MainController::MainController(): m_mw(new MainWindow), m_search(m_mw)

    connect(m_mw, SIGNAL(s_save(QString)), this, SLOT(save(QString)));
    connect(m_mw, SIGNAL(s_load(QString)), this, SLOT(load(QString)));
    connect(m_mw, SIGNAL(s_newBase()), this, SLOT(newBase()));

    connect(m_mw, SIGNAL(s_addCategory(QString)), this, SLOT(newCategory(QString)));
    connect(m_mw, SIGNAL(s_removeCategory(QString)), this, SLOT(removeCategory(QString)));
    connect(m_mw, SIGNAL(s_seeCategory()), this, SLOT(editCategory()));
    connect(m_mw, SIGNAL(s_showCategory()), this, SLOT(showCategory()));

    connect(m_mw, SIGNAL(s_addMedia(QString)), this, SLOT(newMedia(QString)));
    connect(m_mw, SIGNAL(s_removeMedia(QString,QString)), this, SLOT(removeMedia(QString,QString)));
    connect(m_mw, SIGNAL(s_seeMedia()), this, SLOT(editMedia()));

    connect(m_mw, SIGNAL(s_showUser()), this, SLOT(setUser()));

    connect(m_mw, SIGNAL(s_search()), this, SLOT(search()));

    connect(&m_search, SIGNAL(s_find(QList<MediaSPointer>)), this, SLOT(showSearch(QList<MediaSPointer>)));

    connect(m_mw, SIGNAL(s_settings()), this, SLOT(settings()));


    SettingsController artemis;

    if(UserController::userCount() == 0)

K3b::WriterSelectionWidget::WriterSelectionWidget( QWidget *parent )
    : QWidget( parent )
    d = new Private;
    d->forceAutoSpeed = false;
    d->supportedWritingApps = K3b::WritingAppCdrecord|K3b::WritingAppCdrdao|K3b::WritingAppGrowisofs;
    d->lastSetSpeed = -1;

    QGroupBox* groupWriter = new QGroupBox( this );
    groupWriter->setTitle( i18n( "Burn Medium" ) );

    QGridLayout* groupWriterLayout = new QGridLayout( groupWriter );
    groupWriterLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );

    QLabel* labelSpeed = new QLabel( groupWriter );
    labelSpeed->setText( i18n( "Speed:" ) );

    m_comboSpeed = new K3b::IntMapComboBox( groupWriter );

    m_comboMedium = new MediaSelectionComboBox( groupWriter );

    m_writingAppLabel = new QLabel( i18n("Writing app:"), groupWriter );
    m_comboWritingApp = new K3b::IntMapComboBox( groupWriter );

    groupWriterLayout->addWidget( m_comboMedium, 0, 0 );
    groupWriterLayout->addWidget( labelSpeed, 0, 1 );
    groupWriterLayout->addWidget( m_comboSpeed, 0, 2 );
    groupWriterLayout->addWidget( m_writingAppLabel, 0, 3 );
    groupWriterLayout->addWidget( m_comboWritingApp, 0, 4 );
    groupWriterLayout->setColumnStretch( 0, 1 );

    QGridLayout* mainLayout = new QGridLayout( this );
    mainLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );
    mainLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

    mainLayout->addWidget( groupWriter, 0, 0 );

    // tab order
    setTabOrder( m_comboMedium, m_comboSpeed );
    setTabOrder( m_comboSpeed, m_comboWritingApp );

    connect( m_comboMedium, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(K3b::Device::Device*)), this, SIGNAL(writerChanged()) );
    connect( m_comboMedium, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(K3b::Device::Device*)),
             this, SIGNAL(writerChanged(K3b::Device::Device*)) );
    connect( m_comboMedium, SIGNAL(newMedia()), this, SIGNAL(newMedia()) );
    connect( m_comboMedium, SIGNAL(newMedium(K3b::Device::Device*)), this, SIGNAL(newMedium(K3b::Device::Device*)) );
    connect( m_comboMedium, SIGNAL(newMedium(K3b::Device::Device*)), this, SLOT(slotNewBurnMedium(K3b::Device::Device*)) );
    connect( m_comboWritingApp, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotWritingAppSelected(int)) );
    connect( this, SIGNAL(writerChanged()), SLOT(slotWriterChanged()) );
    connect( m_comboSpeed, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotSpeedChanged(int)) );

    m_comboMedium->setToolTip( i18n("The medium that will be used for burning") );
    m_comboSpeed->setToolTip( i18n("The speed at which to burn the medium") );
    m_comboWritingApp->setToolTip( i18n("The external application to actually burn the medium") );

    m_comboMedium->setWhatsThis( i18n("<p>Select the medium that you want to use for burning."
                                      "<p>In most cases there will only be one medium available which "
                                      "does not leave much choice.") );
    m_comboSpeed->setWhatsThis( i18n("<p>Select the speed with which you want to burn."
                                     "This will choose the maximum writing speed possible with the used "
                                     "medium. "
                                     "This is the recommended selection for most media.</p>"
                                     "<p><b>Ignore</b> (DVD only)<br>"
                                     "This will leave the speed selection to the writer device. "
                                     "Use this if K3b is unable to set the writing speed."
                                     "<p>1x refers to 175 KB/s for CD, 1385 KB/s for DVD, and 4496 KB/s for Blu-ray.</p>"
                                     "<p><b>Caution:</b> Make sure your system is able to send the data "
                                     "fast enough to prevent buffer underruns.") );
    m_comboWritingApp->setWhatsThis( i18n("<p>K3b uses the command line tools cdrecord, growisofs, and cdrdao "
                                          "to actually write a CD or DVD."
                                          "<p>Normally K3b chooses the best "
                                          "suited application for every task automatically but in some cases it "
                                          "may be possible that one of the applications does not work as intended "
                                          "with a certain writer. In this case one may select the "
                                          "application manually.") );


    slotConfigChanged( KGlobal::config() );