void exitGame() { exitMenu = 1; newMenu(100, 370, 30.0, 100.0, 1, exitCustomFunc); addMenuItem("Nao", mainMenu); addMenuItem("Sim", exit); }
void BtMenuView::buildMenu(QMenu *parentMenu, const QModelIndex &parentIndex) { Q_ASSERT(m_model != 0); Q_ASSERT(m_actions != 0); int children = m_model->rowCount(parentIndex); for (int i = 0; i < children; i++) { QModelIndex childIndex(m_model->index(i, 0, parentIndex)); if (m_model->rowCount(childIndex) > 0) { QMenu *childMenu = newMenu(parentMenu, childIndex); if (childMenu != 0) { // Add the child menu and populate it: parentMenu->addMenu(childMenu); buildMenu(childMenu, childIndex); } } else { QAction *childAction = newAction(parentMenu, childIndex); if (childAction != 0) { // Map index m_indexMap.insert(childAction, childIndex); // Add action to action group: childAction->setActionGroup(m_actions); // Add action to menu: parentMenu->addAction(childAction); } } } }
//========PRIVATE FUNCTIONS========== //--menus-- void Interface::addCompOrPerson() { newMenu("ADD VIEW"); char ch = ' '; cout << "(1) to add a computer scientist\n" "(2) to add a computer\n" "enter anything else to go to main menu \n"; printLines(); cout << "Choice: "; cin.ignore(1, '\n'); ch = cin.get(); switch(ch) { case '1': addPerson(); break; case '2': addComputer(); break; default: break; } }
void Interface::viewCompsOrPersons() { newMenu("VIEW"); char ch = ' '; cout << "(1) utility menu for computer scientists\n" "(2) utility menu for computers\n" "enter anything else to go to main menu \n"; printLines(); cout << "Choice: "; cin.ignore(1, '\n'); ch = cin.get(); switch(ch) { case '1': viewPersons(); break; case '2': viewComputers(); break; default: break; } }
//**************************************Slots // Контекстное меню void sTreeWidget::ContextMenu(const QPoint &point){ QMenu* menu; sTreeWidgetItem *it = (sTreeWidgetItem*) this->itemAt(point); xmlItem xm = it->GetXmlItem(); menu = newMenu(xm); menu->exec(QCursor::pos()); }
void mainMenu() { exitMenu = 0; newMenu(100, 400, 30.0, 100.0, 1, customFunction); addMenuItem("Comecar Simulacao", startGame); addMenuItem("Controles", controlsMenu); addMenuItem("Sobre", about); addMenuItem("Ajuda", helpMenu); addMenuItem("Sair", exitGame); }
void resoultionMenu() { newMenu(100, 400, 30.0, 100.0, 1, customFunction); addMenuItem("768x480", changeRes768x480); addMenuItem("1024x640", changeRes1024x640); addMenuItem("1152x720", changeRes1152x720); addMenuItem("1280x800", changeRes1280x800); addMenuItem("1440x900", changeRes1440x900); addMenuItem("1920x1200", changeRes1920x1200); addMenuItem("Tela Inteira", fullScreenMode); addMenuItem("Voltar", mainMenu); }
SubMenu::SubMenu(SDL_Setup* passed_SDL_Setup, int *passed_MouseX, int *passed_MouseY, int kind) //Constructor { sdl_setup = passed_SDL_Setup; MouseX = passed_MouseX; MouseY = passed_MouseY; selectedI = 0; opSelected = false; buttonPressed = false; //Buttons newHouse = MenuOption(1,100, "images/house.png", false); newBarracks = MenuOption(2,250, "images/barracks.png", false); newVillager = MenuOption(3, 50, "images/villagerButton.png", true); newMilitia = MenuOption(5, 50, "images/militiaButton.png", true); newChampion = MenuOption(7, 150, "images/championButton.png", true); //Menu Options villagerOptions.push_back(newHouse); villagerOptions.push_back(newBarracks); TownCenterOptions.push_back(newVillager); barracksOptions.push_back(newMilitia); barracksOptions.push_back(newChampion); bar = new Sprite(sdl_setup->GetRenderer(), "images/optionsmenu.png", 0, 675, 1024, 100, CollisionRectangle(0,0,1024,100)); //Sprite menus main = newMenu(mainOptions); house = newMenu(houseOptions); barracks = newMenu(barracksOptions); villager = newMenu(villagerOptions); townCenter = newMenu(TownCenterOptions); displayed = main; type = kind; }
int main(int ac, char *av[]){ static struct termios origt,newt; volatile char c; printf("Welcome to the menu system\n"); if( tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO,&origt) < 0 ) gtfo("tcgetattr failed!\n"); newt = origt; newt.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON); if( tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &newt) < 0 ){ tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &origt); gtfo("tcsetattr failed!\n"); } menu *m1 = newMenu("Ultimate control",3); m1->items[0] = *newItem("Item 1", &item1); m1->items[1] = *newItem("Item 2", &item2); m1->items[2] = *newItem("Item 3", &item3); // Do some useful shit while(1){ c = getchar(); if( c == 'q' ) break; switch(c){ case 'j': menu_down(m1); break; case 'k': menu_up(m1); break; case 'e': // execute menu_execute(m1); break; } } // Done with useful shit tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &origt); printf("We're done, bye!\n"); }
berry::SmartPointer<berry::MenuManager> QmitkExtActionBarAdvisor::CreateFileMenu() { berry::MenuManager::Pointer menu(new berry::MenuManager("&File", berry::WorkbenchActionConstants::M_FILE)); menu->Add(berry::IContributionItem::Pointer(new berry::GroupMarker(berry::WorkbenchActionConstants::FILE_START))); { // create the New submenu, using the same id for it as the New action QString newText = "&New"; QString newId = "org.blueberry.ui.newWizard"; berry::MenuManager::Pointer newMenu(new berry::MenuManager(newText, newId)); newMenu->SetCommandId("org.blueberry.ui.file.newQuickMenu"); newMenu->Add(berry::IContributionItem::Pointer(new berry::Separator(newId))); //this.newWizardMenu = new NewWizardMenu(getWindow()); //newMenu.add(this.newWizardMenu); newMenu->Add(berry::IContributionItem::Pointer(new berry::Separator(berry::WorkbenchActionConstants::MB_ADDITIONS))); menu->Add(newMenu); } menu->Add(this->GetAction(berry::IWorkbenchCommandConstants::FILE_OPEN), berry::IWorkbenchCommandConstants::FILE_OPEN); menu->Add(berry::IContributionItem::Pointer(new berry::GroupMarker(berry::WorkbenchActionConstants::NEW_EXT))); menu->Add(berry::IContributionItem::Pointer(new berry::Separator())); //menu.add(closeAction); //menu.add(closeAllAction); // // menu.add(closeAllSavedAction); menu->Add(this->GetAction(mitk::WorkbenchCommandConstants::PROJECT_CLOSE), mitk::WorkbenchCommandConstants::PROJECT_CLOSE); menu->Add(berry::IContributionItem::Pointer(new berry::GroupMarker(berry::WorkbenchActionConstants::CLOSE_EXT))); menu->Add(berry::IContributionItem::Pointer(new berry::Separator())); menu->Add(this->GetAction(berry::IWorkbenchCommandConstants::FILE_SAVE), berry::IWorkbenchCommandConstants::FILE_SAVE); menu->Add(this->GetAction(mitk::WorkbenchCommandConstants::PROJECT_SAVE), mitk::WorkbenchCommandConstants::PROJECT_SAVE); menu->Add(berry::IContributionItem::Pointer(new berry::GroupMarker(berry::WorkbenchActionConstants::SAVE_EXT))); menu->Add(berry::IContributionItem::Pointer(new berry::Separator())); menu->Add(berry::IContributionItem::Pointer(new berry::Separator(berry::WorkbenchActionConstants::MB_ADDITIONS))); menu->Add(berry::IContributionItem::Pointer(new berry::Separator())); menu->Add(berry::ContributionItemFactory::REOPEN_EDITORS->Create(window)); menu->Add(berry::IContributionItem::Pointer(new berry::GroupMarker(berry::WorkbenchActionConstants::MRU))); menu->Add(berry::IContributionItem::Pointer(new berry::Separator())); // If we're on OS X we shouldn't show this command in the File menu. It // should be invisible to the user. However, we should not remove it - // the carbon UI code will do a search through our menu structure // looking for it when Cmd-Q is invoked (or Quit is chosen from the // application menu. //ActionContributionItem quitItem = new ActionContributionItem(quitAction); //quitItem.setVisible(!Util.isMac()); //menu.add(quitItem); menu->Add(GetItem(berry::IWorkbenchCommandConstants::FILE_EXIT, "Exit")); menu->Add(berry::IContributionItem::Pointer(new berry::GroupMarker(berry::WorkbenchActionConstants::FILE_END))); return menu; }
void Interface::viewComputers() { newMenu("COMPUTER UTILITY"); cout << "'*' to view all\n" "Search syntax: \"searchtype searchquery\"\n" "Available search types:\n" "'name' -- searches for names containing query\n" "'year' -- searches for year when built\n" "'type' -- searches for specific types\n" "'id' -- searches for for computer with specified id\n" "Command syntax: \"command id\"\n" "'edit' -- edits a computer via id number\n" "'delete' -- deletes a computer via id number\n" "'addr' -- pick a computer to add relations to via id\n" " and then pick the related person with 'addr id'\n" "'viewr' -- view relations via id number\n" "Search results follow current settings\n"; printSimpleLines(); printStatus(); if(!second_view) { cin.ignore(1000, '\n'); } else { second_view = false; } while(1) { cout << "Query(empty to exit to main menu): "; char ch = ' '; string search_string = ""; do { ch = cin.get(); if(ch != '\n') { search_string += ch; } }while(ch != '\n'); if(search_string == "") { return; } if(request.isCommand(QString::fromStdString(search_string))) { doCommand(QString::fromStdString(search_string), 'c'); return; } else { searchResultsComputers(search_string); } } }
void main(int argc, char **argv) { void *chain; int st; char check1 = 0, check2 = 1; char name[20]; char password[20]; char message[80]; LIA foo; static char msg[] = "This is some text\n" "That can be found\n" "In a text object\n" "At the bottom of the sea\n"; static ListItem menu[] = { /* menuitems need hotkeys */ { "A", "Choice A" }, { "B", "Choice B" }, { "C", "Choice C" }, { "D", "Choice D" }, { "E", "Choice E" }, { "F", "Choice F" }, { "G", "Choice G" }, { "H", "Choice H" }, }; #define NR_MENU (sizeof menu / sizeof menu[0]) static ListItem list[] = { { "A", "Choice A", 0, 1 }, { "B", "Choice B", 0, 0 }, { "C", "Choice C", 0, 0 }, } ; #define NR_LIST (sizeof list / sizeof list[0]) strcpy(name, "Fernando Poo"); name[0] = 0xff; strcpy(password, "Sekret"); strcpy(message, "A MESSAGE"); setHelpRoot("."); chain = ObjChain(newOKButton(1,"OK", 0, 0), newCheck(0,0,"A CHECK ITEM GOES PLONK",0,&check1,0,"demo.html")); chain = ObjChain(chain, newCancelButton(2,"CANCEL", 0, "demo.html")); chain = ObjChain(chain, newCheck(0,2,0,"Check | your hat?",&check2,0,"demo.html")); chain = ObjChain(chain, newString(4,3,10, sizeof name, name, "Name", "Your name", 0, "demo.html")); chain = ObjChain(chain, newPWString(0,7,10, sizeof password, password, 0, "Your password", 0, "demo.html")); chain = ObjChain(chain, newString(0,10,10, sizeof message, message, "String Title", 0, 0, "demo.html")); chain = ObjChain(chain, newMenu(30,0,-1,-1, NR_MENU,menu,"A MENU","", MENU_SELECTION, menucallback,"demo.html")); chain = ObjChain(chain, list_ying = newList(40,0,-1,-1, NR_LIST,list,"A LIST","", CHECK_SELECTED,0,"demo.html")); chain = ObjChain(chain, list_yang = newRadioList(54,0,-1,-1, NR_LIST,list,"SAME LIST","", HIGHLIGHT_SELECTED,0,"demo.html")); chain = ObjChain(chain, newText(40,7,20,3,strlen(msg),"Text",0,msg,0,"demo.html")); init_dialog(); if (argc > 1) { switch (atoi(argv[1])) { default: use_helpline("[TAB] to move, [ESC] to exit"); st = MENU(chain, 0, 0, "title", "SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS\nGOES BONK", FANCY_MENU|ALIGN_RIGHT); if (st == MENU_ERROR) perror("MENU"); break; case 1: use_helpline("This is an error message"); Error("Nothing in particular"); break; case 2: use_helpline("Counting down"); errno = 0; MENU(0,-1,-1 ,0, " ONE ", 0); usleep(400000); use_helpline("tick"); MENU(0,-1,-1, 0, " TWO ", 0); usleep(400000); use_helpline("tick"); MENU(0,-1,-1, 0, "THREE", 0); usleep(400000); break; case 4: foo = newLIA(0,0); addToLIA(foo, "1", "first", 0); addToLIA(foo, "2", "second", 0); addToLIA(foo, "3", "third", 0); addToLIA(foo, "4", "forth", 0); addToLIA(foo, "5", "fifth", 0); chain = newListWidget(0,0,18,3,foo,"title", 0,0,0,0); chain = ObjChain(chain, newCancelButton(0, "Done", 0, 0)); st = MENU(chain, -1, -1, "list widget", 0, 0); if (st == MENU_ERROR) perror("MENU"); break; } } else { use_helpline("[TAB] or the mouse to navigate, [ESC] to exit"); st = MENU(chain, -1, -1, "title", "SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS\nGOES BONK", ALIGN_RIGHT); if (st == MENU_ERROR) perror("MENU"); } end_dialog(); adump(); }
MenuItem * MenuItem::addMenuItem(const char *addMe, byte functionIndex){ MenuItem * ret = addMenuItem(newMenu(addMe)); ret->m_functionIndex = functionIndex; }
void CorePlugin::initializePlugin(QMainWindow *pMainWindow) { // Keep track of our main window mMainWindow = pMainWindow; // Create our central widget mCentralWidget = new CentralWidget(pMainWindow); // Create our different File actions mFileOpenAction = newAction(QIcon(":/oxygen/actions/document-open.png"), QKeySequence::Open, pMainWindow); mFileOpenRemoteAction = newAction(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL|Qt::SHIFT|Qt::Key_O), pMainWindow); mFileReloadAction = new QAction(pMainWindow); mFileDuplicateAction = newAction(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL|Qt::Key_D), pMainWindow); mFileLockedAction = newAction(true, QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL|Qt::Key_L), pMainWindow); mFileSaveAction = newAction(QIcon(":/oxygen/actions/document-save.png"), QKeySequence::Save, pMainWindow); mFileSaveAsAction = newAction(QIcon(":/oxygen/actions/document-save-as.png"), QKeySequence::SaveAs, pMainWindow); mFileSaveAllAction = newAction(QIcon(":/oxygen/actions/document-save-all.png"), pMainWindow); // Note: for mFilePreviousAction and mFileNextAction, we would normally use // QKeySequence::PreviousChild and QKeySequence::NextChild, // respectively, but for Qt this means using Ctrl+Shift+BackTab and // Ctrl+Tab, respectively, on Windows/Linux, and Ctrl+{ and Ctrl+}, // respectively, on OS X. On Windows, Ctrl+Shift+BackTab just doesn't // work, on OS X those key sequences are not the most natural ones. // So, instead, it would be more natural to use Ctrl+Shift+Tab and // Ctr+Tab, respectively, on Windows/Linux, and Meta+Shift+Tab and // Meta+Tab, respectively, on OS X. The original plan was therefore to // use QKeySequence::PreviousChild and QKeySequence::NextChild, as // well as our preferred key sequences, but Qt ended up 'allowing' // only using one of them. So, in the end, we only use our preferred // key sequences... mFilePreviousAction = newAction(QIcon(":/oxygen/actions/go-previous.png"), #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_LINUX) QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL|Qt::SHIFT|Qt::Key_Tab), #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) QKeySequence(Qt::META|Qt::SHIFT|Qt::Key_Tab), #else #error Unsupported platform #endif pMainWindow); mFileNextAction = newAction(QIcon(":/oxygen/actions/go-next.png"), #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_LINUX) QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL|Qt::Key_Tab), #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) QKeySequence(Qt::META|Qt::Key_Tab), #else #error Unsupported platform #endif pMainWindow); mFileCloseAction = newAction(QIcon(":/oxygen/actions/document-close.png"), #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) QList<QKeySequence>() << QKeySequence::Close << QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL|Qt::Key_W), #elif defined(Q_OS_LINUX) || defined(Q_OS_MAC) QKeySequence::Close, #else #error Unsupported platform #endif pMainWindow); mFileCloseAllAction = new QAction(pMainWindow); // Create the separator before which we will insert our Reopen sub-menu mOpenReloadSeparator = new QAction(pMainWindow); mOpenReloadSeparator->setSeparator(true); // Create our Reopen sub-menu mFileReopenSubMenu = newMenu(QIcon(":/oxygen/actions/document-open-recent.png"), pMainWindow); mFileReopenMostRecentFileAction = newAction(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL|Qt::SHIFT|Qt::Key_T), pMainWindow); mFileReopenSubMenuSeparator1 = new QAction(pMainWindow); mFileReopenSubMenuSeparator2 = new QAction(pMainWindow); mFileClearReopenSubMenuAction = new QAction(pMainWindow); mFileReopenSubMenuSeparator1->setSeparator(true); mFileReopenSubMenuSeparator2->setSeparator(true); mFileReopenSubMenu->addAction(mFileReopenMostRecentFileAction); mFileReopenSubMenu->addAction(mFileReopenSubMenuSeparator1); mFileReopenSubMenu->addAction(mFileReopenSubMenuSeparator2); mFileReopenSubMenu->addAction(mFileClearReopenSubMenuAction); // Some connections to handle our different File actions connect(mFileOpenAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), mCentralWidget, SLOT(openFile())); connect(mFileOpenRemoteAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), mCentralWidget, SLOT(openRemoteFile())); connect(mFileReloadAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), mCentralWidget, SLOT(reloadFile())); connect(mFileDuplicateAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), mCentralWidget, SLOT(duplicateFile())); connect(mFileLockedAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), mCentralWidget, SLOT(toggleLockedFile())); connect(mFileSaveAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), mCentralWidget, SLOT(saveFile())); connect(mFileSaveAsAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), mCentralWidget, SLOT(saveFileAs())); connect(mFileSaveAllAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), mCentralWidget, SLOT(saveAllFiles())); connect(mFilePreviousAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), mCentralWidget, SLOT(previousFile())); connect(mFileNextAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), mCentralWidget, SLOT(nextFile())); connect(mFileCloseAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), mCentralWidget, SLOT(closeFile())); connect(mFileCloseAllAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), mCentralWidget, SLOT(closeAllFiles())); // Some connections to update the enabled state of our various actions connect(mCentralWidget, SIGNAL(atLeastOneView(const bool &)), mFileOpenAction, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(mCentralWidget, SIGNAL(atLeastOneView(const bool &)), mFileOpenRemoteAction, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(mCentralWidget, SIGNAL(atLeastOneView(const bool &)), this, SLOT(updateFileReopenMenu(const bool &))); connect(mCentralWidget, SIGNAL(canSave(const bool &)), mFileSaveAction, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(mCentralWidget, SIGNAL(canSaveAs(const bool &)), mFileSaveAsAction, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(mCentralWidget, SIGNAL(canSaveAll(const bool &)), mFileSaveAllAction, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(mCentralWidget, SIGNAL(atLeastTwoFiles(const bool &)), mFilePreviousAction, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(mCentralWidget, SIGNAL(atLeastTwoFiles(const bool &)), mFileNextAction, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(mCentralWidget, SIGNAL(atLeastOneFile(const bool &)), mFileCloseAction, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(mCentralWidget, SIGNAL(atLeastOneFile(const bool &)), mFileCloseAllAction, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); // A connection related to our Reopen sub-menu connect(mFileReopenMostRecentFileAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(reopenMostRecentFile())); connect(mFileClearReopenSubMenuAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(clearReopenSubMenu())); }
void helpMenu() { newMenu(20, 20, 30.0, 100.0, 1, helpMenuCustom); addMenuItem("Voltar", mainMenu); }
MenuItem * MenuItem::addMenuItem(const char *addMe){ return addMenuItem(newMenu(addMe)); }
void about() { newMenu(20, 20, 30.0, 100.0, 1, aboutCustom); addMenuItem("Voltar", mainMenu); }
void options() { newMenu(100, 400, 30.0, 100.0, 1, customFunction); addMenuItem("Controles", controlsMenu); addMenuItem("Voltar", mainMenu); }
void controlsMenu() { newMenu(20, 20, 30.0, 100.0, 1, controlsCustom); addMenuItem("Voltar", mainMenu); }
void Interface::viewPersons() { newMenu("PERSON UTILITY"); cout << "'*' to view all\n" "Search syntax: \"searchtype searchquery\"\n" "Available search types:\n" "'name' -- searches for names containing query\n" "'dob' -- searches for dates of birth containing query (DD/MM/YYYY)\n" "'dod' -- searches for dates of death containing query - also accepts 'alive'\n" "'id' -- searches for for computer with specified id\n" "Command syntax: \"command id\"\n" "'edit' -- edits a person via id number\n" "'delete' -- deletes a person via id number\n" "'addr' -- pick a person to add relations to via id\n" " and then pick the related computer with 'addr id'\n" "'viewr' -- view relations via id number\n" "Search results follow current settings\n"; printSimpleLines(); printStatus(); if(!second_view) { cin.ignore(1000, '\n'); } else { second_view = false; } while(1) { cout << "Query(empty to exit to main menu): "; char ch = ' '; string search_string = ""; do { ch = cin.get(); if(ch != '\n') { search_string += ch; } }while(ch != '\n'); if(search_string == "") { return; } if(request.isCommand(QString::fromStdString(search_string))) { doCommand(QString::fromStdString(search_string), 'p'); return; } else { searchResultsPersons(search_string); } } }
void CoreEditingPlugin::initialize() { // Create our Edit menu mEditMenu = newMenu(mMainWindow, EditGroup); // Create our different Edit actions, and add them to our Edit menu mEditUndoAction = newAction(mMainWindow, false, ":/oxygen/actions/edit-undo.png", QKeySequence::Undo); mEditRedoAction = newAction(mMainWindow, false, ":/oxygen/actions/edit-redo.png", QKeySequence::Redo); mEditCutAction = newAction(mMainWindow, false, ":/oxygen/actions/edit-cut.png", QKeySequence::Cut); mEditCopyAction = newAction(mMainWindow, false, ":/oxygen/actions/edit-copy.png", QKeySequence::Copy); mEditPasteAction = newAction(mMainWindow, false, ":/oxygen/actions/edit-paste.png", QKeySequence::Paste); mEditDeleteAction = newAction(mMainWindow, false, ":/oxygen/actions/edit-delete.png", QKeySequence::Delete); mEditFindAction = newAction(mMainWindow, false, ":/oxygen/actions/edit-find.png", QKeySequence::Find); mEditFindNextAction = newAction(mMainWindow, false, "", QKeySequence::FindNext); mEditPreviousAction = newAction(mMainWindow, false, "", QKeySequence::FindPrevious); mEditReplaceAction = newAction(mMainWindow, false, "", QKeySequence::Replace); mEditSelectAllAction = newAction(mMainWindow, false, "", QKeySequence::SelectAll); mEditMenu->addAction(mEditUndoAction); mEditMenu->addAction(mEditRedoAction); mEditMenu->addSeparator(); mEditMenu->addAction(mEditCutAction); mEditMenu->addAction(mEditCopyAction); mEditMenu->addAction(mEditPasteAction); mEditMenu->addAction(mEditDeleteAction); mEditMenu->addSeparator(); mEditMenu->addAction(mEditFindAction); mEditMenu->addAction(mEditFindNextAction); mEditMenu->addAction(mEditPreviousAction); mEditMenu->addAction(mEditReplaceAction); mEditMenu->addSeparator(); mEditMenu->addAction(mEditSelectAllAction); // Set our settings /*---GRY--- DISABLED FOR VERSION 0.1.x... mGuiSettings->addMenu(GuiMenuSettings::View, mEditMenu); */ }