std::string ipp) {
        std::string ip;
        int port;
        ip = ipp.substr(0, ipp.find(":"));
        port = std::stoi(ipp.substr(ipp.find(":")));
        return network_udp_bind(udp, channel, network_resolve_host(ip, port));
Esempio n. 2
* BEE::net_session_join() - Attempt to join a session at the given IP address
* @ip: the IP address to attempt to connect to
* @player_name: the name of the player which will be sent to the host
int BEE::net_session_join(const std::string& ip, const std::string& player_name) {
    net->players.clear(); // Clear the previous player map

    net->udp_recv = network_udp_open(net->id); // Open a UDP listening socket to receive messages from the server
    if (net->udp_recv == nullptr) {
        return 1; // Return 1 if the receiving socket failed to open

    net->channel = network_udp_bind(&net->udp_send, -1, ip, net->id); // Bind a sending socket to the given server IP address
    if (net->channel == -1) {
        network_udp_close(&net->udp_recv); // Close the receiving socket

        return 2; // Return 2 if the sending socket failed to bind

    network_udp_send(net->udp_send, net->channel, 0, 1, 0); // Send a server connection request

    if (network_packet_realloc(net->udp_data, 8)) { // Attempt to allocate space to receive data
        network_udp_close(&net->udp_recv); // Close the sockets

        return 3; // Return 3 if the allocation failed

    Uint32 t = get_ticks(); // Get the current time
    int r = network_udp_recv(net->udp_recv, net->udp_data); // Attempt to receive data
    while ((r < 1)||(get_ticks() - t < net->timeout)) { // Wait to receive data until we timeout
        r = network_udp_recv(net->udp_recv, net->udp_data); // Attempt to receive data

    if ((r < 1)||(net->udp_data->data[0] != 1)) { // If no data was received or if the data was not a connection response
        network_udp_close(&net->udp_recv); // Close the sockets

        messenger_send({"engine", "network"}, BEE_MESSAGE_WARNING, "net_session_join() : Failed to connect to " + ip);
        return 4; // Return 4 on failed to connect

    // Set connection info
    net->self_id = net->udp_data->data[1];
    net->is_connected = true;

    messenger_send({"engine", "network"}, BEE_MESSAGE_INFO, "net_session_join() : Connected to server with id " + net->udp_data->data[1]);

    return 0; // Return 0 on success
Esempio n. 3
* BEE::net_session_find() - Query the local network for available sessions
std::map<std::string,std::string> BEE::net_session_find() {
    net->servers.clear(); // Clear the previously available servers

    net->udp_recv = network_udp_open(net->id); // Open a UDP listening socket to receive responses from the servers
    if (net->udp_recv == nullptr) {
        messenger_send({"engine", "network"}, BEE_MESSAGE_WARNING, "net_session_find() : UDP listening socket failed to open");
        return net->servers; // Return an empty map if the receiving socket failed to open

    net->channel = network_udp_bind(&net->udp_send, -1, "", net->id); // Bind a sending socket to the broadcast IP
    if (net->channel == -1) {
        network_udp_close(&net->udp_recv); // Close the receiving socket

        messenger_send({"engine", "network"}, BEE_MESSAGE_WARNING, "net_session_find() : UDP broadcast socket failed to bind");
        return net->servers; // Return an empty map if the sending socket failed to bind

    network_udp_send(net->udp_send, net->channel, net->self_id, 3, 0); // Send a server name info request

    if (network_packet_realloc(net->udp_data, 8)) { // Attempt to allocate space to receive data
        network_udp_close(&net->udp_recv); // Close the sockets

        messenger_send({"engine", "network"}, BEE_MESSAGE_WARNING, "net_session_find() : Failed to allocate space to receive data");
        return net->servers; // Return an empty map if the allocation failed

    Uint32 t = get_ticks(); // Get the current time
    int r = network_udp_recv(net->udp_recv, net->udp_data); // Attempt to receive data
    while (get_ticks() - t < net->timeout) { // Continue receiving until we timeout
        if ((r == 1)&&(net->udp_data->data[2] == 3)) { // If data was received and it is a server name info response
            std::string name = chra(net->udp_data->data+4); // Get the server name from the data
            net->servers.insert(std::make_pair(network_get_address(net->udp_data->, name)); // Add the server to the list of available servers
        r = network_udp_recv(net->udp_recv, net->udp_data); // Attempt to receive more data

    network_udp_close(&net->udp_recv); // Close the receiving socket
    network_udp_close(&net->udp_send); // Close the sending socket
    return net->servers; // Return the filled map on success
Esempio n. 4
* BEE::net_handle_events() - Handle network sending and receiving during the event loop
int BEE::net_handle_events() {
    if ((!options->is_network_enabled)||(!net->is_initialized)) {
        return 1; // Return 1 if networking is disabled or if it has not been initialized

    if (network_packet_realloc(net->udp_data, 8)) { // Attempt to allocate space to receive data
        return 2; // Return 2 on failed to allocate

    int r = network_udp_recv(net->udp_recv, net->udp_data); // Attempt to receive data over the UDP socket
    if (r == -1) {
        return 3; // Return 3 on failure while receiving
    if (r == 0) {
        return 0; // Return 0 when there's no data to receive

    if (net->is_host) { // Handle session hosting signals
        switch (net->udp_data->data[2]) {
        case 1: { // Connection requested
            if (net->players.size() < net->max_players) { // If there is still room for clients then allow the current one to connect
                int id = net->players.size(); // Get an id for the client

                UDPsocket sock = nullptr;
                int c = network_udp_bind(&sock, -1, &net->udp_data->address); // Bind a sending socket to the client who is requesting a connection

                network_udp_send(sock, c, 0, 1, id); // Send the client their id

                net->players.insert(std::pair<int,UDPsocket>(id, sock)); // Add the client to the list of clients

                messenger_send({"engine", "network"}, BEE_MESSAGE_INFO, "Client accepted");
        case 2: { // Client disconnected
            network_udp_close(&net->players[net->udp_data->data[1]]); // Close the sending socket to the client who has disconnected

            net->players.erase(net->udp_data->data[1]); // Remove them from the list of clients

            messenger_send({"engine", "network"}, BEE_MESSAGE_INFO, "Client disconnected");

        case 3: { // Server info request
            switch (net->udp_data->data[3]) {
            case 1: { // Client requesting server name
                Uint8* n = orda(net->name); // Convert the server name to Uint8's
                Uint8* data = (Uint8*)malloc(4+net->name.length()); // Allocate space for the signals and server name

                // See Network Message Format at the top of this file for details
                data[0] = 4+net->name.length(); // Total message length
                data[1] = 0; // Server id
                data[2] = 3; // Info request signal
                data[3] = 1; // Info type signal
                memcpy(data+4, n, net->name.length()); // Add the server name to the rest of the data

                network_udp_send(net->players[net->udp_data->data[1]], -1, data); // Send the entire message

                free(data); // Free the allocated space

            case 2: { // Client requesting player map
                // Convert our player socket map into a map of player IP addresses
                std::map <int,std::string> t;
                for (auto& p : net->players) { // Iterate over the connected players and insert their id and IP address into the new map
                    IPaddress* ipa = network_get_peer_address(p.second, -1);
                    if (ipa != nullptr) {
                        t.insert(std::pair<int,std::string>(p.first, network_get_address(ipa->host)));

                Uint8* m = network_map_encode(t); // Encode the player map as a series of Uint8's
                Uint8* data = (Uint8*)malloc(4+m[0]); // Allocate space for the signals and the map data

                // See Network Message Format at the top of this file for details
                data[0] = 4+m[0]; // Total message length
                data[1] = 0; // Server id
                data[2] = 3; // Info request signal
                data[3] = 2; // Info type signal
                memcpy(data+4, m, m[0]); // Add the map to the rest of the data

                network_udp_send(net->players[net->udp_data->data[1]], -1, data); // Send the entire message

                free(data); // Free the allocated space

            case 3: { // Client requesting data map
                Uint8* m = network_map_encode(net->data); // Encode the data map as a series of Uint8's
                Uint8* data = (Uint8*)malloc(4+m[0]); // Allocate space for the signals and the map data

                // See Network Message Format at the top of this file for details
                data[0] = 4+m[0]; // Total message length
                data[1] = 0; // Server id
                data[2] = 3; // Info request signal
                data[3] = 3; // Info type signal
                memcpy(data+4, m, m[0]); // Add the map to the rest of the data

                network_udp_send(net->players[net->udp_data->data[1]], -1, data); // Send the entire message

                free(data); // Free the allocated space

            break; // Break from signal1: 3 info requested
    } else { // Handle client signals
        switch (net->udp_data->data[2]) {
        case 1: { // Connection accepted
            net->self_id = net->udp_data->data[3]; // Read the id that the server assigned to us
            net->is_connected = true; // Mark our networking as connected
            messenger_send({"engine", "network"}, BEE_MESSAGE_INFO, "Connected to server with id " + net->udp_data->data[3]);
        case 2: { // Disconnected by host
            net->is_connected = false; // Mark our networking as unconnected
            network_udp_close(&net->udp_send); // Close our sockets which pointed at the host
        case 3: { // Server info received
            switch (net->udp_data->data[3]) {
            case 1: { // Received server name (along with IP address)
                std::string ip = network_get_address(net->udp_data->; // Get the server IP
                std::string name = chra(net->udp_data->data+4); // Get the server name from the data

                net->servers.insert(std::make_pair(ip, name)); // Add the server to the list of available servers

            case 2: { // Received player map
                std::map <std::string,std::string> t; // Temp map to store IP addresses in
                net->players.clear(); // Remove all players in order to clean out old connections

                network_map_decode(net->udp_data->data+4, &t); // Decode the player map from the data into t
                for (auto& p : t) { // Iterate over the players in the temp map in order to generate sockets for each of them
                    UDPsocket sock = nullptr;
                    network_udp_bind(&sock, -1, p.second); // Bind a socket to the player's IP address

                    net->players.insert(std::pair<int,UDPsocket>(bee_stoi(p.first), sock)); // Insert the player's id and IP address into our copy of the player map

            case 3: { // Received data map
                network_map_decode(net->udp_data->data+4, &net->data); // Decode the data map directly into net->data in order to immediately replace all old data
            break; // Break from signal1: 3 info received

    return 0; // Return 0 on success
Esempio n. 5
int network_udp_bind(UDPsocket udp, int channel, std::string ip, int port) {
        return network_udp_bind(udp, channel, network_resolve_host(ip, port));
Esempio n. 6
* network_udp_bind() - Bind the given socket to the given IP address data using the given channel
* ! When the function is called with a string, simply call it after separating the address from the port
* @udp: the socket to bind
* @channel: the channel to use
* @ipp: the string containing the IP in the format ""
int network_udp_bind(UDPsocket* udp, int channel, const std::string& ipp) {
	std::string ip; int port;
	ip = ipp.substr(0, ipp.find(":")); // Set the IP address as the string section before the colon
	port = bee_stoi(ipp.substr(ipp.find(":"))); // Set the port as the string section after the colon
	return network_udp_bind(udp, channel, ip, port);